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Yoga 4 Change Campaign plan book.


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2 3Table of ContentsTable of Contents .....................................2Letter From The Director ..........................4Mission Statement ....................................5Agency Departments .......................... 6-7Client Background ...................................8Executive Summary ......................... 10-11S.W.O.T. Analysis ................................ 12-14Situation Analysis ....................................16Primary Research ............................. 18-28Similar Organizations ..............................30Audience Analysis ............................ 32-33The Campaign ................................. 34-35

Creative Concepts .......................... 36-42Website Analysis .....................................44Public Service Announcements ..... 46-47Events Analysis .................................. 48-62Press Release ..........................................64Social Media Analysis ...................... 66-71Campaign Timeline ......................... 72-75Campaign Budget ........................... 76-78Evaluations ........................................ 80-82Thank You Letter .....................................84Sources ....................................................86

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4 5Mission StatementPandion & Partners is a boutique, full-service communication agency located in Jacksonville, Fla. Utilizing innovative strategies, Pandion & Partners is dedicated to providing personalized services with a holistic approach for its clients by investing in a diverse crop of talent stemming from a variety of industries in order to complement a client’s individual needs. With Pandion & Partners, you are not just another client; you are a member of our family.

Letter From The DirectorAs the Pandion & Partners team began to brainstorm what the focus of our

campaign would become, we found ourselves continuously stumbling over one particular word: impact. That is when it clicked for us as a team that what makes Yoga 4 Change special is their impact at the individual level: the men, women, and children that take part in and benefit the most from Yoga 4 Change’s programming. That one word, impact, has become the central pillar of this campaign and conveying that message to the Jacksonville community has become our primary mission.

The 20 remarkably talented men and women who make up the Pandion & Partners team have worked tirelessly to develop a campaign that we truly believe will allow Yoga 4 Change to spread their message of hope and wellness on a transcendent level. We have been inspired by the individual stories of those positively impacted by Yoga 4 Change and it has culminated in a campaign that will allow the organization to connect with donors, motivate volunteers and create a community of benefactors dedicated to seeing Yoga 4 Change succeed.

On behalf of Pandion & Partners, I would like to thank Yoga 4 Change’s founder, Kathryn Thomas and her incredibly dedicated staff for their unwavering support to our campaign. We have been extremely fortunate to have such a unique philanthropic organization as our client, and it has helped us develop a campaign that we are confident will allow Yoga 4 Change to receive the recognition and resources it deserves to thrive and continue to positively impact lives across the city.


Chase Grant Campaign Director Pandion & Partners

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6 7Agency Departments

Leadership TeamJolisa Brinson, Chase Grant, Sara Adams and Brad Trent

Communication TeamLogan Effertz, Katelyn Raulerson, Nathan Niedel and Kylie Herman

Creative TeamAlec Goldman, Travis Waagner

and Nicolas Toporcov

Writing TeamLauren Hanna and Sy Soni

Media TeamErica Baker and Chelsea Coleman

Research TeamCourtney Manley, Natalie Fernandez

and Yazzmine Colbert

Events TeamKatie Jackson and Ashley Ruiz

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8 Client BackgroundFounded by Kathryn Thomas in 2014, Yoga 4 Change (Y4C) is a non-profit organization seeking to use yoga as a powerful tool for change and bring peace, balance, strength and wisdom to the lives of at-risk and underserved members of the community.

Y4C takes its message to prisons, schools with at-risk youth and to military veterans, aiming to instill hope and promote a positive outlook in their lives.

Simply put, Y4C’s mission is “to promote healthy living and foster self-confidence among veterans, inmates, at-risk youth and those suffering from substance abuse through the teachings and practices of yoga.”

Original Logo

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10 11YOGACHANGEExecutive Summary

Yoga 4 Change (Y4C) is a non-profit organization in Jacksonville, Fla. that promotes healthy living and fosters self-confidence in veterans, inmates and at-risk youth through the teaching and practicing of yoga. Y4C is an organization in its infancy from a fundraising standpoint, but due to their status as One Spark winners, have substantial name recognition in the Jacksonville community. Pandion & Partners designed the IMPACT campaign to further increase that recognition on social media and with donors in a particular demographic. Furthermore, Pandion & Partners set out to raise $40,000 to offset the cost of the IMPACT campaign and provide Y4C with adequate funding for programming.

Target Profile: The agency chose to target two specific audiences from which to try and increase Y4C’s exposure in the Jacksonville area. The first are those that the agency considers the “donor demographic” that are established professionals between the ages of 35-54 who have disposable income from which to donate to charitable causes and who seek to actively donate to charities. This audience will be targeted with more traditional means, including video and collateral brochures. The secondary audience is young professionals aged 24-34 who strongly relate to philanthropic causes focused on children and veterans in particular. These individuals will be targeted through social media primarily, with the intent of eventually converting them into long-term benefactors of Y4C.

Impact Social Media Campaign: On March 1, 2016, a viral campaign will kick off the IMPACT campaign through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to spread awareness of the Y4C mission and specific individuals who benefit from their programing. It will use imagery to generate buzz and center around community involvement to spread information about Y4C and the IMPACT campaign virally. This will target both audiences.

Fundraising Events: By utilizing several partnerships with local area restaurants through “kickback” opportunities, awareness will continue while also allowing Y4C to receive donations for their programming to help offset current costs. Additionally, a celebration of yoga at Hemming Park will occur on International Yoga Day, where both awareness and fundraising will have equal focus.

