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BaBcock BorSiG Steinmüller GmBH


Flue Gas Heat RecoveRy

Page 2: Flue Gas Heat RecoveRy - · PDF fileclean gas heater which are separately ... We subdivide flue gas heat recovery systems into eco systems and ... way is thus available for an increase

ranGe oF SerViceS

For reliable adherence to the increasingly more stringentemission standards, the demand for none-leakage heat recovery systems is growing. While in regenerative systems the leakage between raw gas and clean gas re-duces the efficiency of flue gas cleaning, none-leakage heat recovery systems have already been developed by todays Babcock Borsig steinmüller in the 1980s and have since then proved their reliability in numerous reference plants even in operation on difficult fuels and below the acid dew point. Both for the recovery of raw gas heat for reheating the clean gas and steam-heated clean gas heat-ers, we have developed material and design concepts which have proved successful in practice.

the energy saving systems known by the name of PoWeRIse® recover the waste heat from the flue gas before entry into the flue gas desulphurization system


to preheat feedwater and air. the valuable extraction steam of the turbine used up to now for this purpose con-tributes to power generation in addition.

Heat recovery systems have been proved successful in numerous reference plants. at the beginning of a flue gas heat recovery project, we carry out a system analysis to evaluate the existing heat potential. It is economically advisable to replace air preheating by steam, condensate heating, feedwater preheating or district heat generation by heat recovery. Feasibility of replacing the steam sup-ply depends on the temperature level of the fluid to be heated by the steam. the saved steam can then remain in the water-steam cycle and be expanded in the turbine. thus, it contributes to power generation and increases the efficiency.

Flue Gas Heat Recovery


Power SystemsBabcock Borsig Steinmüller GmbH

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ecoGavo is a highly developed, none-leakage heat dis-placement system. It includes a flue gas cooler and a clean gas heater which are separately arranged around the FGD plant.

the materials used have been proved in numerous refe-rence plants and are suitable for cooling to below the acid dew point.

via a connected closed water circuit the decoupled heat is transferred to a clean gas heater arranged downstream of the FGD plant where the steam-saturated clean gas is dried and heated to the required stack outlet tempera-ture. Here too, well tested material concepts are carried out.

Fully automatic cleaning systems and the self-cleaning effect of the plastic tubes prevent excessive contamina-tion and the connected pressure loss. vibrations of the pipes are gently reduced by means of patented spacers. this solution also provides optimum design not restrai-ning the flow of wash water and deposits through it.

1. eco SYStemS

eco SYStemS are none-leakaGe clean GaS reHeatinG SYStemS in Power PlantS and reFuSe incineration PlantS, tHeSe are in detail:


Reduction of the co2 emissions is a measure generallyacknowledged worldwide for protection of the environ-ment and climate. an essential step towards achieving this goal is an extensive up-grading of the existing fossil-fired power plants. Here, advanced flue gas heat recove-ry systems offer effective possibilities of improving the efficiency by generating so-called „green megawatts“ with simultaneous reduction of the waste heat given off to the atmosphere. Design and layout of these systems, in particular in the case of retrofitting existing power plants, require careful consideration of the marginal conditions resulting from thermo-dynamic, economic ef-ficiency and mode of operation in close cooperation with the operator/-owner.


„Green megawatts“, increased electric power up to 3% reduced fuel consumption reduced co2 emission reduced water consumption of the FGd

system Heat recovery to below the acid dew point Retrofit concepts turn-key plants High operational safety and thus high

availability long service life due to corrosion-resistant

design experience with hard coal and lignite as

well as oil-fired power plants since 1985

We subdivide flue gas heat recovery systems into eco systems and PoWeRIse® systems:


Power SystemsBabcock Borsig Steinmüller GmbH

clean Gasreheater

Flue Gascooler

Stage1 Stage2

Flue Gas




Page 4: Flue Gas Heat RecoveRy - · PDF fileclean gas heater which are separately ... We subdivide flue gas heat recovery systems into eco systems and ... way is thus available for an increase


ecocRoss is a none-leakage and corrosion-resistant tu-bular cross-flow heat exchanger which is predominant-ly used in flue gas desulfurisation plants (FGD plants) for the reheating of clean gas. this leads to acid conden-sation on the inside tube surfaces of the heat exchang-er. the heat exchanger tubes are therefore made of the fluoroplastic material G-FloN. Due to its anti-adhesive properties dust deposits on the tube surface are mini-mized.

