financial freedom campaign request for proposals - … opportunity...

Page 1 of 7 Financial Freedom Campaign Request for Proposals Due: June 15, 2012 @ 5:30 pm EST Financial Freedom Campaign Micro-Grant The Tides Foundation working through its NAACP Collective Action Fund at the Tides Foundation and in support of the important work of the NAACP Economic Department is making available a round of micro-grant opportunities to the NAACP network. The purpose of these micro-grants is to ensure that community mobilization coupled with improved access to quality products, services, and discrimination monitoring will result in improved financial security and economic solvency. This RFP contemplates funding in the following format: 1. State Conferences: 8 State Conferences 2. Adult Units: 16 Adult Units 3. College and Youth: 12 College and Youth This micro-grant opportunity will require each of the above Units to meet specific performance measures which are directly connected to the National Economic Department vision and 2012- 2013 objectives. This Financial Freedom Campaign will advance the work of NAACP units around economic education and resources and will connect State Conferences, Adult and Youth/College Units to key national partners. Program Year: The 2012-2013 program year will be launched on August 24, 2012 and will conclude on April 30, 2013. All micro-grant awardees will be required to complete all work connected to the Financial Freedom Campaign by April 30, 2013. All successful grantees will be required to do the following: 1. Complete a MOU before the start of the program;

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Financial Freedom Campaign Request for Proposals

Due: June 15, 2012 @ 5:30 pm EST

Financial Freedom Campaign Micro-Grant

The Tides Foundation working through its NAACP Collective Action Fund at the Tides

Foundation and in support of the important work of the NAACP Economic Department is

making available a round of micro-grant opportunities to the NAACP network. The purpose of

these micro-grants is to ensure that community mobilization coupled with improved access to

quality products, services, and discrimination monitoring will result in improved financial

security and economic solvency.

This RFP contemplates funding in the following format:

1. State Conferences: 8 State Conferences

2. Adult Units: 16 Adult Units

3. College and Youth: 12 College and Youth

This micro-grant opportunity will require each of the above Units to meet specific performance

measures which are directly connected to the National Economic Department vision and 2012-

2013 objectives. This Financial Freedom Campaign will advance the work of NAACP units

around economic education and resources and will connect State Conferences, Adult and

Youth/College Units to key national partners.

Program Year:

The 2012-2013 program year will be launched on August 24, 2012 and will conclude on April

30, 2013. All micro-grant awardees will be required to complete all work connected to the

Financial Freedom Campaign by April 30, 2013.

All successful grantees will be required to do the following:

1. Complete a MOU before the start of the program;

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2. Submit two financial statements during the program term (template will be provided);

3. Attend the 2nd Annual Train the Trainer session in Washington, DC the weekend of

August 24-26, 2012 (Mandatory);

4. Particpate in online traning webinars conducted by NAACP national economics staff;

5. Submit two program reports to the Economic Department;

6. Submit reports two-weeks after each Economic Education Session;

7. Participate on Conference Calls;

8. Share success stories with fellow micro-grantees.

State Conference Program Description

All interested State Conferences which are in compliance and in good standing are eligible to apply for a grant under this RFP to assist with their implementation of the Financial Freedom Campaign program. All awarded State Conferences will receive a grant of $4,000 and will be required to participate in 5 events over the term of the grant period. Successful applicants will be required to accomplish the following program elements:

1. Create a 2013 State Economic Plan

This plan should include but is not limited to:

a. An Economic Education Strategy

b. A Community Economic Development Strategy

c. A Fair Lending Strategy

Note: The NAACP Economic Department will provide the awarded State Conferences with a State Economic Plan Template and will provide technical assistance to achieve this objective.

2. Join a State Budget Coalition or Fair Lending Coalition

a. What is a State Budget Coalition: A State budget coalition is comprised of non-profit, local government and private sector agencies that advocate locally and at the state level to urge government officials to utilize public funds and pass budgets that provide adequate support for children, families, the elderly, people with disabilities and the larger community to live healthy and economically stable lifestyles.

