flux conservative problem

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  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem



    Flux Conservative Problems

    Claret FelicitasJoe Reyes

    Institute of MathematicsUniversity of the Philippines - Diliman

    2 April 2016Math 271.2

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem




    1 Flux Conservative Equation

    2 1st Order Flux Conservative EquationStability Analysis of Numerical SolutionsForward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    3 Sources of Error

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem




    1 Flux Conservative Equation

    2 1st Order Flux Conservative EquationStability Analysis of Numerical SolutionsForward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    3 Sources of Error

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem




    1 Flux Conservative Equation

    2 1st Order Flux Conservative EquationStability Analysis of Numerical SolutionsForward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    3 Sources of Error

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Sources of Error

    Flux Conservative Equation

    A large class of PDEs can be cast into the form of a ux

    conservative equation:∂ U ∂ t

    = −∂ f ∂ x

    ∂ U , ∂ U x , ∂ U xx , . . .

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Sources of Error

    Flux Conservative Equation

    Example: Flux Conservative Form for the Wave EquationWe consider the 1-D wave equation U tt = c 2U xx .If we let:

    w = r s , where r = c ∂ U ∂ x and s = ∂ U

    ∂ t .

    Then ∂ w ∂ t =∂ r ∂ t ∂ s ∂ t

    = ∂ ∂ t c

    ∂ U ∂ x

    ∂ ∂ t

    ∂ U ∂ t

    =c ∂ ∂ x

    ∂ U ∂ t

    ∂ 2U ∂ t 2

    =c ∂ s ∂ x c ∂ r ∂ x


    That is,∂ w ∂ t

    = − ∂ ∂ x

    0 − c − c 0

    w = − ∂ ∂ x

    f ( w ).

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems



  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Sources of Error

    Stability Analysis of Numerical SolutionsForward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    ∂ U ∂ t

    = − c ∂ U ∂ x


    We introduce the change of variable ξ = x − ct and:

    ∂ ∂ t

    = ∂ξ ∂ t

    ∂ ∂ξ

    = − c ∂ ∂ξ

    ∂ ∂ x

    = ∂ξ ∂ x

    ∂ ∂ξ

    = ∂ ∂ξ

    Then (1) holds.So U (x , t ) = U (ξ ) = f (x − ct ) is the analytic general solution of (1).

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Fl C i E i S bili A l i f N i l S l i


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Sources of Error

    Stability Analysis of Numerical SolutionsForward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    We study the stability of different nite difference schemes insolving the 1st order Flux Conservative or 1-D Advection Equation:

    U t = − cU x , x 0 ≤ x ≤ x 1, t 0 ≤ t ≤ T

    We discretize the problem: ∆ x = x 1− x 0n+1 , ∆ t = T − t 0

    m .And let the following:

    x j = x 0 + j ∆ x , j = 0 , . . . , n + 1 ,

    t k = t 0 + k ∆ t , k = 0 , . . . , m , and

    U k j = U (x j , t k ).

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Fl C ti Eq ti St bilit A l i f N i l S l ti


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Sources of Error

    Stability Analysis of Numerical SolutionsForward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    Forward Time Centered Space (FTCS)

    Using forward difference in time t and central difference in space x:

    ∂ U k j ∂ t

    =U k +1 j − U

    k j

    ∆ t + O (∆ t )

    ∂ U k j ∂ x

    =U k j +1 − U

    k j − 1

    2∆ x + O (∆ x 2)

    Using FTCS Method on U t = − cU x , we get:

    U k +1 j = U k

    j − c ∆ t 2∆ x

    [U k j +1 − U k

    j − 1] (2)

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation Stability Analysis of Numerical Solutions


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Sources of Error

    Stability Analysis of Numerical SolutionsForward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    von Neumann Stability Analysis of FTCS Method

    DenitionLet p be a real spatial wavenumber and ξ = ξ (p ) be a complexnumber that depends on p . Then a difference equation is unstableif |ξ (p )| > 1 for some p . ξ is called the amplication factor .

