fitnes money episode 6 - goal setting

Fitness Money Podcast Episode 6 Goal Setting Get this podcast on iTunes at: podcasts/id584443274 Welcome to the Fitness Money Podcast brought to you by Fitness . In this podcast, Logan Christopher and Tyler Bramlett teach you the step by step ways to make more money in your Fitness Business. Let’s take it on a word for this episode of the Fitness Money Podcast . Tyler: Hey, guys! Welcome to the Fitness Money podcast. It’s Tyler and Logan here and we’re going to teach you how to make more money in your fitness industry. How is it going, Logan? Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved

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Logan Christopher & Tyler Bramlett talk about very important aspects of successful online or offline business - Goal setting, resolutions, visualization, action taking and much more.


Fitness Money Podcast Episode 6Goal Setting

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Welcome to the Fitness Money Podcast brought to you by Fitness In this podcast, Logan Christopher and Tyler Bramlett teach you the step by step ways to make more money in your Fitness Business. Let’s take it on a word for this episode of the Fitness Money Podcast.

Tyler: Hey, guys! Welcome to the Fitness Money podcast. It’s Tyler and Logan here and we’re going to teach you how to make more money in your fitness industry. How is it going, Logan?

Logan: It’s going really good. I am very excited about this episode because I am really excited about 2013.

Tyler: Oh, man, I couldn’t be more excited, too. It’s been a wild ride for me in 2012 and I expect 2013 to be just way more fun than this year was even.

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Logan: Yeah, we’re going to be talking about things some things way, way, way beyond New Year’s resolutions but also maybe on goals, the processes that I’ve gone through. It’s really because of these that I’ve gotten to this point in my life where I’m not just successful in one area—there’s of course room for improvement—but successful in a wide range of areas. It’s because of these processes that I’m going through. I use the whole New Year’s thing as sort of a catalyst to really get myself amped up and raring to go for the New Year. That being said, if you’re happening to listen to this any other time, there's no reason you can’t do everything we’re telling you about today at any other time.

Tyler: Absolutely. I was just thinking when you were saying that, Logan, you know what would be a great thing to start this off with when we’re talking about goals? Talking about how to do it wrong because I see way too many people out there setting these goals. I know that both you and I have fallen into this trap before where you just go out there and you make all the wrong mistakes. Does that sound like something we could do?

Logan: Yeah. There are a lot of mistakes. Let me just mention this about resolutions. There was some sort of study done—I don’t remember where I saw this exactly—but the mere fact of writing down a resolution—this doesn’t even include any of the actual goal setting of stuff you want to do—the mere act of writing it down increases the likelihood of it happening by somewhere between 50% and 70%. That’s one thing. That’s one of the biggest mistakes that people make. If they have what they call a resolution, it’s some [inaudible 0:02:41.5]idea that they just have in their head and there’s really no commitment and it will never come to light.

Tyler: Absolutely. I think that I’ll just kind of share my experience. I remember especially in the fitness world, if you’re setting physical goals for yourself or if you’re setting business goals for yourself, one of the things that I did wasn’t to set too big of goals, it was set too many goals. I had too many things going on at the same time and they were counterintuitive. It would be like me setting a physical goal, say I want to be a power lifting champion in the super heavyweight class and I want to be able to do an iron cross on the gymnastic rings. These two things don’t work together. They work against each other. So choosing your goals wisely and understanding that you have to place goals that build on each other rather than goals that are working against each other. Otherwise, you’re just going to just get frustrated trying to work on things that are going to working against each other the entire time.

Logan: Yeah. You actually have to be working towards those goals. I remember you and I both did this thing where we had a humongous list, like 30 to 50 goals I would say, and the fact was in our training we were maybe working for five of those goals. While you can be working towards a lot at a time, you really can’t be working towards too many things. The same is true for business. If you can focus in on certain areas and actually be doing something that will work your way towards that every single day, that’s going to get you the actual results.

Tyler: Yeah. That’s absolutely powerful. I just pulled up a statistic because I thought that these would be interesting to kind of share with you while you were talking about that, Logan, but you guys need to realize something. According to this statistic, only 8% of people are always successful in achieving their

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resolutions. That’s powerful. I know that, “always achieving their resolutions” is a very powerful phrase but that tells us only one out of twelve people that actually set a resolution do it achieve it.

It says right here also that more than 49% have infrequent success and more than 25% never succeed and have failed on every resolution every single year. That means in total, almost three out of four people almost never succeed on their resolutions. This is important, that you guys understand the process it takes to achieve your goals.

Logan: There are reasons for that, that will stop anyone dead in their tracks with their goals like psychological reversals, though we don’t want to get too heavy into that space and there are ways you can work through that. Actually going through the proper processes, that can be a long way towards achieving that goal.

Another reason people fail and really what’s happening there is they basically have one part of them that wants that goal, the conscious part versus the subconscious part, and another part of them that is getting something more out of them not achieving that goal than actually achieving it. Once again, there are a lot of different things you can do with this but just by working through some of the stuff we’re going to talk about today, by really getting clear on what it is you want, those things can come into your line and so those reversals can disappear. You can then achieve your goals.

Tyler: Absolutely. That’s a good thing to start with, Logan. Do you think we should we start with clarity?

Logan: Yeah. Let’s start with clarity. What do you mean specifically by clarity?

Tyler: Yes. Clarity is the magic word. Another mistake that I made years ago was not knowing what I wanted in a clear way. I’d write a goal and say I want to achieve this but I wouldn’t describe—

Logan: I want to make $100,000 a year, something like that.

Tyler: Yeah. Exactly. I want to make $100,000 a year but I wouldn’t write down why I wanted to achieve it or how I wanted to achieve it. There's nothing wrong with not necessarily knowing the path but throwing out loose goals, it means you’re loosely going to succeed at best.

Logan: They do say if you have a strong enough why, the how isn’t all that important. There's truth to that. If you really have a burning desire to succeed and you’re not sure about how you’re going to do it, then you’re going to go figure out how you’re going to do it. You’re going to learn the process along the way if you have that motivation, the volition, and the drive towards that desire to succeed.

Tyler: Absolutely. One of the first things you can with your goals, let’s take a financial goal like we just talked about: I want to have my first $100,000 year, the first thing you need to figure out is figure out why the hell do you want to have a $100,000 year. Because if all you visualize when the going gets tough is a stack of hundred-dollar bills or a bank account with a number, you’re not going to have the passion behind that goal that will allow you to achieve that. Take a moment to think about the why. Why do you want to have $100,000 a year? Is it because it will help you move into a better neighborhood, it will allow your wife to quit her job, or you’ll be able to get a new car that you’ve been needing for a long

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time? The thing with the most power, the thing that gets you the most excited, are the whys you want to look for.

So you can take your goals one at a time, the ones that you really think you want to achieve, and you can apply just five minutes of your time writing down every reason why you want to achieve that goal and trying to also look out which ones are the most powerful, which ones give you that intense, emotional purpose and feeling, and notice that those are the ones you’re going want to focus on when the going gets tough when you’re trying to achieve those goals.

Logan: One very important thing about money, like you said, money by itself is not motivating. The thing is that you have goals in so many different areas in your life. I’d say in 90% of the cases that money is what allows you to achieve those other things. Money is what allows you to go on vacations and like you said, allows your wife to quit her job. If you have a business to the point where you don’t need to work in it, where it’s running by itself, it gives you that time of freedom in order to achieve anything you want to do, that is a big reason for having financial goals and having business goals. That’s of course why we have this podcast and why we’re in this business ourselves.

Tyler: Absolutely. It’s just so powerful to really know why you want to achieve what you want to achieve because they’re the logs that fuel the fire. I work with commercial gyms still so I see people come into the gyms starting January first and their all fired up. They’re ready to go and they’re going to lose 40 pounds. It’s the same as when you’re going to make $100,000 a year. They come in all fired up and then the problem is they don’t have a big enough why. So one month later they’re back into their old habits and they’ve completely forgotten about their goal. Defining that why is so, so powerful. I cannot underestimate how powerful that is.

Logan: That’s huge. There’s one other thing that I think is the biggest failing point for people and goals. It’s two things really. It is consistent focus on whatever that goal is. That means doing the actions necessary towards taking it. A lot of reasons why people fail with this resolution is they actually just forget about them. It’s not in their mind at all. It’s not something that they’re committed to and it’s not something that they’re acting on every day so they’re not going to do it.

