flutter evaluation of an airfoil - mcgill...

Flutter Evaluation of an Airfoil NlohaUlIuad Hacli Akbari DqmrtuH'ut of l\1cchanical Engineering NIcGill University l\1011trc.al, Canada f<'hruary, 1993 Sllblllit.tpc! t.o tht' Facnlty of Graduatc Studies and Ht'st'arch in part.ial flllfilll1('lIt of the rcquircll1ents for the d('g['('(' of l'vI aster of Enginccri ng © 1\1. Il. Akbari 199:3

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Page 1: Flutter Evaluation of an Airfoil - McGill Universitydigitool.library.mcgill.ca/thesisfile69529.pdf · Flutter Evaluation of an Airfoil NlohaUlIuad Hacli Akbari DqmrtuH'ut of l\1cchanical

Flutter Evaluation of an Airfoil

NlohaUlIuad Hacli Akbari

DqmrtuH'ut of l\1cchanical Engineering

NIcGill University

l\1011trc.al, Canada

f<'hruary, 1993

TII('~is Sllblllit.tpc! t.o tht' Facnlty of Graduatc Studies and

Ht'st'arch in part.ial flllfilll1('lIt of the rcquircll1ents for the

d('g['('(' of l'vI aster of Enginccri ng

© 1\1. Il. Akbari 199:3

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Flutter Evaluation of an Airfoil, Incompressible and Transonic Regimes

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l'tI 111\ IIi1dIH'I,

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'l'II\' pIIJld"llllJf l'III.'t 1'1" 1"',1 IIlIlIIdl/('d 'l'hl' 1'(J1Ii1tiull~ of lJlolioJl of <III cliIfoIl

wJl11 1 \\'11 d<')!,1 ''l'~ III fI (·(·do"l, i/l pi!., h ,111<1 plllllg(', dl(' ul>t dill(,(1. T'h(,ll, tJJ(' 111l~t(,étd'y

dl'I 0") IIdlnil IlwIII i('~ fOI dilfel ('III. /Io\\' J('gi/ll('s ill<' pll'~elll('d. l'Il<' tlilditiollal sol1l­

liO/l~ 10 t.Il1' 1111111'/ plold""I. Ildlll<ly, III(' 1'-/.' dlHI li-y methods, arC' [UIIIIUldL('d, ,lIld

1 III' !'"ph, l' t 1 dll:·,fUJ IIldl 10" lIH't1/Od [01 fil/Un élllétly~is i" élisa iIlLroduC'C'cl. Tb(,ll, the

1'11(·( f. uf "lff(·I(·II1. d('~igll pdldJIJ('I('I~ of dll diJfoil U!l the f11JttC'r :'>1)('('(\ is illlaljzeo,

IHII h ill 11/(' illl OlllpJ(·""r11k ,1I1d tJd/l~()llrr Il'gill1('~. F1\rt 1H'IIlJOrf', Ill(' (·If('( t, of the

1'1/111,,'( \'.t11/(·S o[ III(' dl·~i!!.1l pdlil/lwklS Oll t!w (J('fllln/lef of Hutter is ill\'!'sligated.

Fill,dly, "UIII<' gl'II('ldl 1 lIllI 11J"i()ll~ I('!!.dldlllp, II\(' abo\'('-lIwlltiollcd plH'llol11<'lIél al(' d('­

lin'cI Th(' go,d ollhi~ \\llik i~ Ih\' f"ct t!J,d, III!' 1111~t((fdy (l(I'odYllal1l1('(l,tI,él ha~ ])('('11

Il:,,·cI. !Jolh ill Ih(· illllllllJlI(· .... i].](' d1lcl tJdll~()llic 1 \'giIl H'S, ancl, Il]('1 ('fo]'(' , th(' obLaill('d

/! ", 1 JI 1:-. d li' 1 d i 1 1 Y pl ('( I:-W •

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Le probl?'lll(, C!(' flollr III( III ('~t ilIl IOdlllt ('Il p(,('lIlll'l 1)('11 Le''' ("'111,11 Î(lll;-. dll III()II\'('

men!. d'ull profll a deux d('gri's de lilJ('lté>, ('II f'"1gd[',<' d ('II 11(',\1011, ;-.uld (lldt'Illlt'''' LC':-,

théori('s aélodynamiqlH's llon stcdiollll,lil<'s p01l1 dirf<"I('lIfs IIl()r!(·S d'.'·( UIII('IIWIlI ;-'0 Il t

alors pr<-s(']Jtées. Lc~ sollltioll~ das~iql((,s clll plobli'lll<' d"~ 11011«'111<'111 (1(';-' 111/'(1)0<1(,:-,

p-k ct, U-g) SOllt fOll1lulé('s ct la IlJ(',thoc\(' de' fl,lll"f()III)(~(' d(' L<lpl,\«' 1'0111 1\III,tI,\'S('

du flottemcnt est alors introduit P. Les df('\,:-, rks dil!'<"1 ('Ilts pd 1,1111(\( 11':-' dl' 1 (l1I( l'pt iOIl

d'lIll profil sur la \'it('s~c J(. flottC'llH'nt sont élllitly:-,{,S rI,IIIS 1(,:-, (<1;-' d"~ 1 ''·l'.illll's illl 'JlII

prrs~iblc rt transoniqut'. Lc~ cfrds des v,t!l'lII's n 11I1,t'( s d(·~ pdl c11111'f ((':-, d,. «(JI)( l'pt.iOIl

sur la pn'sel/ce du flot tf'lllent sont étlldié>s, Fill,d('!ll<'lIt, r1(.~ r r III( 11I~i()l1~ p/IJ/·I,t1(·S ~III

les phénom(~ncs mentionnés ~'i-d(,sslls SOIlt. !l)(·I1{·(,S. Le bill. dc' ('(' tlil\'it" (·~t d'ol,fr'lIil

dcs résultats précis ct. ccci en IItili~alll dC'!'> dOIlIl('e~ ,['o(/()(IYII(J/lIIf/I/( /1011 ,~I(JI/OIIIIIII/(

dans les ras de régimcs iJJCOIllpr('~~ihl(' pt (rilll~()lIi(J1«' .


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A(~kn()w le(] gcrnents

1 wOllld 1 i kt· 1 () ('X III l'~~ Illy ~jll(('1 (' grct! iLIl rie tü my !->lIJ)(,l'vi!->or, Professor S .. J. Pric(',

fOI IIls 1 (JIII,illll(·rI gllidallc(, dlll illg the (,Olll'~(' of this wOl'k. His critical rc\'icw of Illy

WOI k ,I!ld \',dll,tlJlc' ~1Ip,g('~tioIlS <11'(' gl('at ly aPPl'cciated.

'l'hallks <II<' ,t1w dlle 10 Illy (olIl'dgu('s Jafar Sadigh alJd Mcheli Kcshmiri, with

wholll 1 Il ,ICI lI~dlll dise lls~io!ls during 1.h(' cOlllplction of this work.

'l'hi~ Il'SI',II( il \\',tS lIIade possible througil the flnancial support by the Iranian

<;O\'('IIIII)('lIt, who pro\'idl'd a :,(holal:,hip for myself.


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AcknowlcdgPIlH'llt s .

Table of COlltent s

List of Fig Il l'C'S

List. of Tablps

1 Introdllct ion

1.1 I1i"t()1 i( ,d H('\ Il'\\'

1.2 E\pldlldt iUII o! tilt' l'lo!,II'11l (11111 1 ('1)

I.:J Tlw"i" (h 1'1 \'il'\\', .

2 Equat iOlls uf M ot.ioll

3 Ullsteady A Pl'odylla/llirs

:~ 1 Ilii lIlll]lII':-,<,il)II' ~-I) F1l)w




1 \'

\ 1

\ Il

'\ 1 \'




Page 8: Flutter Evaluation of an Airfoil - McGill Universitydigitool.library.mcgill.ca/thesisfile69529.pdf · Flutter Evaluation of an Airfoil NlohaUlIuad Hacli Akbari DqmrtuH'ut of l\1cchanical

• 1 .) 1 •

1 (i

. 1 l '1 1 d Il '" III ,) 1) l' l,)\'.' I~

-1 1 )ill"')'f'llf A ppl 0;1( 11I'!-> 1 (J f IJ(' P}'ohl('lll 25

) \\'llld 11111111'1'/,"'''- :W

1 .) 1 1''11111''1 \1.11.".111 \1"III"d 11)1 ri dll"lJlll, Flo\\'


1 \ ,\ 1 dpld'" 'l'Id Il,,flJlllldllt)11 \1('llwd


ri 1

~I 1 1 Ilit 011 'Ill l',,,>d,f(· Flow 56

-, 1 .)

TI d Il''\llIlt 1: lu,,' ...................... !J7

- .) , - I·ïlt·t t ur ILldlll" td ( : \ l,dlOII .'J7

~ .) ,1 • Ilit \ Il 1 11'1I·:."tJ ,JI' FI\I\\ ................. dl

~ , ) , - - 'l'Id Il:-'\ 1111, 1· I\!\\ .i8

Fil," t (II t III' )l,,'>It HIll ol (\'11111' or \Iil'>s

" :~ 1 ,')9


• \'

Page 9: Flutter Evaluation of an Airfoil - McGill Universitydigitool.library.mcgill.ca/thesisfile69529.pdf · Flutter Evaluation of an Airfoil NlohaUlIuad Hacli Akbari DqmrtuH'ut of l\1cchanical

• ") I·'!,'( 1 (Ii 1 III' p, "1111I11 ,d l'Id"ll( \ \ 1" Idl

1 1 Ill. (JllljJl'· ...... J1>1', 1 l, 1\\

1 1 .) 1'1 d Il''''III( 1''1,1\\ - Il'

"1 ") Flr,,( 1 ()I FI' ''II Il '11< \ 1\'1111'

.) ) 1 111' '11111' 1 ('" '- Ji ,f (' 1'1,,\\

" " ,) .) ) - TI d Il''''llif l'Ill\\

G Pnl'allll'trÎc Fllltt('1' Allaly ... is

1 1

li:! 1

(' .) .) ).- -

7 COllclllsions :\lld H(l(,OIIIIIIl'lIdat iOI1~ 1 ():~


7.1 1 III( III 1 IJlJ(':-,:-,dtlf' IIUI\' 1 (J 1

.... ,) 1 _ H(·( UIIIII](·ll!l.tf IUI1'o

Bibliogrnphy 1 Il.''\

A Algehl'aic ÂI1(dy~is of Pilll'!,' St IIdy J J:~

B Compllt ('1' Pl'ogl'<tlll Li...,tillgs J:LO

• \'1

Page 10: Flutter Evaluation of an Airfoil - McGill Universitydigitool.library.mcgill.ca/thesisfile69529.pdf · Flutter Evaluation of an Airfoil NlohaUlIuad Hacli Akbari DqmrtuH'ut of l\1cchanical

J-1ist of Figllres

.) '1 III' pl'lll.l',ill.l'" :., dlld pltl Il.0, IIdllIlUlli( IIIUllOll'" (lf " 1\\O-t!I'g,I<'I'-ol-

.~I'II('ldll()1I uf (ll( 111.1111111 dlt/llllli tlH' di!loil. .... , , ...

:1.1 '1\ l'Il ,il 1(' .... 1l11~ t'lllIll JUlddll (19:">:3) fu!' tl1(' dl'Ioc!ynamic dl'!'i\atiH'S

("," ('1.., ('1/.,,' dllt! ('1/". of a lIat platl' <It ,\1 == 0 . .1. ,\~ il fll)}ctiùl1 uf

.l.1 rh" d('IUd,\II<1llli( (odli('ll'Iils nI.' ("", ('mil' alld CIIl " fOI a :\1\(':\

hl \(HIIl dllf(IIl dt \/ --- () ~,id'" d rllll( tioll uf Il'dll('cd h('(J1I<'IIIY. l,'

(1 ('(' 1 q~ 1) . .





:2 !

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• I! .\ 1:- pic,d \<1 Ildl 1\111 ul 1 Ill' d" IllpIIIP, Il, 1111' \ 1111\ .1 1111\1\"''' \ d .Ill .Ill \ l.dl.

\ (')"11'" d~ II"III!! \11(· ... "1111" 1/

1!J(, 1/1.1/111,1 "J!11t/1I<",'c\ ill Ill!' (·'\lldp\l1.1111I11 l'loIll~\lIIH Il,,\\' . .t \ \('\

(i 1.\ ()()(i "il r()tI ,11 .\1 .- (ue ('\lIIl!'dll"'"11 !wl \\\ \'111 III' 1"·,(11,,, 011 Il' III",

lhl('I' dilr('II'Ii1 101/'1,,1 "/Jlld 111 ,Ii(' 1"\1 Id!"I\.t1 101"

1.1 1·'luI\ (h.tl 1 I(JI 1 Ill' /1-1 .. Ilwl Ill/cl , • 1 ' ..

,l,l Fltlt!l'I "'P('('(!. \ f. \ ('1<.,11'" IllJII·dlllH'II"'IOlldl Illd"", Il

I1U\\' ('()lIlp.llhUlll)('t\\'·'·1l Ill\' 1'''-.1111--. ,,1,/.1111,',] (ltl1l1llw {"'/.jl 1 ... .111.\

the' L.lJd;lI l' Il)('II\(Id:-.. , . ,

:'::\C'.\ (il.\()(J(j "itlut! dl ,\1 : () Kr) ('UIII!,dll""11 Iwh\""11 Ill!' 1,,,,,111"

('Ollljldli:-'UII 1)('1\\('1'11 1 Ill' 1('''Ir!t.., ()1I1 <II Ilf'cl 1111111 1 Ill' (1-1/, JI-I .. , "II,] 1 1 If'

Laplde(' 111l'1 }lOd:-., , , , (J'"

,jA Fllllt!'1 :-'pl'I'<I. Vr. \('1:-.11:-' Iddill'" (JI ,'2,\ l,11H11\' 1" TldIJ"'IiJi, flu\\' d

;\:\(;:\ (il.\OO(J clilft)j}.t! \1 ~: (J,K.'i, ('IIIIIPdlj'(J11 1Jf'1\\'I'('11 1111' 1(",lill"

.») FI1\tI"1 :-.p('('d. \",. \'('1<"11,,111\' «('IJlII' ur III" ... .., I(JI ,tlIIJIl, l". IIIIIIIIIIJI!

<llld t Ill' 1,ilpl.1< (' Hwl Ilurl ... ,

• VIl!

Page 12: Flutter Evaluation of an Airfoil - McGill Universitydigitool.library.mcgill.ca/thesisfile69529.pdf · Flutter Evaluation of an Airfoil NlohaUlIuad Hacli Akbari DqmrtuH'ut of l\1cchanical

II(JI\' ('()llljJdIJ,,(Jlllwl l \'('('1I11J(' 1 (·,,"lt ... olddlll!'r1llulll tll(' {T_ q. p-I.-. clJHI


(JIll .111)('.1 1j()jJI t III' ('-l], p-I,. dllrl 1 Il(' Ldl'LI( (' Hwt "ud~, , ,

('(JIIJl'dl i~()11 111'1 \\'('('11 t III' 1('''lIlb ubLlill('rI l'JUill t Il<' li-g. p-I." ;Int! 11j('

r, III FIllt11'1 "'II'('d, \:r. \·('I ... II~ fll''111('JIC,)' IdtlO. w! Trall~ollic fiow, a î\ ... \CA

l'IOlll t11<' (!-!l' JI-I ... il Il ri tlll' Lapld(,(' IJwt!Jor!s, , , . . . . . . . . . j·1

(l.1 "'lllttr'( ~,H'l'rl \'('ISllS 1/.1'", fur diff('J('llt locatiuns of the ('l;l~ti(' aXIs.

( .. , ) -

III( ()lll,H('~~d,I(' flow ............... .

"'"tltl'I ~PI,(·rI, \ JI \'l'J:-lI:; frl'qllt'Ilty ratio, l.<,.'r' Illc(Jm)Jr('~sibk fio\\',



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b .. ~ :\Iillillllllll rll'qU('1I1 \ Idlill fOI \\1111 Il !llllki 1" 1"1\.1111("1. "',,,,,,,.1.1\ dlf

1'1'1('111 1(,( ,ditJlI .... (lI IIIl' '('1111(' uf Illd"~. l'" ('tl\lIp"li~(l1l Ill'I\\('('II 11\1'

Il'~IIIt,, ulll"lIwd I!UIII 1'111( ..... "llld.\ "lit! Iltl~ "llId.\ III( ()111j11(·~,·,t1"I·

Il li \\'. TI \l' (·1 li ,,1 \( d \ i" d 1 0 1 -, ( II (lI cl., dl ( . d dol 1 li C' "(' Il 1 cl., 11<1 1 III ccc '111 1 1 •.

<l1It! 11lt' (l'III Il' (lI Ill<l:-''' ,11 tltll'('1 ('111 I(J( ,II iUIl'" 111'1 \\ ('('1[1 1 11'1 Il

(,., 1"11111<'1 :-'Pl'(·cl. \f. "('1"11" flt'qlll'lll.' I,diu. cc',. 1IIItlllljlll· ...... t1dl·ll.l\\

'l'Ill' (·lcl~tl(· éI',i .... ,II ll.I!'i-,lluld. ,t!!(,dd of tlll' d('I(III\II<lIIIIC C c·lilIC·. 011111

1 Ill' C c·ldlt· ()f Ill.t:-. ... ,d "dl('1 c'lIt lo( ,t! iOIl:-' 1lI'llilltllllC' dC·JeI".\ Il'' IIII( 1 l'Id, (' IlIl

G.5 Fllllkl :-'pl'('(1. \ f. \('1:-.11:-. 11('qlll'II C .,. 1,t1IU, ",',. 111(llllljl\(· ...... t1dl· 111.\\'

'l'Ill' dd ... til iI"l'" at II\(' Illicl-(llllld, 1II'Illlltl 1111' ,lI'ltJcI.\lldlllh C('I\IIC',

dllcl tll(' CI'IIIH' uf 111":-':-' elt tltlf('I('111 I()Cdliull:-.I)('I\\·'·(·ltlllC'llI

TI](' (·ld:-.t.il iI'.Î:-. ,il, tIlt' !lllt! dlIJld. 1)('11111,1 1111' ,lI'ICIII\,llelllll( CC'IIIIC·.

,11111 the «'lItll' of Ilid' .. :-' ,t! tllll'('I('lIt l()cdIH," ... IIC'ItIIl,lllll' (·I.I ... lic .1\1.... C):~

li.ï FllIttt'1 ~p(·(·cI, \'J. ,'('1:-.11:-' fl<'qll!'ll(Y 1,1110, w,. III(OIIlPI(" ..... il,j(·!IcJ\V,

'l'II(' ('Icl ... tic ilxi:-. dt III\' 1111('('-'111<111('1-( Ilolcl, ll\'llilld 1.\11' d('llIdYlldllli(

Ct'Ilt no, dllt! tilt' ('('Illl(' of Illil~,> ,d <lifl('1 ('Id ICH"t! iClII:-' III'I.\\'C·(·II 1.\11'111 CI:~

G.S Fluttl')' :-,p('('d, \If' \'('I~IIS 11('(t1I('III,Y 1<11 io, w" III( (1IIqll(· ... c,il,I(· Ilcl\\'.

'l'Il<' plastic iI"l:-' al, t,]H' tlll('('-qlle1II('1 (1IOld, Iwltlliri t.Il1' d('I(Jdylldlllll

U'lItH', and t II(' (1'1111(' (JI' III"'>'> ,t! dilf('1 ('111, 1111 .iI illll'" 1II'IIIIIclIIII' (·1.,· t i(

aXIs . C)_I

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(, ,) \1."1/1111111 fll"I'II'I)( \. l,dl" f'll \\111111111111"1 i.., ul,ldilll'd, 1;."", .... lOI ,bf-

1"lf'll1 1,,,,diuII:-' IJI tlll' (f'lill" (Jf 111;1..,.." l',. ('(JIlIPdll"'''11 1)('I\\'c'('11 11]('

Il,,\\, ï III' f·ld·.llf d·,.i.., ,d 1111' lllre'c' C!1ldll,C'I-cIIOld, lH'hilld II\(' dC'ludy-

11<lllllf '('11111'. dllrl 1111' (1'11111' ,,1 IJ1d":-O ,If dilfc.1 c'Jll loc ,II iOJl:-' h_dü.!!1 t Il('

(, II) I~('dl l'dl ~ ()r t 1)(' ,·ig,·JI\dlllf· .... \,'1..,11" llOl! dIJllf·ll..,ioJ],tl "p('l'd, \', Tldll­

"'''1111 Ilft\\'. d :\.\C \ (tI.\(J()f, dlr!Ur! dl .\1:- () ,,",'. ('Oll1Pdli..,OIl 1)1'1\\1'('11

1111' fd..,f·'" \\lllr ~I)(H' ill plllllglll,!!, dlld pil(h. 11)01" i1l plllllp,ill,Q,. ,l!ld

Il )01" ill pil (Ir

h.11 Iliidgil~dl~r Pd_lt_1I1 tlll' l'ip,I·II\·,t!III'S \'('I:-'IIS IICtIJ-di1JlI'll"ion,t! spl'l'd. V.

'l'ltllI..,,tlli( /lo\\'. d l'JACA (il.\UO(i dilfoil ,d :\1 -= 0 ~.1. ('UIllj)dll:-'OIl 1Jl'­

t \V('('JI t 1,,· ( .1:-'C':-' \\'1111 :!J)O F 111 plllllgin,l', and pit ch, IIJOF in pll1llging,

dlHI 1 j)OF ill pite h.

li I:! I\(',d p~I~()r tlll' ,·igl·Il\.t!lIc· ... \('1:-'11:-0 Ilun-dilllen:-oionai !'>p('('c1, V, Tlélll­

:-Oltlll( Ilu\\', a N:\C .. \ (iIA01ll! élilfoil ,d, JI = O)~:i, ('oll1]Jclli:-'OIl IH'L\\'(,(,11

tlj(' (dS,':-, \\'Itll :!DOF in plllllgill,l', dllt! pitell, IDOF III plllngin,Q" and

1 J)OI-' ill plt( Ir

(i 1:1 Illld.!.!,ill.1!" 1~,~I~ul the l'igl'Il\',J!lIcs \('1:-.11:-. IlUll-dinH'llsiulIéll :-.p('PtL V.

Tldll:-'lIl1ic lIo\\' . .t ;\1.\(':\ (il.\OO() airfuil ,II lU = 0,85. CUJllIMII:-'OIl be-

1\\'1'('11 t Ij(' ( <1";(':-' \\ It Ir :!J)O F in plllllginp, ilnd pilclr, 1 J)OF in plung,ing,

<lIHI 1 DO\-' in pl:' h ...... , , , . , .. .






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{Lit FI'ltll'1 "PI'I'II. If' \1'1"II~fll"IIII'I\l1 Idtill,,,:,. TI,III""llll Il'111,.1 \ \t',\

Il 1 \()Ob dil fud dt .\1 -.!J S,i. Titi' "LI"t il .1'\ 1" ,If (l 1 :-)., hlll ,1. .1 lit! t hl'

1'('lItl(' ()i 1l1d"'" ,If dilkl"llt lUI ,tli()ll" ."(11).!, 1111" !llnd !tlll'

(),I .... l F11I1t"1 "p('cd, If. \l'I'''II ... Ir('qll<'II(~ 1,11111,,,', l'ldll''''lllC 1111\\',.1 ::,\l'\

(i L\()!J(; did'ud .If .\1 0 (u"r) l'Ill' ('LI~tl' .1'\1" ,II tlll' !lll.! 111111.1,0111.1

t 1](' ('('1111(' ni Illcl"" dl dilr('II'1I1 l'JI dt lull ... ,"UII~ t Ill' (1)(1/ d lilll'

fi ](i FI1It.t('1 "'P('(·'1. 1 f' \('I~II ... rl('qlll'III 1 l,IIi", ll', '1'1.111""111' !lu\\', 01 '\ \l',\

(j L\()()(;dillll!l.lI \1. () S1 1'I11','ld"tlt 01\1'" dt tlll' tlll('(' (111011\1-1 ,llIlId,

1 Il li

1 (} 1

dllt! tll<' «('11111' ()lllld~S ,If ddr"{(,llt 1()(,t1i()lI'> ,,1(111).'. tl\l' ,IIIIld 11111' III)


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List of Tables

.1 1 TIJ('C/r!"I:-,c·ll'.., IIIIICIHIII. ('(l,) -c l"~ 1 . (,'. \\'1)('1(' 1.: == CI.) bll / .

.1 ~ '1,\'JIH ,d 1 (.,,) 111 " rH JI Il lUI ddll ( 1 (jj:n fUI Il)(' dCI ()d~ n,li nie (Ini \'cI t i \'(':-,

( '". .\, (',., . (lf d Il,d JlI,d (' dl .\/ == 0 . .1 ..

:1 ,1 '1\ pH ,d f('" III l " J'IUIII Jorddll ( 1 !l!'i,!) fOI d)(' dl'I od,) IIdlllic dCI i y cl t i \'\'s

(',11 " ,\: (''"., . or d fI,1f pl.i1(' ,d, ,\/ := 0 . .1

1 1 10'1111 kl "IH'C'cI 101111.) fI(lIll Ill(' ./11111,,. 1I/(1I~/11I IlIt Ihod ill thl' tldll~()llic

flo\\'. '\C·f(l.),) Il.111111 d,dol 0) d \'A(',\ h L\OO(i itil[oil hay(' b('('11 lI,,(·d.

1I111~1 Idlill.!.', 1 hl' 1'11'('( t (JI tll<' /0\\'(',,1 ,1Ild t!l<' 11Iglll':-,1 ~p('('d!'> us('d ill tltl'





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Dl'::->cripf ion

l ,11l-dillH'll .... illll,t1 .11 .... 1.1111(· (1111<'1111 .... ul ·,,'11111 Ilt>ld) (d (·1.\ ,lit

"'\1:-- ,dt uf Illl.! (hol d

lilt (III \(' .... lu]H·

(·1.!!,(·1l\,t111l· (JI' ~.\,t(·lll. (/ dlld h .l'.i\'(· .1.1 "I/II Il,!'. .Ille!

1J(·q1J(·II(~. )(· .... 1)('( t i\ (·h'

lil]('dl (u<'fhl 1l·lIt:-. of '1j1]1I1J\ 11I1,iI ill.!!, l,il IOIl,iI 1111111 I()II

~1'll1i-1 I)(JI d (JI' dillu1!

11IJlllilll'dl' Id.!!, t(·llll.., tJf dPI'III:-'lIl1dl.lllg l,di()lIdl 111111111111

(hUI cl of <,ilillii

('IP,I'II\',t1IIl' (JI \\:-.t('III. l' dlld ,f .l',iv(' ddlill'ill,l', dlld

Il l'Qlll'lI1 y. 1 (':-'1)('( t i,,{'ly

Tlll'ot!(I!"'('Il'..,llllI(filJl: F 1/(,'

d<tJl1pillg Illit! 1 i,

lilt codli. i.'llt ./1)(' f(1 plllll.l',{'

Id f • (w/li. )( 'IJI. cl 11(' t () pif (II

mOIII('lIt 1 odli( Il'ilt dlll' II) pltlll,!.',I'

1lll)lI11'IIf ((will. 11'111, dlJ(' If) pif (li


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1 JI ('.., ''\11 (' , 1 will! Il' 1 If

l''.t! pd Il 1 JI '/ 11I'()r!uI ',('II'" 1'11 IJ( 1]1l! 1

1'11111 11011 1 U 1)(' "ppl 0\1111.1 l "d

.!JI!JIO\lIlldl(' 111111 Ijoll

',111)( 1111" 1 ddJlq>lll~

IJlld.l',IIl.tI\ 1'.111 01 TIJ('()d()I~('II"" IlllllllOIl

l'lllllP,(' dl"p!.\( ('111<'111.

(IJlllpl('\ \ dl I.Ji'!(' J-=T

Il)(IJlH'lll (JI J1J('llld Ur dil l'url ,r!)UI11 ('('1 JI Il' ur Illd~S

il!c-lIllly IJldU i'\ ('2 X '2)

1"dlJ'I'" 1'1 ('!jlll'II! Y \ld..,('" ()11 :'('llli-cllUl" u.,' hl U

1('<111('('<1 "('!jlH'1I1~' \ld~('d Oll (hUIt! wc/l:

"Pl ing 1 (Jll~1 ;1111 III \H'l1dilig

"Pl ill,!!, (IJIISL'llt III pitt !Jing

"tilrl](,:-'~ III,d\i'\

hrt [01('('

II1c1:':' of" Il f()il P('\ 1I11it. :-'péll1

1'11'(' :-,111'dIll :\J"c11 1l1l1ll\)('\,

.ll'\ ()(l~ Il.1111)(' 1I10111l'1lt ,t1)()lIt (I,:-,tic c1\:is

illl'if id l1l,tll i'\


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1'11'1' ~llt'dlll \I.'II! 111111111('1 (111''1111'1 \',

''l'PIII\,llIld( 1011 111,11 Il"\ • .\ 1111\1111111 "f lI·d1l1 l'd Il (''1"1'111 \

1 \lllll'I,·\ l'Ig('II\,t1Il!'

l'(w/li, 1('111 ~ ill 1 il" 1 d( t ('1 i~t 1\ ('<iII,tlllll!

pd 1 d !lit' 1 l' r p,1 \ l'~ Il d 1 III l' Il fI, Il 1\111, il 11111 1 t 11111

(h Il d Il Il ( Il 1 (' ... ~ dl l' 1 /:!. 1/ l ':

dylldlllil' 1'11 .... '.1111. ,II tllll Il'1

!!.1·1J1·I,t1Lœd .1('1,)(1\ IIdlllll 1111 l"

g"IJ('ldlib'd cI(·lud.\ IIdllli( IlllJIJlI'IJI ,till/III 1·!.I~111 "" ...

1,t(ItIJ~ \ll!!,.\ I,d ilill ,d,IJ1I1 1'1,,:-.1 Il d\l'.

1l1l1l-dillH'II'.I(Jlldllddill:, III' g\ Idl IIJII "II(JltI 1·1.1',1 li 01\1',

(JI d('1 III lit.

Ld)Jldll' \'dll,tI,II·. /w

\(·lu, il! 1 (JIlI])()III'ltI, 111,1' dill'I 1 iOIl (1 Il''1'11'1 :1)

111'(' :-,111'<1111 \'l'IIJ( it.y (,lldpt.(·1 :q

fi ('(' ~I Il'dlll :-,pl'l'd

\'1·101 il) 1 UIIl})(/IlI·IIt. III ,1/ dlll'I t 1011 (1 Il''1'11'1 \)

11111 LI'I "I)('('d

dl'.l dlll (' ui ,tI'lod,\'lldlllil 1 ('IJlI!' ,"11''',] Id l,Id ,1 l' d 1\

gl'Ill'I," Ldpl,\( l' <..,(111111)11 1I11J!llplil'l


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III)II-dlllll'II'-,)I)II;" dl..,t <111' (' (Ill t ('IIJ]" Or 'l'1I1i-( l)(Jl cl) (JI' ('lit fI'

{~() fi (,} 1

{~ o}/'

ddillpill,l!, Idtio -g/'2 (l!-gllldilod)

.IiI' d(,lI~ity

IJlIf ollpl(," Il,tI,lll'al rI cqIH'J]( y III lll'Ildillg

1IlIf'01lp]('" lI<1t IIl,t! fll'qll('11f j III tOI~i()11

:-.. \'11

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Chapter 1


,1(1(J(I(/,~III'/'t/J i:-, tll!' ~tlld~ (If tlll' drl'll ur ''l'IPd''II.IIIII( !l'II 1':, 1111 1·1 .. ·.111 111,.1",·,

Ol\(' of III<' illt('lc~t ill,!!, plOldl'llI'" il! dl·llH·I"..,I)I ih' i~ 111\' ..,I.d,ilrlv III " ..,1111111111' III

\\'incl, A Illéljol pl'ohlcll1 is t II!' 11111 ICI (l( ..,1111111111''', ',II( Ir 01.., "il pl""I'~' III :.11"1'1'11''\1111

III lI)g('::, \\'h('/I il :-'I1I,tll di ... lllll'dlll (' i/lcl1l1 ('''' IIIIJI(' IJI' 1(,:,.., \'illlt'lIl, 1J',t III.il iCI Il.., Il l',

dl,l! dl 1,('1 iz('cI I,y 1 II(' illl' " 1(1)' of rll'I ()d,\ IIdlllll, 1·1"..,ti(, dllcl 1/11'11 i" (Il/ (1''', dlle! 1:,

cl proIJ!f'J]] of clY"rllllic il1~ldhdil\, FI"tI('1 1 .III 1(",1\11. 1/1 III<' • ,d,,·,lllJpIIÎ. 1.,,1111(' ,JI

an ailCldft .. 1"11111('1 IJ/('\'('ntio/l (rill 1)(' rllI illljJCJII,IIJ! 1.11 tOI /II III<' di'l I.dl. dl",I~'.II,

,df('( lin,!!, II/(· :-,I.I'1H!,lIlf11 d('~i)!,lI, rI/lcI. 1 Ir".." 1111' \\'(·i.l'.Irt <I/ld PI'I!CJIIIldllll' \)1 Il A. Il'dl

IIIJcI(·I~t.lllc1illp, of Ill(' 101(· uf ('dlll cll'<,i)!,1I 1';1111)/ Il! dll .III 1'0 ri 011 11\1' ,,"~,('1. fil 111\111'1

l ,II J 1 j(' 1 p d ( "., 1 P, 1 JI' 1 ~ i Il t 1 li' 11111 t (' 1 1 Il' dl, 1 Il 1 (' 0 f .1 1\ ,1 i 1 1 1 • rll

1.1 Historical Review

Sinn' tJ](' IJ('p,illllillp, of III!' Ili~,loly \)1 fll,l',!II, d'·IIJC,I",.,lil Jly, dllli III p"l 1 If Irldl (1111.

tl'l', IlélS illfllll'lI«,d IIIC' ('\'ollllif,1l of "ilfltlfl '1111' Wlight IJlfJllwl',' fil',' 111/',111 Wd',

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• ('II. \ IJ'/ FI( 1 1.\'1 /f{)UI '(' II{).\

III III!' 1II",'ld,!',I' .In" 1 dll [4 III' Il )('1 il Il JI wd 1\\'0 illll)()ll dll!, 1 ollïepl 'i III Il](' pa per.

1 ) 1111' ()~I 1I1.1111JII" \\1'1(' IIU 1 d Ill' 1 () 1 (,'-,Olld III (' ill"ll( ('d I)y ,l \'lIJl,duI)' ~O1l1 ('C', and

'n 1 II!' (J',I 111,11 iOII" 1 'Jll1d 1)(' pl ('\ "I!kcl 1 )! llldkillg 1 II<' c!"\dtol S ,,1 i rrel' , III anot!)('1'

Il I~ IIJI('I (':-.t ill,l!, 10 kilO\\' IIl,d IIIf' C('llll,l11 ~id(' in \Vol'Id \V,ll' labo h,ul similar

l,iplcllJ(' dll<l 1 hl' Fo""('[ \)-\'11 J lllOIlOpid 111'. 111 Il](' bot It ccI:-.es lllilny !>tluctlll (' failur('s

dl)(' 1 () Il)(' Will!' <1 i \'('1 "('III (' \\('11' ()I)~I'[ \T" [:iJ . • '"l .-.,

,\ft"1 \\\1)1<1 \\'dl l, fi "Ill,dl )!,lUllp of 1('~('dICh('I:-' III Iht' N('t!lPdélllds :-.la](I'r\ a

:-.\:-.1 ('111.11 if' d Il,d.\ 1 i( ,d 0111<1 "\IH'I illl<'lIl,d :-.tlldy IJlI I1H' IlWI hilni:-'ll1 of a binéll'.)" fillltl'r

dll(' ln \\'ill)!, \('lli, ,d 1)('lIdlll,l!, dllt! ddl'I()II d,,!1l'ction. 'l'Il<' J'('sldts of this sludy, by

Ildll1l1lldl11'1 dllt! 1\(llllllg lb]. \\1'11' illlpUlldllt, lJlo:-.t1y b('t'cluse uf tht' Il'cugnition of

Il)(' 1'11'1'( 1 (JI' 111"":-. 1',"01111 in)!, of t 1 If' ,lil('1 011 Oll tilt' PI'I'\'l'l1tioll of flllu('1'.

