final project-chambers

Images, Audio, Video- Oh My! No need to fear- easy and free technology ahead By Lesa Chambers Bolger, Ray. Lions and Tigers and Bears. Digital image. Hark. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 July 2014. http ://

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  • 1.Images, Audio, Video- Oh My! No need to fear- easy and free technology ahead By Lesa Chambers Bolger, Ray. Lions and Tigers and Bears. Digital image. Hark. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 July 2014.

2. Images According to Wikipedia, the adage A picture is worth a thousand words refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image. It also aptly characterizes one of the main goals of visualization, namely making it possible to absorb large amounts of data quickly. The expression Use a picture. Its worth a thousand words. appears in a 1911 newspaper article quoting newspaper editor Arthur Brisbane discussing journalism and publicity. 3. VanNostrand,D.AbrahamLincoln,presidentoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica.Digitalimage.WikiMediaCommons.N.p.,n.d.Web.26 July2014..Source:Moore,Frank,ed.PortraitGalleryofthe War.NewYork:D.VanNostrand,1865. 4. Barnes&Company,Publisher,A.S.BattleBetweentheMonitorandMerrimac,fromanoldwoodengraving.Digitalimage.WikiMedia Commons.N.p.,n.d.Web.26July2014.. 5. unningCheetahSpeedAnimalFastMammalSpots.Digitalimage.Pixabay.N.p.,7May2012.Web.26July2014. tp:// 6. idseagerlyparticipateinadiscussionabouteatingwholefoods.Digitalimage.DavisFoodCo-op.N.p.,n.d.Web.26July2014. tp:// 7. herbee,Katie.PickaPartner:Whataretherules?Digitalimage.DivingforPearls.N.p.,26Mar.2012.Web.26July2014. 8. 9. ImageChef 10. Audio- Narrable 11. Bird Story 12. Video- PowToons 13. Mission Impossible 14. Animoto Art Portfolio 15. Challenges animoto 16. Hatchet animoto book preview- upgraded version "Hatchet Book Trailer." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 31 July 2014.