first christian church (disciples of christ)jul 07, 2020  · opening to the creative spirit karen...

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) A Welcoming Community of Faith in the Heart of the Twin Cities: Come to a place where you can explore, be curious and ask questions. Sunday, July 26, 2020 “DREAM” 610 West 28 th St. Minneapolis, MN 55408 612. 870.1868 [email protected]

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Page 1: First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)Jul 07, 2020  · Opening to the Creative Spirit Karen Bowman Gathering Our Voices in Song Let Us Be Drawn In+ Song Leader: In the world

First Christian Church

(Disciples of Christ) A Welcoming Community of Faith in the Heart of the Twin Cities:

Come to a place where you can explore, be curious and ask questions.

Sunday, July 26, 2020


610 West 28th St. Minneapolis, MN 55408

612. 870.1868 [email protected]

Page 2: First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)Jul 07, 2020  · Opening to the Creative Spirit Karen Bowman Gathering Our Voices in Song Let Us Be Drawn In+ Song Leader: In the world

Welcome! …to a place where you can explore, be curious and ask questions.

May you find comfort, joy, strength and peace as you worship the Loving and Living Lord with us today. First Christian truly seeks to be a place of welcome to all!

Children in worship! Children’s activities and coloring pages are available on our website with today’s bulletin, There’s also a video to watch. Communion: As members of The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) we practice weekly open communion. All believers are invited to partake. Use what you have available to join us during communion. Offering can be mailed to the church office (address below) or you can use the Givelify app to make your gift to First Christian. Use the “Give” button on the FCC website or go to Want to know more about First Christian? Go to and check out our ministries. To find out more about our LGBT ministry, click on Reaching Out. Our denomination: The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), often referred to as The Disciples, is a denomination known for an Open Theology and an Open Table. To find out more about our heritage, check out the DOC page: Missed a service? Live stream YouTube channel Interested in receiving our newsletter? Send an e-mail to [email protected] or call Deb 612-870-1868, ext. 1. We can send it electronically or in the mail or both! Like us on Facebook: First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)-Minneapolis. Follow various activities and events. You’ll also find links to the newsletter and podcasts. Deadline: for next issue of The Courier newsletter is Sunday, August 2, 2020. Send to Martha Harris. Tuesdays by 3 pm for bulletin announcements. Send to Deb Murphy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ministry Team: All Members of the Congregation Dan Adolphson, Associate Pastor, [email protected] Rick Bowman, SHMC Building Manager Deanna Davis, Soprano Section Leader Laurie Feille, Senior Pastor, [email protected] Martha Harris, Courier Editor, [email protected] Lara Moll, SHMC Youth Director, [email protected] Deb Murphy, Office Manager & Director of Spiritual Formation of Children, [email protected]

Deb Murphy (cont’d), SHMC Building Coordinator, [email protected] Rhianna Peterson, SHMC Child Care Caroline Povolny, Alto Section Leader Jack Russell, Tenor Section Leader Maria Thieling, SHMC Child Care Tanner VanderKrabben – Baritone Section Leader & Bell Choir Conductor Mike Vasich, Music Director & Pianist

Office: 612-870-1868 Deb – press 1; Pastor Laurie – press 2; Pastor Dan – press 3

Office e-mail: [email protected] Website: Address: 610 W. 28th St., Minneapolis, MN. 55408

SpringHouse Ministry Center: Website SHMC Telephone: 612-353-6292

Welcome Visitors, Friends and Members!

If you have a Joy, Concern, or Prayer Request to share, please email Pastor Laurie ([email protected]) or Pastor Dan ([email protected]) right away!

Page 3: First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)Jul 07, 2020  · Opening to the Creative Spirit Karen Bowman Gathering Our Voices in Song Let Us Be Drawn In+ Song Leader: In the world

BEING DRAWN IN Gathering Music Matt Blair Welcome, Announcements & Greeting Each Other Karen Bowman Prelude Matt Blair

Opening to the Creative Spirit Karen Bowman Gathering Our Voices in Song Let Us Be Drawn In+

Song Leader: In the world of the driven People: Let us be drawn in. SL: Let your love be a given. P: Let us be drawn in. SL: To imagine, to dream, to create, to redeem for the sake of the living P: Let us be drawn in

Creation Begins With God’s Dream (repeat the song ‘Let Us Be Drawn In’)

Congregational Prayer (in Unison): Creating God, you called forth all that exists in a moment of divine brilliance. Open us again to that spark which you ignited in each of us at our creation so that we might generate more life-giving energy in this world. Draw us into your story of hope. Give us the courage to dream. Amen.

Hymn of Praise God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens Chalice Hymnal #651 God, who stretched the spangled heavens, infinite in time and place, Flung the suns in burning radiance through the silent fields of space, We your children, in your likeness, share inventive powers with you. Great Creator, still creating, show us what we yet may do.

Proudly rise our modern cities, stately buildings, row on row; Yet their windows, blank, unfeeling, stare on canyoned streets below, Where the lonely drift unnoticed in the city’s ebb and flow, Lost to purpose and to meaning, scarcely caring where they go.

