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Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

Compiled By… … … … … … ..

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

1. Water kept in an Old “Surahi” is less cold than water in the new one. Why?

(a) The pores in Surahi help in evaporation of water

(b) The Pores in the Old Surahi becomes clogged and thus the total surface area for evaporation is


(C ) Old Surahis become saturated with water and hence evaporation in not rapid.

(d) None of the above.

2. The Best conductor of Electricity is:

(a) Filtered hot water

(b) Distilled Water

(c ) Salt Water

(d) Filtered water at room temperature

3. Which of the following units is the Unit of Work?

(a) Newton

(b) Joule

(c) Kilogram

(d) Watt

4. Usually light travels faster than Sound. However, when we switch a Television Set on, the picture

comes later than the sound. The reason is that:

(a) In T.V Transmission, sound is transmitted first and picture is transmitted later

(b) There is always a delay in the picture tube getting switched on

(c) Emission of electrons from the picture tube takes time

(d) The wiring of picture tube is much longer compared to that for the speakers.

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

5. When water is heated from 0 Degree C to 10 Degree C its volume:

(a) Increases

(b) Decreases

(c) Doesn’t change

(d) First increases then decreases

6. What is the region of spectrum for Mobile Communication?

(a) Ultra-violet

(b) Infra-red

(c) Visible

(d) Microwave

7. Which of the following statements is false?

(a) Scientific thinking accepts logical thinking

(b) Scientific thinking tries to the find the cause and effects in the events

(c) Scientific thinking depends upon past experiences

(d) Scientific thinking depends upon experimental facts

8. Which one of the following metal is heaviest?

(a) Silver

(b) Copper

(c) Gold

(d) Lead

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

9. The chemical name of tear gas is:

(a) Acetophenone

(b) Benzophenone

(c) Bromoacctophenone

(d) Chloroaceiophenone

10. Which one of the following types of coal contains a higher percentage of carbon than the rest?

(a) Bituminous coal

(b) Lignite

(C) Peat

(d) Anthracite

11. Which of the following planets has its orbit closest to that of earth?

(a) Saturn

(b) Mercury

(c ) Jupiter

(d) Venus

12. Which one of the following types of micro-organisms is most widely used in Industries?

(a) Bacteria

(b) Bacteria and Fungi

(c ) Bacteria and algae

(d) Bacteria, micro-algae and Fungi

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

13. Which pair of diseases may result if a baby is deficient in protein ?

(a) Kwashiorkor and pellagra

(b) Kwashiorkor and rickets

(c) Kwashiorkor and marasmus

(d) Marasmus and Osteomalacea

14. Diptheria is caused by the bacterial infection of:

(a) Lungs

(b) Heart

(c) Nasal passage

(d) Throat

15. What is the average fat content of buffalo milk?

(a) 7.2 %

(b) 4.5 %

(c) 9.00 %

(d) 10.0%

16. Which country operates the highest speed train in the world?

(a) Germany

(b) USA

(c) France

(d) Japan

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

17. Which of the following is not true about Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan ?

(a) All children of6-14 age in school by 2005

(b) Bridge all gender and social category gaps at primary stage by 2007 and at elementary education

level by 2010

(c) Focus on elementary education of satisfactory quality with emphasis on education for life

