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Florida Gulf Coast University Thesis APPROVAL SHEET This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Dayanira Lopez Approved: 17 January 2019 _______________________________ Committee Chair/Advisor _______________________________ Committee Member 1 _______________________________ Committee Member 2 _______________________________ Committee Member 3 _______________________________ Outside FGCU Committee Member The final copy of this thesis [dissertation] has been examined by the signatories, and we find that both the content and the form meet acceptable presentation standards of scholarly work in the above-mentioned discipline.

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  • Florida Gulf Coast University Thesis


    This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the

    requirements for the degree of

    Master of Science

    Dayanira Lopez

    Approved: 17 January 2019


    Committee Chair/Advisor


    Committee Member 1


    Committee Member 2


    Committee Member 3


    Outside FGCU Committee


    The final copy of this thesis [dissertation] has been examined by the signatories, and we find that both the

    content and the form meet acceptable presentation standards of scholarly work in the above-mentioned




    A Thesis

    Presented to

    The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences

    Florida Gulf Coast University

    In Partial Fulfillment

    of the Requirements for the Degree of

    Master of Science


    Dayanira Lopez


  • TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................... 5

    List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................ 7

    ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................................. 8

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 10

    INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 11

    Previous Research ................................................................................................................................. 13

    The Case of Tricia Todd ....................................................................................................................... 14

    The Romanov Imperial Family (1918) ................................................................................................ 16

    The Murders of Frank Griga and Krisztina Furton (1995) .............................................................. 17

    The Murders of Eva Bourseau and Chief Gordon Semple ............................................................... 18

    Research Questions and Hypotheses ................................................................................................... 20

    MATERIALS .............................................................................................................................................. 21

    Sample Size ............................................................................................................................................ 21

    Equipment ............................................................................................................................................. 21

    Variables ................................................................................................................................................ 23

    METHODS ................................................................................................................................................. 23

    Experiment 1: Human Remains .......................................................................................................... 23

    Experiment 2: Pig Remains .................................................................................................................. 24

    Experiment 3: Human Fingers ............................................................................................................ 26

    Neutralization and Disposal Methods ................................................................................................. 27

    Statistical Analyses ................................................................................................................................ 28

    RESULTS ................................................................................................................................................... 31

    Experiment 1: Human Cadaver........................................................................................................... 31

    Quantitative Variables ...................................................................................................................... 31

    Qualitative Variables ........................................................................................................................ 33

    Experiment 2: Pig Carcass ................................................................................................................... 34

    Quantitative Variables ...................................................................................................................... 34

    Qualitative Variables ........................................................................................................................ 36

    Experiment 3: Isolated Human Fingers .............................................................................................. 38

    Quantitative Variables ...................................................................................................................... 38

    Qualitative Variables ........................................................................................................................ 40

    CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................................................... 42

  • DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................................. 45

    Revisiting Previous Research ............................................................................................................... 45

    Other Chemical Dissolution Methods ................................................................................................. 47

    Recommendations ................................................................................................................................. 48

    Appendix A ................................................................................................................................................. 51

    Appendix B ................................................................................................................................................. 60

    REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 81

  • List of Figures Figure 1: Over the counter muriatic acid, Munsell Soil Color Chart, and plastic sliding calipers used

    throughout all experiments. ........................................................................................................................ 51

    Figure 2: Digital bathroom scale (left), Healthometer standard physician’s scale (center) and Brecknell

    electronic precision balance (right) used for experiments 1, 2, and 3, respectively. .................................. 51

    Figure 3: Photograph of the container used in experiment 1 (left) and of the container and plastic shield

    used in experiment 2 (right). ....................................................................................................................... 52

    Figure 4: Anterior view of the skull at 13 hours (left) and superior-posterior view of the cranium (right)

    at 32 hours after initial submersion in HCl showing the acid dissolving the skull from anterior to posterior

    and eroding the cranial vault. ...................................................................................................................... 52

    Figure 5: Anterior view of the skull (left) and lateral view of the skull (right) at 32 hours after initial

    submersion in HCl. ..................................................................................................................................... 53

    Figure 6: Photograph of the cross section of the left femora 1hour (left) and 12 hours (right) after initial

    submersion in HCl presenting with loss of cortical and trabecular bone. ................................................... 53

    Figure 7: Photograph of the left femora in anterior view at 4 hours (left) and 9 hours (right) after initial

    submersion in HCl. At 4 hours we see the bone becoming very pitted and at 9 hours, the cortical bone is

    becoming gelatinous and some has dissolved. ............................................................................................ 54

    Figure 8: Photograph of a lower extremity at 47 hours after initial submersion in HCl presenting with

    dissolution of more than half of the cortical and trabecular bone. .............................................................. 54

    Figure 9: Photograph of the articulated pelvis and the proximal 2/3 of the femora that persisted at the

    conclusion of experiment 1. ........................................................................................................................ 54

    Figure 10: Photographs of the hair (left), tooth restoration (center) and finger and toe nails that persisted

    at the conclusion of experiment 1. .............................................................................................................. 55

    Figure 11: Photograph of the skull at 32 hours and 49 hours after initial submersion in HCl for

    experiment 2. Not the overall pattern of dissolution for the skull is very similar to that of the human from

    experiment 1................................................................................................................................................ 55

    Figure 12: Photographs of the cross section of the left femur at 5 hours (left) and 13 hours (right) after

    initial submersion in HCl for experiment 2. ............................................................................................... 56

    Figure 13: Photograph of a skeletal element from the upper or lower extremities that has become

    gelatinous at 49 hours after initial submersion in HCl. ............................................................................... 56

    Figure 14: Photographs of the torso in experiment 2 at 460 hours after initial submersion in HCl. On the

    left, the lateral view of the torso evinces the presence of the viscera and on the right, the anterior view

    presents the color change to the epidermis throughout the experiment. ..................................................... 57

    Figure 15: Photograph of the single cranial fragment (left) and fragments of the sternum and vertebrae

    (right) that persisted at the conclusion of experiment 2. ............................................................................. 57

    Figure 16: Anterior view of the humeri (left) and ribs (right) persisting at the conclusion of experiment 2.

    Note the humeri were still articulated at the joint as to not breach the thorax and accelerate dissolution. . 58

    Figure 17: Anterior view of the os coxa (left) and left proximal femur (right) persisting at the conclusion

    of experiment 2. .......................................................................................................................................... 58

    Figure 18: Overall photograph of specimen E (left) and specimen H (right) prior to any contact with HCl.

    Specimen H on the right shows comparison to Munsell soil color charts to record color changes to the

    epidermis for experiment 3. ........................................................................................................................ 59

    Figure 19: Photograph of the cross section of specimen E at 462 hours after initial submersion in

    estuarine water:HCl (left) and radiograph of specimen E at 630.5 hours (right). Note the red circle

  • highlights what remains of gelatinous bone at the cross section (left) and the outline of the proximal

    phalange (right). .......................................................................................................................................... 59

    Figure 20: Bar plot of weight data for experiment 1.................................................................................. 63

    Figure 21: Bar plot of solution temperature data for experiment 1. .......................................................... 64

    Figure 22: Bar plot of pH data for experiment 1........................................................................................ 64

    Figure 23: Bar plot of salinity data collected for experiment 1. ................................................................ 65

    Figure 24: Bar plot of maximum cortical bone diameter (AP) data for experiment 1. .............................. 65

    Figure 25: Bar plot of minimum cortical bone diameter (AP) data for experiment 1................................ 66

    Figure 26: Bar plot of maximum cortical bone diameter (ML) data for experiment 1. ............................. 66

    Figure 27: Bar plot of minimum cortical bone diameter (ML) data for experiment 1. .............................. 67

    Figure 28: Bar plot of weight data for experiment 2.................................................................................. 69

    Figure 29: Bar plot of solution temperature data for experiment 2. .......................................................... 70

    Figure 30: Bar plot of salinity data for experiment 2. ................................................................................ 70

    Figure 31: Bar plot of maximum cortical bone diameter (AP) data for experiment 2. .............................. 71

    Figure 32: Bar plot of minimum cortical bone diameter (AP) data for experiment 2................................ 71

    Figure 33: Bar plot of maximum cortical bone diameter (ML) data for experiment 2. ............................. 72

    Figure 34: Bar plot of minimum cortical bone diameter (ML) data for experiment 2. .............................. 72

    Figure 35: Line graph depicting the weight of the human fingers over the length of experiment 3.

