financial master data governance for sap business suite

SAP Solution Brie SAP Businss Suit SAP Mastr Data Govrnanc In your ntrpris it is important to pr- orm accurat rconciiations and group coss in a timy mannr. Y ou must icinty support ntrpris-wid com- pianc with such rguatory standards and ga rquirmnts as Intrnationa Financia Rporting Standards (IFRS), th Sarbans-Oxy Act, and gnray accptd accounting princips (GAAP). Y our rports to stakhodrs must b prcis and timy. Th quaity o your inancia mastr data must b high, but to improv its quaity you must invov  your stakhodrs ary in th rviw procss. Ths goas ar within rach  whn you stabish a sing sourc o truth or inancia mastr data. Th ony qustion you hav to worry about is: how? I your approach to inancia mastr data managmnt is manua or homgrown – prhaps simpy a spradsht – main- taining consistnt data across th ntr- pris and govrning that data is going to b a probm. You mor than iky xprinc srious impdimnts to good govrnanc, athough your sta  works hard to crat and maintain inan- cia mastr data manuay across svra sotwar andscaps and a varity o appications. You hav no car audit trai. Nor do you hav a cary struc- turd chang-approva procss or your inancia mastr data. What’ s mor, spradsht-basd and homgrown soutions usuay hav no procss or managing tim-dpndnt vrsions o th mastr data. Without an i ntgratd approach to ntrpris-wid data maintnanc and govrnanc, th rturn or your orts  wi probaby b: Inconsistnt inancia mastr data Manua rconciiation o data in prparation or month-nd, quartry, and yar-nd cosings Uncrtainty about th prormanc o your subsidiaris Diicuty compying with industry and govrnmnt rguations Y ou ar not th ony on wrsting  with ths srious stbacks. Thy ar systmic to corporat accounting prormd or a corporat group – comprisd o mutip ntitis – whn support or mastr data govrnanc is acking. Data inconsistncy and xpn- siv manua rwork o inancia data ar th rsuts you can xpct. Management o Financial Master Data in SAP® Business Suite SAP ors a soution that supports inancia mastr data govrnanc or SAP® Businss Suit sotwar. Th appication nabs th intgration o  your corporat inancia mastr data  with your subsidiaris’ inancia mastr data. It aciitats th cntra maint- nanc o inancia mastr data usd in  your corporat consoidation chart o accounts, gnra dgr accounts, cost mnts, inancia rporting structurs, and organizationa units – incuding “group companis, ” proit cntrs, and cost cntrs. Th appication supports th automatic distribution o inancia mastr data to your subsidiaris, and it ass maintnanc o inancia mastr Whn mastr data is main- taind manuay or across mutip appications, inaccu- racis can dvop that hin- dr inancia coss, riab rporting, and data govr- nanc. With th SAP® Mas- tr Data Govrnanc appi- cation, you can cntray maintain th inancia mastr data usd in SAP Businss Suit sotwar. Financial Ma ster Dat a Gover- nance For saP® Business suite CONTROl DATA CReATION, QUAlITY,  AND CONSISTeNCY

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8/2/2019 Financial Master Data Governance for SAP Business Suite 1/4

SAP Solution BrieSAP Businss Suit

SAP Mastr Data Govrnanc

In your ntrpris it is important to pr-orm accurat rconciiations and groupcoss in a timy mannr. You musticinty support ntrpris-wid com-pianc with such rguatory standardsand ga rquirmnts as Intrnationa

Financia Rporting Standards (IFRS),th Sarbans-Oxy Act, and gnrayaccptd accounting princips (GAAP).Your rports to stakhodrs must bprcis and timy. Th quaity o yourinancia mastr data must b high, butto improv its quaity you must invov your stakhodrs ary in th rviwprocss. Ths goas ar within rach whn you stabish a sing sourc otruth or inancia mastr data. Th onyqustion you hav to worry about is: how?

