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An android project


Energy applications for nano mobiles

Project ID: 3296

A Final Project ReportSubmitted in fulfillment ofthe requirements for theDegree of Bachelor of TechnologyUnder Biju Patnaik University of Technology

Submitted By Manjit Kumar Patro Roll # CSE 201018258 Soumyashree Pattnaik Roll # IT 201011439

2013 - 2014

Under the guidance ofMrs. Arunima Sambhuta Pattanayak




This is to certify that the project report entitled Energy Application for nano mobile is carried out and submitted by Mr. Manjit Kumar Patro, Roll No. 201018258 and Ms. Soumyashree Pattnaik, Roll No. 201011439 under my supervision.

This report is submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology from Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha, India.

(Advisor)(B.Tech Project Coordinator)

(Placement Director)(Director)

Android App For OisInstitute Seal

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those individuals whose invaluable contribution in a direct or indirect manner has gone into the making of this project a tremendous learning experience for us.

We give our sincere thanks to Mrs.Arunima Sambhuta Pattnayak, Project Advisor, for giving us the opportunity and motivating us to do the project within a stipulated period of time and providing a helping environment. We are also grateful to Mr. Bhawani Shankar Patnaik and Mrs. Rashmita Jena for their valuable suggestions for successful completion of our project.

We acknowledge with immense pleasure the sustained interest, encouraging attitude and constant inspiration rendered by Prof. Sangram Mudali (Director) & Prof. Geetika Mudali (Placement Director)N.I.S.T. Their continued drive for better quality in everything that happens at N.I.S.T. and selfless inspiration has always helped us to move ahead.

Manjit Kumar Patro

Soumyashree Pattnaik

ABSTRACTOur project is based upon developing an android application for NanoSoft through which users will be able to see monitor their power usage. The user can login to his account using this application and can be able to see the schedule of power used by him.A user can be logged in by entering his user id along with the password and ip address and then he need to tap on the login button. Once the user gets logged in he will be able switch over to the home page where by clicking on the customer desk button he can see the different power schedules. For android programming using java, we used eclipse IDE with ADT plugin. Front end design was done using this particular tool only. However for backend design we used mysql server database. The link between the front-end and back-end, php is used as our server side scripting language. The server which enables our php codes work into action is, Apache Tomcat HTTP server(using XAMPP).With Googles latest launch for mobile Android Operating System, we did this project starting from ABC of it up to Creating Basic Application. Here we are describing about Android, features, capabilities, application, what we developed.

TABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENTiABSTRACTiiTABLE OF CONTENTSiiiLIST OF FIGURESv1. INTRODUCTION12. HISTORY OF ANDROID22.1 VERSIONS OF ANDROID33. ARCHITECTURE OF ANDROID43.1 Linux kernel43.2 Libraries43.3 Android Runtime53.4 Application Framework53.5 Applications54. APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT64.1 Development Toolkit64.1.1 SDK64.1.2 ADT Plugin74.1.3 Emulator84.1.4 DrawDroid85. LAYOUTS95.1 Linear Layout105.2 RelativeLayout105.3 FrameLayout115.4 Table Layout115.5 List View116. NANO SOFT FOR NANO POWER MANAGEMENT126.1 NTCS (NIST Technology and Consulting Services)126.2 NTCS offers the following range of services:127. AREA OF APPLICATION148. POWER SUPPLY SCHEDULING159. ENERGY APPLICATION FOR NANO MOBILES179.1 Data Base179.1.1 WAMP Server189.2 Login Page189.2.1 Shared Preferences199.3 Home Page199.3.1 Onclick Listener209.3.2 Intent219.4 Customer Desk229.5 Scheduling2310. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK2510.1 Conclusion2510.2 Future Work25REFERENCES26


