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Final project report for eSTEeM project: Use of STACK to generate formative assessment for Level 3 pure mathematics Keywords: STACK, computer aided assessment, formative assessment, examination preparation, revision, past papers, self-efficacy Project lead: Hayley Ryder Date: 22/10/2019 Project members: Hayley Ryder, Joe Kyle Contact: [email protected]

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Page 1: Final project report for eSTEeM project - Open University · 2019-12-10 · For the 16J presentation, the Staff Tutor on the module created a short survey containing questions about

Final project report for eSTEeM project:

Use of STACK to generate formative assessment for Level 3 pure mathematics

Keywords: STACK, computer aided assessment, formative assessment, examination

preparation, revision, past papers, self-efficacy

Project lead: Hayley Ryder

Date: 22/10/2019

Project members: Hayley Ryder, Joe Kyle

Contact: [email protected]

Page 2: Final project report for eSTEeM project - Open University · 2019-12-10 · For the 16J presentation, the Staff Tutor on the module created a short survey containing questions about

Ryder, H. (2019) Use of STACK to generate formative assessment for Level 3 pure mathematics.

eSTEeM Final Report

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Executive summary In a study of exam revision impact, Cross et al found that 83.9% of students rated access to a sample

examination paper useful or very useful [Cross, Whitelock, and Mittelmeier, 2016]. Many mathematics

modules have been running for a number of years and have a large number of available past

examination papers. As a result, students studying mathematics at the OU have often developed

revision strategies that assume access to a large number of past examination papers (together with

solutions). On newer modules this resource does not exist, and students have cited lack of past papers

as a reason for deferring or for not taking a new module. Mathematics examination-like questions and

solutions are time-consuming and expensive to write and check; therefore, it is not easy to produce a

large number of sample papers.

Many mathematics modules use a computer algebra system called STACK to generate online short

practice questions (SPQs) with feedback and solutions. The STACK system can be programmed so that

the feedback produced for incorrectly answered questions depends on the mistakes made by the

individual. These questions are used to build quizzes (SPQ-quizzes). For this project we used STACK to

produce sets of long examination-like practice questions (ELPQs) with worked solutions and tailored

feedback for a relatively new module (M303). These long examination-like questions were then used

to build a randomly generated quiz that resembled a past exam paper (ELPQ-quiz) so that students

could generate multiple instances of an example examination-like quiz, with feedback and example

solutions, for practice.

We used a mixed methods approach to our evaluation of this project, performing a quantitative

analysis of the engagement with these questions by 660 students, sending a questionnaire to just over

200 students and carrying out a qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews undertaken with 12


A thematic analysis of the structured interviews showed lack of past papers as a strong theme, along

with the existence of established revision strategies that relied on access to many past papers.

The results of the quantitative analysis showed that a higher percentage of students engaged with the

ELPQ quiz than engaged with the traditional SPQ quizzes. The students that did engage with the ELPQs

used them at a higher intensity. In addition, a significantly higher percentage of students who engaged

well with the ELPQs maintained or improved their exam result for M303: Further pure mathematics,

as compared to their score in the level two precursor module, M208: Pure mathematics.

Over 80% of students responding to the survey, taking the exam, and using the ELPQs, either agreed

or strongly agreed that the ELPQ-quiz helped them structure their revision and felt that the ELPQs

were helpful when they saw the exam. Over 90% of the respondents who used the ELPQs agreed or

strongly agreed that quizzes similar to the ELPQ-quiz should be implemented on other mathematics


Aims and scope of the project M303 is a relatively new 60 credit level 3 pure mathematics module and one of three Level 3 pure

mathematics modules offered by the School of Mathematics and Statistics. The module text consists

of six hard copy text books. There is a formative electronic `practice quiz’ (SPQ-quiz) associated with

each of the six books. These quizzes consist of varying numbers of short practice questions (SPQs).

Page 3: Final project report for eSTEeM project - Open University · 2019-12-10 · For the 16J presentation, the Staff Tutor on the module created a short survey containing questions about

Ryder, H. (2019) Use of STACK to generate formative assessment for Level 3 pure mathematics.

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Example of a practice quiz question and solution

Some of these SPQs (such as the one above) were created using the standard Moodle question types;

but others were developed using STACK (the System for Teaching and Assessment using a Computer

algebra Kernel), an online open-source software system that uses a computer algebra system

(Maxima) to generate randomised instances of questions [Sangwin 2007].

For this project the module team used STACK to generate randomised examples of long, examination-

type questions and solutions (ELPQs) and built a quiz using these questions (the ELQP-quiz), so that

the students could practise longer exam type questions and then mark their own attempts using the

electronically generated specimen solutions.