(d) Universal retention by 2015

18. Which Rural Sector is not included in Bharat Nirman Yojna?

(a) Irrigation

(b) Water supply

(c) Education

(d) Telephone

19. Baghlihar Dam has been constructed on :

(a) Sutlej

(b) Chenab

(c) Ravi

(d) Beas

20. The Projected Power Generation Capacity of Baghlihar on Completion is

(a) 850 MW

(b) 900 MW

(c) 1000 MW

(d) None of the Above

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

21. Who has authored "Lahore: A Sentimental Journey" ?

(a) Khushwant Singh

(b) L.K Advani

(c) Pran Navile

(d) Udairaj Mishra

22. Army Day is observed on:

(a) Jan 12

(b) Jan 13

(c) Jan 14

(d) Jan 15

23. Which country has become the 150th member Of 'World Trade Organisation?

(a) Laos

(b) Vietnam

(c) Cuba

(d) Brunei

24. The historic peace agreement of November 2006 in Nepal was signed between which of the


(a) King and SPA

(b) King and Maoist

(c) SPA and Maoist

(d) King, SPA and Maoist

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

25. Which one of the following is not a cause for the present global warming and climate change?

(a) CFC emission

(b) Carbon dioxide emission

(c) Deforestation

(d) Methane emission

26. You Tube- a famous video-sharing website has been acquired by :

(a) Yahoo

(b) Microsoft

(c) Google

(d) Redit

27. In which State is the hydel power project - Nathpa Jhakar located?

(a) Himachal Pradesh

(b) Uttaranchal

(c) J&K

(d) Madhya Pradesh

28. Which of the following Indian bird has been included in the world conservation list?

(a) Vulture

(b) Sparrow

(c) Crow

(d) Peacock

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

29. The largest man-made canal in the world is :

(a) Rhine Canal

(b) Panama Canal

(c) Seuz Canal

(d) None of these

30. Which one is "Asia's" oldest stock exchange?

(a) Tokyo Stock Exchange

(b) Hongkong Stock Exchange

(c) Bombay Stock Exchange

(d) National Stock Exchange

31. The oldest mountain in India according to geographical history is:

(a) Satpuras

(b) Nilgiris

(C) Vindhyas

(d) Aravalis

32. Which one of the following relates to the formation of Himalayas?

(a) Folding of the earth's crust

(b) Accumulation of Loss Deposits

(c) Folding of the geosyncline

(d) Faulting of the earth's crust

33. Which of the mountain passes lies Outside India?

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

(a) Khyber

(b) Bomdila

(c) Bara Lacha La

(d) Shipki La

34. Pumice is derived from:

(a) Volcanic rock

(b) Igneous rock

(c) Sedimentary rock

(d) Acid Lava

35. Massive Deforestation causes:

(a) Soil Erosion

(b) Floods

(c) Famine

(d) All of these

36. Grasses are almost absent in

(a) Tropical Moist Deciduous forests

(b) Tropical dry evergreen forests

(c) Tropical semi evergreen forests

(d) Tropical wet evergreen forests

37. Which one of the following ecosystems covers the largest area of the earth's surface?

(a) Desert Ecosystem

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

(b) Grassland Ecosystem

(C) Mountain Ecosystem

(d) Marine Ecosystem

38.Tundra is the treeless cold desert located in:

(a) South Africa

(b) Australia

(c) North America

(d) South Asia

39. The climate best suited for horticulture is:

(a) Equatorial

(b) Mediterranean

(c) Monsoon

(d) Tundra

40. The ozone layer of atmosphere absorbs:

(a) Ultraviolet rays

(b) all radiations of light

(c) infra-rays

(d) Cosmic rays

41. Of the total water on the earth fresh water reserves constitute, approximately:

(a) 4.5%

(b) 2.7%

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

(c) 1.2%

(d) 5.8%

42. Caldera is a feature associated with

(a) Volcanoes

(b) Earthquakes

(c) Folding of rocks

(d) Faulting of mountains

43. The Indian Sub-continent was originally a part of a huge Land called :

(a) Jurassic Landmass

(b) Aryavarta

(c) Indiana

(d) Gondwana Continent

44. Which of the following regions bear mainly the coniferous forests?

(a) Southern India

(b) South America

(c) Southern Island of Australia

(d) Western, Central and Eastern North America

45. McMohan line demarcates India and

(a) Pakistan

(b) Bangladesh

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

(c) Nepal

(d) China

46. The State with the largest area under wasteland is:

(a) Gujarat

(b) Madhya Pradesh

(c) Jammu & Kashmir

(d) Rajasthan

47. Increase of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to industrial pollution will lead to:

(a) Increase in snow cover of the earth

(b) Increase In the amount of rainfall

(c) Increase in surface temperature

(d) Decrease in surface temperature

48. The Kharif crops are summer crops and its most important example is.......The main Rafi crop is

(a) wheat, rice

(b) rice, wheat

(c) barley, wheat

(d) gram, wheat

49. Which crop is generally sown to restore and maintain soil fertility?

(a) Barley

(b) Jowar

(c) Maize

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

(d) Pulses

50. Which one of the following crops requires continuous semi-aquatic condition cultivation?

(a) Rice

(b) Wheat

(c) Groundnut

(d) Sugarcane

51. Which one of the following made the Indian Legislature bicameral ?

(a) Indian Councils Act. 1909

(b) Government of India Act, 1919

(c) Government of India Act, 1935

(d) Indian Independence Act, 1947

52. Panchayiti Raj was first introduced in the State of Rajasthan and:

(a) Andhra Pradesh

(b) Bihar

(c) Gujarat

(d) Haryana

53. The Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha can be removed by a resolution :

(a) Passed by a two-thirds majority ofits total members at that time

(b) Passed by a simple majority of its total members at that time

(e) Moved by Rajya Sabha but passed by Lok Sabha

(d) None of these

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

54. Sarkaria Commission was set up to

(a) Make necessary investigations and suggestions regarding the problem of Punjab

(b) review the Center-State relations

(c) Investigate the riots that took place in Delhi in 1984

(d) Investigate the assassination of Mrs. Indira Gandhi.

