flownex in renewable energy

Concentrated Solar Power Geothermal Power Biomass Gasification Wind Power Flownex® Application in Renewable Energy Systems Generator Cooler Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Plants Thermal Storage Systems Direct Usage Power Cycles & Steam Generators Collector & Heat Transport System Reciprocating Gas Engines Hydraulic Unit Lubrication Oil Cooling System Electricity Generation Charge / Discharge transients Feasibility studies Thermal distribution Direct / Indirect storage Inherent transient nature Charging & discharging Feasibility studies Heat transfer / losses Heat & flow distribution Variable heat input Accident scenarios Flow distribution Oil temperature variation Oil pressure distribution Hydraulic line Flow losses Abnormal scenarios Feasibility studies Water circuit flow Control logic Blockages & pump failures Integrated dynamic responses Characteristics & component operation Plan plant changes Evaluate control systems Varying loads Daily demand cycles Heat losses District heating flow distribution Safety systems Evaluate valve geometry Mass and inertia Root cause analysis Verify control strategy Fluid and heat flow distribution

Upload: santhosh-lingappa

Post on 06-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Flownex In  Renewable Energy

Concentrated Solar Power

Geothermal Power Biomass Gasification

Wind Power

Flownex® Application in Renewable Energy Systems

G e n e r a t o r C o o l e r

I n t e g r a t e d G a s i f i c a t i o n C o m b i n e d C y c l e P l a n t s

T h e r m a l S t o r a g e S y s t e m s

D i r e c t U s a g e

P o w e r C y c l e s & S t e a m

G e n e r a t o r s

C o l l e c t o r & H e a t T r a n s p o r t

S y s t e m

R e c i p r o c a t i n g G a s E n g i n e s

H y d r a u l i c U n i t

L u b r i c a t i o n O i l C o o l i n g S y s t e m

E l e c t r i c i t y G e n e r a t i o n

Charge / Discharge transients Feasibility studies

Thermal distribution Direct / Indirect storage

Inherent transient nature Charging & discharging

Feasibility studies Heat transfer / losses

Heat & flow distribution Variable heat input Accident scenarios

Flow distribution Oil temperature variation Oil pressure distribution

Hydraulic line Flow losses

Abnormal scenarios Feasibility studies

Water circuit flow Control logic

Blockages & pump failures

Integrated dynamic responses Characteristics & component operation

Plan plant changes Evaluate control systems

Varying loads Daily demand cycles

Heat losses District heating flow distribution

Safety systems Evaluate valve geometry

Mass and inertia

Root cause analysis Verify control strategy

Fluid and heat flow distribution