flansberg remedies outline

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  • 8/19/2019 Flansberg Remedies Outline


    I. Introduction and Overview1. Structure of course: Injxt, Damages, Restitution, Declaratory Judgments DJ!, "orts, #$s.%. "&eme: every wrong &as a remedy.'. (egal )istory:

    a. *erger of cts of law and e+uity: 1 ct to &ears ot& e+uitale and legal matters.i. Distinctions b/t case as law and equity:

    1. Jury: only in law action.%. "Inadequate remedy at law-: )ave to s&ow to get e+uitale remedy

    i.e. s&ow is inade+uate.'. Enforcement of orders: law/0arties and e+uity/ct.. Discretion in Equity: 2+uity ct &as discretion in ordering remedy

    unless statute says ot&erwise, law ct doesn$t.4.  Overview: Legal: SS S:!#$% S: S% &. Equitable:':I% &:S#% (% (. (est: )&% !'% EL% DJ.

    a. Legal (emedies:i. Substitutionary (emedy: su for somet&ing lost or &armed. 3iggest 4 .

    1. !om*ensatory Damages: com0ensate t&e 5 for t&e &arm or t&eloss.

    a. +eneral Damages: 0art and 0arcel of c/a 4 &ave t&is c/a&ave t&ese damages. -6low as natural from t&e &arm.-

     7lways in contem0lation of t&e 0arties.

    . S*ecial Damages: some 5$s may &ave t&is8 not all. *ust e0leaded and 0roven s0ecifically.

    i. )adley v. 3axendale: have to show  damages w/incontem0lation of t&e 0arties.

    %. ominal damages: tend to justify t&e c/a. 9&en 0roof 0rolems utwant to award 5. indicate wrong.

    '. #uniti,e Damages: 0unis&. 6ocus on D$s actions.. $easurement goal: com0 ut not over;c. diff w/ # or tort.

    a. "ort: -*a

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    a. (igts/merits/underlying wrong: t&e remedy once you have a cause of action.*ust &ave an underlying c/a to get an injxt. Do you &ave all t&e elementsA

    . Inadequate remedy at law: won$t com0ensate 5 or its not w&at t&ey want.c. Irre*arable arm: tied w/ IR7( i.e. t&at may e enoug&. S&ould se0arate t&e two

    anyway. If get don$t get injx 5 will suffer I).d. Discretionary: unless re+$d y statute injxt is discretionary y @t. *ore you s&ow

    in eac& category more li

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    i. earing 1ad,ersarial! = give t&e D a c&ance to say no to any of t&ec&aracteristics or to raise any of t&e defenses.

    ii. E #arte 1non?ad,ersarial! = D &as no notice. 7llowed under certain circs:3alancing two t&ings: 1! 5$s emergency situation = not time to give notice, %!D$s due 0rocess rig&ts.

    1. (eq0s:a. !an0t find D.. arm if notify D = 0ossile destruction of t&ing or no timec. otice of '(< once in *lace ;

    . 5ond: 5 &as to 0ost a ond since li

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    i. # as C: 5 can cover if mista

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    . !al !t: mandatory is automaticallystayed8 0ro&iitory is not automatic,&ave to as< t&e ct ma

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    . !onsent Decree: a sti0ulated judgment w&ere ot& 0arties agree t&at injxtcan issue or judgment can e entered. nli

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    ). !ontem*t:1. Introduction: 'e ature of !ontem*t: D doesn$t oey injxt. 2+uity &as cont jxd and aility

    to enforce its own order t&roug& its contem0t 0ower. Botion: "riunal integrity.a. Semantics of te situation:

    i. D is a contemnor w&en &e disoeys t&e underlying action injxt!, t&ere is acontem*t earing w&ic& results in a 0unis&ment = contem*t order .5rolem: A inds contem*t: ci,il not crime% criminal crime.

    . !ontem*t !aracteristics:i. 'e order must be explicit : violate letter not t&e s0irit. 3e ex0licit so t&at


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    '. !ollateral 3ttac: violate injxt order t&en claim attac< injxt$scorrectness at contem0t &earing. 2x. unconst, vague, unfair,mista

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    3. #rinci*les of $easurement: S*eculation and ;ncertainty:1. !ertainty: 9ant a level of certainty in t&e measuring t&e damages.

    a. !aracteristics/(ationale for !ertainty:i. (educe s*eculation. Don$t want jury to go too far.

