fish ox board. or, lyon's stere mih pewder lace cloths · amusement*. west twenty-third street...

Amusement*. West Twenty-third Street Classique Corsets comprising the latest Parisian Models speci- . ally adapted for Princess and Empire Gowns, including the small tapering waist and long close fittingback effects, in the most desirable materials. Also Exceptional Values in French Hand Made Corsets at $2.75, 3.50, 4.25, 5,50 and 6.75 Monograms and Crests Embroidered. Complete Trousseaux 5n Stock or Made to Order. Outfits for ! infants Importations of the latest Parisian Novelties in Wearing Apparel for Infants and Little Children. Christening Cloak, Robe. Skirt. Cap, Veil and Bib, all to match, made of the finest materials, with hand embroidery and real lace. A variety of styles in Lone and Short Dresses. Lingerie Coats, Hats. Bonnets, Afghans and Pillow Cases. Women's Undergarments Wade in Their Own Workrooms. Comprising Night Robes. Chemises. Drawers. Petticoats and Corset 9 Covers in the newest materials, laces and embroideries. Bridal Sets a Special Feature. Stere Brothers NEW AMSTERDAM *F£Vl? gl, s i% Curtain at 7 4." »harp sSßttSse, Saturday, 2. m. RICHARD MANSFIELD LAST FIVE TIMES ™£ X IN PEER GYNT TiJRIDC THEATRE. Br"art«aj and 40th &tr«et- EMPIRE ™"™- s;::""^ ETHEL BARRYMORE «M» MONDAY. MARCH -Seats Thurslay. MISS BARRTMORE r~f the First na»a THE SILVER BOX. A Hn Play by John O»l»wort ny.. ft D^Tr-V THEATRE. 3Sth St.. rfir Bma d way. 6A lOOTII TIMK MARCH 55— »Ot\ENIU> \VM. COLLIEK CAt jgEjjW HUDSON M-.- Tn .';,- .r,l S-.t. - I.". 1 KDWARI* ABEI.ES In __--» 3REWSTERS MILLIONS MANHATTAN OPERA UOCSE. IVI/lUIII/** JL/iIX h St.. Near Mb Air. SEASON <»F liIUNU OI'EKA OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN Plr»><"tor TO-NIGHT at B:ls— A Tiber's FKA DIAVOLO. Mnies. Plnkert, Olaconla: MM. Bond. Artmondu Glllbert, Olanc '.allciti, V'enturint. Fossetta. Con- ductor. Campanim FKI.. Mtll. 15. ai I.v -FiotoWi MART A. Mmo«. Donalcla. f. .'i-M-i s, Save i..i. Zarcarla; MM. UctK'i. Arlmondi. Gallettl Otanoll, Mugnoz. Con- tlut-tnr. Tanara. ' SAT. MAT., MCH. I*"., nt 2— Double Bill Mas- casnls AI.I.KKIA lUSTUANA Mmes. Rasa, Sevarlns, Gtaconla; MM. Venturinl. evellha And L«oncavallo'i I PAGUACCI, Mmc Donalaa: MM. Ua>.»i. BamtnarcOi \u25a0 i llhac, Venturlnl Conductor. Cami aninl BAT. MtiHT. MCH. 1«. at 8:13— BUlt'i CAR- MEN. Mmea Bressler-Glanoll. Zepplti. Trer.tint. litaconla; MM. Dalmores. Ancona. Utllbert, Muenos. Daddl ItochlKllan Conductor. Campaninl NEXT SI'NDAY SIGHT. MARCH 17—SECOND CAMPANINI GRAM) (OMKIiT. »:\TI! \H\ rk«\M>iK arrange! and c-or.c'.urt.j l.y M. CAMPANINI. 8ololsts: M«.ii'«. riukeit. |{«i>s. l>., nil, lit Zep- pilli. <. in... i. in: MM. llnssi, SamiriMrro. Gullettl Glanoll, Altcnevsky, OcceUler and tho Entlr« Man- ..\u25a0:\u25a0•;\u25a0 House Orrhrntra. Sp*cltw-»-Stabat Muter i Intluninitttus). with chorus. POPULAR PRICES, 60c. to $1 so. MON.. MCII. |H, at B:ls—Auber"S IK\ DIAVOI.O. Mm«-j. Plnkert. (tlaconla; MM Bond, Arimondi, GUlbert ';uir«''i-t;nliptt : . Venturlnt. Fossetta, Con- duetnr, Campan'ot Hr l> Ml 11. "IP, at 8:13 14. h arr*--irance of MMX. MF.I II.V. Verdi's RIUOLKTTO. Mmes Melba, tJluoonln. S»-\<Tjna. ZaTrarla: MM Boncl, Anwna. Ari!ii<>n<li. Mugn.iz. K.>.»»»-tta. Hesohtsltan. VenturlnL Conductor, \u25a0 'ampantnl. FBI.. Mill ft. at B:ls— Oounod'i IM ST lln Itniiani. Mitiph. Do&atda, ZepplUt Qtaconta; MM. lUis« . S-irr.mairo. Arlmondi, Fossstta. Conductor. < iimT'srirl * SAT. MAT.. MCH. eS, ar 2—Flotow's MARTA. Mmi« I' >nal . i .t>« t'lsn^T'is. S»\^rlnn. \u25a0 iccarla . MM n .n.-l. Ar!nt"n<ll. (.allcttt-Glanoll. Mugnoz Conductor, Tanura SAT. KM)., MCII. 23. Nt S l.">— Wrdl's 11. rKOVA- TORE. Minos Hum, l>«> ••i;n»rr..«. Zaecarta; MM Dslmo'res, Beveltnac Mugn"i. Teccht Conductor, T.i.-.ara. SIN. EVE.. MCII. -M -Th'.r.l Sp^r:al Camranlnl r-mKriimrn'- ronr^rt nt popular pno»s Scut Salr for U<-ek M:irrh It* «>rrn» To-morrow (Thurodar) at > A. M. Proposals. NOTE— compliance with the ettraonllaary rt PEER CYNT Ssturd it Afternoon at ? o'rloek. Marrh S3. «. NIE *XwJ5 K *^" FAf *EWK!.L AWBAR \NTE9— BRriiJS* \u25a0£ARUrr LETTER: Tv«. SEAL- bf U 4?-- iS&viisV* -»S«. htSe* m ?„? !>.? P ME : v Sat Matinee. PEEHSTTT; Sat Iftfwum Nla-ht. A PARISIAN ROMANCE. BPOA 0W AY THEATRE. B-ir.y and 4tsttt UnUMUTTAI Evgs. ST. Mat. Sat.. 2.1* ANNA HELD Bl THE r\RISI\N MODEL. I IDCQTY THEATRE. »'.M St.. West of B^way. LIDCnil Evpl:i;.. Mat- T-.-i.lay and Sat. 2:l3. j Matln»e_ To-rtar. 2:1.1. Merely Mary Ann. ' ELEANOR ROBSON -j^St^ 1 Every Night and Sat-jrdav Matinee. ACADEMY OF Mt <»l< 14th Si and Irvmsr P.aoe. Klaw A Erlanser"* l.ent^n attraotlon. TLl»Crill_rKl3r|l O Prlces2S— JCS E. JJTjL USX 30-75— t OO—l Stotiaeaa To-day and Sat . 2. Ev*. S Sharp. HAI V'O %TRE. Bway and SStll S>SB •:« II ALT O Mat-.,,, To-,tay and Sat. «• 2:15. [VBELLE^MAYEAIR WAIISPV'Q Broad«ay and 30th Street. SAM BERNARD ,«.h^Sm ER noiTroinu THEATRE. Broadway and 44th St. Uil! I LtilUtl Ev«* s.I.V Matinee S«t . 2:l^. miMl/ n linrj C In th< * ''"rnlc Opera FRANK DAN ELS th» tattooed max. VlcTor Herbert: Harry » Smith. A X. C. Fowler. KM) MI.HIM K»IR. aJoe-dwaj and 3Sjh Street. Evenings -13 Mnta, 7"-' and Sat., -*2 MONTGOMERY & STONfc i r ,T M , E ,i.u LYCEUM -^^?rSSrW^^A3 fcl r.JTII *M— <"»•«»» Time—silver Sou»enlr». •u;,vr THE LIOH ing MOUSE m « THEATRE. :uth at & Br-ay. t3fj\. U 5J> X Ev»»:ir. Ma!<Tlmr«*s«' ..2:ls. •• T[- \Y AP.OIT SaiIKTUI.Ni;." Tribune. MAN .'"'. HOUR ny GEORGE BRt»AI>HI'RST. "The railroads are all re trench! becaoss of th" condition of the money market, As th* railroads are tho largest consumers of com- modities ar.d largest srenders of money, it fol- lows that a kssf Him, ••:' their purchases sriu to some extent suit In a slackening of liusi- r.ess in other tod .Miles. The restrictive legis- lation and the agitntion In many states against railroads have undoubtedly been one cause of the present tls:h;u<s in The money market, capitalists being disinclined to advance funds at this time. Another cause has been the enor- mous demands which the railroads have been making on the money market for Improvements and extensions." Is the curtailment of railroad service which has been reported from various states a policy In the nature of revenge for the legislation against the railroads i •'So. If our earnings are cut doxrn. through lessening of passenger rates, for example, we must try to make up the loss through new economies, such as combining through and local trains, in some instances, and Increasing trainloads." "Has there been any change In the financial plans of the Wabafih and the WTestem Missouri. as the railroads are now adapting a policy of re- trenchment "" "As was announced some time ago. the con- i tiectir.g up of the two roads has been deferred. ' as an lielieve that the work can he done more cheaply and to better advantage later on than in the present stringent state of the money market. As for the Western Pacific, all of the money needed for its construction Is in bank and »-c ate spending about $1,000,000 a month on the mirk, which i-i -' expei ted to lie complete*! l-v ths^siato «rlginan«! set. September 1. liKIS. Report 8 * thai » the cost of building that road i' ox."ee<TlhT-the''e?timates: are erroneous." "And r>«\v ah ill th? subject of co-operation rttr.-«»oiH«l*o .railroads and the government. Mr. Of>:i'ii. of :which s.. much is being paid just now?" #*\u25a0 "There Is nothing new in co-operation. The Interests of trie railroads and the government have always l.een identical. This has long be,. recognized liv railroad men. The railroads proa- per onSy'wfirT the general public prospers." Then Mr. Gould was asked about the busi- ncrs outlook, and answered that some decree retrogression in business activity seemed probable, r.ddir.rr. "Wall Street prices don't measure values. I wouldn't sell my Missouri Pacific stock for I."><> \u25a0 not that anybody is offering that for It. thi-.uir'i. TTie prospect now is thrt the stor.!: will earn B*£ per cent^in thr 1 fiscal year end- ing June SB. Barrinp floods or earthquake. there will be no diminution of the present divi- dend rate of S per cent." Asked why Missouri Pacific Stock had de- clined so seriously of late <it closed yesterday at 13%, and a few days ago was p<-!ii:^ under 70). Mr. Could said: \u25a0Jltt FMf)j in a i"rle'.;<3 of rninf "ml rvas a friers of my father, lie l«= a mar. of hi| trtanding and "f *\u25a0*'• :.!-:• railroad experience :\n*l evor Blr«c« h" !of» !':•• | < v ,;r.. : ,- of ih'-- [Uta Central, last fell. It haa iK-en my purr t'> Invit-3 him t"> become a director of the Missouri Pacific. Ho will be i«i'*-<i a member of the executive com- mittee. Yrs. he is a stockholder in the eoiii» pany." Mr. Fisli declined to comment on tilts .^lpction to tit- MlfiKrarlPiclCr board. "\u25a0whteh had especlaJ intrropt f»r \\n" Etr * in low of tho hostility rwtv. ft>n « Jonrt;':- J. GoU-d. president Of tttC Mi:-- Fouri farifl". and E. 11 KafHaiaii. and of th« oti«tin?r of Mr l'ish last fall by Mr. Harrlman froiii thf |>residency of the Illinois Central, wh'rh h*» had administered fur twenty years. Mr. <;<.': yesterdaj* aftfrnoon declared tbet the \u25a0 -rru'-. of Mr. J-'i 'i Into ih~ Misuari Pa- cifi.' <lirfolorr.t« lin^'i ' •> fc<»iins on *''" rela- tions betwwsi itw <:r>u!J and Karri i systcrna. He added: So Bearing on Relations Between Gould and llarriman, Says Former. At tfie annual iii^^tin^ yesterday In St. Louis of trio stockholder* of the Mtasour! Paclflc Rnil- vay Camrsxiy. Stuyyesant Fish and J. J. Slo- cuto were elected to Un ;>^Jr<l.; >^Jr<l. tii«» »"i">rr'.°r suc- t-^er'.in.'f Jatne-; 11. Hyde, reslsncd, and tii«» la'tor t«K'«'!,T Hi.-' j.!;i.-r of I!)*- late Ruswll Bag*, who vrs W. 3 ijpother-tn-lasr The other outjoing directors wore ro-plf>ctO(]. SUCCEEDS JAMES 11. HYDE. CIV! VttQsT THEATRE. R-way* F.- i* <* XX PLIT lUfIR Matiaees To .'a-. and Sat 2:1%. 1" MEL. FKOIIMAN'S production of THE SPOILERS M ATI SEE TO-IUV *T 3:IV THE MILLSOF THE fiOOS OmCK OP THE DEPARTMENT or PARKS. ARSKNAL HI ILDINU. FIFTH AVENI X ASH KIXTY KoIKTH ?TRrK.T. noKiil'iJH OF MANHATTAN. THE t'ITV OP NEW V' >I(K SCALED UK'S OR ESTIMATES WILL, BE r»<-eiv»~l by th* Park Hoard ai tho abene oir..« (.? th« l>«-partir.en: of rar<n until."! o'clock l>. ttt. < n .THfRSI.W. \!UU. 11. ISW * iu<inuK^> "f Manhattan, (-i>NTn.\.-r no ;. Foil WORK AXD MATERIALS FOR ERECTION AND COMPLETION OF TH! INTERIOR FINISH IN THE NEW Y<>!'.K PCULIC I.IIUtAHY. APTOR. LENOX \u0084Mi TtLOEN FOI7NT»ATIONB. 1-TKTII AVENUE, FORTIETH AM FORTT BECOND KTREETS. The Security required »M 1b« Foot hundred th"!i»an>l I-- liars The lIIBS n!:..w>4 for iloln? nr. Icompleting the work willt*>»>*t* CALENDAR M"NTIIH after notice t<> t«-Rln wrrk nt iti* buildlns h.n» been Riven Ths bids will t"* compared and tfc«- contract »*arM at n lump \u25a0 r Bitur^iint^ mm. r rinr" may *•>' s*" 1 " and blank forms may be obtained »' | the <>l*l<o nt •(.» I>"pnrtm<"nt of I'arW.«. Ar>enal. •'•ntral I'ark Manhattnn. »n.l sjM at th»- of the architects, Csrrere A Hastings, N->. - JS Bait Forty first »tr«-«>t. Man- sFOß FVRTHBR PARTICULARS SEH rilE CITY [ RECORD." HOSES IIERRMAN, President; JOSEPH I KERRY. Ml MA il. .'. Ki:XNET»T. Commissioner* o( I'ark*. Dated March I>. 