,\lln 1111' \\'M, Ih(' IUllllwtillOll tu 1 Il ('al\ th(' \\'0I1t! ~p('('(lll'COlds clild tü win air-

Id( (' III i/"s. 1I1gl'd dl,.,igll('I'-> tu g<'l higll<'l' SpI'('lk A :-'('1 ic!> of lIutt('r aceidents, in

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('lI.\I'TFU J ISfUOf)( ('//U.\

Hlil"ill ..... pll/l'd 1'1111\ III 1 Ill' [<I:!l IlItl'llldtil>l1.d ~I IIII!'ldl'l \1.11111.' 1'1"1"1\ 11.111',.1

SIIPl'lllldlllj(' S 1 ~1()Il()pl.llIl' 1 1 <1,,1 il'd , hl'I<lIl"I'lIt .1 \\III.e, 11llltl'l ()I, 1.111'1, 111 11111,

d C!'!' B.'l' Idlt'I, ill dll ,d 1!'lllPI ,II IHl',d\lIl,e. Ihl' \\lIlld\ ',pl'I'd 1.'1111 II. t'\11I'111 litt'.! "

Will.e,-dIlt'lllll /llItl!'I', dllcl Il\(' [lldlll' ,llIcI Il,, [Hlul \\t'Il' 1(1,,1 ['il

13111,. III ~IJIllt' ('''St'~ t Ill' tl1I1 tt'I \\.1'0 IIl1t "" lldllldll1. dlltl 1 Ill' 11111ldt'l (II 1 Iii' [ll.lllI'

IIdd Il](' ! "il II( t' tU! (JII!" 1 1 Ill' d!'"ign, FlIl t'\dlll[.It" III [I},l~), dllllll,!', 1 Il!' :'\.tI"'II.d \11

Bd!!'. 1/11l' ur tllC' Id('('I~ !'\["'lil'III!'cI d '.t'Ii!'" ul \\1I1l~ 1111111'1 ÎllIl.!I'lIh F"III 111111', III

PI('\I'nt Illl' IIl1ftt'l', MJIlIt' pdl'I of II\(' WllIg \\0\.., 1111 utl [sI FIII.dl\', tlll' I,d.t! .111'.1 III

tll!' \\illg \\'d~ Il'dll(('d lu t:~f'tl flOl1l il~ !J1lglll,d \'.11111' (JI ï:";/1 1, 1,,,1 1 lit' [111111 l'II.!.'"

111' with .t /llIttn-flt·(' ail pl,lIll'!

1)111 illg 1 Ill' 1 !nOs, si 111( t III ,dl) ,,1 III I,ipldll!''' \\1'1(' Il'I.ldl 1,'.1 1,\ 11111111'1'1.1111",111'1.111"1'

uf tll!'1l lligh 1)('1 fl/I'nldll( l' ,\l'''(J, "'lwl'lb \\('1(' 11<'1 1111 1 IIl,l', .1 l "11~,,,II'I.t!,]I' Il.JI 1 H'II 1111111'

S[W('rI of "uI!llIl [<)J. A~ a 1 ()1I"1'1[1)('II((', d III'\\, ~I'IÎI':-' (JI' I.lldl .III Idl'III', 11.l1'11C'111'd III

Elllol)!' and tilt' {j S. fUI :-'('V('I'," dll pldll!'~, ,\1, III!' :-'dlll!' t illll', .Ill .11'1'11'1 l.tI.!l' IIiIIIdll'1

uf dt'~igI)('I~ ,iIlcl 1('~('dl(I\(,I~ ill Ill!' \\'IJlld ()r d\i.dioll \\'l'I!' II\ill,I!, lu cil \'1,1,,1' III'W

tl]t'ol'i(·~ to illI,tlyZ(' dlld :-,uln' Ill(' ploIJI!'1I1 III Ill!' Il S, TI)('odolê,I'1I . LII Il'd WI)II,IIII',

Ull tl)(' plUl,I!'1l\ III I<):~ 1, <llIcI \\'ill,ill ,\ fl'\\' IIIIJlill, ... pwdll! 1'" :\/\( ';\ Ikl'I :"-il' 1%

[10], \\'hi! II "ilS \)('!'II !·,II'II ... i\(·ly Il''t'cI ill (·~t.")II"IIIII.I!, lI(('fIIIJlI" "IIIIJlkl dll.d\" l, III 1111'

'\!lH'l'iC<l1l "ill laft Îlldll~t Iy [IIJ. TIj('()rI()J~I'II\ 1111'111 y i.., 1 I,JI",dl If'd d', f IJI' ,1111/'\1".1

!·x"d tllt'Ol) Ofl!'plt'''('IJflllg "II idl';t1I1,II-pl,J1('dilllJil, 0I1It! pl.I)'·' .llIld)!Jl Il,1,· III ',11'1'

1 IwOly willg IIl1tt('1 all.dy:-.i:-. Ill].

Dili ill,!.!, \\'(JIld \Vrli 1 J, IlIdll)' Illdllg(· ... 11<lI'I"'llI'rI 111 IliI' <1111,1<1111' Il1dll ,II Y '1111'

tll'lIt! \\'<1" fU\\',lId IliglJ('1 sp(·('d.., 0111" ,dl-lIJ('f,t1 r1lll'loIIJf" .\/}\'.' , fJI'.IJfII" <llId 1,,111' .

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( '/1 .. \ VI l',/( J I.\'T/(()/)/'( ''[ I().\'

/ d /1 J',!' 1 J(, Ill] 11'/ ~ ( '" 1 !l'ri (' \ 1 ('1 Il d l ,1/ Ill" Il I!'II l,Ii p 1 ri Il b, 1'1 (', F 111 t t (' 1 Il 1 () 1.1 t'Ill ~ () ( ( 111 1 ('ri

dlH' Il) 1"dll"rI":/I"!!,('" C,"I"'ll,!!, lm" (Jf Ill,I"" 1),tlrlIlC('OI I('du(('r! "Iilrl)(,~~ [7], (;(,ll<'lctlly

"/l""I"'1I'" Il('\\, ""1)('( 1.., .1 Il ri ((Jlllpl('\lll<'" \\('1(' ddd(·d 10 tll!' plo])I('II1,

,\ IJwlll!)ll (J11I1llf101 dll.t1y"i" \\01'" ~lI,!!,g(·"I(,d I)y Sllldg (l/1d \Vd~"'('I/lldllll III 191~

[I:!] 'l'IIi" 1111 111(JrI, lI..,ill,l!. Il)(' ,,()-( ,t1I('d V-.'I ill/1ft l' t!W!lIYlIII, ha~ ])('('11 \Vid!'J)' u,>('r! in

Il)!' loll"\\'111,!!, ~('"I"',

\\'11111' 1 IWl)ldl(.d .l'·I()(·I,,..,lw dll,d:~..,('.., \\,('11' l)('ing, f!(·\(,JoIW(1. l('''('dlCht'l~ .tIld dr­

"',1'.111"" 1)('\('1 "lupl'cr! (l1)ldillill,l!. «()I/lpJ('llll'IItélly e'\]Jt'lillH'IJtaJ ddt,\' ,\f'IO(,Ja~tjc ('X-

111'1 III !l'lit... ilJ \\'illd lIIJJI)('J." .... llpp())!I'c1 1))' JIlcttlH'lllélticaJ allaly"(''', gcl\'C dcsigll(,IS a

/toc 1 III!!, ()f «()lJlrrlc'lJ( (', \\'hi( h IlI'it.llI'l t h('ury 1101' ('ÀI)('I ÎIlH'lIt alollP rOllld plO\'idp [7J,

.\ I(JI uf \\(111, !)II J1lt'd~lIl illg tlH' (ll'lUdYII<tmic dPI i\'cüi\'('s \\'as done, tlllI'ing the

\\'<11, l,y tll<' Bllli"Ir, (d lu\\' .... ld)~()lli(' "pl'l'cb, and aft('1 the \\'ar, in the li,S" mainl)'

III t JII' tlolll"'uIIÎ( tille! ~11J)('I~Ulli( ~p{,(,c1 rallgr~ [1:lJ,

Hy III<' ('0111,\ llfl i(·~, I,~ illlpl('lIl<'lltatilill of t Il!' tldll~ollir wÎnd tlllllld at Langley

1(· ... (·<11 (II ('111 Il', ('\1'('1 illwllb ill (hi~ :--1)('('<1 rallg{' h('CclI1W él\'ailc\hle with a 1ll1lrh lu\\'e!'

(0 ... 1 dllc!lliglwl ('!lilll'Jl(Y thtlll otlH'1' ,':o.IH'l'illH'lItalll1rthods [l-t],

III l!llï, "111'('1"""1(' "1)('('<1 III 11·\('1 nig,lIt \\'a~ a(hi('vccl by Chad('s Yl>ager in the

\-1 I('''''dl( Il .!ilplcllll', tIHI1Ip,h, iJl Idpid div('s (JI utlwr ailplanes iL hael happellecl

1)('1'(//(', III cl "'IIJ\'('~ I)~ tIlt' :,\,\(',\ SlIhcOllllllittl'<' un Vib/éltioll and FJlltter, the

"('11(111""""'" (JI' tIH'IJlul,)"1II dlJlill,l!. tIlt' t('II-)('(lI p('liod clft('1 tht' \\'ar is indilated [15],

H,\ "PII/II.!( JI Ill,!!, thl' "'1JI)('I"\Jllic "l){·{'t!~, (\('J()('lcl ... tir ~tlldi('s in this Jang!> had 1)('('n

~t dl floc! I,~ (',,11,11 dllel l,y T{'lIlp,," .lIld ,J.dlll in ElIgland [lü], and hy Gall'ick and

1 { III. i Il (1\\' i Il 1 lit' 1 j S, [1 ï J,

\\'Ith th!' ('\(lhltioll .litt! 1JtiJi/dtiull III digit,d compllting m(l(hincs, III the l'ady

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('11:\ l'TI:'/? 1, I.\'TH () j) (' ("rIO.\'

,lIld pl'dI'tical ill ~Dh ing Il'al ('lIgilll'('lllIg pluhll'Ill";, Tht' dl·\,·lo\lIllt'1I1 Id "\JIIH' 1\ PI'"

dlw 1 u 1 Ill' (·xi:-.I illg fa:-.I (Dm))111 ('1 s,

1.2 Explanation of the Problem (nuLLer)

ib \\'Ol':-'l' Cé\!->e. f.,ihll(· uf tlll' :-.IIII( 1111(', TIIl'It' ,11(' dilft'J'('1I1 1)1)('" 1'1' fllIll(·I. \\'lli( Il

mil)" OCClII Ol! dilf('I('lIt Iyp(':-' of Slllll 1111(''';, hOIll :-'1I"IH'Il:-.iull 11Iid,l',(·s. lu 01111'1.\111':-'. II)

j>o\\'er 1 rélll<"l11i:-.:-.ion lill('s [1 !J],

TIlf' (élll..,(· (If titis plH'1I01lH'IIOIl i:-. I)d:-.ic,dly (·,11 <I( 1 iOIl of ('IWII''y fi 11111 1 III' !lOI\' 11')"

il f,ll1all p(,1 t 1I11)iltioll uf tIlt' :-.tllH 1 III (" ",hil h, 111 111111, 11l( Il',1''1':-' 1 hl' dlllpltl 1111(, III 1 III'

distUl bdllCl'S 1('clCling to l'lIg(' dlllplitlld(· u:-.( ill,lI iOIl:-',

Th(' IlH'C!JilllislII uf ('n('I,!!,)' (·,tl d( 1 i()1l flUIII (1)(' lIow 1))' 1 II(' :-.t11l1 t III (' 10111 IJI' 1,.1 ('

(J<;C'illal illg ill plllng<' alld pitt h, Fig, 1 l, Sll]J)lO"'(' 1 II,lt t,lj(' fJ('IJ"I'II( i(·" of 1 III' IIllIt 1011

Sinc(' tlH' lift fUI('(' if, p\IJ]JIJlliollct! lu 1111' itllglt' ()f ,dLlIk. d:-'~lIl1lillJ!, tlJ(' ... illlJ,I(··.t.I(/11l1

of ;WI od~ nalllics (i,C', <jlltl:-.i-"I cltie dl·IOd.1"dllli(..,), IlwlI, t111' 1 III \'(' "Ill/will!', t 1 JI' <1 Il J',! 1 ,

of attack al!->u 1 (·]11( .. ..,(·111<, t)J(' lifl fOI «' ct( 1 illg 011 flIC' ,til 1'011. 11, ~,lrlJllld 1)1' Il,,t l,ri t Il,.1

the (·fred of 0, ::, ,lIIe1 :: (0 tlllt! -; éll(' :-.111)\\'" ill Fig, I,:n 1)11 1 1 If' 11ft flJII (' Il.1', IWI'II

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('II/\/I'f'j·;U 1 /.\"//(()/)( '("/ IO.\" (j

11',lllIll'd If 1 1 JI' pllil'(' rIlff(,I!'IJ((' i, ", ,IJ()\\'II ill Fi,!!" l,L, !)(Jo, t1ll'Il. il 1<111 IH' '>('('11 tlJill

Illd\11111I1I1 ('IJI'I!!,y i .... lwilJ,!!, (",lldl 1('" hOlllllJ(' f/(j\\" \\'I)('n:: i~ Z('IO IIJ!' fUlCillg fllnrll(JI1

l', ,1 t. Il ... Illd' 111111111, "llrI \\'111'11 '; 1'" ,tt il ... Illrlxilllllll1 tlJ(' fUI ('ing, fllllel iun i:, Z('IO, It ie.,

('\oIf Il)' t.!1!' ... .1 III!' ,,~ \\'/)('11 ~()IIJ('I,()"y is pll~llillg a ~wiJlg and making maxillllllll U~C

or 1 1 If' ;tpplif'rI fIJI((' 11('11(', (1)(' ('III'I.!.!,y ('\llilr\(od flom Ill(' flo\\' i ... dil'C'rily depcndc-nt

IJII (1)(' 1'/1,,"'(' dlffl'I('II( (' 1",1\\'('1'11 thl' 1 \\'0 lIIolioll:".

AI ... ", flOlli (1)(' ,d,o\'(' di~( w,:-.iull Il (ail ('d~ily 1)(' COlI! IlI.kd thal the \J('lJ(ling élnd

1 (j):-.if)lI,d 11101 )(/11:-. JlIII~1. Ild\'(' t.!W :-'''lIl1' fl'l'qlll'lI( il':" fOI Ihi~ 10 haplwll, otJ]('r\\'i~(', tbe

Il'qllil\'d ph,,',(, dilr"I!'111 (' (',III Ilot IJI' 1)('ld COII~ldlJt fuI' a 101l,:!, !H'liod of tiIlll', This

i ... :-,ollll'Iillll'S 1('f('I(('<I tu as ''fnql/Illey î{)alrM'( nec", \\'hich ir. chal'act('ri~tic of this

Iyl'(' of 1 \\'o-dq-"JI'(,-()f-fll'(',]ollJ ill:-.t.t1,ility, III a more 1:',('1]('1 <d case, tJW[(' can be more

Illdll t.\\'O dq.!,II'('S of fi ('l,dom pl<tyillg lol('r. in tll<' ge'IH'latiolJ of flutter, 'let, ('\'C'1l in

1 Iii ... ('M'l', 1\\'0 (JI 1 1 Will i11(' llsllally dOlllilldlli (j\'('1 the' ollll'IS fOl each possil,k fluttf'1'

"'1)( '( '( 1.

Th(' (11)('1 1 ('rlSOIl W hy /III 1 kl Illay OCClII in a :,y:,kl1l is 1 he fOi malion of a

"lI/gU/il'(' jll/HI dUlllfJlllg", Filst of cdl, \\hal do('s il 1l('l:',ati\'e da111ping mean? If a

:-.)':-.1<'111 h,l~ po ... ili\'(' dalllpilll:'" tl!l'lI :-'Ol1H' of tJJ(' sy~t('m's C'11elgy is IJping dissipated

to thl' ('II\'iIOllllll'lI1.. No,,", a IH'p,<ltin' dillllpinp, IlWélllS that the :,y:,tpm is SÜI11<'how

,d':-'lIll,ill!-'. 1'111'1 gy l'Will 1 lit' ('II\'iIOllIlWIIl. Su t!J,lt, hcl:,ically 1 he main ide(l is tJw ~all1(,

,1:-> 1)('1'01<', l'lit. 1 \l'II' t 1)(' (all"'(' of 1 hi:-. a\':-,ul htiull of Cll!'lgy i:-. diffcl'C'lIt, ar. di:-'lïl:"~f'd

IlI·lll\\' .

('ulI:-.idl'l' .\ t \\'o-dillll'I1:-.ioll,d ail foil, :-.tiflly mOllllt('d 011 a tOl~illllal ~prlllg, and

","I,jl'ckd ln tllI ,IiI Ho\\'. i\'o\\', illl<l!-',illl' an O~( illatül'y di~t1ll'hal1r(' is gi\('n tü the

dilfoil Silln' 1 hl' ail'foil is lIlU\'illg in thl' ail f1o\\', 1 he ail lIu\\' ~ho\llcl adjust ibt>lf

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• ('II, \J! TEH 1. l.yruo J) 1'( 'TI (J,V

to tl)(' 111'\\' Ill)llllddl~ ,Il l'\('I~' Ill\lllll'Ilt Bllt, Ill'ldll:-l' of tlll' illl'Iti" uf tilt' .III, tltl~

tll!' \'('Iulit~, of tll!' !Ill\\' dlltl tlll' Ill'ljlll'lll \ III tlll' u:-,cilJ.llillllul thl' "llflltl, :\u\\, tlte'll'

is a ~l','(ili( "IH'I't! lOI \\bi(h tIlt, ph""I' c11f!I'II'IIII' Iwt\\'l'l'lI tIlt' Il''lill,ItIl'I!'' III tlll' "II

flo\\' rtlld tll!' ail l'ai! it:-'I,lf i~:-'1\I h tl: Il tIlt' dilfllil 1 dlll'\t".l1 t l'III'I,I~\' 1'111111 tIlt, 111I\\',

dlll!. ,II (()J'(lillgl~', tlll' dillplit1\l11' uf Il:-'1 tll,lIiulI 1111 Il'.I:-'I'~, III tlli:- "it Il,11 IIII!. \\'IIt'1I titI'

"i Ifui 1 i:-. dt if:-. Il,IIIII,d po:-.itiUII tll(' "il !Ill\\' IS pltJdltllllg 111.1\111111111 lift, "lId \\'11l'1I it

i:-. at Ih Illd\illlll1l1 dillplit lIt1(' t II(' lift, 1'1111 l' 1:-' "t it" Illillillllllll \',dlt", 'l'Ill' ',"1111' t\'Il\'

uf p1Wllllllll'1I01l JIl,I~' hd (>pl'II \\ Ill'II dll "i 1 Iuil i" II/l' Il'1 t dki Il.L', " IU'I!dliig C)',I dl.tlillil.

A ... cali II(' cOllclllt/I·t! rlulll t III' ,.J)()\'I· .11"111:-':-')1111, t hl' 1'1 ('q1l1'111 \' ni Il''1 "l.tllllIl IIf

tlll' c1ilfuil pl'l)'!'> thl' :-',1I1l<' 1111<' .1:-' tlll' .III "1)('1'.1, ill Iw\\' 1'",,1. thl' III1\V p,dtl'III 1 Ildllgl':-'

tlll' air :-,p(,l'd alld t III' frl'qll('111 Y of U'o( ill,iI ltJlJ. '\1 t Il,dl)', t Iti:-. i:-. \\'hl'II' t.J)I' "" 1 dll"d

U,., dune! fI( qU( 1/cy" pell c1llll't(' .. ,

, ..... 11 1 .. =-= (1 ,

!lamie., is 1I:-,('d tu calr1llafl' t,lw (1I'IudYII,IIIlH rUII ('!">,

1.3 Thesis Overview

III tlJi:-. :-.tlldy t 111' d('1 (J('la~til ('qll,üiulI'" of IIlut il) Il 1)[ il t \VI) dlllll'll',Jrl/l.d , I,!'"d "II foil,

a:, t)lP ailfuil 1)('1 tai!l:' tu fllltt('J',

Filst, the' ('qllal iUIl!) of !IlOticJ!J ul il twu dl'gj(·(·-of-fl(·(·drJ/1I air/I,JI ,11(,11)1 IIJ1d,d f·tI ill

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('11/\ IITJ';/{ J, I.\''J'/{{)/)( ("/ IO,\'

Illdptl') ~, III (h"pl(') 'L 1 Iii' 11110.,1(',111, ,lI'lUdYlldlliic<, i~ r1i~clIo.,..,c'rI, alld ~(lIIJ(' IIJ('\Iric'~

fOI t!w l,dl IIlatioll {Jf il Iii c1Iffr'I('liI !IU\\' Il'gillJ('~ illC' illll()(llIt('cl. Tlwn. ill dlclpl('1 II.

rldfr'lI'lll. ('XIH'IIIi)('II1.t1 ;llld '111,il,v1 i( ,d dPIJlUdrlW:-' 10 t1lC' nuUc'l dllilly~is of clll airfoil

dJ(' illllodll«'d 'nll'> (1Idpl('1 ,d..,o JlJ('~r'llh IIi(' tlcldilioll,t! ~()llIti()lI~ 10 tlw nlllter

IJlolll('III. IldllJ('ly. 1 II<' Ji-/.: ,llId {/-.'IIIlt'\ IlOd..,.

('1101111('1 :1 i:-. c!('\'okd lu <III ill\(",tig,tll\Ill UII t,lw dr('cL of difrc'Ic'III (ksig,n PilIillll­

('1('1:-' III' <III tillfoii (III Il)(' /lnll('1 ~I)('('d. Ilolh in III(' inc()lllplc~~illk dllfl 1l,lIl,ollie

1 (',l')IIIII'S. III 1 Iii.., (Ilil)/kl, d (OIII)ldIJ'-OIl (If tll<' tldditi()II,tllIletllOd~. 11](' p-l' fllld {T_ q

1111'1 hllrl.." \\'11 Il III(' Ldpld( (' IIl<'t hod i, ,t!:-'II IlIiI<lI'.

A l"II,lllll'llic fl 111 II'r all,dy:-.i~ of dll ailfoil, huth III the ill(Ulllpl('~~illll' élnd Ililll­

:-'lIlIi( flu\\' Il'.l',IIIiI':-', i~ 11I1'sl'lIl1'd ill c1ldpkl () III this (haptf'l, élll allaly~is of ho\\' t.he

/1/1///1'1 \'dlll<':-' Ill' d(·~igll )ldlcllll<'t.I'I'" of clIl dilfoil afrect Ill<' orClll'/'fllC'C of f1lllter 18

.t.',1 V(' Il.

Fill,dl.", III 1 hilplt'I i, tll(' 1 OIl1ll1:-.ion.., on tlli:-, ~t lIdy ;11(' mélde. anrl al~o ~ome

Il'1 Onlllll'llIl.ttioll:-' )('gdldillg tll!' IJI('\('lllion of fJlIt!C'1 aIl' :-'lIggc~tt'd.

III d]l]ll'lldix ,\ .Ill ,tlgl,llIdlc allill~:-.i~ of lIultel 11\('( h(lIli~lll. Hllder ~un)(' ~illlplifyillg

d~:-'lllll)ll)(lll:-'. i:-, 1)) ('!'-o('lIl1'd, :\PIH'IHlix B (oll1..tiIIS cumplete comp1lter progldl11 li~tillgs

fur 1 Ill' (T_ II .tlld p-l 11H'11IOd .... Illll h ill 1 1)(' illcollll)J('~~ibl(' élnd tréln~()llic l<'giIllCS .

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• ('ll.\P'j'j~'n 1 IS fJU)f)l'( 'j'JO.\' ~ 1



Fig1l1(, 1,1: A ~(h('matl'( f t l' o il \\'()-( 11Ij('II"jf 1 1 r '1 ) Id dl/ (JI, Wlf Il twu d"/I/f"" f r 1 t, ) 1) 1('('( 11111 III

pJlIngc <Lnd }Jit( h,

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('/1:\/1" U( J 1.\'/ /((Jf)/,'("j JO.\'

::, ()



1 /

1 /

" " /

o mot iUIl (l i ft fOl cc)

-...... 1 .... '"

'- , , ,




Figlll (' l '2: ï'11I' l,JlIll[,ill~, ::, and pit (h, 0, hal mOllie mot ions of a t\\'O-dC!jICC-of-

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Chapter 2

EquatioIlS of MotioIl

('oll"id('! d t\\'()-diIlW1\~iull.d. I\\'u d(·P!(·(· uf-f!!'!'dolll .III fuil Il,·\illlv 1IIIlllllkd 1111 ., .

1\\'0 ~plillg<, in 1 Ill' t()!:-,iullal dll«l IH·IIIIIII.!.!, dil('llioll'>, dS ... 110\\'11 III l'·i,l'._ 1 1 1)I'lllllillg

Il)(' v('lli( allIIotio1\ by h, IHJ ... iti\(' dU\\ll\\dld. ,llId Il)(' 1()I ... i()lI.d 1IIIlliuII Il\' Il, jlll',lll\'('

1\O~(' IIp. UII(' (ail Wl'it(· U)(' (·qll.1I iUlh of Illol iOIl ur 1111' 1 ip,id "il fil" III ,.", Il dill'II jOli

1/1.11 + 1/1 (,r" li) fi -- -- /\'" li - l"~ •

/li i~ tl\(' Illcl~:' 1)('1 1\1\it ... pa1\ of 1 JI(' clliloiJ,

.r" b i:-. tl((' di:-tdll«(' flo!IlI])(' ('('Idl(' uf III" ...... ,dt. 1)1 1]1I'(,ld"ti( .1\1;'.

L i~ 1 hl' tut al lift l'OH P,

• b is the "('mi-ciiol d,

1 1

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('I1,\I}'J l',/(! j-'(j(',\'J /(),\S 01' .'[()F/O,\

\1" l', fil(' fol," d"I{)r!Ylldllli( 1I1{)IIII'IJI ,tlJ()IJf 1111' (,!.l"fi( r1\I~.

h h'


(2.) )

\\ 111'1(', li)" dlld ...... ' .. .11(' 1111' IIII1IJ1lpkd 1I<tllll,d fi ('qlll'Il( i(·!> in 1wlldin,!!, ,Illd pitch, lC-

"1)('( li\'I'I,'" ,l',i\'('!> 1111' f()lIlJ\\'ill,L\ fUI III (Jf thl' ('qll,lIiulI<' of m()lion:

(2 G)


lu\\'ill.l', lUI Ill:

., ) t L ~t-I n+w'"<.,=----

.. ! 111 b ' (L 8)

l".. c' Il) 2 - --- - Il -t r. <., + ----- - u..'" () /II !J2 III h2


(II .l',,\ l,II 11111 oft1l<' dllfnil al1111l1 1111' 1·111Stlc d,i~, ('hdl1g('~ th!' fur111 uf the l'quatiom of

Illldioll t(l 1!t1'!lll1u\\'illg'

.. l f, L f, t- r n + u..'," = ---, • ! 1/1 b ' (2.10)

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• ('Il. \1> 1 J-.ïf:.! Hjl' \ IIU \..,' (JI-' \101 l() \ \.1

} , /' ,~ 1 1 •• ,~' ,. (\

lUI dIffl'll'llt !lU\\' Il',!!,iIlH'''. Iî](''-.(' \\!l1 1)(' .11'-.( Il''-.l'd III t Ill' full,,\\ III~', (11'if"l 1

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Cllapter 3

U llsteady Aerodynamics

/11 .III d('I,)('I.t~ll1 dlldl,\~I,"> 111(' 111(1,,1 (lilJ(,t/ Pluhl('1JI lIlay J)(' cOII~l<kl't'd ,l~ IIH'

(.Ilf Ill.d il/II ur III(' 11I1~,l('dd," (I('Wdylldlllif s, '1'1)(' ()Iigill or the tlll~teéldy dred:, \letS

di,,( Il''''1'</ d:11 ill,e, 1 Ill' 1111 wdl/f t 1011 10 1 Ill' plohlt'Ill: !JoW('\'('I, il \l'dl J)(' di~l 1I<;~('d JJI idly

11(,It, gdill 11(/111 dlltlllJ('1 l'()illl 01 \ Il'\\,,

1,'lu\\' dl()lIllt! "Il dill()d (dll II(' "illl1d,t!l'd Jly (,()1I~idt'lillg il \OI(,('X di.,llib1IliOIl

.lIllllg 1 Ill' f Illnd lilll'lIl 1 Ill' dlll()il. 'l'hl' \I,IOf itit'S illdll«('c! by tll<' \'()J'!('X di'itlib1Itiun

~11'l1dd "dli~h 111(' /\1111.1 (Ulldilllll1 dl 11l<' Ilélilillg ('dg(', ilS \\'(,11 as, the cUlldition

Ill' /('1 () \'(,llH il,' illl lJ 1 II<' ~lllld( l' (If 1 Ill' "ilfuil. Allolll<'l' condit ilJJl wlrich ~1. -'lIld be

'"di~li(,d h I\(,hill~ (il( lIJ.djllll t 1lt'1I1 l'Ill, \l'ilieli ~ay~ lllid. th(' t(lled cil< 1I1,tliull ûf a

111I\\' li(,ld 11111',1 II(' (()II~t.IIIt. F()I d !lo\\' '">1.111 illg flom tll<' Il'~t, 1 his will he Z('IO. uf

IIIIII~(' Thl'I <'l'III (" .11 1 lit' 1 II'gll1 llill,l', (JI 111<' !lu\\' <1 ",,/ar/III!} l'or/t,C" i~ J!IUdIlCl'd, \\Itb

(II( Id.IIIUII ('qll.1I dllt! IIJ1J1(I"ill' III III!' Ilulllld (il( III,tlio!l O!l tll!' clilfuil. ~('l' Fig, :31,

Tlli~ lIl()\'('" dll\\'lI,,1 I('dlll \l'il h 1 JIl' 110\\' \ l'!urity, dll(!. 1 11\'1c!'UII\ i" ll"llillly iglloll'd [1 <1],

Hill, ill th(' (,,:-0(' 111'.111 (l"f dl.lIillg dilloii. :-oi Il l'l' tll<' lIu\\' i~ c()lIlillllOlI~l~ dlilllging. a


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• ('Il. \ /J / /'1{ (',\,".;J /: \/» \/,'/U)/J) S \ 'Ill '.'1

'>l'Iil':-' of 1 Ill' ",111/111/1," \111111('-.,,1,,111'.\ 1111' Il'Id,'1 /'(1/,/11 -./111/, .III' llllllillllllll ... h llI'llll' .'

uf (111''''1' \l'clkl' \ (JI (II ( .... dl'fll'lld:-, uli hOII' JII"I 1111' 11\1\\ 1 ... 1 hdll!I.III!~, tllI.\. III 111111. il

3.1 Incompressible 2-1) Flow

[IOJ. ,\11 illllJllqll {,:-, ... il,J(·, 111\ i ... ( HI. dlld ill,,1 ,If 11I1Idi nll\\' \1 Il Il "'11I,dl .11111'111 Il.11' 1)',1 III"

/., ilnd '\1",011 1 Ill' (J,tI-pl,tI(· "i,lull shlJ\\'11 il! Fi,!!,. l, l, "Ill d i'll'd /111111 Illi', ',1 IIII\', d Il'

t hl' f(JI!()\\,i IIg:

--l, :::: -- 71 fJ !J2 (i~ - l' (1 - li 1/ ( i ) -- ~ 71 fi 1,' li ( .( / ) (/, 1 1/ (1 1 II ( :~ 1/)11).


\Ill ~ il fi II 1 ( Il ft 1 ( 1 Il) (1 II( 1 1 1/2)11

~ :-;

1 Id 1 :.! il fi 1/ ( .( 1 ) ( ~ 1 1/ ) ( /, 1 1: Il 1 (1)0) ~

\\'11<" (', Il I~ t J Il' 11\))1 -1 1)) 1 H ') l ... iO)1 ,I! ,,) ... ld)II(' !JI 1 III' <l,) .... /)1 ) 1 J 1.11 )1 JI 1 ,dl /JI Il,,. Iliid

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• ('II,\l'') l,;/( '1 ('S:-j'II. \/J} ,\/'./(()J)LY,\.\I/('S JG

1', 'f'II/OI/III,"'I/\jlllllf/O/i Wlllill IC, (OIIIjJ()c,('d of il )('dl dlld 1I1Id.!jlllitl)' pillt., dlld I~ cl

/111111 Il !II 1)/ 1111' II·d!11 l·rI fl('(!,I!'I!1 y, 1 .. ,

('(I) .-= F(I,} + 1 (,'( '.) •


wb l,' = fT'

'l'III' \'dlldll!lIl (JI fo(/) dlld (,'(/,) \\ith l,' d!(' ~h()\\11 III Fig, :~,2. ,md tlH'ir llllllwlical

:~.2 COlIlpressible Subsonic 2-D Flow

IIH'tbod \'l'I\' .... illliidi 10 TllI'odu! .... (·II'.;, ,Ille! (·"pJ(·:-,<.,cd the a('!odyllamir COl'ffjciC'llt!'. in

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:~.3 'f'ransonic 2-D Flo\v


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ilH id(,IICl', alld "'1 !l,dl dlllplillld(' i ... Illcld(O, 'l'Il(' Il'' ... llltill.e. ('ljlldlillll 1'" III 111.· 1'1/1111.

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locit) Oll 1 Ill' dll luil ~111 Lit (', '1 ]Wll. ll~illg Iklllllldlr"" 1'11'1.1 1 iUII, III' l'II", (Ill' , Iwlili Il'111.

Ôt -- ) .

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('II \ VI J-;!{:I l ,\,)"11'; \ J)~' \ J-./{()/)) S. L\lI( '."" LO

'1"1 ',fi]...'" 1 Ill' ,tllll\(' /llflld('111 dl'lllllcI dll dll ro", il Ilw"h uf lIud<' PUilll.." \Vith f(u ('IJ(llIgh

Ilfllllld,1I /1'''\ l', }!,< '1 If'l ,d (·rI tI/lllllld t III' dll fuil, ,lllrl a fillite dlff('((!1( (' llwthud clllploy('d

1 fi IlIld (JI lOI (';I( I, Ilurl(',

'l'I,I'" 1I/1'IIIIJrI. \\'1 Il IIldl/y III'JI(' (()Illpl(·\ili(·~. Ild" h('('1J <'llIplu)l'cl I)y ~()II)(, p('opl('

III 1111' Id,," .1('( cld(·, dllc! ,l f('II' ({Jlllpllt('1 f ode~ h,t\(' IW('II geIH'nd('d. The nl~t rode

I\'d~ plf·pall·d l,y H,""ldlll dllrl (;uuljidll [LL]. IJd!:>{'d 011 t hi~ lIlt't!Jod. ,lIld i!:> (',dl('<1

LTB,\i\L 1.,11('1 fllI. 1111.., "dll/(, (fJd(· \\d~ iIlIjJlu\('d l,) I1oll\\'illk allcl \,Ul .1('1 \'(JOI('II

[:!.!]. dllflllli" II('\\, 1('I"itJlI 1" (,dl('d 1.'1 IL\;\L-:\'LH. TIJ(' <.,all](' (UIJ('f1ioIlS Wl'J(' also

11/.1.1(· l,y ('\llbl,," dlld l\II,l',(·lilli [~I] ,It Oi\EHA, Thi:-. ),u,;t code, wlth '!Olll(' Illinor

IIHHldl( ,I1ioll~\ hd~ 1)('('1/ dldil,",lf' 10 ;\:\E [L5]. Jll lad.. Ill(' 1I1111l<'rical rc'~lIlb fl'om

1 Iii ... ("rI(' Il'('((' "III dilWc! J,y 1,('(' III 1 !},'; J for cl NA CA (j 1:\006 airfoil ,tt él fl'\\' ~JcI('h

lilllllill'IS, .111.1 11j(",(' 11· ... 1111:-. Itdl(' I)('('n 11~('d in tlti:-. ..,llIdy. This IlJlltiw' a)]o\\,s fuI' the

(.d( 111.11 iUII or Ill<' d('lOd.\·IIi1I11i(· .1('1 i\'dti\('!:> ni,' ('t". ('''li,' and (,'711'1 for ail o~cillatillg

"illilii III 1 1)(, t l ,,1I..,ollie 1 ('gillH' al "'('WI,I! :\Ia( Il Illlllllll'I's.

)'(1/ ('\.111/1'1(" 1 IH' .1('/1)(1: Il,llIIic «wflici('lIts ('1". ('t .• , Cml, élnd CHa obtailH'd fOl a

~,\('" {iIA()f)(i ,Iilroil at .\1 -.:: (J.~:i dl(, :-.llOwn in Fig. :t·l .