    1. 'a"er  = damages not awarded w&en to s0eculative and conjectural%. ewis #iver ; ex0ert testimony t&at is s0eculative will e stri

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    2. !ollateral Sources: 'e !ollateral Source (ule:1. Rule: 5$s in 5I cases can still recover full damages even t&oug& t&ey &ave already received

    com0ensation from ot&er collateral sources suc& as insurance.%. 'e rule:  +f ayments (-) to P come from a source that is collateral (unrelated) to the (the

    one who must ay) /%N the cannot use those ayments (-) to offset (reduce) whateverdama&es owes AN the fact and amount of ayment from the collateral source cannot beintroduced into evidence.

    a. 2x. of collateral sources, friend, em0loyer, family, insurance co etc.. Direct source: w&en 0ayments come from D.

    '. #olicy and (ationale:a. 9ant to encourage 0eo0le to &ave insurance, don$t want to 0enalie t&is. 5erson 0aying t&e collateral source did so to enefit 5 not to &el0 D esca0e liaility.

    . #ossible ece*tions in some -d: may e ale to get around rule. 3" gratuitous gi!t  usually considered collateral source i.e. won$t let D ta

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    1. 5ad 6ait litigation: sanction y 0aying ot&er side for &aving to dealw/ vexatious litigation. It involves a finding of ad fait&.

    %. !ommon 6und: t&e 5$s actions &ave resulted in 0ot of money t&atwill e eneficial to ot&ers as well.

    '. !ommon 5enefit: enefit derived from lit enefits all t&e 0eo0le soD s&ould 0ay atty$s fees.

    . "#ri,ate 3tty +eneral-: 5 acting as atty gen sues Dindividual/0rivate. 5rivate 0erson does w&at t&e atty general s&oulde doing. 5 gets t&e fees.

    I. (estitution SEE 3D

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    E. (emember : still may &ave a legal restitution cause of action utsome reason to want t&is instead.

    a. See hyo &. 11 iii. Defense to claim of ;n-ust Enricment: 5ona fide *urcaser : "wo re+$s

    for ona fide 0urc&aser: 7 365:1. #ays ,alue: and%. a,e no notice of any oter claim: 

    . 3ccounting: 2x. rea

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    A. Its not -ust used u*%@. te benefit as been used for someting "good":

    a. lostb. destroyedc. used for "good social *ur*oses." See *essersmith.

    e. Sum of restitution: Bot just a remedy ut can also e a se0arate cause of action.@an get money legal! or title or 0riority of title e+uity!.

    . Declaratory (elief/Judgment. See handout roblems on eclaratory 2ud&ments!.1. !aracteristics:

    a. Def : statutory c/a and a remedy  declaration y t&e ct not order for or injxt!.i. !onstrue documents 1deeds% &0s ect2 and statutes.ii. el*s to determine rigts and duties of te *arties.iii. "'erminates uncertainty" between te *arties.

    b. DJ is bot:i. Legal: mig&t &ave a jury if facts in dis0uteii. Equitable: it is discretionary8 t&ere is no rig&t to DJ.

    c. eed "-usticable" contro,ersy: to get jxd/standing. Bot actual controversy ut moret&an mere difference of o0inion: -it touc&es t&e legal relations of 0arties w&o &aveadverse interests.- Bo actual suit yet.

    d. ot granted if :

    i. It will not terminate te contro,ersy.ii. 'ere is a *ending suit.

    e. #ur*ose: s0eed and often entitled to 0riority.In-unction GS. Declaratory  -udgmentBeed a ond BoneBo Jury Jury for facts@ontem0t: if violate enforced y t&is Bo ct enforcement if violation. Beed anot&er

    suit.@an e 0reventive and coercive. Only 0reventative /c no contem0t 0ower.

     700ealA 5relims > maye not "RO 6inal, a00ealale judgment*ust s&ow inade+uate remedy at law >irre0arale &arm

    Bo s&owing needed.

