financial and economic performance of long-rotation ... · financial and economic performance of...

Financial and economic performance of long-rotation hardwood plantation investments in Queensland, Australia Tyron J. Venn a,b, * a School of Economics, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia b Queensland Forestry Research Institute, Indooroopilly, QLD 4068, Australia Received 25 February 2003; received in revised form 23 July 2003; accepted 11 August 2003 Abstract In Queensland, Australia, there is presently a high level of interest in long-rotation hardwood plantation investments for sawlog production, despite the consensus in Australian literature that such investments are not financially viable. Continuing genetics, silviculture and processing research, and increasing awareness about the ecosystem services generated by plantations, are anticipated to make future plantings profitable and socio-economically desirable in many parts of Queensland. Financial and economic models of hardwood plantations in Queensland are developed to test this hypothesis. The economic model accounts for carbon sequestration, salinity amelioration and other ecosystem service values of hardwood plantations. A carbon model estimates the value of carbon sequestered, while salinity and other ecosystem service values are estimated by the benefit transfer method. Where high growth rates (20 – 25 m 3 ha 1 year 1 ) are achievable, long-rotation hardwood plantations are profitable in Queensland Hardwood Regions 1, 3 and 7 when rural land values are less than $2300/ha. Under optimistic assumptions, hardwood plantations growing at a rate of 15 m 3 ha 1 year 1 are financially viable in Hardwood Regions 2, 4 and 8, provided land values are less than $1600/ha. The major implication of the economic analysis is that long-rotation hardwood plantation forestry is socio-economically justified in most Hardwood Regions, even though financial returns from timber production may be negative. D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Timber plantations; Ecosystem services; Financial analysis; Economic analysis; Environmental valuation; Carbon sequestration; Salinity 1. Introduction In Queensland, Australia, only small areas of long- rotation hardwood plantations have been established. This is possibly due in part to the abundant, low-cost supply of large hardwood logs from mature natural forests (Keenan, 1998). However, over the last two decades, large areas of State-owned natural forests have been transferred from the production to conser- vation estates, resulting in large reductions in supply of hardwood logs. The 1999 South East Queensland Regional Forest Agreement included a commitment for all natural forest logging on State-owned land in the south–east to cease by 2024. These processes appear to have contributed to an increase in enthusi- 1389-9341/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.forpol.2003.08.003 * Tel.: +61-7-3346-9456; fax: +61-7-3365-7299. E-mail address: [email protected] (T.J. Venn). Forest Policy and Economics 7 (2005) 437 – 454

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Page 1: Financial and economic performance of long-rotation ... · Financial and economic performance of long-rotation hardwood plantation investments in Queensland, Australia Tyron J. Venna,b,*

Forest Policy and Economics 7 (2005) 437–454

Financial and economic performance of long-rotation hardwood

plantation investments in Queensland, Australia

Tyron J. Venna,b,*

aSchool of Economics, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072, AustraliabQueensland Forestry Research Institute, Indooroopilly, QLD 4068, Australia

Received 25 February 2003; received in revised form 23 July 2003; accepted 11 August 2003


In Queensland, Australia, there is presently a high level of interest in long-rotation hardwood plantation investments for

sawlog production, despite the consensus in Australian literature that such investments are not financially viable. Continuing

genetics, silviculture and processing research, and increasing awareness about the ecosystem services generated by plantations,

are anticipated to make future plantings profitable and socio-economically desirable in many parts of Queensland. Financial and

economic models of hardwood plantations in Queensland are developed to test this hypothesis. The economic model accounts

for carbon sequestration, salinity amelioration and other ecosystem service values of hardwood plantations. A carbon model

estimates the value of carbon sequestered, while salinity and other ecosystem service values are estimated by the benefit transfer

method. Where high growth rates (20–25 m3 ha� 1 year� 1) are achievable, long-rotation hardwood plantations are profitable in

Queensland Hardwood Regions 1, 3 and 7 when rural land values are less than $2300/ha. Under optimistic assumptions,

hardwood plantations growing at a rate of 15 m3 ha� 1 year� 1 are financially viable in Hardwood Regions 2, 4 and 8, provided

land values are less than $1600/ha. The major implication of the economic analysis is that long-rotation hardwood plantation

forestry is socio-economically justified in most Hardwood Regions, even though financial returns from timber production may

be negative.

D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Timber plantations; Ecosystem services; Financial analysis; Economic analysis; Environmental valuation; Carbon sequestration;


1. Introduction

In Queensland, Australia, only small areas of long-

rotation hardwood plantations have been established.

This is possibly due in part to the abundant, low-cost

supply of large hardwood logs from mature natural

1389-9341/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


* Tel.: +61-7-3346-9456; fax: +61-7-3365-7299.

E-mail address: [email protected] (T.J. Venn).

forests (Keenan, 1998). However, over the last two

decades, large areas of State-owned natural forests

have been transferred from the production to conser-

vation estates, resulting in large reductions in supply

of hardwood logs. The 1999 South East Queensland

Regional Forest Agreement included a commitment

for all natural forest logging on State-owned land in

the south–east to cease by 2024. These processes

appear to have contributed to an increase in enthusi-

Page 2: Financial and economic performance of long-rotation ... · Financial and economic performance of long-rotation hardwood plantation investments in Queensland, Australia Tyron J. Venna,b,*

T.J. Venn / Forest Policy and Economics 7 (2005) 437–454438

asm and optimism about the potential for long-rota-

tion plantations of native hardwood species in

Queensland to supply sawlogs to industry. The total

area of hardwood plantings in the State grew from

1300 ha in 1994 (National Forest Inventory, 1997) to

20 000 ha (87% privately owned) by June 2001

(Shaw, 2003, personal communication).1 Forestry

prospectus companies and the Queensland Depart-

ment of Primary Industries (DPI), are promoting

long-rotation hardwood (primarily eucalypt) planta-

tion investments in the State on the basis of sound

financial returns (DPI, 2000; Forest Enterprises

Group, 2002).