We have ventured worlds undreamed of since the childhood of our race; Known the ecstasy of winging through untraveled realms of space; Probed the secrets of the atom, yielding unimagined power, Facing us with life’s destruction or our most triumphant hour.

As each far horizon beckons, may it challenge us anew, Children of creative purpose, serving others, honoring you. May our dreams prove rich with promise, each endeavor well begun. Great Creator, give us guidance till our goals and yours are one.

Affirmation and Connection

Page 4: First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)Jul 07, 2020  · Opening to the Creative Spirit Karen Bowman Gathering Our Voices in Song Let Us Be Drawn In+ Song Leader: In the world

“LET THERE BE…” Community Joys & Concerns Laurie Feille

Song of Response* I Dream of Church O God, fill our hearts to reach out in welcome, make us to see your vision once more. Let’s dream of a world where our hands are your hands, we offer yourselves, O God, make it so. Make it so, make it so! We pray for the day, make it so. (Refrain) We dream of a world where Love reigns among us and your will is done, O God, make it so.

Prayers of the People

A Version of the Lord’s Prayer (Please pray the version in your heart) Our Creator, who is in heaven, holy is your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Response I Dream of Church (Refrain) We dream of a world where Love reigns among us and your will is done, O God, make it so.

Children’s Time Song God of the Sparrow (v.6) CH #70

God of the ages God near at hand God of the loving heart How do your children say Joy How do your children say Home

Children’s Moment “Make Belief” Laurie Feille Anthem Sing Community, Sing Peace Mark Hayes & Terry York An Imaginative Word: “There is a Vitality” by Martha Graham Karen Bowman Scripture Reading Karen Bowman

Luke 4:14-21 “Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and news about him spread throughout the whole countryside. He taught in their synagogues and was praised by everyone. Jesus went to Nazareth, where he had been raised. On the Sabbath, he went to the synagogue as he normally did and stood up to read. The synagogue assistant gave him the scroll from the prophet Isaiah. He unrolled the scroll

Page 5: First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)Jul 07, 2020  · Opening to the Creative Spirit Karen Bowman Gathering Our Voices in Song Let Us Be Drawn In+ Song Leader: In the world

and found the place where it was written: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me. He has sent me to preach good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the prisoners, and recovery of sight to the blind, to liberate the oppressed, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. He rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the synagogue assistant, and sat down. Every eye in the synagogue was fixed on him. He began to explain to them, ‘Today, this scripture has been fulfilled just as you heard it.’”

Sermon “Dream” Dan Adolphson Visio Divina

RESPONDING TO THE WORD +Hymn of Invitation Fill the World With Love CH #467

With the vision in our minds of how the world could be, And the fullness of our hearts from the suffering we see; When we make all that we are and have part of God’s destiny, We can fill the world with love, we can fill the world with love.

All the people in this world living lives of pain and fear, Crying out into the night, wond’ring when someone will hear; While there are so many others having so much they can share, Can we fill the world with love, can we fill the world with love. We whose spirits long to share, long to comfort and to heal, Know that when we act alone, hope is difficult to feel; But together as we labor God’s compassion to reveal We will fill the world with love, we will fill the world with love.

Let us hesitate no longer in our doubt and our dismay; There’s a pow’r at work within us that has promised a new day. And the time will surely come, it will not be long delayed When God fills the world with love, when God fills the world with love.

Celebration of Gifts of Self, Tithes, and Offerings Susan Morgan

Offering Invitation Offering: Electronic giving is available through the Givelify app. You may also mail your tithes and offerings to the church office.

Special Music: So She Dances Asher Lenz & Adam Crossley Deanna Davis, soprano section leader

Page 6: First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)Jul 07, 2020  · Opening to the Creative Spirit Karen Bowman Gathering Our Voices in Song Let Us Be Drawn In+ Song Leader: In the world

Doxology: Accept, O God, the Gifts We Bring CH #379 Accept, O God, the gifts we bring of spirit and of clay, Transform them into blessings on those we serve today. Rekindle deep within us all a passion to fulfill The ministry disciples have, empower’d to do your will.

Offertory Prayer

The Lord’s Supper Pat Dunlop Invitation to Communion Sharing the Peace of Christ: “The peace of Christ be with you.” Response: “And also

with you.” When invited to do so, please safely share Christ’s peace with those with you. You can also share Christ’s Peace with others watching worship by using the chat feature on our livestream, texting, or putting it on FaceBook…

Song of Communion For the Bread, Which you have Broken (vs. 1, 2) CH #411 For the bread which you have broken, for the wine which you have poured, for the words, which you have spoken, now we give you thanks, O Lord.

By these pledges that you love us, by your gift of peace restored, by your call to heaven above us, consecrate our lives, O Lord.

Prayer for Communion and Words of Institution Partaking of the Lord’s Supper: ALL are truly welcome to partake.

Please use whatever you have available to partake of communion from wherever you are watching.