    I. (emedies in 3ction: 'orts. 7. Interference w/ interests in #ersonal #ro*erty:1. #ersonal #ro*erty: 'orts o,er,iew: 55 4 anyt&ing not R5

    a. Legal:i. Damagesii. (e*le,in = 5 gets 0ro0erty ac

  • 8/19/2019 Flansberg Remedies Outline


    i. 700raisalii. Similar assetsiii. Re0lacement ;! de0reciation OR

    . Galue to # clot&ing/&ouse&old! = usually only loo< at t&is ift&ere is no secondary mar

    1. )udge not cler.%. Declarations w/ !acts not conclusions regarding:

    a.  #0s ownersi* interest. Etraordinary circumstances 1fleeing!c. Item is ot D0s source of income: See Fuentes v. Shevin.

    '. # as to #ost a bond  = D &as rig&t to counter;ond, unli

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    . 'en a,e to a,e *ro,isions for D to callenge te writ of*ossession.

    iii.  Statutory caracteristics1. 5ond # as to *ost usually A #0s interest or te ,alue of te

    *ro*erty. D as rigt to counterbond t&ey can 0ut u0 t&e and

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    1. 5usiness: If commercial 0ro0erty cts tendsto loo< at lesser value i.e. 6* diminution or r/r w/ ceiling.

    %. #ersonal: ct more inclined to give you t&e r/r w/out ceiling 4 &ig&er value.

    '. if '/ is #ermanent 16$G dim2 ,. 'em*orary1(e*air/(emo,al!: see 7nfant !

    1. 5erm: 6* diminution.%. "em0: its aatale t/r re0airale!. So r/r. se0

    c/a everyday if t&is.'em*orary 'res*ass #ermanentIntermittent @ontinuing; it is now and will e 7atale: re0airale ninterru0ted

    4.  Billful ,. Innocent D: if willful more li

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    %. (outine In-t 3nalysis: owners&i0, IR7(, I), "I etc. 3elow areuni+ue considerations as to factors in tres0ass context. De0endingon tort 0rolems tend to occur as to balancing*

    ii. Inadequate (emedy 3t Law: s&ow w&y or ejectment won$t do!1. Seriff *roblems: 0rolems w/ ejectment.%. !ontinuous ergo multi*le suits: continuing tres0ass4c/a everyday.'. Land is unique = not fungile.

    iii. 5alance: will D get &is say i.e. does &e get a rig&t to e in t&e alanceA1. 'raditional: Bo alance. @( says D doesn$t get &is say.%. Ece*tion to traditional ,iew: t&ings 5 &as to s&ow to

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    1. !om*liance w/ 9oning or oter en,ironmental ty*es ofregulation: if I am in com0liance you can$t enjoin me. See Sur.

    a. #er se = nuisance is unreasonale in itself . #er 3ccidens = activity t&at is lawful or good ut t&e way its

    done causes unreasonale interference. @om0liance w/oning alone doesn$t mean your O#.

    1. %obbs! *ajority Rule: com0liance w/ oning laws just onefactor to consider as to w&et&er unreasonale nuisance or in

    t&e alance, not asolute defense.%. !al !ode of !i, #ro M@=1a2 = if city &as estal

    ones for comm. or air0ort use no injxt forreasonable o0eration w/in t&at one.

    %. !oming to te uisance: D was t&ere first and 5 c&ose to come tot&e nuisance. Bot asolute defense, just a factor in reasonalenessor &arm to D if injxt granted. Sur .

    e. In-t 1*ublic nuisance!: same actions can e ot& 0rivate and 0ulic nuisance.i. #ublic nuisance in-t:

    1. 3ffecting !ommon rigts of *ublic at large to teir ealt%Safety Belfare.

    %. Standing:

    a. #ublic: 5ulic 5! rings t&e suit via t&e govn$t.. #ri,ate indi,idual: can bring claim i! they have challenge

    to +, S - . / a special 0di!!erent in kind1 private harmb2c o! the nuisance* 

    '. 5alance: alancing 0ulic$s ), S > 9 against t&e nuisance.. Defense: !om*liance w/ 9oningA D$s says oning comes from

    0ulic and can$t argue no good now,

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    %. #ri,ate/#ublic nuisance: graffiti, loc

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    '. Sub-ect matter tends to in-ure #0s re*utation or standingQ orolds # u* to ridicule or contem*t.