    Increases in weight were due to new solutions being made per finger over the course of the experiment as

    aqueous solution was lost during each observation. ................................................................................... 77

    Figure 36: Line graph depicting the pH of the aqueous solution for the human fingers over the length of

    the third experiment. ................................................................................................................................... 77

    Figure 37: Line graph depicting the changes in absolute weight for the human and pig specimens of

    experiments 1 and 2, respectively. .............................................................................................................. 79

    Figure 38: Bar graph comparing rates of dissolution for the human and pig specimens of experiments 1

    and 2, respectively. Note that the torso’s in both experiments persisted until each experiment concluded.

    .................................................................................................................................................................... 80

    Figure 39: Bar graph depicting the rates of dissolution per specimen for experiment 3 (* indicates

    controls). ..................................................................................................................................................... 80

  • List of Tables Table 1: Complete list of equipment used in Experiment 1: Intact Human Cadaver. ................................ 60

    Table 2: Complete list of equipment used in Experiment 2: Intact Pig Carcass. ....................................... 61

    Table 3: Complete list of equipment used in Experiment 3: Isolated Human Fingers. ............................. 62

    Table 4: Data table for descriptive statistics of response variables for experiment 1 (human cadaver) as

    produced by R-Studio. ................................................................................................................................ 63

    Table 5: Parameters of general linear models produced by R-Studio for all response variables exploring

    change over time (explanatory variable) for experiment 1 (human cadaver). ............................................ 63

    Table 6: Summary of qualitative changes observed throughout the length of experiment 1 with the human

    cadaver submerged in HCl. ......................................................................................................................... 68

    Table 7: Data table for descriptive statistics of response variables for experiment 2 (pig carcass) as

    produced by R-Studio. ................................................................................................................................ 69

    Table 8: Parameters of general linear models produced by R-Studio for all response variables exploring

    change over time (explanatory variable) for experiment 2 (pig carcass). ................................................... 69

    Table 9: Summary of qualitative changes observed throughout the length of experiment 2 with the pig

    carcass submerged in HCl. .......................................................................................................................... 73

    Table 10: Summary of averages for all quantitative variables per Specimen for experiment 3 as produced

    by R-Studio. ................................................................................................................................................ 74

    Table 11: Summary of descriptive statistics for experiment 3 for weight (grams) as produced by R-

    Studio. ......................................................................................................................................................... 74

    Table 12: Summary of descriptive statistics for experiment 3 for solution temperature (°C) as produced

    by R-Studio. ................................................................................................................................................ 74

    Table 13: Summary of descriptive statistics for experiment 3 for pH as produced by R-Studio. .............. 74

    Table 14: Summary of descriptive statistics for experiment 3 for salinity (ppt)as produced by R-Studio. 75

    Table 15: Summary of descriptive statistics for experiment 3 for length (mm) as produced by R-Studio.

    .................................................................................................................................................................... 75

    Table 16: Summary of descriptive statistics for experiment 3 for maximum cortical bone diameter (AP)

    (mm) as produced by R-Studio. .................................................................................................................. 75

    Table 17: Summary of descriptive statistics for experiment 3 for minimum cortical bone diameter (AP)

    (mm) as produced by R-Studio. .................................................................................................................. 75

    Table 18: Summary of descriptive statistics for experiment 3 for maximum cortical bone diameter (mm)

    as produced by R-Studio. ............................................................................................................................ 76

    Table 19: Summary of descriptive statistics for experiment 3 for minimum cortical bone diameter (mm)

    as produced by R-Studio. ............................................................................................................................ 76

    Table 20: Parameters of the linear mixed effects models produced by R-Studio for all response variables

    exploring change over time (explanatory variable) with each individual specimen serving as a random

    effect for experiment 3 (human fingers). Mean = 0. ................................................................................... 76

    Table 21: Qualitative changes observed throughout the length of experiment 3 with the human fingers

    submerged in HCl to estuarine water proportions....................................................................................... 78

  • ABSTRACT Due to the growing excitement and popularization of crime television shows, forensic

    scientists face the difficult task of analyzing copycat crime scenes, such as those portrayed on

    CSI or Breaking Bad. In particular, the disposal of human remains using common household

    acids and mimicked by real criminals, has led previous researchers to examine the effects of

    different acids on incomplete human remains. In general, previous studies have found that

    Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is the most destructive agent when in contact with human remains

    including fragments of femora and teeth. The present study expands on previous research by

    demonstrating the effect that HCl has on human remains in a controlled laboratory setting. Based

    on previous research with incomplete remains and our experiences working on forensic cases, we

    hypothesized that the HCl would not preferentially destroy some body parts over others (i.e.,

    head and extremities over torso) and that the addition of estuarine water to HCl would not affect

    the rate of dissolution. We tested these hypotheses with three experiments: the first involved an

    intact, donated human cadaver; the second used an intact pig carcass of similar size as the

    human; and the third encompassed the changes to eight donated human fingers.

    Results of the experiments revealed that the submersion in HCl severely compromised

    the integrity of the human and pig skulls in just thirteen hours after initial submersion. In

    addition, the head and extremities had nearly completely dissolved in seventy hours (human) and

    approximately eighty-seven hours (pig). The fingers in the third experiment took a total of five

    months to completely dissolve. Contrary to the hypotheses of the researchers, our results

    indicated that the HCl could preferentially destruct certain body segments over others and that

    pig remains do follow a similar pattern of dissolution as that of human remains. These results

    provide a significant contribution to the current literature and offer an additional example of the

    taphonomic changes to expect and what lines of evidence persist in a container that could have

  • held human remains in an acidic solution. Additionally, we hope this research assists legislators

    in implementing policy change that would make these materials more difficult for criminals to

    access, therefore decreasing the potential for copycat crimes of this nature.

  • ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First, I would like to thank my family for their continued support through my academic

    journey. My mom for all she has sacrificed for me to achieve all my goals and my dad for always

    believing in me. Although none of them understand how or why I would put myself through so

    much schooling, they continue to believe in me and are supportive of my dreams. I would like to

    thank the members of my thesis committee: Dr. Laura Frost for helping me understand the

    chemistry involved; Dr. Brian Johnson for helping me create the mathematical equations needed

    for these experiments and Dr.’s Erica Baer and Gus Cameron for assisting me with my statistical

    analysis. Particularly, I thank Dr. Heather Walsh-Haney, my mentor and friend, who has always

    challenged and pushed me further than I thought I could reach to help make me the scholar, and

    woman, I am today.

    I would like to extend a big thank you to Dr. Roger Mittleman of the District 19 Office of

    the Medical Examiner and Sheriff Snyder of the Martin County Sheriff’s Office for allowing

    graduate students to assist them, alongside Dr. Walsh-Haney, on casework. Specifically, for

    allowing me to assist so closely with the forensic case that this work has stemmed from. I would

    like to thank the families of the individuals donated to the Human Identity and Trauma Analysis

    graduate program at FGCU whose anatomical gifts have been invaluable to the edification of the

    scientific community.

    Lastly, I would like to thank my fellow graduate students who assisted me with data

    collection of my experiments. Thank you, Amy Walker, for staying awake with me for countless

    hours and not letting me quit…despite how tired we were!

  • INTRODUCTION Crime television shows, such as Breaking Bad and Bones, present the use of common

    household acids as successful means of disposing of human remains and mimicked by real

    criminals. Due to the growing popularity of these (and similar) television shows, forensic

    scientists face the difficult task of analyzing elaborate copycat crime scenes that involve

    dismemberment and disposal by attempting to dissolve the remains in acid. As a result, scientists

    have studied some of the effects of different acids on human remains via gross and microscopic

    observations (Hartnett, Fulginiti, & Di Modica, 2011; Mazza et al., 2005; Vermeij, Zoon, Wijk,

    & Gerretsen, 2015). These qualitative and quantitative experiments generally study human

    femora and teeth and identify hydrochloric acid (HCl) as the most destructive household

    chemical agent (Hartnett et al., 2011; Mazza et al., 2005; Vermeij et al., 2015). With the ease of

    access to harmful chemicals such as HCl and the trend for crime television programs to

    showcase innovative ideas for covering up crime scenes, forensic scientists must expand their

    knowledge of the effect of these harmful chemicals on human remains.