1907. IROPOSALH WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE Bureau nt Buppllea and A.'m.i.t \u25a0 Navy pfrnrt- nient. Washington. l' •'.- until li o'emck n m. Man-ti •jrt }\u25a0< <: and publicly nj.*-n.-.i Immediately thereafter, in furnl a; th» navy jrmrd. New V.>rk. N. T-. and thw naval medical supply depot, lir..nkiyit, n y.. specl> fli'tl n ijiiiiiitlt'- of naval »upi>ll^«. as fnll.»w«: s.h. 4'.tT: Tool «lr<-l. nln-et zlnr.-^S.-h. 4W: Blanket*, \u25a0heets, mattresses, towela. bed it. hi.jpitHl »!ii>- pet». operatlßK *\u25a0"* n- etc.. jiatama* S. -h. .-.n>: Crockery, kitchen utenalls.— Bcfc. .'••>!: Metallic mer- cury, opper barreln Sen. . r .n:t: Flour App".iontU>'n (or proposals slum;; derlmats tnr icheiSnle* ii#>-«ireil by numbei Blank proposals will be furnished upon b-i- plication to tlie navj pay oßlee. Now York. N. V.. <t tn th-> Bureau E. B. ROGERS, Paymastei Gi ! U. P. N. 8-B-OT ,-.,:; A »e. 4*l to 4*iu St Evbs S. 2.-.C. to I M Dally Matinees ot 5 Sharp. 33e. to f i no \u25a0\u25a0ks* CIRCUS 9 NEPTUNE'S PIONEER. DAUGHTER. DAYS with rmikl Hallet. with TOO Indian*. I VDlffs \u25a0 *-"\u25a0 •< W. of r.wiy. Tel. MM Bryant. LTnIV Ever.lnpsat 8. Matlne«» Saturday at '.' SOTHERN MARLOWE FAREWELL I To-night. Hamlet: Thvr» . Romfoaod WEEK 1 Julie*. Prices .-,«\u25a0• to »2 00. NEXT V«»M»*V. BEAT BAI.E TO-MORROW, Th« Eminem FPVIFTP )V'Fl I I In Italian \rtlst «-«\ l IL. l\\J ¥ L.L.L.Inepertotre. I..\Rl>K\ TIIE.V 2Tth St. AMa !Ay*. Ev * ?li Mat a T^ Ur BEN GREET PLAYERS zzzzk WCDCD'C R v * 2 1 "- st aSasSj C D C it O Mnr: " .To-rtav*saf |WV to 12. LAST two WEEKS OF BREAM en.* T^ MAGIC mm OL 1 \u2666 iL.C£k THEATRE. «d ?t and Broadway. L>Lj ti*&CJV,VJ nv S ». ?:li. Mats. Thurs. & at i Mats, this and ne« week. Tkwi i Sat. David Ke.-soa I IMB ROSE °» BANGHO presents I = HWOC THK llUntlW lIROPOSALS Foil CL*»TIIINa AND PIBCB GOOIXI - Depart l .' the Interior, on.« of In. Hun Affair*, \Vn»Mn*l"n. D. <".. February 1!». IK'T Sealed proposal* ulslnl) marked on the outside of the envelop*. "Fioposal for <-;'oti:inK." snd sddrtsscd v> the "Commission*.* of In., inn Aflairs, Washington. D C..". will be received a: the lr<ll»n Office until \u25a0.' o'clo>k^Bv iii of Tuesday, M»'c:-. 19 ;:."," and ibeis opened, for TSirntshlriK the Indian service with clothlnc and piece g<H*t«^ Bids nui^t bp made out on Government blanks. Schedules glvin* all nectary Information for bidden will i.- turntshcdu.on aprllcatlon to the Indian Office, Washtnstuii, 1> c. th»~ I. S. ln!!:ir Warehouse* nt New York City. Chicago.' 11l St. !<ou!». Mo., unil Onahs Nebr. The IVpartment re- serves the right to rajeei any and all bids, or any p.»i- of any bid. v E I.Kill. Commissioner HcAdoo Superintendent Must Pay $50 for Keeping Too Much of Explosive. R. S. Courtney, fupcrlntfndent 'if the McAdoo t/urrels of Jersey City, who was arreated on Peb- runry 4 for permltUac larsjc cju::rt!t!es of dyna- mite to he stored on tlif docks of the Delaware^ I.ark:!w.-inr.;» A- Western Railroad, in I'.t'i <-:rpf-t. was fined ?r.9 yesterday by J;i<lf*- Hipirins. of th» First Criminal Court, on the < .n. plaint of James Connolly, {nppector •\u25a0' combustibles. In the eases of \u25a0uperi«tmdeßta Barbs sod Keyes \u25a0utenep was Btispended. They Fnid that the ex- riioflve found by the inspector was the sam<» Ftuff as that which formed the basis of th«? complaints formerly ma<;e isaiasl them, sjst or. which tIK-y \u25a0era fined $.V> each. The dofetidr.rts were ropro- rcr.ted by William T> Edwards, attorney for the Hudson companies. Mr. Edwards sal.J th« weather \u25a0conditions were siirh that St was ;:• 'I'BBarj th:u th» explosive should be thawed O!»J In place* in \u25a0which it was found, and that every effort sra« made en the part of the tunnel oSlt-ials to conform witn thft rules laid soars by the Fir* Department. Judge Hißßir.s si Id the dynamite must l-e <ils - BSSJOi '' "'it ti<. Nt further delay, SO tj afford a X<ro<M»r sateg'uard. < '(.urtinv v.::^ r.arnr.l by Jud«W Hipp.r.s to Ob- eerve extraordinary pre«autlotMi In the <=torit:p oi \u25a0«iynamltp In the fut«r«\ Courtney \u25a0-:.-.". the nias:.- *ine In which the explosive was k<-;.; bad U-.-.-i ImiJt in conformity with the rules <>: the Fit \u25a0 D<- j.atur- hut th«t he would take steps to have •till further precautions provided. FINED FOR STORING DYNAMITE. LOCKED UP IN LIONS DEN. IllAni^ON "SO i E-* :.-.M«.T. . \u0084 t2u. RiAUIOJn °«* CARLOTTA >ILLSO> I ill m it-.. times 8 y •• THE 3 Cf IS. Li Ay J ATTAll nir..\TRF vw*y sid aai sr IWlffiSel In Warm's Pnftssia Tc-.lav and Sat. Utlo.t With .MARY SHAW. A Pl/CTT Mattre»s <hur». .<• Sat at KM II -' I LI I 8v... *:3i» f>- a Q*«W| 1" '\u25a0» Thea . «.'! st . w Q.-B-wayßs^s 911211 thorn*> 1 drtf!! nUlsi **"***. nonERT iiilmakd x co. 1 N J *nd Scotch MeUrer*. Uu* tS- i X LUll l«L«;«l.t ROBERT HIIIIVRH * sal ', AUHIHL , t wnrde, vhoul \u25a0»«« aas) §%3 Mai. Sbßbb*. Isc iClrl*. Sydney C.rint. eebtsa. 11l HAl'lhnn L^>»' \u25a0 rol«ntal Seotel. »lII* Wallace h HA ! nH I* »* 'olonial seotei. Nellie WiUlaea, 9 HLIHV -IIM -3e- I U- tea.. Uavel * tuwrenre. lit IfOTID Ur«n<twnv :>i.ii r.:"! 1 - Tel. ::.'<o» Cots mAJtull'j E»«s * i:. Mats o day A Sat. 2 15. ON PAROLE A rm^ ary rUXrCM Tel - - SIH Mad. Evenings »3» D-way * 29th. I Mat-. Than and Sit. at 3 -'" M\K«.\IUI f THE CKKAT I llh>H\ a >V. i m I mVII'K nun i^ I sTafVI I Hr adw;> bet. nflt*" * "Ist BtS O 1 J \J %J Hats To-day JL Pat.. - '•'•• Mme. Nazimova "^^(^j PlPlsin Broad wsv snd N ."«»tli St. Te!. IMI Bryant. Ulie Mi Kv*« H.tV Mnttnee Saturday at -Mj. LOUS MANN In rilK WHITK HEX." .WrilflSl!. Mat To-day. Bs*t seat* ft M -IHE KO.\l» TO YKSTEUUAY rTrVtrfvTiv^Tri T IUVAY A «!CTM ST. Eve. 8:13. LllNLlJl.n Ct\l» Mat« To da] an.) Sat . -.' i* K.llenne «ilr:ir<l I .t. J Matinee m day. 2.V. and 50e. CHAUIKY'S At'NT. I 1 Concert*. 50c.. $1.00. March IS—Til* Wlllinm Morris. C.» in the Btb'.lcai,h l-v- Drama. .. THE h.h.y ciTT." AMMERSTEIIQ \u0084 - »£. I»uUt !Ve»ta VU'totto. Clayton White ft Start* Mats. Stuart. Ward « Curran. Julian Rot*. S3e. BOr. I Bruno * Russell. Other*. Hippodrome Performers Get Belligerent and Sober Up in Strange Prison. . Sidney Jotics, a prx-rial officer at the Hippodrome, found two men very macs the sparse for wear ljinr upon t!i<- floor of the lion's room yesterday. They swrt obviously, he says. In need \u25a0\u25a0' assist- ance. Ti:»- two men wore so weak that tin-.. rouM hardly Ftrucsle. to th. r fee*. One of them was an Indian. Nathan I>mf Wolf, nnd the other was an Aral<, Mobsjnraed Or'i&n. Both tin- Indian and. the Arab had hffn tixhttnx. Joe Kanrahan assist- snt Ktace man.nß'-r ai th»« had lorked Them up in the .-nipty lions' <le;i until t!i-y became SOix»! . j»nd they jcrwnt the nipht tin-re. PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY of MM Frl March I."V '-:Srt >' m. Sat.. March In S:ts r. »• \V\SSII.Y »ArO%Orr. Conductor. Solol»t: roitHINNK Rlin.B-liEI.SEV. >mpimmm. Program: Symphony. C minor. Uav.ln. Aria ;»!« Verdure «1..1.- H»v«ln: Aria. "Ah verSdo. B«etMo\ea Symphotiv 'N>> " ••Crolcn." Ileetheven. BC'X OFFICE OPEN PMI.T FROM » TO ft. CARNEGIE HALL- . Last EicitiT. :k?&. 1 ye w 1 ii| M t March i«i» aL aa Su o 0 3a pvj t A«.l»led ky MME. nO*IXA LHBITIXM* Seats Mr to $1..*.0 at bo* office and lt>E»si X.tß ••• BTEINWAY PIANO USED. LECTURE BY OR. E G. H:RSCH. The) Rev. Dr. Kmll <; Ulrwij. of Chlraco, v.-IU lecture lM>for« Ibe nemben" .->f t rif> Free Synagogue <"> Sunday morning ut t!ie Hudson Tlif-.«r»' and Ir. \T:» *;tern<K>n at Clinton Halt Ho will also deliver i.Tt tddres* befor* tt:e Voting lien's Hebrew Asso- ciation at thtir lval!, 32J strrct nnd \a Klnato avc- one. on F:in<i;ti r evtsUng nt.S o'clock, Dr. Hlmcli I«! the *i!o:te,r In Vac ntsu nssin is save religious Bfrvioos j:i Jctrith places of worship "i Sunday, t.nd n - i!l oome fro;ii Cfcieaca « kpreasly to aid tUe fUr. Dr. Siephen S. Wise In bis work to establish u jf<""e «yna:cr!EU<» in this .;>. !(•• is iir.l.- o* r^r.hi«ilrr;t Htwcture in the l"r!vt«rs!ty of Chicago, llf-* »^liior of 'The Reform A"*.v-y*\p."~ a member of tin. Illinois Stato p.oird of «*!iarit|p« nnd ii,.- rabbi of th«» l^rpest Jrulsli inct'-cmt-.ti hi lie l>n« trfvn ««hoj«-n. together with i*isV.o;» I'-.ti-r ami >rchbi«hon J"arlfy. :o a/ldress t!v> <.'arri»*Tlt.' l*eac« sn«^e^:\u25a0 in this city. LECTURE COURSE Ty IIS. JAMES J. WALSH. Ph. D.. tl- A* - Now netnic Given at MENDELSSOHN HALL. 119 West 40th «* on THURSDAT MORNINGS AT 11 A M. Subject. "Some Women Who Did." Studies of »»•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 characters in history. _,— Tickets for Single Lectures now on sale at tna a*» Offire of the Hall. lift West 40th St. ..^ In aid of the. Cancer Homes of the Servant* of P«'» i rnry i \\>>kli> IN wax. «»p»»^'fJ" J ** EDEN I eixiaiATOGK.\rn e»«it »• . im 13. Warren Kean*Ct-limli acd "A"-*** METROIH>MTAN «rEKA HOI LAST WEEK OP OPERA SK\sn\ DIT "NT. T.. night si S. AII>A-Ecra» Earn—. Klrkby-Lunn: Caruso Stracclart. i-Unco>. Muhlmann. Coml.. Vbsjbb. ,-,i An Men. !.•. >• I -•". XpeTlal I'tm.rm* TESTIMONIAL tendered to Mr. Kmll Fischer. V, \[ i<i ERE |Ac< l> Fit —wad. Ituriistaller. Pla»». I.OHENi;iUN (Act ll>— <ladskl. Schumann 11-lnk. C.'iiu. MEISTERSIKOER «Act 111) «ia.l!.kt. Schumann-Heink; l'lHiel. Qorits, Rciss and Kmil Fischer. c»nd. Hern. i-'i Evs Mch. 13. at », i,\ HHII.ME Alt»,». Cttru.lo. Scott I.Jiumet. Conductor. Vi»na >at. Ml. Mch. IS. .it -'. SIADAMA «t TTERFLT— Farrar, Homer; Caruso, Wiswelarl. Keiss. Pufrtche. Muh.- raann. It^ruA. Conductor. Vlsjna. _ \l'^ ' •_ s»i i',. itch I* pop rrlcen. at *». TOSCA—Emma Kanie«. Jacob) Dl|>i*>l. Scoltl. Uufrl-he. Ba-s. l>gue. Conductor, Vlansa. t7 (POP. PRICES), AT 8:30. six kv«; MARCH IT «FOP. PKICSS>, AT S.SO. LAST BIT ONB «n.\M» SIM>,\Y NIGHT <ONCERT. Soloists: Fremstad. KlrUl-y-l-uun: Rarg»»aller. Aan Rooy; Arthur Hochmann. Pianist. F.ntlr* Metropolitan Opera House. Orohealra Conductor. Herts. LAST WEEK OF OPERA SEASON. Mon. Ev« . Mch IS at B, AIDA Emma Eames. Homer; Caruso, Stracci:-.rl. Plancon. Muhlmann. Con- du-'tor. Vlcnu. Tues. Eva;.. Men. 19. l»t S:3O. DAS RHEINGOLD— Premstad, Weed, Schumann-Kelnk. Alten. Ralph; Burgs taller. Van Rooy. Oorlti. Dlppel. Kelss. Munl- mann. Ev"'. Journrt.' at»?MAI>AJIA BCTTKRFLT Wed. Bvs., Moh 2<». at «. MAI>AMA BI'TTERFLT Farrar, Homer: Caruso. Scott I. Mu'.ilmar.n. l>urriche. B«ltu*. Conductor. Vlcna. Tuurs. Ev .. Mch. SI. at ?:30. DIE WAI.KIERE Gadskl. Fremstad. Schumann- Helnk; Burg»taller. Van Rooy. Klaus Conductor. Herts. Fri. Evg . Mch. 22. at B, PAGLIACCI— Farrar: Caruso. Stracclarl. Relss. Simard. Conductor. Vlgna. Preceded by HAENSEL USD GRETEL Mattfeld. Alten. Schuma,nn-Heink. Weed: Oorlts Cond.. Herts. The sale of seats for next week's performances be- gins to-morrow (Thursday* at » A. M. Mon. Evsr.. Mch. 2.1. at T:SO KIEQFRIED Wed. Kvk. Mch. 27. at 7:3(>OOETTEUDAEMMERfNO Fri Evg.. Mch. 21» i»;oo<1 Friday*, nt .1 P. M.. Last Performance of senson. PARSIFAL. SEATS . NOW ON SAKE. WEBER PIANO I SEO. 1/% 1" St. Nicholas Rln*. Wth St. and Col- * ' |_/ >. Is Sessions To-day. Skates Fr*a. *-•*» SKATING. ! Band. - IRVINH I*l*-\CnTITUATRE. Te»-B«Rht. S-.3©. and m * »^*VJ sat. Mat. "l»ir AVAISi:VOX I.OHDO!)" (••jana Eyre").