flexible foam company mdi drops pay-per-click and saves time with hubspot

MDI Products Case study

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Flexible Foam Company MDI Drops Pay-Per-Click and Saves Time with HubSpot

MDI Products !

Case study!

Page 2: Flexible Foam Company MDI Drops Pay-Per-Click and Saves Time with HubSpot

MDI Products !

ABOUT:  MDI  Products  is  a  /lexible  foam  company,  specializing  in  injection  molded-­‐soft  and  /lexible  foam  products.    


•  Saved about $5,000 annually from PPC

•  Reached an average conversion rate of 10% for landing pages

•  Grew organic traffic by 50% in 5 months

•  Increased social media following to nearly 1000 people

Page 3: Flexible Foam Company MDI Drops Pay-Per-Click and Saves Time with HubSpot

C h a l l e n g e :

Unqualified Traffic and Inability to Capture Leads Before HubSpot, MDI had no way of capturing information from incoming leads. “Unless we questioned the people who contacted us we would never be sure how we had captured that lead,” said MDI’s Nancy Grossbart. This approach was time-consuming and ineffective as the leads could often end up being a bad fit for the company.

MDI Products !

Page 4: Flexible Foam Company MDI Drops Pay-Per-Click and Saves Time with HubSpot

S o l u t i o n :

Target Landing Pages and Comprehensive Marketing Reports

HubSpot’s landing pages helped MDI develop channels to attract targeted audiences and eliminate unqualified traffic. “We saw results almost immediately,” Nancy said. “As soon as we installed the first landing page, we started capturing leads,” she added. In this way, the landing pages instantly became part of MDI’s marketing approach—Nancy would pass the lead information directly to the sales team, which could, in turn, follow up.

HubSpot’s marketing reports are another part of the software Nancy likes to use. “I review them every day. I can see how we are doing, what is working, what is not working, and it just makes my job a lot easier,” she explained.

MDI Products !

Page 5: Flexible Foam Company MDI Drops Pay-Per-Click and Saves Time with HubSpot

R e s u l t s : Drop in Paid Search and Growth in Organic Traffic

MDI Products !

As a result from working with HubSpot, MDI improved its message and dropped paid search. The company has now focused on attracting traffic organically and has grown its organic visits from 270 to over 400 in five months.

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R e s u l t s : Savings on Time and Resources

MDI Products !

No doubt, MDI has seen greatest improvement in savings of time and resources. “By not doing pay-per-click we are probably saving about $5,000 a year,” Nancy said. In this way, MDI has also saved a lot of time because, as Nancy said, a single lead can cost a marketer about an hour of emailing and following up.

Photo credit: ToniVC

Page 7: Flexible Foam Company MDI Drops Pay-Per-Click and Saves Time with HubSpot

R e s u l t s : Expansion of Social Media Engagement

MDI Products !

The time MDI saves from reviewing unqualified leads can now be reinvested in refining landing pages and engaging people on social media. The company has expanded its reach to nearly 1000 people on Twitter and Facebook.

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More about MDI Products:!www.MDIProducts.com!