financial statement fy 12 q 2

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  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


    Microsoft Financial Data - FY12 Q2

    Current Financial Statements

     This le contains downloadable content that corresphttp$%%www&microsoft&com%in"estor& Clic' a lin' belosheet contains a lin' bac' to this main pa(e&

    !ncome Statement

    *alance Sheet

    Cash Flow

    Se(ment #e"enue + ,peratin( !ncome

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


     Trended istorical Financial Statements

    nds to Microsofts !n"estor #elations portal atto na"i(ate to that section of the wor'boo'& )ach

    !ncome Statement

    Financial ,peratin( Se(ment istor.

    /nearned #e"enue

     Yearl. !ncome Statements

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2




    (In millions, except per share amounts)

    Six Months Ended

    211 21 211

    Revenue  ! 2,""# $ !,!"# ! 3",2#$

    Operatin expenses%

      Cost o& revenue   #,%3" ',## &,'1#

    Research an evelopment   2,3$1 *," ',$

    Sales an mar+etin   3,$%2 #,*" %,%%2

    eneral an aministrative   1,12 !'" 2,2"3

    Total operatin expenses   12,"&1 ,- 23,%

    Operatin income   $,&&' ,." 1#,1&$

    Other income   2'# ##* 3'"

    Income /e&ore income taxes   ",23& ,'!- 1#,#'#0rovision &or income taxes   1,%1# ,.# 3,1"3

    Net income  ! %,%2' $ .,.#' ! 12,3%2

    Earnins per share%

      1asic  ! ($& $ 23- ! 1('$

    4ilute  ! ($" $ 23-- ! 1('%

    5eihte averae shares outstanin%

      1asic   ",'2 ,'!- ",3&$

    4ilute   ",'%# ,"-2 ",'"&

    ! (2 $ 23. ! ('

    Three Months Ended December31,

    Cash iviens eclare per common


  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


    ecember 31,


     $ #.,'









    $ *,2''

    $ 3'

    $ 3#!



    $ 23#*

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2




    (In millions)


    Current assets%

      Cash an cash e8uivalents  ! 1,%1




    Inventories   1,3#1

    4e&erre income taxes   2,1%&Other   3,%1'

    Total current assets   $2,#13


    E8uit9 an other investments   $,##

    oo:ill   1&,%$

    Intani/le assets, net   2,#"1

    Other lon;term assets   1,&1&

    Total assets  ! 112,2'3

    )i*bi+ities *nd stocho+ders- e./it0

    Current lia/ilities%

      Accounts pa9a/le  ! 3,""'

    Accrue compensation   2,%$$

    Income taxes   &21

    Short;term unearne revenue   13,&"#

    Securities lenin pa9a/le   "'&

    Other   3,#$

    Total current lia/ilities   2#,3$3

    6on;term e/t   11,&32

    6on;term unearne revenue   1,3'&

    4e&erre income taxes   1,"2

    Other lon;term lia/ilities   ",3"%

    Total lia/ilities   '",122

    Commitments an continencies

    Stoc+holers< e8uit9%


    December 31,


      Short;term investments (incluin securities loaneo& !"31 an $,)

      Total cash, cash e8uivalents, an short;term


      Accounts receiva/le, net o& allo:ance &or ou/t&ul

    accounts o& !321 an $###

    0ropert9 an e8uipment, net o& accumulate epreciation

    o& !1,#'% an $!,*!

      Common stoc+ an pai;in capital ; shares authori=e  *',222> outstanin ",3"2 an ,#-.

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2



    Total stoc+holers< e8uit9   %',121

    Total lia/ilities an stoc+holers< e8uit9  ! 112,2'3

    Retaine earnins (e&icit), incluin accumulate other

    comprehensive income o& !"2% an $,.#

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


     $ !,.2












    $ 2,-2'

    $ ',!-













    /ne 3,


  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2




    $ 2,-2'

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2




    (In millions)

    Six Months Ended

    211 21 211


    Net income  ! %,%2' $ .,.#' ! 12,3%2

    %$" ..# 1,''

    #$# ""# 1,133

    112   (**.)   1'2

      '   (')   $'