The optimism surrounding long-rotation hard-

wood plantations defies the consensus of published

literature in Australia, which has, generally reported

poor financial prospects for such plantings (FAFPIC,

1989; O’Hara, 1989; Shepherd et al., 1990). It has

been argued that hardwood plantations in Australia

generally require higher rainfall and soil fertility, and

that they are more site-specific than the exotic

conifers that dominate the national plantation estate

(Shepherd et al., 1990). There are also widely

espoused concerns that fundamental wood proper-

ties—such as density, strength, shrinkage and growth

stresses—may be inferior to those of the natural

forest hardwood resource, which may affect market

acceptance of plantation hardwoods (Shepherd et al.,

1990; Yang and Waugh, 1996). Recent research on

eucalypt plantations that had been established in

Queensland during the 1960s and 1970s confirmed

the long-held negative views about growth rates,

timber quality and potential profitability (Leggate et

al., 2000). However, these early eucalypt plantings

suffered from inadequate site preparation, weed con-

trol, fertilisation, thinning, pruning and pest control,

and there was a high degree of genetic variability in

the unimproved planting stock. Consequently, Lewty

et al. (2001) have asserted that the growth, wood

quality and financial performance of early eucalypt

plantings in Queensland are unlikely to be indicative

of the potential for future hardwood plantings in the


1 Principal Policy Officer, Sustainable Resources, Policy

Analysis and Industry Development, Department of Primary

Industries, Brisbane.

The Queensland Forestry Research Institute

(QFRI) has founded the Hardwoods Queensland

research program to support the establishment of

high-yielding hardwood plantations, and the transi-

tion of the Queensland timber industry from natural

forest to plantation hardwood logs. Researchers

within Hardwoods Queensland have highlighted

two important factors that make a contemporary

analysis of the performance of hardwood plantation

investments in Queensland warranted. First, while

few published data are available, current research

and expert opinion suggests that the more intensively

managed hardwood plantations established in

Queensland since the mid-1990s, some with genet-

ically superior stock, are far more productive than

early hardwood plantings. Second, there is a growing

awareness in Queensland about the range of ecosys-

tem services that plantation forests can generate

when established on cleared agricultural land,

although few studies in Queensland have attempted

to quantify these non-timber benefits. Non-timber

benefits are becoming increasingly important in the

decision-making of the Queensland Government (e.g.

Environmental Protection Agency, 2001), which is

currently the largest plantation grower in the State,

and of some potential private investors (perhaps

hoping markets will emerge in the future).

Hardwoods Queensland has funded the study

reported here with the joint objective of estimating

the potential, financial and economic performance of

long-rotation (sawlog) hardwood plantation invest-

ments in Queensland.2 The paper assesses financial

performance from the grower’s perspective when

logs are sold at the stump. Carbon sequestration,

salinity amelioration and other ecosystem service

values of hardwood plantations are evaluated in

predicting the socio-economic performance of hard-

wood plantations. Three types of investors are likely

to play an important role in the establishment of a

hardwood plantation resource in Queensland. First,

private landholders who own idle or low opportunity

cost land. Second, private investors, including plan-

tation prospectus companies, who do not own land.

Third, the State Government, which owns land, and

2 The terms ‘hardwood plantation’ and ‘eucalypt plantation’ are

synonymous in Queensland forestry and they will be used

interchangeably throughout the paper.

Page 3: Financial and economic performance of long-rotation ... · Financial and economic performance of long-rotation hardwood plantation investments in Queensland, Australia Tyron J. Venna,b,*

T.J. Venn / Forest Policy and Economics 7 (2005) 437–454 439

may also resume leasehold land and purchase free-

hold land. Government investors have traditionally

been more interested in the socio-economic perform-

ance of plantations, prospectus companies and other

private investors are likely to focus on financial

performance, while the motivations of private land-

holders establishing hardwood plantations are likely

to be somewhere in between.

The paper commences by explaining the logic

behind the increased interest in growing hardwood

plantations in Queensland. Next, the hardwood plan-

tation regions (Hardwood Regions) of Queensland

are illustrated and potential growth rates for hard-

wood plantations are reported. The methodologies

employed for the financial and economic analyses

are then described. Estimates of the financial and

economic performance of hardwood plantation

investments in Queensland follow. A discussion

concludes the paper.

3 Senior Research Scientist, Queensland Forestry Research

Institute, Brisbane.4 Co-ordinator, Hardwood Project Development, Queensland

Forestry Research Institute, Brisbane.

2. Rationale for optimism about long-rotation

hardwood plantation forestry in Queensland

Recent research has highlighted the potential avail-

ability of scores of thousands of hectares of land in

southern and northern Queensland that are of suffi-

ciently high quality (rainfall and soils) for hardwood

plantation establishment, and where hardwood plan-

tations would provide financially competitive returns

with existing agricultural (predominantly pastoral)

pursuits (Keenan, 1998; Spencer et al., 1999). While

slow growth and low recovery of graded sawn timber

has typified early plantings of unimproved eucalypt

stock in Queensland, impressive gains in eucalypt

plantation productivity have been achieved overseas

through matching species to sites, tree breeding and

improvement of silvicultural practices (Eldridge et al.,

1994; McKenney, 1998). Lewty et al. (2001) have

suggested that genetic improvement alone could

potentially increase the productivity of future hard-

wood sawlog plantations in Queensland by between

30 and 50%.

Many Queensland hardwood plantation species

have wood properties that uniquely distinguish them

from southern Australian plantation eucalypts (Leg-

gate and Muneri, 2000). Existing technologies,

including the Durand-Raute spindles lathe (FOR-

TECH, 1994), and the development of composite

wood products, such as laminated strand lumber

(McNaught, 2002, personal communication)3, provide

potential high-value processing options. According to

Burns et al. (1999), it is generally accepted that global

consumption of wood (excluding fuelwood) will

increase at approximately 1–2% per annum over the

coming decade, but that the supply of non-pulp hard-

wood timber will diminish. The once timber rich

nations of the Philippines, Thailand and India are

now importing timber, Malaysia has begun imposing

logging restrictions, and harvesting in Vietnam, Cam-

bodia, Laos and Indonesia is believed to be unsus-

tainable (FORTECH, 1994). Being close to Asian

markets, Queensland hardwood plantations appear

well-positioned to take advantage of potential market


For many small-scale forest growers in Australia,

financial returns from timber are a minor motivating

factor for plantation establishment, with many non-

commercial benefits of forests, such as shade, shelter,

land rehabilitation, watertable control, wildlife habitat

and stock feed being relatively more important (Burns

et al., 1999; Emtage et al., 2001; Borsboom et al.,

2002). Overseas, the Royal Dutch Shell Group and BP

Amoco have invested in large-scale forestry projects

for the purpose of obtaining carbon sequestration

rights (van Bueren, 2001). Carbon sequestration is

also a major motivating factor in the possible estab-

lishment of approximately 4500 ha of hardwood

plantation in the Aldoga precinct of the Gladstone

State Development Area in Queensland (Boden, 2002,

personal communication).4 Therefore, plantations are

currently being established with consideration given

to more than simply the financial returns from timber.

3. Hardwood regions and plantation growth rates

in Queensland

The research and development strategy of Hard-

woods Queensland recognises that regions within the

State differ with respect to climate, soils, land-use

Page 4: Financial and economic performance of long-rotation ... · Financial and economic performance of long-rotation hardwood plantation investments in Queensland, Australia Tyron J. Venna,b,*

T.J. Venn / Forest Policy and Economics 7 (2005) 437–454440

history and timber industry infrastructure. Conse-

quently, Queensland and northern new South Wales

have been divided into 10 Hardwood Regions, as

illustrated in Fig. 1. The Western boundaries of the

Hardwood Regions are defined by the 600 mm/year

isohyet. Field trials testing the performance of many

hardwood taxa, silvicultural methods and tolerance to

pests and diseases have been established in each of the

10 Hardwood Regions.

Presently, most trials are too young and do not

adequately cover the range of planting sites available

within regions to provide useful growth information

for assessment of investment performance. The con-

sensus of recent literature on hardwood plantations in

Queensland is that a mean annual increment (MAI) of

merchantable timber between 15 m3 ha� 1 year� 1 and

25 m3 ha� 1 year� 1 should be achievable in well-

managed stands on moist sites (rainfall>1000 mm per

annum) (GRO, 1998; DPI, 2000; Leggate et al.,

2000). On drier sites (rainfall approximately 700–

1000 mm per annum), QFRI growth trials in South–

East Queensland are reportedly yielding between 2 m3

ha� 1 year� 1 and 9 m3 ha� 1 year� 1. In this study,

financial and economic returns have been estimated

for plantations with MAIs ranging from 5 m3 ha� 1

year� 1 to 25 m3 ha� 1 year� 1 in increments of 5 m3

ha� 1 year� 1. Table 1 reports expert opinion on

potential hardwood plantation MAI by Hardwood

Region, with current (largely unimproved) planting

stock and modern silvicultural practices. These esti-

mates have been used to project stand biomass of

hardwood plantations in Queensland. It would have

been preferable to employ growth or yield models, but

currently there are no generally accepted models for

plantation hardwoods in Queensland.

5 In June 2003 AU$1 =US$0.60.

4. Financial analysis of hardwood plantations in


The profitability of hardwood plantations are ana-

lysed under the assumptions that plantation establish-

ment costs and post-establishment management

expenses are incurred by the forest grower, and logs

are sold at the stump. Forest growers do not incur

harvesting expenses from the commercial thinning

and clearfelling operations, however, nor do they

share in the returns from value-adding the timber

resource. This reflects the current commercial rela-

tionship between forest growers and timber processors

in Queensland.

4.1. Hardwood plantation species, management and

harvest composition

On the basis of potentially high wood quality,

market acceptance and yield, DPI-Forestry (c2002)

have recommended that hardwood plantations should

(initially) focus on the species Eucalyptus cloeziana

(Gympie messmate), E. pilularis (blackbutt), Euca-

lyptus argophloia (western white gum) and Corymbia

citriodora subsp. variegata (spotted gum). For assess-

ment of financial and economic performance, a

generic subtropical eucalypt and the hardwood plan-

tation sawlog regime currently recommended by DPI-

Forestry (c2002), as outlined in Table 2, have been

assumed. Where MAIs of at least 15 m3 ha� 1 year� 1

are achievable, stands will be clearfelled at age 25,

while lower yielding plantations will be harvested at

age 30. At clearfall, the trees will have diameters at

breast height in excess of 40 cm, making them

suitable for sawlogs and poles. The assumed compo-

sition of harvested logs at commercial thinning and

clearfall is reported in Table 3. Presently, there are

limited markets for pruned logs in Queensland, hence

no distinction is made between pruned and unpruned

sawlogs in the base case. Nevertheless, pruning is

undertaken to improve access, minimise fire risk and

the potential for disease, and in expectation of clear-

wood markets developing.

4.2. Cost and stumpage price data

Cost data for long-rotation hardwood plantations

are scarce in Queensland, and there is a lack of

consistency between the estimates that are available.

The cost assumptions detailed in Table 4 have been

adopted for the financial model developed in this

study from the expert opinions of QFRI and DPI-

Forestry research officers (see acknowledgements)

and the limited literature (GRO, 1998; DPI, 2000).

All monetary values are expressed in Australian

dollars, unless otherwise specified.5

Page 5: Financial and economic performance of long-rotation ... · Financial and economic performance of long-rotation hardwood plantation investments in Queensland, Australia Tyron J. Venna,b,*

Fig. 1. Hardwood Regions in Queensland and northern New South Wales with average annual rainfall. Source: QFRI (2002a).

