final vanu gsi solution for rural carriers v6

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  • 8/8/2019 Final Vanu Gsi Solution for Rural Carriers v6


    VANU / GLOBECOMM SOLUTION for RURAL CARRIERSSoftware Radio & Hosted Switch Service

    The Carrier Challenges

    New wireless standards and spectrum are being introduced at an increasingly fast pace. And this iscausing rural carriers to make some tough decisions:

    1. Buy, build and support another dedicated infrastructure for a new service launch OR2. Dont keep pace with nationwide carriers, become less competitive and, in the process, risk

    losing market share and incremental roaming revenue opportunities.

    Rural carriers need a solution that allows them to quickly launch new services with minimal upfrontinvestment and decreased operating expenses-- traditional infrastructure approaches simply have notbeen able to accomplish this.

    The Vanu/Globecomm Solution

    Vanu, Inc. and Globecomm Systems, Inc. have joined forces to provide rural carriers with a highlyflexible, cost-effective end-to-end solution that significantly lowers upfront capital and ongoingoperating expenses. This unique solution sidesteps the need for dedicated radio access network(RAN) hardware associated with each wireless standard. Instead, Vanus Anywave

    software radio

    technology performs all signal processing entirely in software, thereby enabling each base station(BTS) to simultaneously operate GSM, CDMA, 3G and more. On the operating side, this means thenumber of cell site visits is significantly reduced because software radio allows new wireless standardsand additional traffic channels to be added remotely via software downloads from a single location toall sites. Weeks or months of time spent waiting for components and technicians, travelling to and from

    work sites and doing maintenance and upgrades may now be reduced to hours.

    The solution also avoids the barrier of a large upfront investment in a Mobile Switching Center (MSC)by allowing carriers to pay on a per-subscriber, per-month basis for use of Globecomms SatCell HSThosted switch service. Globecomms MSC handles all switching and call routing within the BTSnetwork, while providing least-cost long-distance service for out-of-network calls. Additionally,traditional backhaul costs are significantly reduced, in part, due to an all IP-based network. And withVanus software radio delivering multiple standards to each BTS, these technologies can share acommon backhaul, thereby further decreasing backhaul cost. For rural environments with very lowdensity, Globecomms low-cost, high-efficiency satellite links for call routing provides yet an additionalalternative to quickly reduce ongoing backhaul expense.

    The combined Vanu/Globecomm solution eliminates cost barriers to rural carrier network expansion,thereby allowing operators to focus on growing their in-region subscriber base, expanding their

    coverage and brokering new roaming agreements, all of which come from adding new wirelessstandards. With the ability to swiftly and economically deploy new technologies and services, ruralcarriers can quickly create new revenue sources while deterring overbuild from large nationwideoperators.

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    Carrier Challenges Vanu / Globecomm Solutions

    Too much time and cost to launch new services. Remote software downloads.

    Many costly site visits to add system capacity. Remote software downloads.

    Upfront investment in an MSC for each wireless standard. Hosted switch service paid monthly.

    Limited rack space or real estate to add new standards.Use of off-the-shelf servers minimizes spacerequirements.

    Use of specialized RAN hardware creates risk andexcessive costs around a sole source of supply.

    Open standards hardware ensures many suppliers,ongoing cost reductions & use of latest advancements.

    Excessive backhaul costs.Multi-standards in a single BTS allows shared backhaulbetween standards; IP satellite links are also an option.

    Vanus Anywave Software Radio

    The Vanu radio access network (RAN) is an integrated suite of products and technologies that spanfrom the antenna site to the telecom switch interface. At the core of the RANs BTS and base stationcontroller (BSC) is Vanus Anywave software which implements each wireless communicationsstandard (including the high speed signal processing) entirely in software instead of the traditionalapproach that utilizes specialized hardware thats costly and inflexible. Moreover, the Anywave BTScan operate multiple standards simultaneously with each technology being added via a remotesoftware download, not a hardware upgrade. Additionally, system capacity expansion is alsoimplemented from a single location where BTS and BSC software are remotely downloaded to eachcell site.

