fitness money episode 16 - event networking


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In this episode of Fitness Money Podcast you will find out how to make the most out of going to business events, what to do before you go there, how to approach properly, the introvert's method of networking and much more.


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Fitness Money Podcast Episode 16Your Network Is Your Net Worth

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Welcome to the Fitness Money Podcast brought to you by In this podcast, Logan Christopher and Tyler Bramlett teach you the step-by-step ways to make more money in your fitness business. Let’s take it on a word to this episode of the Fitness Money Podcast.

Tyler: Hey, guys! This is Tyler and Logan and this is the Fitness Money podcast at Hey Logan, what’s going on, brother?

Logan: Doing good. I’m just working through, plowing through a whole bunch of shit I’ve got to get done this week.

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Tyler: Yeah, we’re trying to get a bunch of stuff down because both Logan and I are about to fly out tomorrow to the Fitness Business Summit run by my good friend and mentor Bedros Keuilian and it’s going to be a hell of an event. It’s going to be some of the top dogs in the fitness industry in terms of running profitable gyms, boot camps, and profitable personal training programs, some of the best internet marketers out there as well so it’s going to be a total blast. Are you stoked for the upcoming weekend, Logan?

Logan: Yeah, very much so. I have not been to this event, though you have in the past. It will be great to get around so many like-minded people, people in the fitness business that are looking to make more money in the fitness business, everything that we’re doing here at Fitness Money so it’s kind of our people.

Tyler: Yeah, it’s totally our people and I’m looking forward to making some new contacts, getting some new people on the podcast. We’re going to get a bunch of bitchin’ videos I’m sure that we’ll be dripping to you guys over the next few weeks. So stay tuned for that.

Before we get started with anything else, you guys, make sure you subscribe to our podcast. Get on our email list. That way you can be sure of all the episodes we send your way and all the cool stuff that we’re going to have coming in 2013. Leave us a review if you dig it. Like us on

I think today, Logan and I, we were saying this is the “Fuck It” episode. We’re going wing it and we’re going to talk about how you guys can network with people because we’re going to this Fitness Business Summit conference. We’re going to talk about that and we’re going to talk about a bunch of different stuff. So Logan, why don’t you lead us off with something valuable?

Logan: Just to be topical and talk about what’s going on lately in our business, this sort of leads into what we were talking about last week, where we were talking about getting around the right people and really, there is no better way to do that than to go to events where those people are going to be at. This event, like we said, is just exactly that.

If you are looking to make connections, the internet is great and you can do that. But ask anyone and they will tell you that if you can meet people live at events, that’s where you can really begin and form those relationships that will then allow you to grow your business in one way or another. We’ll talk about some of the different ways that you can really leverage the people that you meet there.

Tyler: Yeah, it’s great to go and surround yourself with all these people. I wish we would have recommend it earlier for you guys to get out there and shake our hands and everything. But the biggest thing you’ve got to realize is that if you’re trying to go this thing alone, if you’re sitting in there in your basement and you’re like, “Oh crap, I need to make more money in my fitness business,” and you’re not listening to all the episodes in this podcast, you’re not out there networking with people, checking out people’s blogs and websites, reading, and then going out there and putting that into action, you guys

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are going to be really bummed out because doing stuff alone is freaking challenging. Now Logan, when you started your internet business, it was pretty challenging because you were just going at it by yourself, right?

Logan: Yeah, for the most part.

Tyler: The same thing when I started my first boot camp business. I was still whacking nails for a living because I had no idea what to do and now I have the ability to coach anybody into getting tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in their fitness business. It’s really powerful to take this route and not go it alone. I really think it’s one of the best ways to do things. Just get out there and network with people, bounce some ideas.

The coolest thing that Logan’s going to find out and all these people that I have met before at the Fitness Business Summit, you can ask them for their best performing print ad and they’ll just give it to you. They’ll tell you everything. They’ll tell you everything about their business. Nobody is here trying to hold things back. They’re all giving it away because we realize there’s enough out there for everybody so I don’t have that scarcity mindset. Get out there and network with people. It’s one of the best things you can do to get your business rolling strong.