    One of the most well-known scenes of Breaking Bad occurs in the 2nd episode (Gilligan,

    2008). The main character, a grade school chemistry teacher, creates a plan to dispose of a

    human corpse after a drug deal that went horribly wrong. The chemist sends his partner to a

    hardware store to buy a plastic container large enough to hold the corpse while he obtains the

    hydrofluoric acid (HF) from the school’s chemistry lab. As anticipated, the chemist’s plan goes

    awry when his partner places the corpse in a metal bathtub on the second floor of his home. The

    acid corrodes the metal bathtub and bathroom flooring, causing the partially dissolved human

    remains and HF to drop onto the first floor of the house.

  • Because of the propaganda surrounding this Breaking Bad episode, MythBusters, (Rees,

    2013) a show dedicated to proving (or disproving) statements, tested this theory through an

    experiment. Using a small piece of pig meat and 100 mL of HF to submerge the sample, the

    hosts observed the changes to the soft tissue. Contrary to the results in the television show, the

    MythBusters team showed that hydrofluoric acid is quite ineffective as the soft tissue remained

    relatively intact.

    Hydrofluoric acid is not the only cleaning product used in attempt to dispose of human

    remains, nor is the criminal act of disposing of human remains the only reason to use these

    products. Historically, humans used easily accessible acids and bases in burial rituals. The

    archaeological record preserved the burial rituals of past civilizations and allowed researchers to

    understand the evolution of funerary processes. Modern funerary practices generally consist of

    burial or cremation, however, natural or green burials (methods to dispose of remains that lower

    environmental impact) are becoming accepted by many countries (Dobscha, 2015; Ferreira,

    2016; Kaye, Weber, Evans, & Venezia, 1998; P. Olson, 2016; P. R. Olson, 2014; Rumble,

    Troyer, Walter, & Woodthorpe, 2014). One past burial practice involved internment with lime,

    an alkaline base also known as calcium oxide. The use of calcium oxide has been documented in

    Roman and early Christian burials through the medieval and post-medieval periods (Schotsmans

    et al., 2012), the Spanish Civil War (Schotsmans et al., 2017), and the mass graves used by the

    Nazis (Gilead, Haimi, & Mazurek, 2010).

    A common misconception regarding the use of lime in burials is that the substance

    accelerates the decomposition process and, eventually, completely dissolves the remains.

    However, new research, and the archaeological record, provide evidence that the substance

    preserves remains (Schotsmans et al., 2017). Despite evidence to suggest otherwise, criminals

  • continue to use common household substances such as lime, lye, or different acids to dispose of

    human remains in order to cover up their crimes. Adolph Luetgert, commonly referred to as the

    Sausage King, unsuccessfully attempted to dispose of his wife’s remains by boiling them in a vat

    of caustic potash (potassium hydroxide, like sodium hydroxide) in his sausage factory and then

    burning what persisted to obscure his crime (Byers, 2015). As different methods of disposing of

    human remains by criminals continue to evolve, different approaches to investigating forensic

    cases that use chemical agents must also evolve.

    Previous Research

    Despite the research that currently exists, there continues to be a significant gap in the

    literature concerning the attempted disposal of human remains with household acids. This

    research will fill this void in the literature via experimentation using human and Sus scrofa (pig)

    remains and HCl.

    Research conducted by Hartnett et al. (2011) demonstrated the effects of different

    corrosive substances on human remains. Utilizing donated human bone, teeth, hair, nails, and

    soft tissue (skin, muscle, fat, and fascia), these researchers used household substances (i.e.,

    muriatic acid (hydrochloric acid), sulfuric acid, Rooto® household lye, bleach, Rid-X®, Coca-

    Cola®) and tap water as the control. Researchers collected quantitative and qualitative data on

    each sample at half-hour to hour long intervals consisting of weight, size, and photography of

    specimen with a brief description of observations. Results of this study indicated that muriatic

    acid (HCl) was the most destructive agent, dissolving a sample of human bone in 23 hours, teeth

    in 19 hours, and soft tissue in under six (6) hours. The study, however, did not discuss how the

    time to dissolution might vary for a sample with increasing surface area, such as that of an intact

    human cadaver.

  • In addition to the above research, Vermeij et al. (2015) sought to answer whether

    evidence of human remains could be found after having been treated in different acids. Results of

    the study indicated that microscopic residue (such as bone and recrystallized calcium phosphate)

    of human remains is detectable even after attempts to dispose of those remains in different acids,

    including HCl. Finally, Mazza et al. (2005) conducted research on isolated human teeth

    submerged in either hydrochloric, sulfuric, or nitric acid and aqua regia (a molar mixture of nitric

    and hydrochloric acids at a 1:3 ratio, respectively) to determine if remnants of teeth would be

    available for analysis post-contact with acid. Results of this study also indicated that HCl is one

    of the most destructive acids when in contact with human remains.

    While these studies have collected data on fragments of human remains, none have

    exposed an intact human cadaver to acids to observe rates of dissolution. The present study aims

    to fill this void by conducting an experiment on an intact human cadaver submerged in HCl.

    Furthermore, a real forensic case in Florida led the State’s Attorney to ask if we could replicate

    the state of a dismembered victim’s remains in a laboratory setting under the conditions

    confessed to by a suspect.

    The Case of Tricia Todd

    In April of 2016, the Martin County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) in Stuart, Florida received

    information regarding a missing person identified as Ms. Tricia Todd. According to information

    provided by medical examiner and law enforcement personnel, Ms. Todd was a female

    approximately 5’3” (64in.) in height, 120–130lbs, and last seen alive a day prior to the filed

    missing person’s report, a timeline corroborated via Publix® surveillance videos (News, 2016;

    Post, 2016). Approximately one month later, the remains of Ms. Todd were located after her ex-

    husband and informant, Mr. Steven Williams, led MCSO personnel to a wooded site located

  • within the Hungryland Wildlife and Environmental Area (State Hwy 711, Indiantown, FL

    34956). A thirty-one (31) gallon Rubbermaid plastic storage tote buried in sandy soil within

    estuarine water contained the decedent’s remains. A corner of the plastic tote’s lid was visible

    from the surface making the container easily discoverable. Reportedly, the defendant

    dismembered Ms. Todd at the neck, shoulders, and mid-thighs, placed her remains in the storage

    container, and submerged them into 8 gallons of muriatic acid (a commercial grade

    approximately 30% solution of hydrochloric acid) (News, 2016; Post, 2016). In addition, the

    informant stated having removed her teeth and fingertips in an additional effort to mask her


    Due to the significant extent of trauma on these remains, the medical examiner staff of

    the District 19 Medical Examiner’s Office requested a forensic anthropological analysis from Dr.

    Heather Walsh-Haney in order to assist law enforcement with their investigation. Upon

    examination, the remains were incomplete with only remnants of the torso, viscera, and thigh

    bones recovered. No obvious signs of perimortem trauma were visible on the skeletal elements

    that remained. Although the informant claimed all the remains had been in the container, this

    was inconsistent with their findings, leading law enforcement and medical examiner personnel to

    ask, “Where are the rest of the remains?” Pursuant to this discovery, the State’s Attorney

    requested scientific evidence determining whether the remains could have all been in the

    container and dissolved by the acid or if the defendant could be lying. With a lack of experience

    and known research to rely on, Dr. Walsh-Haney and I conducted new research experiments to

    confirm or refute facts of the case.

    Despite the gruesome and terrible circumstances surrounding the Tricia Todd case, the

    attempt to dispose of human remains through use of different chemicals is unfortunately not a

  • new concept in the field of forensic science. The cases below highlight the ways that the

    perpetrators attempted to destroy the corpus delecti to hide their crimes.

    The Romanov Imperial Family (1918)

    For three centuries, the Romanov Dynasty ruled until their final Czar, Nicholas II, rose to

    power; their reign came to an end, along with their lives, in 1918. With the Czar having

    unsuccessfully led the country, the Bolsheviks kidnapped, and followed through, with their

    threats of executing the entire Romanov family, which included the Czar, his wife Alexandra,

    and their five children: Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and their only son, Alexei. According to

    records of the tragic events that led to their deaths, the Bolsheviks took the family hostage until

    their deaths on July 16, 1918. That evening, they instructed the family to dress and took them

    down to the basement of the Ipatiev house, still oblivious to their fate. There the Bolshevik

    forces opened fire on the family killing the majority almost instantly. Anyone who remained

    alive after the gunfire was stabbed and beaten to death (Geographic, 2018, July 20).