      4e&erre income taxes   1' (-)   '1%

    4e&erral o& unearne revenue   $,#'' .,#' 13,%"3

    Reconition o& unearne revenue   ",#$   (-,#2)   1#,$1

      Accounts receiva/le   3,%#2   (#,*-2)   1,"1

    Inventories   "&1 #2 2&

      Other current assets   %# (--)   "%#

    Other lon;term assets   3 '#

      Accounts pa9a/le   1$% *. 2%%  Other current lia/ilities   3&' ("22)   #&&

      Other lon;term lia/ilities   1#% *# 2$%

    Net cash &rom operations   #,"%2 ',. 1',3##





    Common stoc+ issue   2" ..2 #''

    Common stoc+ repurchase 1,'2   (",2"*)   2,&$%

    Common stoc+ cash iviens pai   1,%"3   (,#.#)   3,2'

      ' ' $'

    Other   2

    Net cash use in &inancin   2,#13   (.,-")   #,3"2


    Aitions to propert9 an e8uipment   '&"   ('!)   &3'

    Three Months Ended December


    A@ustments to reconcile net incometo net cash &rom operations%

      4epreciation, amorti=ation, an


      Stoc+;/ase compensation


      Net reconi=e ains oninvestments an erivatives

      Excess tax /ene&its &romstoc+;/ase compensation

      Chanes in operatin assets an


    Short;term e/t repa9ments,

    maturities o& !2 a9s or less, net

    0rocees &rom issuance o& e/t,maturities loner than !2 a9s

    Repa9ments o& e/t, maturitiesloner than !2 a9s

    Excess tax /ene&its &rom

    stoc+;/ase compensation

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


      ",%2$   (.!)   &,#2

    0urchases o& investments   1,'$   (",!.)   21,3'%

    Maturities o& investments   %,%1 ,#. ",""%

    Sales o& investments   $,"3# *,.2# 1#,3$1

    Securities lenin pa9a/le   2&2   ''- 3#"

      Net cash use in investin   #,#%"   (,"-2)   $,""3

      #2   (#)   &

      2,2$1   (',#)   1,

    12,""1 ,. &,%1

    ! 1,%1 $ ',2*# ! 1,%1

    Ac8uisition o& companies, net o&   cash ac8uire, an purchases o&

    intani/le an other assets

    E&&ect o& exchane rates on cashan cash e8uivalents

    Net chane in cash an cash


    Cash an cash e8uivalents,

    /einnin o& perio

    Cash an cash e8uivalents, en o&


  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


    ecember 31,


     $ *,2''












    (')  (,')













  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2











    $ ',2*#

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2




    (In millions)

    Six Months Ended

    211 21 211


    5ino:s 5ino:s 6ive 4ivision  ! ',$3% $ ",2". ! &,%'

    Server an Tools   ',$$2 ',* &,22

    Online Services 4ivision   $"' -# 1,'2#

    Microso&t 1usiness 4ivision   %,2$& .,2 11,""%

    Entertainment an 4evices 4ivision   ',23$ #,.! %,1&"

    Bnallocate an other   $$ 122

    Consoliate  ! 2,""# $ !,!"# ! 3",2#$

    O4er*tin5 income +oss

    5ino:s 5ino:s 6ive 4ivision  ! 2,"# $ #,*' ! %,11

    Server an Tools   1,&&% ,- 3,#&3

    Online Services 4ivision   '#"   (""!)   &$1

    Microso&t 1usiness 4ivision   ',1#2 ',2- $,"3&

    Entertainment an 4evices 4ivision   #2" ... "$$

    Corporate;level activit9   1,$'   (!"')   2,2'2

      Consoliate  ! $,&&' $ ,." ! 1#,1&$

    Three Months Ended December


  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


    ecember 31,


     $ !,'#






    $ #.,'

    $ .,"2*






     $ ",*

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


    Microso7t Cor4or*tion

    8/*rter+0 Income St*tements

    (In millions, except earnins per share)

    Revenue $ "' $ .. $ .. $

    Operatin expenses%

    Cost o& revenue *. #! #!

    -' . !2

    Sales an mar+etin .2 !# '

    * ** **

    Other expenses (income) # * #

    Total operatin expenses #' ''* '#

    Operatin income *22 *'' *'

    Other income (expense) * ' '

    Noncontinuin items 2 2 2

    Income /e&ore income taxes ** *" *.*

    0rovision &or income taxes . # #

    Income /e&ore accountin chane '' -" -!