another advantage of G-FloN: a none-leakage welded connection is made between the tube and the foil lining

of the tube sheet. Nevertheless, the tube can be indi-vidually exchanged, if necessary. tube vibrations are efficiently prevented. lining of G-FloN protects the casing against the corrosive clean gas. although it was initially developed for waste incineration plants eco-cRoss is nowadays also used in power stations for the reheating of flue gas downstream of the flue gas desul-furisation plant.

Due to its construction size the heat exchanger is split up in individual modules here. For length compensa-tion specific solutions have been developed.


steam-heated gas preheater downstream of the flue gasdesulfurisation plants and/or upstream of DeNox plants.Downsteam of the FGD plant the steam-saturated cleangas is to be dried and heated in order to protect the down-stream plant components and to reach the temperature required at the stack outlet. In view of the existing flue gas conditions corrosion-resistant stainless steel tubes are used while the casing is provided with a G-Flon lin-ing or high-grade steel cladding. to obtain the residual-heating for DeNox processes, heat is often supplied via a steam-heated gas preheater (DaGavo). Due to its opera-tion above the acid dew point this heat exchanger can be made of carbon steel often with finned tubes.


Power SystemsBabcock Borsig Steinmüller GmbH

clean Gas

Flue Gas



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adVantaGeS oF eco SYStemS

absolutely no leakage „Green megawatts“, increased electric power reduced fuel consumption reduced co2 emission Heat recovery below the acid dew point Retrofit concepts turn-key plants experience with hard coal and lignite as well as

oil-fired power plants since 1985 High operational safety and thus high availability multiple large plants worldwide as references long service life due to corrosion-protected



ecoFloW is a heat displacement system in which heat is recovered from waste gas (250 °c - 600 °c) and carried via a closed heat transfer agent circuit to internal or ex-ternal consumers. a closed and well insulated system of pumps and pipe-work connects the specially designed heat-exchangers on the heat supply and consumer side. Water or thermal oil is used as heat transfer medium. For example, the ecoFloW system can be combined with an oRc system (organic Rankine cycle) for low-temperature power generation. the thermal energy is recovered by means of special waste gas coolers (heat source) and is transferred by means of thermal oil to the heat sink, the evaporator of the oRc cycle. the power generated in the oRc system is fed into the plant net-work for further utilisation.

other application and utilisation examples are for ex-ample the preheating of air or combustion gas, gen-eration of district heat, water heating or even steam generation. In addition to these basic applications a combination of circuit arrangements can be effected to


ecostat is an air heater or gas-gas heater operating on the heat pipe principle. It consists of heat pipes func-tioning independently of each other.

Heat transfer takes place by evaporation and conden-sation of the working fluid. For this purpose, a tube equipped with a special capillary system is evacuated and closed gas-tight at both ends. When heat is applied to the lower side of the tube the working fluid evapo-rates there and expands into the cold tube section where it condenses. In the process, it gives off the evaporation heat absorbed before. the condensate returns through the capillaries to the hot tube area. the temperature of the working fluid fluctuates around an equilibrium be-tween heat absorption and heat emission.

the heat pipe is an interesting alternative to the recu-perative tubular and regenerative rotating air heater. they are especially well suited for rather high pressure differences. In the combustion air heater of boilers, the heat pipes are arranged mostly horizontally, the flue gas and combustion air flowing vertically around them in countercurrent fashion.

In other applications, such as flue gas heating before

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simultaneously transfer the recovered energy to vari-ous consumers.