    After the murders, Bolshevik soldiers loaded 11 bodies belonging to the Romanov family

    and four of the family’s servants into a truck and transported them for inhumation. While driving

    to the intended burial site, car trouble led to an unintended disposal plan where they removed

    two of the bodies and buried in the forest near Yekaterinburg. The rest of the bodies were

    partially burned (being set on fire) and had sulfuric acid poured on top of them to help mask

    identity and smells and then were all buried together in a separate grave nearby (Geographic,

    2018, July 20; Gill et al., 1994).

    In 1991, Forensic Anthropologist Dr. William R. Maples and a team of forensic scientists

    recovered the remains of nine individuals found in the same grave and identified them as the

    Romanov family (except for two of the children) and the four servants. In his report of

  • osteological examination, Maples wrote that “Teeth on some of the skeletons have chalky-like

    areas consistent with etching by acid. Erosion of outer tables of crania may have also resulted

    from acid” (Maples, 1995). Still, the acid was not able to dissolve the remains completely or

    mask their identities; skeletal and DNA analysis confirmed the family identities, including those

    of Alexei and Maria, although found buried separately in the forest. We use results of this case to

    observe if our experiments yield similar taphonomic change, such as “chalky-like areas” on the


    The Murders of Frank Griga and Krisztina Furton (1995)

    Daniel Lugo was an employee at Sun Gym in Miami-Dade, Florida in the 1990’s. During

    his time at the gym as a personal trainer, Mr. Lugo met a wealthy businessman, Jorge Delgado,

    who spoke highly of a friend named Marc Schiller. After turning Delgado against Schiller by

    making accusations that Schiller was cheating Delgado in a business deal, Lugo developed a plan

    to take Schiller for all he was worth. Lugo and his team of partners planned to kidnap Schiller,

    torture him until he signed over his wealth to Lugo and then murder him, and enjoy his wealth

    while evading capture by authorities. While they were successful in kidnapping and extorting

    Schiller for a large sum of money, the team was unsuccessful in murdering him (FindLaw,


    After months of living an upscale lifestyle, the money soon began to disappear, so Lugo

    planned to find a new victim to extort. The targets were Frank Griga, who built his affluent

    lifestyle by building up a successful phone sex line empire, and his girlfriend Krisztina Furton.

    This time, however, Lugo’s team was unsuccessful in extorting money out of Griga. When

    confronted by Griga, a fight ensued. Lugo overpowered Griga and Furton and his plan of

  • disposing their bodies consisted of dismemberment, placing their bodies into barrels, pouring

    acid into the containers, and scattering the barrels throughout the Everglades (FindLaw, 2018).

    Upon discovery of the remains, forensic pathologist Dr. Roger Mittleman, with the

    assistance of Dr. William R. Maples were able to still identify the remains as those of Griga and

    Furton. Although they did find evidence of the remains having been in contact with acid, the

    analyses revealed that the acid was unsuccessful in dissolving the remains. This true crime story

    was adapted for the big screen in the 2013 Paramount Pictures movie, Pain and Gain, starring

    Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. The International Movie Database (IMDB)

    page for the movie even mentions Griga and Furton in the “Trivia” section.

    The Murders of Eva Bourseau and Chief Gordon Semple

    The defendant in the Tricia Todd case is unfortunately not the only criminal influenced

    by the popular television show, Breaking Bad. In August of 2015, the badly decomposing body

    of Eva Bourseau, a 23-year old French art history student, was found in a plastic container in her

    own apartment in Toulouse, France (Independent, 2015, August 10). During the investigation,

    police arrested three other college students for her murder and reported that their inspiration for

    the murder evolved from the hit TV show, Breaking Bad. The individuals who committed the

    crime had met the decedent in her apartment to recover an unpaid debt and when she could not

    pay them, they killed her with a blow to the head. Reportedly, they then purchased a plastic

    container and placed her remains in there with acid, with intentions to return to the scene to

    check on the dissolution process every few days. In order to mask the smell, they used air

    fresheners, but their plan was foiled when the decedent’s mother discovered the crime

    (Independent, 2015, August 10).

  • Just a year later, the dramatized crime depicted in Breaking Bad would again impact

    another criminal who would try to dispose of a body in the same matter. In the United Kingdom

    in 2016, Stefano Brizzi was arrested for the murder and attempted disposal of the body of police

    Chief Gordon Semple (Gaurdian, 2016, October 25). The two men had met after having found

    each other on the dating app, “Grindr,” and Semple died as a result their sex games. Panicked

    and intoxicated with crystal meth, Brizzi’s motivation was one of his favorite television shows,

    Breaking Bad, specifically the second episode of the first season (the same as the Tricia Todd

    case) where the protagonists attempt to dissolve their victim in hydrofluoric acid. Having been

    under the influence of crystal meth, Brizzi reportedly stated that he acted on impulse and that his

    attempts to dissolve the body were not part of an elaborate scheme. When the remains were

    found, they were in such bad condition that the pathologist could not determine the cause of

    death (Gaurdian, 2016, October 25). Found within the bins with acid was a human pelvis, hand,

    fragments of a spine, and several pounds of human flesh (Sun, 2017)These results were like the

    findings in the Tricia Todd case.

    Including the case of Ms. Tricia Todd, there have been six cases in the last three years

    with multiple victims in which criminals have attempted to use chemicals to destroy physical

    evidence and dissolve human remains. Crime television shows and movies, whether based on

    true crime or fiction, such as Breaking Bad, are easily available for society’s viewing pleasure.

    These shows provide the information and tools that real-life criminals are using to come up with

    their ruthless plots to dispose of remains in order to avoid capture and conviction. In addition to

    these shows, research on the use of acids and different chemicals to dissolve human remains and

    their success rates are also readily available to anyone willing to conduct the research on the

    internet. For these reasons, it is imperative that forensic scientists continue to garner knowledge

  • as to what effects these chemicals can have on human remains. Specifically, observing

    macroscopic changes in order to assist medical examiners and law enforcement in their

    investigations, which bolsters the importance of these experiments.

    Research Questions and Hypotheses

    Although the current literature does identify HCl as the most destructive chemical agent,

    the research conducted failed to take into consideration different variables that may be involved

    in real forensic cases, such as dismembered remains versus intact (i.e., still encased in soft tissue)

    as they were in the Tricia Todd case.

    The present study seeks to further develop the research currently available on the effects

    of HCl on human remains by demonstrating whether HCl can preferentially destroy the head and

    extremities over the torso in dismemberment cases. In addition, because it is difficult to study

    decomposition on human specimens, we replicate this study on a pig (Sus scrofa) to determine if

    a similar pattern of dissolution exists between both species. We expect that this project will

    demonstrate whether HCl can preferentially destroy certain elements over others (e.g., head and

    extremities over the torso) and give a more accurate representation of how long it would take to

    completely dissolve human remains. We also expect this project to demonstrate that pig remains

    will follow a similar pattern of dissolution as human remains under the same conditions. Finally,

    because the present study seeks to answer questions regarding circumstances in the Tricia Todd

    case, we will conduct an additional experiment to see if the estuarine water found surrounding

    the container could have affected the rate of dissolution by exposing human remains to varying

    ratios of HCl and estuarine water.


    Sample Size

    For this study, I submerged one (1) intact human cadaver (experiment 1) and one (1)

    intact pig (Sus scrofa) carcass (experiment 2) in a 30% concentration of commercially available

    hydrochloric acid (HCl) (MaryKate™ On & Off Hull & Bottom Cleaner purchased from West

    Marine®) (Figure 1). In addition, I submerged eight (8) human fingers (including the proximal,

    intermediate, and distal phalanges only) in an aqueous solution of HCl and estuarine water and

    observed the changes to the remains (experiment 3). Due to the destructive nature of these

    experiments, I only exposed one (1) intact donated human cadaver, one (1) intact pig carcass

    obtained from a local butcher and eight (8) isolated human fingers obtained from a second set of

    donated, human remains to HCl. Both sets of human remains utilized in these experiments are

    anatomical gifts donated to the Human Identity and Trauma Analysis (HITA) graduate program

    at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) in accordance with the provisions of Florida Statutes

    section 765.510, et seq.


    In order to facilitate the progress of these experiments, a lengthy list of materials and

    equipment was necessary (see Tables 1, 2 and 3 in Appendix B for complete lists of equipment

    used per experiment). To complete all three experiments, we used a total of 17 gallons of a 30%

    concentration of commercially available HCl (MaryKate™ On & Off Hull & Bottom Cleaner). I

    parsed the gallons as follows: 8 gallons each for experiments 1 and 2 and an additional gallon for

    experiment 3. I purchased the 17 gallons in bulk from two different West Marine® locations

    where there was no restriction in place on purchase quantities.

