fleadh cheoil 2014 programme

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Hawk's Well Theatre Programme of Events during Fleadh Cheoil Sligo 2014


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Page 2: Fleadh Cheoil 2014 Programme

FáilteThe Hawk’s Well Theatre is located in

the heart of Sligo City and presents

the best of theatre, music, dance,

comedy & culture all year round.

We are delighted to team up with

Fleadh Cheoil Sligo this summer to

present a week of sensational

traditional music, song and dance.

We look forward to welcoming visitors

from every part of the globe and

becoming a home from home for all.

We look forward to welcoming

you to the Hawk’s Well Theatre.

We’re Here

Page 3: Fleadh Cheoil 2014 Programme


Fleadh Fusions Sun 10 Aug, 7pm Music Generation Sligo is committed to fostering and promoting young talent. In this very special concert, masters and apprentices of traditional music join together to perform and craft a new sound-world for Fleadh Cheoil 2014. Collaborating traditional music groups include Dervish and the West Ocean String Quartet. Both bands are internationally renowned for their outstanding music and their repertoires are deeply rooted in the music of Sligo. Joining them in this exciting and moving performance is the Sligo Academy of Music & Young Ensembles.

€15/€5 u12s/€35 family

www.hawkswell.com / 071 916 1518

Page 4: Fleadh Cheoil 2014 Programme


The Boróimhe Suite Mon 11 Aug, 8pmFor the Millennium Celebration of Brian Ború in 2014 - Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann has FRPPLVVLRQHG�FRPSRVHU�0LFKDHO�5RRQH\�WR�ZULWH�D�VXLWH�RI�PXVLF�UHIJHFWLQJ�WKH�OLIH�RI�%ULDQ�%RUě��)URP�6FRWVWRZQ��&R��0RQDJKDQ��0LFKDHO�LV�RQH�RI�WKH�ıQHVW�H[SRQHQWV�RI�WKH�,ULVK�KDUS�LQ�WKH�FRXQWU\�DQG�KDV�FRPSRVHG�HLJKW�PDMRU�VXLWHV�RI�PXVLF�LQ�WKH�SDVW�ıIWHHQ�years. The suite is performed by the Comhaltas National Folk Orchestra, which was originally IRUPHG�LQ�WKH�����ŖV�DQG�LV�FRPSULVHG�RI�ıIW\�OHDGLQJ�\RXQJ�WUDGLWLRQDO�DQG�FODVVLFDO�musicians from all over Ireland. The performance also features dancers, singers and actors.


www.hawkswell.com / 071 916 1518

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Homeward BoundTues 12 Aug, 8pmA celebration of songs from home. Seamie O’Dowd, Niamh Dunne, Damien O’Kane and Pauline Scanlon have a lot in common. They are all outstanding interpreters of songs. Their music has brought them all over the world. All four grew up immersed in the musical traditions of their of their hometowns and they showcase that heritage in the songs they choose to sing. Joined on the night by John Joe Kelly on bodhrán and Sean Óg Graham on guitar. Expect close, rich harmonies, beautiful arrangements, rocking tunes and gorgeous songs from Sligo, Limerick, Coleraine and Kerry.


www.hawkswell.com / 071 916 1518

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Songs from HomeWed 13 Aug, 1pmA specially commissioned piece for Bealtaine by the Hawk’s Well Theatre and Sligo Arts Service, Songs from Home celebrates local traditional songs. Singer and musician Colm O’Donnell engaged with a number of older Sligo community groups, through song-based workshops and conversations. From the information gathered this very special performance has been developed which can be enjoyed by all.


www.hawkswell.com / 071 916 1518

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The Trip to SligoWed 13 Aug, 8pm)RXQGHG�E\�6OLJR�ıGGOHU�2LVìQ�0DF�'LDUPDGD��7ÜDGD�DUH�D�WUDGLWLRQDO�EDQG�ZLWK�D�WUXO\�ZRUOG-wide reach. They recently performed to over 40,000 people during their 2014 tour of Japan DQG�7DLZDQ��7ÜDGDŖV�JOREDO�SRSXODULW\�LV�GXH�WR�WKHLU�XQSDUDOOHOHG�DELOLW\�WR�FRQQHFW�ZLWK�WKHLU�audience and capture the humour, spontaneity, historic resonances, and timeless energy that Irish music evokes. Also performing are Íontas and Teaspach, two of Sligo’s most exciting emerging traditional music groups. Both groups infuse the very roots of traditional Irish music with a young, original and exhilarating sound.


www.hawkswell.com / 071 916 1518

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Thurs 14 Aug, 1pmIreland is bursting with fantastic musicians who have inherited a love of music from their parents. This concert is a celebration of musical succession and the preservation of regional accents & styles to be found throughout Ireland. We welcome families from all over the country including Peter & Angelina Carberry, P.J. & Seamus Hernon, Seamus & Ruadhraí O’Kane. The concert will be hosted by Tomás Ó’Maoldomhnaigh, Ardrúnaí at Comhaltas.


