final report

PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING MARKETING PLAN CITROLA By Fahad Mohiuddin Ahmed std_16666 Erqem Habib Husaini std_16640 TabassumWazir std_16583 Anum Hanif std_16641 Bilal Bin Yousaf std_16618 Wajihuddin std_16572 Submitted To Sir Abdul Raheem Khan

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Page 1: Final Report





Fahad Mohiuddin Ahmed std_16666

Erqem Habib Husaini std_16640

TabassumWazir std_16583

Anum Hanif std_16641

Bilal Bin Yousaf std_16618

Wajihuddin std_16572

Submitted To Sir Abdul Raheem Khan

Page 2: Final Report


Our plan is to launch a new carbonated soft drink in citrus flavor. A thorough research

revealed that lemon flavor is preferred by the general public so our decision to go with the

lemon flavor soft drink. Mission is to refresh the mind, body and heart through our product.

We have been coming up with innovative pricing of Rs.25 which is the lowest in the market

because of the new company we have to do this. Our product will be a bit stronger in taste so

that we can differentiate in taste too. We will use Ahmed Shahzad as our Brand Ambassador

who will feature in our ad. Other than that we will be promoting it in Ramzan too as it is the

season when drinks are consumed readily. One of the things we took care was to keep its

positioning completely different from our competitors.

It will be targeting people aging from 15-30, most of them are students and young adults. We

will promote it on Cricket World cup too that a lucky winner will be travelling with the

Pakistan Cricket Team to Australia. Secondly, we will be launching an online-game, social

media marketing. Promotional activities are explained further in Promotional Plan. We are

going with the market Penetration Strategy.

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Table of ContentsExecutive Summary 2Introduction 4Goal and Objective 4SWOT Analysis 5Environmental Analysis 6Competitor Analysis 8

Market Research Plan 13

Consumer Analysis 13

Market Segmentation and Targeting 14

Branding Plan 15

Marketing Budget 17

Marketing Mix 17

Appendix 25


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In brief the purpose is to market a new innovative carbonated soft drink in citrus flavor. Our

idea is to design the marketing plan for a new soft drink that will compete with the giants of

soft drink Industry like Coca-Cola, Pepsi and their sub-products like 7up, Sprite, Mountain

Dew, Mirinda and Fanta.

Our product will be first launch in Karachi and Lahore. It will be best known for its new

taste, innovative pricing, and distribution, promotional and branding strategy.


“To make Citrola the 1st choice for consumers”

Whenever they feel need a soft drink for refreshment,


Following is the mission of Citrola.

To give this youth a soft drink that will inspire not just their body and mind, but also their

hearts too.

To facilitate optimism, confidence to make a change, through our brand.

To support our society and make it a healthy as well.

To give our target market healthy soft drinks that will fight with extensive heat.


To maintain high quality

To capture 20% of market share within a year or two in Karachi and Lahore

To meet the needs of all age groups (specifically age group from 15 to 30)

Establishing responsible communication with the consumer which can provide us a better

look into what changes need to be made to our product

Advertise product in such a way as to create importance that can be sustained over the long

term for consumers.


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Strengths: In current scenario we haven’t see any soft drink that is dealing with youth,

optimism, confidence that just not refreshes their mind but whole body. Secondly we have

decided to introduce a new 160 Ml bottle of Rs. 15 with some more new bottle sizes and a

can of 200 Ml worth Rs. 20 of which are not introduced in Pakistani market. Then we come

to taste, most of the drinks lacks fizziness which find out through research. That people want

more gas and it should me much stronger than the current ones. Eid, Ramazan, Football

world cup, Cricket World Cup are the ideal events for our brand’s promotion. Additionally,

Coca-Cola's distribution system is one of their greatest strengths. The distribution and

bottling companies will be locally owned and operated by independent business people who

are authorized to sell our products.

Weaknesses: A new product entering into a saturated market of soft drinks. A bunch of

youngsters who have no experience is one of the weaknesses but this is our strength too.

Opportunities: One of the biggest opportunity for our product is the 35% of the total

population is comprised of youth aged between 18-35. Secondly, youth is more inclined

towards change, freedom, optimistic thinking and they have not experienced a drink that is

being produced in their own country like in the past time it was thumbs up in India. It can

become a nation-owned drink. In the end our recyclable Packaging to make this society a

better place will play a vital role in our brand’s success.


