
U.S. HealthCare Efforts in Africa and Abroad Disease, Ignorance, and Terrorism

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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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U.S. HealthCare Efforts in Africa and AbroadDisease, Ignorance, and Terrorism

U.S. Response in Liberia ❏ The US has sent more

that 3,000 DOD, CDC, USAID and health officials to West Africa

❏ In response to Ebola, USAID deployed a Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) to Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Mali

U.S. Response In Liberia cont.

❏ DART has provided:❏ Training in safety

and care for patients

❏ Expanded the pipeline of medical aid

❏ Field hospitals❏ Burial teams

❏ Were we right to send in US troops?

Information from my brother who was deployed to Liberia in the effort to contain Ebola.

❏ 3,500 troops deployed❏ October 2014 was the 1st deployment (he was part of the 1st deployment)

❏ He returned in February❏ 3 weeks ago last of all the troops returned back to USA, so there are no troops left

in West Africa❏ 3 weeks of quarantine after each troop returned back to US

❏ Operation United Assistance (official name given to this effort)❏ U.S. military was sent to train and support local efforts to eradicate Ebola. Sent out training teams

to educate local population and train healthcare workers to provide better care.❏ U.S. military has 6 locations throughout country, we had our own medical staff that were

responsible for our own health and welfare, citizens, and UN workers that were treated❏ There was military police for security in case of attack

❏ No attacks ever happened❏ Everyone loved us over there, and wanted us to never leave

Information Cont.❏ Engineers and mechanics were sent to help build treatment centers mostly in Monrovia. 1,700+

beds were created for patients to be taken to and treated. Civilians actually did most of the building of the centers.

❏ DART had the same mission as the military, the civilian counterparts.❏ Military was deployed mainly in Liberia, few teams were sent to Senegal to help further support our

teams for a closer support channel.❏ Talked about sending troops to Guinea and Sierra Leone, but that got scratched back in December.

Nobody ever went.❏ Number of cases decreased drastically and immediately once we were sent in.

❏ Liberians changed their lives drastically because they realized they were obviously doing things wrong if we had to come there.

❏ By end of January only 1-3 cases were being reported per week across ENTIRE country!❏ This is down from 100-1000 cases per week before we got there!

So I say military effort was a vital key in not only containing the outbreak, but basically diminishing it.

Critique We believe that the troops being sent in to these disaster areas were a good thing for a few different reasons. One of our group members had a brother go over to Liberia and help with the efforts, so we got insider information about what was really going on. First off with the troops being sent over, the number of cases dropped dramatically. For instance before these troops were sent in Liberia was getting anywhere from 100-1000 cases of Ebola a week (October 2014), whereas by the end of January there were only 1-3 cases being reported a week across the entire country. Another reason why the troops going in were a good idea was to protect these individuals trying to aid the Liberians with this epidemic. As we were told from the inside knowledge, there were no known attacks on the station he was at, and that everyone over there did not want them to leave. So this is why we believe that the troops being sent in was a good idea, because it helped these people and they were willing to let them in and didn’t want them to leave.

International Health Threats❏ Ebola

❏ Area of Impact: West Africa❏ Transmission: Bodily fluids❏ Death Toll: 10,626

❏ Swine Flu❏ Area of Impact: India❏ Transmission: Airborne ❏ Death Toll: 1,895

❏ Chikungunya❏ Area of Impact: Caribbean / South America❏ Transmission: Mosquitos ❏ Death Toll: 113

Education❏ Imperative

❏ Prevents cases❏ Methods

❏ Pamphlets, posters, paintings, propaganda!

❏ Denial❏ Citizens, Religion,

and Government❏ Venezuela &


Terrorism❏ Swine Flu

❏ Cases in Jammu and Kashmir

❏ Pakistan at High Risk❏ Ineffective

HealthCare System

❏ Taliban❏ Killed 63 Polio

Vaccinators in 2013 and 2014

Foresight and Imagination ❏ 10,800 U.S. Military

Personnel in Afghanistan

❏ Swine Flu Possibility❏ Consequences

❏ Hospitals not prepared

❏ Impact combat operations

❏ Transfer to continental United States

This was a public service announcement from the following:

Nicholas Bianco, Brandon Bishop , Omar Campos, Brian Coffman, Ella Colebaugh