The second part of that which is really related is when you’re taking consistent action, when you’re doing something towards your goal every single day, you get feedback. If you are trying to lose weight, you’re going to step on the scale or measure your body in different forms and if what you’re doing isn’t working, you’re going to be able to figure that out. Then you can alter your plan, whatever process you’re going through, go for it some more, and get more feedback.

It’s the same thing with making money. When you’re building your business, is what you’re doing working? You notice what worked really well, you noticed what didn’t work, and you alter your plan for the next product launch or the sales process that we talked about in previous episodes. You tweak it. You use that feedback in order to get better so that ultimately, you are making your way toward the goal. The old thing from Maxwell Maltz’s Psycho-Cybernetics, heat-seeking missiles never fly on a

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straight path but they make tiny course corrections the entire time until they get to the target. That’s the same way people are with their goals.

Tyler: Absolutely. You can’t definitively say how you’re going to get somewhere but you can lay out a starting pathway. Maybe it’s a good moment to just talk about what I like to set personal goals in. I like to set financial goals. I like to set physical goals. I like to set relationship goals, as well. Those are all things where I’m trying to enrich my family and friends’ lives, I’m trying to enrich my own life, and I’m trying to enrich my financial life as well. Logan, what do you typically set goals for? I know you have a whole hard drive on goals.

Logan: Let’s see. I have sort of my skills and certifications, and different things I want to be doing regularly. There are material goals, I found that I’m able to buy a lot of the smaller toys I wanted up to $3,000 so I’m having to find that I’m going to have to start getting into bigger toys soon, which is a real problem; leisure travel or just fun things like I want to go skydiving this year; my family and friend goals; health goals; financial goals; business goals; productivity goals; and of course training goals. So yes, a lot of different things and all very important to me.

Tyler: Absolutely. So what I prefer to do, once I’ve kind of looked at each goal and I’ve made a big list, is actually do what I call “take out the trash,” especially with the physical goals. I look at my physical goals and I've always been somebody who wants to achieve everything at the same time. That's why I mentioned earlier the mistakes that I’ve made in writing goals because they really stalled my progress. Taking out the trash over the last few years has helped me kind of narrow my focus. Even though I’m still an attention deficit disorder trainer, it’s helped me narrow my focus on what it is that. Let’s say five years from now if I’m not able to do this, I’m going to be really sad about that versus five years from now I’m just focusing on 20 things at one time, never achieving any of them, and being at least well, I tried.

So you can take your list of physical goals, of material goals, of financial goals, and you can take out the trash. You can look at them one at a time and be like is this really something that I need to achieve this year. You want to prioritize them and realize that the better feeling you get about a goal and the more passion and fire you have about that goal, the more likely you are to succeed on that goal. Not keeping goals in your list that you look at and go, “Oh well, I guess that would be cool,” and you can’t find a great list of why’s on but taking out the trash and getting rid of those goals that don’t really matter as much to you so you can narrow your focus and really achieve big things this year.

Logan: One thing I did which is new to me, I don’t even know where the idea came from, is to add more fun to the goal setting process. I only did this specifically with some of my business goals. What I did was instead of just setting a goal, I created operations. So I have Operation Amazon Domination. I didn’t get too weird with some of these names but some of them are a little off the wall. With that, there's one main goal: using Amazon as a sales channel, I want to sell a whole bunch of things on there and build it to making $15,000 per month on Amazon. That’s the number one goal I want to achieve in the next year. With that, there are a whole bunch of sub-goals but that I can just put under the idea of Amazon

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Domination. I have this whole idea of what it is because there are several different facets to that operation that are going in and this is one of the number one things.

Another operation I have is Operation Video Overlord where I’m focusing on using YouTube as a way to attract website leads and eventually get sales. I've already had a lot of success with video in the past so I’m just looking to double the results that I’ve gotten in the past and doing that within one year to really grow that. By focusing instead of on all of these thousand of different things I can be doing with an online business, I have some specific areas I’m going for.

By making them a little more fun, by having these operations, and setting the goals that way, I think I’m going to have more success with doing this because I’m going to have these written up in my room where I see it regularly as I’m working. Every single day, these operations and what steps I’m taking, what focus I’m doing, what sort of action and results am I getting with these, in order to really help towards that end goal and thus achieve the success I want in my business over time.

Tyler: Absolutely. We’ve talked about defining what you want, adding some clarity, finding out the whys then starting to create the hows. I know that you do a similar form of this, Logan, but I’ll kind of share my way of kind of chunking things down. What I like to do with my goals each year is instead of say, I want to make $50,000 a month and looking at where I’m at right now and saying all I’m going to focus on is the $50,000, I like to set smaller goals in between, things like quarterly goals, monthly goals, not necessarily giving them a specific time bound but giving them a specific amount of steps that I want to achieve before a year. So I can weigh on each goal how successful I am on it based on how far I am through the year when I achieve each step.

A simple example would be let’s say you’re making $5,000 a month and your goal is to make $10,000 a month. You can chunk that down into six different steps where each step takes about two months. You can say by the end of February, I want to have my first $6,000 month. By the end of April, I want to have my first $7,000 month. By the end of June, I want to have my first $8,000 month. By then end of August, I want to have my first $9,000 month and so on and so forth until you get to the end of the year and you’re having your first $10,000 month.

I like to take all of my goals, financial, physical, whatever it is, and I like to look at them. An example would be I injured my right knee a while back and I want to be able to do front squats again with 295 pounds. So I’ll take that number and I’ll chunk it down to what I know I’m very close to achieving. Then I’ll divide that into five other steps throughout the year so I can say guess what, I got up to 165 pounds with no pain. Well now the very next goal, the only thing I’m focusing on is 195 pounds. It’s not going in my mind from 165 to 295 because that may be too big of a step in terms of my belief systems of what I can achieve and that can stall me from making progress.

So I really like to take my physical goals, my financial goals, everything, and chunk them down into small baby bites, like small steps, so I can make sure that I’m always moving forward towards achieving them.

Logan: Within that, there’s something interesting that really isn’t pointed out all that much. There are differences between achievement goals and then activity goals. If you’re setting a goal as you want to

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earn $30,000 in a single month, that’s a good goal to have. It’s specific and all that but how do you really achieve that without it just happening? Contrast that with, “I want to sell three new products this month” or, “I want to sign up 20 new clients” or, “Do a certain promotion,” something where you have a specific activity that you can do. Then it becomes something much more in your control.

Now I think you should have both of these goals, these achievement things as well as the activities but because the activities are really more action-oriented. You know specifically what you need to do. Even if you have one of those achievements like a monthly income you want to earn, what are the activities you’re going to do, the specific actions steps you need in order to hit them? Have basically sub-goals for that that should lead to the end result you really want to have.

Tyler: Absolutely. Creating steps and then, like Logan said, creating those sub-goals that are the actual action goals that you need for something to be achieved. Then the next step, Logan already touched on this. I pulled up another stat here just to kind of take a look at it. Here’s the sad truth: 80% of Americans say they do not have any goals, 16% say they do have goals but they do not write them down, less than 4% write down their goals, and fewer than 1% review them on an ongoing basis.

Logan already alluded to this. It’s the people who write down their goals, tell their friends, that make it clear that they’re going to achieve this in a specific amount of time, that are the most likely to actually achieve their goals. If you’re sitting in your bed and you’re talking about goals in your own head, guess what? You’re just dreaming. You’re with that 80% that’s probably never going to achieve anything that you say you’re going to achieve in your life. Even if you have those goals and you’re bringing them up to your friends and stuff but you’re not writing them down, you’re not making them clear, you’re still probably not likely to achieve them.

Taking those goals and putting them into a place where you can see them, where they will remind you constantly that you’re trying for them, is something that you absolutely have to do if you want to achieve those goals.

Logan: Yeah. This is one of my favorite quotes from success guru Brian Tracy, “Success equals goals—all else is commentary.” If you want to do whatever you want to achieve in your life, learn and figure out the process of goal setting. Really, it is individual to each person but work at this. Start with writing down your goals and really developing the process of how you do it. That’s the next thing I want to talk about, my actual process of review and feedback along with these goals that really carries out through the entire year. If you get good at goal setting and then of course doing the actions in order to achieve those, you will achieve success. All else is commentary. It is that important for you to do, which is why I’m so excited about this stuff.