I your approach to inancia mastr datamanagmnt is manua or homgrown –prhaps simpy a spradsht – main-taining consistnt data across th ntr-pris and govrning that data is goingto b a probm. You mor than ikyxprinc srious impdimnts togood govrnanc, athough your sta works hard to crat and maintain inan-cia mastr data manuay across svrasotwar andscaps and a varity oappications. You hav no car audit

trai. Nor do you hav a cary struc-turd chang-approva procss or yourinancia mastr data. What’s mor,spradsht-basd and homgrownsoutions usuay hav no procss ormanaging tim-dpndnt vrsionso th mastr data.

Without an intgratd approach tontrpris-wid data maintnanc andgovrnanc, th rturn or your orts wi probaby b:• Inconsistnt inancia mastr data• Manua rconciiation o data in

prparation or month-nd, quartry,and yar-nd cosings

• Uncrtainty about th prormanco your subsidiaris

• Diicuty compying with industry andgovrnmnt rguations

You ar not th ony on wrsting with ths srious stbacks. Thyar systmic to corporat accountingprormd or a corporat group –comprisd o mutip ntitis – whn

support or mastr data govrnanc isacking. Data inconsistncy and xpn-siv manua rwork o inancia data arth rsuts you can xpct.

Management o Financial MasterData in SAP® Business Suite

SAP ors a soution that supportsinancia mastr data govrnanc orSAP® Businss Suit sotwar. Thappication nabs th intgration o your corporat inancia mastr data

 with your subsidiaris’ inancia mastrdata. It aciitats th cntra maint-nanc o inancia mastr data usd in your corporat consoidation chart oaccounts, gnra dgr accounts, costmnts, inancia rporting structurs,and organizationa units – incuding“group companis,” proit cntrs, andcost cntrs. Th appication supportsth automatic distribution o inanciamastr data to your subsidiaris, and itass maintnanc o inancia mastr

Whn mastr data is main-

taind manuay or acrossmutip appications, inaccu-racis can dvop that hin-dr inancia coss, riabrporting, and data govr-nanc. With th SAP® Mas-tr Data Govrnanc appi-cation, you can cntray

maintain th inancia mastrdata usd in SAP BusinssSuit sotwar.

Financial Master Data Gover-nance For saP® Business suiteCONTROl DATA CReATION, QUAlITY, AND CONSISTeNCY

8/2/2019 Financial Master Data Governance for SAP Business Suite 2/4

Tim-Dpndnt and Priod-DpndntVrsioningTo manag inancia data comptntyand produc accurat, unambiguousrports, you must b ab to vrsionit. You must maintain th chart oaccounts or th irst quartr and orth scond quartr simutanousy without any risk o conusion. SAPMastr Data Govrnanc supports vrsioning, which aows you to achiv

transparncy o your inancia data. Itaso supports tracabiity o th data.

data or your subsidiaris. Th sotwarcan track a changs mad to mastrdata through auditab govrnanc pro-csss that compy with th Sarbans-Oxy Act. In addition, th appicationprovids xib approva workows

that xpdit and provid contro ovrth chang-rqust procss. It asosupports mandatory approva procss-s whr at ast two dirnt popmust approv actions.

Th sotwar can nab mappingsbtwn consoidation and oprationacharts o accounts. Using rpicationmthods such as ntrpris srvics

and Ale, th sotwar can distributchangs to othr appications runningthroughout your company, incudingth SAP eRP appication, consoidationappications, and non-SAP sotwar.You can xtract mastr data and importit into th SAP NtWavr® BusinssWarhous componnt and upoad anddownoad th data to othr appications.

Integrated Financial Master DataGovernance

Th SAP sotwar ors a numbro aturs that automat th tasks omaintaining and distributing your inan-

cia mastr data, intgrating th datamor tighty, and incrasing data con-sistncy across th ntrpris.

Fxib Data ModTh xib data mod supportd bySAP Mastr Data Govrnanc aows you to maintain your inancia data cn-tray. A data mod or standard inan-cia objcts usd in SAP sotwar isincudd, which can b rind throughnhancmnts you din to mt your

organization’s spciic nds.

Fxib and Robust Data MaintnancWith a usr intrac dvopd in thWb Dynpro dvopmnt nviron-mnt, SAP Mastr Data Govrnancsupports a vry xib usr intracmod. You can din your own usrintrac or xtnd th xisting onto mt your businss and nd-usrprrncs. With th businss rusramwork too within th SAP sot- war, you can din businss rus

and buid unctions into th sotwarto vaidat data input. You can st upth appropriat authorizations to n-orc scurity and workows across your ntrpris. You can prorm datamaintnanc on an individua businssobjct or on a rang o objcts, andmaintain businss objcts within hirar-chis. With th abiity to viw th com-pt structur o your inancia mastrdata, you gain much-ndd visibiityand can dri down into th dtai o any

particuar objct you want to maintain.

SAP ors a soutionthat supports inanciamastr data govr-nanc or SAP Busi-

nss Suit. Th appi-cation nabs thintgration o yourcorporat inanciamastr data with yoursubsidiaris’ inanciamastr data.

I your approach to inanciamastr data managmntis manua or homgrown –prhaps simpy a sprad-sht – maintaining consis-tnt data across thntrpris and govrningthat data is going to b aprobm.

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Customizab Approva ProcsssWho rqustd th chang to yourinancia mastr data? What businssrasons wr givn or making thchang? Who authorizd th chang?Who mad th chang? Whn did

ach vnt tak pac?

To govrn your inancia mastr dataand maintain compianc, you musthav a vriiab audit trai. You mustaso hav th abiity to contro both thchang-approva procss and th x-cution o changs. SAP Mastr DataGovrnanc hps you with both. Itsuppis th ncssary tracking inor-mation and ts you din th approvaprocss workow stps. You can st

up procsss that hp you achivcompianc with IFRS, th Sarbans-Oxy Act, GAAP, and othr rguatoryrquirmnts.


SAP Mastr Data Govrnanc givs you suprior support or managing yourorganization’s inancia mastr data inSAP Businss Suit appications. SAPMastr Data Govrnanc:• Faciitats ast coss, which:

– Aows you to pubish quartry andannua inancia statmnts on tim

– Incrass th icincy o corpo-rat groups by suppying mor ri-ab and accurat data through thrduction o manua maintnanc

• Supports ntrpris prormancmanagmnt by:– Providing data to compar pror-

mancs o subsidiaris and ocabranchs

– Hping maintain th consistncy

o mastr data and hirarchisthroughout th corporat group oraccurat, comprhnsiv rporting

• Supports icint compianc withIFRS, th Sarbans-Oxy Act,GAAP, and othr rguations througha govrnd mastr data procss withauditab data, data changs, andaudit trais

Find Out More

To arn mor about how SAP sotwarsupports you with govrnanc o inan-cia mastr data, contact your SAPrprsntativ.

SAP: Delivering IT-PoweredBusiness Innovation

SAP divrs products and srvics

that hp accrat businss innova-tion or our customrs. W biv thatdoing so wi unash growth and cratsigniicant nw vau – or our custom-rs, SAP, and utimaty, ntir indus-tris and th conomy at arg. Today,customrs in mor than 120 countrisrun SAP appications – rom distinctsoutions addrssing th nds o smabusinsss and midsiz companis tosuit orings or goba organizations.SAP dins businss sotwar ascomprising ntrpris rsourc pan-

ning, businss intignc, and ratdappications such as suppy chainmanagmnt, customr rationshipmanagmnt, product icyc man-agmnt, and suppir rationshipmanagmnt.

From Walldor to Wall Street: The SAP Success Story

Foundd in 1972, SAP has a rich historyo innovation and growth that has mad

us a tru industry adr. SAP hassas and dvopmnt ocations inmor than 50 countris wordwid and

is istd on svra xchangs, incud-

ing th Frankurt Stock exchang andNYSe undr th symbo “SAP.”

