flashlights for ghost hunting

Flashlights for Ghost Hunting

Upload: viisliam

Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Flashlights for Ghost Hunting

On a cold fall night a friend and I grabbed a couple of flashlights and decided to go

“ghost hunting” at a large park that was humored to be haunted.

The park was closed off at night so we had to park our car across the street and walk

down a path to get to the park.

Walking down the path just to get to the park was a little unnerving.

Since the park was closed all the lamps were dimmed down significantly.

The dimmed lighting gave the park an eerie feeling.

We both had flashlights to help us see anything that we come across.

As we walked down the trail we would hear rustling in the bushes and try to see what it

was but we could not see anything.

I followed the sound through the bushes but it seemed to just be circling me.

Eventually I gave up and we continued on to the main part of the park.

Lost Without Our Flashlights

In the main section of the park it was really calm, no wind or anything.

It was almost peaceful just standing there.

My friend asked me if I wanted to walk down one of the nature trails they have within the


I figured since we didn’t see anything in the open, there might be something in the

forested area.

We set off down the trail and it was so dark that you could not see your hand in front of

your face.

The flashlights we had became a necessity to just be able to walk down the path.

About a mile later we can across a stream and we both could have sworn that there

was a figure standing downstream from us.

As we both raised our flashlight towards the same spot, we see that there was nothing


Staring at the spot then to each other we both knew we saw the same thing.

Flashlights Got Us Back Safely

The first thing my friend did was start walking in that direction to try and find what

we both just saw.

I was following right behind him when all of a sudden he jumps back into me and says

“What was that?!”

After my friend had calmed down he saw that it was just a large raccoon that had jumped

out in front of him.

Shining our flashlights on the raccoon he scurried off into the trees.

Using the flashlights to light the way we made it back to our cars ready to call it a