- Tnur«air. i>ik PoiTr.l. i:m: aimup CHAJiriO>*Sllir. Record brooking amateurs: The marvelous D*n»" reat. Gardner. Conktln. Possenburg and Dr. »' a * '\u0084 final H.» ban. line game* at Llederkrens C!ub. ««* Street ano Park Arena* Kvenlng matches at \u25a0••» Tickets may purchased. $1.00. at tha *««•.-\u25a0 THE MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. FOREIGN TORTS. Liverpool, March 12 Arrived, steamer Gecrglc (Cr). An- ninK. New York. Copenhagen. March 12. « am Arrived, steamer Hellls; Olav (I'm.'.. Hoist. New York via Chrlsttaniiand. Cherbours. March 1-. 4 I- m—Arrived, utearmr Kaiser Wllheln tier Oroaee (Ger). Wettln. New York via Plymouth for Bremen (and proceeded) Gibraltar. March 7— Arrived, st—rears lie'lerby (Rr). <>!- sen, New York for Leghora; 12th. Frledrlch der OrOatd lOer). Uleeker, New Yolk for Naples (and proceeded); "th. sai.ed. steamer Saunlo (Hal). Manclnt (from Na- ples). New York; ltth, lasfel, strainer Cltta li Torino (Ital). Ferraro. Genoa and Naples for Ni w York. Havre. March 12, '.» a m—Soiled, steamer La Uascogne (Fr). Hrrdrißi-on. New York. Montevideo. March 11 Arrived previously, steamer Etona (Mr). Davis. New York. Isle of Wight. March 12—Passed, steamer La Oaacogna <Fr). I'erdriseon, New Voik. F»t<-anier3 Antonio Lopes (Span), f. r Cadis, etc; I>hnebU3 «"!rr). Flu iiir.K. Kaiser Wllhelm li lOer>, Bremen via riymouth an.l Cherboarg; WenrM.le (ltr». Norfolk; El Paso, Galveston; Rutherglen |Br>, Norfolk: Hermlnua (80, MonteviJeo; Coloi-n.1,. ißr>, Hull; Kanaka city, s.i vannah; Jamestown, Norfolk.and Newport N'eus; Arapa hoe. Charleston sad Jackaonvllle; Virginia i(ler>, lnuicua Wlnyah. I'hlladclp'hla; American. Coatzaci4i!cc3; Portii i:ico. Baltimore. ; »toerac«- r- 1 " engsrs, malli end mdse. Arrived nt the Bar at * 'J> p. m. steamer Altai iOer>, KtrchhofT, Kingston rebrttar* 55 Colon '.'."• and Port Lir.-on March 2. ... th« Ilamburt> America a Line. «!th Hslit paasfngers, malls and radae. Arrived at the Bar at 2:4.'» p. m. Rteamei J.-«»ph <".i Oi>iri<> iNor), Simile. r..rr Antonli Mar. li •:. to tin Atlantic Fruit Cotnrany. with fruit. m- tlved nt the Bar at 5:30 >\u25a0 m. Bteumer AtUntt* l.Nor), NletsKi, xi|« nay March n to the Duinoii n i>- Comyany, with fruit. Arrived 01 it,- liar fit 4 a in. St.- \u25a0 I.i« r Smol*p«M iKu»a>, rat ton, Üban February IS nr.,l Hotter iiim34 to the C 11. Richard A- t. 1 ... L.i: w|, h 1.013 stcenino pcsseneer* anil ndae. Arrived at the Rar at a m Steamer Arcadia (Cert, Tiui;r:»». Hamburg Februnry jo » , the llnnil.uix American Line, with I.OM >-t»-era|t«~pus Mngers and m!>••\u25a0 Arrived at th« Uur a- 11:30 \u0084 m illth). rt.-m.- Philadelphia. Crockett. Puerto Cabello March 1. ''urnca" 3 I a Uuayra -4 -if i San .li.n>> (>. to n-.t>n.-n n>iia i Dallett, with iv paasenger*, mails and rotlse. Arrived at the Bar -->t I '-ic. a in. Steamer [Cons Freda lXor». 11-.n:-n. port Antonio March (t. in the Cunco Trading Company, with fruit A»Tlv* the Bar nt 1:30 p in. gtfa'.ner Han .laclnlo. Kvnn». CalveKton Marrh « nnl Kp.v West •-'. I" the .Mallon 8* Co with passengers an i, -..:•«\u25a0 Hanetl l!> Quarantine at S:6IJ a in . Steamer Says Hale, Geor#etown, 8 •'. Mirch 7 an i WiliriritUn N «'. '•• t" lie Clyde Ss Co, with l.nls- Passed In Quarantine at IO:2D it m. steamer Hlo Grande, Jor.natcne, New Orleans March 3 rii,,' Brucswlck :>. tc tha Mallory :-s «... with \u0084„. anJ md«e. Passed In Quarantine at l:«is i- m. Steamer Jefferaon. Dole., Newport News ar.i\ Norfolk to the old rv>mlnlnn Ss Co, with passengers .>t.,| rtu)»e passed In Quara nine at -:.".4 p m. Bandy Hook, March 13, !>:?.o p m—Wind south s<>uth- west: moderate breeze; cloudy. SAILED. NEW SEAMEN'S INSTITUTE. The A!ncr>=n BcasAea's Fri»r<l Society, which;-Mj t!ie oM Sailors' Homo, nt No. 190 Clienj- *trect, for I stjr-srn years, Is about to begin its new work In West strict, opposite the Cun:*-rd Uiie pier. Sozne of th« features of the new inf .'.jlU- rooms for about Z'S- Til -.i. this part ir.odVi:*-! 1 ! after the Mills Hotel; free ehl^plng bureau: Sjorial. r«»;i«iinK. wrJtinfr. smok!::^ and in- rooms; La;ik'i.K faciliti«a, a : \u25a0 r. eailons ran ,'.-1.,-.t iin»ir \v;<;;i-s: auditorium for lectures, ccnerrts a:ij n<>- ~cnl tniei-t^iiiinents; clubrooms for ctl'cers ami < :\u25a0- glw<in a*««J a cha|»cl where rellpiom work of :.!i li»terd»*iio»Hintitional etiaractcr can i•• carried on -mo; Ui« Z/Mi s,-aitn in the Immediate rJctnltjr. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. inKIATTRB AI.MWA- Buariss 6:lo'Pun »»t» \u25a0'\u25a0 Moon r:p»« fi.lC Maoa'a m-» 2;» HIGH WATER. AM Bandy Tl'» 7:03 •- Uland 7:.V» \r\\ Cute U23 P.M.—Sandy Hoc*. 7:30;G0v. ! land 7 Hell Gat* It;.'.. 1 ! V. IHKI.K.-S REPORTS* The Vlderlttld, which j-frterl t,i Si:i»ii'<-.ns»t nt ."• •. m yefterda; when sevcntj - -!tvo hilWm r«i«t .if Nantuckei H'uth Shoals LUhUhlp. 1? expected to dock about a m to-day. INCOMING STEAMERS. DAT. Vessel From: ur.o •i"F'l>7'H Chrtstlansand. March 2 fmnj Am •Futik \u25a0 \u25a0 Glass"! \u25a0 Mi>r-h 2 An.-hir •Xteu» Ansterdam Rottetdan March 2 Hollai Am •V«derland , .Antwerp. March a Red 9Ur Itr- •••«;» ::<\u25a0•.:\u25a0\u25a0 ---.i-.a K.-hruary .'! Brlato] Ulrlken.T: S<-vll!<-. February 22. . ( Idaho... ... Hull, February 21 Wilsos Narragansett .Shields. February 21 Ituprerh* Victorian Liverpool. Marrti l White Star •.Mujfdilc . guevnstown, March 7 White Star \u25a0 'earensa Para, Man!i 2 .. .. Booth Weimar Bremen. February »s» s N <; I.lnyu 1/Kiiria aibrattat February 27 . Italian El No Ualveftoa, March 4 Bo Pacific Chicago City Swansea, February 2*, Bristol Tin i:si»av march 14. •Maraces Port Hpaln Mai •. ... f:..] n Patricia Plymouth", March .'• Hamb-Am N'-Knr Gibraltar, 11 .i.-li 4 \ »; i,|oyd Cityof Atlanta. Sayan Morcb 11 Savannah FRIDAY. MM., 1". •Advanc* 1 'oli :.. March !• Panama ("arputhin .C'brallar. March .'. I'unard California... HavTC. Marrh .". French Kueces ....... Gulveston, .Mhk-ij •« Ma I lor) SATITIIIAV.MARCH Ii •ft Usula \u25a0 \u25a0 '-i.-ii \u25a0 - March v . American \u25a0Campania ...... . ..Que^nntown. March l" Cunard •Amertks Cherbourg;. March D .... Hamb Am •l^a Tpuralne Ha* re. March '.1 . French Mtnnr-hNhs linixlnn March 7 Vtlim Tr Xl Win Galvetron, March l'» '.* s..'ci-- Cit> of Memphis Sa\a;.n.-ih. March v\ r.Sa'vattnab •Clings mall. OUTGOING STEAMERS. TO-DAY. Vetset Vrr Unv Matlrlrtses rails Baltic. Liverpool. White Star I:3oam RT»> a m fj-jti-une. KinJaneiro. Bloman U:.'Soam 8:0Or>m l'arlina. TrlnMatl. Quebec 12:30 pm 3on \u0084,,', Potsdam, Rotterdam Hollnti'l-Am ... SUOain l.lKur'.n Kaplea Italian J . Fan Marcos, (jalvMton. Mallnry 3:(x»pm Coinua, New Orleans. So Pacific 12:00 m AlK'-nnufi'. Jacksonville. <'l>ilt> .•>,,,, rrl Jamestown. Norfolk Olii Dora 3-00 urn THtTRSOAT-, MARCH 14. ' i 1a Bavole. Havre. French.'. 7:'»>nn> tn: ooam t'nltod States. fhrlftUan«and. Scan Am 0:30b m 12:OOm Mexico, Havana. Ward .. !i.iH»iiin 12:0O m Queen Mary. Arc- nil-, .- IMK»m 3:oopm Kmndenburit, Bremen, N <; Mo •! ... 10:40s --i i"a:.:-< mi.- Naples, Canard 12:00 m ill. .f Mn<-on. Savannah. Savannah.. ' B:oUpm n S'u.l. laI v «\u25a0!•;.. r.. - 1 -'" Pac 3:<iopni Moortie, Norfolk, <>ld I<<.mlni<m .... -\u25a0- 3:<M>pni FRIDAY. MARCH IS Prln^ WiiVm I. Kaytl. 1) W I 11 <>O a m 2no p m Colon, '\u25a0..l-ti. I'tinnn II :. - m a\u25a0„ 3:00 I. rti Altai. .laii'-ii \u25a0«•, llamb-Am 11::ii» :i i,i ":00um ];. :ii:'.-.-.-. I'iin. Booth l2:»IOiii 3:oodii) A4a. Camp The. Thebaud rj:<M; :il 8:00pm Babtne, Brunswick, Matlor) . _^ t:oUpm '\u25a0\u25a0in iij'l:*-. Jacksonville, 1 '\\ \u25a0:•• ... ._^ '•• \u0084, t> '" Hu.:i:n a Norfolk, Old pom ... _ . S:oo|iiii TRAJCBPACX7IC 'MAILS. I^^tll\u25a0.nt^on and steapier. / due in.\>w York Uj'an .ex.-»i.t paroala po«t malls). Coras, China arnt Itilltpplne lxlnnua tvta Vancoi'ver and Victoria. It c>— impress of Itvlla To-Oay, C:CO » m Jepan. conaa, <l;lna and Hhtttpplo* i Islands (via Seattle)— Kas* Maru. .. ila:ch 14. G:oopm I Japan. Cans an.l China (specially ad- ! dressed only, via Tawima) . .March 15. 6:00 pm 1 Hawaii, Japan. Cojea. China and Fhll- : ipptne Islands (via San Francisco). .March 22. 12:30 am ! Au»iralla (except West;, Fiji Islands '• and New C&ledonla (via Vancouver . and Victoria B O—Aoraagl March 24. «:00 pin , infill (via San Francisco)— March 2'». 12:30 am Hawaii. Japan. Oor<-a and China (via £sn Francisco)— Coptic March 29. 12:30 am SHIPPING HEWS. Port of Hew York, Tuesday, March 12, 1907. ARRIVED. Strainer Curnoa Atr»« (Span). Aidamlz. Genoa February If-. Naples 22. Itan en na 'Si. ilalaca. 2" and CaUti 28. to Un Comi»iuUa TraeatlanUca, with 3t> cabiu and £60 There «*?.\u25a0 only one complainant at yester- day's hearing, Wolff Rosenbltlth, of No. lir«<» East Houston street. H*» tolJ the magistrate that on March «'> Waselbaurn came to his house, a perfect ranger, and told his wife that he had been sent from her sister in Chicago. Mrs. Rosenbluth told him her sister was in Rut* ,r.i 3. and Waxelbaum. it Is alleged, replied; "Then you have evidently not learned from her that* Bite rune to this country recently to escape a charge of arson made against her in Odessa. Russia." The complainant says th- prisoner told his wife that he had a present Of $2Ti for her from her sister. The fro.>.! news caused her to off« him the freedom of her home, with the result that a pair of diamond earring*, valued at $110. strangely disappeared. Tsi« r<» are several other victims, it is s.ii'l The police say his pktur? hangs In the Rogues" Gallery. XEW YORK LIFE GAINER. Only One of "Big Three" tilth In- creased Business Since 190/ . According to figures mad« public In the financial district yesterday, tha Sew York Life Is the only one of the. "Bis, Three" companies that had mora Insurance In force on December 31, 1906. than on December SI. 1901. The figures show that the "Hip ThrecV amounts of "pald-for" Insurance in force or. December 31 of each of the last three years were as follows: iaaa Isfl* "*** VorKlifo.- i^VT^ [iwJlHlMe IM****» Tof's $4,«23.53».267 15 1M -"\u25a0 T" 1«-».971.7Cr..8«) Th.- figures show also that the "Wg Three' «peri tal l«« of SlttOT.M intheamount .. ln f,..,0 i-, ISOB. a,, «-,y'M, ,f M6^.B» ns compared w,i.. l.v .-,.,,. ; , \u0084f the leading life Insurant mpa Dies It Is declared. Including the three companies noted had a total of ».*».«8.23 insurance . L.i force <\u25a0•\u25a0 December 31. 190 Xas compared with »v- 891 15U968 In four, on December 31 ISMo. and SB.4S-,.