Late Night Happy Hour at Blackfinn - May 20 Mellow Mushroom, Burrito Gallery, Taverna San Marco events: see campaign calendar on page 76International Yoga Day: June 21

Corporate Sponsors and Video Campaign: In order to encourage corporate sponsorships, Wellness Weeks will be held at various corporations within Jacksonville that will be sponsored by Y4C. These are designed to target corporate donors who can potentially support Y4C through large capital investments and long-term partnerships. During these weeks, increased emphasis will be placed on how these healthy habits have an impact on Y4C participants at the individual level. To supplement this, a redesigned corporate sponsorship package will be presented for sponsors to have an extensive overview of the benefits of Y4C sponsorship.

Several PSAs and viral videos will be distributed through social media and traditional means over the course of the campaign that each have specific designs and audience targets outlined hereafter. These do not primarily have corporate intentions, but rather target the primary and secondary audiences in order to give overviews of both the Impact campaign and Y4C as a whole. Collateral brochures and event flyers will subsequently supplement all of the aforementioned tactics in order to appeal to our primary audience.

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12 13YOGACHANGES.W.O.T. Analysis

A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis is a step-by-step breakdown of an organization’s multiple facets of operation and how they can contribute to or hinder a public relations and advertising campaign. By identifying the internal and external factors that dictate an organization’s day-to-day function, the SWOT analysis is a critical tool for developing a direct and functional public relations strategy for the client.


• Yoga 4 Change (Y4C) is a unique philanthropic cause that stands out among other area organizations due to its use of yoga to promote mindfulness and physical wellness.

• The mission of Y4C targets a diverse set of demographics (children, inmates, veterans) with their programming giving the organization versatility and mass appeal.

• By using certified yoga instructors to teach all classes, Y4C exudes professional credibility when conducting programming.

• Due to accessible, small-scale and public classes, Y4C can connect with individuals on a personal level rarely achieved by other non-profit organizations.

• Y4C possesses significant name recognition in the downtown Jacksonville community, following their One Spark win.

• Strong presence on social media with regular posts and attempts to engage audience response.

• Y4C staff and board have varied PR, marketing and non-profit backgrounds that allow them diverse perspectives on how to approach issues and grow the organization.

• Partnerships with local yoga studios give Y4C supplementary exposure and volunteer support from the yoga community.


• Other than One Spark recognition, Y4C is a relatively unknown commodity outside of the immediate Jacksonville area.

• Y4C does not have an established, loyal donor base, which significantly hampers income.

• There are currently no corporate sponsors who have endorsed Y4C or its programming, due in part to the lack of a corporate sponsorship package.

• Staff is limited in how quickly they can develop programming and content or expand the organization.

• A key intended audience for Y4C is middle-aged males, yet a majority of yoga participants are middle-aged females.

• Lack of fundraising power or ability to draw in steady and visible income.


• Young organization with lots of potential for growth in donor engagement, program reach and general awareness.

• Potential to eventually expand programming outside of Jacksonville.• A unique, untapped market from which to perpetrate organic, positive

change for at-risk youth, inmates and veterans.• Jacksonville is a large business hub with plenty of potential corporate

sponsors looking to subsidize philanthropic causes.• Yoga is a popular form of physical fitness, expression and an effective

tool to teach mindfulness and its popularity makes Y4C a very accessible organization.

• Create a core of loyal, recurring donors who actively support Y4C’s programming and help them grow over time.

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• Not developing consistent private donations to maintain programming threate n organization in the long term.

• Garnering no corporate support can hamper overall visibility of Y4C as well as financial stability.

• Too much focus on older donors now could alienate younger demographics or future donors.

• Jacksonville community does not routinely take initiative to support causes without some sort of personal incentive.

• Not being able to truly measure and convey the impact Y4C has on its participants with detailed data and support.

• Stagnation in programming could turn off donors, volunteers and participants.

• Too much expansion too quickly could cause financial strain.

S.W.O.T. Analysis

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16 Situation AnalysisY4C is a nonprofit organization that promotes healthy living while fostering self-confidence among veterans, inmates, at-risk youth and those suffering from substance abuse.

The challenge Y4C faces is garnering both awareness of its mission and sustainable funding. Leveraging social media, combined with noteworthy events and inspirational multimedia content, will provide the organization with the growth it seeks.

Y4C has active social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter), but there is a lack of qualitative content, engagement and critically a call to action. In short, Y4C has not leveraged its social media accounts to their fullest potential. A strong social media plan will create followers, prompt feedback and initiate conversations. As a result, Y4C brand awareness will begin to flourish.

Changing bodies isn’t the only thing that Y4C does. The organization teaches yoga at more than 21 locations in Jacksonville and works with at-risk youth and underserved community members. Y4C is also changing minds and empowering individuals with the lessons of yoga and applying them to daily life.

As an organization that is in its infancy, which has been established for just more than a year, Kathryn Thomas, the organization’s director, discovered the first-hand benefits of yoga when she started taking yoga classes after her military career came to an end. Realizing that yoga can help people facing varying degrees of challenges, from the prison population to at-risk youth, Y4C was founded to promote healthy living and establish and increase confidence in veterans, at-risk youth, individuals suffering from substance abuse, trauma and much more by creating a way to control impulses.

Since Y4C is an organization in its infancy, donations are a vital aspect of the campaign. By understanding the organization’s demographic, Y4C will be able to obtain and retain the required donors it will need to fuel its growth and attention.