    To replicate the circumstances of the Tricia Todd case, I purchased two polypropylene

    plastic storage containers from Lowe’s: a 30-gallon container for experiment 1 and a 50-gallon

  • container for experiment 2. For experiment 3, I collected a 5-gallon sample of estuarine water

    from the Hungryland Preserve in Martin County, Florida. To measure the weight of each

    specimen, we used a digital bathroom scale (Taylor 7413 Textured stainless-steel digital scale)

    for experiment 1, a Healthometer® standard physician’s beam scale for experiment 2 and an

    electronic precision balance (Brecknell MB-6000) for experiment 3 (Figure 2). Using Mitutoyo

    plastic sliding calipers, I recorded cortical bone dimensions for all specimens. Vernier pH,

    temperature, and salinity sensor probes, in combination with a Vernier LabQuest® 2 standalone

    interface, which reads the sensor data, collected the quantitative data in all experiments. We

    determined the color of bone and soft tissue by comparing each specimen to known standards as

    defined by the Munsell Soil Color Chart (Adams and Byrd, 2014; Munsell Soil Color Chart,


    I used scalpels and an oscillating bone saw to disarticulate the human remains and

    scalpels and an electric reciprocating saw (Milwaukee Sawzall) to disarticulate the pig remains.

    A forensic evidence drying hood (Air Science USA Safekeeper FDC-010) (Figure 3) captured

    excess fumes and decomposition gases during all experiments. Due to the large size of the plastic

    container to hold the pig remains for experiment 2, we constructed a shield made of plastic and

    duct tape and placed to surround the container and front of the drying hood (Figure 3). I used

    metal tongs and ladles to manipulate the remains in the containers during each observation of

    experiment 1 and 2, exposing the extremities and the skull, to record taphonomic changes.

    Using a Canon EOS Rebel Ti5, we included a centimeter photography scale and a label

    on all photographs taken to identify the specimen and the time of observation. Researchers

    utilized standard Personal Protective Equipment (Mazza et al.), including a full-face shield and

    mask, during each observation. Biohazard bags, a sharps container, and an emergency spill kit

  • were nearby to dispose of biohazardous materials. Lastly, we neutralized the remains and

    aqueous solutions using sodium carbonate and liquid sodium hydroxide (NaOH) at the

    conclusion of all experiments.


    Modeling the research designs of previous investigators (Hartnett et al., 2011; Vermeij et

    al., 2015), we collected both quantitative and qualitative data for all experiments. Quantitative

    data included time of observation, weight of specimen, ambient temperature, solution

    temperature and salinity of solution. In addition, we took maximum and minimum measurements

    of the cortical bone at the cross section of the femora (mid-thigh) and the proximal ends of the

    hand phalanges to measure the loss of surface area relative to the length of time submerged in

    HCl. Qualitative variables included presence of hair, nails, and viscera; color of epidermis,

    muscle, and bone; cortical bone change (soft, pitted, gelatinous, or amorphous); and the presence

    of eroded margins. We photographed all specimens during observations to record qualitative

    changes occurring over time.


    Experiment 1: Human Remains Experiment 1 consisted of one (1) intact donated human cadaver whose biological

    description was as similar as possible to the decedent involved in the circumstances of the Tricia

    Todd case (approximately 5’3” (64in.) in height and 120–130lbs). The donated cadaver was a

    92lb, 80-year-old female with a forensic stature of approximately 5’2” inches (62in.) and

    donated as an anatomical gift to FGCU’s HITA graduate program for teaching and research


    Before the start of the experiment, we prepared the remains at the laboratory space

    provided to Dr. Walsh-Haney at the District 20 Office of the Medical Examiner in Naples,

  • Florida. This consisted of disarticulating the skull at the cervical vertebrae and the upper

    extremities at the shoulder socket using a scalpel. Additionally, I dismembered the lower

    extremities at mid-thigh using an oscillating bone saw. We then placed the remains in biohazard

    bags and placed in a 17” x 20” x 31.75” 30-gallon Style Selections™ Blue Tote with Standard

    Snap Lid made of Polypropylene plastic (Figure 3).

    After photographing the remains and recording initial observations of the conditions of

    the remains prior to encountering HCl, we added eight gallons of a 30% concentration of

    commercially available HCl (MaryKate™ On & Off Hull & Bottom Cleaner) and placed the

    container in a drying hood. I collected data at hourly intervals until dissolution of the remains

    had reached a similar pattern as those in the Tricia Todd case. At the conclusion of the

    experiment, I removed any human remains that persisted and neutralized them using a mixture of

    distilled water and solid sodium bicarbonate (Arm & Hammer™ Pure Baking Soda). We

    neutralized the acidic solution using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution purchased from Fisher

    Scientific™ and subsequently, disposed of according to university standards (see Neutralization

    and Disposal Methods on page 7–8).

    Experiment 2: Pig Remains

    Experiment 2 consisted of one (1) intact pig carcass that was as similar as possible in

    weight to the human donor. The pig carcass was 125lbs and purchased from Imperial Meats of

    Naples in Florida. The butcher humanely executed the pig and disarticulated the head prior to the

    researchers obtaining the specimen.

    Once obtaining the pig carcass from the butcher I disarticulated the upper extremities at

    the shoulder joint with a scalpel and the lower extremities with an electric reciprocating saw

    (Milwaukee Sawzall) at the midshaft of the femora. After photographing the remains and

  • recording initial observations of their condition (prior to submersion in HCl), we placed the

    remains in a 43” x 22” x 18” 50-gallon Sterilite™ Gray Tote with Standard Snap Lid1 that was

    made of Polypropylene plastic (Figure 3).

    Keeping consistent with the protocol of experiment 1, we added eight gallons of a 30%

    concentration of commercially available HCl (MaryKate™ On & Off Hull & Bottom Cleaner) to

    the remains. The large size of the container required it to be in front of the drying hood with the

    door open, rather than inside as with experiment 1. A shield made of plastic covered the door and

    container to prevent the gases from escaping the drying hood. Using duct tape, we were able to

    secure the shield to the floor surrounding the container and to the front of the forensic drying

    hood (Figure 3). I collected data at hourly intervals for the first 5 hours, then to every 3 hours, 6

    hours, 8 hours, and every 12 hours until the conclusion of the experiment. The hourly intervals

    for observations periodically increased depending on the amount of change to the remains during

    each observation. At the conclusion of the experiment, we neutralized the incompletely dissolved

    pig remains with distilled water and solid sodium bicarbonate and the acid neutralized using

    sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution and disposed of according to university standards (see

    Neutralization and Disposal Methods on page 7–8).

    1Due to the much larger size of the pig carcass, a larger container had to be purchased, however the same amount of acid was still

    used to keep consistent with experiment 1.

  • Experiment 3: Human Fingers

    The purpose of experiment 3 was to evaluate how the presence of estuarine water (in

    combination with HCl) might affect the rate at which human remains dissolved when submerged

    in the solution. To answer this research question, we disarticulated eight (8) fingers (consisting

    of the proximal, intermediate, and distal phalanges only) from another set of donated human

    remains. We photographed each specimen, took its weighed, and assigned it an individual

    identifier (A–H). Each specimen had length and maximum and minimum cortical measurements

    taken before submersion in the aqueous solution. For experiment 3, we made observations for

    each specimen continued until the aqueous solution dissolved all the soft tissue and bone.

    Specimens A – C served as controls in this experiment; we calculated proportions of

    distilled water only (A), estuarine water only (B), and HCl only (C). Due to the smaller scale of

    the fingers, we calculated the amount of acid required in order to remain consistent with

    experiments 1 and 2. Therefore, the proportion of acid decreased as compared to the human and

    pig remains (experiments 1 and 2, respectively) based on the weight of each individual finger.