T.J. Venn / Forest Policy and Economics 7 (2005) 437–454 441

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Land cost is an important factor in the plantation

investment decisions of plantation investors, however,

it varies considerably throughout the Hardwood

Regions of Queensland. Spencer et al. (1999) esti-

mated the approximate average value of land in the

South East Queensland Biogeographic Region

(approximated by Hardwood Regions 4, 6, 7 and 8)

capable of yielding 15–20 m3 ha� 1 year� 1 of mer-

chantable timber from hardwood plantations to be

approximately $2600/ha. This may be indicative of

prices for land that could become available for for-

estry in many parts of Hardwood Regions 1–4 and 6–

8. The cost of higher productivity land and land closer

to major settlements in these regions can be $5000/

ha–$10 000/ha. In regions 2, 5 and 9, land values are

commonly approximately $1000/ha–$1500/ha and in

some Western parts can be less than $500/ha.

Little information is available about hardwood

plantation log prices in Queensland. According to

Table 2

Long-rotation silvicultural regime for hardwood plantations in Queenslan

Year Activity

1 Cultivate,

weed contr

2 Fertilise an

3 Non-comm

5 Prune best

12 Commerci

25–30 Clearfall

Source: Adapted from DPI-Forestry (c2002).

DPI-Forestry records, the average stumpage paid in

2001–2002 for logs harvested from natural forests on

State-owned land in Southern Queensland was

approximately $40/m3. However, prices paid for nat-

ural forest hardwood logs sourced from private land in

Queensland can be as much as twice that paid for logs

from State-owned land (GRO, 1998). The mean of the

stumpage prices estimated by GRO (1998), DPI

(2000) and DPI Rural Business Services et al.

(2001) for Queensland hardwood plantation poles,

sawlogs and low-value logs have been adopted in this

study: $70/m3 for poles; $55/m3 for sawlogs; and $20/

m3 for low-value logs.

4.3. Financial model for hardwood plantations in


A financial model for hardwood plantations in

Queensland, which estimates the land expectation


pre-plant weed control, plant at 1000 stems per ha (sph), post-plant

ol and fertilise

d weed control

ercial thin to 450 sph, prune all remaining stems to 3.6 m height

200 sph to 6.0 m

al thin to 175 sph

Page 7: Financial and economic performance of long-rotation ... · Financial and economic performance of long-rotation hardwood plantation investments in Queensland, Australia Tyron J. Venna,b,*

Table 3

Composition of logs harvested at commercial thinning and clearfall from Queensland hardwood plantations

Log type Composition of harvest (% of harvested merchantable volume)

Commercial thinning (age 12) Clearfall (age 25 or 30)

Pole 0 20

Sawlog 0 60

Low-value loga 100 20

Note: aLow-value logs include material suitable as salvage sawlogs, pulp, fibreboard, treated posts, pallets and palings.

Source: GRO (1998).

T.J. Venn / Forest Policy and Economics 7 (2005) 437–454 443

value (LEV) on a per hectare basis, has been

developed in a spreadsheet software package. LEV

is the net present value (NPV) of an infinite series

of plantation rotations and allows for comparison of

investments of unequal duration. Another advantage

of employing this cost-benefit analysis criterion over

others, such as NPV and internal rate of return

(IRR) is that LEV represents the highest price forest

growers can pay for land (given a particular dis-

count rate and other financial parameters) while still

making a profit from plantation forestry. This is

particularly beneficial in this study where land

values vary considerably throughout the Hardwood

Regions. The discount rate for the analysis was set

at a real rate (net of inflation) of 7%, which has

been commonly adopted for analyses of plantation

forestry investments in Queensland (e.g. Spencer et

al., 1999; DPI, 2000). The taxation implications of

each scenario have not been modelled.

Sensitivity analyses have been performed to

assess the influence of changes in parameter assump-

tions on profitability predictions of the financial

model. Also explored is the individual impact that

development of a wood composite product manufac-

turing industry or a market for clearwood could have

on the financial viability of hardwood plantations.

The former development is modelled with the

assumption that the stumpage price for all thinning

and clearfall low-value logs increases to $35/m3

(McNaught, personal communication, 2002).6 A

stumpage price of $100/m3 is assumed for pruned

logs in clearwood markets.

6 Senior Research Scientist, Queensland Forestry Research

Institute, Brisbane.

5. Analysis of the economic performance of

hardwood plantations in Queensland

The potential socio-economic values of long-rota-

tion hardwood plantations in Queensland are esti-

mated with respect to carbon sequestration, salinity

amelioration, and ‘other ecosystem services’ (a catch-

all category). A carbon model is developed to estimate

the value of carbon sequestered, while salinity and

‘other ecosystem service’ values are estimated by the

benefit transfer method. It is likely that the types and

values of ecosystem services generated by long-rota-

tion plantings of native species will exceed short-

rotation (Borsboom et al., 2002) and exotic species

plantings, however, it is not the intention of this paper

to present a comparative assessment.

5.1. Valuation of net carbon sequestration in Queens-

land hardwood plantations

The present value (PV) of carbon sequestered in an

infinite series of hardwood plantation rotations has

been estimated from a carbon sequestration model

developed to account for the above and below-ground

hardwood plantation biomass. Four activities generate

carbon flows within the model: plantation establish-

ment; plantation growth; thinning operations (but not

pruning); and clearfall harvesting. There are no uni-

versally agreed guidelines and little data for modelling

soil carbon change in response to reforestation or

afforestation (Lamb, 2000). Consequently, as in other

recent Australian studies accounting for carbon in

forests (e.g. Creedy and Wurzbacher, 2001; Brack

and Richards, 2002), change in soil carbon levels

after timber crop establishment has not been mod-

elled. Carbon costs associated with growing and

harvesting the plantation (e.g. from machinery and

Page 8: Financial and economic performance of long-rotation ... · Financial and economic performance of long-rotation hardwood plantation investments in Queensland, Australia Tyron J. Venna,b,*

Table 4

Establishment and post-establishment expenses for hardwood plantations in Queensland

Year Item Amount ($/ha)

1 Total establishment expenses (excluding cost of land) 1900

2 Weed control 170

2 Fertilise 130

3 Non-commercial thinning 280

3 Ist prune 450

5 2nd prune 350

12 Marking for thinning 50

12 Contingency for commercial thinning costs incurred by 130


25 or 30 Inventory and analysis prior to clearfall 70

25 or 30 Contingency for clearfalling expenses incurred by 130


Annual Management costs 60

Sources: GRO (1998) and DPI (2000) and personal communication from QFRI and DPI-Forestry research officers (see acknowledgements).