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18 19YOGACHANGEPrimary Research

Survey Analysis

Pandion & Partners conducted a weeklong survey that consisted of 17 questions. The statistical breakdown in responses is as follows:

Figure A: Three respondents skipped this question

● 317 respondents● 45 respondents identified as men, accounting for 14.4 percent of respondents● 268 respondents identified as women, accounting for 85.6 percent of

respondents● 50.79 percent of respondents were between the ages of 18 and 30● 33.75 percent of respondents were between the ages of 31 and 45● 6.94 percent of respondents were between the ages of 46 and 55● 8.52 percent of respondents were age 55 and older.

Out of 317 respondents, there were 129 unique ZIP codes entered. The top three areas in Jacksonville were 32224, 32246 and 32250.

According to PRIZM, ZIP code 32224 has a population of 39,180 with an average age of 33 and an average annual income is $58,600. Residents in this ZIP code are upper-middle class singles. This demographic spends a lot of time on the Internet and reading magazines. They think of their phones as their lifelines.

According to PRIZM, ZIP code 32246 has a population of 52,573 with an average age of 34 and an average annual income is $51,000. Residents in this ZIP code are middle-aged singles. This demographic spends a lot of money on technology, and when it comes to mainstream media, they enjoy reality-based programs and late-night talk shows. Although they rarely read newspapers, they do subscribe to magazines that cover sports, technology, pop culture and music.

According to PRIZM, ZIP code 32250 has a population of 28,325 with an average age of 41 and an average annual income of $55,600. Residents in this ZIP code are upper-middle class singles. This demographic consists of heavy technology users, which means they’re tech savvy. They participate in fantasy sports and are indulged in pop culture and social media.

$10K - $30K $31K - $50K $51K - $80K $81K – $100K $100K+110 people 62 people 69 people 26 people 44 people

35.4 percent 19.9 percent 22.2 percent 8.4 percent 14.1 percent

Figure B: Seven respondents skipped this question

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1. Have you heard of Yoga 4 Change?

Figure 1: Three respondents skipped this question

2. If yes, where did you hear about them?• Social media: 24 respondents or 7.7 percent of total respondents• One Spark: 21 respondents or 6.7 percent of total respondents• Does not apply to me: 268 respondents or 85.6 percent of total respondents• 4 people skipped

3. What motivates you to donate to a charity?• Personal connection to cause: 179 respondents or 57 percent of total

respondents• Tax write-off: 6 respondents or 1.9 percent of total respondents• Paying it forward: 109 respondents or 34.7 percent of total respondents• Other: 20 respondents or 6.4 percent of total respondents

• 5 people skipped*Most people wanted to choose multiple answers

4. How often do you donate to a charity?• Yearly: 125 respondents or 39.8 percent of total respondents• Monthly: 69 respondents or 22 percent of total respondents• Never: 35 respondents or 11.1 percent of total respondents• Quarterly: 85 respondents or 27.1 percent of total respondents• 3 people skipped

5. What charities would you typically donate to?• Children-oriented: 146 respondents or 45.9 percent of total respondents• Veterans: 24 respondents or 7.5 percent of total respondents• Homeless: 17

respondents or 5.3 percent of total respondents

• Faith-based: 61 respondents or 19.2 percent of total respondents

• Other: 70 respondents or 22 percent of total respondents

• Top 3: Animal (16), Medical (13), All of the above (5)

• 3 people skippedFigure 2: Three respondents skipped this question

Primary Research

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6. How do you receive your news?

Figure 3: Three respondents skipped this question

• Radio: 12 respondents or 3.8 percent of total respondents• Newspaper: 6 respondents or 1.9 percent of total respondents• TV: 72 respondents or 22.9 percent of total respondents• Social media: 156 respondents or 49.7 percent of total respondents• News websites: 68 respondents or 21.7 percent of total respondents• 3 people skipped

7. What type of fundraising event would you most likely to attend?• Run: 83 respondents or 26.4 percent of total respondents• Benefit concert: 153 respondents or 48.7 percent of total respondents• Silent Auction: 29 respondents or 9.2 percent of total respondents• Sending money in the mail: 49 respondents or 15.6 percent of total

respondents• 3 people skipped

8. How much money would you spend to purchase a ticket for a donation-based event?

• $10 to $39: 179 respondents or 57.2 percent of total respondents• $40 to $70: 97 respondents 31 percent of respondents• $71 to $100: 27 respondents or 8.6 percent of total respondents• $101- $150: 4 respondents or 1.3 percent of respondents • $150+: 6 respondents or 1.9 percent of total respondents • 4 people skipped

9. In which area of town would you most likely attend a donation-based event?• Northside: 17 respondents or 5.4 percent of total respondents • Southside: 40 respondents or 12.7 percent of total respondents • Westside: 6 respondents or 1.9 percent of total respondents • Beaches: 153 respondents or 48.7 percent of total respondents • Downtown: 98 respondents or 31.2 percent of total respondents • 3 people skipped

Primary Research

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10. What social media sites do you use the most to find events?

Figure 4: Three respondents skipped this question

• Facebook: 292 respondents or 93 percent of total respondents • Instagram: 16 respondents or 5.1 percent of total respondents • Twitter: 4 respondents or 1.3 percent of total respondents • Snapchat: 1 respondent 0.3 percent of total respondents • LinkedIn: 1 respondent 0.3 percent of total respondents • 3 people skipped

11. Are you more likely to donate to a charity if family or friends do?• Yes: 198 respondents or 63.5 percent of total respondents • No: 114 respondents or 36.5 percent of total respondents • 5 people skipped

12. Do you agree or disagree with this statement: “Yoga has the ability to change and transform lives.”

• Agree: 235 respondents or 76.3 percent of total respondents • Disagree: 73 respondents or 23.7 percent of total respondents

13. Do you agree/disagree that being charitable (donating to or volunteering at charity) makes you feel connected to your community?

