financial risks and their mitigation in insurance industry

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  • 7/23/2019 Financial Risks and Their Mitigation in Insurance Industry


    Risks in Insurance

    IndustryPresented By:

    Junaid Tariq

    Zahir Shah

    Muhammad Shafay Shahid

    Mohsin Iqbal

    Mohsin Ibrahim

  • 7/23/2019 Financial Risks and Their Mitigation in Insurance Industry


    Presentation Content Overview of Insurance Industry

    Type of Risks Faced

    Risk Reduction Models


  • 7/23/2019 Financial Risks and Their Mitigation in Insurance Industry


    Industry Overview1947 Now

    77 Insurance Companies 54 Insurance Companies

    70 of those 77 companies were

    foreign companies or their


    Today all 54 companies are with

    foreign backing

    7 local companies No local company

  • 7/23/2019 Financial Risks and Their Mitigation in Insurance Industry


    Industry Overview Oer primarily Fire, Marine, Motor and Accident cover ome also oer additional services of !n"ineerin", Aviation

    # Aerospace

    As of $ecem%er &'((, t)e industry*s total premium revenue

    stood at over +R(&- %illion ./ non0life insurers operatin" in t)e market, includin" t)ree

    "eneral Takaful operators and one state0owned companyo Appro1imately 23 percent of t)e market s)are in "ross written premium

    rests wit) t)e top t)ree players

    '/ life insurers, includin" two family Takaful operators andone state0owned corporation

    T)ere are two dedicated )ealt) insurance companies in t)emarket alon" wit) two forei"n life insurance companies andtwo non0life forei"n companies

  • 7/23/2019 Financial Risks and Their Mitigation in Insurance Industry


    Industry Overview

  • 7/23/2019 Financial Risks and Their Mitigation in Insurance Industry


    Type of Risks Credit Risk

    Credit risk is t)e risk t)at arises wit) t)e possi%ility t)at oneparty to a 4nancial instrument will fail to disc)ar"e itso%li"ation and cause t)e ot)er party to incur a 4nancial loss

    Liquidity Risk5i6uidity risk is t)e risk t)at t)e Company will not %e a%le to

    meet its 4nancial o%li"ations as t)ey fall due7 T)e Company4nances its operations t)rou") e6uity and workin" capitalwit) a view to maintainin" an appropriate mi1 %etweenvarious sources of 4nance to minimi8e risk

  • 7/23/2019 Financial Risks and Their Mitigation in Insurance Industry


    Type of Risks Market Risks

    Market risk means t)at t)e fair value or future cas) 9ows ofa 4nancial instrument will 9uctuate %ecause of c)an"es inmarket prices

    Market risk is furt)er divided into:

    o Interest ; mark 0 up rate risk

    o +rice risk

    o Currency risk

    o Insurance risk

  • 7/23/2019 Financial Risks and Their Mitigation in Insurance Industry


    Type of Riskso Interest mark ! u" rate risk

    Risk t)at t)e value of a 4nancial instrument or future cas)9ows of a 4nancial instrument will 9uctuate due to c)an"esin t)e market interest ; mark 0 up rates

    Pri#e riskRisk t)at t)e fair value of 4nancial instruments will

    9uctuate %ecause of c)an"es in t)e market prices

  • 7/23/2019 Financial Risks and Their Mitigation in Insurance Industry


    Type of Risks Curren#y risk

    Currency risk is t)e risk t)at t)e fair value of future cas)9ows of a 4nancial instrument will 9uctuate %ecause ofc)an"es in forei"n e1c)an"e rates

    Insuran#e riskT)e principal risk t)at t)e Company faces under insurance

    contracts is t)at t)e actual claims and %ene4t payments ort)e timin" t)ereof may dier from e1pectations

  • 7/23/2019 Financial Risks and Their Mitigation in Insurance Industry


    Risk Models$istori#al Simulation

    A list of pro4ts and losses

    Current portfolio would )ave %een )eld over prede4ned)istorical time

    (> ?alue0at0Risk is determined %y c)oosin" t)e ( > worstloss

    !asy to understand, %ut it )as certain draw%ackso @istorical pat)s of market movements

    o Time consumin" to recalculate t)e market value

  • 7/23/2019 Financial Risks and Their Mitigation in Insurance Industry


    Risk ModelsThe %arian#e!Co&arian#e Method

    Measures t)e standard deviations

  • 7/23/2019 Financial Risks and Their Mitigation in Insurance Industry


    Risk Models'#onomi# Ca"ital Model T)e amount of capital an or"ani8ation re6uires to survive or

    to meet a %usiness o%ective

    Assess capital ade6uacy and develop risk strate"ies

    Ro%ust capital model can "enerate key metrics for strate"iccapital and risk decisions for t)e or"ani8ation

    Involves several factors:o @istorical data

    o +rices in t)e marketplace

    o Dature, scale and comple1ity of t)e risks faced %y t)e or"ani8ationo Appropriateness of t)e selected time frame

    o Easis of measurin" loss

  • 7/23/2019 Financial Risks and Their Mitigation in Insurance Industry


    Risk ModelsMarket!Consistent 'mbedded %alue Model !nterprise credit wort) for insurance

    MC!? AD G +?F+ H T?FO H FCRC H CRD@R


  • 7/23/2019 Financial Risks and Their Mitigation in Insurance Industry