Logan: I’m going to make a damaging admission. Networking is not my strong suit.

Tyler: No, Logan! Say it ain’t so!

Logan: Yes, I am actually heavily an introvert. It’s just not something that comes natural to me like some other things regarding business do so it is something I’ve had to work at. I will give you one thing that really helps as far as the networking. It’s if you can grow your business and grow yourself as a personality to some degree, then people will come up to you. That makes meeting people a lot easier.

I’ve had that happen at some events recently. Since I’ve been growing, people do recognize me from my videos online and all that. That makes finding those people a lot easier because the truth is if you’re going to these big conferences where there are thousands of people, unless you do your homework beforehand, you don’t really know who’s going to be there all the time so you don’t know who is really going to be in a good position for you to help them and you to be helped by them. But if you can grow yourself to a point where people come up to you and they’re asking for your help and whatnot, then that is a good way to open up the door.

Tyler: Yeah, I agree with Logan at that point. I think the part of the reason why I don’t really see eye to eye with him a hundred percent is because I’m the opposite. I’m definitely not an introvert. I have no problem walking up and talking to people. I want to share with you guys a couple of simple stories that have kind of affected me and made me realize I should have taken more action or should have done more research before interacting with people like this.

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Last year at the Fitness Business Summit, I saw one of the guys speak. He had a great speech, he was talking about how to get people behind you, and how to get affiliates and everything. I thought it was fantastic so as soon as I watched him leave the room, I walked right up to him and we started chatting. He was telling me about this new supplement business he’s creating. He was telling me about all this stuff and I honestly didn’t have any idea who he was but I knew he knew a lot more than I did and it was somebody I wanted to learn from.

We chatted for a while and then I saw him again in Miami and you know what? I realized this guy is literally one of the top fitness info producers out there and his brand-new supplement company that he told me about just one year ago has already done more than ten million dollars. I just kind of stumbled upon talking to this guy.

That seems to happen fairly often if all you do is forget about the pressures of anything and just go talk to somebody like they’re a person. You don’t have to use any fancy things or get all excited and stuff like that. Literally, just go up to somebody and just start talking to him like a person. If you want to build a rapport with somebody who you know can help you, don’t ask for their help. Ask them how you can help them, really, really get that good foot forward, help them out and it’ll come back around you at the end.

Now the second story, this is one I really shoot myself on the foot over and Logan was actually there, too. We were helping out one of the RKC, the Russian Kettlebell Challenge certifications that Dragon Door puts on. I’m sitting at the table with this guy and he was talking about going to Ireland and doing hurling, going to South America and winning like dance competitions and stuff, and I’m just chatting it up with him. This guy named Tim Ferriss—if you guys haven’t heard of him, you’re probably living underneath a rock—was one of the coolest guys out there I have ever met but I had no idea he was Tim Ferriss.

He is a multiple New York Times bestseller. He’s a world famous marketer. He’s brilliant when it comes to web stuff, social media, and building a crowd around you. I mean I could have taken much better advantage of that situation but the whole point of me sharing these two stories is don’t be afraid to talk to people. They’re just people. They take a shit. You take a shit. You guys both wipe with one or the other hand, right? You’re people, right?

So don’t worry so much about what other people think about you. To me, these are the things that you can take small steps forward. That way, you can build these relationships with big people just by saying hello, just so that they know you. Because you know what? When I saw Joel again at the Traffic Conversion Summit a few weeks ago, he came up to me and said, “Hey man, I got your email,” and I was like, “Oh shit, now one of the biggest fitness info marketers knows me.” It’s just getting on that radar because one of these days, it’s going to come back around and it’s going to be a good thing for me.