Figure 6: Three people skipped this question

• Agree: 294 respondents or 93.6 percent of total respondents • Disagree: 20 respondents or 6.4 percent of total respondents

Primary Research

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Key Interviews

Pandion & Partners conducted eight key interviews of influential people in the community who have knowledge of fundraising and donate to charity, as well as four focus groups (with three to four participants in each focus group). These influential people are members of Generation X and either own their own businesses or have served as board members at a non-profit or work in the field of fundraising.

Below are the following key interview questions. The agency summarized the answers from interviewees to gain insight on their motivations for being charitable.

1. What helps you decide what charities you support?• Participants agreed that local impact was a significant factor in

choosing what charities they support. Participants also stated a personal connection to the cause is a factor as well as transparency, which is knowing where and how the money is spent.

2. What reasons would prevent you from donating to a charity?• Participants stated misappropriation of funds, such as high administrative

costs, would prevent them from donating to charity. They also mentioned poor leadership, a redundant cause or bad reputation as factors that would prevent them from donating to a cause.

3. What makes a charity seem legitimate? What makes you trust them?• Participants stated transparency and a good reputation instill trust in

a charity. Participants agreed that third-party endorsements through recognition awards are also helpful. They also mentioned a clear fiscal responsibility report is necessary in proving legitimacy.

4. What makes a cause sympathetic to you?• Participants stated a personal connection or an appeal to their emotions

is what makes a cause sympathetic to them. If the cause relates to friends and family, they’ll be more inclined to support it.

5. Which fundraiser would you most likely participate in: a run, silent auction or a bowling night with a Jacksonville Jaguars player and why?

• Five people agreed on a run, because it’s a family effort and an opportunity to exercise while helping the cause.

• One person said a silent auction, because it’s easier to provide a gift certificate than actual time. Another person said the general public is more able to participate in a run.

• Three people agreed that they like a Jaguars event because they are fans of the football team. However, participants were confused about how the activity of bowling connected to yoga.

6. Which logo below do you like the most? Why?• Overall, all liked the yellow logo because it’s eye-catching and more

attractive than the blue one.

• One person mentioned that the blue logo looked corporate and more official, adding to the company’s credibility.

Primary Research

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28 Primary ResearchProfessional Analysis

Pandion & Partners met with the president and creative director of On Ideas, an advertising agency in downtown Jacksonville, to critique our creative and communication tactics.

The agency presented the redesigned logo with the font and color change. On Ideas felt Pandion & Partners had a fresh and modern twist on the original logo that flowed with the rest of the brand. One tip proposed by On Ideas to help make the Yoga 4 Change logo more visible was to create a larger outline stroke on the ”4” in the logo in order for the form to be bolder. For the brochure created by the agency for a takeaway collateral piece, On Ideas believed it unified the overall branding of Yoga 4 Change and what this organization represents.

Pandion & Partners also edited the hierarchy of information within all of the pieces that were created to effectively reach the target audience. For example, in the Casino Night event poster, the agency placed emphasis on the visual aspect to grasp the audience interest, then focused on the information. On Ideas was pleased with cohesiveness of the creative collateral.

For the video PSAs, On Ideas liked the authenticity of the footage. For the yoga teaser video, the creative director thought it was calming and strongly resembled an industry teaser that would reach the target demographic. In the donor video, On Ideas mentioned it has a strong connection with the audience and gives them a reason to donate. Lastly, the IMPACT videos depicted an essence of unity and diversity.

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30Yoga Gangsters

Yoga Gangsters is a non-profit organization located in Miami. Their mission is to empower youth by addressing the symptoms of trauma and poverty using the practice of yoga, delivering messages of empowerment around self-respect, self-control and self-awareness. Yoga Gangsters serves underserved communities by providing free yoga classes, teaching the practice of yoga to kids in crisis and at-risk youth in schools, jails, youth centers, homeless shelters, rehabs, foster centers and through other non-profits organizations. Yoga Gangsters has also raised funds to support global projects.


In-Powered is a non-profit organization located in Houston. They believe in using yoga to create life-changing opportunities. Their mission is to help students, inmates, veterans and juvenile justice centers. In-Powered receives support from donations of money, supplies and time from volunteers. In-Powered believes in spreading yoga worldwide by partnering with Africa Yoga Project, both hosting a service trip to Kenya with a fundraising commitment of $4,000.

Yoga4Change, located in Connecticut

Yoga4Change is a non-profit organization that partners with Meriden’s Women and Families Center, located in Meriden, Conn. Their mission is to empower individuals facing barriers to life success through the health and wellness benefits of mindfulness-based hatha yoga. Yoga4Change provides classes in their Meriden studio and at on-site locations for partner agencies.

Similar Organizations

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Millennials (Born 1980-2000, currently ages 15-34)• 83 percent of millennials ages 18 to 29 use social networking sites on a regular basis,

as do 73 percent of teens• Least charitable generation• This generation is more motivated to give time or share something such as using a

specific hashtag rather than giving money to an organization.• Responds best to personal success stories from the company where they’re able to

see the impact of the organization they are choosing to support•Millennials prefer smartphones to any other device.• 83 percent of millennials donate to charity, with 84 percent of those donations

being made online (58 percent of the donations are $100 or less) and 91 percent of millennials review a nonprofit’s website before making a donation.