- Mi«ll in fore at the end of i " Thus, the gain in fne amount In force in IS* was only tM.»6,- as compared with a gain of 540i.909.943 in ISO,. The figures show that the "Big Three" and the twenty-eight other companies' amounts of Insur- ance in force at the end of each of the last three years were: ">M 1005. IW4. Tou j, $«!.0;9744'<.322 18.W1.151 BO* »>.4^f».24C.C:7 To a Tribune reporter Sew York Life officials denied unreservedly that there was any foundation for the printed statement that ****£*£. <* T ££'. aent his resignation to the board of «™«tors Th company's nsular monthly meeting will take pla< tO The J international committee's manager made pub- lic an affidavit by Dartd Kerbs, of No-l* Kast ';, ?tre"t. declaring that on l>ecember 14 be executed a ballot In favor of the mit< I committee b ti<-k«*t. and adding that he (Mr. Kerbs, had been told that another ballot purporting t.. bear his signature and to have been witnessed by one --.John Harrison h:)d been cast at the election. Mr. Kerbs swears that he did not eign or execute such a i allot The committee's manager declared that the in- spectdra concluded the casting •\u25a0•I counting oi a second Kerb? ballot running to the Mutual I*ife •admir.istratioi)" ticket an 1 the consequent "void- Ing" of the original ballot. The second ballot the manager characterised as a forgery. raying that the inspectors had been unable to finil it in its proper place a/ben the manager sought to see it. JtOAD MAKERS MEET. An steers "Ad" in a X ens pa per, and Women Nab Him. An advertisement placed In a Jewish evening newspaper was the undoing yesterday of Joseph Waxelhaum.' As scon as ii" answered it and presented himself to the advertiser be was attacked by a score of angry women, who later told Magistrate Sweetser, in the Essex Market court, that Wazelbaum "as a swindler of th.? first water. W'axelbaum, who lives at >."o. K> Columbia street, will be arraigned before Mag- istrate Sweetser tor further examination on Friday niornlnj. ALLEGED FAKER CAUGHT. Government Will Begin Manufacture of Weapons New Type Developed. Washington. March 12.— Rear Admiral Mason, chief of the naval burea-J of ordnance, has Juct completed plans for the construction of a torpedo factory at the Newport na\ai station, end he ••x- pect.-; to advertlwi at once for proposals for th« construction of the building and the supply of the necessary plant] Teal &'.'• be the first time tho j'.i\i-rnm'r.t has undertaken to make Its own t0r- ,..,:.. s on a lire sculc. The <•!\u25a0!\u25a0;.•. re bureau has available 112.000 for beginning thin work. The appropriation cannot I** touched before the beginning of the next year, but to have time Admiral Mason decided to jet the contract* at once, with th» proviso that work shall not begin before July 1. The new factory will give employment to at least two hun- dred skilled workmen. it is purposed to make every part of th«? torpedo *-xc"i>t the steel flasks which contain the compressed air used to drive the engines. Material of particular excellence is re- quired for these flasks, owing to the high pressure they r>r<» obliged to sustain, ranging in the case of the latest torpedoes up to more than three thou- sand pounds to the square Inch. The machinery necessary for their mnnufucture is expensive, and expert workmanship is required, so that it is be- lieved to be cheaper to procure them from the can- <•< ms now making similar Basks for commercial uses than to undertake to make them in a, govern- ment workshop. The present typo of :r:v:ii torpedo runs 3.500 yard 1 under water at ilv averase speed of WVi knots, but experiment* conducted by the ordnance bureau have d«vol«»i>ed a torpedo thai will attain the spe-ed of .".'> knots an hour nt -i distance of one thousand yards, and It is pu^.-,*.>l«. that this type will bo adopted when full? developed, and will be turned out at the Newport factor/, iasioad at the present standard Qrnm> NEWPORT TOEPEDO FACTORY PLANS. Presents Dalmatian Puppy to Engine Co. 33 to Take Place of Dead Mascot. Alfred <J. Vanderbilt surprised and pleased the. members of Engine Company 33. of East 6Ttr. street, yesterday by Informing them that he will give them \u25a0 valuable dog to take the place of the. lamented Pinkie, which was killed last Friday by railing down the pole bole. The firemen received a letter from Mr. Varderblit in whicS he Raid that he had r<-a.i In the papers about the death of the dog and nsked them to ac- cept as a substitute a Dalmatian puppy. Fore- man Levy showed the letter to Fire Commissioner I^antry and asked if he could accept the doR. The Commissioner readily coaeented, and further In- structed Secretary Downs to write a letter to Mr. VanderbHl thanking him for his kindness and ex- tire«slr.jr the appreciation not only of the men or the compan-. but of himself an<l the whole depart- ment for Ills remembrance of the New fork fire heroes. A. G. VANDERBILT GIVES DOG. Mr. Bryan Unexpectedly Appears at Pittsburg Convention. [By Telegraph to The Tri'pune.l Pittsburg, March 12. The fourth annual meeting of the Amfrlcan Roadmakers' Association opened hor* to-day, with about 1,000 delegates In attend- ance. New York and Sew England were ell rep- mi •\u25a0- : One of the features of the day was th« appearance of William .J. Bryan p.t the hall at Carnegie Institute. H< had not Iwen expected, and the delegates rose ami welcomed him warmly. Mr. Bryan was a surprise furnished By Itate Senator Klinn, of Pennsylvania, «• last midnight railed him out of bed at Washington, Perm., where he had !''- f -n lecturing, and Induced him to come over to PHtaburg. Mr. Bryan made a short address. Tt was brought <• it to-day that .-. new roa.l 1 etweea Ptttsburgand Philadelphia Isoneol the ideM <>f Die rVnnnyUania delegates. Isaac B. Potter, of New York spoke on "Wheels.*: Stephen Ryan, of New York talked on "How We Are Spending $SO;000/MI) for improvements In N<»w York " Augustus W. Post of New York. spoke on Wanderings of an Enthusiast for Good Roads." E. I. Powers, a New York publisher, read an Interesting iS paper •» ( On \u25a0Past Present and Future of Good Roads Building Vmi l th; d oU speakers during ihe day were Amonc lh«- other speakers during th* day were Chairman W. K. McCUntoclc. of the Massachusetts Highway Commission, who spoke on Massa.-liii- setts." and ex-<;oietnor BaclieldeT. of New Hamp- shire' Then- art- twenty-Jive inonibera of the Btatr i>jri«ilati:r«- or Pennsylvania attending the session border of the stat« body, and Chairman Hitch- «,«k of the committee, made an address, saying ]\u0084 hoped and expected the legislature this session would appropriate 117.000.000 for better roads In Pennsylvania. _ IF: "in The Trthur.e Currau. 1 \v ishington. March 12. PROTECTION OF NAVAL APPRENTICE^.— Becretarj 1 M*tcalf v.ill ende>Tror lo aecure tl operation of tt u .^ nuthoritlea of Illinois In prevent- l ng \u0084,„ establirhment of iJriukine aatoons nn>l dis- orderly houses within \u25a0 certain limit, about three mile?, of the now naval station now In proceaa of establishment -^ T..ik;- Kluff. near Chicago, with a view to prote ting the morals of the your.;; men to He educated at that station for service i;>. the United States navy. The plan of the Navy •::!';it Is to ..-t.'blish a z'>n»- around the na- val reservation within which ii will !•«» made un- lawful to lo -it'- drinking saloons or other placoa which .-.'.;. lit tend to demoraUze ihe naval apprfn- under Instruction. The law of Congress prohibiting; the fulc- of liquor within one mile of the Foldiers' home in the District "i Columbia baa been suggested as a model for Legislation by the Legislature of lllinfis for tho protection of the <;; Lakes naval station. ORDERS ISSUED.—The following order* have b<-t n issued : ARMT. Major MIL.LARDF. WALTZ. Qs«ersJ start; from Wash- inton to Havana, as chief of naff, army of Cuban pacification, relieving Lieutenant Colonel WILLJAM A. MAN'S". Infantry. Colonel RAMSAY I- POTTS, General Staff; from Wash- ington to t?an Francisco., as chief of staff. Pacific Di- vision. Following transfer and assignments, captains of coast artil- lery. ..M«r' \u25a0\u25a0! MORRIS K. BARROL.U from 72.1 to 1-trh «'.>n-.j»any. Fort Gr»bl< FRANK E. HARRIS fwwn Ist to 89th Company. Kori De Soto; HENRY H. WHITNEY. nil. Compan] to unas*ljcned list: THOMAS F. DWYER. from sth in ir,th Company: EDWARD KIM MEL, from 39th Company to unasslrne<l Hat; ELMER 3 WAI. LACK, from 77th to 9;n Company. Kort War- ren; JOHN T. GEARY, from !>7th Company •• un- as«;gn*><! list; CUNRAD H. LANZA, from 7t»th to l«7th Company; FRED T_ AUSTIX from »th to nth Company. Kort Barranrtß; TERENCE E MI'RPHT from BOlh to 11th Company. Fort Schuyler: JOHN I. III'OHES. from 74th to Bth Company Fort !•,.•>;\u25a0•. HARRY T. MATTHEWS from KJth to 1241 Com- pany: THEOPHII.CS B. STEEL*:, from onassisned lift to SOth Company, an.l JOHN M' BRIDE, Jr. from una*sJsn»d I!st to 74!!-. company. , Vtollcwlnc transfers an.i assignments. firm lieutenants, ceaet artillery, rnlere-l: KAMt'EL S. O'CONNOR fron> lfi'.ith to 72.1 Company HCOH X TAVI^'Ii to I4th Company; rT.ARENCE <;. BUNKER, from HOth Company to uria.-fMgri'-.l 11?!; JOHN STOItCK •\u25a0 m 72.1 Company to unanlgiMd list; EDGAR H ini-: from 80th to Rl«« Company; WILLIS c. METCALF from 7 \u25a0\u25a0•-. to 117th Company, nt Kort Adams. JOSEPH MATSON. from 7Mh ( \u0084 Mh Company, at For) Pr»M« LAflllNI.AWSON. from 117 th to 71' l Company nt Foti S.revcn: JOHN o. STEGER. from 14th to Company; LANIER CRAVENS, from |O2<J to H»th Company; AKTIHi: I. KEESLINO. from nth to 20th Company, an ALBERT L- RHOAI fron» 201 t. <iih Company. Following trarsfeis and a«ltr,mi-n'» fe.-oni lieutenant* ' \u25a0•« artlller: . ordered: BRAINERD TAYLOR froE! *' to •'\u25a0' i ' Company; LAWRENCE C CRAWFORD. fr. m •th to »th Company; PAUL D. BUNKER, from Ilth to POth Company, nt X- H'm llarrii. an.l ALBERT T. BISHOP, from l>n to iilth ITtompany. Major ROBERT F. AMES. from l«t{ to :f>ih InfAntrj'. Major WILLIAMS H. JOHNSTON from JOtfc »o In- fantry. Colonel ROBERT H. R. UH'GHBOROt'GH to ]3t n In- fantry. IJentenant Colcnel WILLIAMA MANX, to Cth Ir.fantrj'. Ma WKNt>Kt. L. SIMPSON, to l'.irh Infantry. Captain ARTHUR S. COWAN to 20th Infantry. NAVY. S»jrjr»>cn J. F. I !:•;-.'au of rr.fliclnc »r,<\ «tinr»ry Navy Department. Anllttn Burgeons I! HAYPEN «r.l y: V VAI to N:iva! Medical Prhoel U'anli'nirti n. Pay I>lrect.->r R. FRAZER, to navy yard Sew York. Pay Director .1. N" sri:?:!. detached from the navy r l. New York; tn rharg.- t uvy |iy ofllrv, Washington, ray lUKj^'-tnr T. V HIi'KS. .'."•>.»«\u25a0: frrrn th» na\y pay offl.V, Washington; t.> .iuty a*... of pay iori>?. «!»h Mntliii at Navy f^r^rtnu-nt. MOVEMENTS OF VESSELS. Th« following movement* of vessels have been reported to the Navy Department: ARRIVED. March 11-Th» Fcorrlm at San Juan; the f'onrwtlrut at Guantanamo. BAILED. Marrh 11 Th» Baltimore, from Ad#n for S*u»z; •\u25a0-* \YU- inir.K'or. from shiinphul fir Nankin. ARMY A\D NAVY NEWS. Cleanses and beautifies the teeth and purifies the breath. Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Convenient for tourists. PREPARED BY Or, Lyon's PERFECT mih Pewder NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 13. 1907. FISH OX 4 \W BOARD. Regiftereft Trade Mark Lace Cloths -. ..\u25a0,".•.-\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 For Luncheons and Banquets. A very complete collection of the newest and most attractive French and Italian I ..ace Trimmed Cloths, many of them combining needle point and Anglais Embroidery with the lace. ROUND » yds $27.50 to $125.00 each ''„ yds! 35.00 to 175.M each o " yds! ' •'•' "" to 25^.O'> each 31, yds! 100.00 & loO.Ort each 4 yds 1 _'."». & 185.09 eacn SQUARE AND OBLONG Napkins to match 35.00 to '75.0!) do* ;"..xi."-> yds 42.50 to 150.00 each 2i,*x:i " yds 50.01) to 275.0!) each s i"x;; 1 , yds 57.50 to 325.00 each •m~.x4 " yds 65.00 t0 250.00 each 2 4x3 yds 85.00 to 340.00 each Napkins to match.... 37.50 to 100.00 doz. •• THE LINEN STORE f * James McCutcheon &Co. 14 WEST 23D STREET. Established hut/ a century Amusements, Amusements. HIPPODROME p

