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Page 1: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GENERAL LEDGERGENERAL LEDGER · 2018-07-10 · FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT | GENERAL LEDGER “Very, very responsive!” Greentree® General Ledger Accurate and timely


Page 2: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GENERAL LEDGERGENERAL LEDGER · 2018-07-10 · FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT | GENERAL LEDGER “Very, very responsive!” Greentree® General Ledger Accurate and timely


“Very, very responsive!” �

Greentree® General LedgerAccurate and timely information is critical in assisting your business to achieve its strategic goals - with a growing trend towards users reviewing key information daily rather than monthly, Greentree’s General Ledger forms the core of your financial management system. Also included with the General Ledger is FREE - Greentree’s add-in Financial Reporting Engine in Excel. It provides direct connectivity with Microsoft Excel, facilitating a powerful range of reporting and formatting tools.

Internet EnabledGreentreeisenabledforInternetdeployment,outofthebox,using it’s thinclienttechnology.ThisallowsremoteofficesortravellingexecutivestoobtainsecureaccesstothecompletefunctionalityofGreentree.

Dynamic Reporting StructuresGreentree allows an unlimited number of multilevel“Trees”tobedefinedwithintheGeneralLedgerthatareusedtogroupandsummarisefinancialinformationwithinExcel.Thiscanbeusedtoprovidedifferent“views”ofyourfinancial information that could include completely di-verseareassuchasbusinessunits,geographicallocations,managementstructuresorproductlines.TreesthathavebeendefinedinGreentree’sGeneralLedgermaybeeasilyaccessedfromExcelforaccurateandimmediateanalysisand reporting for any financial period. Information canalsobeextractedbyaccountnumberorsummarisedbyaparticularsegmentofyouraccountcode,suchasacostcentre. These flexible reporting structures ensure thatalmost any financial reporting requirement can beeasilyfulfilled.

Flexible Chart StructureAflexiblechart structuremeansyoucandefineaccount

codes thatare relevant toyourorganisationorgroupofcompanies and which meet your reporting needs. Thestructure of the chart of accounts is completely user-definablewithupto30charactersforyouraccountcodeand up to 16 different segment or level breaks. Not allcompanies or business units within your organisationneed use the full structure; you can nominate whichsegmentsorlevelsarerelevanttoeachcompany.

Account Short CodesWithalargenumberofaccountsinyourGeneralLedger,it can be difficult to remember each account numbercorrectly. A short-code may be optionally definedagainsteachaccounttoassistinlocatingfrequentlyusedaccounts. For example, each of your bank accounts mayhaveashort-codeof“BANK”plusashortdescription,andthis can be used to locate and select the correct bankaccount. Use of shortcodes not only saves time, it alsoremoves the need to always have a printed chart ofaccountshandy.

Multiple BudgetsGreentree supports an unlimited number of budgets,allowing multiple budget variations to be produced andtracked.Yearswithineachbudgetcanbeclosedtofurther

Key Benefits

• Internet enabled

• Dynamic Reporting Structures

• Flexible Chart Structure

• Account Short Codes

• Multiple Budgets

• Future & Prior Periods

• On-line Enquiries

• Recurring Journals

• External Journal Updates

• Journal Entry

Page 3: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GENERAL LEDGERGENERAL LEDGER · 2018-07-10 · FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT | GENERAL LEDGER “Very, very responsive!” Greentree® General Ledger Accurate and timely


“Very, very flexible!”3

changeswhenapprovedorfinalised.Allbudgetsmaybecreated and edited in Microsoft Excel and automaticallyupdatedtoandfromGreentreeasrequired.

Future and Prior PeriodsGreentree allows transactions to be posted into bothprior and future periods (depending on individual usersecurity).This is particularly useful at year end whereadjustmentsneedtobeposted intopreviousperiodsorwherefixedcostshavebeenidentifiedforfutureperiods.Financial reports can be printed for any period, whichmeans they can be easily reprinted after adjustmentshavebeenmade.

On-line EnquiriesTransactions may be viewed for any range of periods(current, past or future), ensuring the information youneed isalwaysathand. Informationmaybesummarisedonscreenbytransactiontypeordataentrybatchwithineachperiod,providingauseful“drill-down”capabilitytothelevelofdetailyouneed.Asfinancialtransactionsareentered in any part of Greentree, they are reflected im-mediately in the General Ledger. This allows you to seeexactly what revenue or costs are in the system at anytime-eveniftheyarenotyetfinalised.

Recurring JournalsRecurring journals and accruals can be defined andactionedoverwhateverperiod is required.Accrualsmaybe defined as auto-reversing which means once theyhavebeenpostedtheywillbeautomaticallyreversedoutinafutureaccountingperiod.

External Journal updatesConsiderabletimecanbesavedbyautomaticallypostingjournalsfromexternalapplicationssuchasPayrollorbill-ing systems directly into Greentree. With flexible defini-tionof import formats thiscanbeeasilyestablishedandbeprocessedatanytime.

