flb application

Name: Sergio Alberto Sierra Arango Nacionality: Colombian Entity: Colombia/Ecuador Current Position: MCP AIESEC in Ecuador 12/13 Contact Info: Email: [email protected] Skype Id: sergio.sierra0690 Cel: (+593) 983 99 6504 Finance and Legal Board 2013/2014 Application 2) What you believe should be done in the next term to make our network sustainable ? AIESEC 2015 means great achievements for our global association oriented to reach our BHAG. But this growth in our organizational goals means more attention in legal and financial matters to taken into account to reduce organizational risks that threaten us and start to become visible. we should form a professional team of education, supervision and global orientation that can provide efficient and timely responses.

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Sergio Alberto SIerra FLB Application 13-14


Page 1: FLB Application

Name: Sergio Alberto Sierra Arango Nacionality: Colombian Entity: Colombia/Ecuador Current Position: MCP AIESEC in Ecuador 12/13

Contact Info: Email: [email protected] Skype Id: sergio.sierra0690 Cel: (+593) 983 99 6504

Finance and Legal Board

2013/2014 Application

2) What you believe should be done in the next term to make our network sustainable ? AIESEC 2015 means great achievements for our global association oriented to reach our BHAG. But this growth in our organizational goals means more attention in legal and financial matters to taken into account to reduce organizational risks that threaten us and start to become visible. we should form a professional team of education, supervision and global orientation that can provide efficient and timely responses.

Page 2: FLB Application

What I have to offer and why I am the right leader for the FLB ?

This year, as national president I have seen the importance and the effects of legal and financial challenges. For 10 months, I have focused my work on the legal and financial sustainability of my entity and see how it generates directly and indirectly the growth of the organizational KPIs. As leader of the FLB I am totally aware of the meaning and importance of the FLB and its mission to ensure a legal and financial platform from back office support to achieve the goals of AIESEC 2015

1. My experience leading teams physically and virtual way for more than two years 2. My academic background in collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. 3. My knowledge of legal and financial operation, of a national entity, also the processes within the Global Plenary, minimums of membership criteria , and the reportability Between MC to AI. 4. My management capacity through KPIs, tracking and planning finally the passion that I have for AIESEC which after a long time I want to give back a little of what I learned, I want to continue to contributing to its development this time at global level.

4. An evaluation of successes and challenges of the FLB and its evolution in 13-14

Successes 1. Conformation of the first team and definition of purpose , the why of the team in general and the different divisions. 2. First delivery of reports and analysis of important points to consider in the legal and financial sustainability of the global association 3. First delivery of effective education materials, and virtual learning spaces organization of information in wikis clearly and user friendly 4. First stage of global positioning from training and consultancy needs 5. First actions and reactions analysis from the results powered by FLB. 6. The FLB Summit with excellent outputs, projects and commitments,

Challenges 1. Generate outputs aligned (Overall sustainability reports) with the motions of the FL SM in order to generate solutions to current sustainability challenges of the entities. 2. Generate synergy between the three divisions of FLB (statistics, standards, education) in order to deliver faster results, 100% reliable and concrete actions on a timeline. 3. Better positioning and connection with the membership at large. (FLB Communications Manager) 3. Cross checking Information provided by SOGA and information of SM Membership 4. Clear way of how to use the information obtained by the sources. 5. Commitment Review of the people that make up the FLB in order to generate greater results. 6. Take into account the time, team priorities, and human resources of FLB project by generating concise, timely and effective. also generate team identity, communication among its members and a purpose as a team to allow active participation and proactivity.

*Taking in consideration the info provided for the Statistics divisions members, and the documents and wikis consulted and provided by FLB, in the first year of operations , I coul d concluded:

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5. What divisions you are interested in leading ?

First Option: Statistics Second Option: Standards

6. Why you believe you would make a good team leader in that/those division(s)

After finishing my term as MPC do not want to finish my AIESEC XP without challenge myself as a leader of a global team. I want to share my enthusiasm with the rest of a team, this is the second year of the FLB, whether bases built during the first year and I'm sure the Global

relevance in association will be much bigger. This year's results allow to develop projects that give great support to entities in terms of financial sustainability.

I'm sure I can take on this challenge, giving my added value as a person focused on measurable results and innovation, take into account the focus of activities. the motivation of the work should be the main component of the team and I have a lot of this. “The secret of getting ahead is getting started" Mark Twain-

Why? Personal Academic Background and Huge Experience (MCP, MCVP & NST Chair)

Interest in continue super cool projects. Relevant and Challenging proposed JD. Excited about the Team and activities.