Logan: There’s so much that can be done. Like you said, it’s really important that you don’t come forward and say, “Hey, can you promote my product?” That is not what you want to do at all. You really

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don’t want to be sleazy in any regards. I remember at one event I was at long ago, before I was really getting into the business side of things but I was starting to learn, I was actually at Dan Kennedy, the free conference they had, a real pitch fest. Still at the same time, some cool stuff. There was a guy that was literally just going around, handing his business card to everyone. That is not effective networking.

Understand this principle, it is way more important if you can develop one solid, lasting relationship to grow out of an event than for you to pass your business card to a thousand people because the truth is unless there’s something additional written on the business card, most people just throw them away or they store them in something, never to look at them again.

Tyler: I completely agree with you, Logan. If you go to an event, you always learn a lot of information. What we talked about after the Traffic Conversion Summit is one of the best things you can do is go home and apply one thing. Just start digging through your list like that so that way you don’t go to an event or you don’t meet somebody and it’s a completely worthless experience.

Way too many people get inundated, like you said, with this idea that they’re going to bring these business cards and everything like that. You know what? I don’t even fucking bring a business card to these things anymore. You know why? Because nobody cares.

I was at the Traffic and a bunch of people gave me their business cards. “Hey, maybe we can network?” There were a couple of people that gave me business cards that I want to network with and I still threw their business cards away. That’s because if I want to contact somebody, I’m going to get their phone number, their email address, and their mailing address. I’m going to try to get some contact info that’s relevant to me actually helping them out or me actually building a contact or a relationship with them.

If I get a business card, or better yet, if somebody has just walked up to you and just gave you a business card and you never really knew who they were, it wouldn’t really matter. But if they came up to you and they say, “Hey man, I really love your stuff. This is super cool. I would love to learn more from you. I think l have a couple of different ways I could help you. Is there any way I can get your email address? That way I can send you an email with a few ideas. I promise you I won’t bother you more than that.”

So you’re kind of like just building that small relationship or you just get a mailing address from them and send them something in the mail. “Hey bro, it was nice talking with you when I met you at the Fitness Business Summit,” or at the gas station, or wherever you see anybody who could help you. “Hey here’s a $50 Starbucks gift card,” or a $5 Starbucks Gift card, “on me. Hope you enjoy the coffee.” Right?

It’s crazy how much you can build rapport with people just by collecting their data, talking to them a little bit, showing them that you know who they are, that you have an interest in them, and then just giving back to them as much as you possibly can.

Logan: Yeah. Let’s talk about some of the things you can hope and aspire to accomplish. We’ll start at some really basic stuff and lead up further. I guess for the most part, this is going to have to do with the

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internet marketing realm, just because when you’re going to events, usually, unless they’re local events and that would be a whole different subject like doing a Chamber of Commerce thing, which if you do it right, there are some benefits that you can get from them, but like we were flying out for this event and people are coming from all over the world really, not just really from all over the country, one of the most basic things you can do that’s really easy is a lot of people have blogs.

You probably should have a blog. There are some models where you don’t really need to do that but one of the simplest, easiest, foot-in-the-door things to do that you can do for someone or ask for them is to have a guest article. It’s one of the most basic, easy things to do but it can be a good way if you do it with an overall strategy to bring in lots of traffic, especially if you end up doing this with a lot of people. It really is one of the best, foot-in-the-door, after you’ve introduced to another person, for you to just say, “Hey, can we swap guest articles?”

Tyler: Yeah, it is a good way to do things. That brings a point, like Logan said, talking about blogs. I think it’s something that everybody should have, or a good Facebook page or something like that, where you’re starting to build those people coming to your website. Ultimately, whether you’re a personal trainer, you open a boot camp, you’re trying to open a gym, or you want to sell products online, everybody is going to have a good webpage that has some good content. What just happened there?

Logan: I’m drinking some bitter water.

Tyler: Sorry, we’re on a video chat. I just saw Logan look like he just ate a shit. Sorry, I just lost my train of thought. Damn it! This is the best podcast ever.