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cil (llJatioll illullllrl 1 JI(' .IiI foi!.

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Reduced Frequency, k

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Rcduced Frequency, k



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Chapter 4

Different Approaches to tlle


Tu uhLll1l t111' l'/'tlll'lrl.fl"I/( /' "/J(/Ii 01'.111 clill l,dt. Il)('1l' ,lIt' IId~il ,dly 1\\,(1 dllll'II'III

appruadw:-" UIW Ita~('d 011 (':-'jH'liIlWIILd It'( hlliqlll''->, .tilt! t!J(' 01111'1 llll JIIl))l' Ilw(J/(,tl(.d

llwlhod:-.. ILI~i( ally, butb of tllI'!->(' 1\\'0 apjJllId( If(':' ~htJldd 1)(' ('illl'ltJ)('d i/l tIldl'l t,o

ha\'(' ét good (':,tillwlioll of Il)(' ~jH'('d dt \Vhit Il fll/tlt'I (Hi 1/10.., [:~(jl.

4.1 Experimental Techniques

4.1.1 Ground Vibration Tests

Th('I(' éll(' :'('\('I,t! ('\j){'IIII}('I!1,d It'IIIIIÎ(jllt':' rOI Ill/ttl'I "11"ly~i:-, J''iI',I, d "y/llll/ld

l'lbm/lOlI I{.~/" lll,tY 1)(' illlplellwllf ('(1. Tlli.., /ll,l)' 1)(' "OIJ(' It) llil \1' ,\ 1)('11 f'l ,",III/I.tI If/II fil'

tIf(' ,J(/III]J1/1g ,lIlc1 1/a/llui! Jf( ql//!If " ~ or 11j{' \'11" ,d JUII,d IlItJ,Jt", of Il)(' "" 1 l,dl [:tl j. III

thi~ t(,..,t. tlJ(' ail naft Î.., :,u/lJ('1 ill}('.., :'1I'-,jH'IIC!<'d IIUIJI il '-,11"j)('/I',ltJ/1 ',~",I f'/lI, dlld ·,II,"WII,

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('II,\I/'} J-,'/( ,1 j)}FF/',/(j·;.\'J' ,\J>fJ/{(J/\('II/~'S' TU 'J'lIE PUOIJI.E.\/ 26

Il'']llg IIII'llldllil,t! ('x(ill'I" ,dl,u]wt! 10 t1il' "tlllllll)«' [~8]

'/'111'1 l' "1 l' ditl'('II'It! lj'pI'" !If """J)('li~i()li ") ,,1 ('Ill:-. Il'''1't! ill ]>1 d( tir C', The' <lil plrll](,

III"Y 1)(' ')II<,PI'lldl·d 011 ~plillg", 01, it llliI)' \'1' ..,11PPUII(,rI 011 it:-. landing gC'dl le-,ting

IJII "1'111Il', pl.lIl(JIIII" ,\1,,0, Il](' ;III]1Ie1I1(' fll,,(·lelg(' ellltl \\'Ing:-. llla)' Ill' "'IIJlJ)()ltcd (m

1" l ",(' dll tdll'e! f1(J,tllllg IJd,!'," [:.n] , T]w)«' eli (' ;t!"u "cil lOll:-' I.Y)1('" of "hcl ken. (l\,élJlaIJk,

IJlII, 11j(' llllJ,,1 1 (JlJIIJloll l1:--(·d i~ 1·1(·( 11IIIJldglJ('lic ~It,tl~('I, Thi:-. t~J)(' ClJIl:-.i:-.b uf il ruil

111,d i~ .111.11 IlI'd 1 () Ill!' ..,IIII( 1111(' \\'1111 d li\l·d dl i\'(' IOe!, TI}(' coil i~ :-'1111 OIJ Il r!('d by il

1II.I,t',III'II( lil·ld .tilt! i..,..,('( ill IIIOlil)1I IJy dll .t!I(·III;t1ill,e, (1I1l!'lIt, EI('I1,)nni( u:-.(ill;dols

.tlld dl"pldi('I~ dl!' IJ:-.('r! tu 1 (JliIIIJlllli" t.ypc· (JI' \y..,I(·111 [~ï].

Nu\\', l,y 11..,1' tif il IIIIIIlI)('1 01 .III (·I(·llJII}('I('I:-' ellld/OI \'C'locit) pit kllps, thc modal

11·"J)()Il..,(· 01 III!' :-.111111111(' lu UlI' illput :-.igll,t1 i:-. Ill('a:-'llIl'rI, c1lld is ('itlH'1 éIlJal~z('d

1 III lilll' (JI ,,1 (llI·rI fUI flllllH' <1 Il ,tlY"'I':-', ))Uillg "(J, dillllping ilnd the nal111 al fl{'qlH'IlcÎes

(JI III<' IlIlllJ)(/III'III:-. ur III!' :-.1111(1111(' (,Ill 1)(' nJ('<I:-.llll'd,

4.1.2 WiJld Ttlllllcl Tests

'l'III' :-'dlll!' sOIt of lIlt'd:-'111('IIlI'lIt !t'Chlliqll<'s a:-. in a glOtlnd \'ihléltioll t('st, l'an be

II11pl('lIlt'lIkd ill il wIlld 1.111111(·1 1('sl, 11(·)(', cl llludt·1 of tIlt' clilclaft UI ~onw cumpollC'llts

(If il (\\ill,!!., fll"'(·!.I,!!.t·, IOllllul :-'1111'<1(,(':-', ('\1',) i:-. plcl«'d in cl \Vint! tUIIlH,I, (t11d iS~lJbjl'ded

1 Il .t loIlIg(' (JI \\ illtl :-'11('('11:-.. ,\1 (',l( h ",illtl :-.p(·('d, Ilw damping (illel fn'quelley of a

111111111('1 ur II:-. \'illl,1I11111,d 1l1ud('" etH' l1H'cl~IJI(,(1. III !:>Ulll(, Cd:'t'S. the mode ~bcll)('~ éllC

.11:-'11 dt'll'llllilll'd [:!9],

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('lI.\PTfU 1 J)IJ.'FVIW.\ r \ Jll'HO \('/lF.')' ru 1111· l'UOU! F\t

4.1.3 Flight Fllltt0r T('sts

, -- 1

(Iitic:d !lllt!!'1 \\'ollid ()«(Ill. cille! tll!' (\()(' 01 IIlIttl'l 111\ld\/'/1, /111111 IllI'.Io.,lll/'IIII'III·,

!'>imi)dl kiwi OfO';CIl!'>(lI ..... pl.I('d cl! ~(·\/,ldll()(t1i()ll!'> uf tlll' .I11/ldl!

\\ellllillg l, Fig. 1.1. il (UIII'( 1 d('/ hilJll )(·.l',dldillg \\ 11l'! hl'I ul' II/I! t lit' .tIl/ l.tll 1', ·,t.d')(,

skp fllll t('1' Il l el)' O( ('\11 (JI IIU!. [~Il. :WJ.

4.2 Flutter Margin Method

t.)1l' "jlllflf" l/Hl/f}IIt", fOlllwd li 0111 t1l!' (''\IJI'lilll!'lJ1dl fll'qllf'II() dllli .1,11/1/11111'. d,dol 1,..

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• ('/""''f/';U 1 IJ/J'J-ï',/U,,\"/ \/'/JJf() \ ('IIJ-:S JO '1'/11'; fi/U)j3lJ;,\J

"11,!',!',,",I,'d (1)11111'111111"1111011).',111 illld.., .1 lill"dl llI'lld\IOlll ",ilh tlJ('dYIl,lIl1i,> PI(",..,III("

111101:-' h""11 ',111)\\11 ['{~1111,,1 Illi.., 1111'\ IlOt! i.., n,d Pdlli, IIldlly "'('II..,itl\,(' tu ('II()I~ 111

1111' dd"'1lillt~ d,ild, Ililt 'JII 1 1 If' ,JI 111'1 Ildlld, it j.., \"'I~ ~('II"iti\(, to tlll' ('lrUI" III tIlt'

.1.., 1111' dlltllclI i;, d\\dl", tll\'l(' hd;' lIut IH'l'1l lIlI) ~t1C, ('s~flll fCl/1ll fOI fllltt(,1' IJI,llgin

1.2.1 FIllUer M m'gin Mcthod for Tral1sonic Flow

III 1 Iii.., ;,(',Iioll, tlH' (l'lIli,"ldl poillts (OIlU'llIi"p, with tll<' 1I~(, oftllis Illl'tllod 111

TI/(' ,11.11 d( \<>1 i~t i( ('qll,iI iOIl of cl t \\o-d('gt('('-uf-f"'l'dulll "itfut! is, in g('w'lal: gi\,(,11

l,y t h(' folio" illg:

\\I!l'Il' IJI


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('/I.\I'TFU 1 J)/F/·/-,/{i".\ r \/'/'NO \( 'lll-',li 1'0 /'IW /'/UI!H J-'.\I

'l'Il<' ,!1W\ l' ('\Pl ,·""iUIl 1'(11 Jo' i~ .t f, 11 III ul 111\' "" "dll,t! /llllt! , I/llIltll/l [.11] l'h,' ',1 "l,tilt \

IllJlllldcl1~' i" gi\l'II l,y F -..:: Il.

If tilt' ('lg('II\cdlll':-' (Jf tlll' ".\ ,,\t'Ill dt d "11(" dit "II('('tI dl" gl\"11 1,\ titI' 'tllllll,I'"II,'

l ('IlI]>ll'\: Iltllll!Jl'h,

tlWlI, tll!' I1l1tt('1 Illdlglll 1.111 Il(' ('\dllldkd l,.\, '(Jlllplltlll,l~ t Ill' \,tlll(", (JI' III

Ill!' rullu\\'ill,!!, (':-'Pll'S:-.ilJlI'"

,l1ld t)J('1l :-'lIbl it lit illg 111<'111 illlo ('qll,1f i()1l (·1 1).

1'11 Il''' Il,1',

In ill(OIllIJ1(':-.sil,I" fI()w, il 11<1:-.111"'11 :-.IIlJWIIIII,tl. d !III<1dl."I( ('xl IcljJol,iI;, III 01 tllI'

flul \,('1 l1l<llgill V('I!',1IS d~ Ildlllil pl I·"~III'I', (,V('I .1 ".1 lige of "1J('('d:-. lwlow t.llt' 111111 ('1 ~'IH'('II.

l'ill1 gin' Il'i cl g,IJ()d (':-.llllldl;OII (Jr Ill\' 11111 Il'1 :-,pl'('c1 [:l~l . .'-Jo\\'. tlw ',011111' 1I11·tlIOt! 1:,

('1l1pluy('d ill Il illI:-'Olli( flu\\', to 1 11('1" ho\\' \\'/'1111 IIldy \\'/)1" III Illi-, 101'.('.

'1'0 do ~(), tll!' ('if',"II\,dll(':-' uf tlll' ",):,11'111 dll'/(JIIIIII dt d IIl1l1dJf'1 /)1 ·.pr·III', l'l' 1."

Ih(' flllu('1 :-,p('('d, tllltl, tlwlI. Il''1I1,!!, III!' IIlf'lltod 1· •.. pldilll'rI • .l'I)\r·, Il)(' IIIJlII'1 111.11)',111

If> rUlllld ,d. (';l( J. :-'P('('II.

Ali illljJOJI;lllt rd( t.UI ill IIi!' jJlI'dl1 lir)ll I,f Il\!' 1111l.tr'l "I)('I'rlIJY Illi:, Iwtlilld 1',1111

:-'J>('('<I Jétllg!' ill \\,lli(1! tl\!' !'XtliljJ(Jl'llioll i" IJI'lf'Jlllwrl. Il 1 .... jllI·rli l ldl,lr· 111,JI. d', 1111'

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'IPPII !,IJlllld uf III!' "PI'I''/ 11111).',(' 1" 1111 11,,,,,('1/ d1111 "p)J1()dl 1](,,, Il](' ](',t! /l111t('! ")JI'('II.

1 Iii' 111 1'dl l 1('d 1111111'1 "I)I'('eI Ilili 1)(' Ilu"('1 10 111(' It',t! UIII' Il 1" ,t/"u ('\P('( kel tlldt.

d', 1 Iii' d\'I'1 Il,'',1' of 1111' "1)('(''/ IIIII,!!,I' 1" ill( ]('d""'!. l" , 1111' IU\\('1 I)(JIIlld 1:-- illl I('d,,('d, 1 Ill'

IJI ,'dl' 1"eI ",1111'1 'IJI'I'" 1\ rli Ill' lllU](' dl 1 III ,d t',

:'\it)\\'. 1 U illl't",tl,l'.dl l' 1 Ij(' ,t1,I)\(' li lt'Il 1 iUIj('d ph('IIOIlH'lId. t Ill' fulluwing ('d~(,-"t Ilel.\ I~

11111' Idl'wel, ,\ :\ ,\( '/\ l, 1.\(JOli dll foil ,t! d )'1,,1 II IIIIlIlIH'1 uf 0 ~,j le., ('()II:,id('ll'd. <llId

II' ill,l'. 1 lit' 11I1',lt'dd\' dl'11J11, ""lIli( eI"!.1 ulddlll('d 1'10111 O~FIL\ Pl()).',ldlll [~,jl. the Ji-l,'

1Ii"11111t! i', Il',I'd III fllitlll11' ('ig('II\,t!IJ(':-' olllj(' ".\:-,1 1'111 ,11 'o('\('ldl !'ol)('('d :--I('p~ 111> to tlll'

( Il tlil d 1111 ( '11', il) Il dl) 111111 l '1 "I)(·f·t!. 1\ 1111 Il 1:-' fu 11 Il d t (J 1)(' \ f = ï, U '2~ ï, rh (' 11 ·fu Il', !-.( '\'( '1 al

1 dl1p,I':; ur "I)t'I'" dl (' (1I\J'o('II, "lId I!JI' 11111 k1 !-.I)('('d i" )Jl'edickd. IJcI:-,ed on ('dl h ::;j)l't't!

1.111,1',(' '/ /1(' 11I('eliC1<'d 1111111-1' :-,pI'('d i:-. ('\',J!1Idll'eI hy 11!-.(' uf ,1 (j1la(lIat ic extl'apolation

IJI IIlItll'l llllll).',ill, \'('1:-'11:-' 1 hl' :-.p('('d :-.qll"II'<I, (J\'('I' tlJ(' (hu:-,,'n :-.p('('d l'an).',l'' FI1Iltl'1 b

plt'dll1l't! lu IH ( 111', \\'11t'1I t Ill' 11111 tt-I' 1I1d1'gin \'éllli'olll'!-.,

'l'lit' (t':-'Ilit:-. (Jf 1111:-' dll,dy:-.is cll(, "Iw\\'ll ill Vi,e" ,1.:3, The :-.all1l' 1't':-'lIlts are al..,o

jll('''('III('eI III T,Ii"(' 1.1, J\.., (.Ill 1)(' :-'('('11 flOIll t.hl' f)g]1\'(" \\hcll the l'xtrapolatioll Îs

eI'lIl1' ill 1 lit' dtlllid ill \JI 1 ('].11 1\ l'I,\' 101\ !-.p('(,fb. the pII'dicll'd /l1ltt('1 :-.p('('d is :-.igIlificciIItly

dilr('lf'1I1 1'111111 11j(' I(',d /lIIU(') '0 (i('cd , 'l'III' pIt'di( kd flll!.t('1' !-.pe('d do(':-. Ilot fo Il 0\\' Cl

',\'o11'lIldlil 1 !l'lit!, d" IOIl,!.', oI~ 1111' hl\\'I'1 IHIIlIIII i~ Luulu,,", éllId tl\1' Ilpper IlùlIllcl i.., Ilot

IligiI ('llllilgh 111/11,10\\('1 Il(JlIlld i:-. ill( \1''\'0(,<1. ,!!,l'Il('I,t/ly :-,pl'dking. tlJ(' p!t'di( L('d /1l1ttl.'!

''l'''I'tI i', 1I11llllJ\('d II tlll' dllllldill 01 1 !JI' ('\lldl)(ll,tliOll i:-. clo,>e tu tlw l'l'al f111ttl'J spl,t'd.

',d\' 1111' IU\\('1 1l(llIlId Ill'illg ,-IUCX (If tlJ(' 1(',11 /llllt,(,) :-'J>('('d. th('n thl' plcdictl'd flllttl'I'

"111'1'.] \l'dl Ill' gllud ('lluIIgh, Qll,nd iLd i\'('ly "pedkillg. J!' a IO\\'l'! hOlllId of GO%, élIld

.Ill 1ll'pl'I J,Ullllll uf SO(A uf t IH' Il'(tl 1I111 kl :--1H'cd is (1IU:-'I'Il fOl tl1l' "1)('('<1 l'allgt', tlWIl

III<' ('\11 d!,ul,tI iUIl ('!'olllllcltc:-. 1 III' Il lit tel' :-,p('l'd \l'il h ail ('1 lUI of ollly :3%, This dol's

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('/I\JI/TI< l, J)I/V".'NF.\/'.\P/I/iO\('//FS /'U /J//'/l/UUHf.'\/ ,II

Ilot ~('eI11 1 () 1)(, clll d( (ept.dd(' dlld .... d(· l ,1I1,~(' fUll hl' (·\.t 1.,\" d.tllt," \ :'.111111 "IIII,1l tllll

\\olllll IH' \\'IH'II .1 du ... (· (·~tillJ,lIi(l1l 01 11\(,1('.11 Illlitcl "'pn'" 1 (111 Ici III' ,,1"dllll'c1 Il''111'',.\

10\\l'l 1 d Il!.!,(· ut "'p(·vd..,

A~ crin he ~('('II fllilll 1 If(' JlI(· ... I,IIll'd Il'',1111:-0. Il'''III,L'. d fjlJ.lIlldlll 1'\lldpllJ.IIIt'11 Id Ihl'

nuit('l J1)<Irgill !l(\..,(·d Oll tlJ(' gi\I'1I 1"1111. (·qll.1l jUil ( 1.1). 1,,11 gl\(' .\ ,",(III.! (' ,1 1I110l1( d

flul tCI :>(H't'rI, only If t Ill' IU\\('I ('()111111 ui 111t· "'(11'('" d""ldll l', .iI 1('.1,.1 "rI III 111('

Il'al /llltin "'p('('d, \\,lIi(1! i ... t(IU Iligh, III IIIl) ... t III !11l' (01'.1'", tlllo.. IIII'llllId (111'11",111110111'

tlll' fllltkl "'p('('d, ('\('11 \\'I!l'II tilt' "P('('t! d(llIlolllI 1" (11I"(' tll !11l' 11'0111111111'1 "111'1'.1

4.3 Allalyt ical A pproachcs

('''I)('lillH'lll t tl \("·,,t1ts hrl\(' lu lH' '-,\)l'IHJ\I('d h,\ "'IIIIJ(' dlldl)'11I 011 dl'l'llIdl 1)1'"

'1'0 clll,t1.\Z(' 1 Ill' fllllt('1 iw,t,t1)dit\ (Jf dll .1111,,11. "1 \('I.Ji dll.d,tll.1I 1111'IIt"cI,. Il.1\'(

1)('(')] ('ll1p)u}'(·d 0\('1 tlll' y('cll~, '\IIIUII,!!, till'III. tlwH' .11(' tl\'() 1\,/11"1 Ild\'(' 111'1'11 Il' l'cl

('x{,('n..,i\t'!y \Vith 1!,1('at ~1I( (\'~..,. TIIl'~(' fllllltl/II/lII/IIll't 1II)Ih 011(' Il'''lI,dl) Id('111 cl tll dO,

tilt' "p-/~ /lit '!tod" alld tllC' "1 i_g 1111 '''o,/''

TIi('''(' llwlhot!s itll' il('I,di\(' \\'IH'II 1111,,11',111\ dl'IIJlI) IIdllll(" 1'" Il',1''' III 1 1 If' "'I,d\" l',

III t his ca!>(', il!> di..,( Ih!>(,d in c1ldl'l<'1 :L llJ(' .11'1 ud\ Ildlllll " 1'> l ',' ('111 j,dl\' .t (111111 jtlll Id

t Il (' 1 ('d Il ( (.c1 fi ( 'q Il ('11 ( v, 1;, "" d ,II i!>, i Il t III Il j" dl 'I)f' 1/ tI 1'111 "II d l' d 1 l ,,( 1 1 JI' ' 1 III 1 11/ 1/

i,l'., it i" il f1l1l1'1 iUIl uf w, Ill(' fI ('IJ!J('I1( Y !Jlll11' \)',,1('111 '1111 Il'11111' Ir) IlIld 1 If/' '"llrI IfllI

i.(>., tlw ('jg('ll\'alll('s of ,h(, "y~II'llJ, ,11 ('dl h "1'1 (,tI "tl'P, (;1',1 d (II 'l'l' 1/( \' 1" ,1111 (1/

él!> th(' [1<'(!lI('IH'Y of tht' !>Y:-'('Ill. dllli 1/11'11. "fi/'I 11/1' ",,/1111011 l', (flllild. ;1 j" '1/IIIl'dll'"

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• ('/I\I"Uf( 1 /J//'I//U'\/ ,\/'/I/U)\('IIL,'1' 1()/IlI.P!(()HU\/

\" 1 1 I, 1 III' 01' 1 Il. d , d Il lit) Il il 1 1 II' \' .1 II' II' Il 1 1 W "d Il Il' .1 Il 1 JI I!I' 1 il 1'1 dl i () 1 1 1" ri Il Il /',

i'l 111'/1" l' "'IJI .\1'011', d 111'\\ IIJl'lllIld. Il''111!!, d Ildll"f'llllldtiIJIJ of Ill(' 1''111,tlll)]]''

,,1111,,11"" III 1 1 If' /II/I/(/(( rI()/IIIIII/, dl'IIl!.!, \'.Itll rlll d\lPIII'\,11I1,t1IIJIl (Jf Ill/' ;tI'l(Jd~llill)]i(

,j,tlol \','1111 "Ilil' /li//f/Ii"/ Jl/lll/IIIII" Il.1'0 \"'('11 .j,·\,.jl)jJl·11 to '-Ilh(· III(' plul,l('ll1 in il

l, ,III l,tll\" \'.'.1\ dlld .d"Il IIJ IJldkl Il l'd''!l'I I() 1I11lutl1l1 l' '-(Jllll' 1 IJIJlIOII,\\\.., IlItu tll<'

/1.3.1 JI-l,' JH('thod

illt II ,.]II( (,tI litt Il Il](' ('lpldIIUIl" IIf 1111,1 iUIl (''111,t! iUII.., (~,I 0) ;tlld (:! Il). il" r()Il()\\'~:

c _ C 1'/ " - (" 0 (

S: ( 1 :2)

,\ 111111(' ,!.',l'Il(·I,t! f(J11ll uf t Ill' (''11Idl illll" (Jj IllO! iUII i~ as f()I1()\\'~:

(h 11/ b '

( 1.:3)

( 1..1)

\\\1('1". Ch 1" 1 Ill' ,'~"II('I,"I/t',1 dl'Illlhlldllli( fil 1 1 (' cI/lill.!.!, ()n Ilw dilfoil. ancl q. 1:-. the

(.lI. "lit! (>. !l1d~ 1 \l1l1.lill "'()II11' tl'11I1" h<l\ÎII).!. tl\(· )!,1'1\t'I,tlized cUUldilldt(·.., ilnd tlwir

.]('IÎ\dtl\l· ... 111 tlll'ill. dt'(lt'lIdlll).!. 1111 III(' t~pl' Ill' d('IUdylléllllÎC \\'hich i.., Ilt'ing u!'-('o .

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• ('II \PTfU 1 nll·,/- 1·.'UF.\ r \l'PHU \( 'IIL'S ru 1111,.' flunUI 1-'\1

t 11\'111 d ....

[" f (,] { :: } j_ [ll 1\ 1 { :: } II 12 -/2 Il


\\ 1/('1 (' [/ 2] i ... t Ill' IIlIit Illdt 1 i\ lIf "1 dt,t .) .I1lt! [\/]. [( '].II1t! [/\] dIt' tIlt' 111.1" .... ",.111'11111",.


{~ Il } (1 h)

1'~qll,t1 i(J1l ( 1 ."'i) mil.' t 1 !t'Il 1)(' \\ lIt tt'Il d ... •

[1)] iJ -1 [F] iJ - Il • (1 /)


~ } ( 1 S)

III tlli~ ('qll,dIUI). Ill(tlti('(,~ [IJ] dlJd [/j'] df(' 1I1 (Jld('1 1. dlId, ill .'-',(·I1('I.d • .III' flllllllflll'>

tl)(' j'olm ur CUl1lpl('x (JlIjll,!!,at(' IJlIIllIH'I'>.

,\ 1,'\ - = (':1- 1 ri .

~U\\'. :-'llpjJtJ~IIJ.!!, lJj(' d('..,i~11 jJdldIJif'tt'l'i f)f Ill!' dIljf)iJ dIt' ""IJi':JI, llJ . 1/1\'1' 1111',

fI ('(!ill'IJ( y. 1; = 1..<.' bl" BIIf IIJ(' h('IjIIC'IJ( y. ",,'. i ... ill 111,dly ;1 P;II t f/f 1 If/' IJIIIfII/1i l.)1) •

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111'!jIWIII i,'c, (1111' ",11(J1(' pl (J( ,'"c, IC, "IIIJ\\ Il il! Fig. 1.1).

'III/' lil..,1 111'(1')('111 y. h. i~ (1)1111'.111'<1 \l'illl f 1)(' f)('qll1'IlCY w = l'i' oIJf.tinl'd fwm

f lit' ;lc.~llllll'd !t·dll( ('" fi 1'(1' 11'11 ( y. 1 ... (\/I\\'. J!' f Ij('~l' t.\\'u fl<'qll('lI(i('s, W dllll b. ale ('qnal,

1111'11" ", (JI If t'/" illl\\\'/'1 Il.1\ 1)('/'11 /0111111 fUI t III' fil:-.I ('ig,('Il\',illll' dt 1 hat ~J!('cifk c,j)('('t!.

Il 11111, .1 II('\\' .fI,llI'C,C, lUI fil!' 1 ('''II( cd 1'1 ('!jIl('11I Y I~. 1 ]1('11, 1 dk('1! é1!'>:

6b 'l' = {!

""l (' i!'> "bu !l'Pl',tll'" fUI 1 Ill' M', Ollt! l'igl'lI\'.lltW \\'it h c11l ill1étgillill'y pal t of <Ï. III this

~P(·' die :-'pl·l'll. TitI' I(',d 1><Ilt of t111' twu luots dJ(' !'>UIlH' indiccltion of th" !'>y!>t(Jll1'S

".!llIpillg, .!Il" t.lj(' illldgillill,V pcll'tS gin' thl' fll'<jIll'llCil'!'> of the sy:-'Ll'll1. TIl<' dalllping

1,11 iD uj' t Ill' ~y..,t /'111 ('tlll Il(' "dl 1I1dkd j'IOlll t Il<' lolJuwillg [25]:

( 1.9)

1111 cl IOllt of t Ill' fllllll of ,\ =- ,i f- /w .

\t Ihic, poillt Iltl' ('('.t! P"l't of tlll' twu l'oots !'>JlOlIld 1)(' c!Jclkcd. If l'itlH'1 of the

1 \l'II i~ l'mit 1\ 1" t 111'11, it 1llt'.!lIS t h,L! t hl' ~y~It'lll ha~ d lH'gat i\'(' dampillg, indicating

illc,t.d,dity. If lIul. allotlll'I "tl'J> ill :-,pl'l'd is Llkl'lI ,Ind thl' ~am(' pIOC(,~S If'l)('atl'd for

tlll' Ill'\\' :-1'('('''. Tllis i:- cUlltill1l1'd Ilntil l'itlH'I dll III1:-.tahl(' !Out i~ ohtail1l'd ur the

11ld\l11l111ll dl'I idl'd :-pl'l'd i.., Il'clc!Jed .

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• Cll.\P J'EH·1. /)IFFFIU';J\ J' \J'I'IW.\('Il/-',"" ru J'IIV 1'/{UHlJ'\l

Incompressible Flow

,!j(' IH'I ,II i z('d r() It ('!'> i Il t Il l' l'q 11 < Il i () l' .... () r IIIU t il) Il. ('<111 < Il Il' Il'' ( 1 .l) .lIte 1 (1 1), t lit' 1 Ilill 1 \ \ i ".1',

.. l il /) b .. é, t- l'" (l + ..... 'It f. .:: - --- (li f. 1 l' Il - li 1/ Il )


'27ipIT, ( 1 --- - - ( (1.) li i 1 l"~ Il 1 li ( -

III .) Il) Il) . ( 1 1 ())

." . l .. . 2 l _ li fi (l c' ,1 . . 1 LI f, + 1 (t n + 1" LV" n -- --- il 1/ \., _. ( li ( . - - Il) Il III 2

~lIplJ 1 (. 1 ---- (li + :- ) ( '(1.) li f, 1 (! CI 1 h (,

III 2 2 (1 Il)

ilia . ..,,..;", Il = III/lipl/, aIld raI tlllizllI,!!" ,l',i\·('~.

Ô - + '2 ('(1.) (- -- (1) --- -1- (1 ( --(!.) -) (li l ") '2(' (12

li IL '2 hll !J2 l' 0,


. a· ( 1 (/ ) f, (.1'(1 - --) + f, -1 (II + :-)) ('(1.) ,--- -1- il (ru 2 Il -) Il


, 1 l ,(1) (2 2 2 (Il + :)) (:; - (/) ( (1.) -, -- -, Il 1'" 0..'"

- - III

1 If 2) '2(11' )('(1) ') 1/

- 1 l' o (1 J'l)


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• ( '1"\1 ''j'f.;/( ,1 IJ Il, FI':/{ l';,\'T /\ /1 l' /( () ,H '/ /1'.,1,' 'j'() 'l'liE 1) If () H L J-;.\1

[.\1 ] -[

J + l l'

' . • 1'(, - ~

l' - ~~ ] 't JI

1 2 j_ li.'! ~ , cr l'

[( '] [ 2 (II j- 1) ('(1) l'-2 h"

/ :~- (~( '(q (1 -- (/) -1- 1) i: ,; (1 --fI) (J - .! ((/ + t) ('( 1.) )

] ,

1':qll,tI iUII (1 1 1) (0111 (',j..,ily 1)(' Il'\\ 1 ill ('Il III t 1)(' fUI III I)f ('qllel! iUIl (-1.5), (1I1d 1)(' <'fJl\l'd

11"'111,!!, LIli' ,d,u\ (' 1IH'1I1 iUJJ('r/ Il)('1 hocl,

'1"'all:-'OIlÎc Flow

lifl 1 oc/li( il'Jlt dll('llI l'il (II, JIlUlllI'll1. (lIdlJ< !l'lit dll!' to plllll.!j<', cllld IllUIJl<'llt ('ucfO(ient

dll(' to l'il (h, 1 nl'('l 1 i \'l'Iy [~!il, TIIl'~(' (ol'!!J( il'nb ('<lll lJt' calrlllilkd il t diff('l ('Ill ~Iach

1I1111d)('J ~ II~"'~ 11111'\1" i( al 1lI('\ Ilods.

Slll,~litllti()1l of tll<' dpplll)JJielt(, lUI III of d('10dYllélll1ic!> into th!' ('(!1wtiolls of 1110-

1!l)Il, 1'«lIcdillll:- (~,IO) ,,"d (~,II), gi\('s tl)(' follo\\'illg:

.. 2 c (/ (' t. -j ,l'" n + ,-,-'1. 1., = - ----,- (( 'II, f)2 + n .. rt) , 111 }


, ê' _ j- , 2 .. _j_ ' 2 ,2 __ (/ ('2 , ,- , ,/"... 1" Il ", l"'" Cl - - -'-2 (( '''1. f,/ 2 + ( m •• ()) ,

11/ ) (1.1G)

\\'Ill'I\', CI

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Cll.\f1/'FU 1. nJHTUF.\ r \/'}'UO \(ïIF.'" 10 /'Ill,: /'/lUB! 1-'.\1

1/ (' 1/ (' , ( ' ) L' t t ( ,) - {- l" <., - /' •• Il - 1 (1

_ 1/1 , 1/1 b n,


c '/ (,a. 1 f.... 2 )) ,1 <., - -- -- - (" <, -1- 1 (\ 1 (l' .• - ,,-' • - -

.• ~ ln b2 'l,

1/ ( 1

1 ) ('", Il

1/1 I~

Th(,~t, (\\'0 l'<jlldtIOIl" ('.Ill Ill' It'\\'litl('1I III 1 hl' rtllhmillg IIldtli\ 1"11111

1·1/ J { ~ } 1 1 Il J { <~ } 1/.

l,II J - [ <" /,.,].



2 '1 ( , HI 1.,

1'1 ( , III 11/"


1 1 1 ï)


(1 1«))

~ow, :'>ub~titlltillg q = I/'2p{!1. illid 11/ 7r Il fi 1/ illtll III!' ( .. 'jJlC':-, ... IWI 1(11 1/\], .. "d

~im]>lifyillg, gi\'t,~:

) fi} (' w,-+ - ---- 1 , 1. , l' bl ,.

1/ J ('

r I,/,l 1 ..

Equatio)) (II!)) CtllI ,d'io 1)(' 1('\\'litftoll III tl/(' 1(/1111 (JI' ('ljll,l1,lfJlI (1,./) dlld 1)(' ',oh'I',]

u~ing t lu' lIH'thod dt'~( 1 Il wc! IwloJ(',

lllOIlH'IIt codfitit'Ilh alH/llt III<' ('],1,,1/1 ;l':i,,, till'/('fol('," (1)(',,(, IU"'fl' If'IJI', dit' ~,I\'I'IJ,

: (''''/ 1 ((J ,.) t Il) ni , " /4 1

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('II.\I''} Uf 1 /)1""',,-/(/-,,\'1 ,\/'l'I((),\('III',',)' '/ () 1 IIi" l'IUJHU'.'.\!

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('I1.\/)TEU 1. n/I-'/·FUF.\J' \/'/'!\()\('/IFS ru IIlF/'/iOHlI."1

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(,/1/\/1'/ Uf 1 /JII'II Uf'.,\ï' \IJIJUo.\('III·;'s' '10 'IllE IJ!UJHU':.\1 10

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• J~

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('11.\/1 l'FU 1 n[J-'FFHF.\ r \J>I'HO \( 'Il!'S J'U 1 Il/-: l'HUHI ""1

(' = :! b.

\\'J 1<'1< , III thi ... Cd"'(' X = { C '-.0

[ [. \] 1 1

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1 l' /.. 2 ('I/! 1 • ,I/" 2

l ' 2 :r -1.1 II t

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4.3.3 Laplace rn'ansfol'luatioll MeUlOd

( .

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nu\\,.., t]lI' d('I()<!)lIdllli( dI'IÎ\,tfÎ\'('''' ('1", ('1". ('",,,, dll<l ('",,, , dl(' dVtld,.ldl'

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• ('II:\f"ff',/( 1 !Jill 1'.1(/-,,\ T :\l'f'lf() \('IIE'-; T() 'fl/l'; /Jf(OHU;,\I Il

'J Ill' fil/III J'/II v,LI( Il 1'-, '''-l',j 1{J dJlPI()\Jlll,t1{' Il)(' dl'IIJ(I.> Ildllli( <., i:-. Il''Il,tlly III Ilw

III 1111' 1111111 fi! [,H]

(Jf " III,!\' 1)(' f Il.!II!!',J, dlld ,tI:-,o. dqll'ildillg Oll IlU\\' \\'{'II 1 II!' dPPIO:-.illl,d illp, fllll{ 1 iUII

'l'Ill' lil:-'! Il''1'{' Il'1111'' in Ibis <'<!Il<dIUII 1<'IJl(':-'{'llt tll<' ljllélsi-:--l{'c\dy éWJ'oclynilmics,

\\ 11l'1I'd<", 1!t1' (Jlll!'r 1('11I1S :--11U\\' 11lt' llll'>kady dfects, (Ille! é!1'(' l'cf{'n ('d to dS "log

I, J'1I1,~" III rdl 1, 1 Ill' Id,!!, Il'1111:-- ~il1llll.t k 1 lit' 1 ill1<' Idg III tl](' (ldjll:--tllWllt of no\\' <llOllne!