Let’s talk about my process. I started a long time ago when I first really learned about the possibility of achieving success. I was listening to Jim Rohn and he talked about keeping a journal and writing about it every day. What I took that to mean was write what happened throughout your day and I did this every single day for a period of three or four years. I still have those where I chronicled everything I did in my day. It would be like half a page or a page worth of writing.

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Sometime during that process, I started doing a weekly review where I would go through my previous week and write down what went well, what didn’t go well, but also have some plans for the next week. Then I started doing this with a monthly process where I was then reviewing all those days and reviewing all the weeks, figuring out what went well, what didn’t go so well. Once again, this was looking at the feedback. It’s actually going back to see how you’re doing with all those things. I would really talk about the different areas of my life that were important to me like when I started my business, of doing my training, my social life, those sorts of things.

At some point, I decided writing every single day took a bit of time so I finally dropped that but I continued with the weekly and the monthly review and planning that I did. Then I started doing that with my year as well and that is what has grown to what I’m doing today. It literally takes a few days. I’ve already spent probably something like 15 hours on it so far. Right now I have a 15-page document typed up in my computer, 10-pt font, detailing all the different areas of my life with the goals and the plans to achieve that in the New Year. It’s by going through this process of constant review, constant planning, looking at the feedback, that is what allows me to grow.

Tyler: Absolutely, Logan. That’s an awesome way to kind of share your course with us. I’m not quite as extreme as Logan in this regard but maybe I should be.

Logan: I suggest everyone just try this out. It really does work that well. The important thing is that there are different ways to keep it top of your mind where you’re looking at the feedback and everything. By having a process that works for you—and this has worked for me. I’ve been doing it for I don’t even know how many years now—that’s the important thing. Find something that works for you and do it regularly and then you’re going to get results. You can’t not get results if you do this because you’re going to beat yourself up in this journal that you write and you’re going to kick your ass into gear in order to achieve your goals. Then you’re going to start doing them.

Tyler: Absolutely. One thing I was going to say is that I absolutely do agree with the fact that it takes time to do this. I’ve only cultivated this habit maybe in the last four or so years since I started my own business but I remember the year I had just started my own business and I was really starting to try to figure out how I could succeed. I was still doing construction part time, running boot camps, and taking on personal clients. I was making okay money for the average person but I had bigger dreams and bigger vision.

I remember a certain period of time at the end of the year where I sat in my office for God, it was the better part of two weeks, and I kind of just stared off into space but not in a spacey zone. I wasn’t absent minded but rather I was thinking about my future. I was thinking about everything that I wanted to achieve and I was really defining it specifically. When things became powerful enough, I would jot them down in kind of my list of ultimate goals I’d want to achieve in the next five years. So I’m two years through that five-year period and I was just thinking really big time one what I wanted to achieve.

You guys, if you’re not willing to spend the time to sit down and think about where you want to end up in your life a year down the road, five years down the road, ten years down the road, or what you want

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to be written on your grave stone, then you might as well get a regular job and be a normal person who goes to work and works for the man. You’re probably not going to be this wildly successful individual.

But if you want to be self-employed, if you want constantly improve your financial status, if you want to have a business that you can walk away from at some point, then you have to take the time to sit down and define what it is that you want to achieve. All this brings it kind of full circle back to that first thing we talked about, which is that clarity. What is it that you want to achieve?

Logan: You said something really important there about the time period of how long you want to look forward. For different people, this is going to be different. For me, I find I can’t really go beyond a year. I have a general idea of where I want to be in five, ten years however, I change my mind a lot so to really get concrete with that, that’s sort of outside my scope. But within a year, I can really figure out what I want to do.

Another part I do along with this whole review process is instead of just projecting myself out, I imagine myself in a day at the end of, right now, 2013 so December of 2013. What does my average day look like? Truthfully, it’s not much different than it is now because I’ve done this process a number of times through the years and my day basically runs how I want it to.

It’s funny because in the beginning, it was quite dramatically different then. I got maybe over halfway there then I changed it and tweaked it up some more. Those tweaks were smaller but through the year, it got to there. At this point, it’s really like minor things because I’m already living the daily life that I want to live. I get to work in my business, which I enjoy. I get to train for a couple of hours each day. I get then spend time with my girlfriend and study things I want to study at night. I really don’t want to do anything different. That’s what I've planned over these years and that is what has got me there.