Figure 1.1: Android1Figure 2.1: Version of android3Figure 3.1: Architecture4Figure 4.1: SDK TOOL7Figure 5.1: Layout Directory9Figure 5.2: Linear Layout10Figure 5.3: Relative Layout10Figure 7.1: Nano Soft Home Page14Figure 7.2: Area Of Application14Figure 8.1: Scheduling Page(Tabular)15Figure 8.2 Scheduling Page15Figure 8.3: Scheduling Page(Graphical)16Figure 9.1: Login Page18Figure 9.2: Login Page With Valid Username19Figure 9.3: Home Page20Figure 9.4: OnclickListener21Figure 9.5: Intent22Figure 9.6 The Page Displaying the Customer Details23Figure 9.7:Scheduling24




Chapter 1


Nano mobile is an android based mobile application using which nano power user can monitor, schedule and control their energy usage. This application has been used in synchronization with nano soft which is developed by NTCS.

Android is a mobile operating system running on the Linux kernel. World is contracting with the growth of mobile phone technology. As the number of users is increasing day by day, facilities are also increasing. Starting with simple regular handsets which were used just for making phone calls, mobiles have changed our lives and have become part of it. Now they are not used just for making calls but they have innumerable use and can be used as a Camera ,Music player, Tablet PC, T.V., Web browser etc. And with the new technologies, new software and operating systems are required. It was initially developed by Android Inc., a firm later purchased by Google, and lately by the Open Handset Alliance. It allows developers to write and manage code in the Java language, controlling the device via Google-developed Java libraries.

Figure 1.1: Android

Chapter 2


Android, Inc. was founded inPalo Alto, Californiain October 2003 byAndy Rubin(co-founder ofDanger),Rich Miner(co-founder of Wildfire Communications, Inc.), Nick Sears(once VP atT-Mobile), and Chris White (headed design and interface development atWebTV) to develop, in Rubin's words "smarter mobile devices that are more aware of its owner's location and preferences".The early intentions of the company were to develop an advanced operating system fordigital cameras, when it was realized that the market for the devices was not large enough, and diverted their efforts to producing a smartphone operating system to rival those ofSymbianandWindows Mobile(Apple'siPhonehad not been released at the time). Despite the past accomplishments of the founders and early employees, Android Inc. operated secretly, revealing only that it was working on software for mobile phones. That same year, Rubin ran out of money.Steve Perlman, a close friend of Rubin, brought him $10,000 in cash in an envelope and refused a stake in the company. Googleacquired Android Inc. on August 17, 2005, making it a wholly owned subsidiary of Google. Key employees of Android Inc., including Rubin, Miner and White, stayed at the company after the acquisition.Not much was known about Android Inc. at the time, but many assumed that Google was planning to enter the mobile phone market with this move. At Google, the team led by Rubin developed a mobile device platform powered by theLinux kernel. Google marketed the platform to handset makers andcarrierson the promise of providing a flexible, upgradable system. Google had lined up a series of hardware component and software partners and signaled to carriers that it was open to various degrees of cooperation on their part. Speculation about Google's intention to enter the mobile communications market continued to build through December 2006. Reports from theBBCand theWall Street Journalnoted that Google wanted its search and applications on mobile phones and it was working hard to deliver that. Print and online media outlets soon reported rumors that Google was developing a Google-brandedhandset. Some speculated that as Google was defining technical specifications, it was showing prototypes to cell phone manufacturers and network operators. In September 2007,Information Weekcovered a study reporting that Google had filed several patent applications in the area of mobile telephony.

2.1 VERSIONS OF ANDROID1. Android beta2. Android 1.03. Android 1.14. Android 1.5 Cupcake5. Android 1.6 Donut6. Android 2.0/2.1 Eclair7. Android 2.2.x Froyo8. Android 2.3.x Gingerbread9. Android 3.x Honeycomb10. Android 4.0.x Ice Cream Sandwich11. Android 4.1/4.2/4.3 Jelly Bean 12. Android 4.4 KitKat

Figure 2.1: Version of android

Chapter 3


Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services such as security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model. The kernel also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and the rest of the software stack. See the figure on bellow.