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation Stability Analysis of Numerical Solutions


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Sources of Error

    Stability Analysis of Numerical SolutionsForward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    von Neumann Stability Analysis of FTCS Method

    We assume that independent solutions (eigenmodes) of ( 2) (or anydifference equation) are of the form:

    U k j = ξ k e ipj ∆ x (3)

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation Stability Analysis of Numerical Solutions


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Sources of Error

    Stability Analysis of Numerical SolutionsForward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    von Neumann Stability Analysis of FTCS Method

    To nd ξ (p ) for FTCS Method, substitute ( 3) into (2):

    ξ k +1 e ipj ∆ x = ξ e ipj ∆ x − c ∆ t 2∆ x

    (ξ e ip ( j +1)∆ x − ξ e ip ( j − 1)∆ x )

    = ξ e ipj ∆ x − c ∆ t 2∆ x (ξ e ipj ∆ x + ip ∆ x − ξ e ipj ∆ x − ip ∆ x )

    = ξ k e ipj ∆ x 1 − c ∆ t 2∆ x

    (e ip ∆ x − e − ip ∆ x )

    ⇒ ξ (p ) = 1 − ic ∆ t

    ∆ x sin(p ∆ x )⇒ | ξ (p )| ≥ 1 ∀p ⇒ FTCS Method is unconditionally unstable for solvingU t = − cU x .

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation Stability Analysis of Numerical Solutions


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Sources of Error

    Stability Analysis of Numerical SolutionsForward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    Lax Method

    Again, we are solving the Flux Conservative Equation: U t = − cU x .Instead of U k j in approximating U t , the Lax Method uses the

    average for U k j = U k j +1 + U

    k j − 1

    2 :

    ∂ U k j ∂ t

    =U k +1 j −

    12 [U

    k j +1 + U

    k j − 1]

    ∆ t

    Using centered difference again for U x , U t = − cU x becomes:

    U k +1 j = 12

    [U k j +1 + U k

    j − 1] − c ∆ t 2∆ x

    [U k j +1 − U k

    j − 1] (4)

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation Stability Analysis of Numerical Solutions


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    q1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Sources of Error

    y yForward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    von Neumann Stability Analysis of Lax Method

    Substituting U k j = ξ k e ipj ∆ x into (4):

    ξ k +1 e ipj ∆ x = 1

    2[ξ k e ip ( j +1)∆ x + ξ k e ip ( j − 1)∆ x ]

    − c ∆ t 2∆ x

    [ξ k e ip ( j +1)∆ x − ξ k e ip ( j − 1)∆ x ]

    = ξ k e ipj ∆ x 12

    (e ip ∆ x + e − ip ∆ x ) − c ∆ t 2∆ x

    (e ip ∆ x − e − ip ∆ x )

    ⇒ ξ = cos (p ∆ x ) − ic ∆ t ∆ x sin(p ∆ x )

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation Stability Analysis of Numerical Solutions


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    q1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Sources of Error

    y yForward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    von Neumann Stability Analysis of Lax Method

    The Lax Method is stable when |ξ |2 ≤ 1 :

    |cos 2(p ∆ x ) + c 2∆ t 2

    ∆ x 2 sin

    2(p ∆ x )| ≤ 1

    ⇒ | (1 − sin2(p ∆ x )) + c 2∆ t 2∆ x 2 sin

    2(p ∆ x )| ≤ 1⇒ | 1 − (1 − c

    2∆ t 2∆ x 2 )sin

    2(p ∆ x )| ≤ 1⇒ 1 − c

    2∆ t 2∆ x 2 ≥ 0

    ⇒ c 2∆ t


    ∆ x 2 ≤ 1⇒ ∆ t ≤ ∆ x c , (c > 0)

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation Stability Analysis of Numerical Solutions


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    1st Order Flux Conservative EquationSources of Error

    Forward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    Courant Condition

    DenitionThe Courant Condition means Lax Method is stable when∆ t ≤ ∆ x c .