Journal EntryJournalsmaybeenteredvia theGreentree journalentryscreen - or created directly from within Microsoft Excel.This means entries such as accruals may be calculatedusing the financial modelling tools within Excel - thensimplyupdateddirectlyintoGreentree.

Page 4: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GENERAL LEDGERGENERAL LEDGER · 2018-07-10 · FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT | GENERAL LEDGER “Very, very responsive!” Greentree® General Ledger Accurate and timely


“Very, very integrated!” �

FREE, Greentree’s add-in for Excel - the modern way to present financial informationAccountants love Excel, and many use this tool every day to format, plan and manipulate information for a wide variety of business uses. FREE provides direct connectiv-ity with Microsoft Excel, facilitating a powerful range of reporting and formatting tools. This allows you to create almost any type of financial report you require, based on up-to-the minute information. Reports can be easily created from the ground up, with changes reflected immediately. Importantly, the reporting mechanism in Excel is entirely under the Accountant’s control.

Historically,abigproblemwithusingExcelasafinancialreporting system has been obtaining timely and easyaccess to the financial information contained in youraccountingsystem.Traditionally, this informationhas tobeprintedfromtheaccountingsystemandmanuallyre-entered,orperhapsstoredasatextfileandimportedintoExcelforfurtherformattingandmanipulation.Greentree

offers a whole new way of accessing your financialinformation with a powerful set of tools that allow youto easily directly access, summarise and present yourreportsquicklyandeasily.

Your Personal Executive Information System BytakingadvantageofthemoreadvancedfeaturesofEx-cel,youcancreateyourownExecutiveInformationSystem(EIS)thatistailoredtotherequirementsofyourorganisa-tionandstaff.UsingtoolssuchasVisualBasicandExcel’smacro language, a complete graphical interface can bebuilttosuityourrequirementsnow-andinthefuture.

Secure Access to Greentree Before accessing your Greentree financial informationfrom within Excel, users must enter a valid Greentreeloginnameandpassword.Thisensuresthatonlyauthor-isedstaffareabletoaccessyoursensitivefinancial infor-mationatalltimes.

Posting JournalsJournals may be calculated and posted from Excel di-rectlyintoGreentreereal-time.Thesemaybeautorevers-ing journals (i.e. accruals) that could even be calculatedbased on financial information obtained from Greentree

FREE Key Benefits

• Live Links to Greentree

• Harness the Reporting

Power of Trees

• Flexible Budgeting Tools

• Not Just Reporting -

Updating Too

Page 5: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GENERAL LEDGERGENERAL LEDGER · 2018-07-10 · FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT | GENERAL LEDGER “Very, very responsive!” Greentree® General Ledger Accurate and timely


“Very, very alive!”�


Entering Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable InvoicesTransactions for your suppliers and customers may beentered and posted directly from Excel into Greentreereal-time. This is ideal if you have complex cost alloca-tionsorother informationthatneeds tobe tracked fromwithinExcel,andsavesoperatortimeandthepotentialforhumanerror.Customerandsupplierinformationmayalsobe updated from Excel, if required. This is of great valueifyouneedto integratewith legacysystemsthatarenotabletocommunicatewithGreentreedirectly.

Related ModulesInter-Company Accounting Fullmulti-companycapabilitiesaresupported,witheachcompany able to operate in a different base currency,accounting period and year-end if required. Inter-com-panyclearingaccountsaredefinedandareautomaticallyposted to when entering inter-company transactions.This ensures each company’s ledger is always in bal-

ance (even where each company operates in a differentbasecurrency).

Cash ManagementOne of the most vital pieces of knowledge requiredin any business is the status of the company’s cash.Yet finding out the amount of cash on hand from mo-ment to moment is often the most difficult informationto obtain, especially if the company is working in mul-tiple markets on an international level. Greentree allowsmultiple bank accounts to be defined in both local andforeign currencies. Full integration with both AccountsPayableandAccountsReceivableprovidesanimmediateupdatewhenevercashpaymentsorreceiptsareenteredintothesystem.Bankstatementsmaybeentered inanysequence; ensuring reconciliation is quick and simple.Reconciliation may also be automated with support fordirectimportofbankstatementdatafromleadingbanks.Historical cashflow reporting is available on all bank ac-counts, detailing what was paid for during an account-ing period regardless of when the accrual was made.

Data update from Microsoft ExcelGreentreeallowstheuser tocreatebothmasterfilesandtransactions from within Microsoft Excel. All database

Page 6: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GENERAL LEDGERGENERAL LEDGER · 2018-07-10 · FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT | GENERAL LEDGER “Very, very responsive!” Greentree® General Ledger Accurate and timely


“Very, very familiar!” 6

validation rules and user security are respected, giv-ing a totally secure flow of data from Microsoft Excel toGreentree. This is commonly used to transfer data fromlegacysystems,aswellasprocessjournals,budgetsorin-wards or outwards cash transactions entered into Exceltemplates,byusersthatareremotetotheoffice.