Figure 3.1: Architecture3.1 Linux kernelAt the bottom of the layers is Linux - Linux 2.6 with approximately 115 patches. This provides basic system functionality like process management, memory management, device management like camera, keypad, display etc. Also, the kernel handles all the things that Linux is really good at such as networking and a vast array of device drivers, which take the pain out of interfacing to peripheral hardware.3.2 LibrariesOn top of Linux kernel there is a set of libraries including open-source Web browser engine Weskit, well known library libc, SQLite database which is a useful repository for storage and sharing of application data, libraries to play and record audio and video, SSL libraries responsible for Internet security etc.System C library - a BSD-derived implementation of the standard C system library (libc), tuned for embedded Linux-based devicesMedia Libraries - based on PacketVideo's OpenCORE; the libraries support playback and recording of many popular audio and video formats, as well as static image files, including MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, and PNGSurface Manager - manages access to the display subsystem and seamlessly composites 2D and 3D graphic layers from multiple applicationsLibWebCore - a modern web browser engine which powers both the Android browser and an embeddable web view3.3 Android RuntimeThis is the third section of the architecture and available on the second layer from the bottom. This section provides a key component calledDalvik Virtual Machinewhich is a kind of Java Virtual Machine specially designed and optimized for Android. The Dalvik VM makes use of Linux core features like memory management and multi-threading, which is intrinsic in the Java language. The Dalvik VM enables every Android application to run in its own process, with its own instance of the Dalvik virtual machine. The Android runtime also provides a set of core libraries which enable Android application developers to write Android applications using standard Java programming language.

3.4 Application FrameworkThe Application Framework layer provides many higher-level services to applications in the form of Java classes. Application developers are allowed to make use of these services in their applications.3.5 ApplicationsYou will find all the Android application at the top layer. You will write your application to be installed on this layer only. Examples of such applications are Contacts Books, Browser, Games etc.Chapter 4


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4.1 Development Toolkit1. SDK (Software Development Kit)2. Eclipse3. ADT Plugin4. DrawDroid

4.1.1 SDK

The Android SDK includes a comprehensive set of development tools. These include a debugger, libraries, a handset emulator (based on QEMU), documentation, sample code, and tutorials. Currently supported development platforms include x86- architecture computers running Linux (any modern desktop Linux distribution), Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later, Windows XP or Vista. Requirements also include Java Development Kit, Apache Ant, and Python 2.2 or later. The officially supported integrated development environment (IDE) is Eclipse (3.2 or later) using the Android Development Tools (ADT) Plugin, though developers may use any text editor to edit Java and XML files then use command line tools to create, build and debug Android applications. Android Applications are packaged in .apk format and stored under /data/app folder on the Android OS. The user can run the command adb root to access this folder as only the root has permissions to access this folder.

Figure 4.1: SDK TOOL

4.1.2 ADT PluginThe Android Development Tools (ADT) plugin for Eclipse adds powerful extensions to the Eclipse integrated development environment. It allows you to create and debug Android applications easier and faster. If you use Eclipse, the ADT plugin gives you an incredible boost in developing Android applications.1. It gives you access to other Android development tools from inside the Eclipse IDE.2. For example, ADT lets you access the many capabilities of the DDMS tool: take screenshots, manage port-forwarding, set breakpoints, and view thread and process information directly from Eclipse. 3. It provides a New Project Wizard, which helps you quickly create and set up all of the basic files you'll need for a new Android application.4. It automates and simplifies the process of building your Android application. 5. It provides an Android code editor that helps you write valid XML for your Android manifest and resource files.6. It will even export your project into a signed APK, which can be distributed to users.

