firm theory blue ocean strategy

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  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    Firm TheoryKim ValbumRUCMEA

    Blue Ocean StrategyW. Chan Kim & Rene Mauborgne

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    Make the Competition Irrelevant

    Cirque de Soleil is a success by taking in newcustomers, combining cirkus/art/ performance at ahigh price to new customers

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    Value Innovationa cornerstone

    The Simultaneous Pursuit of Differentiationand Low Cost

    Value innovation is created in the region where a companysactions favorably affect both its cost structure and its valueproposition to buyers.

    Cost savings are made by eliminating and reducing the factors anindustry competes on. Buyer value is

    lifted by raising and creating elements

    the industry has never offered.Over time, costs are reduced further as

    scale economies kick in due to the high

    sales volumes that superior value generates.

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    The Six Principles of Blue OceanStrategy

    Formulation principles Risk faktor each

    principle attenuates

    Reconstruct market boundaries \/ Search risk

    Focus on the big picture, not the numbers \/ Planning riskReach beyond existing demand \/ Scale risk

    Get the strategic sequence right \/ Business model risk

    Execution principles Risk factor each

    principle attenuates

    Overcome key organizational hurdles \/ Organizational risk

    Build execution into strategy \/ Management risk

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    The Four Actions Framework

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    Eliminate-Reduce-Raise-CreateGrid: The case of Cirque du Soleil

    Eliminate RaiseStar performers Unique venue

    Animal shows

    Aisle concession sales

    Multiple show arenas

    Reduce CreateFun and humor Theme

    Thrill and danger Refined environment

    Multiple productions

    Artistic music and dance

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    Red oceansix assumptions:

    Define industry similarly and focus on being best

    Look through the lens of accepted strategic groups(luxury cars, family cars etc.) and strive to stand out

    Focus on the same buyer group

    Define the scope of the products and services offeredby their industry similarly

    Accept their industrys functional or emotionalorientation

    Focus on the same point in timeand often oncurrent competitive threatsin formulating strategy

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    Blue Oceanpath 1Look Across Alternative Industries

    A company competes not only with the otherfirms in its own industry but also withcompanies in those other industries that

    produce alternative products or servicesProducts and services that have differentforms but offer the same functionality areoften substitutes for each other

    Alternatives include products or services thathave different functions and forms but thesame purpose

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    Blue Oceanpath 2Look Across Strategic Groups Within Industries

    Blue oceans can often be created by lookingacross alternative industries, so can they beunlocked by looking across strategic groups.

    In most industries , the fundamental strategicdifferences among industry players arecaptured by a small number of strategicgroups

    The key to creating a blue ocean acrossexisting strategic groups is to break out ofthe narrow tunnel vision by understandingwhich factor determine customers decisionsto trade up or down fron one group to


  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    Blue Oceanpath 3Look Across the Chain of Buyers

    In most industries competitors convergearound commen definitionsbuyers (which

    involve purchasers, users, influencers etc.)and target customer segmentslarge vs.small customers etc.

    By looking across buyer groups, companies

    can gain new insights into how to redesigntheir value curves to focus on a previouslyoverlooked set of buyers.

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    Blue Oceanpath 4Look Across Complementary

    Product and Service Offerings Few products and services are used in a vacuum. In most

    cases other products and services affect their value

    But in most industries, rivals converge within the bounds oftheir industrys product and service offerings

    Untapped value is often hidden in complementaryproducts and services. The key is to define the total

    solution buyers seek when they choose a product orservice. A simple way to do so is to think about whathappens before, during, and after your product isused.

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    Competition tends to converge on an accepted notion and on few possible

    bases of appeal

    Some industries compete on rational appeal and some on emotional appeal

    Over time, functionally oriented industries become more functionally oriented;

    emotional industries become more emotional oriented

    Industries have trained customers in what to expectand they answer morefor less

    Emotionally oriented industries offer many extras that add price, but not

    functionalitycustomers would welcome simpler, lower-priced and lower-cost business models

    Functionally oriented industries can stimulate new demand by adding a doseof emotion

    Blue Oceanpath 5Look Across Functional/Emotional Appeal to Buyers

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    Blue Oeceanpath 6Look Across Time

    All industries are subject to external trends that affecttheir businesses

    Looking at these trends with the right perspective canshow how to create blue ocean opportunities

    Insights into blue ocean strategy arise from businessinsights into how the trend will change value tocustomers

    Three principals are critical to assessing trends acrosstime and to form the basis of a blue ocean strategy:

    1. These trends must be decisive to your business2. These trends must be irreversible3. These trends must have a clear trajectory

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    From Head-to-head Competitionto Blue Ocean Creation

    Head-to-Head Competition Blue Ocean Creation

    Industry Focuses on rivals within its industry -> Looks across alternative industries

    Strategic group Focuses on competitive position -> Looks across strategic groups

    within strategic group within industry

    Buyer group Focuses on better serving the -> Redefines the industry buyerbuyer group group

    Scope of product Focuses on maximizing the value -> Looks across to complementary

    or service of product and service offerings product and service offerings

    offering within the bounds of its industry

    Functional- Focuses on improving price -> Rethinks the functional-emotionalEmotional performance within the functional- orientation of its industry

    orientation emotional orientation of its industry

    Time Focuses on adapting to external -> Participate in shaping external

    trends as they occur trends over time

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    The Four Steps of VisualizingStrategy

    1. VisualAwakening

    2. VisualExploration

    3. Visual StrategyFair

    4. VisualCommunication

    Compare yourbusiness with yourcompetitiors bydrawing your as isstrategy canvas

    See where yourstrategy needs tochange

    Go into the fieldto explore the six

    paths to creatingblue oceans

    Observe thedistinctiveadvantages ofalternative products

    and servicesSee which factors

    you shouldeliminate, create, orchange

    Draw your to bestrategy canvas

    based on insightsfrom fieldobservations

    Get feedback onalternative strategycanvases from

    customers,competitorscustomers, andnoncustomers

    Use feedback tobuild the best tobe future strategy

    Distribute yourbefore-and-after

    strategic profiles onone page for easycomparison

    Support only thoseprojects andoperational moves

    that allow yourcompany to closethe gaps toactualize the newstrategy

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    Testing the Growth Potential of aPortfolio of Businesses

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    First Tier: Soon-to-be noncustomers

    who are on the edge of your market,

    waiting to jump ship

    Second Tier: Refusing noncustomers

    who consciously choose against your


    Third Tier: Unexplored noncustomers who are in marketsdistant from yours

    The Three Tiers of Noncustomers





  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    The Sequence of Blue OceanStrategy

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    The Buyer Experience Cycle

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    The Price Corridor of the Mass

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    The Profit Model of Blue OceanStrategy

    The Strategic Price

    The Target Profit

    The Target Cost

    Streamlining and Partnering

    Cost Innovations

    Pricing Innovation

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    Blue Ocean Idea (BOI) Index




    Utility Is there exceptional utility?

    Are there compellingreasons to buy youroffering?

    - - +

    Price Is your price easilyaccessible to the mass ofbuyers?

    - - +

    Cost Does your cost structuremeet the target cost?

    - - +



    Have you addressedadoption hurdles up front?

    - +/- +

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    The Four Organizational Hurdlesto Strategy Execution

    Cognitive Hurdle

    An organization wedded

    to the status quo

    Ressource Hurdle Political HurdleLimited resources Opposition from

    powerful vested


    Motivational Hurdle

    Unmotivated staff

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    Conventional Wisdom vs. TippingPoint Leadership

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    How Fair Process Affects PeoplesAttitudes and Behavior

    Strategy Fair Process

    Formulation Engagement

    Process Explanation

    Expectation clarity

    Attitudes Trust and Commitment

    I feel my opinion counts

    Behavior Voluntary Cooperation

    Ill go beyond the call of duty

    Strategy Execution Exceeds Expectation


  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    The Execution Consequences of the Presence

    and Absence of Fair Process in Strategy Making

    Fair Process Intellectual andEmotionalRecognition

    Trust andCommitment

    VoluntaryCooperation inStrategyExecution

    Violation of FairProcess

    Intellectual andEmotional


    Distrust andResentment

    Refusal toExecute


  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    Imitation Barriers to Blue OceanStrategy

    Value innovation does not make sense to a companysconventional logicBlue ocean strategy may conflict with other companies brandimage

    Natural monopoly: The market often cannot support a secondplayerPatents or legal permits block imitationHigh volume leads to rapid cost advantage for the valueinnovator, discouraging followers from entering the marketNetwork externalities discourage imitation

    Imitation often requires significant political, operational, andcultural changesCompanies that value-innovate earn brand buzz and a loyalcustomer following that tends to shun imitators

  • 8/14/2019 Firm Theory Blue Ocean Strategy


    Blue Ocean Strategy

    Dont Compete

    with Rivals

    Make ThemIrrelevant