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Page 1: FISH OX BOARD. Or, Lyon's Stere mih Pewder Lace Cloths · Amusement*. West Twenty-third Street Classique Corsets.comprising the latest Parisian Models speci- ally adapted for Princess


West Twenty-third Street

Classique Corsetscomprising the latest Parisian Models speci-

. ally adapted for Princess and Empire Gowns,

including the small tapering waist and long close fittingbackeffects, in the most desirable materials.

Also Exceptional Values in

French Hand Made Corsets

at $2.75, 3.50, 4.25, 5,50 and 6.75

Monograms and Crests Embroidered.

Complete Trousseaux5n Stock or Made to Order.

Outfits for !infantsImportations of the latest Parisian Novelties in Wearing

Apparel for Infants and Little Children.Christening Cloak, Robe. Skirt. Cap, Veil and Bib, all to match,

made of the finest materials, with hand embroidery and real lace.

A variety of styles in Lone and Short Dresses. Lingerie Coats,Hats. Bonnets, Afghans and Pillow Cases.

Women's UndergarmentsWade in Their Own Workrooms.

Comprising Night Robes. Chemises. Drawers. Petticoats and Corset9 Covers in the newest materials, laces and embroideries.

Bridal Sets a Special Feature.

Stere Brothers

NEW AMSTERDAM *F£Vl? gl,si%Curtain at 7 4." »harp sSßttSse, Saturday, 2.




TiJRIDC THEATRE. Br"art«aj and 40th &tr«et-EMPIRE

™"™-s;::""^ETHEL BARRYMORE «M»

MONDAY. MARCH -Seats Thurslay.


A Hn Play by John O»l»wort ny..f» ft D^Tr-V THEATRE. 3Sth St.. rfirBmadway.6A


\VM. COLLIEK CAtjgEjjWHUDSON M-.- Tn .';,- .r,l S-.t.

- I.".1





TO-NIGHT at B:ls—ATiber's FKA DIAVOLO.Mnies. Plnkert, Olaconla: MM. Bond. ArtmonduGlllbert, Olanc '.allciti, V'enturint. Fossetta. Con-ductor. Campanim

FKI..Mtll. 15. ai I.v -FiotoWi MARTA. Mmo«.Donalcla. f. .'i-M-i s, Save i..i. Zarcarla; MM.

UctK'i. Arlmondi. Gallettl Otanoll, Mugnoz. Con-tlut-tnr. Tanara.'

SAT. MAT., MCH. I*"., nt 2—Double Bill—

Mas-casnls AI.I.KKIA lUSTUANA Mmes. Rasa,Sevarlns, Gtaconla; MM. Venturinl. evellha AndL«oncavallo'i IPAGUACCI, Mmc Donalaa: MM.Ua>.»i. BamtnarcOi \u25a0 illhac, Venturlnl Conductor.Cami aninl

BAT. MtiHT. MCH. 1«. at 8:13— BUlt'i CAR-MEN. Mmea Bressler-Glanoll. Zepplti. Trer.tint.litaconla; MM. Dalmores. Ancona. Utllbert, Muenos.Daddl ItochlKllan Conductor. CampaninlNEXT SI'NDAY SIGHT. MARCH 17—SECOND

CAMPANINI GRAM) (OMKIiT.»:\TI! \H\ rk«\M>iK arrange! and

c-or.c'.urt.j l.y M. CAMPANINI.8ololsts: M«.ii'«. riukeit. |{«i>s. l>.,nil,lit Zep-

pilli. <. MM. llnssi, SamiriMrro. GullettlGlanoll, Altcnevsky, OcceUler and tho Entlr« Man-

..\u25a0:\u25a0•;\u25a0 House Orrhrntra. Sp*cltw-»-StabatMuter iIntluninitttus). with chorus.

POPULAR PRICES, 60c. to $1 so.MON..MCII. |H, at B:ls—Auber"S IK\ DIAVOI.O.

Mm«-j. Plnkert. (tlaconla; MM Bond, Arimondi,GUlbert ';uir«''i-t;nliptt:.Venturlnt. Fossetta, Con-duetnr, Campan'ot

Hrl> Ml11. "IP, at 8:13 14. h arr*--irance ofMMX.MF.III.V.Verdi's RIUOLKTTO. Mmes Melba,tJluoonln. S»-\<Tjna. ZaTrarla: MM Boncl, Anwna.Ari!ii<>n<li. Mugn.iz. K.>.»»»-tta. Hesohtsltan. VenturlnLConductor, \u25a0 'ampantnl.

FBI.. Mill ft. at B:ls—Oounod'i IMST llnItniiani. Mitiph. Do&atda, ZepplUt Qtaconta; MM.lUis« . S-irr.mairo. Arlmondi, Fossstta. Conductor.< iimT'srirl


SAT. MAT.. MCH. eS, ar 2—Flotow's MARTA.Mmi« I' >nal .i.t>« t'lsn^T'is. S»\^rlnn. \u25a0 iccarla .MM n .n.-l. Ar!nt"n<ll. (.allcttt-Glanoll. MugnozConductor, Tanura

SAT. KM).,MCII.23. Nt S l.">—Wrdl's 11. rKOVA-TORE. Minos Hum, l>«> ••i;n»rr..«. Zaecarta; MMDslmo'res, Beveltnac Mugn"i. Teccht Conductor,T.i.-.ara.

SIN. EVE.. MCII. -M -Th'.r.l Sp^r:al Camranlnlr-mKriimrn'- ronr^rt nt popular pno»sScut Salr for U<-ek M:irrh It* «>rrn» To-morrow

(Thurodar) at > A. M.


NOTE— compliance with the ettraonllaary

rt PEER CYNTSsturd itAfternoon at ? o'rloek. Marrh S3.


BRriiJS* \u25a0£ARUrr LETTER: Tv«. SEAL-

bfU4?-- iS&viisV* -»S«. htSe* m?„? !>.?P ME :

vSat Matinee. PEEHSTTT;

Sat Iftfwum Nla-ht. A PARISIAN ROMANCE.

BPOA 0W AY THEATRE. B-ir.yand 4tstttUnUMUTTAI Evgs. ST. Mat. Sat.. 2.1*


IIDCQTY THEATRE. »'.M St.. West of B^way.LIDCnil Evpl:i;..Mat-T-.-i.lay and Sat. 2:l3.j Matln»e_ To-rtar. 2:1.1. Merely Mary Ann.


ELEANOR ROBSON -j^St 1̂Every Night and Sat-jrdav Matinee.

ACADEMY OF Mt<»l< 14th Si and Irvmsr P.aoe.Klaw A Erlanser"* l.ent^n attraotlon.

TLl»Crill_rKl3r|lO Prlces2S—JCS E. f« JJTjL USX 30-75— t OO—l5«

Stotiaeaa To-day and Sat . 2. Ev*. S Sharp.

HAIV'O %TRE. Bway and SStll S>SB •:«IIALT O Mat-.,,, To-,tay and Sat. «• 2:15.


WAIISPV'Q Broad«ay and 30th Street.


noiTroinu THEATRE. Broadway and 44th St.

Uil!ILtilUtl Ev«* s.I.V Matinee S«t .2:l^.miMl/ n linrjC In th<* ''"rnlc Opera

FRANK DAN ELS th» tattooed max.VlcTor Herbert: Harry» Smith. A X. C. Fowler.

KM)MI.HIMK»IR. aJoe-dwaj and 3Sjh Street.Evenings -13 Mnta, 7"-' and Sat., -*2

MONTGOMERY & STONfc ir,TM,E,i.uLYCEUM -^^?rSSrW^^A3fcl r.JTII *M—<"»•«»» Time—silver Sou»enlr».

•u;,vr THE LIOH ing MOUSEm« THEATRE. :uth at & Br-ay.t3fj\.U 5J> X Ev»»:ir. Ma!<Tlmr«*s«' ..2:ls.••T[- \Y AP.OIT SaiIKTUI.Ni;."



"The railroads are all retrench! becaossof th" condition of the money market, As th*

railroads are tho largest consumers of com-modities ar.d largest srenders of money, it fol-lows that a kssf Him, ••:' their purchases sriuto some extent suit In a slackening of liusi-r.ess in other tod .Miles. The restrictive legis-

lation and the agitntion In many states againstrailroads have undoubtedly been one cause ofthe present tls:h;u<s in The money market,capitalists being disinclined to advance fundsat this time. Another cause has been the enor-mous demands which the railroads have beenmaking on the money market for Improvementsand extensions."• Is the curtailment of railroad service whichhas been reported from various states a policyIn the nature of revenge for the legislationagainst the railroads i

•'So. If our earnings are cut doxrn. throughlessening of passenger rates, for example, wemust try to make up the loss through neweconomies, such as combining through andlocal trains, in some instances, and Increasing

trainloads.""Has there been any change In the financial

plans of the Wabafih and the WTestem the railroads are now adapting a policy of re-trenchment


"As was announced some time ago. the con-i tiectir.g up of the two roads has been deferred.'

as an lielieve that the work can he done morecheaply and to better advantage later on thanin the present stringent state of the money

market. As for the Western Pacific, all of themoney needed for its construction Is in bankand »-c ate spending about $1,000,000 a monthon the mirk, which i-i -' expei ted to lie complete*!l-v ths^siato «rlginan«! set. September 1. liKIS.Report 8*thai » the cost of building that road i'ox."ee<TlhT-the''e?timates: are erroneous."

"And r>«\v ah ill th? subject of co-operationrttr.-«»oiH«l*o .railroads and the government. Mr.Of>:i'ii. of:which s.. much is being paid justnow?" #*\u25a0

"There Is nothing new in co-operation. TheInterests of trie railroads and the governmenthave always l.een identical. This has long be,.recognized livrailroad men. The railroads proa-per onSy'wfirT the general public prospers."

Then Mr. Gould was asked about the busi-ncrs outlook, and answered that some decree

retrogression in business activity seemedprobable, r.ddir.rr.

"Wall Street prices don't measure values. Iwouldn't sell my Missouri Pacific stock for I."><>


—not that anybody is offering that for It.

thi-.uir'i. TTie prospect now is thrt the stor.!:will earn B*£ per cent^in thr1 fiscal year end-ing June SB. Barrinp floods or earthquake.

there willbe no diminution of the present divi-dend rate of S per cent."

Asked why Missouri Pacific Stock had de-clined so seriously of late <it closed yesterday

at 13%, and a few days ago was p<-!ii:^ under70). Mr. Could said:

\u25a0Jltt FMf)j in a i"rle'.;<3 of rninf "mlrvas a friersof my father, lie l«=a mar. of hi| trtanding and "f*\u25a0*'• :.!-:• • railroad experience :\n*l evor Blr«c« h"!of» !':•• | < v ,;r..:,- of ih'-- [Uta Central, lastfell. It haa iK-en my purr t'> Invit-3 him t">

become a director of the Missouri Pacific. Howillbe i«i'*-<i a member of the executive com-mittee. Yrs. he is a stockholder in the eoiii»


Mr. Fisli declined to comment on tilts .^lpction

to tit- MlfiKrarlPiclCr board. "\u25a0whteh had especlaJintrropt f»r \\n" Etr * in low of tho hostility

rwtv.ft>n « Jonrt;':- J. GoU-d. president Of tttC Mi:--

Fouri farifl". and E. 11 KafHaiaii. and of th«oti«tin?r of Mr l'ish last fall by Mr. Harrlmanfroiii thf |>residency of the Illinois Central,

wh'rh h*» had administered fur twenty years.Mr. <;<.': yesterdaj* aftfrnoon declared tbet

the \u25a0 -rru'-. of Mr. J-'i 'i Into ih~ Misuari Pa-cifi.' <lirfolorr.t« lin^'i

' •> fc<»iins on *''" rela-tions betwwsi itw <:r>u!J and Karrii systcrna.

He added:

So Bearing on Relations BetweenGould and llarriman, Says Former.

At tfie annual iii^^tin^ yesterday In St. Louisof trio stockholder* of the Mtasour! Paclflc Rnil-vay Camrsxiy. Stuyyesant Fish and J. J. Slo-cuto were elected to Un ;>^Jr<l.;>^Jr<l. tii«» »"i">rr'.°r suc-t-^er'.in.'f Jatne-; 11. Hyde, reslsncd, and tii«» la'tort«K'«'!,T Hi.-' j.!;i.-r of I!)*- late Ruswll Bag*, whovrs W. 3 ijpother-tn-lasr The other outjoing

directors wore ro-plf>ctO(].


CIV! VttQsT THEATRE. R-way* F.- i*<* XXPLIT lUfIR Matiaees To .'a-. and Sat 2:1%.

1"MEL. FKOIIMAN'S production of







SCALED UK'S OR ESTIMATES WILL, BE r»<-eiv»~lby th*Park Hoard ai tho abene oir..« (.? th« l>«-partir.en:of rar<n until."! o'clock l>. ttt. <n

.THfRSI.W. \!UU. 11. ISW*iu<inuK^> "f Manhattan,



I-- liarsThe lIIBS n!:..w>4 for iloln? nr.Icompleting the work

willt*>»>*t* CALENDAR M"NTIIH after notice t<>t«-Rln wrrk nt iti*buildlns h.n» been Riven

Ths bids will t"*compared and tfc«- contract »*arMatn lump \u25a0 rBitur^iint^mm. r

rinr"may *•>' s*"1" and blank forms may be obtained »' |

the <>l*l<o nt •(.» I>"pnrtm<"nt of I'arW.«. Ar>enal. •'•ntralI'ark Manhattnn. »n.l sjMat th»- of the architects,Csrrere A Hastings, N->.