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equationd l

    Stability Analysis of Numerical Solutionsd d ( )


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    1st Order Flux Conservative EquationSources of Error

    Forward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    Courant Condition: Stable SchemesGeometrically, if U k

    j is computed from information at points j − 1

    and j + 1 at time k ,the scheme is stable when U k +1 j does notrequire information from points outside [U k j − 1, U

    k j +1 ].

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation1 t O d Fl C ti E ti

    Stability Analysis of Numerical SolutionsF d Ti C t d S (FTCS)


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    1st Order Flux Conservative EquationSources of Error

    Forward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    Courant Condition: Unstable SchemesSimilarly, unstable schemes arise when the time step ∆ t becomestoo large because U k +1 j requires information from points outside[U k j − 1, U

    k j +1 ].

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Stability Analysis of Numerical SolutionsForward Time Centered Space (FTCS)


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    1st Order Flux Conservative EquationSources of Error

    Forward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    von Neumann Stability Analysis for Wave Equation

    U tt = c 2U xx .

    Let w =

    r s =

    cU x U t


    ∂ w ∂ t =

    ∂ r ∂ t ∂ s ∂ t

    =c ∂ s ∂ x c ∂ r ∂ x

    = c ∂ ∂ x r s .

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Stability Analysis of Numerical SolutionsForward Time Centered Space (FTCS)


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    1st Order Flux Conservative EquationSources of Error

    Forward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    Lax Method

    We will solve the wave equation using the Lax method:r t = cs x becomes

    r k +1

    j = 12[r

    k j − 1 + r

    k j +1 ] +

    c ∆ t 2∆ x (s

    k j +1 + s

    k j − 1) (5)

    s t = cr x becomes

    s k +1 j = 1

    2[s k j − 1 + s

    k j +1 ] +

    c ∆ t

    2∆ x (r k j +1 + r

    k j − 1) (6)

    where r k j = r (x j , t k ) and s k

    j = s (x j , t k )

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Stability Analysis of Numerical SolutionsForward Time Centered Space (FTCS)


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    1st Order Flux Conservative EquationSources of Error

    Forward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    Lax Method

    For von Neumann Stability Analysis assume eigen modes forr k j and s

    k j are of the form

    r k j s k j

    = ξ k +1 e ipj ∆ x r 0 j s 0 j

    ⇒ solution is stable if |ξ | ≤ 1Equations (5) and (6) give

    ξ − cos (p ∆ x ) − ic ∆ t ∆ x sin(p ∆ x )− ic ∆ t ∆ x sin(p ∆ x ) ξ − cos (p ∆ x )

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Stability Analysis of Numerical SolutionsForward Time Centered Space (FTCS)


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    1st Order Flux Conservative EquationSources of Error

    Forward Time Centered Space (FTCS)Lax Method

    Lax Method


    This has a solution only if determinant = 0.This gives ξ = cos (p ∆ x ) ± i c ∆ t ∆ x sin(p ∆ x ).This is stable if |ξ |2 ≤ 1 which gives same Courant condition∆ t ≤ ∆ x c .

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    st O de u Co se vat ve quat oSources of Error

    Phase Errors through dispersion

    We will show the effects of phase errors by studying the numericalsolution of the 1-D advection equation using different time stepswhich lead to dispersion being absent or present.

    The Fourier mode U (x , t ) = e i (px + ω t ) is an exact solution of U t = − cU x if ω and p satisfy the dispersion relation ω = − cp ,then U (x , t ) = e ip (x − ct ) = f (x − ct ) gives the exact solution of U t = − cU x .

    This mode is completely undamped and the amplitude is constantfor the numerical solution using a time step which satises thedispersion relation.

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    qSources of Error

    Dispersion relation for the Lax Method

    The dispersion relation is only satised if ∆ = ∆ x c .

