fix nix business model for npc

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Post on 14-Jun-2015




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FixNix Business Model


  • 1. FIXNIX INFOSEC SOLUTIONSCloudify your compliance

2. Business Problems Managing capital allocation and expenses to contain cost. Increased competition through industry consolidation. Rapid convergence of services and devices. Increased regulatory and compliance pressures. Greater need for effective internal processes and systems. Privacy and security issues created by new platforms andapplications (i.e. mobile banking) 3. Chief Risk Officers and ChiefCompliance Officers have to carrythe burden.Greater degree of transparence 4. SOLUTIONEnsure compliance with myriad regulations across multiple geographieswithin cost and time constraints.Provide a complete and accurate enterprise view into risk.Create a single, integrated view of risk and compliance across theorganization.Link risks to root causes, events, hazards and other elements ofgovernance, risk and compliance.Contain internal fraudManage project risk and govern investments 5. Value Proposition 6. Value propositionCosteffectiveFixNix GRCAgileEasilydeployableAffordableUserfriendlyPay peruse 7. Customized for the users need. Pay for what you use 8. Technologies forEnterprises 9. Technologies forFutureEnterprises 10. Cost Structure $500 /month /module$15,000$10,000$5,000$03020100I st QuarterM1(10) M2(15) M3(20)Customers Revenue$50,000$40,000$30,000$20,000$10,000$0100806040200II nd QuarterM-4(40) M-5(60) M-6 80Customers Revenue$80,000$60,000$40,000$20,000$0150100500III rd QuarterM-7(100) M-8 (120) M-9(140)Customers Revenue$150,000$100,000$50,000$0250200150100500IV th QuarterM-10(160) M-11(180) M-12(200)Customers Revenue 11. Revenue and Expense ProjectionsRevenue Projections for 1st YearQ-I $ 25,oooQ-II $ 90,000Q-III $ 1,80,000Q IV $ 2,70,000Revenue $5,65,000 {~Rs3.46 Cr}1st year Projections$300,000$200,000$100,000$0Planned Expense projections on different channel to achieve this number$30,000 per month for sales and marketing campaignsTotal of $3,60,000 on sales and marketing alone6004002000Q1(45) Q2(180) Q3(360) Q4(540)Customers Revenue 12. Organizations spending for current GRC tool.64% Increased spending14% Decreased Spending22% No change in spending 13. Competitor Analysis Enterprise ready Support Functionalities rigid Deployment time Usability Complex workflow No APIs 14. About our competitors40% Lack ofFunctionalityWhy organizationschanging from GRCsolutions17% Internalmove to oneplatform5% Reduction in6% Lower cost Budgetcompetitor16% poorcustomerservice 15. Market Giants vs FixNixMarket Giants Rigid Deployment over head Complex workflow No API integration Cost dependent support plansFixNix Customizable and Configurable Zero setup time Tailor made work flow APIs integration possible End to End support (24/7/365) 16. FixNix GRC suite can Increase analytics & rapid visibility Improve consistency of information Adaptability to regulatory changes Reduces price Improved performance53%43%41%39%39% 17. Our GRC Suite 18. Key Partners & Clients 19. Current Pilots in 20. My team 21. [email protected] |