(1IIt Ir 111111' '1 • Ii IlIt~"~) i..1~ h""11 "llIpl,,). d III t Ill" ~t Il "y

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('l1.\l'J'FU 1. [)/FFfUf.\"r \l','UO.\('[{F.'''}'U l'III' l'IU)}?/ /"1 l,')

.\<.'1"0('1<15t ie Equat ions in t Ill' Laplace DOIllain


\\lwl<' in llli:-. 1"I""lioll,., = Iu.', "11.1 ["]. [( ']. ,,"d [/\] .Ill' 1/11' 111""'" "'''"11>1111',. dlld

"lifrJI!'~:-'1I1dlJi«'" (illlllldill,l!, .III II\(, ,,1111(1111,i1 dlld ~,I>lIII'\l1 111<' 011'1".)'"""111 :1'1111,),

iJlg flllll 1 iUIl 'l'II(' \,d11<' (Ir t II!' (1'11,,1 dlll ) d''1'''I1.):-- (/11 1 lit' 1/(1\\ Il'1',1111(' TIlt' t.-Ilil

h li\(' Lapld''!' OJlt" at()] (Jf -:;. \\'1)('1 ("


:::.-={~ Il}

1 h.v II II = 1 l,' =-= ,.,

[! 1 f

TIl<'I'('fulC', 1 Il<' Ldpla( (' rU11I1 or (''111,1f iOIl (1 Ill) 1":

(1 It 1 )

., __ h h 2 ,

[ F( ~ 1] = [/1 (J] j - {I [ .. 1 tl" + ( -( ,;) [ .' 12] .,. j [/1 sl l, 1 1 .., 1 l, Il

, 1 [:1.,) /1 1 (,1 Il) '> 1 l, Il

Solution of the A('rlJela~t.Îc Eqll:.t,ÎOI1S jlJ 1.111' L"pl;wl' J)IlJII:lili

thi~ ('qll"liu)) i:-. (JI' 1 Il<' fOI Ill.

2 Il Il l 2 ([.\1] ,., + [(:] ,., -1 [/(] 1- Î' {[Aul ! ( ['ld" ! (II) [/1~I" 1

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• ('/I,\I'UH 1 /)11 l'I'IU',,\'I \I)I)f({).\(ï/V,~' 'JO '/IlL' }>I«)H1./·;.\1

1',IIIIIIII.lllull Ilf 1 1 JI' dl'/lflllllll,!1fJI'-, III 111(' dlJl)\(' ('qll,I1I<JlI (1IdIIPt" 11 Il!1f) 1/\1' follo\\III.!!,:


1· (' (: 1; HII ( ." 1 /, d ( " + - hl )( . ., + - "d (." + - h d .

h b h li l' l ' 1 .

HI - ., (" f-"hl)('1 - {, \ ) ( ., -1 b /Id· b l ' l· l '

/1 2 " ( ... /, hl) ( ... 1 --- h j ) ( ., -1 -/J- /, d . /,

1 . / ' l ' /I! - ., ( ... h) ( ... -1 -/; h 2) (., + ï,- b tl .

/1 1 . lI'

1/ 1 -- ., ( ... 1 hl) ( ... -1 -- b2 )(· ... -j---h j ).

h b b

011 Il l, h 2

[ \] - c [ H J -+ /. ( ( ,) [:1 2].

li [HJ -= [C'J + /·(,-)[Ad.

[( '] --: [/\'J +./. [AuJ.

[ n J : = .r [ 1 d .

[F] =-= '/' [. 1:.] .

[(,'J =--.i'[ 1.,].

• (.1.1:3)

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• ('/l\PfFH 1. J)/FF/'.lU'\f,\/'/'/iO\('lI"'S/U 1III'I'l\OUI/',\/ lï

Eqll,tt iUIl (1.1:q (,III Il(' 1('\\ lit 11'11 .1"

... { /'} [\]{i} . (1 Il)


{ l'} ... [[ I.d , .:; ,

_[l';,rl [/-'-,] [ J';,] 1 [Fd [ 1';,] 1 ["'tl [ 1';,1 1 [l';d

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[. \] = [() ] [ 12 ] [ Il] [Il ]

[() ] [() ] [Il] [01

[() ] [() ] [ (1] [n 1

[II ] [() 1 [ 12 ] [() ]

Eqllatioll (J. H) I~ ri lypl! ,t! ('I,!!,('II\rtlll(' pl (JI,I('III, rllHI "1)h'1 1 I.!..!, Il,(',('1111.111-.., I:~ l''''!''

thc ut!tt'I ('ip,ht Colll<' fl()11I t}1!' 1 rit H,lld} <lppl()Xilllrlllll,!!, 1111111 /(1I1. FIl! III!' ',\ ',11'1111"

ur (}l(' III,dli\ "'}IO..,f' ('I,!!,('II\,t/llf'''' <llf' tq 1)(' fqlliid Ilil Il'rI',I''' (1)11 Icll'ldl,l)' III" Ilill!J,11

• taliu!l,t! df'l11dlld fOI ~()h ill).!, 1}1f' "'''111f' PII}\,!('111 1111 Il'''''(''' /11<111\ IIIIW', 1/,II!J'dl/ ri ... ,'11/1

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1 1 If' ',1111111011 111 1111' 1 ill!" dUlll.IIII Ihlll~ Il.11111 iUII.i1 IIWIII(),b BlIl, il "llUlllrlll(' 1)f11('cI

111,d. III( 111'>11)11 of "11.1(11\'(' (()IIIIIIII,,\\ ill 1111' 1''1l1dlllJII~ of IIIUIIlJlI i., Il,I](h 1'.t"i"1 111

1111', 1I1( tllocl. 111.111 111.11 ill d Ily 1 ilJ)!' c!IJllldill IIll't hod .

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• CIl,\JJfI-'1? 1 lJJJFVUV.\ r \J'l'HO \('[IJ,' . ..,· ['() 1 III-' l'[((l/ll ['\/

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.12 • Mede 2

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'. C6 - _1. __ .l--L-J_--1_-l_----L...---1.. ___ l __ ..J

o 2.0 .,0 6.0 8,0 10 0

Dynamlc pressure. kPI

Fig 111 (' ,1 1: ,\ t)}l i ( (Il \.t 1 1 (If Il J " of t J J(' d.t" '1 Ji" I~ i" t J If' ( 1 i t Il • Il 1 1 J ( J" l " 1) f d Il .t Il 1 loir t,

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• ( '/ /,\ 1 J 'f U (1 /J 1/ J- /' / (/ .\ 1 \ / J / J J( (J \( 'II /-..S' 'f () '/ III,; 1) 1 U ) 11 /. ,.: .\ 1 .JO

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• (,1I.\Jlf FU 1 IJ/l'Jof·/iJ-'.\ r \J'/'/W \( 'J/} . .'.'l rt> 1111-' l'}l, 'In 1-"1

14 IJ M 085 LOWl'sl Spt~cd· 3 00

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u_ 10 1 J

E ""0


1 A f\ 1 J C

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Z ~~ !-\ Î) g ti H (1 00


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3 4 5 6 7 0

Highest Non-dirn. SpcccJ, V

at.\/ =-= 0 :-;"). ("HlIIJrlli",lll !)('fl'.«'nl!w lt",lIlh (Jf 11',111)', Ihl,e' rldr, JI 1I1./(II/'( '.f 'JII('/

j Il t Il (' (' ... 1 1 ilj j() L t1 i u Il .

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IIOW-U] - f-

I ~es-s k~-~biu-J --- -- ~------ ------_9_- _ , _ ___ -------~-------

~ ./ Q n1~tri)(J. . . eigenvalue analysis l

n eigenvaIU,eSp . B+iaJ

1 fO;eaCh. isi.b!~~.~?J - -no -1 ---- ---- -yes------ -- ----

let k=ab/u at u, p=B+ia - - --- - - do next eigenvalue

---- -- - ----,--- - --- -

lany· BPositiVe?]


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• ('1/. \ flïTU 1. /)1/'1''/-'/(/''.\ r \ l'l) nu \( ·,11 ... ..,· ru J III-' /'I\OH/Y.\(

:~ (lO ---- ----

:~ ,JO 1 :L7ï:~~

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l,iO 10 (i!)!) 1 ~ Il :l.)

,1. ï.") Il 1 :~2ï ~,

.1,00 10 I:W~ 1 n. ~7 I(l

T)':iO ;-; K%(, 7. !J:\;)()

(i.OU ~, 1 :):{f) 7 h,~ 1 ~ 1'1 1 1 {ï

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7,00 ï, ï:n,j 7 Ij II~ ï ,(,(j:):!

-.)~ 1._:) ï ()K7/) 7 .():{ 1 1 ï ():n 1

ï :)0 7.()!>O:{ 7,(,'21'11 7HDO

7.W:n ï (, 1T)!'i 7H2,ii ï (j217 - ----- -- --------------- -------- -- ------ - --- - -

Tahle ,1.1: Fllltkl :--IH'{'d I01llld IHIlII 111<' /1ILft( J' 1111111/111 IIlf 11/fIt! ill 1 II(' 110111',/1111/ !II)\\'

,\('lodYlldllll! d,da (JI (l0:,\(':\ 1J1'\()()(,dlllod 1,<1\1' lJff'IIII,,('d 11111',1 1<11 III,!'. 1111'1 fI"l

flllll('1 ",pl'('cI

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Cllélpter 5

Effcct of Dcsigll. Paralneters on


'l'Il ..,llllh 1 lit' l'II<'I 1 (Jf .1111'1'11'111 d""lgll Jlcll'illIH'tcr.., of aIl diIfoil (JlI !Ill' f1l1tt(,1 !'>p('('d.

11111'1' 1111'11111.1.., Ild\I' 1)('('11 l'IIII'I(J.\('d III 1 hi.., ,,111.1\, Il.111]('1)'. tlH' Iladiti()Il,t! l'-Il' illld (/-g

1111'1111 HI~, ,,1111 /111' 1,,, l'lcI' l'II dll"fulllidl iOll 111<'1 hut!. III t hi.., \\"l)', il C()lIlpal i..,Oll of the

/111 l'l' 1111'1 III)d ... 1 d Il ,d ... u 1 Il' lII<ld, '. ï Ill:, ..,111 dy Ild~ 1)( '( 'II dUlIc ill IlOt II 1 hl' in( Ollll)) ('f,f,i l,Je

,111.1 IldmUIII, !lO\\' Il'.t',IIIH'S 1" Ihl' Il,IIl~Ulli(' 1('gillH', thl' cl('wclYllcllllit ddlél fur Ct

:\.\(':\ (il.\IHlb dllfuIl.1I d \Lllh 11111111)('1 uf .\1-= O.~:i lIa~ 1)('('llll~('d. Tbi~ d(da bas

11("'11 t,d,l'Il flllill III(' ~t IId.\ 1)\ 1.('(' [~r)]

III ,t',I'III'I,t1. tl\l' l'qlldllull~ (JI' 111011011 of ,1 1\\u-dl',!!,l('e-uf-fl!'l'doJJl c\ilfud (',Ill he

1'\pII""'I'" III 11t,· 1111111\\ IlIg fUI 111

"I\l'I", ~ { ~ 1

n }

[,\1]: j- [(']:: -1- [/\J.: = O.

\I.Jtlill·" [\/], [Cl dllt! [/\] .tll' tlll' IJl.I~~ IlI,Llli", Ill(' d,lIl1ping IIlcllli", alld the

:) 1

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• ('lI.\/)'/TH") /T/'Ecru/-' /)/-':-;/(,'.\ P\U \.\/F//:U,'-j OS]'[ 1 r/T/i 1 l

'1'1 )(''-.{ > " Il> ~I llll< > ft 11I1 ( i UII II f 1 Ill' JI dl Il Il H' 1 l' l '-. h. Il. Il. /', l' "". ,,'l,. " .. l' { , .1 11 dl.. \\ 1 Il Il> ,.

i'-. IIJ(' "\>I11i-I!J\lId'll 1I1111 .\11111'11"1\111,,1111.1"". (/ Il''11 ,llllll'II"I\lII,d di',ldl1ll' t"l Il'1111'' (II

1III(UIIPlcd IIdllllal fll'qlll'III \' III 1)I'1I.!IlI,!.',. , ... '" ll11lll1l1dl'd IIdllll,d 111''1"1'111 \ III t"I:,II'".

,t1)()\C {'![1l <1 1 1 Il Il , l!tl'Il 11lt' 1I111kl '-.p''l'd (11'1<11111'.1 111)111 tlll' .111.11\"1:- \\dl ,d"l' IIC' lillii

djll)(,ll~j()lI(t1 III t!ti~ 1'<1"(' 1I11' ullly l'dl.tlll!'tl'I~ \\ "il Il 1 <III ,tlll'll t III' 1I(J1l dllll('II'''"II.''

It :-,llOlIlcl 1)(' 1l1l1l'cl 1 IIdt, ill Ill<' (IJIIIfJlII ,d 11111 • .\ I\JIII 1111'" l"I 1 III' {' (I.tlld l' , .. 1111 1 Il

k \\'Ilich li(>~ jlC'l\\('('IJ l\Vu :';('(1'1<'1I1i,d 1,t1'lIldl('rI / .. \, .III IItll'll'ul,tllllll, 11'>111[', ''l'ltill'

111 tlli" '-.(lIdy, lu dl>III(JII~II<II{> (1)('1'11'(" t {JI 1 1 JI''>I > dlllllt! 1'''loIlll,'II'I',UII 1111' 1111111'1

Il = 100

f[ = -0.5

l'" = 0.1

w" = :::'11- =-= IJ,2 . w,.

'Ill!' fil}'!' Jill(' (JI d,da Il]('.111'> 111,d III( .\"11'-.11)' ,,11111' dlllllt! l', 1',II'.d' 1 Illdll 1111' d"11 11\

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1)1' dl 1 1 If' rllldllr'l rlJUlri '1111' Ihllrl IIIJ(' of rLda ".1)''> tll,t! tlJ(' I,trlill" (JI' .e,.\I,tfioll of

IIH' dllfll" ,dHJIII, Il)1' d""I/( ci\l" 1" ,110"('11 to 1)(' 1 orx uf tIlt' ~(·1I1i-(h(Jld. The fUlIltb

IIIH' IJI"d Il'' Illdl Il)(' lUI ,11 Iflll uf Il]1' 'l'Ill H' (Jf IIld"~ i" d""IIIlH'd tu 1)(' 1 / 1 ~('IJlI-r hUI ri

1,..111/1.1 IIH' ,·ld",ll' c1\I", ,\1,,0. 1 Ill' f!llh li,lf' (JI d.tld ~how~ 1}ldt tlH' l1.dlll,d fJ('qIlI'IlCY

jlJ llf"ldj'l1!, '" (111/""/1 lu 1)(' () ~ (Jf t 11,If III IIJI"IOII. TIIf' pll)"j( éd hcl~j", of dJOf):-.illg t}w!'.('

III/d/llit j,,,, \\'111 1)(' (''(pldilWd I.dl'I

T(J "tlldy tll!' "'f(·,t. (JI' ('dlll (JI' tlI<' ,dJ()\'C-II]('IJ1ioIlPc! Pél\dllH't('\~ 011 tll<' fllltt<-1

<,p"('d (Jf .III 'illfod, ,dl t,II<' otill'I pdl,lIl}('t.('I~ d/(' kcpt ('OI1~téLllt (('qllal tu th(' r1d,llllt

",dllf''') .Il1d (1111) t.!H' l'dlrllll('1c1 1lIld('1 rOIJ'-de!(·I.d,iOll IS (hdll,!!pl (J\('r ,L [('c!!'.Ollcl!JlP

5.1 J~ffect of N on-D iluensional Mass

5.1.1 IU(,(Hupressihlc Flow

'l'Ill' 11011 dilll<'lI:-.iulI,d Illd~:-' uJ t Ij(' cli\ foI! bcls 1)('('11 (bclliger! ill t 11<' rallg(' of la 1.0

100. ",hIC Il i:-, cl \(',,~(lII.d,j(' 1 cl "1-',(' :\fut(' tllat Il = III/ïr (lb:! ,llld (1 = 0(1) fOl ,m,

.tlld lII/h2 gi\(':-, .III illdi,· .. tiolluf tll!' dilfoIl's 1lJ,\SS dcnsity Th('I(ofol<', fOl éI t)pical

.III f(ld \\ IIi, h IlId"S d('Il"lt~' Idll,l',('" flOlll ~O to :WO, t.1/(' (h()~l'll Idllgf' fUI Il ~1'('ll1~ ta

1)(, 1I'.l:-'lllIclhl('.

'l'h,' Il'''lllts fOI 1 IIi~ ~I'( t iOIl ,\1(' PI('''('lltcd in Fig. ti.l. ,\s Cilll lw ~('('ll fJOm t.1lC'

li,t!,IIIt" t II!' t'-!I cilie! ji-/" Il]('1 IllHb ~I\(' ,t!IllU'it id('IJ1 ic,t! Ihlt 1(,\ ~P('(·r!s U\'l'I thc f'lltit<~

l.tllgt' (If cid!.\. Tht' "Ill.dl <l1If('lt'llt (':-' ",lllrh du ('\i~t cil<' dll!' tu th(' tul('lclIIU''i (oll'>id­

t'I('" III tl)(' !,1(ltt'tllI\'(' (JI t'<llh lllt'Ihnd. 'l'hl' 01111.(')' ~]>(·('d flOll1 th!' Lélpl,l('1' Illethod

.d"o .tglt'('~ \\ilh III(J~(' l'rtllll 1 Ill' Iwo olher ....

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An'ol'dill!-', to t Ill' IC"ldts uhttlllH·d (IUIIl t Il(' <lll,"~ "1". l\1\t t ('1 ~1H'I·d 111111'"''1''' ,dlllt,.,t

lilH',II'I~' \\'Ith nOIl dillll'lI"jOIl,!1 111t1"" ur t hl' dll(ui!.

5.1.2 'J)'<lIlSOllic Plow

FUI tIlt' lldll:,onic !lm\' !t'gill\(,. tlit' ",lIlH' 1'11}(1'"'' 1:' (olltl\\('d, 011111 tIlt' 1("oIl1t". ·,11(1\\11

111 Fig . .').2, indic,!ll' thdL tll\'1\\u tl,lI!ttlulI,d lIH'tll\!d:-. .!.!,I\(' tilt· "dlllt·lIl1tt"1 ,,]It't'ds

11Iit t Il<' LlpLI( (' lIlt't !tud U\·(·It·~t iIJltlt(· ... It. Titi ... i" dlll' to t Il(' "ill' ul t II!' "111"'" "t(·p"

Ihoscll ill tl\(' Ll]J\,t((' Illt'tltod ('III)(I ... illg "IJl,t1I('1 :,p"('d ... tl·PS, illl\('.[·,I·;, tIlt' IIIIIIIIII.I~

tillH' of tll!' ]JlOgldlll, cOII"id(·I,tld.\'. 11('1('. dg,lIll. tlJ(' IIlItt"1 "1)('1'<1 ill' H·d·,'''. ,dlllll.,t

lill('illl)' \\'It h t Ill' lIoll-dilJ1('lIsi()lIdl 1Il0l~"'.

5.2 Effect of Radius of Gyration

5.2.1 Incolnpressihle Fluw

'l'hi:, )Jdldllld(·I. /'", IlilS 1)('('11 (1Idll.!.',1·d o\('\, t 1Jf' Idll,t',(' ():1 Lu 1 rI '1'1\1' 111111

diIlH'Il:,iullill fi lit Ivl ~1H'('d \(·I ... lh /'" ie, "II!I\\'IJ ill I-'!.!.', rl:~, ,\:-. 10111 1", """'11 Il''111 tl\('

flgul'l', tlH' two tltlditiollal IIJ('tllUd:-. gi\(' ,,11110:-.1 tll!' "'dllll' fllltl,('1 "1"'I'd·), .d·.11 1111'

flllit(·!, :'jH',·d pll'didl'c\ Ily tlt(· LilP].II(' IIdll:-,I"IlIldtilJlI IllI'tllod i~> \,('1 Y Il'1-.(' 1.11 II\('

ut hl'I t wo,

'l'Ill' pll):-.i(,d illl(JoltdlJ('oftlll' l "d 1 Il''' (JI' ,l',ll"IHIII ofdll .. ill'JlIIJII tf·. 111111"1 •. J1II·d

1 all 1)(' ('xpLlilll'd ilS folio",.." \\-,1)(,11 /' .. 1 ... illlll'd·'(·(1. II. dl t Il,dly III"dll" 1.11011, f/)I .1

:,p('cific jJo:-,ilioll I)f 1.11<' ('!.l..,t.i, ,1'.1..,. tlll' 1111'llid fil' tlll' dllfull ill plI, Il dil'" 111111 Il.!')

IW('11 ÎIlU('i!:-'('(1. '1'1]('11'1'1)\1', ill tlJ(' fil"t g,1<l11( (' Il 1111,!.',1d. "('1 III l.IJid. II. Ilill·.1 ,drl'( 1 IIIf'

flllttn !o]>('('d ill tI](' <'<1111(' Wcly ,1'-, "JI illl 1 (',l"'(' III lJII' 111)11 rlillll'II',IIIII,d 111.1',', dl)l"- /lllt.,

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• :'8

'l'III' jJ(JiIJl, i.., 1!r.I1, III Il]1' {'I..,(' (Jf ill{ I('M,ill)!, lIoll-dilllclI"iu!1,t! l1Ii\:-'<;, d( tUéllly 1 Ill' ill('1 tra

1)1' t 1]1' ail for! ill I,otll 11w d('.t',I('r'~ ur fi ('('dol1l in( 1 ('<1,,(',,; t IIl'I (.fOI (', t 1](' ('1]('1 gy (dlJdcity

1,111' iJll'ltia (JI 111(' :-'Y..,('III in pitrll dil('( (ioll, whi('IJ i" plOpultiollal tu 1'() 2. illcrC'é!scs.

01 (0111 'l', ;111 ill{ J ('a..,(' III t Ilf' Il Il! 1('1' :-.IH'{'<I is ('XI)('{ t.('d. bllt. t hi" (ill)('. il, call1lot be

{'}.I)('{ (l'd to Ilf' lill('dl

0.2.2 'Il'é\llsonic Flow

TIlt' 1{':-'lIlt" oft.hi" (d"{' dll' ,!rU\\'1I III Fig. !l,1 !1o(!J of the tléldit,iollftl l1ll'thuds g;\'~

I",th (Ill' l'olltilWS), \Vhil(" t.J1I' Laplan' (lilll"follllil(iull llldhorl, élg"in, u\l'l'e"till1é1f,C'"

(Ill' IIl1t1t-1' "')I('('d. ,t!, 1('c1"( (-"Illpall'd \VIth (Ill' ut 11('1' "ulutions, 'l'hi" is mainly 1)('('ctllSe

(JI' t II(' ",IIIll' 1('a~('11 IIH'lltio!l('d ill 1.1)(' pr('\,iol1f-, section.

It. ""('111:-', fll1lll 1 Ill' li,l!,l1l('. th,,( t.1ll' 11111,1<'1' -'P('('<I iIlCJl'clS('S ",ith 1'0 1I10\'(' or le,,8

III 1111' ~ .. IIl(' f .. ,,"ioll c1S III t I\(' (d~l' of incul1l))!('..,~ihh' l1u\\', b1\t, in this (ë.\~(" it tends

(0 IH' 111<11(' lilll'ar. This :-.ugg(':-,ts thrlt, i" the tl'dll"onic f10w l'('gilllc thl' pitching

r:: 3 o. Effect of the Position of Centre of Mass

Fil"(, it "llollld Iw llut('lI Ih"t ,r,. i:-, th!' di..,ttlIlCl' lH't\\'C'l'n thC' n'lltrC' of ll1eiSS and

(hl' ('I,l~ti(' .t\is ill t(,llIl~ of b. th(' :-'('llli-r1lOrd, pu"itiv(' fOI Cl'lltJ'C' of I1lét~S posit.ions

hl'lIi"d tlH' ('I,I:--til ,,;..i~. 'l'hl' dl'f,l1t1t pu"itiun of the l'lastic axis i~ the quartcl-dlOld,

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('Il:\PTEU) fFFE(''[' OF U/-'S[(,'.\' [I.\U \.\/FTlï~.'1· OS FU J'J'FU

f!JI'ld()IP, il Il'''''UII,!1lk l ,1 Il.!!,I , fOI /',,1.111 Ill' () tu l, IIlt'dllillt',. 11\1111 th,' I(11.111l'1 1 hllid

to tIlt' thll'I'-qllillh'I-I!tOI I I. thi" i~ the 1 <l1I.!!,1' III \\hHh tilt' Il'lltll' \JI 111.1"" (11.111 .lill,,"

ll~lI(dl: f,dl ....

5.3.1 Incoluprcssihle Plow

TIIP fi 1\ 1 tel ~p('('c1 \'('1:-'11:-. 1('11111' of 111.1"" pll ... iliull IS ~hll\\11 ill 1,\1', :) rI, 1,,1' l'"

flOm U,075 tu O . .), IIlI',lIl1llg. fllJm d littll' Ilit Iwllllld tll(' '111.1111'1.11111.1 1111111' 111111

(hol d, 'l'Il<' figll1(' do('" llo1 in< 11Id(' 1'1"1111 ~ fUI t II\' 1 l'lit Il' Ill' 111.1"'" dl IIJ(' '111.1111'1 111111 d,

:-.ill(,(' thl' f111!,t<'1 ~p('('c1 i" fOlll1d tll Ill' \('I~ IlIgh (ilt/illlt."), '1'111" 1'1J('llllllll'llllll \\ dl III'

di:-,c1\,>,,('r1llloJ'(' ill tll\' fuJJIl\\'illg Ihdl't<,I', Ikll'. d.l\"ill, tlll' tWIl tiddillllll.d 1III'IIIIlIb

and the Laplét("(' tl'itll:-.fuJ'lllatiull Illl'thod 1',1\1' ,dlllo"t 1111' :,.11111' flllttt'l' :-'))('l',}" 11\'1'1 III\'

l'lltil (' rallgl'.

A!'. tll\' c1i:-.laJJ(I' l)('t\\'('('11 tll\' Il'lltH' Il/III""" dlllllllC' 1,1",,111 d \1" illll('d',I"" flllll('1

spcl'd c!('CI('dS('<;, cl" 1 ail 1)(' :-'1'('11 flOlll t hl' ligllll', 'l'hi" 1.111 1)('1''\1'1.11111'.1 il! 1 III' fllllllWIII,I',

\Vay. Fil'st, it shullld he JJo1,l'd 1 hal t11!' olllv jJdl"llH'fcol \\'lli, Il i:-. 1 Ildlll',illl', 1:, I.IIC'

di:-,tallcc I)('t\\l'I'II tll<' ('Idsl.il· ct,i:-. dllcl Il'11111' of 111f1"~, ;11Ie! 1101 1'" Il. 1111'.111', tll.d.,

while the ('('lItH' uf 11I.t!'.S is movillg d\\'dy fW11l 1.111' 1,ld,,1 i( il '\1:-', III<' III"'" 01 1 IJ(' .Iii flld

is Iwcolllillg 111011' ('()IIC('lIlral('d ,t1)()1If. tlll' (('Itfl(' of 11I,1"~ ill (Jldl'I III 1(',}I11 l' 1",11101""

mOl1lent of ilH'1 f ia "holll. 1 1/1' «('lltt(' I)f 111;1',", '1 Iii ... i" 1 III' (JI"Y \\'dy t1111J1I,l',11 Wllllii 1/11'

Il1Ullll'llt ufilWlti,1 ,t!H)lIl. t.h(' ('Ia:-.I,i, d,i ... Illtly Il'iIIdill 11111',ldltf, wllt/I' t'" i ... 11101111',1111',

ft ml'iUle; t1li1t ;11. (,.tch j)o:-.il iOIl U/ (1)(' 1 ('ltlll' \)f Ill""''' .• 1 dtll'f'/('Ilf. ri Il flJil l', IllItll'l IIIf'

cUll:-.idl'l ,tf iOIl. BlII, il i:-. ~till illf ('1 (,,,1 ill).!, Il) kilO\\' \VII,)', .til hOII).!,11 1'\ ('1 Y flllJ/'1 Ildldllll'l f'l

(indlldill,!j 111<1:-':-' <llId fllOlllI'ld uf illl'Itiil) 1'> IIJ(' "dllll', !Iw/(' l', ',1 dl 01 Illdll!',1' ill 1111'

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('11:\/") VU i LI'VU"}' (JI-' IJ/·;:"/(,'.\' }J \ U.\.\1 l':TFHS os fU'TlFU GO

JI 1 JI/' ("jlldlll'"" (If 1111)11011 dlf' ff'/lc,id('j('d, "lfll.ttium (1 J~) élJld (1 J,n,II fetll IH'

'f f'II 1 1,.If, IIlf 1 f',,',IIIP' '" "" 1 f'd',f", 1 li(' off' didgulldl t"llI1'- III flJ(' 1l1ét".., Illdt 1 i x, ,UH!.

11111, 1 III' (III',', f 'll/pllll!.', III 1 1 If' ',\'"lf'll1l'> lJ)( "'d,('d, ,\ ... cl (()I1"('qlj('II((" "'lll«,the 1 ('<tc,ol1

1,,1 Illf /)JI,,"'I ,d rI'III('1 l', 1 III' 11('fllj('II( \ '/I"k"«('lIc<,. (Ill ill'lt'cI""lIJ (IO:-'::'-«(J"phllglJ('lp:-,

1111'> (' 'd 1,",( ( II/ (' 1 (J /I( (III ('tI',II'1

r,.:J.2 'fr:lnsollic Flow

I;I!', ~I (, ,.111)\\" tll<' (,1" ""11',] 11111 t"1 <-(J,,(,(b \ ,'1 ,>11:-' ,l',l' 1I~1I1g t!)(' {'-q, p-I.', cllld

l ,dl'LI(" 1111 1 11< ,d" 1"1 Il cl Il''111111 !lu\\" 'J III' 1 <lll)!}' of ,l',r r!Ju:,.cn !J"J(' IS 0, t () 1 0, The'

',.1111" t 1 ('1111 ,1.., "1 i", UIIlPI(';,,,Jf,](, Ilu\\, (dll II(' "'('('JI in tIlt' 1'<'],d\'ioUI uf th(' nuiter

"1"'(',] \('10.,110., 1111' «'lrlll' \Jlllld<,~ j>lI'>itilllt: lt d"!'I('cI'-I''', in thl' :-'''"1<' fo"hiUll ,1'> Iwfuw,

\\ill, ' .. l'III' Indy IIl1ljl('dl,J1' dill('ll'II1" 1" th,t!, the Ldpl'il(' tl,lll!,,fullllcl(ioll 1111'1],0<1

",1\('" c,lll!,lrI" ""kll'ilt Il',1'''' (Ulll]ldll',j \\lth tIlt' uth"1 llH'thod:-. for ~lJlilJ\ \ <tl"e:-. of


111'1(', d,!',dlli. 1(,(,t1lillg titI' "ljll.lIiulI;' of lIlUti(J1l fot tht' ttclJl;,ollic nU\\ Il'gtllW.

1''1".1111'1\'' (1 1 ï) .111,] (1 I~), "II(J\\'" 111,d ,r" dPIH'rll'" ollly in tlll' uff-di'lgollal (('l'I11S

1I1 1111' III""'" Ill.dlIX TIll'll'llIll'. tlte' ~,,1I1l' c1i~(II""'IUJl clpplil'~ h"I<', éI:-. in the ri!:-'C' of

III( /111'111 (",~",]l' 111I\\

:'.1 Elf(:'ct of t.he Position of Elastic Axis

\ l "c\o"UII.t1 ,](' 1 clllp,l' fut Cl \VlIlIl" l'l -LU t 0 () 7,1,

1IIl'.!IIIII,!'" 11\1111 tl)(' l''.li 1111 !!, l,,lp,l'tll IJK lhlltt! ,"!l'cul uf thl' ttcliling, (',Ig" (JI tlH' ai,fuil

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('Il. \lJT/·;U). /.'1''[-'[';(' 1 Of [)/· ... ,,·{(;S l' \If \ \/J'/THS 0.\ 1'/ l' 1 [Flf li \

(Ilok Ih,il 1 Ill' cld',lltl( \,\bll' ul r. i:-. O:~-l. 1!t1'll'Illll',.iI 1111-" \ll"ltlll1l. 11\1' 1"lilII' Id

Illd ...... i:-. 1\)(,111'd clt 1111' 1 1,I11illg l'dgl').

5.4.1 Incolnpressihlp Flow

FOI IIIC(J111PI(·:-. ... t1)I(, !lu\\', IlU !lnl Il'1 (I"tlcI \)(' rUlllld fOI \,dlll'" III Il l, ...... 1 11,\11 .dHIIII

-O.ï!'i. \\'11 II 1 II!' dddltlt \',l1n!' uf 1 Ill' ull\l'I I1dldllll'1I'I'" 'l'Ill' \('.1"')11 l'Ill 1 Itl', \\ tll III'

l''.pl,,il}('d ill III<' fllllo\\'lllg llldpl"1 TIt"II·!()II'.111l' IdllL',I' "III \11''''''IIII,t! ill Il,,,, ,·,1\1111

i ... l'IOl11 n 7-) lu (J.7r) , ,tilt! tlll' 1I1111\'1 "1'('('d-..I"lllld fI Il Il 1 tl\(' 1 III,'" 11\('11111.\" .II" ·.1111"'11

111 Fig .. ) ï, 'l'II<' IltH'" Il)('IIIUd:-. ,~J\I' ,""Ill..,t Icll'lIti, dl \(·"Itlt..,

'l'Il<' 1111111'1 "']H'l'cl ,h\Jp-" Idpidl.\ \\111t IIHI'·d'llI,!.!, Il fUI "111.111 \."111':-' ,d'I/, .11111. tlll'il.

:-.LIl(:-' d('(ll'd ... ill,!.!, wlilt ,l "111,111<'1 :-.11l\l" 1111.111,1111'" 1'" II('I dll",' Id tll(' ,·111'11 (JI tlll'

dl .. Lllllt'lll'(\\('('1I 111<'(,1<1-..1]( d\h "lId tlll't!I'II)lhll.l11111 1('ltlll', 'III IIJ('lhlldlllll'.,,!IIII'

:-.)',,11'111 \Vhih· (11<' 1'1.1,,111 d\i:-. i" ,"Il'd<l (J! 1 Ill' d"\(1(1\ 1I00111i( (l'III l", 1 III' oI"I",h IIdllll!

Il'UIl1l'llt alld llJ(' 1l1()1IJ('1I( (JI' tl\(' d('lll(" IIdllli( fUI ( (' ,dllllii tl\(' ,'I"..,til .1\1'" d( 1 III

opp()site diH', liulls. l'hls PI('\'('ltI" 1 hl' sy:-.I ('Ill 1'I1IIll 1)('( "1111 11,!.!, 1111"1.""(', ('.l'.dv \VIIl'II

litt' (,Ja"lic (l,if, is I)('hilld LIll' d(,l()d~ 1100Illi(' ('('1111(',1 II(' Iwo Ill(llill'lJ1',.1( 1 III Il]1' ' .. 1111('

dil('rtiol1, alld Lhi" d(':-,(,t!Jlliz,':-, 1 II(' "y ... I('lll ,\:-,1111' 1,ld"li( ...... 1·, 1I11l\'/", /111 t IIf'I ""'"lIeI 1 11 (' il l' 1 (J d) Il ,1111 i ( ( 'II 1 Il', 1 lit' III (l Il j(' 1 t1 d 1 III (J f 11 Il' d" 1 CJ cl Y Il d 11111 1 (J 1 ( (' 1 /l' l "II 1"', 1" Il.!'.(' l ,

<1 1It1 , llJ(')('fU!l'. III<' d{",ldl,dizlll.~ (·fI(·(1. 1Jl'(llIIW" '.II(lll,'~I'1 (·(lll'l·qllt'lt1I)'. 1 Iii' 111111,"

"P('I'tI of 1 1)(' dll full d,'( 1 ('d"(':-'.

Il ... 1J(J"ld 1)(' ('>,pldilll'd tllrll, Wh('ll \\(' Ldk .d)(llli II\(' (11,·,1 (JI 1 IJ(' 111 1 /111' IJI IJI'I(',

il. dul''' 1101 IIll'dll 1 Iidt t Ill' 11\('( Ildlli"1l1 (JI' j11/1I1 1 Ild-. IW"II 1111'· ('d III' willl Il ... , 'JIll' 1'1

uf dll·(/(/(II((.llllt.lt llH'clll'" tll,LI, ,,!t,dl'\('l tl\('I('d',')11 (Jllllllt"1 l, 11.1') l' Ild"I"d l,y

d l,i,!!,)!,('1 IIlUllll'lll .