    Cumulative e&&ect o& accountin chane 2 2 2

    Net income $ '' $ -" $ -! $

    0re&erre stoc+ iviens 2 2 2

    Net income availa/le &or common shareholers $ '' $ -" $ -! $

    1asic earnins per share /e&ore accountin chane $ 232* $ 232* $ 232* $4ilute earnins per share /e&ore accountin chane $ 232* $ 232* $ 232* $

    1asic earnins per share $ 232* $ 232* $ 232* $

    4ilute earnins per share $ 232* $ 232* $ 232* $

    Not restate &or aoption o& the current accountin uiance on stoc+;/ase compensation an no recast o& ains (losse

    * Recast o& ains (losses) on &orein currenc9 remeasurement

    # No recast o& ains (losses) on &orein currenc9 remeasurement

    ' Inclues expense ac8uire in;process technolo9

    " Inclues emplo9ee severance

    1ac+ to Main

    819&21 829&21 839&21

    Research an evelopment '

    eneral an aministrative "

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


     $ !.! $ ,2' $ !!. $ ,'. $ ,*. $ ,# $ ,*-2 $ ,". $

    *2* **' ** *.2 *' #2" *' ##

    . # #' "2 ". -2 - !! *# *- *". *-! #22 #22 #*2 '2'

    #2 #" #" '* ' ' " .*

    * . ' * ' . * "

    .## . ."- -## -" *! #" ,22

    ##. #.- ##! '# '-. '* '#" ""

    * *# *# *" *. * #. '*

    2 2 2 2 (*2) #2 2 2

    #"- #!2 #.* '# #* "'2 '- ""-

    ' *" *# '! *. - "" '

    *'# *." *#! *! *". #.* #. #-#

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    $ *'# $ *." $ *#! $ *! $ *". $ #.* $ #. $ #-# $

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    $ *'# $ *." $ *#! $ *! $ *". $ #.* $ #. $ #-# $

    $ 232# $ 232# $ 232# $ 232# $ 232# $ 232' $ 232# $ 232' $ $ 232* $ 232# $ 232* $ 232# $ 232# $ 232' $ 232# $ 232' $

    $ 232# $ 232# $ 232# $ 232# $ 232# $ 232' $ 232# $ 232' $

    $ 232* $ 232# $ 232* $ 232# $ 232# $ 232' $ 232# $ 232' $

    839&31 8'9&31 819&'1 829&'1 839&'1 8'9&'1 819 829

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


     $ *,*- $ *,# $ *,#.- $ *,'2" $ *,2 $ #,#." $ #,#" $ #,##' $

    ".. "' ". '* "" "# "'- "#'

    #2" ##- '2. '- ''! '-' "*# !! ""' "-* "'" " .#! .#! ." .!*

    -. - !2 . 2 !' !"

    (*#) (') '* '! '. ' 2 2

    ,'- ,"## ,"!! ,""* ,--# , ,"! *,**2

    2! -- -. "# ,2#" ,'' ,'!! ,'

    -. . !* !* 2" ! *-

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    " .' .2 !'" ,'2 ,.2# ,.*. ,*2*

    #2 #2* #2 ## #!! ". ".! "#!

    "-" ".* ""! .' -' ,2'* ,2"- ..#

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    $ "-" $ ".* $ ""! $ .' $ -' $ ,2'* $ ,2"- $ ..# $

    2 2 2 2 () (-) (-) (-)

     $ "-" $ ".* $ ""! $ .' $ -'2 $ ,2#" $ ,2"2 $ .". $

    $ 232. $ 232. $ 232. $ 232. $ 232 $ 23 $ 23 $ 232- $ $ 232. $ 232" $ 232" $ 232. $ 232- $ 232 $ 232 $ 232. $

    $ 232. $ 232. $ 232. $ 232. $ 232 $ 23 $ 23 $ 232- $

    $ 232. $ 232" $ 232" $ 232. $ 232- $ 232 $ 232 $ 232. $

    829&%1 839&%1 8'9&%1 819&$1 829&$1 839&$1 8'9&$1 819&"1

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


     $ ',!# $ ",!" $ ',"!" $ ",-.' $ ",#' $ .,* $ ",.". $ ",2' $

    .'! - -2 ..! -* -". -"* -*

    ." -" ..' !'2 # ! !-' ,2- ." -! '* !# !** ,2# ,22 ,

    2 "' "* #2 ' "' " *2#

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    *,2. *,'"" *,#.. *,#2 *,"!" #, *,!* #,*"#

    *,2- *,-'2 *,**! *,!#' *,-! *,!# *,-#" *,""

    #!. # -*2 '"' "# -.2 - ,22

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    *,"2# #,2" *,!'! #,# #,#*2 #,.! #,.# #,."