Our research questions were:

• Will student engagement with the ELPQ-quiz be higher than engagement with the existing short question quizzes?

• Will the students who have access to the ELPQ-quiz feel better prepared for (and confident about) the exam?

Background and motivation By the time that they reach Level 3, students often have a tried-and-tested revision strategy with

which they feel confident. For many mathematics students, their strategy assumes the existence of a

large number of past papers with solutions. M303: Further pure mathematics follows on from a Level

2 module (M208: Pure mathematics) that has past papers available from 2006. The other pure

mathematics Level three modules running alongside M303 have past papers available from 2002. No

official solutions exist for these papers, but student-produced sets, and unofficial tutor-produced sets,

are readily available on the internet.

The module team wanted to produce a substitute for past papers on M303. There were two reasons

for this.

Page 4: Final project report for eSTEeM project - Open University · 2019-12-10 · For the 16J presentation, the Staff Tutor on the module created a short survey containing questions about

Ryder, H. (2019) Use of STACK to generate formative assessment for Level 3 pure mathematics.

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Firstly, to provide practice at long examination-type questions for the students. In 2013, Dunlosky et

al investigated ten different learning techniques [Dunlosky, et al, 2013] and found that "the advantage

of practice testing with feedback over restudy is extremely robust" and that "Practice testing with

feedback also consistently outperforms practice testing alone". However good feedback is necessary

for there to be a pedagogic advantage [Gibbs and Simpson, 2005] and this feedback needs to be

available promptly [Chickering and Gamson, 1987]. The existing short practice questions and quizzes

on M303 were not suitable as a means of enabling students to practice completing longer, exam style

questions. This is because these short questions were typically designed around simple answers

(usually an equation, number or mathematical expression) that could be marked as right or wrong by

a computer algebra system. Longer, exam-style questions required more complex answers, such as

mathematical proofs or textual explanations that cannot be easily checked using the current computer

system. Rather than using the computer system to check the answers to the ELPQs, we used the

system to generate worked solutions that the students could then use to check their own work against

the supplied answer. In addition, using STACK enabled the feedback and explanations to be based on

the specific mistakes made by each student.

Secondly, we hoped to increase the confidence levels of our students by improving their mathematical

self-efficacy, defined by Bandura as "people's judgments of their capabilities to organize and execute

courses of action required to attain designated types of performances” [Bandura 1986]. As may be

expected, personal experience has a strong influence on self-efficacy beliefs; with success raising it

and failure lowering it [Bandura 1978]. Evidence suggests that knowledge learnt when taking practice

tests can be flexibly applied to other contexts [Roediger and Butler, 2011] but it appears that this

experience may need to be task-specific in order to develop positive mathematical self-efficacy

[Borgonvi and Pokropek 2019]. Therefore, whilst the short question practice tests may increase

students’ ability to successfully complete examination questions, a good supply of longer examination

like questions may be necessary to enable all students to get to the stage where they believe that they

can successfully complete them.

Long questions (such as those found in examinations) with comprehensive sets of solutions are

difficult and costly to produce for pure mathematics at this level and their availability is negatively

affected by resource implications [Gibbs and Simpson, 2005]. However, students are becoming

increasingly familiar with computer-aided assessment [Greenhow 2015] and so the module team

decided to use STACK to create a set of examination-like practice questions that could be used to

create a randomly generated set of practice examination-like papers.

Activities Over a period of four years, the module team continued to develop the ELPQs whilst analysing reaction

by the students to the quizzes.

We decided upon a mixed methods approach to the analysis as defined by Johnson et al [Johnson, R.

B., Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Turner, L. A. 2007] in order to expand our viewpoint [Greene, J., Caracelli,

V., & Graham, W. 1989].

For the 16J presentation, the Staff Tutor on the module created a short survey containing questions

about the ELPQs. Each of the twelve tutors was asked to email their tutor group, asking their students

to consider filling in the survey. Of the 211 students remaining at the end of the module, 58 (27%)

filled in the survey.

Page 5: Final project report for eSTEeM project - Open University · 2019-12-10 · For the 16J presentation, the Staff Tutor on the module created a short survey containing questions about

Ryder, H. (2019) Use of STACK to generate formative assessment for Level 3 pure mathematics.

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Each tutor was also invited to nominate students who may want to take part in semi-structured

interviews. Interviews were carried out by one tutor, Joe Kyle, with twelve students.

Data showing all attempts at the SPQ-quizzes and the long ELPQ-quizzes for 15J, 16J, 17J and 18J were

downloaded from the VLE. For each student the number of attempts at each quiz was logged and

cross-referenced against that student’s final exam scores, where available, on both M303 and M208

(the precursor module to M303).