4.1.3 EmulatorThe Android SDK includes a mobile device emulator -- a virtual mobile device that runs on your computer. The emulator lets you prototype, develop, and test Android applications without using a physical device. The Android emulator mimics all of the typical hardware and software features of a typical mobile device, except that it can place actual phone calls. It provides a variety of navigation and control keys, which you can "press" using your mouse or keyboard to generate events for your application. It also provides a screen in which your application is displayed, together with any other Android applications running. To let you model and test your application more easily, the emulator supports Android Virtual Device (AVD) configurations. AVDs let you specify the Android platform that you want to run on the emulator, as well as the hardware options and emulator skin fil you want to use. Once your application is running on the emulator, it can use the services of the Android platform to invoke other applications, access the network, play audio and video, store and retrieve data, notify the user, and render graphical themes. The emulator also includes a variety of debug capabilities, such as a console from which you can log kernel output, simulate application interrupts (such as arriving SMS messages or phone calls), and simulate latency effects and dropouts on the data channel.Limitations in Emulator:1. No support for placing or receiving actual phone calls. You can simulate phone calls (placed and received) through the emulator2. Console, however.3. No support for USB connections4. No support for camera/video capture (input).5. No support for device-attached headphones6. No support for determining connected state7. No support for determining battery charge level and AC charging state

4.1.4 DrawDroid

It is a simply Java application to design a GUI for any android application. It contains large number of widgets, layouts, buttons and all that we need to make a well fledge android app. Through drag and drop, we can design the layout and in back end it will generate the xml code which we can use directly in any particular application.

Chapter 5


1. A layout defines the visual structure for a user interface, such as the UI for an activity or app widget. You can declare a layout in two ways:2. Declare UI elements in XML. Android provides a straightforward XML vocabulary that corresponds to the View classes and subclasses, such as those for widgets and layouts.3. Instantiate layout elements at runtime. Your application can create View and View Group objects (and manipulate their properties) programmatically.4. The Android framework gives you the flexibility to use either or both of these methods for declaring and managing your application's UI. For example, you could declare your application's default layouts in XML, including the screen elements that will appear in them and their properties. You could then add code in your application that would modify the state of the screen objects, including those declared in XML, at run time.

Figure 5.1: Layout Directory

5.1 Linear LayoutLinear Layout is a view group that aligns all children in a single direction, vertically or horizontally. You can specify the layout direction with the android: orientation attribute. All children of a Linear Layout are stacked one after the other, so a vertical list will only have one child per row, no matter how wide they are, and a horizontal list will only be one row high (the height of the tallest child, plus padding). A Linear Layout respects margins between children and the gravity (right, center, or left alignment) of each child.

Figure 5.2: Linear Layout

5.2 RelativeLayoutRelativeLayout is a view group that displays child views in relative positions. The position of each view can be specified as relative to sibling elements (such as to the left-of or below another view) or in positions relative to the parent RelativeLayout area (such as aligned to the bottom, left of center). A RelativeLayout is a very powerful utility for designing a user interface because it can eliminate nested view groups and keep your layout hierarchy flat, which improves performance. If you find yourself using several nested LinearLayout groups, you may be able to replace them with a single RelativeLayout.

Figure 5.3: Relative Layout

5.3 FrameLayout

FrameLayout is designed to block out an area on the screen to display a single item. Generally, FrameLayout should be used to hold a single child view, because it can be difficult to organize child views in a way that's scalable to different screen sizes without the children overlapping each other. You can, however, add multiple children to a FrameLayout and control their position within the FrameLayout by assigning gravity to each child, using the android: layout_gravity attribute. Child views are drawn in a stack, with the most recently added child on top. The size of the FrameLayout is the size of its largest child (plus padding), visible or not (if the FrameLayout's parent permits). Views that are GONE are used for sizing only if setConsiderGoneChildrenWhenMeasuring is set to true.