• They are more likely to donate to a nonprofit directly from a social networking site or through text message than any other generation

Generation X (Born 1965-1979, currently ages 35-49)•Gives twice as much to charity versus millennials•Composed of 46 million Americans who donate approximately 20 percent of all

giving in the U.S.• 77 percent use social networking sites, and they are more likely to own a tablet

than any other generation• Prefer donating online in amounts ranging from $100 to $499 annually

Audience AnalysisBaby Boomers (Born 1946-1964, currently ages 50-68)• Print readership is the highest among boomers•On average, boomers spend 19 hours a week online, and 71 percent use a social

networking site daily, with Facebook being the most popular• 36 percent of boomers ages 50 and over own a smartphone, and 32 percent own

a tablet• Boomers control 70 percent of disposable income in the U.S., and spend nearly $7

billion per year online on consumer purchases• 54 percent of boomer donors still mail checks to nonprofits, donating more than $47

billion annually• In 2012, 58 percent of boomers donated online compared to 44 percent in 20

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The CampaignGoal, Strategies, Objectives and Tactics

Campaign Duration: March 2016 - April 2017


To increase overall awareness of Yoga 4 Change (Y4C) in the Jacksonville area and secure active donors in order for Y4C to foster organizational growth and secure financial stability. Strategy

Objective 1Spread mission and purpose of Y4C to targeted Jacksonville audiences through the “IMPACT 4 Change” campaign, designed specifically to use events, PSAs and collateral to highlight the benefits of Y4C programming at an individual level.

Objective 2To offset the cost of yoga instructors and general programming, set an attainable fundraising goal of $40,000 to allow expansion of programs to different locations, as well as pay for staff and facilities. Utilize fundraising events and streamline web donation capabilities to allow ease of access for future contributors to donate to Y4C.

Objective 3 In order to secure financial stability, Y4C must engage individuals across all demographics to gain monetary support for such a worthy cause unique to the Jacksonville area. By growing the donor base, Y4C can ensure that their mission remains a prominent part of the Jacksonville non-profit community.


1. Increase awareness of Yoga 4 Change in the Jacksonville area by 30 percent by April 2017.

2. Raise $40,000 in donations over the course of the IMPACT 4 Change campaign.

3. Increase number of private, independent donors to Yoga 4 Change by 30 percent (compare donor databases in February 2016 and April 2017, before and after campaign).

Target audience

Primary: Established donors (based on research) ages 35-54 Secondary: “Young professionals” ages 24-34


Objective 1Social media PSA, Brochure, “So You Think You Can Yoga” social media campaign, International Yoga Day, new merchandise and apparel, IMPACT Pamphlets

Objective 2 IMPACT video, “Kickback” events, Health Week events, Casino Night event, sponsorship package, Y4C informational brochure

Objective 3Donor PSA, sponsorship package, fundraising events (kickbacks, Casino Night), Y4C informational brochure, streamlined donation process on website

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36 37YOGACHANGECreative Concepts

Yoga 4 Change LogosModern update with color-change and font-change to stand out more.

Also, Two different versions adequate to a specific medium.




Bold VersionThe bold version of the logo is best suited for the majority of collateral that includes digital media and larger print items. The larger stroke on the “4” and on the type

is reader-friendly and provides prime aesthetics.

Light VersionThe light version of the logo is best

utilized for smaller print materials, such as letterheads, brochures, contact cards, print

advertisements, etc.

High Contrast VersionThis version of the logo is recommended when the readability of the logotype is reduced when placed against a dark


Impact Campaign LogoModern logo using a second pallete color while remaining faithful to the brand.


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IMPACT PamphletFocuses more on the individual impact of Yoga 4 Change as well as the significance of the organization within the Jacksonville community. Additionally, the pamphlet reflects

the general mission of the organization.

Creative Concepts

Front Closed Back Closed

Inside Open

Sponsorship PacketGain corporate backing to support Yoga 4 Change and strengthen donor base.

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40 41YOGACHANGECreative Concepts

ApparelPromote brand image and sell as merchandise during events.

Contact CardsUpdated contact cards to match new brand colors.

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42 Letter Template

Updated template for the campaign and to match the new brand colors.

Address Address 10101 East Duval St Jacksonville, FL

Dear Donor,

I founded Yoga 4 Change in March of 2014 after being told I would never fly helicopters for the Navy again. Being a Navy brat, I thought once I became a pilot I had finally accomplished my lifetime goals. When I fell, in a split second, everything I thought and believed to be true felt like it vanished. This led me wanting to start an organization that dealt with unexpected trauma in a new way. Helping veterans who are dealing with PTSD, inmates who are incarcerated, at-risk youth living in residential facilities and those who are struggling with sub-stance abuse find a way to deal with their past and move forward to contribut-ing to our society in the future.

Yoga 4 Change is a 501(c)(3) organization based in Jacksonville, Fla. Our mission is to promote healthy living and foster self-confidence among veterans, inmates, at-risk youth and those suffering from substance abuse through the teachings and practices of yoga.

In the past 18 months, our teachers have taught more than 4,500 students in more than 45 facilities. We created a theme-based curriculum, staying away from yogic philosophy, Sanskrit, ohming and chakras. By speaking to our students, and allowing them to identify problems occurring in their present life, we allow them to identify problems that might have played a factor in their placement in the facilities that we currently serve.