You’ve got to have a blog, you guys. You’ve got to have some sort of—I don’t like to say online business card anymore just because that’s so overdone—but if you just go on WordPress and create blog and like one, three, or four times a week, write down your thoughts and stuff and start building a following around there, it doesn’t matter what business you have, you should share your ideas and thoughts with the world. If you share it with the world, that’s when they start to follow behind you and you build not just a business but you build like a community around your ideas.

You guys have got to have a blog and everything. Also, like what Logan said, that will help you use your network that you’re going to build through visiting events, through online, through Facebook, that’s going to help you guys network with them more because, like what Logan, said you can do blog trades. You can write posts for them and just ask them the link back to your blog. That way you get more traffic coming to your website for everything.

Logan: There are going to be a lot of people with websites so like I said, it’s one of the easiest things to do. Another step above that of course is if you have products to promote or they have products to promote, after meeting them at the event, structure and do some sort of affiliate deal. This is a great way to get on people’s radar even without meeting them at events. But when you’re at that event, you could say, “Hey, I really like you. You’re a cool guy. What do you have to offer? Can we do any sort of

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special deal for my people?” Of course, it’s much easier once again to promote them first rather than saying like, “Hey, would you…” promote your stuff. You don’t want to ever launch with that because it’s not very good, not very effective.

Tyler: One of the most important things you guys want to do when you’re just building that network is really pick out the right people that you want to make contact with. That’s what I was going to talk about. Like I said before, I’ve winged it several times and I’ve tried to come through there and say “Hey” to the people I’m interested in and that’s fine.

But going to this Fitness Business Summit, I have a very specific idea of who I want to talk to, who I want to connect with, who I want to ask to get on my podcast, who I want to do guest posts for, who I’m trying to get to promote my programs, and who I want to talk to about boosting my boot camp sales. I know exactly who it is I want to go to.

If you guys are going out to an event like this, try to do your research in advance. Know who is going to be there. It doesn’t matter if it’s a seminar on fitness, like you’re learning how to do some kettlebells or you’re learning how to do some superhuman training. You’ve got to know who’s going to be there. That way when you show up, you know exactly what your objective is.

It’s just like when we talked about productivity. Imagine going in front of your desk every day without any plan and just winging it. You’re not going to be as productive as if you know exactly who’s going to be somewhere and you start planning out what you’re going to do, what you’re going to say, and what you’re intention is for each person. That way you don’t waste your time when you go into an event like this. There are way too many people. There’s going to be like 500 people at Fitness Business Summit. I bet you that probably, maybe 10% of them are going to go home with some useful networking. The rest of them, they’re going to go home and have some notes and stuff. Maybe they’ll apply it. The sad fact is probably 80% of those people aren’t going to change anything when they go home.

So know who you’re going to talk to. Have a plan when you go into a situation like this. Obviously just as necessary, you have got to have some sort of idea of why you’re going somewhere and what you’re going to benefit from it. I guarantee, for example, out of going to this Fitness Business Summit, it’s going to be worth at least $10,000 to me. I promise you that, at least $10,000 to me. Probably more like $20,000, $30,000, $40,000 or $50,000 if I play my cards right, which I intend to do.

Just a side note, some of the best deals aren’t made seeing people face-to-face at the seminar, going up and talking to them after the thing, and kind of bothering them. Some of the best deals are made at the bar at night time.

Logan: A lot of the best deals.

Tyler: A lot of the best deals. Don’t be afraid to bring some extra cash, buy some people drinks, be cool, be cool, be cool, help them, help them, help them, and it’s going to come back to you. You’d be

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surprised once you get somebody a little bit liquored up how likely they are to tell you everything that they know about the things that you’re interested in. Right, Logan?

Logan: Yeah. The information you can get in the bar often times is at least as good as the information they’re presenting on, sometimes a lot better. You’ll definitely want to carry a notepad there as well.