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• ('/1:\1"1 U(,j H'/'L'("I (JI /JI" .... )J(,·.\ /1.\/(.\.\/VI /',/(,',' ()S VU '1 ï'/~'U ( ,) I~

G.t1.2 TJ'i1l1S011Îc: Flow

1 1 If' Il.1"'1'"11 III/\\' l'!',IIII(' fUI .111\ \.""1' (Jf 11j(' 11('!jIH'III) I,tfi(). ,Illd ,111)' po..,iiioll (Jf

pll",·.tI"" Il'i\\' 'II".., /lIWlllill/('llIill \\'111 III' di..,1 1I',..,('t! Jll(J/('. III tif(' lullo\\'ill,E!, (haplC'l',

Il ('11'11 III l', /" \\ l,i, I, 1', () (l'~-, ( 1111' d('IIlIl\ """lil d,ild cI\ i,iLdl!c ill 1 hi.., ca..,(' i~ \ ,d,cl jll:,t

1(11.1 Il'd,,((·rI 1'1I'!jIl('llfY ill t III' Idll,l!,(' (JI 0 O:2!) 1Ij) tu O.»). FUI thu:,C' \'(d1\(,~ uf a, tll('

I{(·.."dt:, .11(' ..,I!()\\ Il ill Fig ."") S 111'/(', dg""I. th<, !(''''IIIt:, fJUIIl tll(' ['-g alld p-I..'

III tll!' tlolll"'()lIi< 11111,' I('gilll<', l'd~i( ,dly Il](' :-éllll(' !('cI"'O/l dS fOl t!tf' caSt' of iIlC01l1-

1/ 1" tl"Il"'''II/( Il II\\' , Il rI(I(':-' IIul ..,IIU\\' il..,(·11 (''\plilitlj i/l the ('I(Il,tfiulI~ (JI' IIlotio/l.

Ih,' ""lllfhllolllli( ((l('lIi(Il·III .... ('1111, "",] ('",." H('(,dlillg !'qllclli()ll~ (1 :20) cllld (·1 :21),

·,IIII\\'''' 1 Ii.1I Il,,, ill,l!, 1 h(· I,dlll' ur (/ gl(',lI('! 1 hdll -0 i1. i.f' .. thl' ('1,1:-.1 ie clxi~ Iwhi"d

Il,(· q1l.l1"" ,11()If!. Illel"('!'> 1111' IIIUlllf'llt of tll!' c/('!(J(IYllclllli( lIft clllrl th!' ill'l()rlYllcllllic

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('11 \f1 TUf") IJ'Î' L'(' r OF U/,','",/(;\ JI \/{ \ \1 f.' 1 /-'H,'" ().\' 1,,/ 1 [' Il'/{ Id

5.5 Effect of FrcquPllcy Il a t io

l'Ill" Pclldlllt'lcr 1I1d~ Ill' (Oll"ld(')('d .1" tll h,\\ l' t h(' IlIl,,,t ''l'II''lt 1\1'11.11' III t 1", 111I',\'t

uf !lllth'l nqJl'lldill.[!, 011 tlt(, 10(.1111111:-' llf 1111' .II'llld,\ Il.1 11111 Il'IJlII'' 1'1.1'.111 d'l'-, .!IIII

(l'1I1((' uf Ill.!"" ill 1IlIIllllj!l(,.,,,il.j(, 110\\, IIl1tll'l 111.1\' (III III 1111 11111,\ '-.IIIIH' 1.111,",1", III

fl{'(l'lI'IlCj' l ,li l\) III lldll.,Ulli( flu\\" .t11111111,!'.,h thl" 1'.11.111\1'11'1 ,,1111 Il.1'' .III 11111"'11.1111

illfllll'l]('(' UII IIJ(' 111111(" ~p,','d, It "l'l'Ill" Ih,lI 1111'11' i., 1111 '-.11111 01 1111111,1111111 "II 11111 III

o!l~d dll(' lu fll'fllI('lle\ Idli", "'-'" d~ III 1IIIlJllljlll",,,d,j(, fllI\\

5.5.1 IncOlllIJl'('ssihlp Flow

FUI 1.111' d(,Lwll \dlw'" of 1 Ill' lllill'I 1'.Ildllll'll'l", 111111<'1 Idll Ill' ()ld,IIII<'.j ,il ,dl

fll'qll('lley I,t! ilh, ('\( ('pl ,d \1'1) :-'IJI,dl \clllll'~, Ik"l1lh 0111' ',hu\\'11 ill 1,'11', :-, q '11)1' 1 \VII

1 l'ildil iU!I,d lIll'llllJd., "JIU\\' go"d d,!!,II'I'III('111 \\ il h 1 hl' 1,'1/ d.1< l' Il oIl1'.I"IIII,d 1"11 1111'1 III" 1

'l'li(' flul kl' ~I)('l'cl dlop'" hU11l cl Iill.!!," \dh\(', fOI "1l1.dl \',dll"" ,,1 Li.-', (\\'111 1 11 l', Il,,1 ',1111\\'11

ill IIJ(' figllll'). cI("'II'iI"('" alrllu"t, lilll'd.l,\ to cl IIlilllllllllll, .llId, 1111'11, ..,tdlt" III' Il'd'''II!',

lill('dlly cl" Li.-" j" ill( 1(';\...,(,<1, 1,'IIIt.lll'lllllll('. Il ""('111" 111,tI .1..., (v, ill' Il'd',('',, tlil' 1IIIItl'I

"))('('" ,t1"u jll('J ('iI~·,(''', \Vltlt 110 IIP))('I Jillllt,

Hd('ll illg lu t 11(' ('qll.11 jUil" or III()! IUII, (''111,iI j()II., (1 1 :~) dlld (·1 1 :q, ',1111\\", 1 Il.iI 1 1 JI'

fl<'qlll'III,)' léllj(J llél" il (IJIJ1lillllllilll 1l1l1\, 1111111' ',ltlllll:,', IIldt'I'{ 1111.111, JI 1111\\", Il'' If

I!ltly ill 1111' fiJ...,1 di",!!,IJIJ<l1 Il'1111 (JI 1 hl.., III,tlll\ \\'1111(' • .11 1 1 If' I)IIJI'J Pd,,,III' Il'1', .111

kl'jlt C(JIl.,1 dit!. ( lldllgillg 1 111'11 ('<jIH'JJ( ,\ l,Jill! 1 Iid Il,!!,''''' JlI',t 1 III" l,II III' Id 1)1 1 1 JI' ' 1 dlll''',',

IIMI 1 ix, TIII'J (,fuit" cl..., il., \,dll(' gd" 1 IIH'I 1 Il t hel t 1)1 Ilw ()IIII'I ,J""'.{JJI.d t, 11/1 IJI 1 1 JI'

,,1 dfll('"'' Ill,tt, j'o" Il j~ (1..., If 11[(' 1 \\'u 1111),)(,,1)11 III' ',\ ',t('111 Ild\" 1 II) ,t'I fi ('(1 1)/ lit Jt", 1'1'1111 Il

ill 111111, III,d\('", tlll' fi 111 1(" ('d"j", tu III( IIJ A 11111111'1 IlIt J('d'I' III ' .. ), IIld/:t-, 1 1 fi' 1'::11

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dldJ','Jlldll('IIII" ''l'I'dldl(' (JIll .1,[',<1111, .Il1d, <I«Oldlll).',ly,llH' fl('qlll'II(,)' uf Il)(' 1\\'0 lll(Jd('~

1)1'( IJIIIf' 1111111' ,11"11111 l, tllld Il)(' 111111('1 (J11~('1 IW({J/Jl('" IIIUI(' dilli( ,dl.

5,5,2 'J'l'allSOllic Flow

Fi).'" :) I() ·,II(J\\'~ Il)(' 111111('1 :--1H'(·d~ IJI,lc1lll('d lOI ''('\'l'I,t! \.,t1I1('~ of w, ('mployillg III<'

1111!'(' 1111'1110,]" III llr1I1"Olllf !lO\\', (;l'IWI,''I\', III<' :--clllI(' 1)('lld\ iU1I1 <1:-- for ill('()lI1pl(·..,~dJJr.

IIII\\' (.1111)(' :,('('11 Iw/I' fUI llw 111111('1 :-'l'('('r! \'('1,,11:-- !tl'qll('II( y Icllio, 'l'Il(' ('qll,I1I()II~ of

111,,11' 'II ill Il.111',' 'III( flo\\'. ('<jlldlIUII" ( 1.1 ï) dlld (1 1 :-l), illll:--t] ,11 (' 1 Il,11, Ihi~ Pdl,L1lld('I.

ll'" 11111111'11('" llj(' lil:--l dldp'OIl,d 1('1111 (If Ill!' :--(ilrll(':--:-' Ill,ltli", ollly, (II(' ~i\llH' :--itlla­

liull cl'" ill ill( ()1I1J1I (' ...... i 1,1(· /lo\\', TII,t! i:-- \\'hy Fig, .l,)O "hO\\':, 1ll01(' 0/ I(·~~ lh" :,ame

IH'hd\'iolll d:-- Fig :l,!) r!(w!'> fUI III( olllpJ<·" ... il,I(· lIU\\',

Il :--1 1011 Id II(' 11II1(·d, 111(JII,t',1I. 111.11 Il)(' d('IOr!Ylldllli( (udli,i('llb tll('\J1('''I'IJt ill ail

Il)(' ('1('1111'111'> (JI' 111(' ..,1 drll(''''''' IIld l11X uf 1 h(' (·qll<11.iulI:' of IIIU! ](lll, <'q1\el! iUII" (,I.I ï) cllHI

(-1.1 K), ri 1111. Il)('1 "lUI (', 1(11 ull)(,1 lo( ,11 iOIl:' of t 1)(' (,Iasl i( ,Ixi ~ cl 11<1 (( 'II t 1 (' of I1Id:-'S, 1 hey

(dll lllrlk('II)(' 1)(,!.d\'iolI1 (JI (1)(' ",\ ..,lelll di!l('I('11I flUll1 \\'h,l1 it, i:-. 1'01 t.h!' d('falllt. "d1l(':-'

III 1 III' Pdldllll'l('I" 'l'hi.., \\'dllll' "'('('11 ill 1l101(' (kl,lll ill III<' follu\\'inl!, (hilpt('I,

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(HIs .

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l\l'.I1)(· rI :~: "'hlttel "'pv(·d, \ f. \(·1 .... 11!-> ll(Jll-dÎI1l('Il~ÎOllal Jll<1~S, Il. TlansonÎl f1ow, il

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1 2 1

1 4 1 6

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(lit' {' Il, p-~, .11\(1 tilt, 1 dpl.llt' Ilwthtlt!" .

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1 ~

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a =·05 x.. -025

Frequency Ratio, Wr


1 5



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Chapter 6

Parametric Flutter Analysis

III Illi" 1 Il''IlIt'l, 0111 clll,t1Y~I:-' ()f hu\\' tire 1/ lall/'( \'alll(,~ of d('"igll pétl'éllllders of an

tlil f"il ;dl'<-II 1 Ill' 0111111('111 (' ()f flilt tl'I will 1)(' gin'Il.

l''II~I, l'illt':-,' tllI,t1y..,i.., ",III Il(' 11111 uc!1J( c,d, cille! Iii.., IC'~lIlb \\'illlw 1 att'guri,œd. '1'l)(">n,

l,y Ih(' Ill' 1IIl' 1('~ldh flillll 11lt' IOllljJlIt.lti()lldl IOlltilW:-' ill hand. PillPs' J(':-'lIlts, [Will

his ilpPlll'\illl<lI(' dll,t1.\·..,i..,. \\'dl 1)(' 1'\·;r1Il,t\('d. :\!(,cllI\\'lrik, ~()l1le gC'llt'l'al t'Ollclu~ioJls

1111 1 lit' 1'11'('( t of Il'1,rI i\'(' po:-,il iOlls uf the l'!cI:-,t il' éI\i.., (P.éI.). ill'lOdYl1dl1lic ('litre (a (' ),

oIlld ('t'lItlt' of 1 Il il '0:-' (t .!-',.), <1'0 \\('11 ao.;. tIlt' tOlsiullcr! tu Iwnding nat1ll'al flcqllPllCY latio

(u..',) ()f clll dirfuil, 011 1 lit' flnt t('r .... !)('(·d \\ ill 1)(' <11<1\\'11.

6.1 l=»ines' Study

l'illt':-, :-,llIdi('d tilt' plUl,]t'1l1 of the fllltt('1 uf cl 2-D c1irfoil \Vith t\\'o (\togIP(,~ of

r,,·(·dlllll. ill plllll).!,(' ,md pltl'h, h~ llldkil1,!!, t111('(' cI~~III11ptioll~ [:nJ,

1) tilt' .... y..,tt'Ill IIlldt'lg()('S "illll"'UIiI,d motioll ill Lolh c!('gl('('~ uf fltwlom,

Il) fllllt('1 (Hellrs dllt' tll tIlt' (U,r/("'('('IICt' of tIlt' twu fl(>(l'lt'llt'ips of tl1(' ~)~Il'Ill,

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• Cll.\PTUl (j l'\H.\.\IFTH[(' FU J n.ï{ \.\ \/ ),l.,'/S ïh

lit) tlll' dl'lll(hlldll1ic fUll l' I~ hlJ('dlh dt'jll'lld'11l1 1111 tll!' dllgk III dt:"l k (11111' Id II\!'

Ba!'-cd UII 1 ht' Id!'-1 d!1!'-llIllpt loll. t Ill' l'qlldl lUI!" of llloliOIl dl (' Ill' 1 lit' IlllllI

111 h 1- 111./ n 1 1\" Il - (/,\ Il n .

II/ ,. 2 li 1- 1/1 1 li 1- 1\" Cl- ri" II/'/I •

\\'ht'IC', u., :!1 tlll' lift 1 tll "(' !1lt)I)(', l' dt,,1 ,111('(' lil t Ill' d('lUd., IIdlllie 1 ('11111' ,d'I 1111111' 1'1"',111

in the' Plcviuus (haptl'I. AS:-'lIl11IIl,l!, "11I11!10Id.d 1lI011UlI, titI' (1Idld( tt'II"II( ('!jII,I1IC111 1111

this prohkm ('itll 1)(' fOlllld cl!'>:


, 1/" I{ .r) 1 u.,',. (1 1 1 )

1\ " Il,

\\'11('1(', u) i!'> tl)(' fl('I(I\(,IlI'Y ur (J ... I IIl.diOIl, dlld uJ, i!'> tlll' 1H'lldill).', II) ItJl:,IIJlldlll,allIl,d

eqllation !'>lwllld 1)(' ZI'I(J UI Ill',!.'"tli\·(',

2 ( .1' 1.) 0., '{ 1 w, 1 -- ( ,-) (1 1 l' ,r)' (J 1 \ "

(Ii 1)

: \ --~ (.1' -- .1 / ,

• [ 2 2 ( _(.1:)2)], B =: ~ (1 + w, ) ((' - l') - 1 w r l' 1 -l'

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• ('/1 \1 J '1 ,,; /( (, 1'/ \ /(. \.\ l '" 1 /( 1 (' /, 1.1 . / 'J "-' If .. \. Y. \ t 't '<" J ,C'; Il


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\\IWII' 11/1'11,1',111 lidllCl ..,Id(· or tl)(' "ho\'(' t\\·o ilJ('(Plctliti(':-' illC' (1)(' roofs uf cCjlléltion


FIIJlIl ,t!HJ\C" tll!' {ollm\lIlg poillh 1 <111 IH' ('Ullc lud('c!:

'l'III' d~ Il''IIlÎc P/l'","'ll/I' ,tt f11lf,trol. I/f. 1:-' pl()IHJltiOIl,t! tu tll!' lo/':-,ioll,t! ~tifrll(,'o"

" IIJ i:-- ill\'('!'>l'" jJ!lljJl)JtiuII.d (u II\(' HJlIilJ(' of tl\(' di:--t.lIlcl' lH't\\l'(,1l tl\(' c\('!uc!ynélmir

Il'ltfIC' dl\(1 tll!' C(·!tf!C' O{lIla:-,s (ilS 1"11 1)(' ,-l'c'Il fWIll tl)(· 1/(.1: - .1')2 [,\l'(OI' in the t,,"o

i Il ('q Il, tI i t Î l ':-' ),

U! .

.tilt! tIlt' c Illldit iUII t lidt c/ /1111:-,1 1)(' Ilt)'>it i\'(' gi\'(':-,:

• -/J>O,

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(' Il \ l' T /' U 1 il' \ H \.\ 11 J/{I ( . 1-' LI . 1 l 'J'If \.\' \ 1 ) .'i I,~'

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Ti- FUI aIl rll'!lW'III) lali()s f11111l'1 i:- po..,..,d,j(· illllC''' (. Ill·..., 1"'1\\1'1'111111' 1' . .1 .!lId 1 !'

(j- If tllf' cl r. 1"" art or 1 hl' l·.g • IIl1t 1('1 1:-' plN.iIJll· ()lIh il

, ( r .r) ,. "'-, r ( 1 1 ~ ) ,

(II 1)

, 1 • , ,. .,.

6.2 The New Study

Sllmptioll:-'. III tll(' tlllrtly:-.i:-. pf(·:-'(·III(·d III 1111:-' "('1 Illill IIJ!':-'(' "'.<.lllIlpllllll" .1'1' "'/lIIJ\'I'd,

---- - - --- -- -- - ,----,- -

ITIIP .dg;lhl"ll J>fuII·dllll·I"!';IVI'IIIfJ d.'.lIl III '(1'1"/1"1), A

~Bj \1..,(' of "" .dgl·IJf:lIC illl.dy.,l., l'fI 0.,"1111 d III '!J'jJ' /l,II" ,\, II, 1-' . h'J\'dl lli,lI f"f J" (J IIIJlI'I J',

fp,>,dt., 111 t III" .,1 IIdy

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11I""jl/ll [10] dlld 1111 tldll',lJllir !lIn\' t.dJl!1,t!('d rlaf,l a\',[il,t1d(' fOI él :\;\(':\ (lIAfJOG

dlll,,!1 l:~:)l ,d, cl \1.,111 lllllldll'i ,,1 Il K,-) i" Il..,('<1 III ,uIdilioll. Il)(' ('ll'leltJ(Jll~ of Il]{)111i1l

dll' \vlitt(,,, il/tlll' IfllllllJl ,,1/ ('I.!!,"II\,t1ll1' pluld"lIl. ,'Ild ~{)h('d 1IIIllH'li(,t1I~ 'l'IIi" J('­

IIIUV('''' 1.111' If'L,t III f 101101 Ild\'il/,fl, rl 1'1 (''1''('II( Y (lI,rI(',>( ('Il( (' III 01 dl'I lu hit\'(' n1l1 1('1 '1 ht'

fI,JI"'1 1"11111.1;11\ 1'" fllJfdllll'd Il'''III!!, rl tlclrllflulldl (/-q llll'thud,

G.2.1 JnCOlJJ}H'('ssihle Flow

II/ t hi.., ~t Ild.\' ,dl tl)(' 11111 t('1 "p('I'(b IJI(':-'('lIt('d UI )llu!t('d, al(' llo)1-dinwllsiollal by

d 1'.11 tOI 01 h,<'" Il IIWellh t Il,,t Il)(' Je',ll flut t('1 ~J)('('d ill Céll h 1 d ... e is plOpOI t irJllal

It) 1111' l.(Jl"i(lII<lllI,tllll,d flt'qll('lltY, u-\,. UI. the dYlléllllir pf(':-. ... I\](> aL flltlLn. fli' is

IHOp(Jlt i()llcll lu "'". Il)(' t(}I~I()IItli stilflw..,s. 'l'hi:-. agIe,,:, ",ith Ihe ](':-'111t of Pill(,s'


AI'l uldlll.l', lu Plllt",' 1(,:-'111",. IIJ(' d~ lloll1ic 1)l('S"l1W al Hllttel i:-. ill\('I:-.C'ly jJlopor­

tioll,t1 lu 11J(' '!fI/air (JI III!' dl~t.IIl(,(' 11('1\\'('('11 Ill(' "lct:-.lic d\i:, ond tlH' ('('l1tl'(, uf ll1a'iS •

. 1' .. , (JI, I.II!' Il,,11('1 "Pt't'e! 1" ill\('I"I'''' PI0!J(Jltiull,d t(J t!J,t! di:-.lilllCl·, Now, lftht' f111ttcr

"P('('e! is pl(lII(·<1 \'('l''''IIS tlJ(' It'( iplllcctl uf tha! di:-.ldI1C<', 1;'1'0:' fOI ddf('!C'lJt locatiolls

uf Il)(' (·Iél:-,I il' a'\l:-', il, ('.tll 1)(' ~t'('ll 1 Ital Ihis is Ilot the' g<'IH'J'éll (ase', 'l'hl' J('''l1ltS for

I!lis (c1~(' dl(' !Jr('~('IItt-d ill Fig (i 1.

,\s 1 <Ill Il\' St 'l'II 1'1 (JIll 1 hl' fi,!!,11I ('. fUI ('la~tic axi!> positiolls alwad of th(' éH'lOd) Ilamic

(l'IIllt' (a < lUi), tIlt' (11I\!' i:- Ilot lillt'dl; titis rontléldict.s Pillcs' rC:-'1I1t. FOI ('lastic

d,i~ loc," iUlIs .Ift uf t hl' <ll'Iodyll<lmlc CI'IIt.r<', ('XCl'pt for ~lllélll ,.,tllI('S of 1/ Co, the

t III\'(' is Llirly lill!'a!. II. 1I11'alJ~ that., fur l'la:-,tic a,Îs po::.itiolls aft. of the' éll'l'Odynamic

('('1111'1" .IS IUllg i1:-, tht' n'III II' of ll1a~" is Ilot tuo l'dl' from the l'lastic axis, ~ay in the

Page 100: Flutter Evaluation of an Airfoil - McGill Universitydigitool.library.mcgill.ca/thesisfile69529.pdf · Flutter Evaluation of an Airfoil NlohaUlIuad Hacli Akbari DqmrtuH'ut of l\1cchanical

• ClI.\PTEH (i. 1'.\U.U/Fï'IU(, Fl.l /TFH .\.\' \/) ."il.~

\'dlid in t hi ... 1',1-;('.

III iI1COnlpl(",..,illl(,!Iu\\', 11lt' <!l'IIJ(hlldllllC 1 ('lIlll' j.., Ii\l'd ,tt 1 Ill' (!lldill'i 111l1I,] 1/1.

d.C" olll~ 1 II!' pl)~il iOIl~ (JI' 1 Il!' l' cl dllt! I.g ..,1 1011 Id Il(' 1 Ildll)!.I'd ,dl)II.I~ 1 Ill' 1 111l1" hl\('.

The elastic aXIS 11/11 ad of t.he HPl'odyll;UllÎC Cl'llt rc

FUI thi~ ca..,I', "('IIM - ,Iudy A", t \te (' d, 1:-. (),~ b ,dll'dd of 1 II(' cl l'., i l'., Il

IOJlga ... IhC' (.g,lil's ahl'ad uftl\(,(,i\, JIU 1I11ttl'i IJ(IIII~ l'dl dlly l'II'qlll'lll,)' I,ilio Thj~

agJ'('<'s \\'ith t111' 1 Oll( III~ioll Ily Pilws fuI' t hi~ !>it Il,11 iOll,

III Fig. (j,2 fUI ~I'\'('I ili p{J~it i()l1~ of ('.g" in 1 Iti~ li,!!,IIJ(', d., IJ('fuJ(', ,l'" i~. t Ill' 111111

din1C'l1foiollal distan«(' (ill tl'llJl~ 01 ~1'llIi-IIt()ld) ul ('Idl(' 01 1II,I"'~ ,dt or l,lit' (·/<1 ... 111

axis, As t'ail he' S('('11 l'Will IIt(' li,!!,lll(', rOI (';l( It (,!!, jll)"'llillll, f1l1f.f('1 (H (1I1~ ,il ("'('IY

fr('qllt'Ilcy latio l)('j'ond il ('It"ill 1IIIIIilllllllJ \"t1l1C' Tlli~ i~ tIlt' ~;IIII(' 111'11<1\'1\1111 <I~

for diff('!('111 lu( ,tll<JlI~ of !'hl' «'111,1(' uf 111.1.,." Il (<III \)(' "('('11 iJl 1 11(' 11~',111" 1 Il.11. 1 lit'

ft m('é!ll~ that f111tit-r i~ IllOI(' po..,~il)l(' lu (J('t 111 111<111 wlt,tf, l'ilJ('~' .,t,lldy plI·dl l h

A~ the c.g, i~ ll1o\,('d fil 1 till'I' lH'hillll 1 III' il,C" dl «(il dillg t,o PiJl('''' ~>t,lIdy, 1111'11' Iflll~t,

('xi st flllttpr fUI ('V('IY wr • TIH' ~dlJlt· J('~lIlt I~ o!J1.til)('c! ill thj~ ~tlldy, III 1',"111'1.11. 1111'

!luttel sp(·t'd d(·( l'('<IS('S f](J1Il ib illitial V,tllJ(' fUI cl ')111iI1I w, fUld I('d( Iw,> il 11111111/111111,

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11/1'11 ..,Idll', 111111'd'dll!.!, !illl'dilv il'" 1!1f' fl('(jlll'll(~ 1.11101" lllrJ<·'I..,(·r1, TIl(' J(·~1I11.., fOi

1111'1 (d'.I· dll' /I!IIIII·d III Fig (1,1

','1)(' ('Ia~t il' aXIs 11ft of the ;\('l'odyn:tlJ1ic cent.re

FOI I!ll'" .... ,., liulIl\\() (d..,(·- .... llIdi(·~ hd\('!J('('1I (UJlSldl'l('d. ·'casr-.... llldy H" ,tIld "(([sr-

• ,.( '(/.~r - ~/II ri 1/ If'

III tlli~ ("~{' 1 II<' I·.d i .... ,JI Ill<' lllid-I llUl d (rl -:: O.). Ill'Ililld Il)(' fI.C As lung a~ Il)(' c.g

i~ lOI ,dl·d ,tIlC'dd uf Ill<' 1'.;1., dl 1 (Jldlllg 10 )111](':-.' ~1 lIdy, )l0 0111 t('r \\'Ill 01'1'111 fo!' any

\',dw' (Jf t ... ·). FOI 1,111' 1 d..,l· ~I IIdy 1II1d('1 «()II~id('1 ill IOn. 11111 tCI' (,Ill 1)(' oIJtailJ('d, aL a

\, 1'1 l "ill l,Ill.!!", ,,1' w) , fOI ,tl!local JOIl:-- (JI' 1)](' (' g. Jwhilld the éLC.; th(' )(~:-.u)ts dl(' ~ho\\'n

III Fig. lUi. A .... 1 <III )w ~('('II flOI!l llJ(' f1glllC', nnl 1<'1' (·'\i~b IIp to a ('el'tain valuC' of W r ,

dl'J)('lIdillp, 011 1.11l' pu.., Il iOIl of (' g. A" 1 II!' ( g. Illu\ ('~ c1o,-;('}' to c.a., this Wr",,", lH'j'ond

\ w'lich !lO fi lit 1.1" (JI (III", II('I ()IlW:-' gl(',tI('I.

Now, ,,~ t lJ(' (.p,. p()~il iOIl i~ IIlu\'(,d lwllind tlH' ('.a .. arcol'dillg to Pilles' sLudy,

11111(' IIIIISI. 1)(' cl 11Id'\illllllll W) ))('.\())ld \\'hi('h no HlItter OCClII'S, Lhi::, wrmar df'pcnds Oll

1.111 po~ili()11 (JI' tllC' ('.,\. illld cg., ,lS \\'(·11 ,lS l',,, gi\'C'll 1)) eqllation (6.:3).

'Ill' 1(,:-'111", ()hlalll<'d fWIIl this ~tlldy é11(' ..,llOwn in Fig. 6.6. As can be f,CCI1

~1111 ,Iltl'I(' I·'\I ... I~ 111Itt(,1 f()1 ,dl \',!llll'''' of w). \\hich ('ontladids PIll('S' 1(''''lIlt fOI this

~illl 1011 'l'Ill' IIl1tl('1 ~IH,('d i\l<ï('a~('s lilll'MI)' with wr ' ,lIld él~ t~le ('.g. 1110\,('''' furUlc!'

fl(lll tllC' l' .1., tlll' 1'111\(' ~I(lp(' ill<ï'(·a,,('s. i.C'., thl' fllltt(,1' :-.p('('d illcrcasC's morC' l'élpidly

d~ t 1 • flt'qlll'Il!',\' Idti() 111l1l·,I:-'('S.

f L

J r. 1 ,. ~

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• ('II \Pl'f-.'H 6, Il,-\U \'\W/'Uf(' Fil J'TF/{ \.\ \US1S

• "('(/,~I - ~t ur/y ('H

III Ihis ('.1,,('-:-.11111,\ tlll' (',,1. 1" i11 Ihl' Ihll'(' <ill.llll'i Ihllld, fi

\\\\lldl1H' III l'ill''''' "

"llId:.', ilJ titi" "illlallOlI 111t'11' IIlII~1 ])(' IlU 111111t'l ,If dll\ rlt'qllt'ilt \ Idlhl Hill, Il 1"

f(llIlId lli,d, t\lIlII,II)' lu Pilll·,,'ll'~ldt,lll\lll'l tdllllt'tll,ldllll'd ,d t'\t'I," flt'qlll'l1l\ Idtil',

cilcb c.g. po .... il iOIl, Illd Lt'I ~p('t,d ill( 1 t'dSt'~ //l1t {//'/.I1 \\ il Il "..',. 'l'III' 1 III \t' "llIl'(' 1" "i,l'.h,

('~P('( \,dl:-' fui ( ~, }H' .... II iUIl'" f.1\ rl\llll \ 1\1' l',,\. ,\~ 1 Ill' t,l.'" IIIU\(· .... \ \\1"1'1 1 t, t'.1 , 1 hi~

~Iop(' d(·( I('<I~(''', il'., 111l' Il litt ('1 "1)('('" ill( I('d:-'I'~ \\'11.11 cv" Il'ss Idpi.!ly, :\\-,,,, II i" ',t'I'II

thal, C\~ \1)(' t' ,\. lI1O\'('~ 1'111111(·\ 1H'llilld 11)(' cl (',1111' lilllg('111 fll'«III'IICY l,di" ,d, wlli(11

ll11tt('r (H'CIII:; ('xt('I](I~ flOl1l 10\\ \'ilh\(·~ 1." hlglll'i \,,1111(,:',

Thl' !l':'lIlts fur th(' CclS(' \\ 11l'11' t 1](' c,g. \~ 1)('llllId t 1)(' (' ,\ .11 (' ~h()\\'11 ill FI,I~. fi,,";,

by Pill("';' slwly, ",11('1(' 1.111' \<111\(' of U-'"",,, i~ ,l',1\1'1\ J,y l'qll,dillll (Ii:q '\" (.III II!' ',('('11

from tilt' fig,1l1(', a:-- th(' (.p,.IIlU\·(· ... fil 1 1111'1 (o\V.lId:. Ilu' tlcltlillg('d~(·, i,I',IlIIl'I':'; Illlt.llt'l'

I)('hilld the' ('.a., thl' w, 1)(,C<JlI](,~ SIII(lJJ(·I'. TI){' \'illlI(,:' IIf W, ((JII('~'J)/jlldiIlU. t.() "I(I~ '1111' r

~(,v('r<ll Î.g. po:.i1.ion:. o!llilil]('d flll!l1 thi.., ~\'lIdy, .11(' (()J1IJ1.1I(·d wil.ll Ih(I'-,(' p\l'di/ I/·I!

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( '[ H vn;/( rj f):\ If l' .\[ f'[ [( 1(' VI, ("1 'J'l,JI A.\' \ 1.) .'-,'IS'

(L2.2 'J'rallson ic Flow

'l'II 1,01\'(' d Iwl1.(·1 IIIId('I..,1 clI/dill).!, (JI' 11/1' 11111.11'1 111('( hrlllÏ:""l1 in 1 1 dll~()IIi( nu\\' l('glllH"',

tl".., plol,I('III 1.., fil!'>1 'IIIrlly!.(·d i" 1 I,i.., !,>('( liOIJ, <1"rI till'Il él IIllltel élllélly<,ic.; !'>imilcu tü

\\'1,,11, \\'cI!'> d(JI/c' ilJ IIIC' JII(·viol'" "'('( II()II, ",dl Ill' pl ('!'>('IlI('d

V/nU,·)' M"c1'fI"i:-rn /II T"allsollic Flow

Tu ill\(·.,tlg,d,(· tl/(' fllltt('1 IJl(·(I',lld'>"1 ill Ildn",ullir flow, t",ü (élS{·-st.1IdiC's ]Iélve

1)('('11 C (1/1é>ld('I('c! ""t! ""dl\ /'c·(/. [II tl/(' IIIll h ('f\:-,('!'>. tilt' a('lut!YllilJl1IC data of a NACA

(i !:\(J()(j cli, f()" ,d, il ~tl( Ir 111111")('1 (JI (J S!), \Vith t",o dq?,J(·{'c.; of fr('{·dom, in p/1Illgl' and

pil (Ir, Ild\'(' 1)('(,,, 1I0.,('t! '1'//(':-'(' d,t! ri hd\'(' h{'('1l "d,{'1l fWIll L('(· [:25J.

1" "('(J.~(-~/lIdy :1" tilt' (·lrI~tl( rI\i.., i.., dt tll(' h'cHlillg ('dge, cllld 111<' C!'lltrc of rnass

lu( rltc-c! Ils (11I"d 1)('1,,"d It, i C' . Cl = -1 0 and .1'" = 0 2f5. The cig(,!l\'a!tIPs of

tlll' ~y:,1.(·111 cll(' «J1I1PIJtC·t! ,d. (',u h "'J)('('d 11~lng thl' p-k m<'l!Jo(1. The Ic,d palt of

(',t( Ir ('lg('IJ\'db/(' (JI tl\(' "y.,t('1ll j.., illl Îlldi(',dÎOIl uf 1/1<' dclll1pillg in that mode, and

tilt' ÎlIlrlgÎlldl' polIt 1 ('JII (''''('111:-, t /J(' frl·q1l(·lle)'. 'l'Il(' 1 ('éd illld il1ldginilly paIl,::. of the

('1,1~('1I","1I('~ (If 1 1)(' I\\u J110des a.., cl l'III/( t iUIl of ~p('('d ill!' ~bo\\'1l in Fig. () 10 and

l'\I!,. (j.ll, I('~I)('( tn'l'ly. ,\bo ShU\\'1l ill thl' ligUles al(, tlJ(' !'('al and imctgillétl'Y parts

III' tilt' ('ig('I1\"""(,~ (jld,lIl)!'d wlwll ('drh dq:!,I('('-ul-fll't'doll1 is cOll:-id<'l'l'd ill a ~illgle­

,I('gl('" uf-f'I'('d()111 l'lOhlclll. :\~ ('<III 1)(' :-,('('11 l'Will the figllJ('~, thl' damping in the

phlllgill,J!, 11111<11' 1)('( ()11l('S ll('g,tti\'(' ct! tlJ(' nutt{'l :-,pl'('rl. ft (clll "Iso \)(' S('('n that, the

fl<'q\lt'Il( il'~ of t 1)(· twu llIud(·.., ,lIt' Ilot {'\('Il (Io~e to ('Mh otlH'1' al, the flatter speed.

III 1',11 t, thc., :-'1'I',II;d(' IlIUIt', cl" t hl' ~p('(·d ilj('J('tl~(':- Tlw fl('qlH'ncy in t.he phlllging

IlHldl' (thl' 1110<11' whilh hC'('UlIII':-' llll~tclhlc) Il'maillS tlw ~dnl(> at <L1l tl1<' sp('eds, and

tIlt' fll'qu('llry of tlll' pitdl lI10de ÎII( 1 (',ISI':- \Vith the "p('cd .