-JS Bait Forty first »tr«-«>t. Man-




Commissioner* o( I'ark*.Dated March I>. 1907.

IROPOSALH WILL BE RECEIVED AT THEBureau nt Buppllea and A.'m.i.t \u25a0 Navy pfrnrt-

nient. Washington. l' •'.- until li o'emck n m. Man-ti•jrt }\u25a0< <: and publicly nj.*-n.-.i Immediately thereafter,in furnl a; th» navy jrmrd. New V.>rk. N. T-. and thwnaval medical supply depot, lir..nkiyit,n y.. o« specl>fli'tl n ijiiiiiitlt'-of naval »upi>ll^«. as fnll.»w«: s.h.4'.tT: Tool «lr<-l. nln-et zlnr.-^S.-h. 4W: Blanket*,\u25a0heets, mattresses, towela. bed it.

• hi.jpitHl »!ii>-pet». operatlßK *\u25a0"* n- etc.. jiatama*

—S.-h. .-.n>:

Crockery, kitchen utenalls.— Bcfc. .'••>!: Metallic mer-cury, opper barreln

—Sen. .r.n:t: Flour App".iontU>'n

(or proposals slum;; derlmats tnr icheiSnle* ii#>-«ireil bynumbei Blank proposals will be furnished upon b-i-plication to tlie navj pay oßlee. Now York. N. V.. <t

tn th-> Bureau E. B. ROGERS, Paymastei Gi !U. P. N. 8-B-OT

,-.,:; A»e. 4*l to 4*iu St Evbs S. 2.-.C. toIMDally Matinees ot 5 Sharp. 33e. to fi no

\u25a0\u25a0ks* CIRCUS ™9

NEPTUNE'S PIONEER.DAUGHTER. DAYSwith rmikl Hallet. with TOO Indian*.

IVDlffs \u25a0 *-"\u25a0 •< W. of r.wiy. Tel. MM Bryant.

LTnIV Ever.lnpsat 8. Matlne«» Saturday at '.'


MARLOWEFAREWELL ITo-night. Hamlet: Thvr». Romfoaod

WEEK 1 Julie*. Prices .-,«\u25a0• to »2 00.NEXT V«»M»*V. BEAT BAI.E TO-MORROW,

Th« Eminem FPVIFTP )V'FlIIInItalian \rtlst «-«\l IL.l\\J ¥ L.L.L.Inepertotre.

I..\Rl>K\ TIIE.V 2Tth St. AMa!Ay*. Ev *?liMat


WCDCD'CR*»v*21"-st aSasSj

C DC it O Mnr:".To-rtav*saf |WV to 12.LAST two WEEKS OF

—BREAM en.* T^ MAGIC mm

OL 1 \u2666 iL.C£k THEATRE. «d ?t and Broadway.L>Ljti*&CJV,VJnvS». ?:li. Mats. Thurs. & ati

Mats, this and ne« week. Tkwi iSat.David Ke.-soa IIMB ROSE °» BANGHOpresents I= HWOC THK llUntlW

lIROPOSALS Foil CL*»TIIINa AND PIBCB GOOIXI-Depart l.' the Interior, on.« of In.Hun Affair*,

\Vn»Mn*l"n. D. <".. February 1!». IK'T Sealed proposal*ulslnl) marked on the outside of the envelop*. "Fioposalfor <-;'oti:inK." snd sddrtsscd v> the "Commission*.* ofIn.,inn Aflairs, Washington. D C..". will be received a:the lr<ll»n Office until \u25a0.' o'clo>k^Bv iiiof Tuesday, M»'c:-.19 ;:."," and ibeis opened, for TSirntshlriK the Indianservice with clothlnc and piece g<H*t«^ Bids nui^t bpmade out on Government blanks. Schedules glvin* allnectary Information for bidden will i.- turntshcdu.onaprllcatlon to the Indian Office, Washtnstuii, 1> c. th»~I.S. ln!!:ir Warehouse* nt New York City. Chicago.' 11l •

St. !<ou!». Mo., unil Onahs Nebr. The IVpartment re-serves the right to rajeei any and all bids, or any p.»i-of any bid. v E I.Kill.Commissioner

HcAdoo Superintendent Must Pay $50 forKeeping Too Much of Explosive.

R. S. Courtney, fupcrlntfndent 'if the McAdoot/urrels of Jersey City, who was arreated on Peb-runry 4 for permltUac larsjc cju::rt!t!es of dyna-mite to he stored on tlif docks of the Delaware^I.ark:!w.-inr.;» A- Western Railroad, in I'.t'i <-:rpf-t.

was fined ?r.9 yesterday by J;i<lf*- Hipirins. of th»First Criminal Court, on the < .n.plaint of JamesConnolly, {nppector •\u25a0' combustibles.Inthe eases of \u25a0uperi«tmdeßta Barbs sod Keyes

\u25a0utenep was Btispended. They Fnid that the ex-riioflve found by the inspector was the sam<» Ftuffas that which formed the basis of th«? complaintsformerly ma<;e isaiasl them, sjst or. which tIK-y\u25a0era fined $.V> each. The dofetidr.rts were ropro-rcr.ted by William T> Edwards, attorney for theHudson companies. Mr. Edwards sal.J th« weather

\u25a0conditions were siirh that St was ;:• 'I'BBarj th:uth» explosive should be thawed O!»J In place* in

\u25a0which it was found, and that every effort sra« madeen the part of the tunnel oSlt-ials to conform witnthft rules laid soars by the Fir* Department.Judge Hißßir.s si Id the dynamite must l-e <ils

-BSSJOi ''

"'itti<.Nt further delay, SO a« tjafford aX<ro<M»r sateg'uard.

< '(.urtinv v.::^ r.arnr.l by Jud«W Hipp.r.s to Ob-eerve extraordinary pre«autlotMi In the <=torit:p oi

\u25a0«iynamltp In the fut«r«\ Courtney \u25a0-:.-.". the nias:.-*ine In which the explosive was k<-;.; bad U-.-.-iImiJt in conformity with the rules <>: the Fit \u25a0 D<-j.atur- hut th«t he would take steps to have•till further precautions provided.



IllAni^ON"SO i E-* :.-.M«.T.. \u0084 t2u.RiAUIOJn °«* CARLOTTA >ILLSO>Iillm it-.. times

8y •• THE 3 Cf IS.

LiAyJ ATTAll nir..\TRF vw*y sid aai srIWlffiSelInWarm's PnftssiaTc-.lav and Sat. Utlo.t With .MARY SHAW.

APl/CTT Mattre»s <hur». .<• Sat at KMII-'ILII8v... *:3i» f>- a Q*«W| 1" '\u25a0»Thea .«.'! st. w Q.-B-wayßs^s 911211 thorn*>

1drtf!!nUlsi **"***.nonERT iiilmakd x co.1 N J *nd Scotch MeUrer*. Uu* tS-


sal', AUHIHL ,t wnrde, vhoul \u25a0»«« aas)§%3 Mai. Sbßbb*. Isc iClrl*. Sydney C.rint. eebtsa.

11l HAl'lhnnL^>»'\u25a0 rol«ntal Seotel. »lII*Wallaceh HA! nH I* »* 'olonial seotei. Nellie WiUlaea,

9 HLIHV -IIM -3e- IU- tea.. Uavel *tuwrenre.

litIfOTID Ur«n<twnv :>i.ii r.:"!1-

Tel. ::.'<o» CotsmAJtull'j E»«s

*i:. Mats o day ASat. 2 15.

ON PAROLE A rm^ary

rUXrCM Tel- -SIH Mad. Evenings »3»

D-way *29th. I Mat-. Than and Sit. at 3 -'"M\K«.\IUI f THE CKKAT I llh>H\

a> I mVII'K nuni^IsTafVII Hr adw;> bet. nflt*" * "Ist BtSO1J \J %J Hats To-day JL Pat.. - '•'••

Mme. Nazimova "^^(^jPlPlsin Broad wsv snd

N."«»tli St. Te!. IMIBryant.

UlieMi Kv*« H.tV Mnttnee Saturday at -Mj.


.WrilflSl!. Mat To-day. Bs*t seat* ftM-IHE KO.\l» TO YKSTEUUAY

rTrVtrfvTiv^TriT IUVAY A «!CTM ST. Eve. 8:13.LllNLlJl.nCt\l» Mat« To da] an.) Sat . -.' i*

K.llenne «ilr:ir<lI.t. J Matinee m day. 2.V. and 50e.

CHAUIKY'S At'NT.*. 50c.. $1.00.March IS—Til*Wlllinm Morris. C.» in the Btb',h l-v-

Drama...THE h.h.y ciTT."



I»uUt !Ve»ta VU'totto. Clayton White ft Start*Mats. Stuart. Ward « Curran. Julian Rot*.

S3e. BOr. IBruno * Russell. Other*.

Hippodrome Performers Get Belligerent andSober Up in Strange Prison.

. Sidney Jotics, a prx-rial officer at the Hippodrome,found two men very macs the sparse for wearljinrupon t!i<- floor of the lion's room yesterday.They swrt obviously, he says. In need \u25a0\u25a0' assist-ance. Ti:»- two men wore so weak that tin-.. rouMhardly Ftrucsle. to th. r fee*. One of them wasan Indian. Nathan I>mf Wolf, nnd the other wasan Aral<, Mobsjnraed Or'i&n. Both tin- Indian and.the Arab had hffn tixhttnx. Joe Kanrahan assist-• snt Ktace man.nß'-r ai th»« had lorkedThem up in the .-nipty lions' <le;i until t!i-y becameSOix»!. j»nd they jcrwnt the nipht tin-re.

PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY of MMFrl March I."V '-:Srt >' m. Sat.. March In S:ts r.»•

\V\SSII.Y »ArO%Orr. Conductor.Solol»t: roitHINNK Rlin.B-liEI.SEV. >mpimmm.

Program: Symphony. C minor. Uav.ln. Aria ;»!«Verdure «1..1.- H»v«ln: Aria. "Ah verSdo. B«etMo\eaSymphotiv 'N>>

" ••Crolcn." Ileetheven.BC'X OFFICE OPEN PMI.T FROM » TO ft.

CARNEGIE HALL-. Last EicitiT.:k?&. 1 ye w 1 ii|MtMarch i«i» aL aa Su o 0 3a pvj t

A«.l»led ky MME. nO*IXA LHBITIXM*Seats Mr to $1..*.0 at bo* office and lt>E»si X.tß


LECTURE BY OR. E G. H:RSCH.The) Rev. Dr. Kmll <; Ulrwij.of Chlraco, v.-IU

lecture lM>for« Ibe nemben" .->f trif> Free Synagogue<">Sunday morning ut t!ie Hudson Tlif-.«r»' and Ir.\T:» *;tern<K>n at Clinton Halt Ho willalso deliveri.Tt tddres* befor* tt:e Voting lien's Hebrew Asso-ciation at thtir lval!, 32J strrct nnd \a Klnato avc-one. on F:in<i;tir evtsUng nt.S o'clock, Dr. HlmcliI«! the *i!o:te,r In Vac ntsu nssin is save religiousBfrvioos j:i Jctrith places of worship "i Sunday,t.nd n

-i!l oome fro;ii Cfcieaca « kpreasly to aid tUe

fUr. Dr. Siephen S. Wise In bis work to establishu jf<""e «yna:cr!EU<» in this .;>. !(•• is iir.l.- o*r^r.hi«ilrr;t Htwcture in the l"r!vt«rs!ty of Chicago,llf-*»^liiorof 'The Reform A"*.v-y*\p."~a member oftin. Illinois Stato p.oird of «*!iarit|p« nnd ii,.- rabbiof th«» l^rpest Jrulsli inct'-cmt-.ti hi liel>n« trfvn ««hoj«-n. together with i*isV.o;» I'-.ti-r ami>rchbi«hon J"arlfy. :o a/ldress t!v> <.'arri»*Tlt.' l*eac«sn«^e^:\u25a0 in this city.


-Now netnic Given at


Subject. "Some Women Who Did." Studies of »»•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0characters in history. _,—

Tickets for Single Lectures now on sale at tna a*»

Offire of the Hall. lift West 40th St. ..^

Inaid of the. Cancer Homes of the Servant* of P«'» i

rnry i \\>>kli> IN wax. «»p»»^'fJ"J**

EDEN I eixiaiATOGK.\rn e»«it »• .im 13. Warren Kean*Ct-limliacd "A"-***


T.. night si S. AII>A-Ecra» Earn—. Klrkby-Lunn:Caruso Stracclart. i-Unco>. Muhlmann. Coml.. Vbsjbb.

,-,i An Men. !.•. >• I-•". XpeTlal I'tm.rm*TESTIMONIAL tendered to Mr. Kmll Fischer.

V, \[ i<iERE |Ac< l> Fit—wad. Ituriistaller. Pla»».I.OHENi;iUN (Act ll>—<ladskl. Schumann 11-lnk. C.'iiu.MEISTERSIKOER «Act 111) «ia.l!.kt. Schumann-Heink;

l'lHiel. Qorits, Rciss and Kmil Fischer. c»nd. Hern.i-'i Evs Mch. 13. at », i,\ HHII.ME

Alt»,». Cttru.lo. ScottI.Jiumet. Conductor. Vi»na>at. Ml. Mch. IS. .it -'. SIADAMA «t TTERFLT—

Farrar, Homer; Caruso, Wiswelarl. Keiss. Pufrtche. Muh.-

raann. It^ruA. Conductor. Vlsjna. _\l'^ ' •_

s»i i',. itch I*pop rrlcen. at *». TOSCA— Emma

Kanie«. Jacob) Dl|>i*>l. Scoltl. Uufrl-he. Ba-s. l>gue.Conductor, Vlansa.


«n.\M» SIM>,\Y NIGHT <ONCERT.Soloists: Fremstad. KlrUl-y-l-uun: Rarg»»aller. Aan

Rooy; Arthur Hochmann. Pianist. F.ntlr*MetropolitanOpera House. Orohealra Conductor. Herts.


—Emma Eames.

Homer; Caruso, Stracci:-.rl. Plancon. Muhlmann. Con-du-'tor. Vlcnu.

Tues. Eva;.. Men. 19. l»t S:3O. DAS RHEINGOLD—Premstad, Weed, Schumann-Kelnk. Alten. Ralph;Burgs taller. Van Rooy. Oorlti. Dlppel. Kelss. Munl-mann. Ev"'. Journrt.' at»?MAI>AJIA BCTTKRFLT

—Wed. Bvs., Moh 2<». at «. MAI>AMA BI'TTERFLT

—Farrar, Homer: Caruso. ScottI. Mu'.ilmar.n. l>urriche.B«ltu*. Conductor. Vlcna.