One other point in reviewing, the importance of that, why it’s useful to have these journals and to go back through and read all those weekly and monthly reviews, to read last year’s review and plan of the year is time consuming to do. It took like two hours or so to do just that part alone but by doing that, I noticed certain patterns for myself that I wouldn’t be able to otherwise. I noticed certain things that led to a lot of success in the previous year that I didn’t do this year that now I’m going to do next year because I want to get that success.

For instance, one of my operations is Assembly Line. One of the best things I’m good at is creating lots of products because it’s easier to sell to people that already know you, like you, and trust you, as we established last time. So if I do more stuff that’s constantly updated and better, I make a lot more sales. I didn’t do as much of that in the previous year though I did a whole bunch the year before that and that helped to double my business. So I’m bringing that back in. I’m focusing on a lot of new products.

Only by having this material to review—because we will all distort things through time in our minds—but by actually having what I wrote back then, I’m able to find out exactly what happened and then develop plans for the future based on that.

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Tyler: Yeah. There’s a good saying that says, “That which get’s measured get’s improved.” Logan’s talking about looking at himself, his physical nature, his finances, his business, relationships, everything, and that’s great to just go back and look through it. I have a slightly different process and it may not be as effective, like I said before, but I do the old face to the wall.

Logan: Yeah, I’m better at this than you are, Tyler. I’ve been doing it longer.

Tyler: I really enjoy my face to the wall time though where it’s just kick your feet up and really just self examine and look at the traits that I liked in myself this year, look at the traits that I didn’t like in myself this year.

Logan: Less visual, more aesthetic. I need to write out as I’m planning, make my maps and everything like I did. I literally had all these pages scattered as I was going through this process and I typed it up to make it look nice on the computer and for reasons of editing but it’s much the same process.

Tyler: Yeah. Absolutely. So just to kind of cover everything before we get off the call today, just so you guys have kind of some real basic stuff that we talked about: Define your goals. Get them clear. Know exactly what it is you what. Define why it is that you want to achieve them and then create a system of how you plan to achieve them. Logan mentioned this; this is great: add fun to your goals so that they’re more fun and exciting to achieve. Create baby steps that you can go through to get to the end goal. Write them down, review them often, and adjust course as necessary. If you guys do those things, you will get to your goals, plain and simple.

Logan: Yeah. The main thing really is once you have that goal and plan in action, just review it daily. I have some giant whiteboards in my office right now. They’re more filled than they were before because I realized there are certain things I haven’t been tracking as well as I really should have and I know, like you said, if it gets tracked, it’s improved. So I’m going to be doing daily, weekly, and monthly tallying of different things in order to achieve these goals. By doing that, then the huge insurmountable goals that I have set will actually get achieved because I had broken it down piece by piece and I can take that daily action towards it.

What I recommend for everyone really works well. Why I like to do it with the New Year’s is it’s really sort of a down time between Christmas and New Year’s which is when I’ve been doing this year. But you can do it at any time. Really spend some time, really dramatically take a lot of time to do this. It seems like people have some sort of an epiphany or it is a catalyst for change if they do that, like you were taking about: just taking the time to stare at the wall. If you do that, then you really format a whole plan for your whole life and then you can go out there and do that. It only gets easier, better, and faster as you continue to do this process in the future.

Tyler: Absolutely. You fail to plan, you plan to fail. So get out there, figure out what you want, and go for it. Awesome. That was a great call, Logan. Hopefully these guys will benefit greatly from the goal setting and next time, we’ll be coming back on the New Year and we’re going to be focusing on helping everybody achieve their goals and in the process, achieving our goals at the same time.

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Logan: Yeah. This is huge and we’re looking forward to growing Fitness Money. I’ve got Fitness Money podcast goals, too. We’re going to be having a lot more subscribers and fun stuff coming down through 2013. Thanks for joining us early and we’ll talk to you next week.

Tyler: All right. Thanks.

Thank guys so much for listening to the Fitness Money podcast. For more information on how you can make more money in your fitness business today, go to or go to Thanks so much for listening. We’ll see you next time.

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