Unique product

Low price

New taste

New Production and bottle design.

Drink for youngsters


Strong competition

Amateur team



Can be introduced in Different Cities

Internet and Social Media

Recyclable Packaging

Huge market to cater



Established Competitors

Not good for health

Threat of new emergent.

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Threats: Has many major global competitors with its main one being PepsiCo and Coca-Cola.

These competitors may develop marketing strategies to eliminate Citrola. There may be an

economic downturn in the business cycle. Political and law & order Situation is a big threat.

Secondly, a thought that comes into our minds is that the soft drinks are unhealthy and it can

create obesity.

Environmental Analysis

PEST Analysis

Political factors

Social-cultural factors

Technological factors


Federal excise duty and sales tax on production capacity (Aerated waters) applied on 28 Feb

2014. This tax will affect the production of the soft drink, as the tax will increase cost. But as

we are planning to start the soft drink from Lahore, Karachi and then to the rest of Pakistan

the production would not be that high thus keeping tax low in the beginning of the business.


The macroeconomic and security challenges continue to weigh on the economy of Pakistan.

Growth is expected to remain modest in Fiscal Year 2014, largely reflecting fiscal

consolidation to deal with high deficits that have caused macroeconomic imbalances. The

government of Pakistan has embarked upon a program of fiscal and structural reform,

supported by an Extended Fund Facility Arrangement with the International Monetary Fund,

to restore macroeconomic balance, relieve energy shortages, and guide the economy toward

faster and more sustainable growth.

Economic performance

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The moderate growth in gross domestic product (GDP) in fiscal year 2013 reflected the weak

macroeconomic fundamentals in recent years. Investment has remained low due to the energy

shortages and the security concerns which continue to undermine the investors’ confidence.

A fiscal pressure has kept the budget deficit very high for a second consecutive year. At the

same time, however, inflation has fallen into a single digit.

The GDP growth slowed to 3.6% in the fiscal year 2013 (ended 30 June 2013).

Economic prospects

Selected Economic Indicator (%) – Pakistan 2014 2015

GDP Growth 3.4 3.9

Inflation 9.0 9.2

Source: Asian Development Bank (ADB) estimates

The GDP growth is projected at 3.4% for fiscal year 2014, which is marginally slower than in

the fiscal year 2013. Agriculture is expected to be weaker due to a drop in cotton output,

which partly offset the improvement in sugarcane and rice crops. Ongoing rains, however,

may benefit the upcoming wheat crop, despite a reduction in the sowing area this year.

On the demand side, private consumption will remain as the main driver of economic growth,

which will be supported by the sustained inflow of remittances, low real interest rates, and

better credit availability at banks. The Government spending will be contained by fiscal

consolidation to bring down the budget deficit, but accelerated credit flows to the private

sector during the first 7 months of FY2014 indicate an uptick in private investment. Net

exports are expected to be modestly negative as import growth quickens to support improved

capacity utilization in manufacturing.

GDP growth is expected to be higher in FY2015, at 3.9%, as the impact of fiscal

consolidation eases somewhat, energy supplies improve, and the global economy strengthens.

Source: ADB. 2014. Asian Development Outlook 2014. Manila.


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Carbonated drinks do pose a negative impact on health due to chemical additives. Yet the

younger generation are so drawn by its taste that they are more prawn to get addicted to

carbonated drinks. It has become a part of the younger generation’s lifestyle so much that

they prefer soft drinks with snacks and all foods.


The main factor which has played a significant role in the expansion of the soft drink industry

is technology. This is clear from the development of cans, plastic bottles and improvements

in the distribution systems.

With the advancement of technology in mechanical and electronics engineering, the beverage

manufacturing industry has most benefitted. The production equipment was largely

dependent on human resource has now become independent and the only human resource

required is that to observe, maintain and repair the machines. Due to the increase in the

demand of carbonated drinks and its constant requirement throughout the year, high

technology and fast lines are installed. Most of the equipment used is imported from

Germany. The new equipment can automatically blow plastic bottles, fills it with the

carbonated drink, caps the bottles and pack it in crates.