Additionally, our work with at-risk youth living in residential facilities has created positive change inside each facility outside of those specifically who attend our classes. Program managers have reported a decrease in overall violent outbursts in their facilities, as well as an increase in impulse control. Our students have become leaders among their peers, demonstrating a new way of interacting with those in leadership roles as well as with their contemporaries.

With your financial support, you are allowing Yoga 4 Change to increase our student base.

Sincerely,Kathryn Thomas


Creative Concepts

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44 45YOGACHANGEWebsite Analysis

The purpose of altering websites is to establish an online presence, maximize site views and enhance donation potential. Pandion & Partners analyzed the current Yoga 4 Change website and found that Y4C can enhance the utilization of their website to attract their target audience.

The following items are website enhancing suggestions:

● Change domain from to and use new domain in all promotional materials

● Altered color scheme on the website for a neutral and aesthetically pleasing combination

● Increased use of pictures● Pictures relatable to the brand and image Yoga 4 Change wants to portray ● Increased donation options that are readily available to website viewers● A more prominent logo that serves as a focal point

Y4C can engage its audience by adding emotionally appealing pictures. The agency suggests pictures on the website of individuals of all ages doing yoga, Y4C educators and those that have felt a positive impact. A landing picture on the donation page can be successful by incorporating the Yoga 4 Change logo to the forefront. Donations have the opportunity to be maximized with a recurring donation button. PayPal serves as the most accessible option ensuring donation accuracy. The agency also suggests having a more consistent color scheme throughout the Yoga 4 Change website.

Landing page

Examples of donations

become visible when

scrolling down

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The communications team will produce a 20-second radio PSA highlighting the Celebration of Impact event, which will take place at the Jacksonville Public Library on March 24th. The event will feature cocktails, table games, dancing and a silent auction.

The communications team will also produce a 30-second radio PSA to boost awareness of the organization within the Jacksonville area providing information in regards to the services provided by the organization.

Public Service Announcements

Pandion & Partners created three separate videos to use for video PSAs. The first video is to attract potential donors and inform them of the mission of Yoga 4 Change (Y4C) and why donations can benefit both the donor and Y4C. The video features several Y4C instructors explaining who they are and discussing why they are so passionate about Y4C. This video will be featured on the Y4C website. If the viewer is compelled to donate after watching the video, there is easy access to the donation page. This video helps with the success of the third campaign objective, which is to increase donations by 30 percent.

The second video is designed to primarily target millennials (between 18-24 years of age) engaged in social media. This demographic was chosen because 53 percent of Instagram users are between the ages of 18 and 24. According to Pew Internet Research, almost half of Instagram users are on the platform daily. This teaser is designed to boost Y4C followers on Instagram. With a large follower base, more of the secondary target audience will be aware of Y4C and the events they produce. This ties into the first campaign objective to increase social media awareness by 30 percent. The mood of the video is a peaceful and depicts that yoga can be done anywhere because it is an introspective exercise.

The third video can be sectioned into three different parts with each being ten seconds long. The videos are short and ideal for use on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. This video highlights the agency’s suggested hashtag #ImpactForChange and is paired with different shots of a variety of individuals practicing yoga. These individuals talk about what yoga means to them and how it impacted their life.

A Celebration of Impact Radio PSA

*Insert sounds of slot machines, poker chips, background noise, clinking glasses.*


Yoga 4 Change presents Casino Night: A Celebration of Impact at the Downtown Jacksonville Library on Friday, March 24th. Join us for a night of Blackjack, Texas Hold Ém, Craps, cocktails, and a silent auction. For more event information, sponsorships, and to purchase tickets, visit

Y4C Radio PSAMale: Yoga 4 Change helps me to feel at peace.Woman: Yoga 4 Change helped me through some really tough times.Veteran: As a veteran, Yoga 4 Change has transformed my life completelyEveryone: Thanks Yoga 4ChangeAnnouncer: As a teacher for Yoga 4 Change, we’ve been given the opportunity to benefit those from a variety of walks of life. We are dedicated to impacting the lives of those we serve because yoga changed ours. It’s not just a change for the body, it’s a change for life. If you would like to find out more information on how to get involved or donate, visit us at

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48 49YOGACHANGEEvents Analysis

Products to Sell at Events

Tanks and shirts cost approximately $7 each to produce 200 total, and can be sold for $20 at events throughout the campaign. The initial investment is $1,400, and profits from Late Night Happy Hours and Kickback events recouperate the initial investment of apparel.

Contact Information:Horizon Promotional ProductsEmail: [email protected]

Late Night Happy Hour at Blackfinn

Benefits: Blackfinn is a popular, centrally located restaurant for happy hours and charity events. The venue is very accommodating and assists with promotions in the weeks leading up to the event. It is a simple event with minimal costs, including a Y4C- branded table cloth, which could be reused for future events. There is also potential for walk-up traffic, which provides Y4C the opportunity to educate people on their mission.

Advertising: Posts on Y4C’s social media, the calendar of events on Y4C’s website and Blackfinn’s social media channels

Details: Y4C must show up roughly one hour before the event to set up a table using the branded tablecloth and apparel to sell. A $10 suggested donation receives one free drink and a raffle ticket. Additional tickets will be sold at $10 for five raffle tickets. Blackfinn will provide a $50 giftcard for the raffle, and Y4C should collect at least eight other donation items.