    We placed specimens D – H in a 1:1 of estuarine water to HCl, with each specimen increasing in

    parts of solvent by 1 (i.e., 1:1 (D), 2:1 (E), 3:1 (F), etc.). We placed each specimen in an

    individual 6-ounce histology container with screw cap (Fisherbrand made of polypropylene

    plastic). We calculated proportions of HCl to weight of specimen D – H to determine the amount

    of acid to use in each ratio using the following equation with (a) being the amount of acid per

    finger in ounces:

    Amount of Acid (𝑎) in Ounces per Specimen (𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐) =

    (Weight of Specimen in Grams (𝑓)

    Known Weight in Grams) × (Total Gallons Known to be Used) ×

    (Ounces in 1 Gallon)

    1 Gallon


  • 𝑎(𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐) =𝑓

    54,431 g× 8 gal ×



    We collected data for each specimen every 2 hours for the first 24 hours of the

    experiment then moved to every 6 hours. With a lack of change in the dissolution of the

    specimen, data collected increased to every 24 hours for the following 4 weeks, then

    progressively increased to every 72 hours, 96 hours, and 120 hours. Finally, data collection

    ensued once every 7 days through the conclusion of the experiment when complete dissolution of

    bone and soft tissue occurred. During each observation, we removed all specimens from the

    aqueous solutions and placed on a petri dish to weigh (we excluded the weight of the petri dish

    from the measurement), take length and minimum and maximum cortical bone measurements,

    and continually photograph to document qualitative changes occurring over time.

    At the conclusion of these observations (with complete dissolution of all bone and soft

    tissue), if any soft tissue remained (i.e. the fingernails), we recovered and neutralized them using

    sodium carbonate for each specimen. At the conclusion of the third experiment, we neutralized

    the aqueous solutions of estuarine water and HCl using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution and

    disposed of according to university standards (see Neutralization and Disposal Methods below).

    Neutralization and Disposal Methods

    Concluding the experiments, neutralization of any remaining skeletal material, soft tissue,

    and the acidic solutions themselves, proceeded using a solution of NaOH and distilled water. To

    begin the neutralization process, I first removed all soft tissue in small sections and placed it into

    biohazard bags. I added solid sodium bicarbonate to separate plastic containers filled with

    distilled water, mixing it in with a glass stirrer. Once the sodium bicarbonate dissolved in the

    water, we tested the pH to ensure we reached a basic pH (>11 on the pH scale). Then, I

    submerged the human skeletal remains in the basic solution and tested the final pH after 30

  • minutes. Until we reached a neutral pH, this process continued, creating new solutions each time.

    To remove excess sodium bicarbonate, I rinsed the remains with distilled water and laid them out

    on trays to dry. We repeated the same process to neutralize the skeletal remains of the pig.

    We neutralized persisting hair and nails by submerging them into an aqueous solution of

    distilled water and sodium bicarbonate to reach a neutral pH. Following this process, all

    biohazard material (any remaining soft tissue) was double-bagged in biohazard bags, boxed, and

    labeled in the appropriate containers and dropped off at a biohazard disposal location on the

    FGCU campus as approved by the Environmental Health and Safety Office.

    The large quantity of left-over acid in the experimental containers (approximately 16

    gallons), necessitated the purchase of liquid sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to complete the

    neutralization of the acid. Using smaller polyethylene containers and glass beakers, I calculated

    proportions as follows: 1000ml HCl (30%) + 5000ml H2O + 20ml NaOH (40%); I replicated this

    quantity until reaching neutralization of all 16 gallons of HCl. I stirred the solutions continually

    with a large wooden spoon during the entire neutralization process, pouring the HCl into the

    water first, then adding the NaOH to reduce the amount of heat produced. As a preventative

    measure to spills, I placed the containers on plastic tarps prior to the start of the neutralization

    process. Next, I tested the solutions’ pH using a Vernier pH probe and Labquest® 2 reader to

    ensure a neutral pH. Per the recommendations of the Environmental Health and Safety office, I

    transported the neutralized liquid in sealed plastic containers to the chemistry lab in Ben Hill

    Griffin Hall (room 205) to dispose down the chemical-safe drains.

    Statistical Analyses

    I used R-Studio to run tests of statistical significance for all data collected in the

    experiments. To examine how time affected the rate of dissolution of the remains, I evaluated the

  • rate of dissolution of the head and extremities in comparison to the torso. Therefore, I produced

    general linear models (glm) using the following quantitative variables:

    • Change in weight over time (all experiments);

    • Change in pH over time (all experiments);

    • Change in solution temperature over time (all experiments);

    • Change in minimum and maximum cortical measurements taken anterior to posterior (all


    • Change in minimum and maximum cortical bone measurements taken medial to lateral

    (all experiments);

    • Change in length over time (experiment 3 only).

    In addition, I collected several lines of qualitative data for all three experiments. I analyzed these

    categorical variables (e.g., presence of viscera, hair, and nails, change in color of epidermis, and

    erosion of bone) using generalized linear models (for binary response variables) and ordinal

    logistic regressions and performed the following tests:

    • Presence of viscera over time (experiments 1 and 2);

    • Presence of soft tissue over time (experiment 3 only);

    • Presence of hair over time (experiments 1 and 2);

    • Presence of nails over time (experiment 3 only);

    • Change in color of epidermis over time (all 3 experiments);

    • Change in color of muscle over time (experiments 1 and 2);

    • Change in color of bone over time (all experiments);

    • Change in the erosion of the margins of bone over time (all experiments).

  • Additionally, I produced a bar graph to visually demonstrate how long it took for the head and

    extremities to dissolve in comparison to the torso for experiments 1 and 2. For experiment 3, I

    produced a bar graph to visually demonstrate how long it took for bone and soft tissue to

    dissolve in comparison to all eight specimens used in the sample.

  • RESULTS For the purpose of this research the main observation of interest was the change to

    various quantitative and qualitative variables (response variables) based on the length of time

    (explanatory variable) submerged in a solution of HCl or Estuarine water:HCl (experiment 3).

    For all experiments, the quantitative variables included weight, solution temperature, pH,

    salinity, length (experiment 3 only), and maximum and minimum cortical bone dimensions taken

    from both anterior to posterior and medial to lateral. The qualitative variables included presence

    of hair, nails, viscera, color of epidermis, muscle (experiments 1 and 2 only), and changes to the

    bone (pitted, eroded margins, soft, gelatinous, amorphous, or absent). We ran the following tests

    using R-Studio for Statistical Analysis.

    Experiment 1: Human Cadaver

    Quantitative Variables

    We submerged the remains in experiment 1 for a total of 71 hours before the conclusion

    of the experiment when we reached similar results to the findings of the Tricia Todd case.

    Descriptive statistics examining overall rates of change in weight for the entire human cadaver

    produced a minimum weight of 89.2 lbs. (at the beginning of the experiment prior to the addition

    of the 8-gallons of HCl) and a maximum weight of 170.8 lbs. with a mean weight of 162.8 lbs.

    (Appendix B, Table 4). The general linear model for this observation revealed that weight was

    significantly positively correlated with the length of time submerged in HCl (r2(26) =0.2,

    p=0.04) (Appendix B, Table 5, Figure 20). The average solution temperature for this experiment

    was 21.9° C (Table 4) and was significantly positively correlated with the length of time

    submerged in HCl (r2(25) =0.2, p=0.02) (Appendix B, Table 5, Figure 21). The average pH for

    this experiment was 2.5 while the minimum value was 0.1 (Appendix B, Table 4). It is important

    to note, however, that pH throughout this experiment varied due to large amounts of fat and soft

  • tissue on the surface, making it difficult for the probe to take accurate readings. Results indicated

    that pH was not significantly correlated with the length of time submerged in HCl (r2(25) =0.0,

    p=0.40) (Appendix B, Table 5, Figure 22). The average salinity for this experiment was 62.8ppt

    with a minimum and maximum of 57.9ppt and 67.1ppt, respectively (Appendix B, Table 4). The

    general linear model for this observation revealed that salinity was not significantly correlated

    with the length of time submerged in HCl (r2(25) =0.0, p=0.30) (Appendix B, Table 5, Figure


    Descriptive statistics revealed that the average maximum cortical bone dimension taken

    anterior to posterior (AP) was 26.3mm with minimum and maximum dimensions of 20.0mm and

    31.2mm, respectively (Appendix B, Table 4). The general linear model for this observation

    revealed that maximum cortical bone dimension (AP) was significantly negatively correlated

    with the length of time submerged in HCl (r2(24) =0.7 p=6.3e-08) (Appendix B, Table 5, Figure

    24). These results indicate that as length of time submerged in HCl increased, maximum cortical

    bone dimension (AP) decreased (β=-0.1) (Appendix B, Table 5). The average minimum cortical

    bone dimension taken anterior to posterior (AP) was 21.7mm with minimum and maximum

    dimensions of 19.6mm and 25.0mm, respectively (Appendix B, Table 5). The general linear

    model for this observation revealed that minimum cortical bone dimension (AP) was

    significantly positively correlated with the length of time submerged in HCl (r2(12) =0.7,


  • The general linear model for this observation revealed that maximum cortical bone diameter was

    significantly negatively correlated with the length of time submerged in HCl (r2(26) =0.6,

    p=6.6e-07) (Appendix B, Table 5, Figure 26). These results indicate that as length of time

    submerged in HCl increased, maximum cortical bone diameter decreased (β=-0.1) (Appendix B,

    Table 5). The average minimum cortical bone diameter taken medial to lateral was 18.4mm with

    minimum and maximum diameters of 16.0mm and 22.0mm, respectively (Appendix B, Table 4).