Technological advances have helped the soft drink industry greatly. The introduction of

machines has helped fill the bottles with the liquid drink, through ‘Spouts’ as well as

machines that caps the bottles make production easier while keeping the variable cost (labor

cost) to a minimum.


- Coca-cola(Coca- Cola Sub Products)

- Pepsi (Pepsi Co Sub-Products)

- 7up ((Pepsi Co Sub-Products)

- Sprite ((Coca- Cola Sub Products)

- Mirinda((Pepsi Co Sub-Products)

- Fanta (Coca- Cola Sub Products)

- Mountain Dew ((Pepsi Co Sub-Products)

Pepsi SWOT analysis 2013

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Strengths Weaknesses1. Product diversity

2. Extensive distribution channel

3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)


4. Competency in mergers and acquisitions

5. Global Brand

6. Successful marketing and advertising


7. Complementary product sales

8. Proactive and progressive

1. Low pricing

2. Questionable practices (using tap water but

labeling it as mountain spring water)

3. Much weaker brand awareness and market

share in the world beverage market compared

to Coca-Cola

4. Too low net profit margin

5. Confusing positioning strategy of 7Up which

clashes with Sprite too.

Opportunities Threats1. Growing beverages and snacks consumption

in emerging markets

2. Increasing demand for healthy food and


3. Further expansion through acquisitions

4. Bottled water consumption growth

5. Savory snacks consumption growth

1. Changes in consumer tastes

2. Water scarcity

3. Decreasing gross profit margin

4. Legal requirements to disclose negative

information on product labels

5. Decreasing value of Pakistani

6. Rupee

7. Increased competition from Coca-Cola


Parent Company Coca Cola

Category Beverage

Sector Food Products

Tagline/ Slogan Mirchipai sprite katarkalagalai

USP Food is incomplete without Sprite


Segment For all people seeking a soft drink for eating food with friends and family

Target Group All age groups Lower, middle and upper class people

Positioning Make your food more spicy with Sprite

SWOT Analysis


1.Excellent branding and advertising

2.Excellent distribution and availability


1.Aerated drinks not popular with health conscious people

2.Long term ill effect of health


1.Leverage successful brand Coca Cola

2.Advertise more

3.Buy out competition

4.More Brand recognition


1.Threat from other aerated drinks competitors

2.Threat from substitutes like fruit juices

3.Boycott from health conscious people



1. 7UP

2. Mountain Dew

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Parent Company Pepsi Co

Category Beverage

Sector Food Products

Tagline/ Slogan Mana lo Food Ka love

USP Food is incomplete without 7Up


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Segment For all people seeking a soft drink for eating food with friends and family

Target Group All age groups Lower, middle and upper class people

Positioning Make your food more spicy with Sprite

SWOT Analysis


1.Excellent branding and advertising

2.Excellent distribution and availability


1.Aerated drinks not popular with health conscious people

2.Long term ill effect of health


1.Leverage successful brand Coca Cola

2.Advertise more

3.Buy out competition

4.More Brand recognition


1.Threat from other aerated drinks competitors

2.Threat from substitutes like fruit juices

3.Boycott from health conscious people


Competitors 1. Sprite

Marketing Research Plan

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Define Objective and Problem: What should be the product taste, Pricing, Reasons behind

not consuming carbonated drinks, what should be the taste and do costumers are in a mood to

welcome a new carbonated drink in citrus flavor.

Determine your Research Design: We have used exploratory research as we have used

surveys and secondary data collection for our research.

Design and Prepare Research Instrument: We have prepared a questionnaire for gathering

information and other secondary sources for data collection.

Sampling and Data Collection: We have got our questionnaires filled by 100 respondents in

universities and colleges.

Analyze Data: We have used SPSS statistical software for analyzing the data and results are

shown at the end of this plan.

Visualize and Communicate Results: We used bar graphs to illustrate our results which can

be seen in the Appendix. And the results of the survey can be read on the next page.


Market survey

We posted and circulated a questionnaire (Apendix1) online, and received the responses from

the sample of 100 people. The result we have given in this marketing plan is in the form of

Bar charts and statistical tables can be found at the end of the report.

The Result

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60% of the Sample size was male and 40% female (Appendix 2).

