flow chart ; flood


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Post on 17-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Flow chart ; flood

By Kelly-Ann.

Page 2: Flow chart ; flood

Step 1: The clouds have a big icicle in them and it starts to melt, then it will start raining like it usually does.

Step 2: The rain will carry on for days then because there is so much rain it gets to much for the ground to handle.

By Kelly-Ann.

Page 3: Flow chart ; flood

Step 3: The water gets to much and eventually starts to get deeper and deeper. With the water wiping out peoples positions.

Step 4: The flood will start to happen, and it will get higher and higher in water level.The flood will eventually ware out but there will still be water left.

By Kelly-Ann.

Page 4: Flow chart ; flood

-Rain pouring down for days because it rains for ages well leading to the happening of the flood.

- thunder and lightning crashing down because when it’s raining it is a storm and it is all dark and dull and the thunder will happen and you can hear the thunder grumbling.

-Squashy and muddy because the water is making all the mud wet and mushy.

- wet and soggy because the water is wet and it would make everything else wet and damp.

- cold and sore because the water would be freezing and things cause be flowing down and hurting you.

-Water everywhere flooding out all of the streets and through all of your possessions wiping out everything.

- a mermaid and merman village with houses underwater

- a lake of water with houses trapped underneath because it floods over all the houses.By Kelly-Ann.

Page 5: Flow chart ; flood

Before                                                                             After            - Clean                                                                       - Murky Water- Pretty                                                                      - Submerged in water- You can see the grass                                           - Ugly- More Trees                                                               - Dirty- Green and full of life                                                  - Plants drown in water         - Looks like a happy place to be.                              - Dull and boring

How this occurredAll of the water is murky because the water has gone over the grass and the dirt and all the dirt went into the water to make it brown and dirty. There is no grass because all of the water has covered it, there are still some trees because they are taller and stick out of the flood. They took the picture in different shades and daylights so the building looks different colors, the weather would most likely be different so that could of changed the way the picture turned out.

By Kelly-Ann.

Page 6: Flow chart ; flood

It was a peaceful day in the forest of Bastante, the sky god and Mother Nature were in love, the sun was shining and the vines were hanging from the trees. It was a warm and quiet day and the Sky God and Mother Nature were walking though the forest hand in hand. But, Mother Nature had to tell the Sky God something, she couldn’t see him anymore as she had to look after earth and the plants. Sky God was so upset and ran away, he cried and cried and his tears started to flood out the trees. Then he saw what was happening. He had an idea, if he flooded out all of her trees and land she would have more time to spend with the him. He cried more and more and the flood started to form. The grass soon disappeared along with the sun, the weather turned upside down, it was all of a sudden it was dark, dull and windy day. Mother Nature was hurt and didn’t want to see sky god ever again, she was disappointed and upset with him. Sky god eventually stopped crying when he saw what he had done. He was angry with himself. He tried to explain to Mother Nature but she didn’t listen, she tried to hide away from the Sky God. He tried to find her to make things right, he yelled out to her, he tried to let her know that he did it so she would have more time for him, but she didn’t listen. Sky God didn’t realise that now she wouldn’t have anytime for him anyway because she will be spending the rest of her time trying to fix the earth all because of what he had done, The sky god gave up and went into the clouds for the rest of time the sky god will rain when mother Natures plants need water, and make the sun shine when the plants need light. Now every time it rains Mother Nature will think about the sky god. But their eyes never met again. . .

By Kelly-Ann.

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