    *2 ,2. ,2#* ,. ,*! ,*"" ,** ,*'*

    ,.# ,!# ,!- *,*2* *,! *,'#. *,#" *,'2!

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    $ ,.# $ ,!# $ ,!- $ *,*2* $ *,! $ *,'#. $ *,#" $ *,'2! $

    (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (.) 2 2

    $ ,.-. $ ,!-. $ ,!2 $ *,!" $ *,' $ *,'#2 $ *,#" $ *,'2! $

    $ 23- $ 23*2 $ 23! $ 23** $ 23* $ 23*' $ 23*# $ 23*# $ $ 23" $ 23 $ 23- $ 23*2 $ 23*2 $ 23** $ 23** $ 23** $

    $ 23- $ 23*2 $ 23! $ 23** $ 23* $ 23*' $ 23*# $ 23*# $

    $ 23" $ 23 $ 23- $ 23*2 $ 23*2 $ 23** $ 23** $ 23** $

    819&&1 829&&1 839&&1 8'9&&1 8191 8291 8391 8'91

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


     $ .,"-- $ .,*. $ -,-' $ -,*'" $ -,*"# $ -,-'. $ ,"' $ -,#" $

    .- !- ,.! ,".- ,'.# ,#'' *,#- ,*-'

    ,#.' ,#! ,"!" ,'-' ,#* ,-2- ,"" ,.!* ,#"! ,'"- ,.-. ,''! ,.-2 ,'" *,"! ,-22

    *#. *. " #'# #*! *"* '!- '*"

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    #,*. ',! ",'- ',## ",*!' ',- .,#2 ",2!

    *,-" *,22- ,!' *,'* ,!"! #,2* *,*## *,-''

    (*,."#) (,22) ". -* (.#) ! #.# '"#

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    ! !!- *,'2 #,'2 ,#* #,2'- *,"!. #,!-

    ## #! -- ,22" '*" ,22. -# ,2""

    ." .- ,.#! *,#" !2# *,2' ,." *,'*

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    $ ." $ .- $ ,.#! $ *,#" $ !2# $ *,2' $ ,." $ *,'* $

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    $ ." $ .- $ ,.#! $ *,#" $ !2# $ *,2' $ ,." $ *,'* $

    $ 232 $ 232. $ 23" $ 23*2 $ 232 $ 23! $ 23- $ 23*2 $ $ 232 $ 232. $ 23" $ 23! $ 232 $ 23! $ 23- $ 23*2 $

    $ 232 $ 232. $ 23" $ 23*2 $ 232 $ 23! $ 23- $ 23*2 $

    $ 232 $ 232. $ 23" $ 23! $ 232 $ 23! $ 23- $ 23*2 $

    8'911 81923 82923 83923 8'923 81933 82933 83933

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


     $ !,-" $ !,*!* $ !,! $ 2, $ !,.*2 $ 2,. $ !,-' $ ,#- $

    ,' ,' ,'2" ,-" ,#.# ,# ,*"# *,*#!

    ,"# ,."! ,"#2 ,'* ,'* ,..' ,"" ,"!

    ,!* *,'2! ,..' *,** *,2-2 *,-2- ,!'" *,.!

    #,2*2 .2 ,2!. ." ,#-. ,'# !* ..

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    -,!- .,"! ",.!" .,2.! .,*! -,-* ",.!" -,2

    ,*- #,## #,'!' ',-'! #,#*! *,!! ',2'. ',."-

    ,22 "- *-! '*2 '!. -* "2. '2

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    *,*-! #,-2' #,--# ",.! #,*" #,. ',""* ",#-

    !.' ,2' ,*'" ,-2. ,*.* . ,' ,''

    ,#" *,.!2 *,"* #,'.# *,".# #,-22 #,' #,."#

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    $ ,#" $ *,.!2 $ *,"* $ #,'.# $ *,".# $ #,-22 $ #,' $ #,."# $

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    $ ,#" $ *,.!2 $ *,"* $ #,'.# $ *,".# $ #,-22 $ #,' $ #,."# $

    $ 23* $ 23*" $ 23*# $ 23#* $ 23*' $ 23#' $ 23*! $ 23#" $ $ 23* $ 23*" $ 23*# $ 23#* $ 23*# $ 23#' $ 23*! $ 23#' $