70% of the Sample Population was from Karachi and 30% from Lahore ( Appendix 3).

60% of the Sample Population was students (Appendix 4).

45% of the Sample was of between 15 to 20 years old, 43% was between 21 to 25 years old,

and 12% was over 25 years of age (Appendix 5).

85% of the sample consumed soft drinks (Appendix 6). And more than 50% consumed it on a

weekly basis (6-15 times a month) (Appendix 7)

Approximately 85% of the sample drinks more than 4ltr a month.

Approximately 50% of the sample believes the quality of the packaging to be below average.

(Appendix 8)

Approximately 60% of the sample believes that the amount of gas or fizziness in the

carbonated drinks is average. (Appendix 9)

55% of the ample believes that carbonated drinks are tastier than non-carbonated drinks

(Appendix 10). And 45% use it to relieve thirst. And around 50% believe it to be a necessity

with food.

Around 50% believe it to be somewhat refreshing. (Appendix 11)

80% of the sample agrees with the fact that consuming carbonated drinks is unhealthy.

(Appendix 12). And for 60% being unhealthy is a reason for not consuming carbonated

drinks (Appendix 13).

Around 80% of the sample preferred a lemon flavored citrus carbonated drink (Appendix 14)

Market segmentation and Targeting

Market segmentation


- Age: 15 – 30

- Family Life Cycle: Bachelors, engaged, newly married couples.

- Gender: Male and Female

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Currently we are launching this drink in Karachi and Lahore, though other future options will

be considered.


- Benefits: Quality, Economy, Convenience

- Occasions: Regular occasions

- Usage rate: High demand in summer

- Readiness stage: Aware

- Attitude towards product: Positive


- Social Class:

- Middle class- Students, Professionals, independent business persons.

- Lifestyle: Achievers

- Personality: Variety seekers and outgoing people.


We are targeting people from Karachi and Lahore, with age group of 15 to 30 and who seek

variety in soft drinks.

Mass marketing (Undifferentiated marketing): This product named ascitrola would be same

for the whole market segment and will ignore the differences in market segments.

Branding Plan

Apple doesn’t just sell computers and music

equipment; it sells well-designed products that

are easy to use. Are they the best computers on

the market? No. (Well, I guess that depends on

what side of the Mac-PC debate you're on.) But

Apple sells a lot of them at twice the price because of the way Apple positions its brand in the

market. This goes beyond your product itself -- it's about selling the problem you are solving.

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Your brand is just not your product, your logo, your website, or your name. It’s what

your customers perceive about you, and how you make them feel. Chances are you're not the

only company out there selling your product or service. Figure out what your company does

best beyond what you sell, and make it a part of your brand strategy.

Since we will be facing a stiff competition from Coke and Pepsi products, therefore we have

decided to go to compete against Sprite, 7up and Mountain Dew because these are the

products that have resemblance with our product in taste and other aspects.

USP: Everybody is selling soft drinks to cure the thirst. But citrola is something more than

that, it refresher you, clears your mind, body and heart, taking things easy and a new way of


Brand Name:

The brand name which we have selected is Citrola. Since its easy to remember and matches

our USP as ESP.

Tagline/Slogan: “Thirst Just Got Better”

Position Statement: Forget about the food, our youth has many more things to do that are

important and Citrola will help them achieve it by refreshing their mind, body and Hearts.

Value Proposition: Try something new with a new taste that will just refresh your whole


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Marketing Budget

Expenses Charged Fees

Advertising Funds (tvc) Rs. 25,00,000

Event Sponsorsips Rs. 15,00,000

Product Cost (14*250,000 Rs. 35,00,000

Publications Rs.100,000

Social Media Rs. 45,000

Billboards Rs. 30,00,000

Vendoring Machines Rs. 20,00,000

Distribution Rs. 20,00,000

Street Furniture Rs. 100,000

Brand Ambassador Rs. 10,00,000

Email Marketing Rs. 20,000

Radio Advertising Rs. 8,00,000

Total Funds Rs. 14565000



In the beginning we will be launching our product in citrus flavors i.e. lemon and orange. Its

main motive is to provide costumers refreshing and healthy carbonated soft drinks. As there

are not many citrus flavored carbonated soft drinks except Mirinda, Fanta, 7up and Sprite. It

will be available in different bottle size. Since we are targeting youth, it will positioned with

an image of friendship, music, sports, team-work and sharing. The whole positioning and

placement strategy will explained later in branding plan.