    The general linear model for this observation revealed that minimum cortical bone diameter was

    significantly positively correlated with the length of time submerged in HCl (r2(18) =0.2,

    p=0.03) (Appendix B, Table 5, Figure 27). These results indicate that as length of time

    submerged in HCl increased, minimum cortical bone dimensions also increased (β=0.1)

    (Appendix B, Table 5). As expected, maximum cortical bone dimensions, both AP and ML

    decrease with loss of surface area as the bone dissolves in the acid. Similarly, minimum cortical

    bone dimensions increase due to the growing diameter of the medullary cavity as bone dissolves

    in the acid.

    Qualitative Variables

    Qualitative observations of experiment 1 (Appendix B, Table 6) revealed nearly complete

    dissolution of the skull after 71 hours from initial submersion in the HCl. Following a similar

    pattern of natural decomposition, the acid leaked into the cranium via the eyes, nose, and ears

    and began dissolving the bone in the mid-face first, moving from anterior to posterior (Appendix

    A, Figures 4 and 5). The teeth completely dissolved, however, a single tooth restoration

    remained intact at the bottom of the container (Appendix A, Figure 10). In addition, we

    recovered all hair from the skull and all finger nails and toe nails at the conclusion of the

    experiment. The dismembered extremities were no longer available for observation after 63

    hours submerged in the HCl. Significant amounts of viscera were still present within the torso at

  • the conclusion of the experiment; this finding is very similar to the findings in the Tricia Todd


    We recorded color of epidermis by comparing to the standard set by Munsell Soil Color

    Chart (Adams and Byrd, 2014). From exposure to the acid, the epidermis color changes from a

    pale red, to pale brown, light brown, brown, and finally yellowish brown. Color of muscle

    changed from very dusky red, to reddish black, dark reddish gray, and dusky red. Bone change

    observed throughout began with the bone becoming soft, then pitted with eroded margins, to

    gelatinous and amorphous, and finally completely dissolved. Bone changes described as pitted

    and eroded were also findings on the skeletal remains in the Tricia Todd case. The skeletal

    elements that remained at the conclusion of the experiment were three small fragments of the

    cranium (Appendix A, Figure 9) and fragments of the vertebrae, sternum, pelvis, femora, and

    feet. This finding was similar with the remains of Ms. Todd. All generalized linear models of

    binary variables and ordinal logistic equations were not of statistical significance.

    Experiment 2: Pig Carcass

    Quantitative Variables

    We submerged the remains in experiment 2 for a total of 549.5 hours. It was the

    researcher’s intention to allow this experiment to progress until complete dissolution, however,

    the strong odor of decomposition in a teaching laboratory did not allow for this so it was

    necessary to conclude the experiment early. Examining rates of change in weight for the pig

    carcass produced a minimum weight of 125lbs. at the beginning of the experiment prior to the

    addition of the 8-gallons of HCl and a maximum weight of 214.5lbs with a mean of 207.6lbs

    (Appendix B, Table 7). The general linear model for this observation revealed that weight was

    not significantly correlated with the length of time submerged in HCl (r2(57) =0.0, p=0.6)

    (Appendix B, Table 8, Figure 28). However, these results suggest that as length of time

  • submerged in HCl increased, weight decreased (β=-0.0). The average solution temperature for

    this experiment was 21.9° C (Appendix B, Table 7) and was significantly negatively correlated

    (r2(56) =0.1, p=0.00) (Appendix B, Table 8, Figure 29). The average pH for this experiment was

    -0.634 while the minimum value was -0.9 and maximum value was -0.5 (Appendix B, Table 8).

    Due to the varying measurements of pH recorded for experiment 1 as affected by the

    large amount of fat and soft tissue on the surface, we recorded pH throughout this experiment at

    random intervals to see if pH remained relatively consistent or if there was a significant

    difference. For these reasons, we excluded any further analyses on pH as it relates to time. The

    average salinity for this experiment was 58.6ppt with a minimum and maximum of 54.8ppt and

    63.4ppt, respectively (Appendix B, Table 7). The general linear model for this observation

    revealed that salinity was significantly positively correlated with the length of time submerged in

    HCl (r2(56) =0.1, p=0.01) (Appendix B, Table 8, Figure 30). As the length of time of submersion

    in HCl increased, the salinity also slightly increased (β=0.0) (Appendix B, Table 8).

    The average maximum cortical bone diameter taken anterior to posterior (AP) was

    26.7mm (Appendix B, Table 7) with minimum and maximum diameters of 22.0mm and

    30.0mm, respectively. The general linear model for this observation revealed that maximum

    cortical bone diameter (AP) was significantly negatively correlated with the length of time

    submerged in HCl (r2(7) =0.9, p=6.3e-05) (Appendix B, Table 8, Figure 31). These results

    indicate that as length of time submerged in HCl increased, maximum cortical bone diameter

    (AP) decreased (β=-0.5) (Appendix B, Table 8). The average minimum cortical bone diameter

    taken anterior to posterior (AP) was 23.1mm (Appendix B, Table 7) with minimum and

    maximum diameters of 19.0mm and 25.0mm, respectively. The general linear model for this

    observation revealed that minimum cortical bone diameter (AP) was not significantly correlated

  • with the length of time submerged in HCl (r2(7) =0.3, p=0.10) (Appendix B, Table 8, Figure 32).

    However, these results indicate that as length of time submerged in HCl increased, minimum

    cortical bone diameter (AP) decreased (β=-0.2) (Appendix B, Table 8).

    The average maximum cortical bone diameter taken medial to lateral was 26.4mm

    (Appendix B, Table 7) with minimum and maximum diameters of 21.0mm and 32.0mm,

    respectively. The general linear model for this observation revealed that maximum cortical bone

    dimension was significantly negatively correlated with the length of time submerged in HCl

    (r2(7) =0.9, p=5.1e-05) (Appendix B, Table 8, Figure 33). These results indicate that as length of

    time submerged in HCl increased, maximum cortical bone diameter decreased (β=-0.5)

    (Appendix B, Table 8). The average minimum cortical bone diameter taken medial to lateral

    was 21.9mm (Appendix B, Table 7) with minimum and maximum dimensions of 18.0mm and

    24.0mm, respectively. The general linear model for this observation revealed that minimum

    cortical bone diameter was not significantly correlated with length of time submerged in HCl

    (r2(7) =0.2, p=0.25) (Appendix B, Table 8, Figure 34). These results indicate that as length of

    time submerged in HCl increased, minimum cortical bone diameters decreased (β=-0.2)

    (Appendix B, Table 8). In contrast to the findings from experiment 1, all measurements of

    cortical bone diameter for the pig decreased. We attributed this variance to the structural

    differences of the medullary cavity in nonhuman animals in comparison to humans.

    Qualitative Variables

    We recorded the same qualitative observations for experiment 1 for experiment 2

    (Appendix B, Table 9). These observations revealed nearly complete dissolution of the skull

    approximately 130.5 hours after initial submersion. It is important to note that the butcher

    accidentally froze skull of the pig before the researchers obtained the remains and submerged

  • them into the acid. Because we did not freeze the skull of the human cadaver prior to the start of

    experiment 1, we could not rule out the possibility that this variable affected the rate of

    dissolution. While previous research conducted on frozen and fresh pig remains found that

    freezing the remains does impact the rate of decomposition (Roberts & Dabbs, 2015) a more

    recent student conducted on human cadavers suggest there is no difference in decomposition

    rates due to freezing (Garza, 2017). Despite this unanticipated variable, and the contradictory

    research findings, the pattern of dissolution of the skull followed the same pattern as the human.

    The acid breached the cranial vault via the eyes, nose, and ears, dissolving the mid-face first and

    moving from anterior to posterior (Appendix A, Figure 11).

