finding the balance reposted 310816

Finding the Balance reposted 310816 Much has been written about finding the balance between work and relaxation for optimum results in our career and private lives. The importance of our social and emotional wellbeing has centre stage in many value adding posts and rightly so. I do not profess to be an 'expert' in any sense of the word. Yet I have been told time and time again whilst at work and on R&R that my mindset seems so 'bloody positive all the time'. These comments usually come at the crunch times, when the 'sky is falling' all around us. Or such was the perception.

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Finding the Balance reposted 310816

Much has been written about finding the balance between work and

relaxation for optimum results in our career and private lives. The

importance of our social and emotional wellbeing has centre stage in many

value adding posts and rightly so.

I do not profess to be an 'expert' in any sense of the word. Yet I have been

told time and time again whilst at work and on R&R that my mindset seems

so 'bloody positive all the time'. These comments usually come at the

crunch times, when the 'sky is falling' all around us. Or such was the


Naturally came the other comments regarding blind optimism and rose

coloured glasses. It infuriated many that someone could be constantly

grinning like a goat eating thistles at 0500 in the dry mess and even worse

singing and dancing a little jig to the music whilst collecting their crib for the

day. (That was me)

Needless to say I have been 'randomly' drug tested more than anyone I

know. I have been told by many a leader to 'stay off the red cordial and

coffee' (they are 2 of the few vices I do not indulge in actually.)

So what is my secret? It is a no brainer to me, yet I have found that it is not

to many, hence this post.

"Choose your mood for the day."

That is it!!! It takes some practice mind you, especially when we are on site

and wake up thinking we would rather put pins in our eyes than drag

ourselves out of bed at 0400 and do another 12 hour shift, followed by

another 14 or 26 more shifts on top of that. 

You know that saying "I refuse to let someone else decide my mood for the


How easily we sometimes let the influence of other people's attitudes take

us along for the ride. Even if we had 'chosen' to use helpful thoughts at the

start of the day like 'right today is going to be a great day, no matter what'

then we meet someone who is so full of negative language and attitude, it

dents our resolve big time as we actually agree with what they are being

negative about. If you find yourself being 'swayed' by people like this, take

a moment to acknowledge that fact and take control back of your own

thoughts, which lead to your feelings. Your thoughts are the only thing in

this world you actually have control over. Why let that precious power be

taken away? It may take a conscious effort over time to implement this as

the norm, yet well worth the effort I reckon.

The photo at the top of my post is one way I manage to 'choose my mood'.

Thinking about what I have to look forward to when home. Then on the

plane, making the shift in my head to leave work behind where it belongs.

This seems to helps me to 'find the balance' whilst on break. It is, in my

humble opinion vital for our wellbeing to make the time to do what we love

at every possible opportunity.

One of my ‘happy

places’ beach


We may not all have a 'Strangler' yet I get just as much pleasure just

walking on the beach as hanging out in the boat.

There is nothing new here. We all know this already, so why have I

bothered to write this at all?

How is your mood today, what mindset do you have, are you empowering

someone else to dictate what your mood will be in any given situation?

How is that workin' for ya?

Are you making time to do what you love at every single possible


Depending on your answers, I am here to remind you what you already


Naturally there are numerous psychological reasons why we have the

mindset we have, it is never that simple (so the experts tell me)

But give it a crack anyway….

Now off you go and share some good vibrations into the world, it needs it

and it will miraculously make you feel better too.

Those of you who have mastered this (‘mostly’ as we are all human after

all) How do you do it? What is your secret?

Cheers Drewie  :)

Stay safe, keep smilin'

Only use your power for good.