Music for Meditation Matt Blair

Closing Words Laurie Feille Benediction Dan Adolphson

Song of Blessing: Loving Spirit (v. 1) CH #244 Loving Spirit, loving Spirit, you have chosen me to be -- you have drawn me to your wonder, you have set your sign on me.

Postlude Matt Blair

Thank you for worshipping with us this morning.

Song Lyrics reprinted under CCLI license #3084412/ #A-716803 Church Streaming & Podcast License #CSPL078361

+Let Us Be Drawn In, words by Marcia McFee, music by Jason Shelton *I Dream of Church, from the Mark Miller song book Roll Down Justice

Page 7: First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)Jul 07, 2020  · Opening to the Creative Spirit Karen Bowman Gathering Our Voices in Song Let Us Be Drawn In+ Song Leader: In the world

Thank you! To Matt Blair for being at the piano today. Our continued gratitude to audio/visual technicians Mike Cackoski and Melinda Nickerson, and to our music department: Music Director Mike Vasich; Section/Song Leaders Caroline Povolny, alto; Deanna Davis, soprano; Jack Russell, tenor; Tanner Vanderkrabben, baritone & Bell Choir Director.

About the cover: Logo and Name of Series, Worship Design Studio

Announcements & Other Things of Interest For the Kids - Water Wednesdays: Water Wednesday gatherings continue, 9-10 am every Wednesday morning through August 26. This opportunity is geared for elementary aged kids (K-5) but middle schoolers are welcome to tune in as well. The theme is “Water is Life." We’ve already started, but you can still join in. Register here: Questions? Ask Deb ([email protected]). Once you’ve registered, let Deb know and she’ll send you the Zoom link. A Different Kind of Bible Study: Do you ever find scriptures confusing? Has your understanding of the Bible changed over time? Each week Rev. Wendy Manuel will offer a different way to approach, examine and study the chosen text (Matthew 25:31-46) to invite and discover what it means to us right now. (WARNING: there will be homework). The study will be held via Zoom on Sunday afternoons at 4 pm through August 16. A Zoom link will be sent out ahead of time. Forgot to sign-up but want to join in? Please contact Wendy immediately after worship ([email protected].) Our online visitors are also welcome. Coffee with the Pastors: Join Pastors Laurie & Dan, and several members and friends from near and far, for a Zoom gathering at 9 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. On Tuesday and Thursday evenings, we will gather for a Zoom Happy Hour at 5 pm. The Zoom links are sent out in an eblast on Sundays and mid-week. They are also available on our Facebook page and website. Child Ministries: a link to the Sunday School video is available on the home page of our website ( “Children’s Table”: coloring pages and other activities for kids to have during worship are also available on the home page of our website. Tuesday Morning Bible Study: There is a Bible study each Tuesday, from 8:15 to 9:30 am. There are open conversations about the coming Sunday's Gospel reading, or Lectio Divina on the first Tuesday of the month. If you'd like to get an email with a Zoom meeting invitation for the next weekly Bible study, send a request to Michael Vanderford at [email protected]

Page 8: First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)Jul 07, 2020  · Opening to the Creative Spirit Karen Bowman Gathering Our Voices in Song Let Us Be Drawn In+ Song Leader: In the world

July/August 2020

Sunday, July 26 9:15 am – Children’s Sunday School: online video 10:30 am – Worship (livestream) “Children’s Table” activities and the bulletin can be found on the home page of our website: Noon – SHMC business meeting (if necessary) 4 pm – Online Bible study with Rev. Wendy Manuel 6 pm – Youth Group via Zoom Monday, July 27 9 am – Coffee with the Pastors via Zoom Tuesday, July 28 8:15 am – Lectionary Bible Study via Zoom (Contact Michael Vanderford if you are interested: 612-296-9647 or [email protected]) 5 pm – “Happy Hour” with the Pastors via Zoom Wednesday, July 29 9 am – Coffee with the Pastors via Zoom 9 am – Water Wednesday Day Camp Thursday, July 30 5 pm – “Happy Hour” with the Pastors via Zoom Friday, July 31 9 am – Coffee with the Pastors via Zoom Saturday, August 1 9 am – Coffee with the Pastors via Zoom Sunday, August 2 9:15 am – Children’s Sunday School: online video 10:30 am – Worship (livestream) “Children’s Table” activities and the bulletin can be found on the home page of our website: 4 pm – Online Bible study with Rev. Wendy Manuel 6 pm – Youth Group via Zoom















Note: If you are planning a Zoom meeting, please send an email to Deb at [email protected] with the date, time, group and Zoom address so

that it can be put into the calendar. The full calendar for FCC and SpringHouse is available on our website or online at

Page 9: First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)Jul 07, 2020  · Opening to the Creative Spirit Karen Bowman Gathering Our Voices in Song Let Us Be Drawn In+ Song Leader: In the world

There is a Vitality Martha Graham

There is a vitality, a life-force, an energy, a quickening

that is translated through you into action. And because there is only one of you in all of time,

this expression is unique. And if you block it… the world will not have it.

It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions.

It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open…

whether you choose to take an art class, keep a journal,

record your dreams, dance your story

or live each day from your own creative source. Above all else, keep the channel open!