flood relief operation in mugzafer gurh and ajacent areas2

Flood Relief Operation in Muzzafargrah & Adjacent areas. 20-08-10 Departure at 4:30pm Under Supervision Of: Mr. Amer Yousaf (Director Operations) Team Members: Mr. Rana Waqas (Credit Manager) Mr. Hafiz Hassan (Credit Manager) Mr. Anas Ashiq (Relationship Officer)

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Page 1: Flood relief operation in mugzafer gurh and ajacent areas2

Flood Relief Operation in Muzzafargrah & Adjacent areas.

20-08-10Departure at 4:30pm

Under Supervision Of:Mr. Amer Yousaf (Director Operations)

Team Members:Mr. Rana Waqas (Credit Manager)Mr. Hafiz Hassan (Credit Manager) Mr. Anas Ashiq (Relationship Officer)

VolunteersMr. AmanatMr. Ashiq

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Relief items:

Dry food:

150 packets of Ata50 packets of daal chana (lentils)300 packs of ghee

Bakery items:400 large packets of biscuits200 packets of rusks

900 bottles of mineral water

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Medicine worth Rs. 32,000 include miscellaneous400 packs of Pyrotech (anti biotic) are donated by Mr. Fayyaz relationship manager at Walton branch, it cost Rs. 28,000.

Crockery:200 plates400 glasses100 jugs

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shoes:300 pairs of shoes

NAYMET khaima basti:Total no. of tents is 65.They are of two types:

1. Open ended2. Close ended

All of them are water proof.

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Two trucks and a car

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ProgrammeOur team arrived at Multan at 12am and stayed there. Then after sehri they went for Muzafer gurh. At 8.00am they arrived in Muzafer gurh city. There they took two policemen along with them. At arrival Dr. Maqbool received them, gave them briefing about the flood situation and flood victims.

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Then the team left village Shah Jamal where 100,000 victims were waiting for relief but the bridge was totally ruined by the flood and to cover that area they had to travel 400km that’s why team decided that those areas which are difficult but possible to access should be reached. Then the team went for Vasandian wali through boats because the infra structure had been totally demolished.

There were two ways of approaching the demolished areas:1. Through Boats2. Through Helicopters

Our team selected to go through boats because if items were thrown through helicopter there were chances of wastage of food or the food may not reach the people. This method was adopted to achieve our goal i.e. to provide food till the end demolished villages of those areas.

During the journey of Vasandian wali and khan Kot from Muzaffar gurh the people who were residing in the camps on the roads the team also distributed food to them. There were two camps established for relief but army told that NAYMET is the first NGO that has reached this area before it none have come. When the level of water decreased our team carried on the relief activities.

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The condition of people is extremely miserable there they had not eaten anything for several days they are suffering from 3rd degree malnutrition. They are extremely hungry because neither food nor water is available to them. Our team covered the area of Vasandian wali and khan cot as people have not eaten anything for several days so our team faced a lot of problem while distributing the food. There were huge number of flood victims and our team was small in number despite that our team worked very hard and patiently.

All the 65 tents were given to the victims 12 were placed at the spot and remaining were taken by the people because of high water level the soil was not supporting the tents that’s why victims took them with themselves and they would place them at appropriate places. Some were residing in the nearby schools of those areas so it was not possible for the team to develop whole khiama basti there so the tents were delivered to the victims as they were taken for them.

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Casualty:As our team took large variety and number of medicines with them but on the arrival of our team a casualty occurred owing to gastro and there were two more expected our team requested their parents a lot to remain them in the relief medical camp so that they are saved but because of their conservative approach they did not.Dr. Maqbool was very thankful to NAYMET team for bringing medicines because they were needed and were not available to them.


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By the grace of Allah the team returned safe and soundly but it does mean that they had no problem during the whole operation. There are many incidents that occurred during distribution. First of all our faced huge difficulty while they were giving food bags to people at that time people started snatching them from the team they came up the truck torned the terpal started fighting and beating the team for that reason the team had to move the truck in order to avoid all the fuss. During that Mr. Hassan climbed up the hand got his leg injured. He got a wound of 4-5 inches for that reason an injection of ATS was given to him.

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Apart from food bags people tried to snatch the camera and handicam from them also but our valour team did not lose it. While the team was taking the food to the people through boats the mobile of Mr. Waqas dropped in the water luckily he caught the mobile but it did not work and the contact with the senior was distorted. That caused a lot of tension among the team and seniors as well.

There were a lot of snakes in the water also but our team put their lives at danger and delivered the food to the places where there they were needed immediately because people were starving to death over there. As mentioned above the team of NAYMET is the first one to approach those backward, far reached and hard to access areas so food taken by the team gave a lot of relief to the people of that area their lives were saved now they did not die from hunger so, hats off to our team for their courageous effort and determination to serve victims.

The water level in those areas is continuously increasing more and more water is coming that causes a lot of problems in relief activities. Because of the sun heat the water is evaporating every time that causes suffocation in those areas owing to that one of our volunteers fainted any how he was given first aid immediately to make him conscious.


District health officer has appreciated the efforts of NAYMET he thanked a lot. Then finally our team returned safe and soundly. The flood victims were also very thankful to NAYMET that they helped them in such crucial circumstances where they are starving to death as no one else has come for rescue and help.

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It is requested to the board that a letter of appreciation should be given to the staff and volunteers. This effort of institute will motivate the staff to further carry on such activities and it will also buck up them for further participation and initiation. These flood relief operations are not simple one because no one is trained for such operations despite that team is working voluntarily and they put their lives at danger so a letter of appreciation would be very helpful in increasing their morale.