5.4 Table LayoutA layout that arranges its children into rows and columns. A TableLayout consists of a number of Table Row objects, each defining a row (actually, you can have other children, which will be explained below). TableLayout containers do not display border lines for their rows, columns, or cells. Each row has zero or more cells; each cell can hold one View object. The table has as many columns as the row with the most cells. A table can leave cells empty. Cells can span columns, as they can in HTML. The width of a column is defined by the row with the widest cell in that column. However, a Table Layout can specify certain columns as shrinkable or stretchable by calling setColumnShrinkable() or setColumnStretchable(). If marked as shrinkable, the column width can be shrunk to fit the table into its parent object. If marked as stretchable, it can expand in width to fit any extra space. The total width of the table is defined by its parent container. It is important to remember that a column can be both shrinkable and stretchable. In such a situation, the column will change its size to always use up the available space, but never more. Finally, you can hide a column by calling setColumnCollapsed().5.5 List ViewList View is a view group that displays a list of scrollable items. The list items are automatically inserted to the list using an Adapter that pulls content from a source such as an array or database query and converts each item result into a view that's placed into the list. For an introduction to how you can dynamically insert views using an adapter, read Building Layouts with an Adapter.Chapter 6


It is a software which is used for nano power management. This software is developed by NTCS (NIST Technology and Consulting Services) whose purpose is to make the use of energy in a proper manner. Using this software we can reduce our power consumption.NanoSoftRemote is a comprehensive cloud-based solution to remotely monitor, manage, and maintain micro-grid electricity generation, distribution, delivery, metering, and billing. It also comprises modules for asset tracking, human resources, ERP, training, CRM, policy, emissions calculation, and ROI estimation. NanoSoftis an integral part of SunMokshas patented NanoPower solutions to address access to energy issues, including skills development and business models for employment generation. The word Nano signifies small, modular, and affordable for the masses.

6.1 NTCS (NIST Technology and Consulting Services) NIST Technology and Consulting Services is a division of the National Institute of Science & Technology and was set up with some simple goals: Provide high quality and up-to-date IT services at a low price to various organizations in Orissa and other regions of India to enable them to compete in the global markets of the new millennium. Provide high quality educational services in Information Technology (IT) Create high end employment opportunities in the IT field for people of Orissa and India.6.2 NTCS offers the following range of services: Development of Customized IT Solutions - for more efficient operations of your organization. Information Technology Audit - a study of business processes of an organization to help organizations maximize the utilization of their computer resources. Quality Improvement Programs for IT Personnel- on various aspects of Information Technology. These could take the form of lectures, workshops, one-to-one training sessions or any other customized program. Quality Improvement Programs for Software Developers - are programs designed to upgrade the skill levels of your in-house software developers.

Chapter 7


This software especially is developed for the use of energy efficiently in rural sections where people can get a chance to use the nano power at a less cost.

Figure 7.1: Nano Soft Home Page

As shown in the above figure 7.1 this has already been implemented in nist edc building.

Figure 7.2: Area Of Application

This figure 7.2 gives a satellite view of the area where this technology is going to be implemented.

Chapter 8


Figure 8.1: Scheduling Page(Tabular)

The above figure 8.1 gives the idea about the on which day we have used the power including the time in tabular format.

Figure 8.2 Scheduling Page

The above figure 8.2 gives the view of the page where the user can select in which manner he wants to get the schedule of power consumed i.e. weather in daily basis or in weakly basis or in monthly basis.

Figure 8.3: Scheduling Page(Graphical)

The above figure 8.3 gives the information about how much power is consumed on a particular day graphically. Similarly it can be driven out for a particular week and month.

Chapter 9


The objective of our project is to develop an application for nano mobiles which will be helpful to access the data related to nano soft. The user can have access to the data by logging in to his account through this app. Then he can check the amount of current consumed by him per different time schedules.

Initially we installed Eclipse IDE with ADT plug in and started learning different features of this IDE. Gradually we learned how to program using java for android devices. Gradually we learned how to program using java for android devices. We learned the basics of android programming like layout designing in android, getting different activities to work in android, how to run an emulator etc. Once we had some basic ideas about all the necessary tools; we started working on our project.

9.1 Data Base Before switching over to the home page we created a local database using sqlite database through which data were retrieved from the local database. The local database acts as a temporary storage place where the data of the customer is kept unless is deleted by the user or updated by the user. We run our server using WAMP server in our laptop. For storing the data for the customers log in information the required table is created in Mysql. All information of a customer are stored accordingly in the database. The android application programmatically sends request to the server on behalf of the customer (user) using php and accordingly the server responds. For example if a customer wants to log in he or she sends up his or her Login Id and password fields to the server and if the field matches as per the customers request, server responds by enabling the user to view the next page that is the home page else the message for invalid user or password is displayed.