Location: Blackfinn Ameripub at the St. Johns Town Center

Date and Time of Event: May 20, from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Contact Information:Brittani Dister, Special Events Coordinator, [email protected]

Costs Breakdown: Branded Table Cloth: $225;Tracey Phillips, Promotional Presence, [email protected] Swiper: Free by registering at Table with informational pamphlets: Free because of existing pamphlets

Total Cost of Event: $225

Profits: $700 to $1,400 depending on attendance, raffle tickets, donations and apparel sales

Yoga 4 Change International Yoga Day

Benefits: The goal of International Yoga Day is to create media attention. The event provides a family-friendly atmosphere and conveniently fits into Y4C’s weekly yoga classes at Hemming Park.

Advertising: Posters on social media and media attention Details: Invite at least 10 yoga studios and MBody Yoga to sponsor tables. Y4C should ask for a $100 donation from each sponsor to cover event costs. A text-to-donate option will be available at the event. We suggest using MobileCause ( Y4C should invite food truck vendors with healthy menu options to promote a healthy lifestyle. Some suggestions are Berry Good Farms, Wrap it Up and GuanaBana Ice Pops. The food trucks will set up in Hemming Park, and Y4C can request the food trucks donate 10 percent of their profits to take part in the event.

Location: Hemming Park

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Date and Time of Event: June 21, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Contact Information: Kayla Hughes, Programming & Volunteer CoordinatorEmail: [email protected]: 904-515-5098Jax Truckies: [email protected] and

Cost Breakdown: $100 application fee for Hemming Park: Make sure to apply 15 business days ahead of time to ensure discount, and the website suggests three to six months ahead of time to secure the space. $425 to reserve Hemming Park: Nonprofits receive a 50 percent discounted rate, but are required to show their 501(c)(3) Determination Letter & completion of Special Event Request FormText to donate: Free for the first month so there will be no operating costs for this event

Total Cost of Event: $525

Profits:Minimum of 10 yoga studio sponsors x $100 = $1,000Food trucks’ 10 percent of profit donations = $170 x 3 trucks= $510Minimum of 30 shirts: 30 x $20= $600Minimum of 30 tanks: 30 x $20= $600Text-to-donate expectations: $167 is the average amount donated at events using mobile donations (MobileCause, 2015)

Total Profits: From $1,400 to $2,800 depending on attendance, apparel sale and food truck revenue

Events AnalysisEvent Poster

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Jaguars Event: Impact 4 Change

Benefits: This is the kickoff event for the campaign. It will help increase awareness and Y4C’s social media following.

What: People will submit a photo of themselves via social media doing a yoga pose using #Impact4Change. When a person submits an entry, it will be posted in an album on Y4C’s Facebook page, and the top eight people whose post gains the most likes/shares wins. This contest will run from March 1st to March 10th. The goal is to have the Jaguars players participate in doing a yoga pose to assist with promotions.

Advertising: Y4C social media channels

Details: The eight winners and two to three Jaguars players will spend an afternoon at Glen Myra Park playing catch, kickball, and other outside activities. Glen Myra Park does not normally require a reservation or any costs, but the Jacksonville Park and Recreation should be contacted in advance. Send a letter to Winn-Dixie three weeks prior to the event requesting a $100 gift card donation to purchase food and beverages.

Location: Glen Myra Park

Date and Time of Event: March 12th, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Contact Information: Jaguars Community Relations Manager, Renzo Sheppard: [email protected] City of Jacksonville Park and Recreation: 904-255-8008Winn Dixie: 904-353-6810 ask for the manager

Events AnalysisCosts Breakdown: No costs for this event pending Winn-Dixie’s donation

Total Cost of Event: No costs for this event

Profits: The contest will not have any monetary profits because the objective is to gain exposure on social media and media attention.

Event Poster

* Must obtain permission from the Jacksonville Jaguars for logo usage.

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Kickback Events

Benefits: The kickback events are simple for Y4C to host. These events can be done multiple times at various locations throughout Jacksonville over the course of the campaign to raise awareness, promote future events and fundraise.

What: The event requires Y4C to set up their table and apparel roughly one hour prior to each event.

Advertising: Posts on Y4C and the venue’s social media channels, printed flyers to post at local businesses, yoga studios and community bulletin boards.

Details: Proceeds (typically 10 percent) will be donated to Y4C.

Location choices: Mellow Mushroom, Burrito Gallery, Blackfinn and/or Taverna San Marco

• Mellow Mushroom and Burrito Gallery are popular restaurants with multiple locations throughout Jacksonville. One disadvantage is the event only lasts a few hours and patrons must show their server the promotional flyer or mention the charity to participate.

• Blackfinn is a great choice because they host a “Charity of the Month” event which enables one charity to benefit from the promotion for 30 days.

• Taverna allows anyone who comes in to donate 10 percent of their purchase, which does not require patrons to show proof of the promotion. The disadvantage of Taverna is it is a smaller restaurant.

Date and Time of Event: Dates and times will vary, but weeknights in April, July, and September are proven to be successful. Scheduling the events in the early stages of the campaign ensure funds will be available for the Casino Night: A Celebration of Impact event.

Events AnalysisContact Information: Call the restaurant’s manager:Mellow Mushroom: 904-997-1955, 904-241-5600 and 904-388-0200Burrito Gallery: 904-598-2922 and 904-242-8226Blackfinn: 904-345-3466Taverna: 904-398-3005Office Max:

Costs Breakdown: Officemax: 10 flyers per event = $5.90 x 4 events = $23.60Table Cloth already bought for past event: Free for this event

Total Cost of Event: $23.60

Profits: Expected profit is $500 per kickback event on weeknights in April, July and September. Minimum Four kickback events would potentially bring in $2,000 or more (minus the cost of printed flyers).