    Like experiment 1, hair from the specimen was still present at the conclusion of the

    experiment, however we did not recover the hooves (equivalent to human finger and toe nails).

    The dismembered extremities became amorphous and indistinguishable from each other around

    79 hours submerged in the HCl (Appendix A, Figure 13) and were no longer available for

    observation after 166.5 hours. Significant amounts of viscera were still present within the torso,

    which remained relatively intact just as in experiment 1, at the conclusion of the experiment

    (Appendix A, Figure 14).

    We recorded color of epidermis by comparing to the standard set by Munsell Soil Color

    Chart. From exposure to the acid, the epidermis color changes from a pinkish white, to pinkish

    gray, yellow, light grayish green, very pale brown, light gray, pale brown, light reddish brown,

    reddish yellow, and finally brown. Color of muscle changed from weak red, to dusky red, and

    then brown. Bone change observed throughout was consistent with the pattern observed in

    experiment 1. The bone became soft, then pitted with eroded margins, to gelatinous and

  • amorphous, and finally completely dissolved (Appendix A, Figure 12). All generalized linear

    models of binary variables and ordinal logistic equations were not of statistical significance.

    Experiment 3: Isolated Human Fingers

    Experiment 3 concluded once each specimen submerged in a solution with HCl (C

    through H) had completely dissolved, a total of 71 observations per specimen. We submerged

    specimen A and B in distilled water only and estuarine water only, respectively, and persisted

    throughout the length of the entire experiment. We submerged specimen C in only HCl, and we

    concluded observations after complete dissolution at 366 hours. Observations for the remaining

    specimens continued as follows: specimen D concluded after 486 hours; specimen E concluded

    after 1618 hours; specimen F concluded after 2525 hours; specimen G concluded after 3533

    hours; and specimen H concluded after 3893 hours (5 months and 10 days), concluding the entire


    Quantitative Variables

    For each specimen, we explored descriptive statistics for all quantitative variables as

    affected by time. We present a summary of the averages for each specimen for each quantitative

    variable in Table 10 below (see Tables 11 – 19 for full descriptive statistics per variable):

    Table 10: Summary of averages for all quantitative variables per Specimen for experiment 3 as

    produced by R-Studio. Specimen Weight




    pH Salinity
















    A 50.4 21.5 7.7 8.1 44.34 8.1 5.2 10.4 7.0

    B 42.4 21.7 8.3 7.6 47.6 8.5 6.2 12.3 7.6

    C 42.6 21.7 -0.5 59.5 39.10 6.2 3.7 10.2 8.5

    D 67.1 22.2 -0.2 58.9 53.4 9.6 7.3 13.0 10.7

    E 74.8 21.8 0.0 59.3 61.9 6.7 3.8 12.9 6.4

    F 109.3 21.7 0.2 58.9 71.1 8.2 4.7 12.2 7.7

    G 108.5 21.7 0.3 58.8 70.1 NA 2.0 9.3 NA

    H 69.5 21.7 0.4 59.1 47.3 6.1 3.2 10.7 8.4

  • In addition, we used linear mixed effects models, where the variable “specimen” served

    as the random intercept, to explore relationships between time and each explanatory variable.

    The linear mixed effects models revealed that all variables were positively correlated with time

    (Appendix B, Table 20). I calculated the variance between specimens for each variable against

    time by squaring the standard deviation of the random effects. The total variation between

    specimens are as follows: Weight over time = 718.3 (SD=26.8); Solution Temperature over time

    = 1.1e-09 (SD=3.2e-05); pH over time = 13.7 (SD=3.7); Salinity over time = 563.3 (SD=23.7);

    Length over time = 146.5 (SD=12.1); Maximum cortical bone dimension (AP) over time = 1.8

    (SD=1.3); Minimum cortical bone dimension (AP) over time = 2.5 (SD=1.6); Maximum cortical

    bone dimension over time = 1.7 (SD=1.3); Minimum cortical bone dimension over time = 1.3


    The data collection process included removing each specimen from the aqueous solution

    during each observation, leading to loss of small quantities of the aqueous solutions for each

    specimen, in addition to the loss of solution via natural evaporation. As a result, we made new

    solutions of the same ratio based on the weight of each specimen to remain consistent with

    complete submersion of each specimen until complete dissolution. However, we expected the

    loss of the aqueous solutions due to evaporation in an uncontrolled environment, such as that of

    the Tricia Todd case, giving credibility to the realistic aspect of this experiment. As in

    experiment 2, each specimen showed a pattern of weight loss throughout the experiment

    (Appendix B, Figure 35). In addition, despite the varying quantities of estuarine water per

    specimen and the length of time we submerged the fingers in Estuarine water:HCl, pH levels for

    each specimen remained relatively consistent throughout the length of the experiment (Appendix

    B, Figure 36).

  • Qualitative Variables

    Specimen A and B were controls in experiment 1, submerged only in a proportion of

    distilled water (A) or estuarine water (B). Soft tissue for both specimens remained in the

    containers throughout the length of the experiment, although researchers observed skin slippage.

    The bone did not present with any change consistent with being in contact with acid. Specimen C

    also served as a control, submerged in HCl only. At 126 hours, no bone remained in the finger

    and we reached complete dissolution of all soft tissue at 366 hours after initial submersion

    (Appendix B, Table 21).

    Specimen D through H followed similar patterns of dissolution as each other; they

    differed in the time to dissolution with the reduction in potency of the acid with each increase in

    proportion of solvent (i.e., 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, and 5:1 (Estuarine water:HCl)). For specimen D

    through H, all bone in the finger would become soft, then pitted with eroded margins, until

    becoming gelatinous, amorphous, and then completely dissolved (Appendix A, Figure 19). We

    confirmed this pattern at 630.5 hours after initial submersion when we radiographed the

    specimen; the outline of the phalange is visible, but the bone is clearly not intact (Appendix A,

    Figure 19) (Appendix B, Table 21).

    The color of epidermis for specimen D through H ranged from brown, gray, grayish

    brown, light brown, very pale brown, light brownish gray, light gray, light olive brown, light

    yellowish brown, olive yellow, pale brown, pale yellow, pinkish gray, and white. Color of bone

    ranged from dark gray, gray, grayish brown, light brownish gray, light gray, light olive brown,

    light olive gray, light pink, light yellowish brown, olive brown, olive yellow, pale brown, pinkish

    gray, pinkish white, very dark gray, white, and yellow. At the conclusion of the experiment, all

  • eight fingernails were still intact and collected. All generalized linear models of binary variables

    and ordinal logistic equations were not of statistical significance.

  • CONCLUSIONS The CSI effect is a theory that states that dramatized criminal television shows have a

    very drastic effect on the individuals who watch them regularly (Shelton, 2008). Particularly, for

    members of society who participate in juries in the courtroom and who watch these television

    shows, the CSI effect claims that the regularity with which they watch these shows affects their

    verdicts. Continued research on the CSI effect has indeed found that there is no direct correlation

    between watching these shows and juror verdicts and so found this theory to be untrue (Maeder

    & Corbett, 2015). However, the research has found that watching these different television

    shows, whether they are fiction or nonfiction, affects the perceptions of the jury regarding

    availability and presentation of forensic evidence lines in the courtroom for each case (Maeder &

    Corbett, 2015). An additional effect on jurors’ is their understanding of the results of analyses on

    these lines of evidence; if skewed, it can sometimes lead them to not fully understand the

    evidence presented to them (Maeder & Corbett, 2015).

    The increased popularity of these shows makes the job of a forensic scientist even more

    difficult. The expectation for certain evidence to be available to a jury in a courtroom is

    extremely troubling for forensics as many times this evidence is just not available, but a jury may

    not understand this as an option. The forensic science community must face these challenges

    head on by continuing to add to the current literature and developing new ways to analyze and

    interpret forensic evidence left at a crime scene. With research and examples of how to dispose

    of bodies easily accessible to the common criminal via the internet, it is very important that we

    continue to evolve in our techniques to assist in interpreting crime scenes.

  • The aim of this study was to assist the State’s Attorney in discerning the facts in the

    Tricia Todd case. In order to do so, we conducted experiments replicating the circumstances in

    the Tricia Todd case to answer the following questions:

    • Could HCl preferentially destroy certain body segments over others after dismembering

    an entire cadaver and placing it in a container?

    • Do pig (Sus scrofa) remains follow a similar pattern of dissolution as that of a human

    when submerged in HCl?

    • How would the introduction of estuarine water to HCl affect the rate of dissolution of

    human remain