T.J. Venn / Forest Policy and Economics 7 (2005) 437–454444

fertiliser) is also excluded from the model. Carbon

sequestration in Queensland hardwood plantations is

estimated with the equation

C ¼XTt¼0

Gwt þ Gat þ Gbt � Hwt � Hat � Hbtð Þ

� Es þ Eabð Þ ð1Þ

where C = net carbon sequestered per hectare of plan-

tation (tonnes) Gwt Gat Gbt = carbon sequestered per

hectare per annum by the net growth of stem wood,

non-stem wood above-ground biomass and below-

ground biomass, respectively (tonnes) Hwt Hat

Hbt = carbon emitted from the decomposition of stem-

wood, non-stemwood above-ground biomass and

below-ground biomass, respectively, following harvest

(tonnes) Es Eab = Carbon emitted from the soil and pre-

existing above and below-ground biomass, respec-

tively, at plantation establishment (tonnes) t = age of

stand in years from establishment to clearfall (0,. . .,T).The mass of carbon sequestered in plantation

biomass is estimated by multiplying the basic density

of the biomass by its organic carbon content. For

eucalypt species, the Intergovernmental Panel on

Climate Change (Houghton et al., 1997) and Lamb

(2000) suggested the relevant parameters are approx-

imately 0.5 tonnes/m3 and 50%, respectively, for all

plantation biomass. These parameter estimates have

been adopted in this study, although the basic density

of the stemwood of subtropical and tropical eucalypts

being grown in Queensland may be higher than 0.5

tonnes/m3 at age 20–30. Total above-ground and

below-ground biomass of hardwood plantations has

been estimated by multiplying the stemwood biomass

by an expansion factor of 1.4 and adopting a root:-

shoot ratio of 25%, respectively, as recommended by

Snowdon et al. (2000) for productive Australian

native forest and mature eucalypt plantations.

It is assumed that all pre-existing pasture or crop

biomass (above and below-ground) decays in the year

of plantation establishment, and that 30% of soil

carbon is emitted due to intensive site preparation

for plantation establishment (e.g. ploughing and

mounding). Estimates of the average carbon content

in the biomass and soils of Australian improved

pastureland and cropland suggest that plantation

establishment will emit 6.3 tonnes C/ha from decay-

ing above and below-ground biomass, and 19 tonnes

C/ha from the soil (National Greenhouse Gas Inven-

tory Committee, 1998). At the beginning of each

subsequent rotation, site preparation for plantation

establishment is assumed to emit the same quantity

of carbon. A simple method to account for carbon

stored in solid wood products has been adopted from

Creedy and Wurzbacher (2001); it is assumed that

carbon is instantaneously emitted from short-life

products (low-value logs, and wood chips and saw-

dust recovered as by-products from milling sawlogs),

and never emitted from long-life products (sawn

timber and poles). Recovery of long-life products

from sawlog volume is assumed to be 36% (Native

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T.J. Venn / Forest Policy and Economics 7 (2005) 437–454 445

Forest Sawlog Pricing Working Group, 1997). Thin-

ning and clearfelling operations are assumed to result

in instantaneous emission of all carbon from the non-

stemwood above-ground and below-ground biomass

of harvested trees. In reality, these pools would decay

over a much longer time period (National Greenhouse

Gas Inventory Committee, 1998).

Recent studies of the potential for plantations to

sequester carbon in Australia (Burns et al., 1999;

Eono, 2001) have adopted a carbon price estimate

of $20/tonne (equivalent to $5.45/tonne CO2), which

has been adopted in this analysis. As a modelling

device for socio-economic analysis, it is assumed that

the forest grower receives an annual payment of $20/

tonne of carbon sequestered by the plantation through-

out the life of the plantation. However, establishment,

thinning and clearfelling operations, which result in

carbon emissions, require the forest grower to pur-

chase carbon emission permits at $20/tonne. Adapting

Eq. (1), the PV of sequestered carbon over an infinite

series of plantation rotations is calculated as follows

PV Cð Þ ¼ V Cð Þ


ðGwt þ Gat þ Gbt � Hwt � Hat � Hbt 1þ rð ÞT�t� �

� Es þ Eabð Þ 1þ rð ÞT� �

ð1þ rÞT � 1




where PV(C) = present value of carbon sequestered

from an infinite series of plantation rotations ($/ha),

V(C) = value of carbon ($/tonne), r = discount rate (%).

5.2. Valuation of salinity amelioration benefits of

hardwood plantations in Queensland

The cause of dryland salinity in Australia is accep-

ted to be the replacement of deep-rooted native

vegetation with cropping and grazing systems that

consume less water, resulting in rising groundwater

tables. Dryland salinity is estimated to cost the

national economy hundreds of millions of dollars

annually in terms of lost agricultural production and

damage to infrastructure (Murray-Darling Basin Min-

isterial Council, 1999). In Queensland, 48 000 ha are

currently affected by dryland salinity and 1 M ha

could be seriously threatened within 50 years (Task

Force established by the Standing Committee on

Conservation, 2001). The salinity threatened areas

are mostly in the Eastern part of the State, including

parts of the Fitzroy (Hardwood Regions 4 and 5),

Burnett (regions 4 and 6), Burdekin (south–east of

region 2), and the upper Condamine (region 9) Basins,

and the lower Mary Irrigation Area (region 4). There

is also land at risk of salinisation in Hardwood Region

1, particularly South of Cairns (National Land and

Water Resources Audit, 2001). There is minimal

salinity risk in Hardwood Regions 3, 7 and 8.