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i. Each State Conference will be required to become a member of their State Budget Coalition and remain active in the coalition for the tenure of the program year.

ii. The NAACP Economic Department will assist awarded State Conferences with identifying their State Budget Coalitions.

b. What is a Fair Lending Coalition: A Fair Lending Coalition is a collaboration of organizations across states or communities that work together to address fair lending and banking issues in the state. These issues can include but are not limited to the following fair lending issues: Pay Day Lending, Discriminatory Mortgage Lending, Car Title Loans, Private Student Loans, etc.

i. Each State Conference will be required to become a member of their Fair Lending Coalition and remain active in the coalition for the tenure of the program year.

ii. The NAACP Economic Department will assist awarded State Conferences with identifying their Fair Lending Coalitions.

3. Conduct a “Train the Trainer” session at their 2012 State Convention utilizing the NAACP Economic Department Workshop Framework. This training should include organizations like: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Center for Responsible Lending and other Consumer Finance Advocacy organizations.

a. The NAACP Economic Department will assist State Conferences with coordinating this training and connecting with National Partners to execute this training.

b. The Training must include at least 50% of compliant units in the state.

4. Conduct an Economic Education Webinar with the support of the NAACP Economic Department for all compliant units under the direction of the State Conference on one of the following topics:

a. Credit Rehabilitation

b. Mortgage Foreclosure/Prevention

c. Seniors and Savings

d. Community Economic Development

e. Wealth Building and Racial Inequality

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5. Partner with a financial institution to conduct outreach for a home preservation or single servicer event.

a. These events are geared towards homeowners who are having challenges with paying their mortgage and allow these homeowners the opportunity to meet face to face with representatives from financial institutions to attempt to come to resolve their situations.

b. We are asking State Conferences to assist with ensuring wide community knowledge for this information and increasing the number of individuals who utilize these services.

c. State Conferences will be responsible for getting this information to at least 10 community organizations and stakeholders as well as getting this information out to all NAACP members in the State.

d. Host a table at the event to promote the partnership between the NAACP and the Financial Institution and to promote the NAACP to individuals who may not be members.

Adult Unit Program Description

All interested Adult Units which are in compliance and in good standing are eligible to apply for a grant under this RFP to assist with their implementation of the Financial Freedom Campaign program. All awarded Adult Units will receive a grant of $3,000 and will be required to participate in 4 events over the term of the grant period. Successful applicants will be required to accomplish the following program elements:

1. Participate in the National NAACP Financial Literacy Day on April 6, 2013. Units may particiapte by doing at least one of the following:

a. Host a workshop b. Educate the community through strategically sharing educational materials in the

community c. Host a community event that brings together community members and local and

national partners d. Event of the unit’s choice which meets the overall goals of the Financial Freedom


2. Conduct at least 3 workshops with a minimum of 20 people in attendance on the following topics:

a. Fair Lending (Foreclosure Prevention, Predatory Lending, Payday lending, Loam Scam Prevention and education about the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau)

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b. Community Economic Development (Asset Development, Wealth Inequality, Small Business)

c. Credit Rehabilitation d. Seniors and Savings

Youth and College Program Description

All interested Youth and College Units which are in compliance and in good standing are eligible to apply for a grant under this RFP to assist with their implementation of the Financial Freedom Campaign program. All awarded Youth and College Units will receive a grant of $1,500 and will be required to participate in 2 events over the term of the grant period. Successful applicants will be required to accomplish the following program elements:

1. Participate in the NAACP and Wells Fargo Youth and College Train the Trainer Webinar Series in the fall of 2012. All Youth and College units will be required to recruit at least 15 youth and college members to attend the Webinar Series.

2. Participate in the National NAACP Financial Literacy Day on April 6, 2013. Units may participate by doing at least one of the following:

a. Host a workshop b. Educate the community through strategically passing out educational materials in

the community c. Host a community event that brings together community members and local and

national partners

d. Event of the unit’s choice which meets the overall goals of the Financial Freedom Campaign

3. Conduct at least 1 workshop with a minimum of 20 people on one of the following

topics: a. Building Credit and Credit Rehabilitation

i. Money to Blow: Credit Cards 101 ii. Mo Money Mo Problems: Overcoming the pressure of materialism and

financial planning b. Racks on Racks: Understanding the Student Loan Process c. Redefining Wealth: Wealth Inequality and Racial Inequality d. Overcoming Barriers: Identifying Opportunity and Pathways to success in a

challenging economy

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In order to apply, Units must meet the following criteria:

� State Conferences, Adult and Youth and College units must be in compliance and in good standing with the national office of the NAACP.