Tuurs. Ev .. Mch. SI. at ?:30. DIE WAI.KIERE—

Gadskl. Fremstad. Schumann- Helnk; Burg»taller. VanRooy. Klaus Conductor. Herts.

Fri. Evg. Mch. 22. at B, PAGLIACCI—Farrar:Caruso. Stracclarl. Relss. Simard. Conductor. Vlgna.Preceded by HAENSEL USD GRETEL


Alten. Schuma,nn-Heink. Weed: Oorlts Cond.. Herts.The sale of seats for next week's performances be-

gins to-morrow (Thursday* at » A. M.

Mon. Evsr.. Mch. 2.1. at T:SO KIEQFRIEDWed. Kvk. Mch. 27. at 7:3(>OOETTEUDAEMMERfNOFri Evg.. Mch. 21» i»;oo<1 Friday*, nt .1 P. M..Last Performance of senson. PARSIFAL.


1/% 1" St. Nicholas Rln*. Wth St. and Col-*'

|_/ >. Is Sessions To-day. Skates Fr*a. *-•*»SKATING. !Band.


IRVINHI*l*-\CnTITUATRE. Te»-B«Rht. S-.3©. andm*»^*VJ sat. Mat. "l»ir AVAISi:VOX I.OHDO!)"(••jana Eyre").- Tnur«air. i>ik PoiTr.l. i:m: •

aimup CHAJiriO>*Sllir.Record brooking amateurs: The marvelous D*n»"

reat. Gardner. Conktln. Possenburg and Dr. »'a *'\u0084

final H.» ban. line game* at Llederkrens C!ub. ««*Street ano Park Arena* • Kvenlng matches at \u25a0••»

Tickets may b« purchased. $1.00. at tha *««•.-\u25a0


Liverpool, March 12—

Arrived, steamer Gecrglc (Cr). An-ninK. New York.

Copenhagen. March 12. « a m Arrived, steamer Hellls;Olav (I'm.'.. Hoist. New York via Chrlsttaniiand.

Cherbours. March 1-. 4 I- m—Arrived, utearmr KaiserWllheln tier Oroaee (Ger). Wettln. New York viaPlymouth for Bremen (and proceeded)

Gibraltar. March 7— Arrived, st—rears lie'lerby (Rr). <>!-sen, New York for Leghora; 12th. Frledrlch der OrOatdlOer). Uleeker, New Yolk for Naples (and proceeded);"th. sai.ed. steamer Saunlo (Hal). Manclnt (from Na-ples). New York; ltth,lasfel, strainer Cltta liTorino(Ital). Ferraro. Genoa and Naples for Ni w York.

Havre. March 12, '.» a m—Soiled, steamer La Uascogne(Fr). Hrrdrißi-on. New York.

Montevideo. March 11—

Arrived previously, steamer Etona(Mr). Davis. New York.

Isle of Wight. March 12—Passed, steamer La Oaacogna<Fr). I'erdriseon, New Voik.

F»t<-anier3 Antonio Lopes (Span), f. r Cadis, etc; I>hnebU3«"!rr). Flu iiir.K. Kaiser Wllhelm li lOer>, Bremen viariymouth an.l Cherboarg; WenrM.le (ltr». Norfolk; ElPaso, Galveston; Rutherglen |Br>, Norfolk: Hermlnua(80, MonteviJeo; Coloi-n.1,. ißr>, Hull;Kanaka city, s.ivannah; Jamestown, Norfolk.and Newport N'eus; Arapahoe. Charleston sad Jackaonvllle; Virginia i(ler>, lnuicuaWlnyah. I'hlladclp'hla; American. Coatzaci4i!cc3; Portiii:ico. Baltimore. ;

»toerac«- r-1" engsrs, malli end mdse. Arrived nt the Bar

at *'J> p. m.steamer Altai iOer>, KtrchhofT, Kingston rebrttar* 55

Colon '.'."• and Port Lir.-on March 2. ... th« Ilamburt>America a Line. «!th Hslit paasfngers, malls and radae.Arrived at the Bar at 2:4.'» p. m.

Rteamei J.-«»ph <".i Oi>iri<> iNor), Simile. r..rr AntonliMar. li•:. to tin Atlantic Fruit Cotnrany. with fruit. m-tlved nt the Bar at 5:30 >\u25a0 m.

Bteumer AtUntt* l.Nor), NletsKi, xi|« nay March n tothe Duinoii n i>- Comyany, with fruit. Arrived 01 it,-liarfit 4 a in.

St.- \u25a0 I.i«r Smol*p«M iKu»a>, rat ton, Üban February ISnr.,l Hotter iiim34 to the C 11. Richard A- t.1... L.i: w|,h1.013 stcenino pcsseneer* anil ndae. Arrived at the Rarat

•a m

Steamer Arcadia (Cert, Tiui;r:»». Hamburg Februnry jo» , the llnnil.uix American Line, with I.OM >-t»-era|t«~pus •

Mngers and m !>••\u25a0 Arrived at th« Uur a- 11:30 \u0084 millth).

rt.-m.- Philadelphia. Crockett. Puerto Cabello March1. ''urnca" 3 Ia Uuayra -4 -if i San .li.n>> (>. to n-.t>n.-nn>iia iDallett, with iv paasenger*, mails and rotlse.Arrived at the Bar -->t I'-ic. a in.

Steamer [Cons Freda lXor». 11-.n:-n. port AntonioMarch (t. in the Cunco Trading Company, with fruitA»Tlv* the Bar nt 1:30 p in.

gtfa'.ner Han .laclnlo. Kvnn». CalveKton Marrh « nnlKp.v West •-'. I" the .Mallon 8* Co with passengers ani,-..:•«\u25a0 Hanetl l!> Quarantine at S:6IJ a in.

Steamer Says Hale, Geor#etown, 8 •'. Mirch 7 an iWiliriritUn N «'. '•• t" lie Clyde Ss Co, with l.nls-Passed In Quarantine at IO:2D it m.

steamer Hlo Grande, Jor.natcne, New Orleans March 3rii,,' Brucswlck :>. tc tha Mallory:-s «... with \u0084„.anJ md«e. Passed In Quarantine at l:«is i- m.

Steamer Jefferaon. Dole., Newport News ar.i\ Norfolkto the old rv>mlnlnn Ss Co, with passengers .>t.,| rtu)»epassed In Quara nine at -:.".4 p m.

Bandy Hook, March 13, !>:?.o p m—Wind south s<>uth-west: moderate breeze; cloudy.


NEW SEAMEN'S INSTITUTE.The A!ncr>=n BcasAea's Fri»r<l Society, which;-Mj t!ie oM Sailors' Homo, nt No. 190Clienj- *trect, for Istjr-srn years, Is about tobegin its new work In West strict, opposite theCun:*-rd Uiie pier. Sozne of th« features of the newinf.'.jlU- rooms for about Z'S- Til -.i. this part

ir.odVi:*-!1!after the Mills Hotel; free ehl^plng bureau:Sjorial. r«»;i«iinK. wrJtinfr. smok!::^ and in- • rooms;La;ik'i.K faciliti«a, a: \u25a0 r. eailons ran ,'.-1.,-.t iin»ir\v;<;;i-s: auditorium for lectures, ccnerrts a:ijn<>-~cnl tniei-t^iiiinents; clubrooms for ctl'cers ami < :\u25a0-glw<in a*««J a cha|»cl where rellpiom work of :.!i

li»terd»*iio»Hintitional etiaractcr can i•• carried on-mo; Ui« Z/Mi s,-aitn in the Immediate rJctnltjr.


inKIATTRB AI.MWA-Buariss 6:lo'Pun »»t» \u25a0'\u25a0 Moon r:p»« fi.lC Maoa'a m-» 2;»


—Bandy Tl'» 7:03 •- Uland 7:.V» \r\\ Cute U23

P.M.—Sandy Hoc*. 7:30;G0v. !land 7 Hell Gat* It;.'..1!V. IHKI.K.-S REPORTS*

The Vlderlttld, which r« j-frterl t,i Si:i»ii'<-.ns»t nt ."• •. myefterda; when sevcntj--!tvo hilWm r«i«t .if NantuckeiH'uth Shoals LUhUhlp. 1? expected to dock about a i» m



Vessel From: ur.o•i"F'l>7'H Chrtstlansand. March 2 fmnj Am•Futik \u25a0 \u25a0 Glass"! \u25a0 Mi>r-h 2 An.-hir•Xteu» Ansterdam Rottetdan March 2 Hollai Am•V«derland , .Antwerp. March a Red 9UrItr-•••«;» ::<\u25a0•.:\u25a0\u25a0 ---.i-.a K.-hruary .'! Brlato]Ulrlken.T: S<-vll!<-. February 22. . ( ... Hull, February 21 WilsosNarragansett .Shields. February 21 Ituprerh*Victorian Liverpool. Marrti l White Star•.Mujfdilc . guevnstown, March 7 White Star•

\u25a0 'earensa Para, Man!i 2 .... BoothWeimar Bremen. February »s»s N <; I.lnyu1/Kiiria aibrattat February 27 . ItalianEl No t» Ualveftoa, March 4 Bo PacificChicago City Swansea, February 2*, Bristol

Tin i:si»av march 14.

•Maraces Port Hpaln Mai •.... f:..] nPatricia Plymouth", March .'• Hamb-AmN'-Knr Gibraltar, 11 .i.-li 4 \ »; i,|oydCityof Atlanta. Sayan Morcb 11 Savannah

FRIDAY. MM., 1".

•Advanc* 1 'oli :.. March !• Panama("arputhin .C'brallar. March .'. I'unardCalifornia... HavTC. Marrh .". FrenchKueces ....... Gulveston, .Mhk-ij•« MaIlor)

SATITIIIAV.MARCH Ii•ft Usula \u25a0 \u25a0 '-i.-ii \u25a0

- March v . American\u25a0Campania ...... ...Que^nntown. March l" Cunard•Amertks Cherbourg;. March D .... Hamb Am•l^a Tpuralne Ha* re. March '.1 . FrenchMtnnr-hNhs linixlnn March 7 Vtlim TrXl Win Galvetron, March l'» '.* s..'ci--Cit> of Memphis Sa\a;.n.-ih. March v\ r.Sa'vattnab

•Clings mall.


Vetset Vrr Unv Matlrlrtses railsBaltic. Liverpool. White Star I:3oam RT»> a mfj-jti-une. KinJaneiro. Bloman U:.'Soam 8:0Or>ml'arlina. TrlnMatl. Quebec 12:30 pm 3on \u0084,,',Potsdam, Rotterdam Hollnti'l-Am ... —

SUOainl.lKur'.n Kaplea Italian J .Fan Marcos, (jalvMton. Mallnry 3:(x»pmCoinua, New Orleans. So Pacific

—12:00 m

AlK'-nnufi'. Jacksonville. <'l>ilt> .•>,,,, rrlJamestown. Norfolk Olii Dora 3-00 urnTHtTRSOAT-, MARCH 14.


i1a Bavole. Havre. French.'. 7:'»>nn> tn:ooamt'nltod States. fhrlftUan«and. Scan Am 0:30b m 12:OOmMexico, Havana. Ward .. !i.iH»iiin12:0O mQueen Mary. Arc- nil-,.- IMK»m 3:oopmKmndenburit, Bremen, N <; Mo •! ... 10:40s --ii"a:.:-< mi.- Naples, Canard 12:00 mill..f Mn<-on. Savannah. Savannah..


n S'u.l. laIv «\u25a0!•;..r..-1-'" Pac 3:<iopni

Moortie, Norfolk, <>ld I<<.mlni<m .... -\u25a0- 3:<M>pniFRIDAY. MARCH IS

Prln^ WiiVm I. Kaytl. 1) W I 11 <>O a m 2no p mColon, '\u25a0..l-ti. I'tinnn II:.

-m a\u25a0„ 3:00 I.rti

Altai. .laii'-ii\u25a0«•, llamb-Am 11::ii» :i i,i ":00um];.:ii:'.-.-.-. I'iin. Booth l2:»IOiii 3:oodii)A4a. Camp The. Thebaud rj:<M;:il 8:00pmBabtne, Brunswick, Matlor) . _^ t:oUpm•

'\u25a0\u25a0in iij'l:*-.Jacksonville, 1'\\ \u25a0:•• ... ._^'••

\u0084, t>'"

Hu.:i:n a Norfolk, Old pom ..._ . S:oo|iiii

TRAJCBPACX7IC 'MAILS.I^^tll\u25a0.nt^on and steapier. / due in.\>w YorkUj'an .ex.-»i.t paroala po«t malls).Coras, China arnt Itilltpplne lxlnnuatvta Vancoi'ver and Victoria. It c>—impress of Itvlla To-Oay, C:CO »mJepan. conaa, <l;lna and Hhtttpplo*

i Islands (via Seattle)— Kas* Maru...ila:ch 14. G:oopmIJapan. Cans an.l China (specially ad-! dressed only, via Tawima) . .March15. 6:00 pm1 Hawaii, Japan. Cojea. China and Fhll-: ipptne Islands (via San Francisco). .March 22. 12:30 am! Au»iralla (except West;, Fiji Islands'• and New C&ledonla (via Vancouver .

and Victoria B O—Aoraagl March 24. «:00 pin, infill(via San Francisco)— March 2'». 12:30 amHawaii. Japan. Oor<-a and China (via£sn Francisco)— Coptic March 29. 12:30 a m


Port ofHew York, Tuesday, March 12, 1907.ARRIVED.

• Strainer Curnoa Atr»« (Span). Aidamlz. Genoa FebruaryIf-. Naples 22. Itanen na 'Si. ilalaca. 2" and CaUti 28. toUn Comi»iuUa TraeatlanUca, with 3t> cabiu and £60

There «*?.\u25a0 only one complainant at yester-day's hearing, Wolff Rosenbltlth, of No. lir«<»East Houston street. H*» tolJ the magistrate

that on March «'> Waselbaurn came to his house,a perfect ranger, and told his wife that hehad been sent from her sister in Chicago. Mrs.Rosenbluth told him her sister was in Rut*,r.i3. and Waxelbaum. it Is alleged, replied;"Then you have evidently not learned fromher that* Bite rune to this country recently toescape a charge of arson made against her inOdessa. Russia." The complainant says th-prisoner told his wife that he had a present

Of $2Ti for her from her sister. The fro.>.! newscaused her to off« him the freedom of herhome, with the result that a pair of diamondearring*, valued at $110. strangely disappeared.Tsi« r<» are several other victims, it is s.ii'l Thepolice say his pktur? hangs In the Rogues"Gallery.


