fire safety in the workplace

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Fire Safety


  • 1. Dangers of Fire &Smoke 575,000 in 12months Only 1 in 5 fires arereported. An estimated 2.8million fires peryear in UK.

2. UK 804,000 fire and false alarms 2007 (8%) Total fires down 12% to 385,000 Deaths down 10% to 443, 267 accidentaldwelling fires Attendances to UK false alarms down 4% to419,000 Malicious false alarms down 12% to 30,000 Faulty apparatus false alarms down 1% to271,000 3. People often dont take fire seriouslyReflected in response to alarmsAssume its a test, drill or false alarm8 May 1979Woolworths (Manchester)10 dead, dozens injuredNew legislation for: Furniture, sprinklers in shopping centres, and compulsory training for staff.11 May 1985Bradford Football Club56 dead, hundreds injuredNew legislation for: Fire Safety andSafety of Places of sports Act 1987,revision of Green Guide by HomeOffice 4. Nobody on the premises called theFire Brigade 5. 1.How Fires are started2.How Fires are classified3.Action on discovering a fire4.Action on hearing a fire alarm and procedures this sets inmotion5. Baton System + Fire Boxes6.The location, different types and use of fire extinguishers7.Alerting members of the public/parents Cascade System8.Evacuation procedures and assembly points9.Importance of Fire doors10. Escape doors and escape routes11. General fire precautions and good housekeeping12. Dealing with the Emergency Services 6. Fire is a chemical reaction involving rapid oxidation or burning of a fuel. It needs three elements to occur:OXYGEN - The air we breathe is about 21 percentoxygen. fire only needs an atmosphere with at least16 percent oxygen.FUEL - Fuel can be any combustible material - solid,liquid or gas. Most solids and liquids become a vaporor gas before they will burn.HEAT - Heat is the energy necessary to increase thetemperature of the fuel to a point where sufficientvapors are given off for ignition to occur. CHEMICAL REACTION - A chain reaction can occur when the three elements of fire are present in the proper conditions and proportions. Fire occurs when this rapid oxidation, or burning takes place.Take any one of these factors away, and the fire cannot occur or will be extinguished ifit was already burning. 7. Flammable orOrdinary combustible liquidscombustibles orsuch asfibrous material, such gasoline, kerosene, paias wood, paper, cloth, nt, paint thinners andrubber and somepropane.plastics.Energized electrical Certain combustibleequipment, such as metals, such asappliances, switches,magnesium, titanium,panel boxes andpotassium and sodium.power tools. These metals burn at high temperatures and give off sufficient oxygen to support combustion. They may react violently with water or other chemicals, and must be handled with care. 8. Sound the alarmUse an appropriate fire extinguisher if: it is safe to do so you have been trained to use itFire extinguishers should be tested ina safe place, before using it on a fire 9. Sound the alarm Ensure Fire services are called Close the door(Although it should be closed) Report to person in charge for roll call Leave immediately Do not return to building until told Proceed to assemblypoint 10. When you sound the alarm, or hear the alarm, take control of the BatonYou are now the person responsible for that particular Fire ZoneMake sure that: 1)Somebody call the Fire Brigade. 2)All pupils, staff and members of the public evacuate immediately. 3)Fire doors are closed. (Where possible the windows as well) 4)Take contents of the Fire Box, when you leave. 5)Find the Fire Marshall/Fire Brigade Officer in charge and report. 6)Assist where needed. 11. The Fire Box is an emergency information aid. Inside the box you will find a red plastic folder containing the following:1) A copy of the main gate key2) A copy of the school Crisis Management Policy (This contains all the emergency services numbers.)3) Contact numbers for every parent of every pupil in school.4) Evacuation procedures 12. 1. React immediately / take possession of Baton and Fire Box contents2. Visually inspect escape route for smoke or flames3. Prepare everybody in your care for evacuation4. Escort all persons in your charge out of the building as listed on the Evacuation Procedure.5. Both sides of the staircase should be used during the evacuation procedure.6. Please make sure all doors and windows are closed when leaving your classrooms.Persons in possession of Fire Batons/School Secretary/Fire Marshall Bring playground gate key & open gate.Bring registers and distribute them to all teachers.Take mobileFire Log bookPupil details registerTake contents of the Fire Box located on every floorPerson in possession of Fire Baton is the last to leave their Fire Zone and report to person in charge at the assembly point. 13. Pre-appointed Fire Officers for each floor(Fire Baton system in effect) Ground Floor- Ronael ForbesFirstFloor- Henk WeyersSecond Floor- Jenna RyanThirdFloor- Juliette MacDonald Duties of Fire Marshall / Fire OfficersUse fire extinguishers to clear exit routesIF NO OTHER OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE.Ensure complete evacuation of your Fire ZoneTo ensure that fire procedures are carried out correctly and safely.Report / hand over Fire Baton to person in chargeAssist Fire Marshall and Fire Officers 14. Extinguishers should be tested each year by a competentperson. (Chubb) Extinguishers should be visually examined by a competentperson on a monthly basis to ensure they are still serviceable. They should be on a wall bracket or in a stand. Extinguishers should not be used to hold open a fire door. To do so is a criminal offenceStaff do not have to tackle any fire if they do not wish to do so, but should know the location of their nearest extinguisher and the type of extinguisher, to assist fellow members of staff. 15. Water FoamDryCO2 WetPowder ChemicalA Wood,paper,textilesB Flammable LiquidsC Flammable GasesD MetalSpecialDry agentsE ElectricalF Cooking oils Best Extinguisher:Suitable alternative: 16. Colour CodingA change to the British Standard BS 7863 has meant a change to the style of colour coding on extinguishers. A block of colour has now been placed above the operating instructions to cover between 3-5% of theextinguisher area. For use on Class A fires only Most have 13A test rating App 6m throw for jet nozzle App 2m throw for spray type Aim at base of fire 9L has 45sec minimum durationNever use on electrical equipment or flammable liquids!!! 17. Colour CodingA change to the British Standard BS 7863 has meant a change to the style of colour coding on extinguishers. A block of colour has now been placed above the operating instructions to cover between 3-5% of theextinguisher area.For use on Class A & B firesMost have AFFF solution(Aqueous Film Forming Foam)App 4m throw for jet nozzleApp 2m throw for spray typeApply with caution/do not disturbliquid9L has 30sec minimum durationNever use on electrical equipment !!! 18. Colour CodingA change to the British Standard BS 7863 has meant a change to the style of colour coding on extinguishers. A block of colour has now been placed above the operating instructions to cover between 3-5% of theextinguisher area.Use on Class A, B & C fires, LPGs andelectrical hazardsCan be very messyApp 2-4m throw, depending onenvironmentShort bursts until in range, thencontinuous operation9L has 16sec minimum durationNo cooling effect, so re-ignition ispossible, particularly with Class Amaterials 19. Colour CodingA change to the British Standard BS 7863 has meant a change to the style of colour coding on extinguishers. A block of colour has now been placed above the operating instructions to cover between 3-5% of theextinguisher area.Use on Class B & C fires and electricalhazardsContents under pressure, do not useon loose paper as this might spreadCheck instructions, before holdingdischarge hornExtremely noisyUse caution in confined spaces due toasphyxiating effects of CO2Hold upright at arms length, app 1,5mfrom fire 20. Before tackling the fire, raise the alarmWork in pairs, where possibleTake a second extinguisher (of the appropriate type) if readilyavailableAlways test the extinguisher away from the fire before useKeep lowAlways have a way out (keep your back to the exit door)Leave immediately if the fire begins to get out of controlIf any amount is used or safety pin is missing, consider it emptyand get it serviced ASAP. 21. To prevent/delay the spread of smoke and fireFire doors should have the following features: A sign Fire Door Keep Shut Door usually solid Self-closing Glazing fitted should be fire-resisting Intumescent strip along the edges Gap between the frame and door never exceed 3-4mm Good condition with no holes Cupboard doors should be fitted with a sign Keep Locked Shut When Not In UseUp to 5000 fine for a fire door left open, leading toan injury or death! (Criminal negligence) 22. Fire exit doors should have the following features: A single, simple fastening At least 750mm wide Should not be obstructed at any time Should open outwardsCheck these doors on a regular basis to make surethey are in a good working order. 23. Fire Risk Assessments need to be carried out every year All visitors need to be made aware of evacuation proceduresand escape routes All staff are responsible for pupils and visitors in their care andshould therefore rectify or report any potential fire hazards. Potential fire hazards would be:A blocked or obstructed escape routeA used or damaged fire extinguisherInappropriate use of electrical appliancesFire doors held open 24. Twice a termSimulate an obstructed exitInform all staff and pupilsreduce accidentsquick response during real emergenciesKey staff may remain in position, but need to practice at another opportunityAlso evacuate the public (Parents, visitors, contractors etc)Use observers to highlight any problems during the fire drillFire Marshall should have a deputy (In case of absence) 25. When Emergency Services arrive: Fire Marshall / Head teacher / SMT (In that order) co-ordinates with Fire Brigade officerHave the following information at hand: Roll-call and list of unaccounted persons Location of: Possible origin of firePower supplyFloor PlanWater HydrantsShut-off valves 26. SMTVal N R 1 2Rep Rep Rep RepA B C A B A B A B 27. In the event of an evacuation:Ground FloorReception & ICT/Music RoomLeave the building through the front door and turn right.Line up on the corner of Burnaby Gardens and Harvard Hill.GymLeave the building through the Gym Fire Door and line up againstthe far wall in the playground.First FloorNurseryLeave the Nursery using the left-hand side of the stairs. Out the front doorand line up on the pavement near the double gates. 28. Year 1Come down the main stairs on the right-hand side. At thebottom of the stairs turn right and exit the building via theGym doors. Continue out the playground gates and line upagainst the outside of the playground wall.Second and Third FloorLeave via fire escape doors on the second floor and proceedto line up against the far wall in the playground.Both sides of the staircase to be used during this procedure.Follow instructions of Fire Brigade/FireMarshall/Principal/Head/Deputy Head/SMT Do not re-enter the school until instructed to do so by the person in charge.If any of the allocated points of egress are obstructed, please proceed to the nearest alternative exit point!