So you mentioned the podcast and a couple of other things. Podcasts, like the guest articles, if you have that, people like to be interviewed. It’s free promotion for them, always a good thing. Going into an event with specific goals in mind, you really should do that. Do your homework beforehand but have specific goals. For instance, one of the specific goals that you and I have for that is to line up a number of great people to interview on future episodes of the Fitness Money Podcast. It’s a really simple thing to do but by putting it in motion, by having that concrete goal, it becomes a hundred times as likely to happen.

Tyler: Yeah, I completely agree. It totally does become a hundred times likely to happen. Your network is your net worth. Have you ever heard that, Logan, I’m sure you have? That’s so powerful to me. To me, when I got to the online world, which isn’t even that long ago, I chose to go on a much different route than Logan started out. Logan was running it alone and everything like that. I joined a group that helps coach me through it and I decided that the number one thing that I know I’m good at is to network so I’m going to fucking network with everybody out there.

This wasn’t even through events initially. It was through online. You could send people emails. You could send them gifts. That network I’ve built really strong and really fast. It’s something that’s so powerful. You have to have a network. I cannot even impart enough. You cannot go it alone in any business. If somebody’s concerned like you’re going to compete with them, like you have a good idea about a nutrition product and they have a good idea about a nutrition product, guess what? That means you guys have the perfect list to match each other. It doesn’t mean that somebody is super concerned with competition. If they are, they’re probably never going to really make that much money because it takes a network of people around you to build that strong net worth, to build a really solid business, whether it’s online or offline.

I think we should expand on networking a little bit, Logan, and just kind of talk about maybe people who are trainers and stuff they can use their networking in our local community in order to build up their business as well?

Logan: Okay. Do you want to go into that right now or save that for another time?

Tyler: Well, let me just touch on it just real quick, just so people they don’t think, “Oh, I’ve got to go to Fitness Business Summit and spend $1,200 and this and that and travel across the world.” Just real quick. We’ll talk about that in another time, too.

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A few some things to create a network of people that are going to help you in your personal training business is one, you’ve got to have your clients as your friends. You’ve got to have them as your friends on Facebook. You’ve got to have them in your phone for text messages. You’ve got to give them special deals they can give their friends because every single person who you are personally training is potentially a walking billboard for your services. So that’s first and foremost. Your clients need to be constantly pitching their friends about your services and that’s part of your network.

Another way to do things is go to local businesses like tanning salons, massage therapy places, chiropractic clinics, and just ask them to do a list swap. Say you have 20 people that you’re training or say you have access to even more, like maybe 50 emails or 100 emails. Say, “I have a hundred really solid people that might want to use your service and I’m wondering if I give you an email to send to your list, you give me an email to send to my list. Would you like to do an email list trade?” It’s that simple.

If you get a chiropractor with 100 clients, and you send them a no-brainer offer, like we talked about in past episodes, you send them that basic no-brainer offer, you’re going to get some people coming that way. They may or may not sign up for your full programs, depending on how good at sales you are, but they’re going to get a lot of traffic.

So that’s another way to use that network on a local level in order to build your personal training and your group training business. So I’ll leave it at that for now but just know that networking is critical, whether it’s online and you’re trying to get people to affiliate and promote your programs, whether it’s offline and you’re trying to get people to talk about your systems more, you’re trying to get other businesses to promote your systems. The more you build that network, the easier everything is going to be because you have a support team around you, who believes in you, who trust you, and who advocates the use of your programs and products.

Logan: Yeah. I will say that the network can be the biggest difference maker in your business that can really accelerate you superfast and that can just open huge new doors. I’ll give a couple of examples from my life.

Tyler and I—this is back in ‘08 I believe—we flew out to learn from the best professional strongman in the world, Dennis Rogers. A great seminar, fantastic seminar and all that, but having met Dennis, he got to know what I was doing. He introduced me to a man named Bud Jeffries. He saw that I was online and creating my own products and all that, and Bud was looking for someone to partner with in order to help grow that. So it was actually really from that event that this big partnership I have now with Bud Jeffries at has grown to the place that it is right now.

