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Post on 30-Nov-2014




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• In 1972 when Senator Mcgovern was contesting the election for US President election against Richard Nixon, he had to drop his choice of vice president Senator Eagleton because of some controversy in the press. A young boy saw an opportunity and bought about 5000 Mcgovern – Eagleton buttons and stickers at 5 cents and sold at 25$ each. This young boy went on to become one of the wealthiest people on the planet.

Who is this boy we are talking about?

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Bill Gates

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Fill in the missing words in these iconic advertising lines that were famous in the 1950s and ’60s: I dreamed I went shopping in my ___; I dreamed I was way out in my ___; I dreamed I played Cleopatra in my ___; I dreamed I had a swinging time in my ___.

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• Maidenform BraThe campaign ran for 20 years and made the product known round the world.

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In a 2006 commerical for Genworth Financial, a little boy more than matches the former pro Taylor Dent in a game of tennis. At the end of the ad, the boys parents stop by to pick him up. Can you guess who they are?..\..\Videos\vlc-record-2011-10-17-20h46m53s-quiz question.flv-.mp4

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Andre Agassi and Steffi graf..\..\Videos\vlc-record-2011-10-17-20h47m37s-quiz question.flv-.mp4

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Name the first Indian woman CEO of a Foreign Bank

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Tarini Vaidya of KBC Bank India and South Asia

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He is the pioneer in mutual fund industry and often referred as the Father of Index Fund investing. He created the first S&P 500 Index fund. Identify this famous person

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John Bogle

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In Indian economic scenario what significant reform was introduced by the Indian government on April 1, 1957?

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Decimal Coinage system was introduced.

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• Who founded the famous Wall Street Journal?

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• Charles Dow and Edward Jones

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What is an unusual service offered by Bank of Baroda at Tirupati?

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Only Bank in India to Sell Prasad

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What term became popular after the newspaper report of Watergate Scandal in the year 1973?

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• Money Laundering

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What is the exchange rate of one currency for another over a fixed period of time called?

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• Swap or Currency Swap

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In Japan, what term is given to a set of companies with interlocking business relationships and shareholdings, akin to a business group?

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• Keiretsu

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• Which financial services giant is referred as the "Thundering Herd"?

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• Merill Lynch

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Name the marketing legend who first coined the word Privatisation in his book "The age of discontinuity"?

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• Peter F.Drucker

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What is known as "Demand Spillover"?

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Sale of a product or brand in one country market generates demand in another country

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• Which international soap brand was marketed as having a purity of 99 44/100%?

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• Dove

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What's the term used for adding nonessential features to make a product more appealing than it is?

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• Bells and Whistles

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Which management term originated from the book "Small is Beautiful" authored by Michael Shumacher?

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• Small is Beautiful

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• Initially it was started as 'Brahmanara Coffee Club' in 1924 and changed the name in 1951 to the present one. In 1976, during emergency, it started instant foods business due to the price controls imposed by the Indira Gandhi Government. Identify this successful desi company/brand?

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• MTR- Mavalli Tiffin Rooms

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• Which Online Business was named after a word from Gullivers Travels that meant rude,unsophisticated,uncouth?

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• Yahoo

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• In Economics what is a Monpsony as opposed to a monopoly?

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A market form in which only one buyer faces many sellers

• A single-payer universal health care system, in which the government is the only "buyer" of health care services, is an example of a monopsony.

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• Herald X Gromson was the king of denmark in the 10th century and is regarded as having united Denmark, Norway and Sweden. How is his name popular in the technological world( X in his name)?

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• Bluetooth

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• Three men working for PayPal did not like the routine work they did and were always looking for ideas. Ebay bought PayPal and these employees got bonuses, they used the bonus and some venture capital to start an office in a garage.

What did these 3 men start?

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• Youtube

The three men are Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim.