finger rhyme 1 autumn term module 1 2 finger rhyme 1 provide regular opportunities for children to...

Finger Rhyme 1 Autumn Term Module 1 niveaublanc © culturethèque-ifru2015

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Finger Rhyme 1

Autumn Term Module 1

niveau blanc

©culturethèque-ifru 2015


Module 1

niveau blanc

Finger Rhyme 1

• Provide regular opportunities for children to learn and practise a finger rhyme

• You model each segment of language and its matching action

• You pause to invite the children to speak in chorus, echoing your words and copying your action

• Children gradually learn to perform it by heart


Module 1

niveau blanc

Click on the images to play

Petit pouce, cache-toi !

Ou celle-là te mangera ! 

Petit pouce, sors de là !

Celle-là n'est plus là !

Hold up one thumb, the other hand circles around it. The thumb quickly folds into a fist, in order not to get caught by the other hand.

The other hand hides behind your back, the thumb unfolds from the closed fist.


Module 1

niveau blanc

Click on the images to play

Petit pouce, cache-toi !

Ou celle-là te mangera ! 

Petit pouce, sors de là !

Celle-là n'est plus là !

Little thumb, hide!Or that one will eat you up!

Little thumb, come out!That one is no longer there!


Module 1

niveau blanc

Finger Rhyme 1

Petit pouce, cache-toi !

Ou celle-là te mangera ! 

Petit pouce, sors de là !

Celle-là n'est plus là !