Fast forward a few years, and an attendee at one of our Superhuman training events just gifted Bud and I with a book of his that he had written, just as kind of a thing he did for himself. Bud read it and he was like, “We need to publish this.” From that, we now have four different products by him. It’s making a good decent income that is helping him and helping us and everything. He became, and came under our publishing wing, from an attendee in one year to be actually presenting at the same seminar the next

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year so really huge things can happen. You can’t really force these things but if you set the goals right, you take action, and you work your butt off, it can really grow into some huge things.

Tyler: Yeah, I completely agree. You never know when you’re going to meet. Like I’m at the RKC and Tim Ferriss is there. I’m at Fitness Business Summit, sure Joel should be there but I didn’t know I was going to meet him and now he’s one of the people I really want to build a relationship with. How am I going to do that? Well, I’m going to help him grow his business as best as I can.

Logan: And buy him some beers at the bar.

Tyler: I’m going to buy him the goddam bar if I have to. I don’t want to be egocentric here. Let’s just say something really simple, Logan. Let’s say somebody on the call has a great program and they’re going to send us an email that says, “Hey, I’ve got a great program. I can break it up into three components. It would be great for an online business.”

If Logan and I were a part of your network and we believed in you, we could probably sell several hundred units of your program in a day or two. It really wouldn’t be that complicated for us to instantly launch you online, give you a fairly solid list, and give you a ton of sales into your program. That’s just because we’re these middlemen in the info publishing world.

Now just imagine that scale. I said several hundred sales. Imagine that scale to somebody who’s got 10 times or 100 times the email list that we have. Now we’re talking somebody being able to make several thousand or several tens of thousands of sales for you—

Logan: At a push of a button.

Tyler: At a push of a button. That’s how powerful networking can be if you have good ideas and you build the right system of people around you. It’s so powerful. You have to build it. You absolutely have to build it.

Logan: Yeah. At the top levels, it could be something of an Old Boys Club. It really is like that where they help each other out. That’s how it always is going to be. That’s kind of the social nature of people. You need to crack into that the right way and like we were saying, events are really the best way to do that. You may not be able to jump right in to the top levels right away but think of it as a ladder.

You work yourself up. You work your way up rung by rung and that’s what’s going to allow you to get to the big dogs that are out there. Understand really even like a smaller person helping you out when you’re first starting, the person that helps bring in hundreds, thousands of dollars of sales, that can be a life changer right there so it is important to just get started with this information.

Tyler: I feel like I’m just repeating the same thing over and over again but that’s because I really, really feel passionate about how powerful it is for you guys to get out there and build your network, whether it’s local, whether it’s online, it doesn’t matter. Just communicate with people like they’re people. That’s

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one of the biggest things I learned from this guy, Joel, when he was giving his speech last year in the Fitness Business Summit. Everybody is just a person. Be cool. Help them out.

Then if there are any other tips I can give you guys. Let me just give a couple more good tips. One, communicate by email but get them on the phone. Get them on the phone so you’re talking person-to-person. Because if somebody writes me an email and they pitch me something, I’m just really not as interested as if they send me an email saying, “I want to help you out. Do you want to be on my show or my podcast? Can I do an interview with you for 30 minutes on one of these three dates?” I pick that and I get on the phone with them. They interview me, I feel like we build good rapport in the interview, and then after the call, “Yeah you know, send me an email of some of your stuff. Let me know what you’ve got going on.”

That’s powerful. That’s totally powerful. It’s the same if you’re a trainer and you don’t even want to open a business but you want to get a good job? Let’s say you want to get a job at the local Cross Fit that’s kicking ass and taking names but they don’t want trainers to work there? Those people should be a part of your network. Jump in there and sell yourself like we’ve taught you this entire time. Say to them, “I want to help you guys grow your business.” Use our tactics that we’ve shared with you to help them grow their business. Then you can get like a place to train people that might be a great place for you to train.