    $ 23* $ 23*" $ 23*# $ 23#* $ 23*' $ 23#' $ 23*! $ 23#" $

    $ 23* $ 23*" $ 23*# $ 23#* $ 23*# $ 23#' $ 23*! $ 23#' $

    839'3 8'9'3 819#3 829#3 839#3 8'9#3 819%3 829%3

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2



     $ *,"'* $ ',#! $ #,#- $ #,-.* $ .,#.- $ ','"' $ ",#- $ ",2. $

    #,.*2 *,'2 #,*#- *,.-" #,"'# *,"' *,.. *,'

    ,.#- ,-"2 ,!' ,#- ," *,2#" *,'2- *,*#

    #,2# *,!' #,#"" *,.# #,'*2 #,*-' #,# #,2''

    ' !# . - ,2.. *,#' ,22* -

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    !,2! -,-- !,'2 -,!# !,!' 2,.' 2," !,2.*

    #,'## .,. #,!.# ",'! .,'"# ',*!2 ",.-! ",!!!

    #-* #.2 #* #.- #.- "*2 *! ()

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    #,2" .,!- ',*' .,*. .,*2 ',2 ",!. ",!!

    ,-! *,2'" ,*'! ,!*- *,# '** ,.- ,.

    *,.*. ',!*. #,2#" ',*! ',-2- ',# ',*!- ',#-#

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    $ *,.*. $ ',!*. $ #,2#" $ ',*! $ ',-2- $ ',# $ ',*!- $ ',#-# $

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    $ *,.*. $ ',!*. $ #,2#" $ ',*! $ ',-2- $ ',# $ ',*!- $ ',#-# $

    $ 23*- $ 23" $ 23#* $ 23'. $ 23"2 $ 23'- $ 23'. $ 23' $ $ 23*. $ 23"2 $ 23# $ 23'" $ 23"2 $ 23'- $ 23'. $ 23' $

    $ 23*- $ 23" $ 23#* $ 23'. $ 23"2 $ 23'- $ 23'. $ 23' $

    $ 23*. $ 23"2 $ 23# $ 23'" $ 23"2 $ 23'- $ 23'. $ 23' $

    829$2 839$2 8'9$2 819"2 829"2 839"2 8'9"2

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


    8191 8291 8391 8'91 81911 82911 83911 8'911

     $ *,!*2 $ !,2** $ ',"2# $ .,2#! $ .,!" $ !,!"# $ .,'* $ -,#.-

    *,'* #,.* *,-"" #,-2 #,#! ',## #,!- #,-2

    *,2." *,2-! *,**2 *,#"2 *,!. *," *,*.! *,#!#

    *,-!2 #,.! #,*2# #,.2* *,2. #,*" #,#!# #,!.

    -' ,# ,"* !- !# !'" ,.2 ,-!

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    ,'# 2,"2! !,##2 2,2! !,2-! ,- 2,-! ,!.

    ','* ,"# ",-# ",!#2 -,. ,." ",-2! .,-

    *# #-2 . !' ' ##* #. '

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    ',-." ,# ",#' .,2*' -,*#2 ,'!- .,2*" .,#!

    ,! *,** ,##" ,"2. ,*2 ,.# -!# ''"

    #,"-' .,..* ',22. '," ",'2 .,.#' ",*#* ",-'

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    $ #,"-' $ .,..* $ ',22. $ '," $ ",'2 $ .,.#' $ ",*#* $ ",-'

    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    $ #,"-' $ .,..* $ ',22. $ '," $ ",'2 $ .,.#' $ ",*#* $ ",-'

    $ 23'2 $ 23-" $ 23'. $ 23"* $ 23.# $ 23- $ 23.* $ 23-2 $ 23'2 $ 23-' $ 23'" $ 23" $ 23.* $ 23-- $ 23. $ 23.!

    $ 23'2 $ 23-" $ 23'. $ 23"* $ 23.# $ 23- $ 23.* $ 23-2

    $ 23'2 $ 23-' $ 23'" $ 23" $ 23.* $ 23-- $ 23. $ 23.!

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


    Microso7t Cor4or*tion

    Se5ment Re6en/e *nd O4er*tin5 Income )oss

    (In millions)

    Re6en/e 81911 82911 83911

    5ino:s 5ino:s 6ive 4ivision $ ',-- $ ",2". $ ',''-

    Server an Tools #,. ',* ',22-

    Online Services 4ivision "'- -# ..-

    Microso&t 1usiness 4ivision ",*2* .,2 ",#*!Entertainment an 4evices 4ivision ,-!" #,.! ,!#"

    Bnallocate an other # '#

    Consoliate $ .,!" $ !,!"# $ .,'*

    O4er*tin5 Income )oss 81911 82911 83911

    5ino:s 5ino:s 6ive 4ivision $ #,* $ #,*' $ *,-

    Server an Tools ,"#- ,- ,#'!

