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Upload: firetecpro

Post on 25-May-2015




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Cabinet Fire Protection For Data & Server Rooms


  • 1.

2. FireTecPro fastest possible fire detection
FireTecPro fire safety for switch and server cabinets ultra compact, with maximum protection
3. Small cause big consequences!
FireTecPro rapid detection, where it is needed!
4. Fire in cabinets
Bad contacts
defective parts
FireTecPro rapid detection, where it is needed!
5. Survival duration of companies after total failure of IT systems
8% up to 1 day
43% up to max. 3 days 49% more than 3 days *
source Debis (2006
FireTecPro rapid detection, where it is needed!
6. c
Three fast steps to a better security!
Fastest possible, highly sensitive smoke detection by semi aspiration and optional climate control.
Power shutdown, extracts the source path for further enlargement.
Extinguishing with gases that are not harmful to nature and equipment (FM200/NOVEC 1230)
FireTecPro rapid detection, where it is needed!
7. Unique Selling Points FireTecPro

  • Fire protection on 19 inch (482, 6 mm)

8. Quick detection by aspiration 9. Simple Assembly 10. An on top version possible for full cabinets 11. Ethernet networking opportunities via I-BOX , 12. Detection and extinguishing in a (2HE height 88, 9 mm) 13. Can be used in existing and new installations 14. Addable for multiple sensors. 15. Plug & Play FireTecPro rapid detection, where it is needed!
16. 1. 2 multi sensors
2. Emergency power supply
3. IP communication board (optional)
4. Emergency Power Shut Down Relays(optional)
5. Peripheralelectricalconnections
6. Adaptor for main power supply
7. Mainboard
8. LCD front panel display
9. Key switch
10. Emergency release button
11. Suction fan
12. Input main power supply
13. Extinguishing agent containers with electrically controlled release
14. Pressure display
15. Extinguishingnozzle
FireTecPro 1.7 m

  • 1.7 cubic meter Novec1230 flood capability

18. Designed to fit in cabinets of minimal 600 mm 19. Low gas pressure warning 20. 1st and 2nd stage fire alarm 21. LCD display shows status 22. User can make personal adjustments in the software by a simple program, shown on the LCD 23. Optional aspiration system is possible for areaswith high airflow 24. FireTecPro can, in case of a fire incident, control and shut-down the power in the cabinet
FireTecPro rapid detection, where it is needed!
FireTecPro 3.2 m

  • 3.2 cubic metre Novec1230 flood capability

26. The same capacities as FireTecPro 1.7 m 27. For use in cabinets with a very high airflow

FireTecPro rapid detection, where it is needed!
FireTecPro + aspiration

  • Faster response by sensitive detection

29. System takes air samples though the entire cabinet, which causes a faster response when the fire is at the bottom of the cabinet 30. For use in cabinets with a very high airflow 31. Permanent coincident alarm to exclude false alarms 32. Dust sensor combined with an optical smoke detector

FireTecPro rapid detection, where it is needed!
33. FireTecPro& I-BOX

  • Monitors the area where the FireTecPro is active

34. Includes inputs to monitor the entire room 35. Shocks, temperature, humidity, airflow, accesscontrol (card readers), etc. 36. Monitors current on PDU 37. Non specific analogue and digital inputs 38. Real time condition, status and alarm monitoring

FireTecPro rapid detection, where it is needed!
39. Suitable for the following cabinet dimensions
600mm x 600mm (+ Duo kast)
800mm x 800mm (+ Duo kast)
1000mm x 800mm(+ Duo kast)
1100mm x 800mm(+ Duo kast)
1200mm x 800mm(+ Duo kast)
FireTecPro rapid detection, where it is needed!
40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. FireTecPro & NOVEC 1230

  • Novec 1230 is a non-conductive fluid, when released it is a very fine mist and will focus on the fire. There it isolates the heat of the fire and uses its own ability to cool to extinguish the fire faster.

46. Novec 1230 is capable of extinguishing fires classified as A, B, C, E and F, therefore it is more than fit for use in the FireTecPro
FireTecPro, snelle detectie waar het nodig is!
47. Demonstration withNOVEC1230
48. FireTecPro ... your fire extinguished in a fraction of a second for any serious damage can occur.
Safety at the heart of your operational systems.