flex fuel public limited (1)

+ Flex Fuel is a company which will provide Flexible Fuel Technology to car manufacturers so that the cars can run on gasoline or a blend of up to 85% of ethanol. Except for a few engine and fuel system modifications, they are identical to gasoline-only models. FFVs experience no loss in performance when operating on E85 (ethanol). FLEX FUEL

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Post on 16-Sep-2015




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Flex Fuel is a company which will provide Flexible Fuel Technology to car manufacturers so that the cars can run on gasoline or a blend of up to 85% of ethanol. Except for a few engine and fuel system modifications, they are identical to gasoline-only models. FFVs experience no loss in performance when operating on E85 (ethanol).FLEX FUEL+Form of business organisation Flex Fuel will be a public limited company as it is suitable for large organisations. The advantages being of having higher permanent capital and the company will be a different identity from the owners which proves the company will have limited liability.

There will be no restrictions on buying, selling and transferring of shares. Usually public limited companies have high reputation which will provide easy access to customers and suppliers. However, the legal formalities of forming such a company are quite complicated and this company might become difficult to control.+Factors Of ProductionLAND: The factory will be set up in the industrial area of Chennai as major car manufacturing companies have their production units there.LABOUR: Major part of the employees will include technologists, mechanics and labourers.CAPITAL: We will be importing parts of the new type of engines from Brazil. We will require assembling machines here. ENTERPRISE: We the four owners will be the entrepreneurs.

+Owners- profits return on capitalWorkers- Job securityCustomers- Good quality of productsCommunity- Clean environment and jobsGovernment- Taxes and subsidiesInvestors- DividendsBUSINESS STAKEHOLDERS+Sector Of IndustryFlex Fuel Public Limited will be in the secondary sector of the industry. This sector generally takes the output of theprimary sectorand manufactures finished goods. These products are then either exported or sold to domestic consumers and to places where they are suitable for use by other businesses.

+Business GrowthIn the coming future we will plan to go for a conglomerate integration by taking over a ethanol harvesting plant. This will reduce our risks as we would have companies in different industries. There might be transfer of ideas between the different sections of the business even though they operate in different industries.

+Capital- the money which the owners will investBank Loans -payable over fixed period of time with interestTrade credits- delay the payment to the supplierIssue of share- provide with permanent capitalGrants and subsidies- provided by the governmentBank Overdraft- withdraw more money than we have in bank SOURCES OF FINANCE+

Shashank GadiaAnmol Mathur

Abhishek VijayAnkit BothraViraj Chordia
