finite-state methods in natural language processing

Finite-State Methods in Finite-State Methods in Natural Language Natural Language Processing Processing Lauri Karttunen LSA 2005 Summer Institute July 20, 2005

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Finite-State Methods in Natural Language Processing. Lauri Karttunen LSA 2005 Summer Institute July 20, 2005. Course Outline. July 18: Intro to computational morphology XFST Readings - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Finite-State Methods in Natural Finite-State Methods in Natural Language ProcessingLanguage Processing

Lauri Karttunen

LSA 2005 Summer Institute

July 20, 2005

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Course OutlineCourse Outline

July 18:Intro to computational morphologyXFST

ReadingsLauri Karttunen, “Finite-State Constraints”, The Last

Phonological Rule. J. Goldsmith (ed.), pages 173-194, University of Chicago Press, 1993.

Karttunen and Beesley, “25 Years of Finite-State Morphology”

Chapter 1: “Gentle Introduction” (B&K)

July 20:Regular expressionsMore on XFST

ReadingsChapter 2: “Systematic Introduction”Chapter 3: “The XFST interface”

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July 25Concatenative morphotacticsConstraining non-local dependencies

ReadingsChapter 4. “The LEXC Language”Chapter 5. “Flag Diacritics”

July 27Non-concatenative morphotactics

Reduplication, interdigitation

ReadingsChapter 8. “Non-Concatenative Morphotactics”

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August 1Realizational morphology

ReadingsGregory T. Stump. Inflectional Morphology. A Theory of

Paradigm Structure. Cambridge U. Press. 2001. (An excerpt)

Lauri Karttunen, “Computing with Realizational Morphology”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2588, Alexander Gelbukh (ed.), 205-216, Springer Verlag. 2003.

August 3Optimality theory

ReadingsPaul Kiparsky “Finnish Noun Inflection” Generative Approaches to Finnic

and Saami Linguistics, Diane Nelson and Satu Manninen (eds.), pp.109-161, CSLI Publications, 2003.

Nine Elenbaas and René Kager. "Ternary rhythm and the lapse constraint". Phonology 16. 273-329.

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Scripting xfstScripting xfst

xfst -l myscript

xfst -f myscript

xfst -e “echo Welcome” \ -e “regex a b c;” \ -e “save foo” \ -stop

Start XFST

execute myscriptwait for more commands from the command line

Execute myscript and exit

Execute the commands in the given order. The commands must be on the same line. The -stop at the end is required to make xfst quit.

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Numeral ScriptNumeral Script

# This script constructs the language of English# numerals from "one” to "ninety-nine".# This is a comment.

# From "one" through "nine":

define OneToNine [{one} | {two} | {three} | {four} | {five} | {six} | {seven} | {eight} | {nine}];

# It is convenient to define a set of prefixes that# can be followed either by "teen" or by "ty".

define TeenTyStem [{thir} | {fif} | {six} | {seven} | {eigh} | {nine}] ;

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Numeral Script (Continued)Numeral Script (Continued)

# From "ten" to "nineteen"define Teens [{ten} | {eleven} | {twelve} |

[TeenTyStem | {four}] {teen}];

# Let’s define stems that can be followed "ty".define TyStem [TeenTyStem | {twen} | {for}];

# TyStem is followed either by "ty" or by ty-"# and a number from OneToNine.

define Tens [TyStem [{ty} | {ty-} OneToNine]];

define OneToNinetyNine [ OneToNine | Teens | Tens ];

push OneToNinetyNine

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Number to NumeralNumber to Numeral



hundred five hundred and five

one hundred and five


hundred five


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NumberToNumeral scriptNumberToNumeral script

# This script constructs a transducer that relates the

# English numerals "one", "two", ..., "ninety-nine",

# to the corresponding numbers "1", 2 ... "99".

define OneToNine [1:{one} | 2:{two} | 3:{three} |

4:{four} |5:{five} | 6:{six} |

7:{seven} | 8:{eight} | 9:{nine}];

define TeenTyStem [3:{thir} | 5:{fif} | 6:{six}|

7:{seven} | 8:{eigh} | 9:{nine}];

define Teens [1:0 [{0}:{ten} | 1:{eleven} | 2:{twelve} |

[TeenTyStem | 4:{four}] 0:{teen}]];

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NumberToNumeral (Continued)NumberToNumeral (Continued)

define TyStem [2:{twen} | TeenTyStem | 4:{for}];

# TyStem is followed either by "ty" paired with a zero

# or by "ty-" mapped to an epsilon and followed by a

# number. Note that {0} means zero and not epsilon.

define Tens [TyStem [{0}:{ty} | 0:{ty-} OneToNine]];

define OneToNinetyNine [ OneToNine | Teens | Tens ];

push OneToNinetyNine

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Xerox RE OperatorsXerox RE Operators

$ containment

=> restriction

-> @-> replacement

Make it easier to describe complex languages and relations without extending the formal power of finite-state systems.

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aa?? ?? aa$a$a

[?* a ?*][?* a ?*]

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cc?? aa


a => b _ ca => b _ c

““AnyAny aa must be preceded bymust be preceded by bband followed byand followed by cc.”.”

~[~[?* b] a ?*] & ~[?* a ~[c ?*]] ~[~[?* b] a ?*] & ~[?* a ~[c ?*]]

Equivalent expression Equivalent expression

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a b -> b a

““Replace ‘ab’ by ‘ba’.”Replace ‘ab’ by ‘ba’.”