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(,lI.\PTFUti P\H\.\IfJ'U/('FI.l'J'IFH \.\ \f.)S/S ~I

:\U\\', wll!'1! llllh ul!e of Iltl' dt'grl'I'" IIf fll'l'dllill I~ 11I1l"idl'll'd ill " ""ïl.lI,11t' "II'''~'''I~,

i,e', 1.\\U ()IIl'-t1('gll'l'-uf-flt'l't1ulll pllIhll'l!l" li ])OF). Il 10111 hl' ',,'l'II 1II,tI tlll' fll'qlll'III \

ill ('a( It IllU"I' ,tllllll" i" ,1I11lO,,1 (1)(' "011111' .1'" ,It,t! III t Ill' (\\11 dq!,Il'I' of fll'I'''"111 1'1'lld"lll

(:mOF): ~('(' FI,!:!. (l.ll Bllt, cI~ (.III 1)(, "'('1'11 IIUIII Fig li 10, titI' .JdIIIPIII,!', Il'11101111''

jlo"it j\(, al ,dl "'Pl'I'(!-, il! ('d( h of tl\(' 1 \)() F pitll"I'III~

TIII'Il'fol<" h~ Inokillg ,tI tl\(' 1 1 H.;J t1b (Jf II\!' '!J)OF jlitlldl'III If 1IIl,l',It! ~I'I'III th,t! Iltl'

111\((('1' UII'>('( i~ d1\(' III 11\1' plllllgillg dl',!~I!'" uf Ilt'l,dtJllI, ''id\' 'l'Ill' 1.,. k 1I1 01 1""'1111'11' \'

(oal('"n'II('(' Ill<l.\ ,d~o Il'illflJl('(' t I\(' id.,.! H1I1,. tlll"HII'IIIIp, ('cl' Il .l'','~II'I' of /11'1'''"111

:-,('pdrall'Iy ill (\ru IDOF 1'1tJ1,JI'III"', ~llu\\" tllcll.llll'" 1" 1101 11\('(01:-'(', Il''ldll~'''III1'',,III\(,

sy~t('111 III thi~ 1'<1"(' du(':-, 1101. 1II1d('rlak(' Il lit It-I ,II dll\ '>1'('( . .1

Th,' "'''Ill'' J'('~1\lt~ "" fllr Ill!' pl(,\'i()l1~ (c1"'I' c1f(' ()IJI dill .. d IIlI "((/,.,( - ... IIII/Y/I", III will,"

tilt' C'la..,til c1xi:-, i.., dl tll<' qlld/'I('I-(hllid cUld Ih,' 1('111.11' (Jf 1I1c1~'" is 1/'i'I IlllIlt! 1H'llilld

Ît, ic>" (l = -0,·) ,lIld ,/'" = O~I. 'l'If(' 1 l ''''1 dl'> lUI Illi~ 1;1',1' 011,' :-.IIU\\'II III Fig (; I~

éllld Fig, (j I:l, III 1 hi.., ca:-.(' "I,,(). 1111' I,',d "lit! IlIld,t',llldly jlctll.., (JI' 1111' Iwo ('I,L',I'II\',dll(':'

ha\!' J1lUj('OI' 1(,;-,:-, tif(' '>clllH' ((('lit! \\'ith :-'I}('(·d, d~ tli 111('111('\'1011'> (d..,(' ..,llId,\' ,\1',0111('

f-.tlllW rUllclll~iuJl (élll 1)(' cOllclllCI('d fl(J1I1 1111' J('~ldb (Jf Illi~ 1 d:-'I'.

Parametric FJutter AnaJysis

'l'Il(' f-.tlllH' :-'Ult of )hlldllll'tlic !lull('1 dlldly~i~ dOl II' fUI illl(Jllljll('..,:-.il,J(· !ll/W, \VoI:-'

<Ibo done in th(' t Idllo,Olli .. now 1 ('gill\(, (UI cl .\JA('A (j I,\(JI)(, ctidod ,11 cl l'V!.I( 11111111"11'1

of 0.85 ll<;illg t 1](' 11I1"'\('clfly ill'llJd,} Ilctlllll (udlJt i('II1.!"> [L'i].

In l!Je tlclll"OIlÎC now I('~ill](, 1 1 If' cI('IIJdY"dllli( (('1111(' pIJ..,i1.ioll j" 111/\ ,t "1)('( dil

point, {,\('Il at a fix('d ;\,1<11'11 1llIlIdwI', tlll'l<'foJ(', il. i.., 1101 1 ('ILlildy 1(11)WII \\·(·1,/11'1 l,If('

(,Iastir axÎf-. is alJ('(jel of, UI, IH'hilld, 1111' ,H'lodyllrl/lliC (C'II1.I(', 110 IIlrst.t('1 wlwH'll1!'

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(·ld·.II( .1 .. 1', i ... JII( d!forl ·/IIf'I,·rul!'. t Il' Ir I(}III'I jJ{J~tll()lI~ (JI 1 II(' '\{'lodJ IIdllll! 1 (,IIUt'.

(·ld·,II( d·i .... dlld 1111' Il'lrll(' III 1 Iltl " .... (till JI(JI 1)(' (''\dllly 1I1dJ>J)('d iJlI() 1 1 If' rldff'II'/It

(,,l'~',lIlil''' ill 1'1111· ... ' ',IIIrly Hill. III'" ,Idl i"I'·I("tlll.e, I() dl) Ill<' "ilJlH' ill\·(·:-,tigdlioll.

111:,1 I,y 1 Il,, Il.l',III!!, 1111' Il), ,d IIlll, 01 t III' ,·1".,1 i( d '\1:-' tllld 1111' , ('llll(' of IIld":-'.

JII 1.111', , d:-'(', t 1](' :'tllll<' 111/1'(' (i!"('-,llIdi(''-, ;1:' ill iIH (JIIIJII('""illk f1uw, 1r<l\'C b(,(,11

('11I'oId('/I'd ~II)/(' :-'J)('( rfll ,t1ly, titi' (·1,,:,111 d'\i.., 1'" ]JlcI( (·rI ,II, (1 1.1-1 hord, tJj(' mid-l'hord,

dlili Ill!' 1II1""l]lIdlt"1 ,llold. f('''J)('( lin·ly. ,lll,] in (';lIh (d!">!'. t./H' «·IJt.J(' of l1l;1~:-' is

P/.J( "ri ,d dilr,'I"1I1 I(J( ,rliOIl:-' ,rlolI.!!, 1 Ill" lruI,] li,l!'

• ,,( '(I.~( - .,llId" /1 .,

'/'111' 1{",IIII:-. lUI Illi" , d,l' :'!,l/Ily, ill \\ II il Ir the ('.d 1:' IOl'il!,!',] ill n ]!)-ch()rd, aIC' :-,lwwll

III Fil!, (i.1 1. A:-, :-.II()\\'II in 1 Il!' liglll ('. IW Illdtt('1 whrtf tlIC' f('lat ive po~it ion of t Il(' (',il,

.I"d { g, i:-., IIl1lt('1 ()( (III, fUI ('\'{'I) u..',. dnd III ail CcI"('S thl' IIl1tt(" ~p('(,d has the saJl1C'

111'lId \'('l'''I/'' tlll' f, ('ql/I'II!',\' Irdi(),

\\'111'11 t11!' CI!, IS lo!',rl ('d rrl/('dd of t II<' (',il. ;1< cordillg tu Pilll':" st llrly fOI incoIll-

1)f(·:-,~d,J,'lJu\\'. th('I(' 11/11,1 lIUt. ('\/:-,1 /l1IIlI·l. \\I1I'II'a:-.. ill Ihi:-. CtI:-'(' fol' ('\'('IY w, fJ1\ttt'r

i ... oltldilll'd, 'l'III' Sdlll!' 1/I'1Id is ,rI"o ol,:-,I'l'\'(,c! in the (,i1~(, wl}('J(' tir" cg. is clft of the

(' d '1'11<' fi 1/1 II'/' ~I)(·('d Illdillly il/('/('dS(,~ i\:-, 1./](' [1'<'quC'llcy ratio is inl'l'('é\s('c!, a/thoug,h

fOI :-'111111' l'.L'. IHI:-.it iUIl", il ~Ij()\\':-' ,1 d('('/('a:-,(' fol' ~/)]élll [l'l'ql/(,llcy latios .

• "( 'o.,t -,,1 ut/'I If"

III "(,0,,1-,,111,1.'1 /r', \\'I!l'/'l' tlH' (',il. i:-, pla«('d rIt tl)(' mid-chold, thC' 1whaviour is slightly

dif]'t'I('1I1 f,u'll Ill<' !Jt<·\iOIlS l'(l:-'('-Sllldy, 'l'III' 1(':-'lIlls al'(' sho\\'n in Fig,. () 15.

F\JI II/(', ,!!,. 1'(I~lt jUil, fOI \\ ,\1'(1 (If t Il<' (',il" 110 J('a"Ollil],k {lut.!.('1' SpCf'rI can be found,

Tlti:-. i~ II('{ dll~(' 1 h,lI IIlltkl (1('( Ill~ ,tt il Il·dll('(·d fl'l'qlll'IlC)' oubide tll(' allowablC' lange

l'li 1 1Ising t II!' d\diLt/I'l' ''l'IlH],' /lallll(' data t hat is 0,025 ::; l,' :::; 0,.1,

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('//.\1' 1 FH li. IJ.\H \ \",' J'H/(' f.'Il Il FU \.\ \1) .-"ï.';

\\'hl'Il t II\' 1 ,!', 1'" 11l()\('(! 11\·1111111 1 Ill' l' Il .1 l' • ptt"'lt I\l' \.11,1(· ... III l',. Il 1'" Il'IIIIt! l ""t

1 Ill' fll1t tel "(H'('c1 II\! '(·d"I· ... IlIft·.l1 h \\lt h cc', • 011111 tlll'i (. ,.111 Il,.1 !)(' ("'"1.1 ""\ 1'1'111'1

ur 10\\," lill1lt tlll It

:\~ thl' (' t',. 1:-' 1l1()\I·d 1111tlll'i 1"'1111\!t tlJt' l' d . tlll' ... 1"11(' (lltlt"llllttl'l "1'"'.1 \,'1',"'"

tIlt' fll'qlll'I\!) 1.l1io 11111(·<\ ... (· .... Illlt . .1'" 1.111 III' "1','11 (1""1 tIlt' 11\',1111" tlll' I.Ik 11111,,·.

illl'i (·a:-.(" d"1 1"<\",·:- .

• ,,( 'a .... 1 - .... Iudy ('"

The J(':-'I\I1" fUll hi" l ""'l' ... , Il,h d\(' ... hll\\ II III I,\!.', (, 1 (i III 1 Il''' , ".,1' 11\1' ('.\ l', l,,, .dl·"

dt tl1t' tltl'·I·qllillll'I-,hllld. '1111' Ihlttl'I "'pI'I'c1 '",('1111'. I() h.I\I·., '1111".11 tl,'11I1 \\Ith

fn'ql\t'IJ<'y l.tlÎO fOl ,dl l ,l!, l',, ... II)UIl .... th"II"II"1 ''l',·,'d 111111·01·1· ... III .1 '1l1dt!I.t1Jt 1I1011111t'1

\\'ith fl('qlll'1l1 ~ J.l1io Fllllll'l ,,(w,'c1 1"11 1111(1)('1 .tli III.tI"c1 dl 11"'1lh'lll \ 100li,,·, [',l''oIt''1

thdll él «'1 t dill ,.11111' l'III ('dl Ir 1 .e. !lI,"'I! 11111 'l'Il<' \('oI"'llIl :-'1'1'111'" II) II(' 1 lit' col1111' 01'" III

"c</.-;c- ... fudy Ir',

]·']I1(II·\' :-'1'1'('c1 1 ... lrlp,ll!'l II!! tlll' ( g !J() ... itilJlI" fl"IItI'1 /111111 tll!' ".1, TI" ... l'.tll\l' 1"1

both (ël:-'('S \\'111'11' t!ll' l'.,l',. 1:-' 1111 "l('d "Ij('dd (JI. IJI. IlI'blllcl. IltI' 1'"

COllÎhl:-,ioll~ Ol! tlll' \(',,1111:-. (JIll dilll'c1 ill 1 hi ... 1 hdpl(" wtl! Ill' l'II ·.'·1I11·d III t III' lolle.\, 1I1~·.


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('/I:1/)'I/',/( ri /' \J( \ \/L'IIU(' ff.{!'1 '1 VI( \.Y \U ,'-)1 S'


.... Q)

~ ::::J iL G

lU C o cn fii 4

E Ü , c o Z 2


a:::-O,7 u

a =-=;..0,5 a~-O.4


(]~-O ° . -(]=-=0,5 •

p:-50 ra- 05 W,= 02


o o

~ ... ~ ..... +-.

••••••• ... ---. - ... ------ +--------------- ... ----------------------------. - --- -. ------- ---------- .-------- -----------

1 2

_ L ______ 1 ______ 1- ___ _ -l ___ ..l ____ L.._

4 6 8 10 12 14

Rociprocal of the Mass Centre Position, 1/Xa

Fig1llc (i,]: Flllttcr "P(·(·t! \(']"US !j.r", for differf'lIt locations of the elastic aXIs .

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('11.\1' J'En (j fJ.\H \ \IFI lue FI 1'1 l'FH .\S \U 1,1~'


:> 8

"0 Q) Q) a. (j) 6

, ' : : , ' , ' , , , , , , , ' i' - , , , ' i'

1 : , ' : : , . , , , ,

o ------- -- -- _.J. o 05

Ji = 1 00 a-.o·07 r.--oO 1

Frequency Ratio, W r



... .... . •

u 'J

... •


... •




'1 Il (1 (1 (1 (1 '


l'Jastic axis at 0 15-d10I d, alll'ad of 111(' ;u'ludY"dlllir (t'II1.II', ;11111 LI 1(' (1'111 J(' of J11;1'.~

at diffcJC'lIt loratiolls 1L(~t\\'C'C'11 t!Jf'Ill .

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1 ?

J ;: o ~ 08 a: [)' ~ OC :J 0" Q)

IL 04

c ~


o o



11=100 a=-0.7 r.=0.1

01 015

Mass Centre Position, Xa 02

FiglllC' () :l: i\lillill1l\lI1 flt'qul'lIcy I<ltio fol' which fllltt(,1' is obtained, WrUIIII ' fol' (IiITer-

t'Ill lorat iOlls of t 11\' tI'lltl (' of IllclSS, .I\~. Compal'iSUll bct\\'l'f'll the IC5ttltS obtained

l'Will l'i Ill'S , :-,tlldy ,\IIC! thi~ 'itudy. Il1compl'C':-,.,iblc flo\\'. The ('Iilstic axis at 0.15-

1 IlIll d, ,1Ill'<\lluf (Ill' ,\('I ùdYll<llnir Cl'Ilt IC" <111<1 the ('('111 1 (' of ma<,<; aL diffc! l'lit locations

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CH:\ PïTH (J. P. \ H \.H E ru /( . FU' ]'J FI? \.\' \ 1 ) ,,,,'IS

14 -

-6 ~ 10 0-


E 6

"9 c o Z

4 -

11"= 1 oC' a=-Q 7

,\~ ~ ,"" il + ·w; +

f~~ 1 ••

f.} A ~ • fr ,- + •• ~-R + ••

 Il •• • .. ",,~... ~.

,vI"! +. 1>.'" l'Jo -M. t. 1>.

ni 1 •• .1>. ô"". ... ~'... •• • AI>. ({-Q, • _ .... • _. ~... I>. ._ à'..,.. 1>.. •• KY.-  .-n9~..· ....

~'T •• • Â ••

. .ê~ ....... .Â' ••• If Via··· ... ~ .... ' .. -. df!! ... ,k •• ,- ..

2 '.a..... ' ...... o t_ -------- -----

o ___ J

05 Frequency Ratio, Wr


1 5

l'la~tic axis cÜ 0,15·( hOId, allf'ad uf the' df'/fJ(!Ylld/llic «'1111<', ;tllt! f,)w « 1111<' I)f IIld',' •

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>-I? -0 ID ID 10 a.




: . .. <:>

• · · ·

1'= 1 00. a=OO r.=-0.1

X.r -dl ~5 X..=,§ 35

x.r-8 25

xa=-O 20 --+-X-r;f !5 Xa,,:j.!O xu=,O 05 . -X~:J_~ . . , . .

6 : 1 Â : g 1::. 9!~! : 'i' " , / " c. 1::. 0' .. fo }I o Cl 0 i . i " z 10'''' "

2 • ...., A-j.f',,/ •• - • .A~ ~.-- ~~.IJ h·~·. iP:, ~Aff. ............ • •.• ..Et

.A.u.Lu.liit.'ii.aJI * ••• .' - .' {)' ~"'\!r' . dl u· n---o---n---O---{3---0·_-Q---Q Er

o o

__ J __


_ ____ L _________ ---1 __ -

04 06 08

Frequency Ratio, Wr

. , I;J . , .


Figllre (i 5: Flllt!('r ~»l'('d, V" \l'l'HlS frcC!lIl'IlCY ratio, (Vr • Incompressible flo\\'. The

(,1",,1 ie ,,'\is ilf f Ill' Illid ,hord, IJl'hind the élt'I'adynamie ('cntIe, and the CC'11!H' of mass

Page 112: Flutter Evaluation of an Airfoil - McGill Universitydigitool.library.mcgill.ca/thesisfile69529.pdf · Flutter Evaluation of an Airfoil NlohaUlIuad Hacli Akbari DqmrtuH'ut of l\1cchanical

ClI. \/1 J'EH li J> \ li UI/'" 1 If/(' FU'li'/·.'H . \.\, \ 1 ) ,~ï.~'


_ 12 > '0

~ 10 0..

en .... Q) ~ :J u.. E :a


8 -

6 -

C o 4 Z

X.--B 94


x.--g 28

x.-'~ ?2 Ya==~ ?8 X.'-= J 90

w- 100,

6--0 ° r.",O,1


4 5

clastic axis at tl\(' Illid-(holcl, ]wllilld the ,!l'lorlj IJdll,i( «'Id 1(', .!1Ir1 t III' «'Id 1(' of IIl,t"'"

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( '/1. \ V) VU rj fJ,,\ lU ,\ 11~ TIU (' FI. 1 ; j"j'/:'H A N .. \ L ), ,)'IS


::> 8


Cf) 6 .... III ~ ::1 ü:

S 4

'0 , C 0 z


o o

1 6.

,/ li>

, ~


, l ,

, 1 1

P 1 , 1


~ , , , li ,0 , , • , , J~

• ,:+' .' 4' C), ' À -

t 1-'- • •

, , , , ô

, , çi


, , , , ,

1 , , , /' • , , •

• .' , )1 ~' ,

À .' ,/-.- ./


- ,1'-~-.------- - ----,-------,----, '

if JI , 1




JI' • Ja'


.,,/1{ Jl=100, a==-O 5 r.=O,1

X:;i~82l x'==;!l,74 x.=-O 50

--0 -Xa=-O 34 --*--x.=:~ _18

xa::i,_10 x.=-O 02 --e-

1 _ _ _ _ _____ L _ _______ .1. __ _ __ --1-__ _

05 1 1,5 2 25

Frequency Ratio, Wr

Figul'C G,ï: Fluttcl' :--p('('d, l'J, \'(,I::.IIS fJ'l'quC'llc)' J'atio, w,. Inco1l1pI('s~iblC' flow. The

t'liI..,1 ie "\i,, al 1 !te 1 hrc(' qllal ter-l'hord, hehilld the élC'lOdynélmic cenLIC', and t hc ccutre

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(,1/:\jJ'j'FH li P\H.L\lL'J'UJ(' l-'LUï l'EH AS \U.I..;fS


a o

L _


-1 1 , 1

_ ____ L _


Frequency Ratio, Wr

Jl-100 a- 05 f. -01

Il fJ fJ



x .. tq02

x. ,~OG x. 0.'0


x. 9 ~8 )( .. ~ 26

x" ~38

)( .. ~ ~O



t'lastic axis at the thl('('-qllétrkr-(hOld, \)l'hilld tl\l' ,j('rodYlIdll\i{ {('IlI.II', illld tll\' ({'IIII('

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( '/1 \ VI "-Ii fj 1':\ /(. \.\/1';1 /( f(' 1 1./ "j'T/~ïf . \.\'. \/, ) 'SIS


1 0 fi ... != 0 ~ 05 Cl: () ai 04 ::J 0-C) ....

LL 03 -

~ ~


01 a

~ ,

, ,



JI= 1 00. 8=0.5 r.=0.1

--A. -----a~_

-- - --A- ---- -~--- - -6 - --_. 1::. _____ 1::.- ____ -8- -----8- ___ _

_ _ J_ _______ --'---- J __________ _

0.2 03 0.4 0.5

Mass Centre Location, Xa

1·'i~~1l Il' (i 9: 1\ Llxill1lll11 fll'(!1H'l!cy 1,11 io fOl which flutter is obtaiIlf'd, W rmaz ' for different

lUI .111U1IS of tlH' Cl'Ilt 1(' uf ma<;s, .l'". Compal'ison \JC'twecn t.he results obtailwd from

l'illl's' ~tlldy c1lld t bis ~tudy. IllClllllpl ('!>~ih)e nO\\!, The e)a:-.tic axis at the tlu'ee-

<[lldllcl dlUld, !)('billd tltt> ,\l'loci) nilll11C (,(,Iltl'<', and the ((,Illl'e of maf:>S at diffclcnt

IlH rlt.iOIlS ))('hillll the (').t:-.tic axis,

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• CI/,\PTFU(i Il'/? \\/FJ'U/(, Fl.l:'j"n·.ï? \.\ \I)SI."·


M 085

0 - -NACA 641\006 nltrotl

. -Il -- - () illl 11 Il Il

0- -- 0 0-" u- - .{1 - 0

1\ Il ~O. nl·t Ilhn~1 (?DOr) ID 0 r.· 05 P,teh ~\nor} ::l 0 ·10 ct! 0

fi f3ûndII1V, (1 ()lW) >

(01) 0 w, 02 c: -ID 0 x. 025

Pltell ,1IJ0I ) en ill

0 n - ' .. n 0 ....... _- ......... "'!-----

t 0

ct! (02)

'~"'" >1----- t)

a.. .~, ... --" ...... Il

(ij , '. ;. .. .)

'c-, "01- •• ID .... a: A '. 6---' ..... 1\ ..

' . . (\.. .1\

(03) 6. • 1\

t'\ . ___ 1 J J J 1 t'\

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Non-dirn. Speed, V

sonic flo\\', a N ACA 6'I.\OOG di, fuil aL M == O.X.rJ. CUIIlj)cl/ i"oll 1)('l,w('('1I III!' (d' f", wil li

~DOF in plllllgillg alld pil( h, 1 DOl" in plllnging, rlild 1 DOl" ilJ pil (h .

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3 Q) ::l ro > 25 c Q) 0>

LÜ '0 t ro


l3ündin~J (2DOF)

Plteh ~I?0F)

l3ündin~-, (1 DOr)

!Jltell ~11?0r)

a. 15 -~ ro c cr, ro E



o _ 1 ___ _

2 3


M-,O 85 NACA 64A006 8ufoil

Il -50

'u -05 a ·1 0

--13 --B---S-o 0 0 0 0

--0-------0--- 0 -----0-- ---08--1 _______ 1 _______ -1 ________ J __

4 5 6 7 8 Non-dim. Speed, V

'·'igulI' tl.ll: 111l"gÎ~~dI'y J!~~ of the C'Îgl'llValuC's vrISUS llon-dÎmeIl!'>Îona,l spccd, V.

'l'tdll:-'OIlÎC no\\'. li NA(',\ GI:\006 ailfoil at M = 0.85. Comparison bct\\'ceI1 the cases

\\ il Il L))OF in phtll,l!.ing alld pitch, 1 DOl" in plllllging. and 1 DOF in pitch .

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CIl. \ P'fJ:.'U li l' \U:\.\ 1 L' 1 lUI ' F/.lii l''}? . \.\ \ 1. ),'-,'[8

ID ::l

~ C ID 0)

li ë t



~ (01) ïü ID a:

(0 2)

BendlntIJ (?DOF) M-oO 85 - NACA 64AOOG allioll

Pltch ~?Ç>OF) W- 5O Bendln~ (1 DOF) r.=-O 5

Pltch \1 Ç>OF) a ~·o 5 w, ~O 2 x,'-'"025

-- 0 0 D {]- D - {] () - n

0 0 0

.... -.... -.*_ ... _.- .. - - •....... -........

. .& ... A ... r:,. . . " . t, ' .. Ô' 1\. .. {\

______ . 1

2 25


'. 1\.

1 J tI


• A. !\



Non·dim, Spced, V

{J /1





Figure 6 l~: g('a~J?_(.~~ of tlll' ('igt'IJV,dll{'~ \('1:-'11.., IIIJIl·dilll('II',)(}IUd ',pl'('d, Il, '1'1,,11

SUI1Îc fluw, a ~ACA G,I,\(JOG ;111 fud al, A1 .: o.~!), CUlJlpdl i',ClIl Iwf.I\'{'(·JI t 1)1' f d',(", \', :111

~])OF in plllngillg "lId pite h, J UOF in pllll1gillg, dllcl J /)01" ill pitll!.

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( '11. \ 1 J '1 1,; H (i 1 J \ /{ , \.\ 1 J-. 'j j{/ (' V f.( ; T J U f . \ .\'. \ L) .1.; 1 S

Cl) :J


-cil 1 5 > c Cl)

Ul üJ 'f-o t (1j


~ (1j C

g> 05


o 2

l3ondin~j (?DOF)

Plteh X'l?0F)

13ondlrl\J.J (1 DOF)

Pltc.11 ~1 DOF)

(t 1\ 1 ~ ..

M--OBS NACA 64AOOG Blrfal!

Il 50 ru 0 S a -·0 S w.--02 x.--9 25 1> _ /!. -1> 1>- ù ---/!. - ___ Â_:.----I!:-:-{l--A--~-- -

A ~ _______ ; ____ -------- .j.--------

8 {J D --Cl _g ____ o_-_G-o--a---o-D---fl

O n fl {} {] 1.1 {J-- - - 0 ---

_ 1 L____ _ _________ .-1 __

25 3 3.5

Non-dirn. Speed, V

Figult' () 1 ;~: II1Idgilldl'y pé~l~ of the eigc'I\\'dllles V('I'SUS llon-dil11CllSional specd, li.

TldmOllir Huw, ,\ NACA GIA006 "ilfoJl "t M = 0.8.5. CompalÎ!'\onlwt\\'cell the cases

wit 11 '~I)(W in plllllgillg .11111 pitt h, 1 DOlo' in plllllging, amI 1 DOF in pitch .

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Cil \ JI l'FU (i JI \ l? \.\1 i" j'lU ( 'FU J IFU \ \ \ 1 ) .';JS

10 - 1 "1 tl

Xa=·n 22 (} M 085

(f -x..- il ,14 ~~~~j7 1/0

NACA 64A006 01lfOII t

>- 8 -

"0 ID ID 0-

U) 6 ... Q)

~ ::l iL E 4 --0 , c o Z 2

o o

x.";:? 06

x..'- 002 1,-

x..=- ~ ,10

x.. ~ R?6


" 0

,0 0

1 " ('\' 0



. '


.' . -



. ' ,.- . '

Frequcncy Ratio, Wr

at diffen'Jlt lUI at iOIl'i ,dollg t Il(' 1 hOI d lill('


.. ... .' • • •


1 5

1 (lU

A .. ... ... • • • •


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('II \/l'}'U( (j /1\/(:\.\/1';'1 Ifl(·/ï./ '1 'IFU . \.\'. \ 1. YS 1.'-,'


>- 8 "0 Q) Q)

a.. (j)

E Ü , c o Z




X :=02 . {) X"=flO.4 x..--O,6


M ,085 NA CA E4A006 wrfoll

l' 50 a -00

r. 01

1 _


- - __ - ____ 1 __________ ~ ______ _

1 1.5 Frequency Ratio, Wr



Figllll' G.I.!) FIII!!I'1 :-,!wl·d, ,>. \('l'~\I~ fll'<jlH'llI'Y latio, W,. Tlansonic flow, a NACA

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('1/ :\}J J'VU (j P \ 1\ \.\ Il',TH J(' FU ,'T J FU ,\.\" \/. )."'/.,,'

4 -- -- - ------

:::3 "0 Q) Q) a. en "­Q)

g 2 u:: Ë :0


c: o Z

x,=-0.7 -B-

x,=-0.5 -0

x. =60.3 x,=-0.1

- .. - -x, = 0.1 . -x,_=...Q.3 x,= 0.5 --e--

M =085 NA CA 64A006 airfoll p--=50 a==O 5 r. 0.1

° _ _ _ __ ___ _ L_ _ __ _ ___ 1 ___ _

° 0.2 0.4

j. ,

.. , ,



Frequency Ratio, Wr

1 ():~

• •

0.8 1

FigUlC' 6.16: FluUI'1' ~I)(,l'd, Vf , \'l'r<,llS fl('(I'J('llCY Idtio, W r • T'd'J"CJ'II<' flow, a NÂCÂ

64A006 airfoil at :\1 -c: 0.81. TllP ('l,,:-.tir f\:-.i" al tilt' tlll('" (1",Il!.I·) (Ilold, ,lIId LlIf'

l'l'litre' uf ma<;s ;It drff('J('llt JOI ati(J!1~ ,t10Jlg t II(' (IJol ri IjlH' .

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Chapter 7

Conclusions and


7.1 Cone} usions

Thl'I,' ,11'1' fi\'l' dl·~igll jlaldllH'tl'l!'> of ,\ t'Vo-d('g,Il'('-of-fH"'dolll ailfoil wlrirh r<lll af-

1'1'1 t tilt' fi lit 11'1 ~p",·d uf t Ill' .Iii fui 1. lIallwly. nOIl-dillll'l1!'>iollalllldss, radins of gyration,

P""lt iOIl'" IJ! t Ill' "I<I~ti(' "xi ... dllcl 1 l'IltIC' of Illit!'>::' l'l'IdtiH' tu the al'lOdynamic rentre,

<llld, l',tli() of tlll' 11111 ()uphlll,tllll,t! ftl'!jlll'ncics of the ctitfoil in pit,ll and plllnge.

'\lllIldlllg tu tlll' \l''''lrlt~ olltdlll('(1 fWIll thi~ ~tlldy, flIIU('1 ~pl'!'d inC!C'<t~I'" almost

1111'·.t11~' \\'It h 1I1111'<I:-,illl!, t 1](' IIOIl-dinH'lI"'wlldl IJJa:-~ of aIl di, foil, lJut.h III th!' incom­

IIII,:-, ... tldl· .. lld tldll:-'Illill Ilo\\'''

1·'llIt kl "PI'I'tI .t1:-.o inl 11· ..... 1' ... \\'it h ail 1I1l11'a~l' in t 1](' 1 adills uf gyl'ation of ail ail foil,

IIU\\I'\'I'I, tlll' illlll'oI"'l' i ... Ilot lilll'dl in tll<' il1c()1l11)J,'~:-,ibl(' flo\\". ft is found that the

tll'lid of tlli~ illl \1'(\"1' tl'lId~ to 1)(' 111011' lill('dl' in th!' t!,\I1S0Ilic flo\\',

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• CH. \ P l'E If l, ('OS ('U','i/O.\'S ,\ S f) lU·.'( '0.\ 1.\ J /o'.\' n, \ /'l() .\',,-!' 1 (lI

'l'hl' l'ffl'cl:-- of Ill!' 11111'(' ollll'I' Pd).I11WI(·)s lI)1 thl' 111111(') "'pl·(·tI IIf .111 dilfll!l d\('

011 tlll' n\ltkr :--pn'd, il i:-- Iwlll'\' lu .1I'01JU! 101 IllI'o.,l· Pdldlllt·ll·)o.,.1I II\(' ... .1111(· 111I1t·,

'1'0 \l'I'if\' tll!' 1(· ... 1111:-- ol,ldllll'd 1'10111 Iltl'" ill\l,o.,lig,tllolI, 11l\'\ .I\(' 1 PI Il pol \('.] \\illl

!l':--C('IIC(', ,lIId Ill) d(') od.\ Jldll1i(' fUI ((' Ilao., d qlld:--i ... I.d i( flllll\.

c1il'C,ctioIlS, alld <1 11\111]('1 i( al :--olllllUIl, \I:--illg 1 Ill' ('-q IIIl'I hocl. i~ (·!llpl!,\'!·d III lilld Il)('

f1l1tt('l hOllllcléll y.

[ound to 1)(' difft')('lIt, the)' al(' 1!l('s('lIl<'d <'1'],.11.11.1·1)',

7.1.1 Incolnprcssiblc flow

In il1l()Il1Pl(·"..,ihll' /lu\\' II\(' foJJu\\'illJ.', (ul]('llI:--iuIIS Il,l\'(' 1)('('11 dldwl\.

]. FuI' the (d~(' \\ Iw/(' Il)(' ('('111 Il' or Illa..,<; i~ ,tJJ(',1I1 of t111' (·lrI ... ti( d ·:1"', II() IIldl \'('1

IJOW tlH'i) ll'ldti\'(' po..,il I()IJ:-- \\'it Il )('~P('( t III tlll' rI('IOdyllrlllli(' (('/dl(' .11(', l'IIJ('<''

élll,d'y~i~ ]J\'I'c1i( 1 ~ 110 fllIt 1.('11. III t111~ ~tllrly tll!' !(Jllo\\ illg l ,d,(',!',OI il· .... 11(' fOltllcl

----------------- -- ------1 fil tllf' alg,·hralr dll.tI)' ,1'0 for tlll., (,L'o", 11/1''''''/lI,'d III "PI" IIdIX" 11.1'0 .. b'J\V1I Ib.II l'III'..,' f 'JII' Iii Iflll

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('II/\I)'f'/~f( 7 (:(J,\'('/,(J,l.j/().\',"j .. \'\'J) /(/~('(),\1,\1ESJ),\TI()NS' 105

• If 1 II!' ,·1"..,1 i, rlxi.., i~ ,d~() plé\! ('ri élllt'ild of tll!' ,wrodYllillllic (,(,Iltre, 1 he'll 110

111111('10(( III"', 'lbi.., dgf('('~ \\'Ilh Pill(''''' 1I·"'lIlt for tllis (I~!',

• Il 1 h(· (·1"..,1 I( ,lxi~ i.., pld( ('d 1H'llilld t II!' .H'IUdYllélllIic ((,llllC'l t)J('1l if the

(('11f 1(' o[ Illd"'~ i~ .d..,o 1'1.1< ('d lH'lrillll 1 Iw d('IOclYIl,lIllic celltl(', i.f'" hl'l\\'c'(,1l

1111' il (. dll.! 1111' (' il" /llllln (dll 1)(' oIJlail)('t! al ail fIC'qlf('I)(Y latios IIp to

il (('lldill \'édill', Tlli~ lIpP('1 léUlgp 1Jl'(ollH's gl('atcr, a~ tJ](' C('IlUC' uf IllélSS

J!.(·h (I()~('I t." Il)(' (·Iél<,ti( ct .... is, Hlld the ('Ia:,t.ic axis movt's flll'tlJ('l' Jwhincl

1 lit' éIl'IOr!yll.11I1Îr (('Ilt 1('. Tlli~ i~ (hlr(')('llt fWIll what Pines has !Jn'dirtcd

ill hi.., ..,t.lldy.

2. Now, [01 t IIC' (tlSC' ",IIC'H' UH' ('('1111 c' of llIa~s is placC'd h('hilld 1 he f'lastic axis,

dl'jH'IIr1illg "Il Il)(' 1('l.lIi\!' po~Îli()lIs of tlll' élC'rodY"élmic ('('IÜrf', Pilles' é1Il,t1ysis

plC·di( I~ t h,,·(' di Ir('1 ('lit IW)ld\·itJllls .

• If t 1](' d('lOdYlltlllIic (l'III 1(' is )ucalcd ahead of the f')a~tic aXIS, f1utt!'r is

p()~~ihk olll} fur fI ('qllC'IIt.y 1 dtius J,cIo\\' a Cl'I tain value - dcpClldallt on

tilt' di..,I,,"! ('S of tll!' ('('lItl!' of ma ... .., (wd tlH' (leludynallllc Cl'lItr!' flom the

('I.I~t ic d\i~, a~ w,,11 <lS, Il,,, 1 <I(hll~ of gyratioll. III this :,t1ldy it is f01llld that

:--11('11 cl Illd .... llIl1ll11 fll'qllCII(y I.tf,io (dll 1)(' obtail1"c! ol1ly \\'111'11 the "la:>tic

il',i~ i~ LII 1'11011,1',11 (of thl' llld"r of tlll' ~e'llli-( bOld) floll1 tilt' (t('IUdYlléll11ic

(('lItll'. E\'('II ill tlll~ ('dM', thl' \,dllC' of Ihe Il1t1XiJl1111ll flCqU('llcy ratio at

('(wh (lo!'>il iUIl uf tlll' (l'III re uf ll1él~~, i~ gll'cltc-r thclll th,1I pII'dict('d by Pillcs'

<llldl) :-;i~; !'>l'(' Fig. {Ul.