DeNox systems, clean gas reheating after flue gas de-sulphurization systems or in combustion gas and air heaters before blast preheaters in blast furnace plants, the heat pipes are arranged vertically.

working diagramm of a heatpipe Heatpipe as heat-flow andtemperature rectifier


Power SystemsBabcock Borsig Steinmüller GmbH

Page 6: Flue Gas Heat RecoveRy - · PDF fileclean gas heater which are separately ... We subdivide flue gas heat recovery systems into eco systems and ... way is thus available for an increase

"Green megawatts“, increased electric power Experience in DeNOx systems since 1980 FGD system reheating since 2000 Compact adjustment to the FGD system geometry High operational reliability and availability Non-leakage heat recovery systems according to DIN,

no slip between the fluids

No temperature variations, uniform temperature profile at the outlet ends Heat pipes individually replaceable, if required adjusted to

counterflow arrangement of flue gas ducts No moving parts, therefore no drive energy required The concept can be flexibly designed in accordance with

the customer's requirements


economiZerFor Heat recoVerY

the ecoNoMIZeR is an indirect flue gas cooler which can be used for capturing thermal energy from a wide variety of flue gases. the design and material concept depend in each case on the field of application: For ex-ample, flue gas cooling with or without temperature dropping below the dew point or high or low dust load-ing.

corresponding design and application examples are de-scribed under the products PoWeRIse® for power plants and ecoFloW for industrial solutions.

low-PreSSure Feed water PreHeatinG

In flue gas desulfurisation plants without reheating fa-cility the heat potential of the flue gases is recovered by means of special corrosion-protected heat exchangers and transferred to the low-pressure feed water via a heat transfer agent circuit and an intermediate heat exchanger. the bleed steam of the turbine saved in this way is thus available for an increase of electric power.

Steam air HeaterS For comBuStion air HeatinG aSoriGinal or retroFit equiPment

the steam-heated air heater is used for preheating of combustion air before boiler inlet. this air heater can be arranged upstream of a flue gas-heated regenerative air heater. In this case, the steam-heated air heater has the function to preheat the primary air to such an extent that in the flue gas-heated air heater the temperature does not drop below the dew point at the so-called "cold end". since the air does not contain any harmful sub-stances carbon steel is here used as material. to be able to utilize the excellent heat transfer in the pipe for the most compact possible dimensions elliptical fin tubes are used. this pipe form assists in minimizing the pres-sure drop.

2. PoweriSe®

increaSe oF tHe Power Plant eFFiciencY and reduction oF co2 emiSSionS BY Heat recoVerY in tHe Flue GaS PatH.


Power SystemsBabcock Borsig Steinmüller GmbH


Feedwater Preheating



Flue Gascooler

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Individual solution Reduced CO2 output „Green“ Megawatts New power plants

and upgrading of existing power plants


PreHeatinG oF comBuStion air

to avoid corrosion problems on the so-called „cold end“ of a regenerative air heater an additional steam-heated fin-tube heat exchanger is often connected upstream which raises the temperature level of the air heater above the acid dew point. the energy required for this purpose is normally supplied to the heat exchanger by means of process steam which will therefore not be available for the generation of power.

as a replacement for this the required thermal energy is taken from the flue gas upstream of the flue gas des-ulfurisation plant by means of corrosion-protected heat exchangers so that the primary station consumption is reduced.

air Heater BYPaSS-economiSer (luBeco)

In FGD plants without reheating facility the heat po-tential of the flue gas is recovered by means of special corrosionresistant heat exchangers and is transferred to the regenerative air heater via a heat transfer agent circuit and via an additional air heater.

a part of the energy of the high-temperature boiler flue gas is thereby branched off and transferred via a air heater bypass economiser to the high and low-tempera-ture feed water. With this patented circuit arrangement the utilised heat is raised to a high temperature level. valuable bleed steam is saved and is available for an in-crease of electric power.

For further information on our products in the field of heat recovery, please see our documentation of installed plants and our reference lists.

Flue Gas Bypass-economizer





air airwater / airPreheater

Steam / waterPreheater


Flue Gascooler


Power SystemsBabcock Borsig Steinmüller GmbH


air Preheating

eSPFGdFlue Gas


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Power Systems

Babcock Borsig Steinmüller GmbH Europaallee 146047 OberhausenGermanyPhone +49 208 4575 - 2387Fax +49 208 4575 - [email protected]