And the last but not the least the Reset button in the lohin page clears all the saved information about the customers Login detail. We used shared preferences for storing the data locally in the edit text (username, password, ip) which is help for one time login (if your login is successful then it will save for next time and no need to login again).9.1.1 WAMP Server

WampServer is a platform for Web development on Windows for dynamic Web applications using the Apache2 server, PHP scripting language and a MySQL database. It also has PHPMyAdmin to easily manage your databases. 9.2 Login Page

The Login page is the page which will be displayed at first when the application will be started. This page contains two button named Login and Reset. Through the Login button the use can have access to the next page and once a user gets Logged in the preference will be saved for the next time and no need for the user to give the information again for Logging in. Through the reset button we can clear the saved preference and it gives chance to another user to Login. This Login page takes care of all the verifications and validations for Login of a valid user of Nano Soft only. If incorrect information is entered, this Login page informs what and where the problem lies and in the IP field we will give any databases address which will get connected easily without any queries.

If there is a validation error then it will show validation error in toast (which is used for display message in android). If data are not in the database then it will show database error.

Figure 9.1: Login Page

Figure 9.2: Login Page With Valid Username

9.2.1 Shared Preferences

Interface for accessing and modifying preference data returned bygetSharedPreferences(String, int). For any particular set of preferences, there is a single instance of this class that all clients share. Modifications to the preferences must go through anSharedPreferences. Editorobject to ensure the preference values remain in a consistent state and control when they are committed to storage. Objects that are returned from the variousgetmethods must be treated as immutable by the application.Preferences are typically name value pairs. They can be stored as Shared Preferences across various activities in an application (note currently it cannot be shared across processes). Or it can be something that needs to be stored specific to an activity (which is not discussed here). The context object lets you retrieveSharedPreferencesthrough the methodContext.getSharedPreferences().

9.3 Home Page

Once a valid user gets logged in he or she is redirected to the next page that is the home page. It contains many buttons such as customer desk, discussion forum, service and maintenance. Each button in the home page when will be clicked the user will be switched over to a new page i.e. it will be switched over from one activity to another activity. To get respon for a user click on a text view or a button in android we are using OnClickListener. And in android to switch over from one activity to another activity intent is used.

Figure 9.3: Home Page

9.3.1 Onclick Listener

The View class provides the basis for most user interface functions in Android. Using this and the "OnClickListener" interface, Android applications can respond to user clicks, retrieving information such as text entered by the user into an editable text-field. Within an Android Activity class, developers can choose to implement certain interfaces. By implementing an interface, a class is committed to providing set methods. To respond to user clicks, Android Activity classes can implement the "OnClickListener" interface, as in the following class declaration outline:public class InputScreen extends Activity implements OnClickListener { //class declaration }If the developer is using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Eclipse to build the application, it will output error messages until the class provides the methods required by the interface it is choosing to implement.In a class that implements "OnClickListener", the developer can specify a method to handle user clicks:Button inputBtn = (Button)findViewById(; inputBtn.setOnClickListener(this);This code specifies a user interface View element by referencing it through the application resources. In this case the View item is a button, but it could be any other View item. The code instructs Android to call the "onClick" method when the user clicks this button. The class must also provide the method:public void onClick(View v) { //respond to click }The method passes the View item the user has clicked, so that the class can check which item was clicked, if more than one has the click listener registered. Inside the method, the code can carry out an appropriate response, such as gathering text entered by the user. Figure 9.4: OnclickListener

