fire storm-b suits with ballistic-protection

FIRE STORM SERIES FIREFIGHTERS SUITS FIRE STORM-N suit for firefighter’s brigade Basic characteristics for a typical (normal) suit FIRE STORM-N Protection from thermal radiation heat flow 5 kW during 240 seconds Resistance to high temperature of 150 degrees Celsius for not less than 30 minutes. Protection from exposure to water and foam with p=10 kPa Temperature at any point under suit space from thermal radiation heat flow 5 kW during 240 second - 37 C 0 Temperature at any point under suit space from open flame during 5 seconds – 37 C 0 Weight – 5 kg.

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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FIRE STORM-N suit for firefighter’s brigade

Basic characteristics for a typical (normal) suit FIRE STORM-N

Protection from thermal radiation heat flow 5 kW during 240 seconds

Resistance to high temperature of 150 degrees Celsius for not less than 30 minutes.

Protection from exposure to water and foam with p=10 kPa

Temperature at any point under suit space from thermal radiation heat flow 5 kW during 240 second - 37 C0

Temperature at any point under suit space from open flame during 5 seconds – 37 C0

Weight – 5 kg.

FIRE STORM-B suits with ballistic-protection

Basic characteristics for suit FIRE STORM-B with ballistic-protection

FIRE STORM-B protect against fragments of grenades and engineer ammunition, attack of naked flame, mechanical cuts by cold steel, fragments of broken glasses and other sharp things and to be used in the course of conducting special operations. The suit is made of package of technical aramid materials with a liner of mixed cotton-based fibers.

Protection from thermal radiation heat flow 5 Kw during 240 seconds

Resistance to high temperature of 150 degrees Celsius for not less than 30 minutes.

Temperature at any point under suit space from thermal radiation heat flow 5 kW during 240 second - 37 C0

Temperature at any point under suit space from open flame during 5 seconds – 37 C0

Protection from exposure to water and foam with p=10 kPa

Ballistic protection V10 > 180 mps (meters per second) in square 160 dm.

Ballistic protection V50 > 400 mps (meters per second) for area chest, neck and groin.

Weight – 7,5 kg.

All other characteristics both suits correspond

- Russian GOST R 53264-2009 - European EN 469—97, EN 1486—96, EN 464—94, EN 943—97 - US NFPA 1971