    Online Services 4ivision ("-#) (""!) (--")

    Microso&t 1usiness 4ivision #,'# ',2- #,#2

    Entertainment an 4evices 4ivision #' ... *#

    Corporate;level activit9 (,22#) (!"') (,-')

    Consoliate $ -,. $ ,." $ ",-2!

    1ac+ to Main

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


    8'911 Fisc*+ :e*r 211 81912 82912 83912 8'912

     $ ',-'# $ !,2## $ ',. $ ',-#.

    ',"*' .,.2 ',*"2 ',--*

    .2 *,.2- .' -'

    ",-# **,"' ",.2- .,*-!,'- ,!" ,!. ',*#-

    .2 !' '" --

    $ -,#.- $ .!,!'# $ -,#-* $ *2,"

    8'911 Fisc*+ :e*r 211 81912 82912 83912 8'912

     $ *,!2' $ *,!' $ #,*" $ *,"2

    ,.' .,* ,"!- ,!!.

    (-'') (*,.") ("#) ('")

      #,-"" ',.## #,.- ',"*

    *' ,*- #'! "*

    (,'"*) (',"#) (,.) (,2-')

     $ .,- $ *-,. $ -,*2# $ -,!!'

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


    Fisc*+ :e*r 212

     $ !,.2'





    $ #,*"-

    Fisc*+ :e*r 212

     $ .,2






     $ ",!-

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


    ;ne*rned Re6en/e b0

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


    819$ 829$ 839$ 8'9$ 819" 829"

     $ *,2' $ #,!"# $ *,.' $ *,-" $ *,.-# $ *,.*2

    *,.' *,-2* *,*" #,."* #,''! #,-'.

    ',#2 ',.# ',#' ",-- ",22 ",#"!

    #'' #'# '## #' #-2 '"#

    $ 2,2!- $ ,. $ 2,*# $ *,.'. $ ,"-* $ *,-

    *D ##D *.D *#D *#D **D

    *.D *#D *D *!D #2D #D

    '#D 'D '*D '"D ''D '#D

    #D #D 'D #D #D 'D

    22D 22D 22D 22D 22D 22D

    Microso&t 1usiness 4ivision3

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


     839" 8'9" 819& 829& 839& 8'9&

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  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


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  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


    81912 82912

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  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


    Microso7t Cor4or*tion

    :e*r+0 Income St*tements

    (In millions, except earnins per share)

    Revenue $ *,--- $ #,-.

    Operatin expenses%

    Cost o& revenue " -"

    #"* '-2

    Sales an mar+etin -" ,2.

    !2 !

    Other expenses -

    Total operatin expenses ,-!* *,'.-

    Operatin income !" ,#!

    Other income (expense) ". *

    Noncontinuin items 2 2

    Income /e&ore income taxes ,2' ,'2

    0rovision &or income taxes ### ''

    Net income /e&ore accountin chane -2 !"#

    Cummulative e&&ect o& accountin chane 2 2

    Net Income -2 !"#

    0re&erre stoc+ iviens 2 2

    Net income availa/le &or common shareholers $ -2 $ !"#

    1asic earnins per share /e&ore accountin chane $ 232 $ 23

    4ilute earnins per share /e&ore accountin chane $ 232 $ 2321asic earnins per share $ 232 $ 23

    4ilute earnins per share $ 232 $ 232

    Not restate &or aoption o& the current accountin uiance on stoc+;/ase compensation an

    * Recast o& ains (losses) on &orein currenc9 remeasurement

    # No recast o& ains (losses) on &orein currenc9 remeasurement

    ' Inclues expense ac8uire in;process technolo9

    " Inclues emplo9ee severance

    1ac+ to Main

    F:&21 F:&31

    Research an evelopment '

    eneral an aministrative "

  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


     $ ',-' $ .,2-" $ !,2"2 $ ,!#. $ ",*.* $ !,-'- $ **,!".

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    o recast o& ains (losses) on &orein currenc9 remeasurement

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  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


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  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


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  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2


  • 8/20/2019 Financial Statement Fy 12 q 2