Only One of "Big Three" tilth In-

creased Business Since 190/.According to figures mad« public In the financial

district yesterday, tha Sew York Life Is the only

one of the. "Bis, Three" companies that had moraInsurance In force on December 31, 1906. than onDecember SI. 1901.

The figures show that the "Hip ThrecV amounts

of "pald-for" Insurance in force or. December 31

of each of the last three years were as follows:

iaaa Isfl*"***

VorKlifo.- i^VT^[iwJlHlMe IM****»

Tof's $4,«23.53».267 15 1M -"\u25a0 T"1«-».971.7Cr..8«)

Th.- figures show also that the "Wg Three'«peri tal l«« ofSlttOT.M intheamount.. ln f,..,0 i-, ISOB. a,, «-,y'M,

,f M6^.B» ns compared w,i.. l.v

.-,.,,.;, \u0084f the leading life Insurant mpa

Dies It Is declared. Including the three companies

noted had a total of ».*».«8.23 insurance . L.i

force <\u25a0•\u25a0 December 31. 190 Xas compared with »v-

891 15U968 In four, on December 31 ISMo. and SB.4S-,.-

Mi«ll in fore at the end of i" Thus, the gain

in fne amount In force in IS* was only tM.»6,-

as compared with a gain of 540i.909.943 in ISO,.

The figures show that the "Big Three" and the

twenty-eight other companies' amounts of Insur-

ance in force at the end of each of the last three

years were:">M 1005. IW4.

Touj, $«!.0;9744'<.322 18.W1.151 BO* »>.4^f».24C.C:7

To a Tribune reporter Sew York Life officialsdenied unreservedly that there was any foundationfor the printed statement that ****£*£.

<*T ££'.aent his resignation to the board of «™«tors Thcompany's nsular monthly meeting willtake pla< •


Jinternational committee's manager made pub-

lic an affidavit by Dartd Kerbs, of No-l*Kast ';,?tre"t. declaring that on l>ecember 14 be executeda ballot In favor of the mit< Icommittee b ti<-k«*t.and adding that he (Mr. Kerbs, had been told thatanother ballot purporting t.. bear his signature andto have been witnessed by one --.John Harrisonh:)d been cast at the election. Mr. Kerbs swearsthat he did not eign or execute such a iallot

The committee's manager declared that the in-

spectdra concluded the casting •\u25a0•I counting oi asecond Kerb? ballot running to the Mutual I*ife•admir.istratioi)" ticket an 1 the consequent "void-Ing" of the original ballot. The second ballot themanager characterised as a forgery. raying thatthe inspectors had been unable to finil it in itsproper place a/ben the manager sought to see it.


Ansteers "Ad"in a Xens paper, andWomen Nab Him.

An advertisement placed In a Jewish evening

newspaper was the undoing yesterday of Joseph

Waxelhaum.' As scon as ii"answered it andpresented himself to the advertiser be wasattacked by a score of angry women, who later

told Magistrate Sweetser, in the Essex Marketcourt, that Wazelbaum "as a swindler of th.?first water. W'axelbaum, who lives at >."o. K>

Columbia street, will be arraigned before Mag-

istrate Sweetser tor further examination onFriday niornlnj.


Government Will Begin Manufacture ofWeapons New Type Developed.

Washington. March 12.— Rear Admiral Mason,

chief of the naval burea-J of ordnance, has Juctcompleted plans for the construction of a torpedofactory at the Newport na\ai station, end he ••x-pect.-; to advertlwi at once for proposals for th«construction of the building and the supply of thenecessary plant] Teal &'.'• be the first time thoj'.i\i-rnm'r.t has undertaken to make Its own t0r-,..,:.. s on a lire • sculc.

The <•!\u25a0!\u25a0;.•. re bureau has available 112.000 forbeginning thin work. The appropriation cannot I**touched before the beginning of the next tt-.-.ilyear, but to have time Admiral Mason decided tojet the contract* at once, with th» proviso thatwork shall not begin before July 1. The newfactory willgive employment to at least two hun-dred skilled workmen. it is purposed to makeevery part of th«? torpedo *-xc"i>t the steel flaskswhich contain the compressed air used to drive theengines. Material of particular excellence is re-quired for these flasks, owing to the high pressurethey r>r<» obliged to sustain, ranging in the case ofthe latest torpedoes up to more than three thou-sand pounds to the square Inch. The machinerynecessary for their mnnufucture is expensive, andexpert workmanship is required, so that it is be-lieved to be cheaper to procure them from the can-<•< ms now making similar Basks for commercialuses than to undertake to make them in a, govern-ment workshop.

The present typo of :r:v:ii torpedo runs 3.500 yard 1under water at ilvaverase speed of WVi knots, butexperiment* conducted by the ordnance bureauhave d«vol«»i>ed a torpedo thai will attain the spe-edof .".'> knots an hour nt -i distance of one thousandyards, and It is pu^.-,*.>l«. that this type will boadopted when full? developed, and will be turnedout at the Newport factor/, iasioad at the presentstandard Qrnm>


Presents Dalmatian Puppy to Engine Co. 33

to Take Place of Dead Mascot.Alfred <J. Vanderbilt surprised and pleased the.

members of Engine Company 33. of East 6Ttr.street, yesterday by Informing them that he willgive them \u25a0 valuable dog to take the place of the.

lamented Pinkie, which was killed last Friday byrailing down the pole bole.

The firemen received a letter from Mr. Varderblitin whicS he Raid that he had r<-a.i In the papersabout the death of the dog and nsked them to ac-cept as a substitute a Dalmatian puppy. Fore-man Levy showed the letter to Fire CommissionerI^antryand asked ifhe could accept the doR. TheCommissioner readily coaeented, and further In-structed Secretary Downs to write a letter to Mr.

VanderbHl thanking him for his kindness and ex-tire«slr.jr the appreciation not only of the men orthe compan-. but of himself an<l the whole depart-ment for Ills remembrance of the New fork fireheroes.


Mr.Bryan Unexpectedly Appears at

Pittsburg Convention.[By Telegraph to The Tri'pune.l

Pittsburg, March 12. The fourth annual meeting

of the Amfrlcan Roadmakers' Association opened

hor* to-day, with about 1,000 delegates In attend-ance. New York and Sew England were ell rep-mi •\u25a0- : One of the features of the day was th«appearance of William .J. Bryan p.t the hall at

Carnegie Institute. H< had not Iwen expected, and

the delegates rose ami welcomed him warmly. Mr.Bryan was a surprise furnished By Itate SenatorKlinn, of Pennsylvania, «• last midnight railed

him out of bed at Washington, Perm., where hehad !''-f-n lecturing, and Induced him to come overto PHtaburg. Mr. Bryan made a short address.

Tt was brought <• it to-day that .-. new roa.l 1etweea

Ptttsburgand Philadelphia Isoneol the ideM <>f Die

rVnnnyUania delegates. Isaac B. Potter, of NewYork spoke on "Wheels.*: Stephen Ryan, of NewYork talked on "How We Are Spending $SO;000/MI)

for improvements In N<»w York"

Augustus W.Post of New York. spoke on Wanderings of anEnthusiast for Good Roads." E. I. Powers, a New

York publisher, read an Interesting iSpaper •»(On

\u25a0Past Present and Future of Good Roads Building

Vmil th;doU speakers during ihe day wereAmonc lh«- other speakers during th* day wereChairman W. K. McCUntoclc. of the MassachusettsHighway Commission, who spoke on Massa.-liii-setts." and ex-<;oietnor BaclieldeT. of New Hamp-

shire' Then- art- twenty-Jive inonibera of the Btatri>jri«ilati:r«- or Pennsylvania attending the sessionborder of the stat« body, and Chairman Hitch-«,«k of the committee, made an address, saying]\u0084 hoped and expected the legislature this sessionwould appropriate 117.000.000 for better roads InPennsylvania. _

IF:"in The Trthur.e Currau.1\v ishington. March 12.

PROTECTION OF NAVAL APPRENTICE^.—Becretarj 1 M*tcalf v.ill ende>Tror lo aecure tloperation of tt u.^nuthoritlea of Illinois In prevent-

lng \u0084,„ establirhment of iJriukine aatoons nn>l dis-orderly houses within \u25a0 certain limit, about threemile?, of the now naval station now In proceaa ofestablishment -^ T..ik;- Kluff.near Chicago, with aview to prote ting the morals of the your.;; men

• to He educated at that station for servicei;>. the United States navy. The plan of the Navy

•::!';it Is to ..-t.'blish a z'>n»- around the na-val reservation within which ii will !•«» made un-lawful to lo -it'- drinking saloons or other placoawhich .-.'.;.lit tend to demoraUze ihe naval apprfn-

under Instruction. The law of Congressprohibiting; the fulc- of liquor within one mile ofthe Foldiers' home in the District "i Columbia baabeen suggested as a model for Legislation by theLegislature of lllinfis for tho protection of the<;; Lakes naval station.

ORDERS ISSUED.—The following order* haveb<-t n issued :

ARMT.Major MIL.LARDF. WALTZ. Qs«ersJ start; from Wash-

inton to Havana, as chief of naff, army of Cubanpacification, relieving Lieutenant Colonel WILLJAMA. MAN'S". Infantry.

Colonel RAMSAY I- POTTS, General Staff; from Wash-ington to t?an Francisco., as chief of staff. Pacific Di-vision.

Following transfer and assignments, captains of coast artil-lery. ..M«r' \u25a0\u25a0! MORRIS K.BARROL.U from 72.1 to 1-trh«'.>n-.j»any. Fort Gr»bl< FRANK E. HARRIS fwwn Ist to89th Company. Kori De Soto; HENRY H. nil. Compan] to unas*ljcned list: THOMAS F.DWYER. from sth in ir,th Company: EDWARD KIMMEL, from 39th Company to unasslrne<l Hat; ELMER3 WAI.LACK, from 77th to 9;n Company. Kort War-ren; JOHN T. GEARY, from !>7th Company •• un-as«;gn*><! list; CUNRAD H. LANZA, from 7t»th tol«7th Company; FRED T_ AUSTIX from »th to nthCompany. Kort Barranrtß; TERENCE E MI'RPHTfrom BOlh to 11th Company. Fort Schuyler: JOHN I.III'OHES. from 74th to Bth Company Fort !•,.•>;\u25a0•.HARRY T. MATTHEWS from KJth to 1241 Com-pany: THEOPHII.CS B. STEEL*:, from onassisnedlift to SOth Company, an.l JOHN M'BRIDE, Jr. fromuna*sJsn»d I!st to 74!!-. company. ,

Vtollcwlnc transfers an.i assignments. firm lieutenants,ceaet artillery, rnlere-l: KAMt'EL S. O'CONNORfron> lfi'.ith to 72.1 Company HCOH X TAVI^'Ii toI4th Company; rT.ARENCE <;. BUNKER, from HOthCompany to uria.-fMgri'-.l 11?!; JOHN STOItCK •\u25a0 m72.1 Company to unanlgiMd list; EDGAR H ini-:from 80th to Rl«« Company; WILLIS c. METCALFfrom 7 \u25a0\u25a0•-. to 117th Company, nt Kort Adams. JOSEPHMATSON. from 7Mh (\u0084 Mh Company, at For) Pr»M«LAflllNI.AWSON. from 117 th to 71'lCompany ntFoti S.revcn: JOHN o. STEGER. from 14th to llf.thCompany; LANIER CRAVENS, from |O2<J to H»thCompany; AKTIHi: I. KEESLINO. from nth to 20thCompany, an ALBERT L- RHOAI fron» 201 t.<iih Company.

Following trarsfeis and a«ltr,mi-n'» fe.-oni lieutenant*' \u25a0•« artlller:. ordered: BRAINERD TAYLOR froE!*'to •'\u25a0'i

' Company; LAWRENCE C m •th to »th Company; PAUL D. BUNKER, fromIlth to POth Company, nt X- H'm llarrii.k» an.lALBERT T. BISHOP, from l>n to iilthITtompany.

Major ROBERT F. AMES. from l«t{ to :f>ih InfAntrj'.Major WILLIAMS H. JOHNSTON from JOtfc »o In-


Colonel ROBERT H. R. UH'GHBOROt'GH to ]3tn In-fantry.

IJentenant Colcnel WILLIAMA MANX,to Cth Ir.fantrj'.Ma • WKNt>Kt. L. SIMPSON, to l'.irh Infantry.Captain ARTHUR S. COWAN to 20th Infantry.


S»jrjr»>cn J. F. I!:•;-.'au of rr.fliclnc »r,<\ «tinr»ryNavy Department.

Anllttn Burgeons I! HAYPEN «r.l y: V VAI toN:iva! Medical Prhoel U'anli'nirtin.

Pay I>lrect.->r R. FRAZER, to navy yard Sew York.Pay Director .1. N" sri:?:!. detached from the navy v«rl.New York; tn rharg.- t uvy |iy ofllrv, Washington,ray lUKj^'-tnrT. V HIi'KS. .'."•>.»«\u25a0: frrrn th» na\y pay

offl.V, Washington; t.> .iuty a*... of payiori>?. «!»h Mntliiiat Navy f^r^rtnu-nt.


Th« followingmovement* of vessels have been reported to theNavy Department:

ARRIVED.March 11-Th» Fcorrlm at San Juan; the f'onrwtlrut at


Marrh 11 Th» Baltimore, from Ad#n for S*u»z; •\u25a0-* \YU-inir.K'or. from shiinphul fir Nankin.


Cleanses and beautifies theteeth and purifies the breath.Used by people of refinementfor over a quarter of a century.

Convenient for tourists.PREPARED BY


mih Pewder


FISH OX 4\W BOARD.RegiftereftTrade Mark

Lace Cloths-. ..\u25a0,".•.-\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

For Luncheons andBanquets.

A very complete collection ofthe newest and most attractiveFrench and Italian I..aceTrimmed Cloths, many of themcombining needle point andAnglais Embroidery with thelace.

ROUND» yds $27.50 to$125.00 each''„yds! 35.00 to 175.M eacho

" yds!' •'•' ""

to 25^.O'> each31, yds! 100.00 & loO.Ort each4 yds 1 _'."». & 185.09 eacn

SQUARE AND OBLONGNapkins to match 35.00 to '75.0!) do*;"..xi."-> yds 42.50 to 150.00 each2i,*x:i

"yds 50.01) to 275.0!) eachs i"x;;1, yds 57.50 to 325.00 each


yds 65.00 t0 250.00 each24x3 yds 85.00 to 340.00 eachNapkins to match.... 37.50 to 100.00 doz.••


James McCutcheon &Co.14 WEST 23D STREET.

Establishedhut/ a century



