five ways to bring a real star in your child

Five ways to bring a real star in your child S T Manikandan Miyav Learning

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Post on 10-Jun-2015




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World famous author Malcom Gladwell wrote on his book “Outliers” that what makes Bill gates and Steve Jobs as star achievers from their peers, is the opportunity they got at very young age to practice a skill and pursue their passion.. No doubt that opportunity was consciously provided by their parents...As a proud father, here are my practical tips, I follow with my child to make him a star..


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Five ways to bring a real star in your


S T ManikandanMiyav Learning

Page 2: Five ways to bring a real star in your child

Parents behind every successful man & women

World famous author Malcom Gladwell wrote on his book “Outliers” that what makes Bill gates and Steve Jobs as star achievers from their peers, is the opportunity they got at very young age to practice a skill and pursue their passion.. No doubt that opportunity was consciously provided by their parents...As a proud father, here are my practical tips, I follow with my child to make him a star..

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1.Create a Learning Environment

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1.Create a Learning Environment

If father watches monotonous news channel for two hours, then it is not a learning environment for child. Rather, if he sit with child with a screw driver set to open the old toys, then there will be interaction, questions and learning..

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1.Create a Learning Environment

Easiest things for parents to keep the child engaged while they concentrate on their work is giving remote control of TV to child.. Rather than making a consumer of entertainment give him tools to create..a camera to take pictures, a tool set to repair household things/toys, activity books instead of video games CD.

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2. Identify your child’s unique talent/passion

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Your child is unique and has something special. Your task is identify that. There is no magic wand to find our the special talent, but keep trying. So expose him to the various skill sets and activities as early as eight years. Something may click, it’s a trial and error process, but worth putting efforts. This world is full of example of stars, who “somehow” got into their field at early age

2. Identify your child’s unique talent/passion

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While you may wish to put him as many structured activities as possible, you have to consider his interest and skill sets. Rather than a one way push, it has to come from both the sides. So help him to discover his potentials himself.

2. Identify your child’s unique talent/passion

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Help him to discover his passion/unique talent

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Help him to discover his passion/unique talent

Normally parents put children into diverse activities such as sports, music, drawing, academics, cooking, photography or drama. These programs are conducted in highly structured way in metros. But it is also important that you need to give them time for unstructured activities. One can’t excel in everything he does. So accept that truth and move forward, if children doesn’t show any interest in particular activities

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3.Give emotional security than knowledge at early years

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Up to ten years, emotional needs and secured feeling is more important. Rather than insisting feeding more information and knowledge, give them more comfort.

3.Give emotional security than knowledge at early years

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Children are not blank slate as we think. As early as four years, they picked up the complex language you spoke without any help from you. So it’s the feeling of warmth and presence is needed than spoon feeding by kinder garden teachers

3.Give emotional security than knowledge at early years

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4.Best school in the city may not be best for your child

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4.Best school in the city may not be best for your child

It is not a smart parenting. Trying to put your child into in the so called “best schools” in the town or not shifting to new city, because you won’t get good school over there. Again it comes.. Your child is not a empty sheet to fill with concepts by your best school.

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4.Best school in the city may not be best for your child

Rather give him the loving learning environment than intimidating school environment.

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5.Success comes by exploration, trials, not by single exam

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5.Success comes by exploration, trials, not by single exam

Life and career will be built over time, not by board exam results. So don’t take undue stress for your child’s exams. Rather concentrate finding his passion and fostering it.

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5.Success comes by exploration, trials, not by single exam

We think, higher marks in board exam indicates that successful life. Your child may land up in comfortable job, but real happiness and satisfaction may elude them

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Make him hungry for success

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Make him hungry for success

There are wonderful ways to teach him the virtues of patience, perseverance, achieving one’s goal by planning and working towards that. You take a small project and guide him for weeks to make him hungry for next project. These intrigues never taught in schools.

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Create projects and share it