    ii. Damages:1. +eneral 1non?economic! = &arm t&at flows as natural 4 mental

    anguis&, emotional distress.%. S*ecial Damages 1economic! = &ave to e 0leaded and 0roven

    0articularly 4 lost jo, medical attention.'. #uniti,e: allowed if t&e defamation is malicious i.e. done

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    a. In-unction: S*eec: over&ead!i. +enerally: noii. Ece*tion: if infringe sustantial 5RO52R"C rig&tiii. Inadequate remedy R lawA sual ade+uate /c damages 0resumed so,


    :. In-t 1s*ecific relief2 1de*ri,ation of *ri,acy!: a civil wrong not const version.a. Bays in wic #ri,acy !an be In,aded: first % &arder to enjoin since s0eec&

    oriented, %nd % are more lis no c/a, li

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    A. Suffering 4 mental or emotional res0onse attac&ed to eing injuredor in 0ain.

    ii. Standard for damages:1.  "6air and reasonable under te *articular circumstances: more

    &urt 4 more 0ain 4 more .A.  #er diem based on a *articular in-ury: jury figures ex0ected

    com0ensation for 1 days damages x numer of days 5 will suffer.b. S*ecial Damages

    i. -2conomic- damages ; t&ose t&at 5 &as &ad to, or will &ave to, 0ay for t&einjury: loo< to ot& 0ast and future!.

    1.  medicals%.  wage loss@.  Im0airment/loss of earning ca0acity ; loo

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    ii. 9&en was w&at ty0e of # reac&edA 2xecutory #, 0artially 0erformed, orexecuted #A

    iii. 9&at ty0e of #A ood, land servicesA )ow remedies 0lay out de0end onw&at ty0e of # it is.

    c. Efficient breac% *unati,es and mental distress = no additional damages for 23.*ig&t get 0unitives if t&ere is some sort of tort ut ot&erwise no. *ental distress =rare cases.

    %. (emedies:a. Legal: go to law ct for and get t&em to order it.

    i. Damages: sustitute for 0erformance of t&e #. 3O3ii. Liquidated damages: s0ecific legal remedies. 5arties &ave decided in

    advance w&at cost of reac& would e.iii. (escission!: legal remedy w&ere you get out of #.

    . Equitable:i. S*ecific *erformance: t&e # injxt. Same asic tem0late as injxt ut a little

    it of diff as to w&at we re+ /c it is a # not a tort.ii. (eformation: c&ange t&e # t&at t&e 0arties are dis0uting.iii. (escission: t&ere is no #, get out of #.

    c. (estitution: +uasi;#, not a #.

     7. 3ffirming te &: valid # t&at &as een reac&ed.1. Legal Damages:

    d. E*ectation Interests: 0osition # would &ave een in &ad t&e # een 0erformed.i. +eneral Damages: 5

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    1. 'e & teory 75

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    @. !ontracts for Sale of +oods: Result De0ends on two t&ings: 1! 9&o &as reac&ed t&e #A9&o is 5/DA 3uyer/SellerA %! "y0e of #.1. Damages:

    a. ;!! Damages:i. 5uyer ,. Seller : 0rice of item &as li return of anyting *aid

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    . I(3L: will usually e t&at t&e 0ro0erty is uni+ue. 3" still need all t&e ot&er t&ings,i.e. # is definite, you can 0erform, and w&atever reason is causing seller to w/&old0ro0erty, t&e alance is more in your favor to 0urc&ase. "&in< of it from uyer$sstand0oint.

    c. "oug&er to do from seller$s stand0oint /c we are forcing uyer to uy.d. !al !i,il !ode @@PM: 3reac& of agreement to transfer real estate8 0resum0tion of

    inade+uacy of damages:i. If you are uying a single;family residence land is uni+ue and you &ave an

    inade+uate remedy at law conclusively. 7ll ot&er 0ro0erty t&ere is a0resum0tion in favor of uyer ut can e reutted.

    E. Equitable !on,ersion: Intro: deals w/ S5 ut in a different contexta. Equitable !on,ersion (ule:

    i. If we a,e an:a. Eecutory = not finis&ed. S*ecifically *erformable =c. Land sale & = it is a # for t&e sale of R5.

    ii. 'ena. 'e E);I' !