There’s a million ways to do this. It’s all about building these relationships with people. Build those relationships. It is one of the biggest ways for you guys to instantly accelerate your business, especially if you’re online. Those relationships are so dang important.

Logan: Yup. Just a little more on what else you can do. Of course, when you’re meeting people, you can also use events as a way to promote yourself. If you’re going to an event, you don’t want to do this in some overt way that is obnoxious, like we already said. If you have good products and you’re in a conversation and it comes up, it’s like a good time to let people know. From events, I’ve found new customers that have become really good customers of mine because they really liked the information or the products I had available. On top that also, if you’re trying to meet this people, give them your stuff for free.

Everyone that is successful is really busy so you just can’t overload them with information. It is really a matter of less is actually more in this case. If you can really do it in a short, easy manner rather than sending them a thousand-page manual that no one is going to read so that is something. I will also give a book recommendation. If you really want to learn how to network really well, lots of really cool tips, the book is Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi. I think that’s how you pronounce the guy’s name. It is a classic book in the networking field. I’ve read a couple on that subject. That is the best one that I’ve seen.

Tyler: Who is the other networking guy? I can’t remember the guy’s name off the top of my head. If I remember it at all, I’ll post it in the show notes. There’s another guy. I listened to a bunch of interviews

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with him but I haven’t read any of his books. I’ll see if I can remember and we can post in the show notes below.

All right, Logan, now that we’re done ranting about what we’re going to do at the Fitness Business Summit, anything else we should tell people about? How to network better and build more money in their fitness business?

Logan: I think we gave them enough actionable steps. Okay, here’s one thing. Choose the events you go to wisely. Like we were saying, the people you meet at the events could be a huge thing so if you are in the fitness business, this summit is built around that crowd, it’s specifically information tailored to them. You’re going to find people in the same situation so you can talk to them and get more information. You’re going to be able to build the relationships with those people that will help you specifically in that area.

If you’re in the Fitness Business, this is a great event to go to. It’s a much better event to go to than one about basket weaving. That may not help you so much. So you want to choose which events you go to since you can’t travel all the time and probably don’t have all the money in the world in order to do it. Choose what you go to wisely and that’s going to allow you to devote the proper time and intention you need to do it but also then leverage that for the greatest gains in your business.

Tyler: That’s great tip, Logan, choosing those things wisely. As much as we want to go to everything in the world, none of us have the time or probably the dollars to do everything that we absolutely want to do.

I’ve got a good one to just kind of leave everybody with. Like Logan said, we went off on the Fuck It episode. We just kind of rambled a little bit here and there but ultimately what we’re trying to do is get you guys to understand how important it is to build your network.

I’ve said this before at the end of some calls but whatever you guys learned today, take that one thing. Take that one thing that you learned, that rung with you, that you said, “Shit, I need to do that,” and do that one thing. Ignore everything else. Just do that one thing.

It doesn’t matter if it’s email some people in your local community because you’re trying to build a network with chiropractors and massage therapists and stuff, or if you’re online and you want to get out there and you want to email people more. Email them and ask them what you can do for them. Send them some content that’s useful to them and don’t ask them to promote anything. So pick one thing that we’ve said and apply it. That way you’re not somebody who talks the talk and doesn’t walk the walk.

Logan: All right. Thank you very much for listening. This has been a fun episode. I imagine next week, we’ll probably do a recap of what happened at the event and after that, we’ll have a whole bunch of interviews lined up for you to learn from other smart guys on top of Tyler and myself.

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Tyler: All right. Speak for yourself. You’re kind of bringing property values down here. So it sounds good. We’ll see you guys next time. Like our Facebook page,, Leave us a review on iTunes. Subscribe to the podcast and send us your questions, you guys. We want to get some questions so we can help you guys get and make more money out of your fitness business.

Thank you guys so much for listening to the Fitness Money Podcast. For more information on how you can make more money for your fitness money business today, go to or go to Thanks so much for listening. We’ll see you next time.

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