five steps to a world class onboarding program presentation

Five Steps to World-Class Onboarding: Do you have a culture that fosters retaining talent or jumping ship?

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Post on 11-Aug-2014




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Onboarding is gaining a lot of traction in business lately – and for good reason. When implemented effectively, onboarding programs have been proven to dramatically reduce expenses by helping your new staff assimilate faster, stay longer, and deliver better. For mid-to-senior level managers who want to learn how it works - including best practices from companies that are getting it right – this presentation is a must-attend. Emily Bennington, coauthor of Effective Immediately: How to Fit In, Stand Out, and Move Up at Your First Real Job, will show you how to design and implement a successful onboarding program for your intern and new grad hires that will address both YOUR organizational goals and THEIR career planning needs. You’ve made a significant investment recruiting top talent, right? So keep the promise you’ve made during the hiring cycle and give them the best possible chance to succeed in your organization FROM BEFORE DAY ONE.


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Five Steps toWorld-Class Onboarding: Do you have a culture that fosters retaining

talent or jumping ship?

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My first job.

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In 2008, I helped my company hire 23 new grads.

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How many were left in 2011?

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Q: According to – what percentage of external hires are no longer with their organization after two years?


Source: survey of 3,700 job seekers and 1,250 hiring managers.

A: 30

Q: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, two generations ago, the average person held SIX jobs in their lifetime. What is the average today?

A: 11+

Q: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, what percentage of a person’s salary does it cost to replace them?

A: 25%

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When you spend a *%&^$ recruiting people, it sucks when

they leave.

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“Providing true early career support stands today as the single most important thing firms can do to energize new hires and gain their long-term loyalty and enthusiasm.”

Mark A. Stein and Lilith ChristiansenKaiser Associates

Coauthors, Successful Onboarding

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Why onboarding programs fail.

No one is directly responsible.

Viewed as a checklist or “orientation paperwork.”

Limited management interest or involvement.

Material introduced is never reinforced later.

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You know it’s bad when Microsoft doesn’t even acknowledge you as a real word.

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Onboarding Rule #1Live Up to Recruiting

Cycle Promises

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Student Senate President

Voting member of his College Board of Trustees

Vice President of Kappa Alpha Order

President of Inter-fraternity council

Member of his town’s 2015 Citizens’ Advisory Committee

Omicron Delta Kappa Honorary Society

Deans Scholarship Recipient

Elks Teen of the Year

Meet Robbie

Robbie went to work for the HQ of a MAJOR global nonprofit organization.

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Every business must understand the shocking amount of turnover today isn’t about entitled new hires. It’s about disengaged new hires. The “carrot” of having a job isn’t enough anymore. Employees want to be happy at work, realize a great future, and feel connected to something bigger.

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What (Really) Motivates Us?

Mastery Autonomy


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Don’t think your mission and value statements are


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…if you’re not living them, it doesn’t matter


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Which company sends new hires a Welcome Box of goodies, swag and this note?

“There’s work and there’s your life’s work. The kind that has your fingerprints all over it. The kind you’d never compromise on. That you’d sacrifice a weekend for. You can do that kind of work here. People don’t come here to play it safe. They come to swim in the deep end. They want their work to add up to something. Something big. Something that couldn’t happen anywhere else.”

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Give new hires the tools and resources to succeed,

but do not hold their hands.

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Better Idea: Distinguish between your value aspirations versus the

ones currently in practice.

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Better Idea: Help newbies manage through key “firsts”

First administrative problem. First on-the-job mistake. First personality conflict. First real “win.” First time receiving negative feedback / constructive criticism. First public recognition (or failure to be recognized). First time new hire doesn’t know the answer. First company-sponsored social event. First time speaking up at a meeting. First presentation at a meeting. First client visit…etc.

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Onboarding Rule #2Commit for a Full Year (at least).

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What’s the first thing that comes to mind when I

say orientation?