Initially we only intended to analyse quantitative data from 15J and 16J. We changed this to include

17J and 18J because the project took longer than expected and the additional data became available.

The survey results and VLE data were analysed qualitatively and a thematic analysis carried out on

transcripts of the structured interviews.

Findings Engagement and performance were both considered.

Level of engagement with quizzes The ELPQs were revision resources and only because visible to the students during the revision period

at the end of the module. Therefore, only the 659 students who were still registered at the end of the

module presentation were considered in the following analysis.

The ELPQ-quizzes were very popular with students. The following analysis compares engagement with

the ELPQ-quizzes by the 659 students still engaged at the end of the module over four presentations,

with engagement by the same group of students on the six SPQ-quizzes.

Number of attempts at the quizzes.








Number of attempts at each quiz

15J 16J 17J 18J

Page 6: Final project report for eSTEeM project - Open University · 2019-12-10 · For the 16J presentation, the Staff Tutor on the module created a short survey containing questions about

Ryder, H. (2019) Use of STACK to generate formative assessment for Level 3 pure mathematics.

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Presentation PQ1 PQ2 PQ3 PQ4 PQ5 PQ6 ELPQ Number of students

15J 279 282 244 254 199 197 478 214

16J 298 286 209 236 205 186 410 210

17J 160 179 135 137 123 114 336 124

18J 109 137 101 104 88 81 483 111

There were considerably more attempts made by students finishing the module on the ELPQ-quiz than

there were on any of the SPQ-quizes. In addition a higher percentage of students engaged at least

once with the ELPQ-quiz than with most of the SPQs.

Percentage of students engaging with each of the six SPQ-quizes at least once.

Presentation SPQ1 SPQ2 SPQ3 SPQ4 SPQ5 SPQ6 ELPQ Number of students

15J 72% 71% 65% 68% 63% 60% 78% 214

16J 81% 70% 58% 65% 59% 61% 74% 210

17J 81% 82% 70% 70% 71% 64% 87% 124

18J 68% 76% 67% 69% 64% 56% 84% 111

One theme to emerge from the thematic analysis of the semi-structured interviews was the fact that

the students believed that the authors of the exam were the same as the authors of the ELPQ. For

example, one student said “I’m also thinking – hang on, someone’s made those quizzes up. The

chances are the people make these up have something to do with writing the exam“. It may be that

engagement with the exam like quizzes was higher for this reason.

Of the students answering the survey, 74% agreed or strongly agreed that the ELPQs helped them to

structure their revision and 76% agreed or strongly agreed that the ELPQs were generally helpful.








Percentage of students engaging at least once

15J 16J 17J 18J

Page 7: Final project report for eSTEeM project - Open University · 2019-12-10 · For the 16J presentation, the Staff Tutor on the module created a short survey containing questions about

Ryder, H. (2019) Use of STACK to generate formative assessment for Level 3 pure mathematics.

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Performance of students The score on M208, the precursor module, was used to establish a baseline value for each student in

the following. Therefore, only the 549 students who had available scores for both M303 and M208

were considered for this part of the analysis.

Grouping students by quiz engagement There is a positive correlation (0.55) between M208 exam score and quiz engagement

M208 score Number of students

Mean number of ELPQ-quiz attempts per student

Mean number of SPQ-quiz attempts per student

Mean number SPQ-quizzes attempted by each student*

Percentage of students with no attempts at ELPQ-quiz

85% and over 227 3.5 9.8 5.2 4.0

55% to 84% 240 2.6 6.1 4.1 15.8

54% or less 103 2.2 4.0 3.3 23.2 * There were six available SPQ quizzes that could be attempted.

Therefore the students were divided into three groups: 227 students who scored 85% or over on M208

(these roughly equate to students with a grade 1 pass on M208); 240 students who scored between

55% and 84% on M208 (these roughly equate to students with a grade 2 and grade 3 pass on M208)

and 82 students who scored less than 55% on M208 (these roughly equate to students with a grade 4

pass or a fail on M208).

Looking at these groups separately enabled a comparison to be made between the M303 scores of

groups of students who had very similar average M208 scores but different quiz behaviour profiles.

Students with 85% or over on M208

Number of quiz attempts

Number of students

Mean M208 score

Mean M303 score

3 or more 128 93.6% 84.4%

2 34 92.9% 83.2%

1 or fewer 65 92.9% 81.5%

Students scoring more than 85% on M208 who did the test three or more times appear to have higher

scores than those who did it two or fewer times (z-test score 1.48, p < 0.05).