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The beverage container is very unique in the way that consumer can refill or re-use it. We

will be first to launch this kind of bottle which will result in a new product feature as a

competitive edge from product usage point of view. As the time progresses we will make sure

that technology improvements are being done to create an impression that our company cares

about satisfying its customers.

Features Benefits

New bottle design.

A whole new taste.

Healthier than other soft drinks

A best way to fight dehydration

Ergonomically Designed

Refreshes your mind, body and heart.

Helps to fight Heat.

Healthy Product.

Available in Many Sizes.

Cheaper than other competitors products.

Bottle Sizes

250 ML Can (Appendix 15)

200 ML Bottle (Appendix 16)

330 Ml Pet Bottle

1 Litre

1.5 Litres (Appendix 17)

2.5 Litres

Rs. 25

Rs. 18

Rs. 35

Rs. 58

Rs. 75

Rs. 95

Pricing Strategy

On the right is a marketing tool to work out

pricing strategy. Citrola have a to get a good

market share, competitor pressure has forced

customer sensitivity to price to be fairly high,

sales volume is of course should be high and

profit margin has to be fairly low as the Citrola

products are fast moving consumer goods and

new entrants. These points to penetration

strategy, it means the setting of lower rather than

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high prices to achieve potentially dominant market share. This can only be done where

demand for the product is believed to be highly flexible, basically demand is price-sensitive

and either new consumer will be attracted, or existing consumers will buy more of the

product because of a low price. A good penetration strategy may lead to large amount of sales

and large market share.

The strategy may also promote complimentary products. The main product may be priced

low to attract sales, customers are then sold accessories on special occasions and events. This

strategy will work nicely in promoting re-use of Citrola packaging via a beverage holder of

vessel which is purchased separately and refilled. The potential disadvantage of bringing in

this strategy is the likelihood of competitors doing the same by reducing their prices,

therefore damaging any advantage of the reduced price. Price Penetration is most appropriate

in industries where standardization is important. The product that achieves high market

penetration often becomes the industry standard, in regards to the new Citrola beverage

vessel is trying to create a standardization of how consumers use the beverage container.

Citrola are likely to receive stiff competition soon after introduction of the product, although

the product that achieves high market penetration often becomes the industry standard and

other products, even superior products, become marginalized. Standards carry heavy



60% of the marketing funds are spent on advertising. Primarily TV advertising with radio,

magazine, cinema, sports activities and brand ambassadors. Other promotional items include:

point of sale material, consumer premiums (e.g. clothing, caps, etc.), sporting and concert

sponsorships, transparent advertising, billboards, Internet Marketing.

Marketing Communications

Developing Effective Marketing Communication: Following are the steps of effective

Marketing communication

1. Identify the target audience

2. Determine the communication objectives

3. Design the message

4. Choose the media

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5. Select the message source

6. Collect feedback

Identifying Target Audience: Since our target market is the youth mostly university

students. Our ad will take place in a university. And it takes place between students and a

teacher. It will be a student who will provoke the consumers to use our product in order to get

refreshment during 2 classes with a break of 5 minutes only. Those students just go into a box

of Citrola and they return in a refreshing mood as they are prepared for anything now. And

the teachers see that box, gets confused, and then a student (definitely our brand ambassador)

come and tell them the reason behind all this.

Determining the Communication objectives: Our communication objective is to aware,

knowledge and purchase

Designing a Message:

A hot and sunny afternoon in the university with air conditioning not working but the

students sitting in the class are smiling and are happy. The teacher is perplexed and asks them

why they are smiling in such heat. The students take them to the Citrola store make them

have it. The teacher feels fresh and looks forward to being thirstier.

“Thirst just got better”

Choose Media: This ad will be a TV commercial broadcasted on major channels of Pakistan

like Geo TV, Geo News, Jalwa Music Channel, 8XM Music Channel, THE MUSIK, ARY

Digital and through social Media

Selecting a Message: To make an impact on the minds of audience we have decided Ahmed

Shahzad (cricketer) to be the brand ambassador of our brand and communicate the message

Collecting Feedback: The feedback of this promotion will judge through sales as well as

how many people have seen this ad and how they have reacted to it through live interviews

Setting the Promotional Budget: Since we do not have any constraints in our budget, we are

using comparative method to match the advertising methods of our competitors.