Helping Companies BecomeBest-Run Businesses

Our vision is or companis o a sizsto bcom bst-run businsss. Intoday’s changing businss nviron-mnt, bst-run companis hav carityacross a aspcts o thir businss, which aows thm to act quicky withincrasd insight, icincy, and xi-

biity. By using SAP soutions, compa-nis o a sizs – incuding sma busi-nsss and midsiz companis – canrduc costs, optimiz prormanc,and gain th insight and agiity nddto cos th gap btwn stratgy andxcution. To hp our customrs gtth most out o thir IT invstmnts sothat thy can maximiz thir businssprormanc, our prossionas divrth highst v o srvic andsupport.

Th xib data modsupportd by SAPMastr Data Govr-nanc aows you to

maintain your inanciadata cntray. A datamod or standardinancia objcts usdin SAP sotwar isincudd.

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Quick Facts

50 094 583 (11/02)©2011 SAP AG. A rights rsrvd.

SAP, R/3, SAP NtWavr, Dut, Partnredg, ByDsign,SAP BusinssObjcts exporr, StramWork, and othr SAP productsand srvics mntiond hrin as w as thir rspctiv ogos artradmarks or rgistrd tradmarks o SAP AG in Grmany andothr countris.

Businss Objcts and th Businss Objcts ogo, BusinssObjcts,

Crysta Rports, Cr ysta Dcisions, Wb Intignc, Xcsius, andothr Businss Objcts products and srvics mntiond hrinas w as thir rspctiv ogos ar tradmarks or rgistrd trad-marks o Businss Objcts Sotwar ltd. Businss Objcts is anSAP company.

Sybas and Adaptiv Sr vr, iAnywhr, Sybas 365, SQl Anywhr,and othr Sybas products and srvics mntiond hrin as was thir rspctiv ogos ar tradmarks or rgistrd tradmarks oSybas, Inc. Sybas is an SAP company.

 A othr product and srvic nams mntiond ar th tradmarks o

thir rspctiv companis. Data containd in this documnt srvsinormationa purposs ony. Nationa product spcications may vary.

Ths matrias ar subjct to chang without notic. Ths matriasar providd by SAP AG and its afiatd companis (“SAP Group”)or inormationa purposs ony, without rprsntation or warranty o any kind, and SAP Group sha not b iab or rrors or omissions

 with rspct to th matrias. Th ony warrantis or SAP Groupproducts and srvics ar thos that ar st orth in th xprss

 warranty statmnts accompanying such products and srvics, iany. Nothing hrin shoud b construd as constituting an additiona


SummaryWhn mastr data is maintaind manuay or across mutip appications, inaccuraciscan dvop that hindr inancia coss, riab rporting, and data govrnanc. With thSAP® Mastr Data Govrnanc appication, you can cntray maintain th inancia mastrdata usd in SAP Businss Suit sotwar.

Business Challenges• ensur consistncy o inancia mastr data across ntir organization, incuding oca

inancia systms• Invov stakhodrs ary in incrasing th quaity o th company’s inancia mastr data• Govrn th mastr data procss with auditab data and data changs

Key Features• Central maintenance o inancial master data – Achiv consistnt inancia mastr data

across th organization•  Automatic distribution to subsidiaries – Boost icincy and incras quaity o data

throughout th ntrpris•  Auditable data and data changes – Introduc a govrnd mastr data procss or

compianc with appicab rguatory standards•  Automatic worklows – Invov stakhodrs ary in rviws o inancia mastr data

to achiv mor compt data o highr quaity

Business Benefts• Fast closes, aowing you to pubish quartry and annua inancia statmnts on tim• Increased eiciency o corporat groups du to mor riab and accurat data through

th rduction o manua maintnanc• Better enterprise perormance management through accss to data that supports

prormanc comparison btwn subsidiaris and oca branchs•  Accurate, comprehensive reporting as a rsut o consistnt mastr data and hirarchis

throughout th corporat group• Eicient compliance with Intrnationa Financia Rporting Standards, th Sarbans-Oxy

 Act, gnray accptd accounting princips, and othr rguations through a govrndmastr data procss with auditab data, data changs, and audit trais

For More Inormation

To arn mor about how SAP sotwar supports you with govrnanc o inancia mastrdata, contact your SAP rprsntativ.