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Ryder, H. (2019) Use of STACK to generate formative assessment for Level 3 pure mathematics.

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Students scoring between 55% and 84% on M208

Number of quiz attempts

Number of students

Mean M208 score

Mean M303 score

3 or more 85 71.9% 70.2%

2 33 71.8% 68.5%

1 or fewer 122 70.2% 57.0%

The scores of students scoring between 55% and 84% on M208 who have taken the ELPQ two or more

times appear higher than those how have taken it one or fewer times (z-test score 7.00, p < 0.01).

Students scoring less than 55% on M208

Number of quiz attempts

Number of students

Mean M208 score

Mean M303 score

3 or more 25 45.8% 47.1%

2 9 46.7% 42.7%

1 or fewer 48 45.1% 42.2%

Students scoring below 55% on M208 who did the test three or more times appeared to have higher

scores than those who did it two or fewer times (z-test score 1.36).

The z-test score and the difference in mean scores for students scoring between 55% and 84% on

M208 are particularly significant.

Grouping students by exam performance The difference between an individual’s examination score on M303 and score on M208 (as a

percentage of M208 score) was used in order to measure performance on M303 whilst taking into

account the student’s initial mathematical background knowledge.

There was a small positive correlation between the difference in score between M303 and M208

scores (as a percentage of M208 score) and the number of quiz attempts.

Correlation between score differences and ELPQ attempts: 0.189.

Correlation between score differences and other PQ attempts: 0.051.

Students were divided into two groups: those who had an M208 score that was either higher than

their M208 score or within 10% of their M208 score and students who scored more than 10% less on

M303 than on M208.

Page 9: Final project report for eSTEeM project - Open University · 2019-12-10 · For the 16J presentation, the Staff Tutor on the module created a short survey containing questions about

Ryder, H. (2019) Use of STACK to generate formative assessment for Level 3 pure mathematics.

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Number of students

Average M208 score

Average attempts at ELPQ-quiz

Average attempts at SPQ-quizzes

M303 score 90% or more of M208 score

295 76.8 3.5 7.9

M303 score less than 90% of M208

254 76.0 2.3 6.6

The numbers of attempts at the ELPQ-quiz made by students who’s M303 score was more than 90%

of their M208 score appeared higher than the numbers of attempts at the ELPQ-quiz made by students

who’s M303 score was more than 90% of their M208 score based on a z-test value of 4.02 (p < 0.01).

However, a z-test value of 1.23 showed no significant difference between the numbers of attempts at

the SPQ-quizzes between these two groups.

Confidence of students When asked to think about how they felt before seeing the exam, the survey respondents replied as


A thematic analysis [Braun and Clarke, 2006] of the transcripts of semi-structured interviews with 12

students was carried out. A number of themes emerged including:

• Mimicking the examination experience: when talking about what they actually did when attempting the ELPQs students appeared to be trying to create a realistic examination experience. When speaking of their solutions comments include “I would write them out as if I was writing out a full answer to an exam question”; “I felt that I needed to write them out – because I thought of myself as practising for the exam. That’s all part of it, isn’t it?”

• Preparedness: this was a strong theme with several subthemes. o Spotting gaps: students spoke of using the ELPQs to check how prepared they were.

“I did want to tackle them as if I had just been presented with them in an exam and then see how well I would do”; “the quizzes were essential to providing a check on ‘do I know this’ ”; “[the ELPQs] helped me see very quickly where my gaps were.”

o Confirming preparedness: students were also using them to confirm that they were indeed prepared. “I would use them to check before I moved forward.”

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Strongly agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

Using the exam-like practice quiz questions made me feel more confident about the M303 exam

Page 10: Final project report for eSTEeM project - Open University · 2019-12-10 · For the 16J presentation, the Staff Tutor on the module created a short survey containing questions about

Ryder, H. (2019) Use of STACK to generate formative assessment for Level 3 pure mathematics.

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o Gratitude and enjoyment: students did not view the ELPQs as part of the `standard offerings’ but as an extra bonus, for which they were thankful. “It must have taken some time to get them up there and I’m really grateful for that effort”; “I’m very grateful they were there, basically”; “I just think it was like a brilliant bonus”. “I really enjoyed the answers” This indicates that the students viewed the experience of using them positively and suggests that, for these students at least, the questions made them feel good by confirming that they were prepared for the exam (which would increase confidence levels) rather than highlighting a lack of preparedness.

Summary The above findings suggest that students may be more likely to engage with formative assessment in

the form of online practice questions if they believe them to be directly relevant to the exam.