9.3.2 Intent

Intent is exactly what it describes. It's an "intention" to do an action. An intent is basically a message to say you did or want something to happen. Depending on the intent, apps or the OS might be listening for it and will react accordingly. Think of it as a blast email to a bunch of friends, in which you tell your friend X to do something. The other folks will ignore the email, but X will react to it. To listen for an intent (like the phone ringing, or an SMS is received), you implement a broadcast receiver. If you want to fire off intent to do something, like pop up the dialer, you fire off an intent saying you will. After writing a single activity, there comes a need to transition to another activity to perform another task either with or without information from the first activity. Android platform allows transition by means of Intent Interface.Intentis basically a message that is passed betweencomponents(such asActivities,Services, Broadcast Receivers,andContent Providers). So, it is almost equivalent to parameters passed to API calls.There are two types of intents: Explicit intentsspecify the component to start by name (the fully-qualified class name). You'll typically use an explicit intent to start a component in your own app, because you know the class name of the activity or service you want to start. For example, start a new activity in response to a user action or start a service to download a file in the background. Implicit intentsdo not name a specific component, but instead declare a general action to perform, which allows a component from another app to handle it. For example, if you want to show the user a location on a map, you can use an implicit intent to request that another capable app show a specified location on a map.

Figure 9.5: Intent9.4 Customer Desk

This is the button which when be clicked will give the details about the connections. It gives the information regarding the different connection given to different customers. It gives the details such as name of the customers, their address, connection id, meter id and details. The detail column consists of a number of buttons each for an individual connection. When a button will be clicked it will switch over to the next page which will display the use of current in different schedules i.e. the scheduling page will be displayed.

The scheduling page gives the information about the power consumed by the user in different schedules. First of all there are two buttons named On Scheduling and Off Scheduling.And each box in the scheduling table is a button itself which when be clicked will switch over to a different activity. If the user selects On Scheduling the scheduling page gives information about the power consumed in particular schedules as selected by the user. If the user selects Off Scheduling the scheduling page gives information about the power not consumed in different schedules.The page is designed in such a way that in On Scheduling mode the selected schedules will be turned into red color and others are will be of green color and in Off Scheduling mode the schedules for which the power is not consumed will be turned into red and the other will be of green color.

Figure 9.6 The Page Displaying the Customer Details

9.5 Scheduling

In the scheduling part it will show the total schedule of your own organization. Here it will show the accurate time of when the power is ON/OFF. Also we can control the power as per our requirement. Even the time of ON/OFF will be shown by this page.In this page we have prepared a table structure in which time and day are the co-ordinates. When we click on a specific box it will turn red that means it set in the database and power will be allotted to that particular building on that particular day at that very instant time. When we start this page it will show which values previously stored in the database. But in order to store the values in the database we must not forget to click on SAVE button. In this page there are two radio-buttons namely ON-SCHEDULING and OFF-SCHEDULING which will help determine whether to supply power or to deny supply of power respectively.

Figure 9.7:Scheduling

Chapter 10


10.1 Conclusion

We have developed an application for nano soft using which the user can have access to the energy consumed by him i.e. how much energy he has consumed along with he will be able to see during which time. The b-tech project contains the monitoring part which includes the scheduling. We have done the scheduling part in which we are showing the power schedules in tabular format. Android is a truly open, free development platform based on Linux and open source. Handset makers can use and customize the platform without paying a royalty. A component-based architecture inspired by Internet mash-ups. Parts of one application can be used in another in ways not originally envisioned by the developer. can even replace built-in components with own improved versions. This will unleash a new round of creativity in the mobile space. 1. Android is open to all: industry, developers and users 2. Participating in many of the successful open source projects 3. Aims to be as easy to build for as the web. 4. Google Android is stepping into the next level of Mobile Internet.5. Using android we have developed an app for nano soft. In this app we can control the current. We can give more facility to people.10.2 Future Work

1. In future it will be tried to connect to the college database. 2. It can help the user to reduce the excess use of power and they can keep a track of their power consumption schedule using which he or she can control his or her power consumption.3. Further the controlling part need to be done in the future so that a user will be able to perform some more activities through this app such as he can lunch a complain, can do e-payments etc.


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