ReconciliationsThe Greentree reconciliations module is used to matchdebit and credit general ledger transactions within aspecifieddaterangefor individualaccounts.Oncetrans-actionsthatoriginatefromtheGeneralLedgerorGeneralLedgersubmodules,e.g. JobCosting,havebeen recon-ciledthetransactionscannotbechanged.

Foreign CurrencyIf the Foreign Currency module is used, General Ledgerwill allow foreign currency accounts to be defined. Thisis particularly useful if you operate international bankaccounts or have assets, which need to be tracked in aforeign value. These accounts are automatically trans-lated using the spot rate or historical rate when beingreportedonwiththefinancialreportwriter.

Workflow DesignerThis module provides the ability to define user specific“Workflowdesktops”whichincludesBookmarks,FavouritesandGlobalAttachments.Attachmentscanbeofanydocu-mentformat,includingMicrosoftWord,ExcelorAdobePDFandbelinkedtoanyGeneralLedgerAccountandrecalledat any time, and could include Profit & Loss reports, keyperformance measurements or contractual documents.

eReportingGreentreeprovidesstandardeReportingcapabilityacrossthe entire system, giving you the ability to email or faxreportsdirectlyfromwithinGreentree.WiththeadditionofGreentree’sadvancedeReportingmodule,thisextendstoprovideautomaticformatting,processinganddeliveryof business documents, including Accounts Receivableinvoices and statements, Accounts Payable remittancesandPurchaseOrders,by theappropriatedelivery formatdefinedforeachcustomerorsupplier.

Transaction AnalysisGreentree’s powerful Transaction Analysis solution pro-vides the ability to define General Ledger and Inventorytransaction analysis trees that are captured during entryoftransactionsandexpandsthealreadyextensiveanaly-

Related Modules

• Excel

• Inter-Company Accounting

• Reconciliations

• Transaction Analysis

• Advanced Security

Page 7: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GENERAL LEDGERGENERAL LEDGER · 2018-07-10 · FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT | GENERAL LEDGER “Very, very responsive!” Greentree® General Ledger Accurate and timely


“Very, very powerful!”�

siscapabilitiesofGreentree.Forexample,whenenteringinvoicesforvehicleexpenses,youcanrecordthevehicleregistrationnumber,therelevantcostcentreandprojectfrom a list of valid values. This function can be enabledfor selected General Ledger accounts, Inventory itemsandtransactiontypes.Advancedsearchingandreportingcapabilities are provided within General Ledger to viewuser defined multi dimensional analysis data marts builtupontransactionanalysisdata.

Advanced SecurityGreentree’s Advanced Security provides a very sophisti-cated security option over the standard security that isincluded with the Greentree System Manager. With theAdvancedSecuritymodule,youcancontrolexactlywhich

customers, suppliers and General Ledger accounts thata user can access. You can also control each user’s abil-itytoadd,changeordeleteasseparatesecurityoptions.For example a user can be set to view only the GeneralLedger Accounts that relate to their business division,but in transaction entry, post to a broader range, whichwould include control accounts. Furthermore, users canbe permitted to add and change transactions, but onlyforcustomersorGeneralLedgeraccountsthatareintheirbusinessdivision,however theymaynotdelete transac-tions at all (requiring, say, a supervisor to delete an in-correctly entered invoice). Advanced Security applies toGeneralLedger,AccountsReceivable,AccountsPayable,SalesOrders,andPurchaseOrders.


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Page 8: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GENERAL LEDGERGENERAL LEDGER · 2018-07-10 · FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT | GENERAL LEDGER “Very, very responsive!” Greentree® General Ledger Accurate and timely

Greentree is modular, with all business functions totally integrated.This provides you with a wide variety of modules and sub-modules thatafford options rarely found in other packages. You purchase the piecesthat you need, effectively matching the system to fit your business. Choosefrom: Financials, Job Costing, Supply Chain & Distribution, Manufacturing,Human Resources, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Service & AssetManagement, Business Intelligence, Retail, Workflow-Business Process ManagementandeBusiness.

Greentree is a flexible solution, readily adapting across a broad range of industries andbusinesstypes.Businessesareprovidedwithapowerful,extremelycost-effectivesystemthathasconsistentlyprovenitselfcapableofmanagingchangeandgrowingbusinesspotential.

Withsimple,smartthinkingatyourfingertips,Greentreeprovidestheultimateseamlessbusiness-buildingenvironment.Exploitit’saccuracyinbusinessmetrics,challengeit’scapabilitytodeliverempowering information. Rely on the one highly responsive solution to efficiently streamlineyour internalprocesses resulting in increasedmanageabilityandproductivityacrossall areasofyourenterprise.

What’s the difference to any other software solution? Greentree is the most responsive business software product available, providing a source of competitive advantage to help you drive your business to the next level!

“Very, very integrated!”