Encouraging engagement is important because the results suggest that active engagement with online

practice questions may help performance at pure mathematics at Level 3, especially for students with

grade 2 or 3 passes in relevant modules at Level 2. Students can feel more confident if given plenty of

opportunity to self-test on resources specifically designed to mimic examinations.

Impact These results will be disseminated and will inform the development of other similar quizzes. In

addition, similar techniques could possibly be used to create TMAs, individualised TMAs or TMA-like


List of deliverables Intended publication.

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Ryder, H. (2019) Use of STACK to generate formative assessment for Level 3 pure mathematics.

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References Bandura, A., 1978. Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Advances in Behaviour

Research and Therapy, 1(4), pp.139-161.

Bandura, A., 1986. Social foundations of thought and action. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1986.

Borgonovi, F. and Pokropek, A., 2019. Seeing is believing: Task-exposure specificity and the

development of mathematics self-efficacy evaluations. Journal of Educational Psychology, 111(2),


Braun, V. and Clarke, V., 2006. Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative research in

psychology, 3(2), pp.77-101.

Chickering, A.W. and Gamson, Z.F., 1987. Seven principles for good practice in undergraduate

education. AAHE bulletin, 3, p.7.

Cross, S., Whitelock, D. and Mittelmeier, J., 2016. Does the quality and quantity of exam revision

impact on student satisfaction and performance in the exam itself? Perspectives from undergraduate

distance learners.

Dunlosky, J., Rawson, K.A., Marsh, E.J., Nathan, M.J. and Willingham, D.T., 2013. Improving students’

learning with effective learning techniques: Promising directions from cognitive and educational

psychology. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 14(1), pp.4-58.

Gibbs, G. and Simpson, C., 2005. Conditions under which assessment supports students’ learning.

Learning and teaching in higher education, (1), pp.3-31.

Greene, J.C., Caracelli, V.J. and Graham, W.F., 1989. Toward a conceptual framework for mixed-

method evaluation designs. Educational evaluation and policy analysis, 11(3), pp.255-274.

Greenhow, M., 2015. Effective computer-aided assessment of mathematics; principles, practice and

results. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA, 34(3), pp.117-


Johnson, R.B., Onwuegbuzie, A.J. and Turner, L.A., 2007. Toward a definition of mixed methods

research. Journal of mixed methods research, 1(2), pp.112-133.

Roediger III, H.L. and Butler, A.C., 2011. The critical role of retrieval practice in long-term retention.

Trends in cognitive sciences, 15(1), pp.20-27.

Sangwin, C.J., 2007. STACK: making many fine judgements rapidly. In CAME 2007–the fifth CAME

symposium (pp. 1-15).

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Ryder, H. (2019) Use of STACK to generate formative assessment for Level 3 pure mathematics.

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Appendices Example of short practice quiz question and solution (using STACK)

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Ryder, H. (2019) Use of STACK to generate formative assessment for Level 3 pure mathematics.

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Example of long exam-like question



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Ryder, H. (2019) Use of STACK to generate formative assessment for Level 3 pure mathematics.

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Ryder, H. (2019) Use of STACK to generate formative assessment for Level 3 pure mathematics.

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Semi structured interview questions


First some short background questions

1. Were you doing any modules alongside M303? If so which ones? 2. Did you use the exam-like practice quizzes? 3. Did you use the other practice quizzes?

Practice quizzes – motivation

4. Why did you look at the ELPQs?

• (If they say that this was because the MT mentioned them - Were they as you expected? )

How did they use them

5. As a rule, did you print the questions? Or were you usually happy to work with the questions online?

6. Did you write out solutions?

• (If not then did you think through the solution before checking the answer, or did you just read it?)

7. Did you find that you could get the correct answer even if you didn’t understand the theory? 8. Did you feel that you learnt anything new from the ELPQs?

Effect of ELPQs on Exam experience

9. Did attempting the ELPQs make you feel better prepared for the exam?

• And when you saw the exam did this perception change?

Thoughts about the ELPQs

10. Did the quizzes help you structure your revision?

• If so, in what ways? If not, can you say why? 11. What was the most helpful thing about the ELPQs for you? 12. Did the quizzes help you to familiarise yourself with the `question types’ that appeared in the

exam? 13. For you, how might the ELPQs be improved? 14. Please give me any other thoughts you have about the ELPQs.

We now have a few final questions about how you approach learning mathematics, thinking

particularly about M303.

15. Did you usually look at the TMA before or after reading the text books? 16. The study planner on M303 lists some parts as `non-essential’. Did you know this?

• If yes then - did you read the non-essential parts of M303? 17. How do you usually approach revision? (sub-text – do they usually rely on past papers.)

Is there anything else that you would like to add?