    Vanus Anywave BTS is the first software radio to receive FCC certification. The Vanu software sits

    on general purpose, IT grade or NEBS-compliant servers running on a Linux OS.This open standards approach to the BTS and BSC delivers three important advantages thattraditional infrastructure manufacturers are unable to achieve:

    1. Use of off-the-shelf, high volume servers ensures that theres always a wide selection ofhardware suppliers to choose from-- you are not locked into one vendor.

    2. Each cell site is tailored to the call capacity that a carrier needs today, so you dont have toover-buy. The wide range of available general purpose servers enables operators topurchase hardware that exactly matches current capacity requirements or planned growth.

    3. Computing platforms are typically doubling in processing capacity every 18 months(Moores Law), so Vanus open hardware architecture presents ongoing improvements incost performance over time. As carriers choose to add more sites or increase capacity,they are always utilizing the latest advances in computer processing capabilities and arenot locked in to an old design that may already be obsolete.

    The Vanu BTS can accommodate a full range of capacity requirements, utilizing a traditional server orblade chassis to house the Anywave software. Below is a brief depiction of the major differencesbetween the Vanu solution and those of traditional infrastructure manufacturers.

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    Globecomms SatCell Managed Network Service

    SatCell HST is a comprehensive hosted switch service that offers carriers the use of Globecomm'sMSCs to start up or expand wireless service without upfront capital investment in dedicated switchesfor each wireless standard. SatCell HST handles all switching and call routing within the base station

    network, and provides least-cost long-distance service for out-of-network calls. Globecomms MSCoffers service provisioning, billing, roaming, termination and advanced services including voicemail,SMS and data. Roaming and advanced services are controlled by the switch, which integratesseamlessly into the carriers own OSS to provide a transparent experience to the operator and itscustomers.

    SatCell is based on award-winning technology that can handle signaling, voice and data traffic byhigh-efficiency IP satellite links as well as terrestrial circuits. Particularly effective for low-densitymarkets, SatCell provides the flexiblity to optimize the network to both population and geography, eveneliminating the need for wireline circuits between base stations where it makes economic sense.

    Solutions for Multiple Environments

    The Vanu/Globecomm solution is ideal for a number of different rural carrier applications. With eachsite, you have the choice of using traditional backhaul (T1, microwave, IP over Ethernet) orGlobecomms SatCell HST satellite links. Among the applications where the Vanu/Globecommsolution applies are:

    Adding a New Standard to an Existing NetworkBring on a new technology and service without having to invest in an MSC. Additionally, allRF hardware can be shared between wireless standards in the same frequency band. Onceequipment is in place, new wireless standards are added via remote software downloads.

  • 8/8/2019 Final Vanu Gsi Solution for Rural Carriers v6


    Extending Existing CoverageAdd new sites to an existing network so they can house the wireless standard(s) you wanttoday and the new ones youd like to add in the futureall via remote software downloads.

    Greenfield Site BuildsBuild new sites that are equipped to simultaneously operate multiple standards from Day 1.

    Bringing Coverage to Very Remote or Environmentally Challenged SitesA smaller hardware footprint, coupled with remote software downloads make even the mostdifficult-to-reach sites far easier to install, expand and support over time.

    Mobile Cell SitesA mobile, rugged and flexible solution using a vehicle-mounted BTS with satellite backhaulcapability is ideal for temporary venues, disaster recovery and public safety applications.

    End-to-End Solution

    By integrating the Vanus Anywave radio access network with Globecomms SatCell HST hosted

    switching service, carriers can: Drastically lower capital investment requirements.

    Minimize operating costs to achieve faster profitability from new services.

    Future-proof their network by adding new technologies at minimal cost using remotesoftware downloads.

    Avoid a single source of hardware supply and receive ongoing cost performanceimprovements with open standards architecture.

    Together, Globecomm and Vanu provide an end-to-end design, engineering, integration and servicesolution including:

    Network and systems design and engineering

    Supply chain management and logistics control

    Staging, integration and systems test

    Civil construction and installation Transport provisioning and supply

    Full network assurance, test and turnover

    Hosted switching and network management

    Lifecycle support for systems and software

    For additional information on the Vanu/Globecomm solution for rural carriers, please contact:

    Bryan Martin Steve Yablonski

    Director of Sales, North America SVP, Sales & Product DevelopmentVanu, Inc. Globecomm Systems, [email protected] [email protected] 631-457-1111