Whe'll tll<' t'\.l~lic d,is IS Ilot fdr c'l1uugh flom the aC'loclynamic centre,

Hnt 1<'1' l'an Iw ohtaine~d at ail [r('q1lcncy ratios .

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• 1 f 1 Ill' ,1( '1 ody Il d III i(' 1 l 'll 1 1 l' i:-. IU( ,li l 'd 1 H'I WI'I 'li 1 h,' l 'I.I ~ t i, .1 '\ i:-. "11 cl th" ( l'II t l"

lJf111d:-' .... ,\c('oldinp, I() Pilll'~' dll"IY"I~. IIl1ltl'l on 111~ ,11 ,dl 1'11'1(111'11' \' l.tllll~

TIH' :-..l1lll' Il':-'1I1t i" lIhl dilll'd i1l 1 Ili~ :-.llIely

• If tilt, d('llJd~'llalllll «('11111' i:-. lu(,tI(·cI III'bille! Ill!' «'lltl(' ul III'\~~. l'll1('~'

<L1l,dysi:-. prl'di( b .1 111111 i 11111111 fll·qlll·lIC., l,II iolH'lu\\' \\ hic b Ilollllt tl'l UIIIII~

Th(, \,t1Il1' of 1 hi ... IU\\('I hUlllIe!. ,d~u. dt'jll'lIc1:-. lIll 1 Itl' di~t.III( ( .... lIf t III' 1 ('llt Il'

of 111<1:-':-' .IIHI tl1<' a(,l\Jd~ 11<llIli( 1 ('1111(' flOl1l 1111' (·1.1 ... 1 il' .1\1 .... d'" \\,(·11 dS. tlll'

ladills of l!.\'Icüion. Tlu' ~d1l1l' Il':-'lIlt i ... IJld"il)(,c! 1'111111 IItI:-' ... tll,h. \Vilh 1 lit'

dilr('I('II(' t!t,t!. 111l'llIillillllllll fl(·qll(·II<.' I,diu 1:-. "'111,dll'l Ih"ll 111,tI jlll'cli,I"d

1))' Pillc:-,' c\lIdly:-.i'i; :-'('(' FIl!., (LL

'n.'ansonic Flow

III th" Il cl Il:-'011 W now J'('glllH' t 11<' pU:-.itloll uf 1 III' <I('llIdyll<l11l11 «'1111'1' 1.., 1101. ri

sp:?cific poillt. éllld, tlll'J dUIP, nu ('('1 tdill 1,1:-'(', ,1:-' 1 .. I.(·gol i,wd ill l'ill(':-'' "lldly:-.i:-., (ail

1)(' disting1llslH'd for ally ll'lal i,'(' po:-.it.ioll of 1.11(' ('lél ... ti( dxi:-. ,11111 1 III' «'111 1(' or IIldS:-'.

13111" it is:-.t il! of g](',lt int('I'1·:-.1 to du th\' :-'<1111(' :-'011 of 'lll,dy:-.i.." ilS f(J1 1.111' illlulIllJI (", ... d'/I·


ft is ba:-.il aIl)' rOlllld thctf., in thi:-. (a:-.p, fllIl ('1 i ... !Jo:-.:-.d'/I' ;11. ,dl fll'qlll'lI('y 1,11.111'" dlld

al! po:-.itiolls of t.11!' da:-.l il' axis <llId tlJ(' 1 ('111.11 IIf III<IS .... Fil 1 1111'1 1l10/f', if. (.III III' ',1'1'11

from the ](':-'1\11,:-. 1 !td!" fOl "'))('lllJc IIJI ,tt iOIl:-' (JI 1 III' l'I" ... t il 01 X 1 ... ,llld 1.111' 1 l'IiI l" IIr 11101','"

fllltt(,J :-'P(·(·r] ill( lI·a:-.(':'o, d:-' t.1}(' fi ('qlJ('1I 1 y l,cl i() i ... 1111 IC·dC,l·d. Jt. 1:-' d!',O 1 IJIII llldl·rI 111.d.,

as tJ](' e!a ... lil <lxi:-. IllOV('''' fil 1 t!1('1 1 1}\\'oIld:-. 1 Il<' Il d i!ill~ l'd).!,I·, \\'11.11 il :,))('1 dit II)I fi t iOIl 01

tl1f' «'ntle' of Illd:-'~ alld dt (J <;1)('( ifil rI ('ljlll'ill y I,dio, 1I1lf.t1·1 :-'JJI'('d illl II·d',I· ... II, i ... ',1'('11

also that, at ct spl'cifk lo( atiull of (Iw c·l,t:-.til ilxi:-. alld a "'JH'( ifir vdll(' /JI fIC'IJII('111'y

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('/1 \II'/ï':/( ï. ('ON('/,(,'.'·j/(),YS .\.\IJ UE(,'O.\IMEt,rn;\,f/o;\,s 107

l,di". Ihlll"1 ~p(·('d 1I1(1(·rI~(·o." il'> 1111' «'IIf/(' of IIldS~ i~ lllU\('d fll111}(,1 fl'umthe e~rtc,li('

li ,10., ill ('If 1/('1 dll ('( tioll.

7.2 Rccommendaiions

III (Jld('1 1.0 ill( 1(''''''(' tlll' fllllt('1 .... ]H·(·d of ail "ilfoil (01 ideally, to totally pn'\,('IIt

1 II(' (II (1111 ('II( (' ,,1' fll/t 1('1'), 1 IJ(' follo\\ illg puillb d\'(O ~lIgg('!>t('d:

1. 1\1,,0.,:-' of t/w "i, 1'011 ~I'()ldd 1)(' ill, 1(·éI~(·d.

~, JL,dill!> of p,yl ;t!i()11 ~1j()l/ld 1)(, illlÏl'éls('d.

:L FII'q1l('lIcy l'atio ~llOlIld Ill' Ld';:('11 dS Iligh ilS possilJk glcat<'l' than unit y,

1. ('('/111 (' 01 IIWSS :-.h(Jldd 1)(' plan'd ,t/wild uf 1 II(' 1·lasti. c1xis,

.1. EI,,:-.1 i( i1\is !>llOuld 1)(' plan'd ahl'ad of t Il<' (l(,lodynamic Cl·nLrt>.

(i. Fol' illly Il'lali\'(' positiull:-' of tlH' ('Iastic aXIS, éll'rod)lldmic c(lntrf', é1nd centre

uf lIlass, l'ldsl il' ilxis :-.llOl/ld 1)(' plan'rI as far as possihlt, frolll the a(llodynamie

c{'n1., C', a/ld, abo, «'III Il' 01 111<1% !>hullld 1)(' placed as dose as possible to the

(·1.1:-.1 ie c1xis .

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Appendix: A

Algebraic Analysis of Pines'


JI. \\,,,~ ~11()\1 Il, ill 1 hdp\,(,1' (i, 1 hal Il 1It.t ('1 i~ pus),ihle (IIIHIPI' t.he> a~sumptiol1s made

.r 2 Jo [ w; (./' - ( -) j') + (.r - .1') 1 2 0, (A.1)



ï' 2 w; [ (.r + ./') -- 2 (-) .r] + (i - .z:) > 0 . l'


'1'0 dll,t1.\'i'I· 1 I}(' ~()IIII iUIl~ uf t1)(' sd of ineqll,t1itics, wc ),honld eXélmilW IJoth the

1)('( (.:-. ... ,,l'~. "!lei ... ,dlil il'Ill 1()IIe1itilll1~. A II(,«,.,:-.al)' cOlldition is ('Il1)Jlu)ed to t''\r1l1dc the

dOl1l.lill ill ",l,il Il iW'qll,t1il i('~ 1)("'('1 llUl<I, !luI kt i~ ill1po ... siblp. On Ihc ot.lwl' hand. a

"lllli( Il'111 1 (lllliitioll ~Il()\\'!'l tilt' dUllldill ill \lhich tl](' illt'qllalilic~ always hald, flut.te>l'

(li ( III ~ at SllllH' :-,p('('d.

III ,1!.,(·Il('1 al. tu ~ho\\' (/ i~ t he lit C{ .... MII·Y cOlldttiDIl of p, il ~hollld 1)(' shu"'l1 thdt:

• "-' tl ==> "-' JI •

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:\ PP ES J) 1.\ . \, , \ 1. (,' ['.'1W, \1 (' \.\' \ L' .'i l.~' () F [11.\ FS' SI 'l ï l) III


[1 - ~, '1

[1 ~, '1

III IIH' folllJwillg, tlll' pu:-.:-.illility or 1111111'1 \)( (IIII"IH (' r()1 ,1111'1'1('111 1(·1.111\" 1"""

\Ve wililly \lO\\' to fintl 111(' Il,·((· .......... I.\' (f)lldilillll l'Ill ("1".1111111" (:\ 1) dllt! (1\ :/) ICI

lroh!. To do :-.u, <1:-.:-.1111](' I!I<J'-,(' LWI) ('«II(dIOIl'" h()ld. 1111'11,

r l ( -) r) 1 (/' l') (J.

(11,2) S.: (:\.:n

(1l,·1 )

,. r 2

~ uJ/ ( l' - 2( ) r) 1 (/ ,. ;- uJ, l / 1 (1'

/ L l') .--- ( ) / w, l


1 1.

(.r -.1')./ 2( ) / w/ /'

/' 1. /' L (11,6) lt.: (A,7) - -}- ~(--) FuJ, l /' ( ) /W r 1-

,. 1

(A.~) ,v. (A :q i'J'/'{J

l' ) , Il ,

/ l / . ( ,\ ;-.;)

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• \/1/1/.\'/)/.'\.\ :\IJ,',..UU.\/(' .\.\ \U,I,;/,',' ()F /11.\/-;,'," ,',"'J ('J))' 115

Ilwldu/!', 1 1 If" Il''( ''',',dl \ 'U/ld,l'O'l I()/ "CJII,II i()ll~ ( \ 1) <111.1 (:\.:n 1 (J IlIJld (flllttel 10

III dll(III)!'1 \\IJI'1. 1111 111111('11'> IJI)"""II!' lOI .r > () Thi~ i~ in cl.!jI'·('IlH'lIt \l'illr Ihl'

llJ(' \',dll" ul 1 III' 1)1)1<'1 pell elllwll'I" 110\\'('\"'1. 11, j~ ... !JIJ\\·" 11I'1f'. Il)' 1IJ('an., of ,\ "jIllP'"

1 11111111'1 '·\eI/llpl,·. 1 Il,11 1",> ... 1.11"111"111 i ... Ilot III!I' l'Ill (1)(' 1,1"'(' .r < O. Slll)~lilllti(J1l

(JI Il)(' I"II"WIlIl!, 'fileI/l1 Il l" .... -,-'r - 1 . . 1'/" = -:~ 0 <' O. dllli 1'/1' = --05 < O. into

:~x[( (Ji -( () .. i).!x(-:~.O))+(-:{0+05)]=

.{ x [ () -1 j () ï-, -- ~ i] == --:~ x (--~.~!)) = 6.ï:) > 0,

t (/111111011 ( t./) Iw/ds,


[( - O}i -:~ Il) - ~ x (-.LO)2( -O.:))] + (-:3 ° + U"ri)

.) - 1') ( 1 -) ,) - .) 0 --: -.J •• ) T _ X.:) -- _.:) = .) > .

( Cf Il (/ Il (/ Il (A . .l) ft 01 ri,."

,\lthUll.!~h lIu, Iu",,'d IUIIII "olIl/i, j,'111 (UlldiljUll (cill 1)(' ohlajll('t! fur tll<' case.r < 0,

.r "O. \\(' (clll ~ljll ('\,P('( 1 III Il,,\(, 1\I\IIel' 1'01 ~()IllP c1JOil'cs of the palélml'!('IS l'and

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. \ P Jl ES [) I.\: \. . \/.( ,'[-' BU. \1 (' \ S. \ n .~'/ .'1 () l' JI 1.\ /. 'S' S /'lI» 1 \(i


.1' '> () ,1:,' /' '. ll. ( . \ .t 1)

Il CciII 1H' ..,hU\\·11 Ih,t!. IlcI\ill,!', t'qll,tlillll (\!l) .."tli..,li(·cI. !lO "clclili, ""111 1 ." .... ,,,1.\

(OJl(lit ion \\'1111)(' i 1I1J>()~'·(\.

Tu ~hu\\' tltat Ilw ~1\f1i, il'lI1 «()lIdllitJlllul IIlltll'l ln U(llIl III tlli.., Id'." l~ tll 1i"\I'

.1' .. ,1' }, < """,,', - -

- .1' (1 --- ~~ ) •

Id 1I~ a:-'Slllll<' Illcll ('qll,tli()n (.\.10) )/(JlcI..,. 1111'11'

(.Ul) .1' /.

}.l' . ( -) ,.. ' Il, l'

(A J ()) S .. : (. 1 JI) - ;. I,i,', }, ( l' .1' 1.

( -) .1') ::' ( r


l' ) ..

/. l

( A. ) :!) I\: (-,1 ()) " ? ./ [w, L (1' ' ( -) .1') 1 (.r -.1' ) 1 . () . l'

Oll t)1(' ot)lI'l lielll(!.

(:LIL) ,} W,}, /

(.'1.!J) .": (11. H)

l' .! . w, }, ( ) / 1 (.1' - 1) ---:: () ,


;- W,2 1 1 (J' / ) / (J,

;- w,2 1 1 2

:U-)r;;-O, /'

r 2

( A. 1 :j) & (A. J (j) =--=} vJr 1. [(.1' t .1 ) -' '1 ( .,) .f') 1 -t (.1' ,.1') --- (J . ,.

(.\ 1 ())

(A Il)


(A 1,1)

(A If;)


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ClI JI" Cll',

() < .r < ./: . (A.I~)

'l'Cl lilHI cl 11l'( (,~~tli \' 1 olldil ion fOI t hl' ~d of ilH'qlléllil )(':-', ('qllit! iuns (A.1) alld (A.2),

h·l, Ils cI:--:--I"I\(' 1 Il;11 t Ir 0:-'(' !'Qllill iOIl:-' Irold, llwll,

(·11) S.: (\I~) __ -'0 - -, .C 2

W, 2(.r -- ( -) .1') + (i' - .1') 2: 0,

011 11)(' ollJ('1 Irdlld.


.r 2 (A.I~) ::-:=} (-) .1' > 0,


( .\ 19) S.: (.'\.:!O) -::-} (./,.', 2.r + (.f - .1') > O.

.i' 2 (.,\.J~) =::} 2(-).1' > 0,


( 1 ~) ,1..: ( \ ~2) :--=-~. W, 2 (.l' + .r) + (.ï· -- .1') > 0 .





('UII"jd!'III1,!.!, cqll.rliull (.\ IK). O!J(' fillds tlrat !'C!uatiolls (A.~I) ,llld (A.2:3) ale

l'his \ ... in cI,!.!,\(·('!I1I'llt \\ Ith Iht' Il' ... \llt ohlctillcd hy PilH's .

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.\J>PE,\[)IS \. \U,'I-.'HU.\J(' \,\ \1.) SIS OF 1'1.\'1-'.'1' .'1/'1'/» II~

uf it, or.

o ..::., .1' <. .1' •

IL l'an \)(' :-lw,,"1l t hat, t1S in ('d<';(' :J). hd\'illg \''111.1\ itlll ( \.:.! 1) '-,dl i:-.lit'tl. 1I() IIt't t'~'"ll)'

condit.ion j.., impo:-,('d.



) r -- l' w,· > .

. r (1 __ '~")

1'.1' --- <: 1. ,.2


1'.1' (A.:W) " '. --- 7 .> (),


1'.1' (ALlI) & (A.L7} : --} .1'(1- ;-;-) --,0,


(A.'2;») Ir.;. (A.Lfi)

(/1 :10)

(;\ 2 1 ) -=}.r :2 > .1 .i·

r 2 __ ~;. w,2(.r - ('--) .1') ~. (r· .,.) -' Il,


.r 2 ( --) .r) 1 (/' ./ ) J .' Il. ,.

-} (qIlO/101I (:1 1) !told ...

;.. ./,2 __ .1' r :::-- () f' 1.

~ ( ) ,.

(A ~~Ij)

( \ ')") 1 •• /

(/\ :~X)

(/\ .W)

(/\ :~ 1 )

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• :11 1 Il 1' .. \ J) 1 \ ,\. ,\/,(,' l';/J J(, \ 1(' :\ X \ L Y,'''iJS' () Jo' J) L\' ES' ,':,1' l ; J) y ] ]1)

(Il n) l,: ( l ,n ) .r 2 ,/'," ':} 1 + ( -) - 2( ~) > 0 , (A.:~2)

l' 1' •

• 1' 2 ./' 2 (:1 ~ 1) .'V (Il :l~) ',., } ( ..... , 2 [,1' + ( -) .r - ~( -) .r] > 0, ,. ,. ( :\ .:3:3)

1 2 .r 2 .l' 2 ;, ....J,

2 [,1' . (") .1' +./' + (-) .r - ~(-) .1'] + (,r - ,l') > 0, (A.:H) ,. l' l'

• 2 2 [ .r J (/\.:H) ,,} wr .r 1.1' - 2(-) .r + (,r - .1') > 0,

l' (A.:3:"»)

/11111'.111" 1 Ir ,11 1111' !'>Idlll jl'Ir! Ililldlli()11 fUI Ill(' fll\tl('1 tu OCClII' i~ <'q1\é1tiuIlS (A 2Fl) and

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Appendix B

C()mputer Program ListillgS

:\.-1: TIH' U-g ?\I('UlOcl in hH'()lJll>l'(>ssibl(' Flow (2])oF)

A -2: The U-g ?\'l(>t hod in Trallsolli(' Flow (2DOF)

A-3: TIl(' p-I.: l\,Ipthod in 11l('oJ])}>I'(>ssiIJl(> Flow (2J)()F)

A-4: The p-I.: ~,IptllOd in Trèlll:-,()})j(' F'IO\v (1 nOF ill Pllllllv»

A-G: TIl(' p-I.: ~I('f,h()d in TrêlllsoJlÎ(' FI()w (1 /)OF il! l'JI ('h)

:\.-6: TIl(' p-I.: ~.J(>tllOd in Trall:-'()llÎ(' Flow (2/)()F)


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A p)H'lIdix A-]: TIH' U-!J ~I('t hod III Ill(,01J1pn'~siblc' FIO\v (2DOF)







rompl cx*16 n(?, 2), b(?, 2), v(2), elg<l( 2), elgb(2), elg(2) cornplcx*16 1(2,2),wk(4,8),lm9,ck chardeter pdr*40

'f'ül*8 ckr,ckl , enl <,(4,4)

rf'ül mlu,kk,k"tcp,kmnx,kc,kkl,kk2,kk3 'f'ill ko(50),rck(50),lCk(50) renl u,ck(50),blCk(50) , eal rr~p(4,'i0), lckp(4,50) lntcgcr 1,lge,optn

datl1 111, lb, n, 1 Job, 1 z/2, 2,2,2,21

open (unlt=7,fllc='uglnc.d<lt' ,~tatus='old')

read (7,*) mlu,ra,ah,wr,xa,wa rend (7,*) optn,kmax,kstep,acpter,nc

,ead (7,*) par,parmln,p<lrmax,npar rend (7,*) nprln,nprnt2

elo$e (unlt=?)

If (optn.ne.l) then open (lHllt=B,flle='teo.dat',~tatus='old') , ead (B, *) ndat l'l'ad (B,*) (ko(l),rck(l),lck(l),i=l,ndat)

rlo"e (ul11t=B) end If

open (unI t=9, f lle= 'ug 1 ne. out' ,err=60)

wrlte (9,64) mlu,ra,ah,wr,xa,wa,kstep If (optn.eq.l) then

wrl te (9,65) goto 33

end 1 f


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AIJPESDI.\ R. ('(J,\1Pl :TFH j'HOCU. \.\1 US 11.\"(;S

wrlte (9,66)

33 wnte (9,67) par





pJ=4. "atan(l.)


If (optn.eq.1) goto 44

eaLL csa~m (ndat,ko,rck,brck,rckp)

raLL csakm (ndat,ko,lck,blck, Ickp)

e The first Loop:

e 44 contInue

e e e

e 23




do 50 li=1,npar+1

pramet =parml n+rea L ( II -1 )* (parmax- pnrllll n )/npar

1 f (par. cq. 'nll u') 1111 u=pramet

if (par.eq.'ra') ra=prarnet

if (par.eq. '1011") wr=pramet

1 f (par. eq.' ah') ah=prarnet

If (par.eq.'xa') xa=prarnet





Main Loop: flnding the VfL for the set of paralIIetero;



If (ige.eq.l) kk=kk3

if (kk.gt.l0.) then

i =1-1

goto 50

end If

If (kk.Lt.O.) then

\ointe (9,69)

\ointe (*,69)

goto 50

end If


e CaLeuLating aerodynûmics:

e 1 f 'optn' IS 1 then the aerodynarnles WIll be caLculatcd

e uSlng a ratIonal functl0n approXlmntlon.



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c c







11 (optn.cq.l) thcn

call tcod(kk,ck)

gota 18

(·nd 1 f



If (nprnt2.eq.1) wllte (9, *) kk,ckr,ckl

If (nprnt2.eq.1) wntc (*,*) kk,ckr,ckl

ck~dcmplx(ckr,ckl )


c Calculatlon of matrIces [Al & [8]:





a( 1 , 1 )=.25* (m1U+ 1 )*kc**2- i ffig*kc*ck






b(1, 1 )=dcmpl X(WI **2, O.)

b(1 ,2) = (O. ,0. )

b(2, 1 )=(0. ,0.)

h( 2,2 )=-dcmpl x( rd**2, O. )

c Solvlng the cigenvalue problem:






call cI91c(a,la,b, Ib,n,1 job,cI9a,cigb,z,IZ,wk, infer, icr)

do 36 l=1,n




do 43 1=1,n If (dreal(v(I».gt.O.) then



end if


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,\P])EN J) /-'\ H. (,O.H P l ''j'En ]l!?O(,' U. \.\1 1./,1..,"1'1.\'( ,',l..,'

C Calculatl0n of 'u' & 'g' cOl'rcspondlng to the chosen 'k': c 'u' is nondlffienSlonal velo and 'loi' 1!> nondlmcn-;lol1allzed by 'wa'. c sC*,1)=g c sC*,2)=u c sC*,3)=w c sC*,4)=gam c

35 c

c 55


61 62

c c


do 35 k=1, J sCk+2,1)=dimagCcI9Ck»/drealCclgCk» sC k+2, 2 )=sqrt(lI11 u/drca l (elg( k») sCk+2,3)=sCk+2,2)*kk sCk+2,4)=-s(k+2,1)/2.


if Cnprin.nc.1) goto 55

wrlte (9,68) pramct,kk,(C-;(lo+2,Jy),Jy=1,3),lo=1,J) wnte (*,68) pramct,kk,CC-;(lo+2,JY),Jy-=1,3>,lo-=1,J)

gmln=1.0e10 do 59 k=1, j


contmue if Cgmin.le.acptcr) goto 55 do 61 k=1,)

gO=sCk+2,1) if CabsCgO).cq.gmln) goto 62

continue if Clgc.cq.1) goto 55

do 38 k=1,J If (sCk+2,1>.gt.O.) then

igc=1 goto 34

end If contmue goto 61

c If a posItive 'g' has bccn found: c 34


1 f CI. eq. 1) then write (9,63) write (*,63) goto 53

end 1 f


c Interchange S(old) & SCnew) if neccs5ary:


1 ~~ 1

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/\ !J/J/.,,\' /J/ \ H. ('(),\/I J( 'f'I';U JJJ{()( ,'U. tH UST/.\'(,'S



If CglOlnl.lt glJlln) then

do 83 110=1, J

do 83 IIrm=l,4 <,C 110+2, Hrm)=~C Im,llIln)


end If

c Check the convergance condItIon:

c If Clre.gt.ne) goto 53


c rlnd the new kk:






If CI.lt.3) then kk3-~max - k<. t ep/2.

goto 37

end If If CglOln2.lt.91OIn1) then


goto 37

('nd If







g1=90 do 39 kl=l,J

do 39 k2=1,4


cont mue

goto 23

c The end of the maIn loop



c Prlnt out the re~ult:


~3 If CJ .le." goto 54

If Cab~Cs(4, 1».lt.absC~C3, 1») then

wrlte C9,68) prûm('t,kk,C(~(l0+2,JY),Jy=1,3),lo=J,1,-1)

wrlte (+,68) prilmet,kk,(C~(lo+2,JY),Jy=1,3),I.,=j,1,-')

gota 50

l'l1d 1 f

54 wrl ~(' (9,68) pr,lnl('t,kk,CC~(l0+2, JY), Jy=1,3>,lo=1, j>

wrrte (*,68) prilnl('t,kk,(CsClo+2,JY),Jy=1,3),lo=l,J>

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:\PPE1\"D!.' H. ('O.\Il'l rFH l'HO(,'/U,\1 /1,l.,"lï.VUS

50 continue


c End of the flrst loop

c c

60 close (unlt=9)

c 63 format (' Kmax IS not bIg enough')

64 format (2x,'mlu=' ,f7.2,8x,'ra=' ,f7.3,Bx,'ah=' ,f7.3,1

















3x, 'wr=', f7.3,8x,'xa=', f7.3,8x,'wa=', f7.3,/ 3x,'K~tcp=' ,f7.4)

U/,2x,'The ratIonal functlOn arprOXlIlIiltlOn 1<, helng ,

,'u<;cd' .I,2x,'to calrulate Teoclci ~on funct IOn.',1f)

U/,2x,'The tabulatC'd data 1'> be1l1g u',ed to ullculatc'

,/,2x,'Tcoder"on functlon.',//l


t78,'U2', t93,'w2') (2x,f7.4,2x,f7.4,6(f13.4»

U,2x,'k=O. & no acreptable rc<;ult lS found')

functlon Ign(x)

If (x) 1,2,3








1 ~li

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j\PIH'JJ(lix A-2: 'l'Il(' U-y ~Jdlwd III Trall~()ni(' Flow (2DOF)


c c



(Oillpl ex*16 a(?, 2), b(2,2), v(2) ,elga(2), Cl gb(2), el g(2)

cUlllplex"'16 z(7,7),w~(4,8)

l ompl ex· 16 Cl h, C 1 a, Clin, Cma

rOlllplex*16 l'lgV(2,2)

choJrac t cr p..r*40

,pal*8 (lh, ,clhl,clar,clal,Cl1Ihr,tmhl,cmar,cmal

, ca l '. Cl- , 4 )

rr,r! ml11,kk,k,.tep,I<rIk',kr,kk1,kk2,kk3

'l'al ko()O)

l'cal rlh(50),llh(50),rla{50),lln(50)

rNII 1 mh(50),IHÏ1(50),rma(50),1fna(50)

rCill b,lh(50),bllh(50),brla(50),blla(50)

n'al brmh (50), bllM (50), brllla( 50), blma(50)

1 eill rlhp(4.50).1Ihp(4.:;0),rlap(4,50),llap(4,50)

rral 'lIIhp(4,50),1fnhp(4,50),rmap(4,50),1fnap(4,50)

rcal rç 1 (2),1 c1 (2), rc2(2), 1 c2(2), rmo( 2), lmo(2), alTTn(2) ,phm(2)

lntegcr ,>g(2)

1 nteger i, Ige, optn

data la,lb,n,lJob,IZ/2,2,2,2,2/

open (Ul11 t=7,flle='ugtrl1.dat' ,status='old')

read (7,*) mlu,ra,ah,wr,xa,wa

read (7,*) optl1,kmax,k~tep,acpter,nc

re,ld (7,*) par,pnrmln,parmax,npar

1 ead (7, *) nplln,nprnt2

do~.e (unlt=7)

if (optn.ne.1) thcn

open (unlt~B,flle='Dcro.dat',statu~='old')

reild (B,·) ndat

rcnd (B,·) (ko(1),rlh(1),llh(1),1=1,ndat)

reild (8,·) (rla(1),lla(1),l=1,ndat)

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33 c


c c









read (8,*) (rmh(I),lmn(I),1=1,ndat) rend (8,*) (rma( 1), lm<l(I), l=l,ndat) close (unlt=8)

end If

open (unlt=9,flle='ugtrn.out',err'60) wrlte (9,64) mlu,ra,nh,wr,xa,wa,k~tep If (optn.eq.1) then

wrl te (9,65) goto 33

end If wrlte (9,66) If (nprln.ne.1) wrlte (9,67) pnr


If (optn.eq.l) goto 44 calI csnkm (ndat,ko, rlh,bl lh, rlhp) calI rsalem (ndat,ko, llh,bllh, llhp) cali csakm (ndat,ko,rla,brla,rlap) call csakm (ndat,ko, lla,blln, llap) calI c"akm (ndût, ko, rlllh, brlllh, IlIIhp) calI c~akm (ndût,ko, 1II1h,blmh, lmnp) calI ("sakm (ndat,I<o, rma,brm .. , rmap) calI c:>nkm (ndnt,ko, lma,blma, 1Il1ap)

The flrst loop:

contInue do 50 11=1,npar+l

pramet=parmln+rcal(ll-l)*(parmax'parmln)/npar if (par.eq.'mlu') mlu=pramet If (par.eq.'ra') ra=pramct If (par.eq.'wr') wr=pral1Jet if (par.eq.'ah') dh=prdmet if (par.eq 'xa') xn=p'dl1Jet kk=kmax+k<,tep

If (nprin eq.1) wrlte (9,71' pùr,prdmet 19c=0 i=O ire=O

Ma ln loop: fi ndl ng the Vfl for the !.>P.t of P,lI iJIllf't cr <;



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l' (Igt Pq 1) ~~-~k3

If (Ir~ yt 0 5) tllen

wnte (9,69)

wr 1 tl (* ,69)

']rJto 50

end l' If (~k It 0 ) then

wnte (9,70)

Wf Ite (".ID)

got 0 50

end 1 f

~c ~k*2.

c Ca 1 r ul dt 1 ng uf'fPdyndJJII co;.

c 1 f 'optn' 1<, 1 thl'fI the aerodynanllcs WIll be cûlculated

r u',lng il riltlonal fumtlon approxImatIon.








If (optn eq 1) then

call traef o(kk,Clh,Cla,Cmh,Cma)

goto 18

end 1 f


clhl=c~val(kk,ndat-l ,bllh, Ilhp)

If (nprnt2.eq.l) wrlte (9,*) k~,clhr,clhi

If (nprnt2.eq.l) wnte (*,*) à,clhr,clhl




If (nprnt2.('q.1) wnte (9,*) kk,clar,clal

If (nprnt2.eq.l) wrlte (*,*) kk,clar,clal

Cla=dcmplx(clar ,clal)

unhr=-c.,vnl(kk,ndat-l,brmh, rmhp)


If (npf nt;' ("11) wllte (9,*) kk,cmhr,cmhl

If (npfnt? cq 1) Wf Ite (*,*) kk,cmhr,cmhl

Crnh=dc-rllplx(cmhf ,cmll1)

crnar=c~v,Jl (k~, ndat . l, brrnil, rmilp)

cmal =c ... "a 1 (H, ndat -l, bl mil, 1 map)

If (npf nI2.cq." wrlle (9, *) kk,rmar,cmal

If (nprnt2 eq 1) wnte (*,*) kk,cmar,cmal

Cm,l=dcmplx(crr.lr, cmal)

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\l'P/:,.\'J)I.'\ H ('().\1J)I'1 FU l'IU)(;f{ \,\1 IISI/\(,'S






la cont 1 nue

c CorrectIon of acrodynnmlcs for the loratlon of E.A.:




Cmh=CnVl+C 1 h* (O. 5+ah )*0.5 Cmn=Cma+Cla*(0.5+ah)*0.5

c Calculatl0n of mûtrlCC", [A] & [B]:





a(1,1)=.25*mlu*kc**2·Clh/(2.*Pl) a( 1,2)=. 25*m1U*kc" 2* xa'C 1 al (pl) a(2,1)=.25*mlu*~c**2*xo+Cmh/(pl)

a(2, 2)=. 25*ml U*kL" 2*ro"2+2. ·Cllla/(pl )

bCl, 1)=dcn~lx(wl**2,O.)

b( 1,2)=(0. ,0.) b(2,1)=(0. ,0.) b(2,2)=dcmplx(ra**2,O.)

c Solving thc clgcnvalup. problcm:





calI clgzc(a,la,b,lb,n, lJob,clga,clgb,7.,l Z,wk,ll1fer,lcr)

do 36 1=1,n v(I)=eiga(I)/clgb(l)


J=O do 43 1=1,n

If (dreal(v(I».gt.O.) then

J=j+l clg(J)=v(l)

do 47 JJ=1,n

end If CO'1t 1 nue

Cl gv( J J , J ) = z e J J , 1 )

If Cnprln.ne.l) goto 49

do 48 k=1,J rclek)=real(Clgvel,J» lcl(k)=lm~geclgV(I,J»

rc2ek)=rcaleclgve2,J» lc2(k)=lmag(clgv(2,J»


5g( k) =~


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c c

rrllo(Ie)=r c1(n lmo(r )-1 c1(r) If (denam.nc.O.) then


r mo( k )=( rc 1 (le )*rc2(r)+ 1 c 1 (k )*1 c2( k) )/denam lmo(r)~(lc1(k)*rc2(k)'rc1(k)*lC2(k»/denam

end If iIIlfll( le )=',qr t (r mol k) **2+ lino ( k )**2) phm( le )=0. lf(rm(J(k).nc.O.) phrn(k)=atan(irno(k)/rlOo(k»

cont lnue

c Cnlrutatlon of 'u' & 'g' corrcbpondlng ta the chosen 'K': c 'u' 1<' nonrJ101cnblonat vet. and 'w' 15 nondl1OcnSl0nôtlzed by 'wa'. L <'(*,1)=g c '.(*,2)=u c b(*,3)=w c ~,(*,4 )=gam


35 c


do 35 k=1,j <'Ck+2,1)=dllOagCelg(k»/drcalCclg(k» ~Ck+2,2)=~qrtCmiu/drcôtCelgCk»)

b(k+2,3)=s(k+2,2)*kk sCk+2,4)=·s(k+2,1)/2.

cont 1 nue

If (nprln.ne. 1) goto 55 wflte (9,72) (kk,sCk+2,2),~Ck+2,1),reat(elgCk», IIIlôgC e 1 9 (k» , rc 1( K) , 1 c 1( K) , rcZ C k) , 1 c2 (k) , 5g (k) , k = 1 , J ) wrlte (*,72) (kk,<,(k+2,2),sCk+2,1),rcat(elg(k»,

imag(elg(k», rc1(k), lc1Ck), rc2Ck), lc2Ck), sg(k), k=1, j)

c Check the convergance condItIon: c


61 c

If Cgmln.te.acpter) goto 53

do 61 k=1,J gO=b(k+2,1) If CabsCgO).eq.gmln) goto 62


c Flnd the n1\f1101Um g: c




do 59 k=1,j gmln=mlnCgmln,nbs(sCk+2,1»)


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:\]J /) ES f) /X B. ( '(J.' 11) 1 TFU JI If ()( ,'If \.\ 1 /1,1.) lï .\' (.',~'




If (Îgc.cq.1) goto 34

do 38 1e=1,)

If ('(!c+2,l).gt.O.) then


goto 34

cnd 1 f


goto 37

c Replace S(new) by S(old) 1 f nece~~ary:





If (gmln1.lt.gnl1n) then

do 83 Im:1,J

do 83 i mm:: 1 ,4 s( 1r1l+2, Inln)=s( lm, inTo)


end i t

c If a positIve 'g' hûs bccn found:




If (l.eq.l) then

write (9,63)

write (* ,63)

goto 53

end If

l rc::i rc+l

c Check the maximum numbcr of Iteratlons:

c 1 f (1 re.gt.nc) goto 53


c Flnd the new lele:



If (i.lt.3) then


goto 37

end If

lf (gmin2.lt.gmln1) then


goto 37

end If


c Inl tlallzation:

c 37 kk2=kkl


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9ml n2=glnl n1



91=90 do 39 k 1 = 1, J

do 39 k2=1,4 r,(k1,k2)=r.(k1+2,k2)

goto 23


c The end of the main loop


c c Pn nt out the rI",ul t:



53 If (nprln.eq.1) wrltc (9,67) par

If (J .le." !Jota 54 If ("b~«,(4,1».It.ilb ... (q3,1)) then

wr Ite (9,68) pl"J1Iet,H,«~(lo+2,Jy),jy=1,3),lo=J,1,'1)

wr Ite (*,68) prillllct,kk,((5(lo+2,JY),Jy=1,3),lo=J,1,'1)

goto 50

end If 54 wr Ite (9,68) prilrnl"'t,I<K,(h(10+2,JY),Jy=1,3),lo=1,Jl

Wl'Ite (*,68) prarnt't,kk,«b(lo+2,JY),Jy=1,3),lo=1,J)

50 continue

c End of the fI r!. t loop




60 close (unlt=9)

63 format (' Kmax 1 s not bi g cnough')

64 forl11ilt (2x,'miu=' ,f7.2,8x,'ra=',f7.3,8x,'ah=',f7.3,/

65 formilt

66 format

67 fOllllat

68 format

69 forlllilt

70 format

71 fornl;!t

72 form;)t

3x, 'wr=' , f7.3, 8x,' ~a=' , f7 .3,8x, 'wa=' ,f7 .3,/


(fI ,2x, 'The ratIonal functlon approxImatIon IS being ,

,'u,>ed',1 ,2x,' ta calculate the aerodynarnlcs.',11>

(1l,2x,'The t~bulatcd data '5 bClng used to calculate'

,I,2x,'the aerodynalnlcs.' ,II) (t7,<l9,t16,'K',t2B,'g1',t4?,'U1',t55,'w1',t66,'g2',

t78,'LJ2', t93, 'w2')


(f,?x,'k,,, grater than the l,m,t; no re~ult.')

(/,2x, 'k=O. & no acceptable result has been found.')

(f,2x,'for ',a9,'=',fB.4,I,t4,'k',t13,'U',t22,'g'

,t28,' r lall', t37, 'Ilan', t47,' rc1', t57,' ,e1', t65,' re2'

, t 7~, , , e2' , t 82, ' h 1 9n' )

(f6.4,8f9.4, ,6)

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\PPESDI.,\ H ('U.Hl)( l'EH l'UU(,'1f \.\lll~/ï,\'(,',~'





funct 1 on Ign( x)

1f (x) 1,2,3


rcturn 2 ;9n=0

return 3 ;9n:1

return end

1 II

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COfllpl ex*16 (\(4,4), b(l.,!.), v(4) ,elga(4), clgb(4)

cOlllplex*16 z(f.,4),WK(6,12),elg(2),ek

f eill kk,""U

rcal ~o(50),rck(50), Ick(50)

l'cal bl ck(50),blck(50)

rcal rdp(4,50),ltkp(4,50)

1Ilteger optn, Iii, ln,n, lJob, lZ

dnta la, lh,n, 1 Jon, lZ/ I.,4,4,2,4/

opf'n (U111 t=7, f Il e=' pk Ine .dat' ,,>tatus=' old')

rend (7,*) mlu,rn,aa,wr,xa,wa,bb

rend (7,·) lJmln,umax,u~tpp

fead (7,*) pal,parrnln,parmax,npar

rend (7,·) optn,ne

cl o<,e (Uni t =7)

If (optn.nc 1) then

open (unlt=8, flle='teo.dat',status='old')

reild (8, "') ndat

redd (8,*) (ko(I),rck(i),ICk(I),I=l,ndat)

clo'-.e (ufl1t=8)

end If

open (U111 t=9,flle='pklnc.out',err=100)

Wf lte (9,64) 1II1lJ,ra,ah,wr,xa,wa,kstep

If (optn.cq 1) then

Wf 1 te (9,65)

goto 33

end 1 f

Wf lte (9,66)

33 wrltc (9,67) par

c pl=4"'atan( 1.)


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\}JPE.\'J)I.'\ 13 ('().\/Pl J'FU IJHO(;U. \.\1 LIS 1'1.'\(;8


c c

If (optn.eq.l) goto 44

call csakm (ndat,ko,rck,brck,rckp)

call csakm (ndat,ko,lcK,bick,lCkp)

c Declaring parts of matrices [Al & [Bl:



c c


a(l,2)=(0. ,0.)


a(2,2)=(0. ,0.)



a(3,3)=(0. ,O.)

a(3,4)=(0.,O. )

a(l.,1)=(O. ,0.)


a(4,3)=(0. ,0.)

a(4,4)=(0. ,O.)

b( l, 1) = - ( 1 . ,O. )

b( 1 ,3)=- (O. ,0.)

b(l,4)=- (O. ,0.)

b(2,3)=- (0.,0.)

b( 2,4) = - (O. ,0. )


b(3, 2)=- (O. ,0.)

b(3,3)=- (1.,0.)

b(3,4)=- (O. ,0.)

b(4,1)=- (O. ,0.)


b(4,3)=- (O. ,0.)

b( 4,4) = - ( 1 • , O. )

c The flrst loop: (parameter change)



44 cont Inue

do 333 jcfm=l,npar+l

prarnet=parrnl n+rea l ( 1 1 -1 )* (pa rmax, parnll n)/npdr

If (par. eq. 'nllu') mlU'-pr arnet

if (par.eq. 'ra') ra=prarnet

If (par.eq.'wr') wr=pramct

If (par.eq.'ah') ah=prdrnct

If (par.eq.'xa') xa=prarnet


1 :Hi

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,\1'/'/';,\/)/,\ IJ ('(),\1J11 J l'J( l'/(()(,'U.\.H /'/"";'/'1,\'(;.')

c c C"lculat1ng the re~t of miltr 1)1( [Bl:



c c



b( 1 ,7)~'xa

b(2, 1)~-xa





c The ~f'cond loop: (~peed chilngc)


11. I=i+l



1 f (u,gt.urnax) goto 20


c Inltlol gues~ for kk:



c c


If nk.gt.l0.) kk=10.


1 ront=O

12 If (kk.gt.l0.) thcn

wntc (9,64)

goto 100

end If

1 f (H.l LO.Ol) kk=0.01


If (lcont.gt.l0) goto 14

c Calculût1l1g acrodynanllcs:

c If 'optn' 15 1 thcn the aerodynarnlcs WIll bc calculated

c uo; i n9 a rdt i anal functl on dpprox lmilt IOn.





1 f (optn.cq.1) thcn

coll tC'od(kk,ck)

goto 18

end 1 f

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. \PPESUIS. JJ ('OJ'1I'/' J'FU PU()(,'f{, \.\1 US 1'/.\'(,','-,'


c c

c c


Ckl=csval(kk,ndat-1,blck, ickp)

If (nprnt2.eq.1l wnte (9, *) kk,dr,ckl

If (nprnt2.eq.1) wrlte (*,*) kk,ckr,ckl


18 contInue

c Calculatlng the rcst of matrlx [Al:


c c


a( 1,4 )=u*u*C l a/(pl *bb*bb*mlU)

a( 2,3)=- u*u*Cmh/(pl *bb'bb*mlu)

a( 2,4 )=( ra*wa )**2- 2. *u*u*Cma/( p 1 *bb*bb*ml u)

c Solvlng the eigcnvalue problcm:



c c c

call elgzc(a,la,b,lb,n, Ijob,clga,elgb,1,lz,wk,lnfer, 1er)

do 6 l=1,n


6 continue


do 2 K=l,n

If (dimag(v(k».ge.O.O) then



end if

2 cont 1 nue

ww=kk*u/bb cr.=abs(ww-dlmag(clg(IC»)/Ww

If (err.gt.acerr) then


goto 12

end If

If (dreal(elg(lc».gt.O.) nt=nt+1

If (nt. gt. nc) goto 20

If (lc.eq.2) goto 14




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H - (wô<wu)*bb/( 2. *u)

1 f (~k.yt.l0.) kk=10.

goto 12

c 70 cont 1 nue

wrlte (9,62) wr,~k,u,drcal(elgClc»,dlmag(eI9(lc»

wr Ite C*,62) wr,kk,u,dreaICelg(lc»),dlmllgCeig(lc»


333 LOllt 1 nue



62 format (7x,5(f7,1,,5x»

63 formdt (21,f7.3,5x,f7.4,5x,f7.4)

64 forlIIdt ClII,5x,'K excLds the upper llm!t whlch IS la')

65 format ClI,2x, 'The ratIOnal fUl1ction afJproxlmatlon I!. belng ,

,'u~f'd',/,2x,'to calcutilte Tcoder~on functlon.',11)

66 forilldt U/,h, 'Th" tabulned datd 15 bClng lIsed to calculate'

,/,2x, 'TC'odcr',on fUllctlOn. ' ,Ill

67 forrndt (tT,'K' ,tlB,'U' ,t29,'RC'al' ,t41,'lmag ' ,/)

68 format U/t6,'U',t16,'bC'ta1',t2B,'bC'ta2',1l

100 clo<;c (unlt:9)



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.\PJ)E,\'/)/.'\ Il ('O.\J/'lTEH ,'no(,'If.\.u J.I,'·i Iï.\ (,','-,' 1 III

ApP('lHlix A-4: TIll' p-k ~r('th()d in T'rall:-,ul1ic Flo\\' ( 1 ])OF 111 Plllllgt')







compl cx*16 C lh, p, aaa

charactcr par*40

Ical*8 clhr,clhi

1 cal kk,mlu

rcal ko(50)

rca l rlh(50), i lh(50)

rea l brlh(50),bllh(SO)

real rlhp(4,50), i lhp(4,50)

1 nt cger optn

open (unlt=7,fl lc='pktrn-h.dat',btatu~='old')

read (7,*) miu,ra,ah,wr,xa,wa,bb

rcad (7,*) optn,umln,umax,u<,tcp,acew,aced,nc

rcad (7,*) par,parmln,parmax,npar

rcad (7, *) npn n

close (unI t=7)

If (optn,nc.1) then

open (Uni t=B, fllc='aerr dat' ,btatus='old')

read (8, *) ndat read (8,*) (ko(1),rlh(1),llh(I),i=1,noat)

close (unlt=8)

end If

open (unlt~9, flle='pktrn-h.out' ,crr=100)

wrlte (9,61> Inlu,ra,ah,wr,xa,wa,bb

If (optn.cq.l) then

write (9,65)

goto 11

end If

wnte (9,66)

11 If (nprm.ne.1) \oIntc (9,67) par

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/1/'1'/".\'/)1\ JJ ('().\II I( "1 i',f( IJ/{()(,'/{. DI /'/S"f/.\'C:S





pl =4. ·"um( 1.)

If (optn.eq.1) goto 44

c,lll c',ahn (ndnt, ko, r lh, brl h, r lhp)

call (-.nhn (nddt,ko, Ilh,bllh, Ilhp)

c The fll<,t loop: (piJrOJmeter change)







1.4 CUlltlllue do 50 11=1 ,npo.Jr+l pl dlIIet -pi.llIlln' 1 ('al (11-1 )*(pdrmdx-parOiI n)/npar

If (par.':q. '11IItJ') II11U-pl drnpt

If (par.eq. '1"') 1 .. -pl .. met

1 f (poil "q. 'WI') WI -pl ;lInct

11 (par cq.' .. h') illFprdrnct

If (par.eq.'xiI') Xil:prillllct

u=tJnlln-u<;tcp If (nprln.cq.l) wrltc (9,71) par,pramet


1 flu=O

1I3=0. u2=O.


d:1rnp2=0. dan,)l =0. n:1mpO=O.

(' The -,ccond loop: (specd chilnge)



12 1=1+1


1 f (lflu cq.l) un=u3


c InItIal gllC~<; for kk:



kk-(wn+wb)*bb!C2. *u)

1 cont=O

i conv1=0 olg=O.


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\J'/)/~'.\/)f'\ H ('().\II'1 '/ vu /'UO(;/f \ \111.'if 1\'(,'''';

e e The th 1 rd loop: (Ide change)


14 lcont=lcont+1



if (lcont.gt.nc) then


wnte (9,70) ne

wrlte (*,70) ne

goto 35

end If

e Caleulatlng aerodynamlcs:

e If 'optn' is 1 then aerodynamlcs will be calcul.lted lhlllg

e a ratIOnal functlon apprOXlIlIatlon.


e e


e 18

If (optn.eq.1) then

calI traero(kk,Clh,Cla,Cmh,Cmil)

goto 18

end 1 f




ront i nue

aaa=wL'wb+u*u*c lhl (2. *pl *bb*bb*ul1 u)

p=csqr t (- aaa)

if (lIoag(p). l t.0.) p=-p



e wnte (9,*) lC, Hnag(elgva(lc»,ww(lc),err

e wrlte (*,*) lc,kk, irnag(elgva(le»,ww(lc),err

if (err.gt.acew) then

kk= Hnag( p) *bb/u

goto 14

end If

c c End of the th 1 rd loop


e dampO=real (p)

35 1 f (npnn.eq.1) then

write (9,69) u,P,ww

wrlte (*,69) U,p,ww

end If


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42 If ("b·,(d,.lItPO) , le ;,(('d) gr:>IO 20

1 f (d"llipa gt 0 ) th(n

1 f lu-1

('nd 1 f

c Clwck th" c..ürWf'lgfncc ((}rtdlllon:






c c







If (l(orw1.(·q.1) tl,,-,n

1011111' (9,6~) u

1011 Ile (*,63) u

goto )0

end If

If (Iflu.rq 1) then

If (1.1 t.3) then

u3 c u'u·.tt'p/2.

goto 37

('nd If

If (Ign(d~mr?) rq.lgn(d"nlp1» then

If (ab<;(d"fflp2) 1 t ,,"·.(ddrnp1» goto 28

goto 29

end 1 f

If (lgn(d'Jfup2).ne 19n(diJnlpO» goto 28

goto 29

u3' Udl11l'O/ (ddmpO· dJlltp?) * (u2' u)+u

goto 37

u3=d"mf->0/(darnpO darnp1 )*(u1·u)+u

goto 37

(,fld If



d.!I11fl2 c ddrnp1

d:'lIp1 =d.ll11pO

goto 12

[fld of the '.('cond loop


If (nplll1.eq.1) wnte (9,67) par

10111 te (9,62) pr ilmet ,u, p

loir Ile (*,62) pramet,u,p

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.\/)/JL'.\'f)I.\ H. ('O.\II)/'J J:'U J)HO(,'U \\1 US/ï\U . ...,·

c 50

c c c c












c 100

c c c



cont 1 nue

End of the first loop

format (2x,'nllu=',f7.2,8x,'ra=',f7.3,Bx,'ùh=',f7 3,/

3x,'wr=' ,f7.3,8x,'~il=' ,f7 3,Bx,'wù=',f7.3,/

3x, 'bb=', f7.4)

format (4f10.4)

format U/,5x, '''10 iln~Wer for any mude at u~',f7.4)

format (///,5x,'K L'x(,l'd~ the upper llmlt WhlCh 1'> 10')

format U/,2x, 'The ratIonal furICt10n ilpprOXlmdtl0n 1'0 belng ,

,'u;.ed' ,/,~x,'to cùlculnte the ncrouyn,lmlc'o.' ,II)

fonllJt U/,?x, 'The taiJulùtcd diltn 1'> bClng u~.cd to Citlculntct

,/, 2x, , the dl'I odyn"fIll r ... ' ,/1)

fOrlllilt Ult6,a9,t16,'U',t?6,'RC'al',t36,'llIld!l',t/.6,'Rf'ill'

, t56,' Inldg')

fOlmilt (4f10.4)

format (2x,'kk dld not converge after ',12,' lteriltl0n'i.')

format U,2x,'for ',il3,'=',fB.4,I,t6,'U',t16,'lleal',t?6,'lrnag'

, t36, 'Om"9', t46, 'Real', t56,' Imilg', t66, '01l1C'9')

formilt (2x,'U cxceded UflIilX but il f lutter wa;. not foulld')

close (unlt=9)


functlon 19n(x)

If (x) 1,2,3









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:\pIH'}JClix :\-G: TIiC' 1'-1.: '\f('lh()d 111 Tl<l1lsemi(' Flow (IDOF III Pitch)







(ompl LX· 16 Cl il, Cilla, p, olilél

lh •• 1 ae ter pul"'O

IC.tl*/J rlar,d,l1,rrnar,rllla1

rCdl kk,nlllJ

1 cill ~o(50)

r('dl rlh(50), 11h(50), rmh(50), 1mh(50)

rpal 1 la(50),11il(~0),rrnae50),1ma(50)

rcal brla(50),b11il(50),blrna(SO),bllna(50)

l'pal rli'p(4,50), 1Iap(4,50), rn'''p(4,50), 1map(4,SO)

1ntcgl'r optn

open (un1t=7,f1Il='pktrn-H_dat',btatus='old')

reéld (7,·) rn1u,ra,ah,wr,xa,wa,bb

rCéld (7, *) optn, UI111 n, umax, Ub tep, acew, aced, ne

rend Cl, *) pur, pdrrn1 n, pal lIIax, nrélr

read (7,*) nprln

rlo'.c (unI t=7)

l' (optn ne.l) then

op ... n (ull1t=S,flle='.wlo.ddt',,,tatub='old')

1l'<Id (B,·) ndat

read (B,*) (ko( 1),1 lh( 1),11 h( 1),1 = 1, ndat)

rL'"d (B,·) (lia ( 1 ) , lia ( 1 ) , 1 = l, nda t )

1 l',ld (8,*) ( 1 mh ( 1 ) , 1 mh ( 1 ) , 1 = l, ndd t )

rl~du (8,*) ( 1 lIla ( 1 ), 1 rn;) ( 1 ) , 1 = 1 , nd" t)

clo.,e (unlt-S)

end If

open (unI t =9, f lle=' pHI n-i1. out' , err= 1 00)

WI lte (9,61) IIllu,ra,ah,wr,XiI,wa,bb

1 f (optn_eq_ 1) thcm

wrlte (9,6~)

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.\P]JE.\J)].'\ H. ('O.\Il'('n.'U l'HO(,'If.\.\1II.~'lïS(,·S





goto 11 end 1 f

wrlte (9,66) 11 If (nprln.ne.1) wrltc (9,67) par


If (optn.eq.1) goto 44

call c!>akm (ndat,~o,rla,brla,rlap) call csakm (ndat ,lco,lla,blla,llap) call csakm (ndat , ko, rrna, brma, rrnLlp) call csakm (ndat,ko,lma,blma,lrnap)

c The Ilr!>t loop: (parametcr change)


c c




44 contInue do 50 11=1,npar+1 prarnet=parnll n+rea l ( 1 i -1 )*(par Ill;])' - parmI n) /npar If (par.eq.'rnlu') n11u=pranrct If (par.eq.'ra') ra=pranrct If (par.eq.'wr') wr"pramet if (par.cq.'ah') ah-pr'ilnlet If (par.cq.'xa') ya=pranrct wb=wa*wr

u=umln-ustep If (nprin.eq.1) wrrte (9,71) par,priJmet 1=0 1 flu"O u3=0. u2=0. u1=0. damp2=O. damp1=0. dampO=O.

c The second loop: (speed change) c


12 l=i+1 un=u+ustep if (lflu.eq.1) un=u3 u=un

c InItIal guc~s for kk:

1 1( i

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/\ P j'/','\'I JI \ /1 ('().'II'I "1 I- j( Ilu{)r ,'j(, Ul J,j.l.; r!S(,'S




H- (wn 1 wb)"bb/(2.·u)




(. The thlf d loop: (~k change)




lI. lcunt=lcont+l

1 f (Ieont gt.nd then

Icolwl=l • ; 1011 1 te (9.70)1: ne

loi lit e (", 70 f ne

!Jota 35 end If

c Cdlculntlng ilrrodynnmlcs:

c J f 'optn' 1<; 1 then <lerodyn,lfnlcs wIll be calculntcd uSlng

c n rdtlonal functlOn apprOXimation.










If Coptn.cq.l) then

cnll traero( kk. C l h, Cla, C!Oh 1 Cma)

goto 18

end If




cmar=c!>va l (kk, ndat -1. bl ma, rmnp)


Cma-den.)l x( clIlar, rmal)


Cma=Cmn l (0.5+ah)*Cla

<1,1.]=2. * u*u*Cm<lj (pI *bb"bb*ra* 1 (1*1111 u) - , •

p=c-..ql t(<Jaa)

If (1111.19 ( p) • 1 t • O.) p= - P


cr r =abo; (ww' 1 mage p»/ llIlJg( p)

If (err.gt.Drew) then

H.= Imng(~ )"bb/u

J li

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:\ J> P E.\ J) 1.\ H. ('0.\1 P l "rU? P HO(,' li U 1 1 .... J'/.\' ( ,'S

c c

goto 14 end 1f

c Check the convergence cond1t1on: c


if (lconv1.eq.1> then wnte (9,63) u wnte (*,63) u goto 50

end 1f

c End of the th1rd loop c

c dampO=real(p)

35 1 f (npnn.eq.1) then



wr1te (9,69) u,P,ww wr1te (*,69) u,P,ww

end 1f

42 1f (abs(dampO).le.aced) goto 35 1 f (dampO gt. O.) then








1 flu=1 end 1f

1f (iflu.eq.1) then 1f (1.1 t.3) then

u3=u·ustep/2. goto 29

end if 1f (lgn(damp2).eq.1gn(damp1» then

11 (ab<,(damp2).lt.ab~(darnp1» goto 28 goto 29

end 1f 1f (lgn(darnp2).ne.1gn(dalllpO» goto 29 goto 29 u3=darnpO/ (d,HopO -dmop2)* (u2 -u)+u goto 37 u3=dampO/ (dUlupO-ddmp1 )* (u1- u)+u goto 37

end 1f

u2=u1 u1=u


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• r.








c c c












c 100




d;",,!,? - rj,JnfJ 1


90to 12

rr,d of the ',l'C onU loop


If (npnn,f<q,1) wrlte (9,67) par

wllte (9,62) prdrnet,u,p

wlIle (*,62) prarnet,u,p


rnrl of 1 he f 11 ., t loop

fUII"dt (2X,'1II1lI=',f7 2,8x,'riJ=',f7.3,8x,'ah=',f7.3,1

3x,'wr=', f/.3,8x, 'XiJ=', f7 3,8x, 'wa.::', f7.3,/

3x, 'biJ=', f7.4)

fOllllat (4fl0.l+>

forilldt UI,5x, 'No dn'wer fur any mode at u=' ,f7.4)

fOlnr~,t UII,5x,'K e-<cl'u' the upper 11l1lit whleh IS 10')

fOlfll"t (//,?x,'The latlonal functlon appr'OXlrnatlon 15 belng'

,'u<.,ed',1,'2x,'to ,alculate the ilerodynamles '.1/) fOllll<lt UI,2x, 'Th" t"buL,ted ddta 1<; bLlng used ta calculate'

,1,2x,'thc ,JI rodyniJlI1lc<;.' .II)

fUIIII"t (1It6,.19,t16,'U',t26,'RC'ill',t36,'llIIag',t46,'Real'

, t56,' Im,Jg')

fOlilidt (4fl0.4)

forflldt (?x,'kk dld Ilot converge ilfter ',12,' Iterations.')

fOlllldt U,2x,'for ',il3,'=',f8.4,/,t6,'U',t16,'Real',t26,'Imag'

, t36, '(1l11eg', t46, 'Redl' , t56,' Imag', t66, 'Omeg')

fOll1101t (2x,'U C'xC'cded Urnax but a flutter was not found')

elo',e (uni t-9)


fl/mtlon Ign(x)

1 f (x) 1,?,3

1 gn~-l

l'l'HI! n

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• \l'PES})l.\ B. ('().\IJ>1 TI· Il l'U(}(,'U \ \1 1/.-'; 1'1.\'(;'-';

2 19n=0 return

3 Ign=1

rcturn end

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:\pJ)I'llrlix i\-(): Tlj(' Jl-k \frotl!()(!lll Trall~()lli(' Flow (2DOF)






(Ofllpl ex*16 <1(1 • .'.). b( 4,4). v(4 >. Cl g<3(4), Cl gb(4)

COIl,plf'x*16 z(l.,1.),wk(6,12),Clg(2)

(011'1-' 1 cx * 16 Cl h , Cl a, Cmh, Cma

(ornpl f'x* 16 c 19v(l.,1.), t'l gvaC?), Cl gvc(2, 2), Cl gvct(2)

Chdl cletpr p,JI*40

rcal"B elhr,( lhl,( lar,clal,cmhr,crnhl,cmar,crnai

1 cal kk ,Ill1 U

1 Cil 1 IIIdgr1f't (?) ,l'h' "c( 2)

1 (',li ka( 50)

1 t'al r Ih(~O), Il h(SO). rla(50),lla(50)

r('ill IlI1h(50), 111111(50) ,lllla(SO), 11l1i1( 50)

ICill uIlh(SO),bllh(SO),ullaC'iO),blla(SO)

1 NIL bl mh('iO), blll~l( 50), bllna(50), blllla(50)

I('al Ilhp(4,SO),llhp(4,50),rlap(4,50),llap(4,50)

rcal rlllhp(4,50),llllhp(4,50),lnlap(4,50),lInap(4,50)

real ww(?), d,l/lIpO( 2), cJ"mpl (2) ,damp2( 2)

llltCgCI aptn

ddtil la,lb,n,l Job,lZ/4,4,4,2,4/

op"n (uI11l=7, f llc='pktl n.ddl ',&tatus='old')

lend (7,*) rnll/,I n,ah,wr,xil,wa,bb

rcad (7,*) optn,lImln,u<,tep,ilccw,accd,nc

Ip"d (7, *) pal, p," 1111 n, pdllnax, npar

1 t'ad (7, *) "1'1 1 n (lo-,c (Ulllt=/)

If (Uptll IlC. 1) then

open (uni t=B, fllc=' aero,dat',status='old')

rL'nd (B, *) ndat

1 (',ld (B,*) O,a(l),rlh(l),llh(l),l=l,ndat)

/('ad (8,*) (llil(l),lla(I),l=l,ndat)

1 t'da (8,*) (rrm(l),lmh(l),I=l,l1dilt)


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.\PJ>fSnI.\ H ('O.\/I>{ 'J'VU PU()( ,'U \ \1 I.I.~' 1'1.\,(,'.'1





c c

read (B,*) (rma(l),lma(l),I=l,ndat)

close (un1t~B)

end 1 f

open (lJn1t=9,flle·'pktrn out' ,err=100)

wrlte (9,61) mlu,ra,i1h,wr,Xn,w3,bb

If (optn.eq.1) then

wn te (9,65)

goto 11

end 1 f

wntc (9,66)

11 If (nprln.ne.1) wrlte (9,67) par

open (unlt=10,flle='pktrn.cgv',err=100)

wnte (10,7/,) pal



If (optn.cq.1) goto 44

call csakm (ndat,ko,rlh,urlh,rlhp)

call c"akm (ndat,ko,l lh,bllh,llhp)

call csakm (ndat,ko,rla,brlil,rlap)

call csakm ( ndù t , k 0, 1 l ù , b 1 l il, 1 l ilp)

call csakm (ndal, ko, r rnh, br mil, rllilp)

call csakm (ndùt, ko, lInh, bllnh, lnl'1p)

call cSùkm (ndnt,ko,rrnù,brlfla,rmap)

call csakm (ndnt,ko, lmn,blmil,llnùp)

c DccLarlng parts of mntrlces [A) & [B):





a(2,1)=(0.,O. )

a(2,2)=(0. ,O.)



a(3,3)=(0 ,O.)


a(4,1)=(0.,O. )

a(4,2)=(-1 ,O.)


a(4,4)=(0. ,O.)

b( 1 , 1 ) = - ( 1 . , ° ) b(l ,3)=- (O. ,0.)

b(1,4)=-(0 ,O.)

1 -., 1.

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b(2,3)::-(0. ,0 )

b(Z,4)::-(0 ,o.) b( 3, 1):: - (O. ,O. )


h( 3 , 3 ) :: - ( 1 • , o. ) b(3,4)::-(0.,O.)

b(4, 1 )::- (O. ,O.)

b(4, 2):: - (O., O.)

bU" 3) = - (O. , o. ) bU,,4 ):: - (1 . ,O. )

c The fI r.,t loop: (par ùllleter change)




44 cont 1 nue

doSO 11=1,npar+l prolllct-porlllln+fcal(II-1)*(pdrmaX-panoln)/npar

If (par.eq.'mlu') mw-pramet

If (par.eq.'ra') ro=pramct

If (par.cq.'wr') wl-proillet

If (pdr.eq.'ah'> ah-prarnet

If (par eq.'xd') xd-prarnet


c Calculdtlng the re<,t of matrlX [Bl:










b(2,2)=-r a*ra


If (nprln.eq.1> wrlte (9,71) par,pramet

1=0 If lu::O


u3=O. u2~O.


do 15 k::l,2



15 ddlllpO(k)::O.


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c 1hc second loop: C<;pccd ch"nge)

c 12 1 =1+1


un=u+ustep If Clf\u.eq.1) un=u3 u=un

c InItIal guess for kk:


c c


le=l ieont=O leonvl=O iconv2=O Clg0)=0. elg(2)=O.

c The thlrd loop: (kk change)


c e

14 lcont=lcont+1 1 f C lcont .gt .nc)

wrl te (9,70) write C",70) If (ie.eq.1)

ieonvl=l ic=2 lcount=O goto 14

end if leonv2=1 goto 35

end If

then ne ne then

c Calculating aerodynam1cs: c If 'optn' is 1 then aerodyniJrn1C~ will be udrulotcd U'.1ng

c a rational functlon approx1mat1on.


c e c

1f (optn.eq.1) then calI traero(kk,Clh,Cla,Crnh,Cma)

goto 18

end if

elhr=esvalCkk,ndat-1,brlh,rlhp) eth i =csval O:k, ndat-1, bl lh, 1 1 hp)

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.\jljlj~.V/)/X JJ ('O.\I/ I (,"j FU jJf(()(,'U.\M U8'/'1.\'(,'8










Clh=dcrrrplx(clhr ,clhl)

d ar=c·.val (l'Y, ndat -l, br 1 a, rI ap)

clal-:cwnl (YI' ,ndût-l,blla,llap)


CIInr=c·.vill (H ,nddt -l,br IlIh, rmhp)

Ulfl i "twal (kk ,nd.lt -l, bllnh, lIInp)


tlnar =c~v,tl (l'Y, ndat -l, blilla, rrnap)

Cllli' 1 ~c·.va 1 (H, ndat -l, bl ma, lmap)

CllkJ=rJCfllpl x(cmdr ,Clllill)


c CorreLtlon of aerorlynûmlch for the location of E.A.:




Cllfl~Cmh+C l h' (0.5+ ah )*0.5

Crna=CrnaiCla*(O 5+ah)*0.5

c Calculatlng the re~t of matrlx [A]:




a(1,3)=wb*wb t u*u*Clh/(2·*PI*bb*bb*mIU)


n( 2,3)= -u*u*Clllh/ (pl *bb*bb*rnl u)

a( 2,4 )=( 1 a*wil)B 2- 2. *u*u*Crnil/ (pl *bb*bb*nl1 u)

c Solvlng the elgenvalue problem:



calI clgzc(a,lil,b,lb,n,1 Job,clga,clgb,z,lz,wk,lnfcr, ier)

do 36 l=l,n


36 contInue



do 43 k=l,n

If (IOlng(v(k».ge.O.O) thcn



do 47 JJ=l,n


end 1 f

1 ;j.)

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.\Jl}'[·;'vDI.\ H (,O.\/P1'TL'f{ l'H(}(,'H,\.\lII.''';/ï.\'(,:;

43 conttnue

c c c


ww( t c) =kk*u/bb err=abseww( t cl' tmag(clgvù( tc»)/llllag(clgvù( IC»

lf (err.gt.acew) thcn kk=tmag(elgva(lc»*bb/u

goto 35

end If

c End of the thtrd loop

c c


do 48 JJ=3,n 48 cIgvc(jj-2,tC)=CIgV(JJ,tc)




if (tc.eq.1) thcn

Ic=2 icont=O kk=(wa+wb)*bb/(2.*u)

goto 14 end If

c Check the convergence condttton:





if (iconv1.cq.l.and.tconv2.cq.1) thcn

write (9,63) u write (* ,63) u

goto 50

end If

35 1 f (nprtn. eq. 1) then

c c

wnte (9,69) u,(etg(k),ww(k),k=1, tc) write (*,69) u,(elg(K),ww(k),k=1,IC)

cnd If

If (Jcase.ne.O) then


goto 42 end if

k=l If (iconvl .eq.l) k=2

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1.2 If (db·,(o,lfrpO(~».I!?.rJCtd) goto 20

(. If (d.,"Ij:lJ(~).gt O.) dlu=1














If (d .. fIIpO(~).gt.O then

1 f lu"1

J t d' e=k

""d 1 f

If (lgn(dafllp2<n) (''1 Ign(d"rnp1(k») thcn

If ("b ... (ddlllp?<~» lt ab~(d.llnpl(k») goto 28

goto 29

(nd 1 f

1 f (lgn(lbmI'2<k)).n('.lg':(d~llrpO(k))) goto 28

goto 29

If (1flu 1'<1.1) then

If (1.1t.3) then


goto 37

end 1 f

u3· d<JnpO (k)1 (ddrnpl (k ) 'Oil/llpO (k) )* (uZ'u)+u

go~o 37

u3=du11lpû( k) / (dd/llp2( k), ddlupO( k» * (ul, u)+u

goto 37

end 1 f

If (Jca-.e.ne.O) goto 37

1 f (ICOIW? eq.1.ol k eq 2) goto 29


90to 42

37 u?=ul



00 38 mn=1,lc

dilll1p2(mn)=dalupl (/lin)

38 diJl1~)l (mn) =d.lllipO (rnn)

goto 12

c End of the ,,~rond laop


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.\PfJJ:.\'f>l\ IJ ('().\IP( n'Ii JlHOUU \ \111 .... · 1'1.\,(,' . .,'


c 20 contInue

If (nprln.eq.l' wrltc (9,67) pnr

loin te (9,62) pl Dmc t , U, (c 1 9 (k) , k ~ 1 ,le)

wrlte (*,62) prJmet,u,(cIg(k),k=1,lC)

do 26 J J = 1 ,le



ph~Le( J J}=O.

If (reJl(clgvet(JJ».ne.O p~~"e( J J) nt,m( 1IIl,lg(l'lgvrt


26 cont lnue

wrlte (*,73) pri1met,u, (m3gnct(JJ ),ph~~e( JJ), J J=1, Ir)

wnte (10,73) pr.'lJ1pt,u, (1J13gnet(J J),ph'."" (JJ),JJ=1, le)


50 cont 1 nue


c End of the flrst loop







61 format (2x, 'm1U=', f7.2,8x, 'ra=', f7.3,8x, '<lh=', f7 .3,1

62 form3t

63 format

64 format

65 format

66 format

67 format

69 format

70 format

71 format

72 format

73 forlfldt

74 forlflat

3x, , wr=' , f 7 3, 8x, ' xa=' , f 7 3, 8x, 'wn=' , f 7 .3,1

3x, 'bb~', f7.4)


(11,Sx,'No "n'101er for iJny rllod" at u-',f7 4)

(lII,5x,'K oCf'd~ the lIfT,cr lHIIl! whlch 1',10')

(11,2x,'The IJt1on,.[ functlOn i,pprOXlll1atlon 1<, bl'Ing ,

,'u~ed' ,I,211,'to CillclJli,te the ,JPlodyn,Holc" ',II)

(lI,2x,'The tdbul"ted dati] l'. bCIIlg u·c'd ta c<llculate'

,l, 2x,' the dcrodyr,,,rnl cs ',11)

(1It6,39,t16 'U',t26,'Real',t36,'IIfIJg',t46,'Real'



(2x,'kk dld not cOllverge ~fter ',12,' ltt'rJtlon',,')

(/,2x,'for ',a3,'=',f8.1"I,t6,'U',t16,'Rt'nl',t?(J,'llIIdg'

, t36, 'Oll,eg', t l,6, 'Renl', t56,' III1<>g', 166, 'Olllcg')

(211, 'U CXCL'dl·d Ulllax but a fluttel wa', not fUllnd')


(t6, a9, t 16, , U' , t 26, , rndg 1 ' , t36, ' ph~ l' , t46, , 1110192'

, t56, 'ph<,Z' ,Il

100 close (unI t=9)

clo.,e (unI t=10)


1 l~

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\/'/'/',,\ /JIX H ('(J,\-! jJ( "} ru l'U()r ,'U, \.\1 I,I,'-,"}'/.\'(;.'·;

f unt t Ion 1 gn( x)

If (x) '.2.3

1 gn=-' retur n

2 1 gn=O r eturn

3 19n=l

retu! n