    Consider U k j = ξ k e ipj ∆ x

    ξ = cos (p ∆ x ) − ic ∆ t

    ∆ x sin(p ∆ x )

    = e − ip ∆ x + i (1 − c ∆ t ∆ x

    )sin(p ∆ x )

    If we let ∆t ≤ ∆ x c

    ⇒ ξ = e ip ∆ x and U k j

    = ξ k e ipj ∆ x =e ip (− k ∆ x + j ∆ x ) . When we substitute x j = j ∆ x , t k = k ∆ t and thedispersion relation ∆x = c ∆ t then U k j = e

    ip (− ck ∆ x + j ∆ x )

    = e ip (x j − ct k ) = f (x j − ctk ).

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    Sources of Error

    Dispersion in the numerical solution of the 1-D advectionequation using the Lax Method

    Use Lax Method to solve:

    U t + U x = 0 , 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 ≈ ∞ , 0 ≤ t ≤ 1

    initial conditions:

    U (x , 0) = 1,0.2≤ x ≤ 0.40, otherwise = U 0(x )

    boundary conditions:

    U (0, t ) = U (2, t ) = 0

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    Sources of Error

    Dispersion in the numerical solution of the 1-D advectionequation using the Lax Method

    U (x , t ) = U 0(x − ct )U 0(x − t )(c = 1)We compare the above exact solution with the numerical solutionusing the Lax method with different time steps:

    ∆ t = ∆ x c → no dispersion matches analytic solution.∆ t = ∆ x 2c → dispersion present but pulse matches speed of wave.∆ t = 1.001∆ x c → courant condition not met : unstable!

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    S f E


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    Sources of Error

    Dispersion in the numerical solution of the 1-D advectionequation using the Lax Method

    Equation (4) gives U k +1 j = 12 [U

    k j +1 + U

    k j − 1] −

    c ∆ t 2∆ x [U

    k j +1 − U

    k j − 1]

    Let s = c∆ t ∆ x

    ⇒ U k +1 j

    = 1

    2(1 − s )U k

    j +1 + U k

    j − 1 +


    2(1 + s )U k

    j − 1

    Solve for U k +1 j for 0 ≤ k ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ 3 with boundaryconditions: U k 0 = 0, U

    k 4 = 0. We have:

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    S f E


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    Sources of Error

    Dispersion in the numerical solution of the 1-D advectionequation using the Lax Method

    or U k +1 = A U k b

    Dispersion means the initial pulse changes shape (unlike analyticalsolution) because wave components with different frequenciestravel at different speeds.

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Sources of Error


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    Sources of Error

    Dispersion in the numerical solution of the 1-D advectionequation using the Lax Method

    (a) ∆ t = ∆ x 2c where dispersion is present but the pulse matches theanalytical solution for the speed of the wave.

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Sources of Error


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    Sources of Error

    Dispersion in the numerical solution of the 1-D advectionequation using the Lax Method

    (b) ∆ t = ∆ x c where no dispersion is present and numerical solutionmatches analytical solution exactly.

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Sources of Error


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    Sources of Error

    Dispersion in the numerical solution of the 1-D advectionequation using the Lax Method

    (c) ∆ t = 1.001∆ x c where the Courant condition is not met andsolution is becoming unstable.

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Sources of Error


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    Sources of Error

    Error due to nonlinear terms

    Example: Shock wave equation

    U t + UU x = 0

    nonlinear term causes wave prole to steepen resulting in ashock.

    schemes stable for linear problems can become unstable.

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems

    Flux Conservative Equation1st Order Flux Conservative Equation

    Sources of Error


  • 8/16/2019 Flux Conservative Problem


    Aliasing error

    Example:Aliasing error occurs when a short wavelength (λ 1) is notrepresented well by the mesh-spacing (∆x ), and may bemisinterpreted as a longer wavelength oscillation (λ 2).

    Claret Felicitas Joe Reyes Flux Conservative Problems