� State Conference, Adult, and Youth and College units must be willing to participate in the program for the duration of the program year.

� State Conferences, Adult and Youth and College units must engage members and non-members in the community with the Financial Freedom Campaign.

Instructions for Making an Application:

1. The Unit President or the person who will oversee the program must join one of two conference calls for technical assistance (the same information will be given on both calls, you only need to call once):

� June 5 at 8:00 pm EST; dial in number: 605-475-4700 Passcode: 4198202

� OR June 7 at 8:00 pm EST; dial in number: 605-475-4700 Passcode: 4198202

2. The Unit must complete an application form entitled: NAACP Collective Action Fund at the Tides Foundation Proposal For Funding For The Financial Freedom Campaign. It is a one page document which is the last page of this RFP

3. A 2-3 page summary of the unit’s proposed program must be submitted.

It must include the following: � Number of members and what population do you serve? � Articulate the economic challenges your community is facing. � How will this program positively benefit your membership and the community at

large? � Describe your plans for implementing this campaign. � What is the Target Audience for your effort? � Describe how you plan to ensure that there is sufficient community participation

in your campaign, including any incentives for community participation. � Describe any Promotional Ideas you plan to use (to advertise the Financial

Freedom Campaign in your community). � Provide the Contact information for Economic Development Chair and designated

Financial Freedom Campaign point of contact (name, email, and phone number for both).

� Provide a separate Line Item Budget, demonstrating how the funds will be spent.

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Proposals must be submitted to Mjiba Frehiwot, MSW, PhD, the Director of the NAACP’s Economic Education program via email at [email protected] or via fax to 202-478-6410 no later than June 15, 2012 @ 5:30 pm EST. If you need any assistance please contact Mjiba Frehiwot, MSW, PhD at 202-478-6407.

The Application to respond to this Request For Proposals is on the next and final page of this document.

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This form is only for use by an NAACP unit making application to the Tides Foundation for projects eligible under the Financial Freedom Campaign. This form and all associated documents are due by June 8, 2012, 5:30 PM EST via email to Mjiba Frehiwot at [email protected] or via fax at (202) 478-6410. Please contact Ms. Frehiwot at (202) 478-6407 with questions.

1 President of the Branch, State/Area Conference or Youth and College Unit making application:

2 Phone: Cell Phone: Email Address:

3 Name of NAACP Branch, State/Area Conference or Youth/College Unit Seeking Support:

4 Address of Branch or Conference:


NAACP Unit EIN (tax ID) number: NAACP Unit ID number:

6 Please check the box for the national NAACP priority or priorities for which a grant is sought: Economic Justice

7 Dollar amount requested: Project Name:

� State Conferences may apply for up to $4,000 � Adult Unites may apply for up to $3,000 � Youth and College Units may apply for up to $1,500

8 Please attach a project narrative of no more than three pages which describes the following:

� Number of members and what population do you serve? � Articulate the economic challenges your community is facing. � How will this program positively benefit your membership and the community at large? � Describe your plans for implementing this campaign. � What is the Target Audience for your effort? � Describe how you plan to ensure that there is sufficient community participation in your campaign, including any

incentives for community participation. � Describe any Promotional Ideas you plan to use (to advertise the Financial Freedom Campaign in your community). � Provide the Contact information for Economic Development Chair and designated Financial Freedom Campaign point

of contact (name, email, and phone number for both). � Provide a separate Line Item Budget, demonstrating how the funds will be spent.

9 The NAACP Unit making application is responsible for managing the project including all reporting. Please identify the person who will be responsible for said management and reporting.

Name: ___________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________

Email: ___________________________________



Applicant Branch or Conference President Signature Printed Name Date

Applicant Branch or Conference Secretary Signature Printed Name Date

Signatures below indicate a commitment to the project described and to meeting the resulting fiduciary and programmatic duties.

For use by NAACP Collective Action Fund at the Tides Foundation Fund Manager: Proposal review: ___________________________