The following areas of the marketing communications mix will all be looked at to consider

the relative strengths and weaknesses and if and how they will be applied in the case of this


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Advertising - Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or

services by an identified sponsor.

Personal selling - Personal presentation by the firm’s sales force for the purpose of making

sales and building customer relationships.

Sales promotion - Short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or


Public relations - Building good relationships with the company’s various publics by

obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good "corporate image", and handling or heading

off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events.

Direct marketing - Direct communications with carefully targeted individual consumers to

obtain an immediate response and cultivate lasting customer relationships.

Advertising Form Strengths Tools or Tactics

Billboards Seen by everyone, hard to

avoid, High presence, People

highly receptive

Introduce 3d Billboards,

Neon Display boards at

busiest roads of Karachi and

Lahore, at the shopping malls

TV Commercials Seen by a large audience, can

be targeted to specific

program and channel. It can

work as a good

communication Device.

We have to make some good

cult advertisements for

youth. That should be

enjoyable too. For example

Ufone Ads. Eid, Ramazan is

on its way as most soft drinks

are consumed in this month

and it’s a great opportunity

for us to transform our

product into a brand. And

make a place into consumer’s


Newspapers/Magazines Target market specific, Advertising in lifestyle

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readers highly receptive. magazines, Jang and Dawn

with any emphasis on sports,

fitness, health,

entrepreneurship and other

youth related ideas in

Citrola’s lifestyle image

would be a viable form of

advertising for the new


Public and Street

Display ads or furniture

Strengths: Seen by a large

audience, events or places

e.g. Cricket stadiums,

Musical concerts etc. good

for brand association.

Citrola will sponsors football

from Pakistan cricket world

cup with emphasis on

Citrola’s healthier drink. We

will be heading to

universities to promote our

drink among youth.

Sponsoring their ideas and

various humanitarian efforts

which is good for brand


\Internet Marketing Better Costumer Support,

Long Term relationships,

Reduce overall marketing

costs, Design our brand’s


Citrola will share videos,

new promotional activities,

polls, competition, SEO and

other internet Activities.

As already said Citrola wants to be a massive national brand with huge brand awareness, the

emphasis of advertising would be on a TV advertising campaign as well as on company

website and virally spread on social media websites sites such as YouTube, Facebook and

twitter. The advert should gain cult status and in theory the target market will virally spread

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the advert to friends in the same market. Consumers are highly responsive to videos they

have chosen to watch on the web. Reaching the target market through more sport such as

cricket and football, sponsorship of innovative ideas and humanitarian events, students

competition to promote Citrola brand image

Personal Selling

The sales force needs to communicate with current distribution channels for Citrola. Citrola

will currently distribute cooler fridges and vending units to community centers, sports halls

and shops. These would be replaced via liquid dispensing vending units, if we offer them

effective incentives. Along with information on the benefits of switching units incentives

based on Citrola sponsorship deals could be offered such as free tickets to sporting events,

such as cricket.

Sales Promotion

Online Coupon: Coupons are available on line. Consumers print them out and take

them to the store. It seems more exclusive than in store coupons, encourages users

onto company website. Online coupons are much more accessible than regular

coupons and the process of getting them online could be linked with

Online Interactive: Promotional Game: Consumers play an interactive game

associated with the promoted product. It will keep customer on website, likely to pass

on to friend therefore viral Interactive ads online make a nice experience for the user,

a flash game could allow users to experience the new vending method.

Contests/sweepstakes/games: The consumer is automatically entered into the event

by purchasing the product. Good prizes are likely to draw repeat purchases to try

again. Contests linked with Citrola sponsorship companies, such as competitions for

tickets to sporting events for e.g. winner of that competition will get a chance to travel

with Pakistan Cricket team to Australia for world cup.

We can also create partnership with any NGO to support Thar Victims that drink a

bottle of Citrola and donate the amount to the victims.