Few studies have attempted to quantify the non-

timber benefits of tree planting in areas affected by

dryland salinity. A literature review revealed three

studies in different regions of New South Wales and

Victoria, Australia, which estimated the PVof a single

rotation of trees as a salinity amelioration mechanism

within the range of $400/ha–$13 000/ha (Cacho,

2001; Theiveyanathan et al., 2001; Wilson Land

Management Services and Ivey ATP Agricultural

Consulting and Management Services, 2002). The

PV of damage costs per hectare of agricultural land

affected by salinity in Queensland (in terms of lost

agricultural production, damage to local infrastructure

and downstream damage to urban and industrial land)

is predicted to be lower, on average, than in south–

eastern Australia (Hajkowicz and Young, 2002).

Therefore, it is assumed that the PV of salinity

amelioration benefits of a single rotation of a hard-

wood plantation in a salinity threatened catchment of

Queensland is at the low end of the range at $400/ha.

Furthermore, it is assumed that each successive plan-

tation rotation in an infinite series of rotations has a

salinity amelioration benefit equivalent to $400/ha at

plantation establishment. A single value has been

adopted for all of Queensland because of the scarcity

of empirical studies in Queensland and the lack of

consensus about which parts of the landscape could

generate greater salinity amelioration benefits if

planted to trees, i.e. higher rainfall recharge sites

where higher MAIs are likely or lower rainfall dis-

charge sites where lower MAIs are likely.

5.3. Valuation of ‘other ecosystem services’ of

hardwood plantations in Queensland

A classification of 23 types of ecosystem functions,

providing a much larger number of goods and services

Page 10: Financial and economic performance of long-rotation ... · Financial and economic performance of long-rotation hardwood plantation investments in Queensland, Australia Tyron J. Venna,b,*

Table 5

Financial and economic performance of hardwood plantation investments in Queensland

Benefit categories included LEV ($/ha) by MAI (m3 ha� 1 year� 1)

5 10 15 20 25

Timber values only � 3354 � 2086 � 580 860 2300

Plus carbon sequestration values � 3054 � 1456 281 2018 3756

Plus salinity amelioration values � 2588 � 991 779 2516 4254

Plus ‘other ecosystem service values’ � 1816 � 219 1555 3293 5031

Difference between economic and 1538 1867 2135 2433 2731

financial performance

Note: LEV calculated with a real (net of inflation) discount rate of 7%.

T.J. Venn / Forest Policy and Economics 7 (2005) 437–454446

has been described by de Groot et al. (2002). It is

likely that accounting only for the carbon sequestra-

tion and salinity amelioration benefits of plantation

forests will greatly underestimate the value of planta-

tion forest ecosystem services to society. However,

only the most preliminary attempts have been made to

value most ecosystem services (e.g. Costanza et al.,

1997). Evidence is emerging that the value of at least

some ecosystem services generated by plantation

forests are lower, perhaps considerably lower than

the value generated by natural forests, due to their

relative lack of biological and structural diversity (e.g.

Hobbs et al., 2003).

When raw material production and climate regu-

lation (accounted for elsewhere in this study), and

food production and recreational values of temperate

forests (which are likely to be negligible in Queens-

land hardwood plantation forests) are deducted from

the Costanza et al. (1997) estimate of ecosystem

service values generated by natural temperate forests,

a residual value of US$103/ha/year is obtained.

Nationally, van Bueren and Bennett (2000) estimated

the Australian population was willing to pay the

equivalent of AU$50/ha/year7 for 20 years for the

landscape aesthetic values of bushland protected or

farmland restored to bushland, as distinct from their

species conservation or watershed restoration values.

This estimate is approximately 29% of the Costanza et

al. (1997) residual value. In this study, ‘other ecosys-

7 van Bueren and Bennett (2000) estimated that on average, an

Australian household was willing to pay AU$0.07/10 000 ha of

bushland protected or farmland restored. Australia has 7.2 M


tem service’ values for all Hardwood Regions are

assumed to be the lower of these two estimates, i.e.


6. Financial and economic performance of

hardwood plantations in Queensland

Table 5 reports the estimated financial (timber

value only) and economic (timber plus ecosystem

service values) LEV of Queensland hardwood plan-

tations. Predictably, plantation profitability is highly

sensitive to plantation MAI. It is estimated that a

MAI exceeding 15 m3 ha� 1 year� 1, coupled with

low land purchase costs or low opportunity costs

are necessary for hardwood plantations to be

financially viable in Queensland. For example, on

sites where a MAI of 25 m3 ha� 1 year� 1 is

achievable, an investor interested in financial

returns could only pay up to $2300/ha for land.

The discussion of rural land values in the Hard-

wood Regions of Queensland indicates that in

general, long-rotation hardwood plantations are

unlikely to be financially viable when the value

of land is accounted for.

Carbon sequestration, salinity amelioration and

other ecosystem service values are added sequen-

tially and cumulatively to financial LEV in Table 5.

These values raise the socio-economic performance

substantially above the projected financial perform-

ance. While plantations achieving a MAI of 15 m3

ha� 1 year� 1 are not financially viable, they are

economically justified. Notably, the economic LEV

of plantations growing at a MAI of 10 m3 ha� 1

year� 1 is close to zero. Investors giving consider-

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ation to the economic benefits of hardwood planta-

tions would be justified in paying up to $5000/ha

for land in Queensland capable of growing planta-

tions with a MAI of 25 m3 ha� 1 year� 1.

6.1. Sensitivity analyses of plantation investment

performance with respect to parameter estimates

Figs. 2–6 illustrate the sensitivity of financial and

economic LEV to the discount rate for plantations

with MAIs of 5–25 m3 ha� 1 year� 1. For example,

Fig. 4 indicates that at a discount rate of 4%, the

financial and economic LEV of a plantation growing

at 15 m3 ha� 1 year� 1 are $3300/ha and $6400/ha,

respectively. The discount rate at which the LEV

schedule equals zero is the IRR of an infinite series

of successive plantation crops.

The sensitivity of financial and economic LEV to

changes in selected parameter values has been

undertaken for stands with MAIs from 10 m3

ha� 1 year� 1 to 20 m3 ha� 1 year� 1, and is reported

in Tables 6 and 7, respectively. Sensitivity analyses

have been performed with plausible optimistic and

pessimistic parameter values or percentage changes

provided by experts and the literature search from

which the base case parameter values have been

obtained. Uncertainty surrounding the economic

value of the salinity amelioration and ‘other eco-

Fig. 2. Sensitivity of LEV to the discount r

system service’ values of plantation forests is

reflected in the wide interval selected for the

sensitivity analyses.

Optimistic stumpage prices are sufficient for

plantations growing at a MAI of 15 m3 ha� 1

year� 1 to be financially justified where land values

are less than $1580/ha. Pruning stems and develop-

ing markets for clearwood is shown under particular

circumstances, to be an effective means of raising

the profitability of hardwood plantations in Queens-

land. If clearwood logs can be sold at $100/m3,

pruning is financially justified when the yield of

clearwood logs at clearfall is greater than 20% of

stand volume and plantation growth rates exceed 10

m3 ha� 1 year� 1. For example, where a clearwood

market exists, a pruned plantation yielding 15 m3

ha� 1 year� 1, of which 40% is clearwood, has a

financial LEV of $548/ha, compared with -$16/ha

when only 20% of the yield is clearwood. In the

latter case, the landholder would be better off not

pruning the stand, which returns a financial LEV of


The development of a wood composite manufac-

turing industry that is willing to pay higher stumpage

prices for low-value logs from thinning and clearfall

operations is found to raise financial returns almost to

the same level as the development of clearwood

markets. The joint development of clearwood markets

ate when MAI is 5 m3 ha�1 year�1.

Page 12: Financial and economic performance of long-rotation ... · Financial and economic performance of long-rotation hardwood plantation investments in Queensland, Australia Tyron J. Venna,b,*

Fig. 3. Sensitivity of LEV to the discount rate when MAI is 10 m3 ha�1 year�1.

T.J. Venn / Forest Policy and Economics 7 (2005) 437–454448

and a wood composite product manufacturing sector

(not tabulated) is estimated to raise the financial LEV

of hardwood plantations growing at a MAI of 15 m3

ha� 1 year� 1 to $1579/ha.

7. Discussion

On the basis of expert opinions about likely growth

rates in specific Hardwood Regions, this financial

analysis indicates that long-rotation hardwood planta-

Fig. 4. Sensitivity of LEV to the discount r

tion establishment should be centred in Hardwood

Regions 1, 3 and 7 when the sole aim is profitable

timber production. However, there is a scarcity of

low-cost ( < $2300), high-yielding (20–25 m3 ha� 1

year� 1) land in these regions, which is necessary for

such investments to be profitable. The high value of

land throughout much of Hardwood Regions 1, 3 and

7 is likely to preclude large-scale private investment in

long-rotation hardwood plantations, even under opti-

mistic timber market conditions. Therefore, expansion

of the hardwood plantation estate in these regions is

ate when MAI is 15 m3 ha�1 year�1.

Page 13: Financial and economic performance of long-rotation ... · Financial and economic performance of long-rotation hardwood plantation investments in Queensland, Australia Tyron J. Venna,b,*

Fig. 5. Sensitivity of LEV to the discount rate when MAI is 15 m3 ha�1 year�1.

T.J. Venn / Forest Policy and Economics 7 (2005) 437–454 449

likely to be dependant on rural landholders with

relatively low opportunity cost land (i.e. grazing

rather than cropping lands), who are motivated by

socio-economic and not purely financial objectives.

Slow growth rates (5–10 m3 ha� 1 year� 1) through-

out most of Hardwood Regions 5, 6 and 9 mean that

long-rotation hardwood plantations are also unlikely

to be financially viable in these regions, despite

relatively low land values.

The combination of moderately high growth rates

(15 m3 ha� 1 year� 1) and, generally, lower rural land

values (compared with regions 1, 3 and 7), suggests

Fig. 6. Sensitivity of LEV to the discount r

that the potential for large-scale private investment in

long-rotation hardwood plantations in Queensland

may be greatest in Hardwood Regions 2, 4 and 8.

Although returns are negative in the base case, the

sensitivity analysis indicates that optimistic stumpage

prices, or the joint development of clearwood markets

and a plantation hardwood wood composite process-

ing industry are sufficient for plantings in these

regions to become financially justified where land

values are less than about $1600/ha. Forestry research

and policy formulation that facilitates these timber

market and processing developments in Hardwood

ate when MAI is 25 m3 ha�1 year�1.

Page 14: Financial and economic performance of long-rotation ... · Financial and economic performance of long-rotation hardwood plantation investments in Queensland, Australia Tyron J. Venna,b,*

Table 6

Sensitivity of financial performance of Queensland hardwood plantations to selected model parameters

Parameter Parameter value LEV ($/ha) by MAI (m3 ha� 1 year� 1)

Optimistic Pessimistic 10 15 20

Optimistic Pessimistic Optimistic Pessimistic Optimistic Pessimistic

Establishment expenses ($/ha)a 1600 3000 � 1693 � 3322 � 161 � 1904 1280 � 464

Pruning expenses (%)b � 100 + 25 � 1318 � 2278 242 � 786 1682 654

(no prune)

Annual management expenses ($/ha)c 30 200 � 1622 � 4248 � 114 � 2755 1326 � 1314

Stumpage price of all log types (%)d + 50 � 20 � 817 � 2593 1580 � 1445 3741 � 292

Stumpage price of low-value logs ($/m3) 35 15 � 1453 � 2296 450 � 924 2234 402

Clearwood market developed (%)e 40 20 � 1437 � 1761 548 � 16 2365 1612

Clearfall harvest composition (%)f 30:60:10 10:50:40 � 1905 � 2392 � 267 � 1113 1278 149

Notes: aOptimistic and pessimistic establishment costs reflect large-scale plantings on flat sites and smaller-scale plantings on relatively steep sites, respectively.bNo pruning (� 100%) is examined because, with the present lack of clearwood markets in Queensland, pruning may not be financially justified.cPessimistic annual management fee approximates the management fees of timber plantation prospectus companies operating in Queensland (e.g. Forest Enterprises Group, 2002).dOptimistic and pessimistic stumpage prices approximate current stumpage prices paid for hardwood timbers from natural forests in Queensland on private land and state-owned

land, respectively.eProportion of merchantable volume sold as clearwood (base case = 0%). Clearfall harvest volume consists of 40% clearwood 20%, pole, 20% sawlog and 20% low-value log in

the optimistic case, and 20% clearwood, 20% pole, 40% sawlog and 20% low-value log in the pessimistic case.fClearfall harvest composition is % poles:% sawlog:% low-value log obtained from merchantable timber volume in m3 per hectare.







Page 15: Financial and economic performance of long-rotation ... · Financial and economic performance of long-rotation hardwood plantation investments in Queensland, Australia Tyron J. Venna,b,*

Table 7

Sensitivity of economic performance of Queensland hardwood plantations to carbon, salinity amelioration and ‘other ecosystem service’ values

Parameter Parameter value LEV ($/ha) by MAI (m3 ha� 1 year� 1)

Optimistic Pessimistic 10 15 20

Optimistic Pessimistic Optimistic Pessimistic Optimistic Pessimistic

Value of carbon ($/tonne C) 30 10 111 � 548 2001 1109 3888 2698

Value of salinity amelioration ($/ha paid 1000 200 480 � 451 2303 1306 4040 3044

at establishment)

Value of ‘other ecosystem services’ 100 20 554 � 682 2332 1089 4070 2827

($ ha� 1 year� 1)







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Regions 2, 4 and 8 could be critical for encouraging

large-scale hardwood plantings in Queensland.

The financial analysis reveals the high importance

of continued research into tree breeding, genetics,

silviculture and wood quality to ensure future Queens-

land hardwood plantations are capable of achieving

higher merchantable yields on lower productivity (and

land value) sites. This analysis also indicates that, for

pruning operations in hardwood plantations to be

financially viable, high growth rates and timely prun-

ing (to minimise the knotty core and maximise clear-

wood production) are necessary. Even if clearwood

markets develop for plantation hardwood logs in

Queensland, pruning operations are unlikely to be

income maximising for forest growers in Hardwood

Regions 5, 6, 9, and the western parts of regions 2, 4

and 8, because of slow stand growth. However, this

conclusion does not account for the potentially

increased risk of disease, crowning fires and higher

management costs associated with unpruned stands.

The major implication of the economic analysis is

that plantation forestry in Queensland could be socio-

economically desirable on sites that have, generally,

been regarded as marginal for hardwoods because of

low timber yield. While long-rotation hardwood plan-

tations for timber production alone are not profitable

in Hardwood Regions 2, 4, 6, 8 and eastern parts of 5

and 9, they are economically justified where the land

has low opportunity cost.8 Indeed, under optimistic

assumptions about ecosystem service values, the eco-

nomic LEV of hardwood plantations in these regions

approximates current land values. QFRI (2002b) have

identified 16.4 M ha of cleared freehold and leasehold

land in a broad area approximated by Hardwood

Regions 5, 6 and 9, with high suitability for establish-

ment of E. argophloia plantations. When timber and

ecosystem service values are added to the potential

regional employment and income benefits, a strong

case could be made for an investor with socio-eco-

nomic objectives to establish long-rotation hardwood

plantations in these regions.

There is growing awareness that economic incen-

tives, such as land rates rebates and taxation deduc-

tions, have a role to play in converging the private and

8 Hardwood plantations in regions 5, 6 and 9 are economically

justified under optimistic assumptions about ecosystem service


social valuation of forests to ensure that socio-eco-

nomically efficient levels of forest cover are main-

tained. If ecosystem service payments are made to

forest growers in recognition of the positive external-

ities of hardwood plantations, then plantation forestry

would provide a considerably more profitable private

investment opportunity. Some of the estimates of

ecosystem service values adopted in this paper may

serve as a starting point for negotiations between

hardwood plantation growers and governments about

ecosystem service payments to Queensland forest


This research has highlighted that information

about the ecosystem service values of plantation

forests globally, and in Queensland specifically, is

scarce. Given the increasing awareness and require-

ment to account for ecosystem service values, and the

contribution that these values can make to the profit-

ability of plantation forestry, there is a need for future

research to identify and quantify, both spatially and

temporally, the types and values of ecosystem services

provided by plantation forests in Queensland.

The paper provides contemporary information for

potential Queensland hardwood plantation investors.

The financial and economic performance of hardwood

plantations in Queensland has been assessed assuming

the present relationship between forest growers and

timber processors; i.e. forest growers ‘look forward’

as far as the mature tree, and processors ‘look back-

ward’ as far as the log on the ground. The need for an

integrated approach to the growing and utilisation of

plantation eucalypts is being argued by QFRI, and it is

anticipated that this will deliver financial gains to both

growers and processors of plantation hardwoods. This

proposition is to be examined in a forthcoming study.


The author would like to thank the Hardwoods

Queensland program of QFRI for funding this

research. The support, assistance and advice provided

by QFRI officers Dr Garth Nikles, Mr Bill Leggate,

Dr Michael Kennedy, Mr Andy McNaught, Dr

Russell Haines, Dr Mark Lewty, Dr Marks Nester

and Mr David Boden, and Mr Neil Halpin and Mr

Russell Garthe from DPI-Forestry, in deriving the

parameters for the financial model, is greatly

Page 17: Financial and economic performance of long-rotation ... · Financial and economic performance of long-rotation hardwood plantation investments in Queensland, Australia Tyron J. Venna,b,*

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appreciated. The guidance provided by Dr Beverley

Henry of the Queensland Department of Natural

Resources and Mines in estimating the carbon

sequestered by Queensland hardwood plantations is

also acknowledged. Finally, the author would like to

extend his gratitude to Dr Steve Harrison from the

University of Queensland and two anonymous

referees for many helpful comments on earlier

versions of this paper.


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