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For most new hires, it’s this!

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Breakeven point = Net contribution zero

Months After Entry

Source: Michael Watkins, Your First 90 Days

When Do New Employees “Break Even?”

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The first five years

The first two years

The first year

The first six months

The first month

The first week

The first day

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Timeframe an Employee Makes a Decision to Stay

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S-l-o-w Down the Orientation Process.

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Focus on Bite-Sized Learning in Three Areas


SocialHost one training / event in each section every quarter.

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Have an online portal for self-study.

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Cisco’s Onboarding program is called “Fast Start” and each new hire receives a

peer sponsor (or “buddy”) as well as access to this

online network of familiar faces.

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Survey through every step. 1 month 6 month One Year

Sample Questions: Do you feel the company is meeting your expectations?

Are you experiencing any difficulties with our technology?Do you feel like you have the tools and resources you need?

Have you outlined strategic goals with your supervisors? Do you feel you’re making progress on those goals?


Someone needs to be held accountable for this!

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“The only thing worse than training employees and losing them, is NOT training and keeping them.”

Zig Ziglar

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Onboarding Rule #3Set Written, Measurable Goals.

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Top Performers Like to Know Where They’re Going.

A 2009 survey by Deloitte found that 40% of Gen X workers cited “lack of career progress” as a reason for their unhappiness on the job – ahead of job security and inadequate pay.

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New hires identify important successes to aim for during the first 90 days.

Success Story: Bank of America

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Success Story: Larson & Rosenberger, LLP

L&R is a medium-sized accounting firm with 60


Each year, employees sign an “Expectations Agreement” with four parts: 1.) Employee establishes professional goals within the firm. 2.) Employee states personal goals. 3.) Employee states how firm can help them achieve both. 4.) The firm’s expectations of the employee are outlined. Employees receive quarterly bonuses based on the achievements made toward their agreements.

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Many complaints about underperformance really stem from poor communication and unclear expectations.

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Keeping your keepers. (Hint: It’s not all about the money.)

In a study of more than 584 employed Americans:

-82% hadn’t established any career goals in collaboration with their manager.

Source: Kelton Research / Cornerstone OnDemand Employee Attitude Survey, 2009

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Onboarding Rule #4Manage to the Individual.

Pottery lover

New dad Seeks extra feedback

Travel buff

Really wants to be in marketing

Looking for a mentor

Hanson fan

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“Companies become strong one employee at a time.”

- Marcus Buckingham

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Ask people from the start how they prefer to be managed.

Explain what success looks like so your employees won’t waste time on things that don’t matter.

Get ‘em Talking!

Don’t forget that younger employees most likely have questions about career and work norms that older hires may take for granted.

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Give Feedback My grandpa used to say that “no news is good news.” (Not true, but I love him anyway.)

In the same study of more than 584 employed Americans:

- 58% hadn’t received any kind of useful feedback from supervisors in the last six months.

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Onboarding Rule #5Purposefully Enhance Your Brand.

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Company culture is your business ecosystem.

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Four Promises You Should Make Every New Hire

1.) You will work to develop them as people in alignment with company goals.

2.) You will give them the resources they need to do their job effectively.

3.) You will provide them with transparent and frequent communication.

4.) You will hold them accountable for clearly-defined high performance standards.

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What does this have to do with your brand?

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“How’s the new job going?”

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“Sales” Funnel 1.0


Client/ New Hire

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“Sales” Funnel 2.0


Client/ New Hire

Thanks to social media, your current clients / new hires are finding your future client / hires.

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Nurture Networks.

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Identify an Onboarding Director

Develop 6-Month + Curriculum Technical Training Cultural Training Social Activities

Utilize Individual Career Plans

You can get all of this right but…

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…people STILL join companies and leave people.

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Hold your managers accountable for how

employees answer the Gallup Q12.

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Great manager.(People-centered management pays off.)

Why did I stay at my first job?


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