fit foody filosophies presentation - webinar 1.16.13

I created Eat Cleaner to help you get off the gerbil wheel. Mareya is The Fit Foody an entrepreneur, inventor, natural food chef and food safety expert. She is a featured chef on ABC’s Recipe Rehab and appears on San Diego 6 every week for Fit Foody Fridays.

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Post on 12-Jun-2015




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In this presentation, I introduce my core 7 'Fit Foody Filosophies' to help you maintain your weight for life. Eat Cleaner, get leaner!


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I created Eat Cleaner

to help you get off the

gerbil wheel.

Mareya is The Fit Foody – an

entrepreneur, inventor, natural food chef

and food safety expert.

She is a featured chef on ABC’s Recipe

Rehab and appears on San Diego 6

every week for Fit Foody Fridays.

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Eating Cleaner is a mindset

and a lifestyle choice,

not a diet.

Food feeds your body first,

not just your face.

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What does full look like?

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Approach food choices with

the mindset of a ‘fit foody’

Think before you bite and

make every bite count…

by staying dense!

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Fit Foody Filosophy #1:

Know Your Calories

Knowing how many calories you need to

maintain, lose or gain weight is

essential to avoid packing on pounds.

350 extra calories a day – a bagel with

cream cheese – will add a pound to the

scale in a little over a week.

Stick to whole, one-ingredient fresh

foods that let you stay in control of what

you put in your mouth.

Resources for calorie


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Fit Foody Filosophy #2:

Produce Takes the Plate

Fresh fruit + veggies are at the core of

eating cleaner and should take half

your plate at every meal, including


Pre-wash produce and store in see-

through containers for easy access.

You’ll be less likely to eat the stuff

you’re not supposed to.

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Fit Foody Filosophy #3:

Break the Sugar Chain

Sugar tells your body to store fat and

disrupts your immune system, which isn’t

good for your waist line or your health.

Replace the refined, white stuff and any

‘diet’, chemical sweeteners with natural

alternatives; seek out ‘unsweetened’ items.

Xylitol, Erythritol, Stevia, Black Strap

Molasses, Maple Syrup, Sucanat, Brown

Rice Syrup, Honey and Natural

Unsweetened Fruit


Keep intake to less

than 50g a day, 10 g

per meal

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Fit Foody Filosophy #4:

Shake the Salt Out

Sodium is often overlooked on labels, but

excess is considered a key cause of high

blood pressure and hypertension.

Processed meats (bacon, sausage, and

ham), canned, frozen and fast foods; soy

sauce and bouillion are generally high in

sodium. Choose ‘low sodium’ options.

Rinse canned beans and vegetables.

Use salt-free herbs and seasonings.


Keep intake to less

than 2300 mg or a

teaspoon and a half

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Fit Foody Filosophy #5:

Skim the Saturated Fat

It can wreak havoc on your heart health

and your booty. Saturated fat lives in

meat, dairy and desserts the most.

Non-fat, non-dairy options are a good

choice. Cook with low sodium stocks and

use pureed beets and apple sauce to

replace fat in baked goods.

Enjoy dark chocolate with 70% or more

pure unsweetened cocoa.

Rule of thumb:

Limit fat intake to 25% of

total calorie intake and

5% of that to saturated


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Fit Foody Filosophy #6:

Get Down with Brown

Replace the bleached versions of rice,

bread, tortillas, bagels and pasta with

sprouted, whole grain breads and

tortillas. Spelt, rice flour and quinoa

are good gluten-free options.

Pumpernickel and whole grain and

breads are considered ‘low glycemic


Rule of thumb:

One serving = ½ a bagel,

tortilla or 1 slice of bread

to avoid carbing out.

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Fit Foody Filosophy #7:

Join the Hydration Nation

Pure spring water is key to flushing the

system and regulating body function.

Divide body weight in half and drink that

much in oz. each day. (e.g. 120 pounds,

drink 60 oz, or about 8 eight-oz glasses)

Fill water bottles and keep handy.

Most leafy greens and fruit are high in

water content, too. Avoid ‘energy’ drinks

loaded with sugar and chemicals.

Rule of thumb:

Drink warm tea with food

to encourage digestion,

and cold water to speed

metabolism between


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1) Temptation out

Clean out your fridge and pantry

to make way for the good stuff.

Take a thorough look through your

kitchen. If its processed,

bleached, contains anything

hydrogenated or artificial,

excessive sodium or sugar, it's

outta’ there.

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2) Stock Up

Stock up on fresh, seasonal produce

first, lean protein second and

complex carbohydates third.

Get yourself a water filter or pitcher

and always keep it full.

Stock up on reusable storage


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3) Write it down

Track your food and drink intake,

including how much, when and

what in an online tracker or on

your smartphone for the next 5

days, through the weekend.

Be honest!!

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4) Put these 7 Fit Foody Filosophies into

practice to make them a habit

-Confirm calorie intake

-Make produce half the plate

-Reduce sugar to less than 50 g/day

-Reduce sodium to less than 2300 mg/day

-Limit fat to 25% of total calories and saturated fat to 5% or less of total fat

-Transition to ‘brown’ grains, pasta and rice; control servings

-Drink half body weight in ounces of water/day; warm tea with food

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on fit, seasonal dishes; Vegan, vegetarian, gluten-

free and dairy free options

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