[[~$[a b] [[a b] .x. [b a]]]* ~$[a b]]

Equivalent expression Equivalent expression

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a|e|i|o|u -> %[ ... %]

p o t a t op o t a t op[o]t[a]t[o]p[o]t[a]t[o]

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a b | b | b a | a b a -> x

(a) b (a) -> x

applied to “aba”

a b a a b a a b a a b a

a x a a x x a x

Multiple ResultsMultiple Results

Four factorizations of the input string.

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Directed Replace OperatorsDirected Replace Operators

guarantee a unique result by constraining the factorization of the input string by

Direction of the match (rightward or leftward)Length (longest or shortest)

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@-> Left-to-right, Longest-match @-> Left-to-right, Longest-match ReplacementReplacement

(a) b (a) @-> x

applied to “aba”

a b a a b a a b a a b a

a x a a x x a x

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Conditional ReplacementConditional Replacement

The relation that replaces A by B between L and R leaving everything else unchanged.

A -> BA -> B


L _ RL _ R


Sources of complexity:

Replacements and contexts may overlap

Alternative ways of interpreting “between left and right.”A -> B || L _ R both contexts on the inputA -> B // L _ R left context on the outputA -> B \\ L _ R right context on the output

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Vowel shortening after a long Vowel shortening after a long vowelvowel

V %: -> V || V %: C* _V %: -> V || V %: C* _Left context on the input side


v o l + a: v + a: m e:

v o l + a: v + a m e

we call often


g u n u: m + ba: + d a: ng + b e: +

g u n u: m + ba +d a: ng + b e +

is certainly right on the stump

V%: -> V // V%: C* _V%: -> V // V%: C* _Left context on the output side

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Shortening scriptShortening script

define V [ a | e | i | o | u | a ];define C [ b | c | d | f | g | h | j | k | l | m | n | p | q | r | s | t | v | x | y | z ];

define SlovakShortening %: -> 0 || V %: C* V _ ;

define GidabalShortening %: -> 0 // V %: C* V _ ;

push SlovakShorteningdown vola:va:me:vola:vame

push GidabalShorteningdown gunu:mba:da:ngbe:gunu:mbada:ngbe

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Palatalization and Vowel RaisingPalatalization and Vowel Raising

Palatalizationtim --> cim

Vowel Raisingmemi --> mimi

Interactiontemi --> cimi

tememi --> cimimi

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Vowel Raising & PalatalizationVowel Raising & Palatalization

define C [ b | c | d | f | g | h | j | k | l | m | n | p | q | r | s | t | v | x | y | z ];

define Raising e -> i \\ _ C* i ;define Palatalization t -> c || _ i;

regex Raising .o. Palatalization;

down memimimidown timcimdown temicimidown tememicimimi

t e m e m i

t i m i m i

c i m i m i

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Making a lexical transducerMaking a lexical transducer



CompilerLexical Transducer(a single FST)composition

LexiconRegular Expression

RulesRegular Expressions



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Finnish Gradation ScriptFinnish Gradation Script

define Stems [ {tukka}| {kakku} | {pappi} | {tippa} | {katto} | {juttu} |{tikka} | {huppu} | {rotta} | {nahka} |{lika} | {maku} | {rako} | {tuke} | {halko} | {jalka} | {virka} | {lanka} | {linko} | {puku} | {suku} | {tiuku} | {raaka} |{ripa} | {sopu} | {tapa} | {kampa} | {rumpu} | {sampe} | {sota} | {pata} | {kita} | {rinta} | {kanto} | {ranta} | {ilta} | {kulta} | {parta} | {kerta} ];

define Case [ "+Part":a | "+Gen":n ];

define Finnish [Stems Case];

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Auxiliary definitionsAuxiliary definitions

define V [a | e | i | o | u | y | ä | ö];

define C [b | c | d | f | g | h | j | k | l | m | n |

p | q | r | s | t | v | w | x | z];

define Coda [ C [C | .#.] ];

define ClosedSyll [V Coda] ;

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Weak form of kWeak form of k

define WeakK k -> ' || V a _ a Coda, V u _ u Coda


k -> j || r _ e Coda


k -> v || u _ u Coda


k -> g || n _ V Coda


k -> 0 || \[s|h] _ V Coda ; # kiskon 'rail',

# nahkan 'skin

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Weak form of pWeak form of p

define WeakP p -> m || m _ V Coda


p -> v || \[s|p] _ V Coda # piispan 'bishop'


p -> 0 || p _ V Coda;

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Weak form of tWeak form of t

define WeakT t -> n || n _ V Coda


t -> l || l _ V Coda


t -> r || r _ V Coda


t -> d || \[s|t] _ V Coda # koston revenge


t -> 0 || t _ V Coda ;

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Putting it all togetherPutting it all together

define Gradation WeakK .o. WeakP .o. WeakT;

regex Finnish .o. Gradation;

print lower-words

echo *** Size of Finnish .o. Gradationprint sizeecho *** Size of Finnishpush Finnishprint sizeecho *** Size of Gradationpush Gradationprint size

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define C [ b | c | d | f ...define C [ b | c | d | f ...define V [ a | e | i | o | u ];define V [ a | e | i | o | u ];

s t r u k t u r a l i s m is t r u k t u r a l i s m is t r u k - t u - r a - l i s - m is t r u k - t u - r a - l i s - m i

[C* V+ C*] @-> ... "-" || _ [C V][C* V+ C*] @-> ... "-" || _ [C V]

““Insert a hyphen after the longest instance of theInsert a hyphen after the longest instance of the

C* V+ C*C* V+ C* pattern in front of a pattern in front of a C VC V pattern.” pattern.”