fitnah to cause a new 9/11 in afghanistan

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  • 8/14/2019 Fitnah to Cause a New 9/11 in Afghanistan


    Fitnah To Cause New 9/11 In Afghanistan

    Fitnah (dissensions) Ahlas is about wreaking Silatur Rahiim (socialrelationship) and in waging war to each other. After that will happen Sara

    (wealth), the source of smoke will be from the feet of my descendants (Ahlul

    Bait). He claims himself as part of me (descendants of Fathimah), while he

    is not at all part of me. Because my Wali (family of me) just a pious man


    Then human being will appoint someone by raising a man as their leader

    like a hip which stick to the upper side of the ribs (Gymnastic tongue). After

    that, there will be Fitnah Duhaima (dark) who does not hit anyone in this

    Ummah (people) accept will hit them with a hard hit. When people said,

    Fitnah (dissensions) has over, the Fitnah still happen. In the morning,

    people are in the state of having faith, but in the afternoon they are becoming

    Kafir (apostate). Finally humans split into 2 parties: people of faith who do

    not have any hypocrisy in themselves and Hypocrites (Munafiq) who do not

    have any faith in themselves. If that really happens, then just wait the arrival

    of Dajjal (biggest liar & hypocrit).

    (HR.Abu Daud no.3704, Ahmad no.5892, Al Hakim no.8574. Being declare

    as Shahih by Al Hakim, Adz Dzahabi and Al Albani in Shahih Jami Shaghir

    no.4194 and Silsilah Hadits Ash Shahihah 974).

    I wont wage war against any Muslim country, unless a Khalifah already

    being Baiat by Muslim and Jihad Fi Sabilillah about to be done.

    Dont forget that anyone who discard Syariat Islam and Hududullah, will

    not be accepted by Allahu Subhaanahu wa Taala any Ibadah (good deeds)

    that they have done whether the Fardhu or the Mustahab (not Fardhu) (Abu


    And do not dismiss the fact that rejecting Syariat and Manhaj of Daulah

    Islamiyyah are one of the very sinful deeds. If youre Dai or Ustadz, you

    must categorise people who work inside Secular parties as those people who

    accept Haraam money indeed. Do not forget this one.

  • 8/14/2019 Fitnah to Cause a New 9/11 in Afghanistan


    People look upon thee as Dai or Ustadz do not make thee as people who are

    surely will go to Heaven. Instead many of thee hide the truth and interpolate

    the truth with falsehood.

    Many of thee, do not come out of tradition, human bondage, just wanna have

    a wealthy life, just wanna be famous etc.

    So do not regard Fitnah Al Ahlas, Sara, and Duhaima as light.

    Assalamu manit tabaal huda (May peace, development and safe from guile

    be upon who follow the guidance).

    Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh (May peace, development

    and safe from guile be upon who follow the guidance and blessings fromAllah and His mercy be upon you).