55. The Indian Constitution is regarded as;

(a) Federal

(b) Unitary

(c) Parliamentary

(d) Federal in form and unitary in spirit

56. Indian Constitution recognizes minorities on the basis of:

(a) religion

(b) caste

(c) population

(d) colour

57. The Anti-Defection Uw was enacted as early as, 1979 in :

(a) Kerala

(b) J&K

(c) West Bengal

(d) Tamil Nadu

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

58. Which of the following states has no Panchayati. Raj at all?

(a) Assam

(b) Kerala

(c) Tripura

(d) Nagaland

59. The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India is appointed by:

(a) Union Finance Minister

(b) Union Law Minister

(c) Prime Minister

(d) President

60. Who can dismiss the Governor?

(a) President

(b) Lok Sabha

(c) Rajya Sabha

(d) Legislative Council

61. Who among the following became thee President of All India States People's Conference in 1939?

(a) J.P.Narayan

(b) Jawahar Lal Nehru

(c) Sheikh Abdullah

(d) Sardar Patel

62. Lowest recorded temperature in India is at

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

(a) Leh

(b) Kargil

(c) Kaza

(d) Drass

63. The highest motorable mountain pass is

(a) Chang La

(b) Khardung La

(c) Rohtang Pass

(d) Digar La

64. Who is responsible for introducing'Chinar' tress in Kashmir ?

(a) Jahangir

(b) Gulab Singh

(c) Ranjit Singh

(d) Shahjahan

65. The Hari Parbat fort was built by:

(a) Hari Singh

(b) TodarMal

(c) Akbar

(d) Karan Singh

66. Kalhana who chronicled the history of Kashmir lived between:

(a) 1079-1151 AD

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

(b) 1025-1097 AD

(c) 1193-1247 AD

(d) 1108-1167 AD

67. The'Benthe is a:

(a) Dance performed by Lamas

(b) Buddhist worship

(c) Dance performed by Gujars and Bakerwals

(d) Monastery in Zanskar

68. 'Jabro' dance is performed in:

(a) Hunza

(b) Changthang

(C) Nubra

(d) Kargil

69. Who was lead actor in Hindi Film "Kashmir Ki Kali" ?

(a) Raj Kapoor

(b) Sunil Dutt

(c) Shami Kapoor

(d) Raj Kumar

70. Who among the following Generals led an assualt in Ladakh during Sikh Kingdom ?

(a) Hari Singh Nalwa

(b) Zorawar Singh

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

(c) Shaitan Singh

(d) Gulab Singh

71. Pandrethan in Rajtarangani refrers to the present day:

(a) Jammu

(b) Srinagar

(c) Pahalgam

(d) Leh

72. Gyalpo in ladakh refers to the:

(a) King

(b) Head Lama

(c) Incarnation

(d) Monastery

73. The largest and most famous monastery in Jammu & Kashmir is:

(a) Spituk

(b) Lamayunj

(c) Herois

(d) Henley

74. Who is the founder of Jammu city ?

(a) Hari Singh

(b) Ranbir Singh

(c) Raja Jambu lochan

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

(d) Ramachandra-I

75. The only sapphire mine in India is located at:

(a) Chushul

(b) Paddar

(c) Ratnagiri

(d) Amarnath

76. The Speaker can ask a member of the House to stop and let another member speak. This is known


(a) Decorum

(b) Crossing the floor

(c) Interpellation

(d) Yielding the floor

77. The year in which census was not conducted / held in J&K State was

(a) 1971

(b) 1981

(c) 1991

(d) 2001

78. As per 2001 Census, Jammu and Kashmir had a density of population per sq. km.:

(a) 99

(b) 110

(c) 25

(d) 150

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

79. In the Kashmir valley, first train started running between :

(a) Badgam and Anantnag

(b) Anantnag and Srinagar

(c) Jammu and Srinagar

(d) Doda and Anantnag

80. Which is one of the Lowest inhabited regions of the World?

(a) Jammu

(b) Ladakh

(c) Srinagar

(d) None of these

81. The length of Chenab river is:

(a) 1000 Km

(b) 1180 Km

(c) 1250 Km

(d) 1400 Km

82. During the summer season, a cool wind descends from the Shiwaliks in the night which is known


(a) Dadu

(b) Loo

(c) Ruzka

(d) None of these

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

83. Which district of Jammu Division has the largest area under forests ?

(a) Baramullah

(b) Anantnag

(c) Kargil

(d) Doda

84. Which district of J&K has least area under forest ?

(a) Poonch

(b) Badgam

(c) Kargil

(d) Rajouri

85. Dogra's ethnic group of Jammu Division belong:

(a) Aryan

(b) Buddhist

(c) Gaddies

(d) Bhotias

86. Which district of J & K has the highest saffron cultivation?

(a) Anantnag

(b) Srinagar

(c) Pulwama

(d) Leh

87. Which is one of the most ancient industries of Jammu and Kashmir ?

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

(a) Iron ore

(b) Papa

(c) Silk textiles

(d) Cotton textiles

88. In which year, the silk factory at Rambagh Srinagar was established?

(a) 1897

(b) 1911

(c) 1921

(d) 1947

89. Who was the founder of Rambagh Silk factory in Srinagar?

(a) Raja Ranbir Singh

(b) Sheikh Mohd. Abdullah

(c) Bakhshi Ghulam Mohammad

(d) Raja Karan Singh

90. Which is the second main economic activity in the state of J&K ?

(a) Agriculture

(b) Tourism

(c) Industry

(d) Fishing

91. The Ski Club of India was established at Gulmarg in:

(a) 1857

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

(b) 1927

(c) 1947

(d) 1951

92. Vaishno Devi pilgrimage is situated in:

(a) Lesser Himalayas

(b) The Greater Himalayas

(c) The Plateau of ladakh

(d) The Shivaliks

93. Ladakh is also known as:

(a) Sun land

(b) Moon land

(c) Grass land

(d) Barren land

94. The mightiest river of Jammu and Kashmir is:

(a) Ravi

(b) Sutlej

(C) Chanab

(d) Indus

95. Which is the largest fresh water lake in India being 80 sq. km In area ?

(a) Anchar

(b) Mansar

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

(c) Wular

(d) Dal

96 Where is Heli Sking resort in Asia?

(a) Srinagar

(b) Drass

(c) Leh

(d) Gulmarg

97. The first known King of Kashmir is:

(a) King Hari Singh

(b) King Gonand

(c) King Jarasandh

(d) Sheikh Abdullah

98. Total area of J&K is :

(a) 2,22,236 sq. km.

(b) 2,55,435 sq. km

(c) 1,57,468 sq. km.

(d) 1,75,910 sq. km.

99. Total area of Jammu Division is:

(a) 11,273 sq. miles

(b) 10,748 sq. miles

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

(c) 12,723 sq. miles

(d) 11,978 sq. miles

100. King Hari Singh reigned over Jammu and Kashmir between:

(a) 1925-1952

(b) 1927-1947

(c) 1925-1948

(d) 1927-1952

101. Area-wise which is the largest district of J&K?

(a) Anantnag

(b) Jammu

(c) Ladakh

(d) Udhampur

102. How many members are elected for J&K assembly?

(a) 87

(b) 97

(c) 107

(d) 117

103. The First meeting of J&K Constitution Committee was held on:

(a) 30th Oct, 1940

(b) 31st Oct, 1950

(c) 30th Oct, 1951

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

(d) 30th Oct, 1952

104. VAT is J&K was introduced in:

(a) 1st April, 2004

(b) 1st April, 2005

(c) 1st April, 2006

(d) 1st April, 2007

105. What is the per capita income growth rate annually during the 10th Five Year Plan?

(a) 7.50%

(b) 8 00%

(c) 8.53%

(d) 9.10%

104. Total road length maintained by R&B department in J&K:

(a) 26712 kms

(b) 227l6 Kms

(c) 12054 kms

(d) 83000 Kms

107. What is the total forest area of J&K State?

(a) 20,230 sq km

(b) 10,120 sq km

(C) 25,500 sq km

(d) 26,000 sq km

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

108. The Cocoon production was......... MT during the year 2011-12

(a) 817

(b) 917

(c) 1017

(d) 1117

109. Which ol the following mineral is used in the manufacture of cement ?

(a) Limestone

(b) Gypsum

(c) Marble

(d) Sapphire

110. Which of the following is used in glass and I.T. industries?

(a) Quartzite

(b) Dolomite

(c) Borax

(d) Magnesite

111. What was the literacy rate in J&K as per census of 2001?

(a) 74.45%

(b) 53.75%

(c) 55.52%

(d) 61.92%

Naib Tehsildar Previous Question Paper

112. What is the population of J&K, as per the census of 2011 ?

(a) 45%

(b) 49%

(c) 47.2%

(d) 48.9%