Press Release:

Regarding CO2 emissions: It will result in increased brand image appeal, Show

Company to be socially responsible Produce an article in newspapers on Citrola’s new

product which is sustainable on every front, materials, production and re-usable

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packaging. Showing Coke’s recognition of global responsibility to reduce CO2


Regarding child obesity: There is an increasing need for health drinks our product

focuses on health too. So it can also increase brand image appeal, Show Company to

be socially responsible. We can print an article in newspapers about our new product

range with fitness and health in mind.

Direct Marketing

Direct Marketing effectiveness can be measured directly. Let’s take if Citrola sent out one

million advertisements/promotions via email then at least 100,000 customers can be tracked

who have responded to this email. In this way we can analyze the success of that email

campaign directly through the response


We will distributing it to consumers via various channels e.g. major supermarket chains,

cafes, university canteens, cinemas, restaurants and fast food outlets (KFC, Pizza Hut and

Mcdonalds etc.).We’ll also have refrigerated vending machines at various locations like

universities and workplaces, shopping malls and Supermarkets like Naheed Super Store,

Imtiaz Super Store and Hyper star etc. and at leading universities of Karachi & Lahore. Like

IBA, IoBM, SzabistKhi, N.E.D, Fast, Karachi University, MAJU, SSUET, Comsats Lahore,

LUMS, UET Lahore etc. Service the right pack size at the right price, in the right place at the


Secondly, we will make sure that our distributors, suppliers etc. will remain loyal with us and

too so we will announce that they will be sharing 20% profit with us for first 2 years, in order

to capture their loyalty. We will be outsourcing our distribution to Agility Logistics as they

are the one who are the distributors of Coke and Pepsi products too. So they can help us in

improving our operations in future with the help of their valuable information.


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Appendix 1 (Questionnaire)

Carbonated drinks


1. Do you consume soft drinks? *

o Yes

o No

2. Do you know about citrus flavored carbonated drinks? *

o Yes

o No

3. Have you ever had a citrus flavored carbonated drink? *Citrus flavored drinks include Orange (Fanta)

and Lemon (sprite/7-up) flavored carbonated drinks *

o Yes

o No

4. Which citrus flavor would you prefer in a carbonated drink? *

o Orange

o Lemon

5. Which of the following drinks did you drink last: *

o Coca-Cola

o Pepsi

o 7-up

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o Sprite

o Mirinda

o Mountain Dew

o Other:

6. Rank your preference (1 to 6) in terms of 1 being your first choice and 6 being your last choice *

1 2 3 4 5 6








7. On average, how often do you drink carbonated soft drinks in a month? *

o Never

o Occasionally (1-5 time)

o Weekly (6-15 times)

o Daily (16-30 times)

o More than 30 times

8. When buying a carbonated drink for yourself, which do you prefer? *

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o 250ml

o 500ml

o 1.5ltr

o Multiple purchase (2 or more bottles/cans)

9. Rate soft drinks on a scale of 1 to 5 *


Average Average Good Excellent

Gas Content



Satisfaction after


10. Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each of the following statement about

carbonated soft drinks *

Extremely To a certain extent Very little Not at All

Tastier than non

carbonated drinks

Are not harmful to


Are as similar to

drinking water to


I consume them to

relieve my thirst

Is a must to food

and snacks

11. Rate carbonated soft drinks in terms of being *1 being least and 4 being the most *

Page 27: Final Report

1 2 3 4





12. What are the reasons for not consuming carbonated your most preffered soft drinks? *you can choose

more than 1 *

o Does not taste good

o Expensive

o Chemical additives

o Not available easily

o Unhealthy

o Other:

13. What, if anything, your favorite soft drinks could have done better? (Please be specific)

14. Name

15. Gender *

o Male

Page 28: Final Report

o Female

16. City/Town *

17. Age *

o 15-20

o 21-25

o 26-30

o 31-35

o 36 and above

18. Occupation *

o Student

o Working

o Running a business

o House wife

o Other:

Appendix 2

Page 29: Final Report

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Page 30: Final Report

Appendix 6

Appendix 7

Appendix 8

Page 31: Final Report

Appendix 9

Appendix 10

Appendix 11

Page 32: Final Report

Appendix 12

Appendix 13

Appendix 14

Page 33: Final Report


Appendix 16

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Appendix 17