fish tank poster analysis

Blue stays with the colour scheme but it is a darker shade, showing the importance and separation from the other items because they are awards she has won with this film. The ripped shreds of wallpaper show us baby pink, a colour naturally associated with childhood in girls, underneath a bland yellowed wallpaper, which could represent her girlish interior under a cold, bland exterior. The lighting of the poster goes from dark shadows, transitioning in to bright light which could show that she is trying to escape her dark, lower class life. Film production titles and credits stick to natural conventions of film posters, small and thin, not drawing attention away from the main components of the poster. Furthermore the production logos are placed underneath the credits, still not drawing attention. She is pressed up against the side of frame like a Goldfish. The starred reviews, instil confidence in the viewer that are going to see a good, high quality film. The tagline, uses buzz words, to give the viewer an idea of some themes within the film. The love heart logo, give an idea of a ‘romance’ theme along with style it’s in gives the impression of teenage romance, as a theme in the film. The directors name in bold, denotes that it is an important part of the poster. The quotes from respected writers, from respected publications, indicate again to the viewer that this is a very well made film worth their time to watch. The colour of baby blue, connotes that there could be a male influence, with the female influence of baby pink, the usage of the younger colours could also connote a young theme. The mise en scene of costume, here can connote her style such as her large hoop earrings and gold necklace, could connote she could be classed as a ‘chav’, by the stereotypical representations of these items. The mise en scene of her make up, could also backup this ‘chav’ representation, yet again due to stereotypes. The mise en scene of her costume, being a black, sleeveless, very basic top, could represent her economic class, as lower, which is reinforced by the torn up background image.

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Fish tank poster analysis

Blue stays with the colour scheme but it is a darker

shade, showing the importance and

separation from the other items because they are

awards she has won with this film.

The ripped shreds of wallpaper show us baby pink, a colour naturally associated with childhood in girls, underneath a bland yellowed wallpaper,

which could represent her girlish interior under a cold, bland exterior.

The lighting of the poster goes from dark shadows, transitioning in to bright light which could show

that she is trying to escape her dark, lower

class life.

Film production titles and credits stick to natural

conventions of film posters, small and thin, not drawing attention away from the main components of the

poster. Furthermore the production logos are

placed underneath the credits, still not drawing


She is pressed up against the side of

frame like a Goldfish.

The starred reviews, instil confidence in the

viewer that are going to see a good, high quality


The tagline, uses buzz words, to give

the viewer an idea of some themes within

the film.

The love heart logo, give an idea of a ‘romance’ theme along with style it’s in

gives the impression of teenage romance, as a theme in the film.

The directors name in bold, denotes that it is an important part of

the poster.

The quotes from respected writers,

from respected publications,

indicate again to the viewer that this is a very well made film worth their time to


The colour of baby blue, connotes that there could be a male influence, with the female influence of baby pink, the usage of the younger colours could also connote a

young theme.

The mise en scene of costume, here can connote her style such as her large hoop

earrings and gold necklace, could connote she could be classed as a ‘chav’, by the stereotypical

representations of these items.

The mise en scene of her make up, could

also backup this ‘chav’ representation, yet

again due to stereotypes.

The mise en scene of her costume, being a black, sleeveless, very basic top, could represent her economic class, as lower,

which is reinforced by the torn up background image.