
Facebook Hurts Why Facebook and Relationships Don’t Mix Image taken from REALITY check girl magazine By: May Lu

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Facebook Hurts

Why Facebook and Relationships

Don’t Mix Image taken from REALITY check girl magazine

By: May Lu

Social media may seem like it

is changing the world for the


…but in reality—it is changing

us for the worse

Image taken from Darren McCarra from sociable.co

Dating in the

age of


provides a new

set of



conversations and unclear

solutions Image taken from welovedates.com

Facebook has created a whole

new slew of obstacles…

…previously didn’t exist for the

people in the dreadful world of

dating Image taken from CNN Tech

It’s also made it more difficult to

end relationships and move on

Image taken from Buzz Builder Blog

Before Facebook…

…ending a relationship actually

meant the end of communication

for the most part

Image from Buzz Builder Blog

Image taken from According to Bruna

Image taken from BUMBLEBEE from The Canadian

Image taken from ProWallpapers

Image taken by Ty Knighten

Facebook is great for sharing

information and easing

loneliness too

Image taken from Freelance Folder

Image taken from Huffpost

Image taken from Geek Shut

Image taken from Dr. Suzanne Koven

Image taken by Moette Nehama Schwartz

Image taken from Telegraph.co.uk

Image taken from Mike Rowe

Image taken from Kate Lyons

Images taken from WLMAGAZINE

Image taken from wallpapershop.net

Before Facebook all you had to do

was rip up the photos and the letters…

…now you’ve got potentially years of

accumulated together stuff to wade



http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/31/tech/social-media/facebook-changes/ http://www.buzzfeed.com/atmccann/how-facebook-ruined-dating-and-breaking-up-too https://www.msu.edu/~stong/files/oxford_2011.pdf http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/shameless-woman/201401/facebook-and-relationship-craziness http://m.christianpost.com/news/pastor-ed-young-warns-technology-getting-in-way-of-intimate-relationships-78377/ http://thestir.cafemom.com/technology/155569/facebook_makes_breakups_harder_so http://www.digitaltrends.com/social-media/turns-out-facebook-is-ruining-our-relationships-as-it-brings-the-world-together/#!OMPti http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2337555/How-Facebook-ruin-relationship-Site-induced-jealousy-increases-risk-divorce-break-up.html http://metro.co.uk/2014/02/21/feeling-the-love-on-facebook-the-pros-and-cons-of-a-facebook-relationship-4300971/