www.hawkswell.com / 071 916 1518

7KH�$SSOH�'LGQ·W�)DOO�)DU�from the Tree

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7KH�0iLUWtQ�2·&RQQRU�%DQGThurs 14 Aug, 8pm€20/16conc.

www.hawkswell.com / 071 916 1518


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-DPHV\�&ROHPDQ·V�0XVLF�+DOOFri 15 Aug, 1pmSo great was the musical activity in Michael Coleman’s home that it was often called “Jamesy Coleman’s Music Hall” after his father. The circulation of Michael’s 78-rpm records breathed new energy into traditional music throughout the country during a time of great hardship. This concert is a celebration of Coleman’s impact and features a host of musicians who play in the style of the great master. The concert will be hosted by Oisín Mac Diarmada, accompanied by Brian Conway, James Murray and invited guests.


www.hawkswell.com / 071 916 1518

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Fri 15 Aug, 8pmFeaturing three of Ireland’s most well known and revered musicians, this gig guarantees VSHOOELQGLQJ�PXVLF�DQG�D�FRQFHUW�WKDW�WUDGLWLRQDO�PXVLF�IDQV�FDQQRW�DijRUG�WR�PLVV��'HUPRW�Byrne was awarded TG4’s Traditional Musician of the Year in 2013. From Buncrana in Co. Donegal, he is recognised as one of the great accordion players of his generation. Tyrone resident, Bríd Harper is a senior All-Ireland Fiddle Champion and is enormously respected both as a teacher and performer. Australian born guitarist, bassist, producer and didgeridoo player, Steve Cooney is one of the most dynamic modern performers in traditional music.


www.hawkswell.com / 071 916 1518

Dermot Byrne, Bríd Harper


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The SpeksSat 16 Aug, 2pm7KH�6SHNV�DUH�D�ıYH�SLHFH�WUDGLWLRQDO�,ULVK�PXVLF�EDQG�IRU�FKLOGUHQ��7KH\�OLYH�RQ�D�P\VWHULRXV�,VODQG�Rij�WKH�FRDVW�RI�&R��&ODUH�FDOOHG�*ODVVHV�,VODQG�ZKHUH�HYHU\ERG\�ZHDUV�JODVVHV��Their album won a prestigious Parents’ Choice music award in the US where their music was described as ‘Riverdance for Toddlers.’ They perform nursery rhymes and sing-along songs set to acoustic Irish music while encouraging kids to sing and dance along. This is a great, fun event for kids.Duration: 45 minutes. Age 2-7


www.hawkswell.com / 071 916 1518

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Western HighwaySat 16 Aug, 8pmSisters of string; Nollaig Casey, Maeve Donnelly and Bríd Harper, are joined onstage by the legendary vocalist Maura O’Connell, whistle player extraordinaire; Joanie Madden, and superb piano player, Kathleen Boyle. Accompanying this group of formidable female artists are; guitar virtuoso Arty McGlynn and bodhrán maestro John Joe Kelly. With some surprise guests thrown in for good measure, this gig has all the ingredients required for a delectable evening of wonderful music and song from some of the most irrepressible characters on the Irish music scene today. With this gang, a great night is guaranteed.


www.hawkswell.com / 071 916 1518

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&RGODGK�6iPKSun 17 Aug, 12pm, 1pm and 2pm Join us for a truly unforgettable traditional music experience for babies which celebrates forgotten lullabies of yesteryear. Featuring musicians Lucie Crichlow, Collette Sheerin & Jessie Whitehead. As babies relax in soft surrounds…angelic voices, music and gently moving projections will captivate babies and bring parents and carers on a trip down memory lane through gentle songs of slumber. A soothing and delightful experience for you to share with your baby. Duration 30 minutes. Age 3 - 18 months

€12 per baby (who may bring 1 or 2 adults with them for free)

www.hawkswell.com / 071 916 1518

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Blazing BowsSun 17 Aug, 8pm7DNH�WKUHH�LFRQLF�ıGGOH�SOD\HUV���&DWKDO�+D\GHQ��'H]L�'RQQHOO\��7ĂOD�&XVW\��DGG�WR�D�IDQWDVWLF�engine room - John Joe Kelly and Ed Boyd and the results are one unique gig. 7KLV�FROODERUDWLYH�JURXS�LV�PDGH�XS�RI�ıYH�YLUWXRVLF�PXVLFLDQV�ZKR�KDYH�LQGLYLGXDOO\�SOD\HG�ZLWK�a host of bands including: Four Men and a Dog, Sharon Shannon Band, Michael McGoldrick band, Guidewires and Flook to name but a few. Through their playing, these musicians have become ambassadors for traditional Irish music all over the world. Together they create a sound WKDW�LV�WUXO\�VXEOLPH��$�UHDO�WUHDW�


www.hawkswell.com / 071 916 1518

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