Total Profit: From $1,976.40 to $2964.60 depending on attendance

Wellness Weeks

Benefits: Wellness Weeks events have no overhead costs. The Wellness Weeks classes provide Y4C an opportunity to gain press coverage and potentially to receive corporate donations.

What: Many companies have Wellness Weeks to promote a healthy lifestyle and morale. The Jacksonville Business Journal’s “Best Places to Work” and “Healthiest Companies” are lists complied of companies known to host Wellness Weeks featuring free fitness classes, such as yoga, and healthy living workshops.

Advertising: Company’s internal promotions via printed flyer and email


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56 57YOGACHANGEEvents Analysis

Yoga 4 Change Presents: “Casino Night: A Celebration of Impact”

Benefits: This event is expected to gain media coverage, raise funds and establish Yoga 4 Change as a premier non-profit in Jacksonville.

What: A Celebration of Impact is the signature event of the campaign, and could evolve into Y4C’s staple fundraising event.

Advertising: Social media promotions, TV segment on “Good Morning Jacksonville” or another local news show, email blast to Y4C’s database (Online Invitations through Mailchimp), radio Public Service Announcement (PSA)

Details: The vision for this event incorporates a Casino Royale-themed and yoga. A registration table decorated with the Y4C-branded tablecloth, informational pamphlets, and a laptop playing a promotional video produced by the communications team will greet guests. Small stages throughout the event space with feature people practicing yoga to provide a form of entertainment and an educational element. Y4C representatives will be available to engage with attendees to speak about the organization. Champion Brands and Aardwolf Brewery will provide alcohol, and naming the signature cocktails after yoga poses adds a unique element. Y4C can utilize the main stage to address the audience and, in four minutes or less, explain the importance of private donations and how attendees can play a role in assisting the organization to achieve their mission. Centerstage Entertainment can provide all of the setup, breakdown, casino supplies, staging and lights. Selling sponsorship packages is crucial to the success of this event. The profits from Wellness Weeks, Kickback events and International Yoga Day should be used for the vendor deposits. Sponsorship packet examples are included. Location: Downtown Jacksonville Library

Date and Time of Event: March 24, 7:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m.

Details: The goal is to partner with a minimum of 10 companies for Wellness Week and encourage a minimum donation of $200. The yoga teachers will host a one-hour class and sell apparel while reinforcing Y4C’s mission.

Location: Businesses throughout Jacksonville

Date and Time of Event: During lunch breaks, before or after work

Contact Information: Email companies from the Jacksonville Business Journal’s “Best Places to Work” and “Healthiest Companies.” Search their website using the link below, the list changes every year:

Costs Breakdown: Apparel: Previously purchased Yoga mats: provided by Y4C inventoryYoga teacher: One teacher X 10 classes X $24.86 (National average of what yoga teachers are paid) = $248.60

Total Cost of Event: $248.60

Profits: $200 minimum per class X 10 classes = $2,000 - $248.60(cost of teachers) = $1,751.40

*Potential for increased profits through apparel sales*

Total Profits: From $1,751.40 to $3,502.80 depending on sponsor participation and number of classes

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58 59YOGACHANGEEvents Analysis

Event Seating:

(8) High-top tables @ $12.00 each = $96.00

(6) Low top tables @ $8.00 each = $48.00

(30) White padded folding chairs @ $3.00 each = $90.00

(8) 120” Round Black linen @ $15.00 each = $120.00

(6) 90” Round Black linen @ $10.00 each = $60.00

Total: $414.00

Event Lighting:

(16) Wireless uplights for perimeter walls and to illuminate existing trees and bushes @ $45.00 each = $720.00

(1) Leko light with Customized Y4C Gobo template @ $250.00

Total: $970.00


Stage 12’x16’ Stage with skirting @ $475.00

(1) Set of stairs @ $50.00

Total: $525.00

Subtotal: $8,479.00Delivery Fee: $90.00

Set up and teardown labor: 6 crew members @ $35.00 per hour x 8 hours each = $1,680.00

7% Tax: $717.43 Total Cost of Event: $10,966.43

Contact Information:Centerstage Entertainment & Events, Roger Mitchell: 904-588-5172 [email protected] Oui Gourmet Catering : [email protected] Center at the Main Library: 904-630-1947 [email protected] (30 days notice is required)Aardwolf Brewery: Preben Olsen [email protected] Brands: 904-268-1220Mailchimp for invitations:

Cost Breakdown:Renting the library= $1,750Private parking garage= $200(2) Security guards x 4 hrs= $320

Total: $2,270.00

Casino Package for 250 participants*:

(8) Blackjack tables

(2) Craps Tables

(2) Roulette Tables

(3) Texas Hold’ em Tables

(1) Pit Boss

Total: $4,300.00

*Includes all necessary playing supplies, dealers, raffle drum and raffle tickets.

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60 61YOGACHANGEEvents Analysis

$2,000 level-- 5 available• Company logo on event invitation • Name and logo linked to your company’s website on the Y4C event website • Name and logo on event email blasts• Social Media promotion on the Y4C Facebook event page • Company’s name on all event-related press releases • Acknowledgement on event signage • Six (6) VIP event tickets • Signage on game table (VIP area for the first three companies; general

admission area for remaining two)

$1,000 level-- 5 available• Name and logo linked to your company’s website on the Y4C event website • Name and logo on event email blasts• Social Media promotion on the Y4C Facebook event page • Company’s name on all event-related press releases • Acknowledgement on event signage • Four (4) VIP event tickets• Signage on general admission game table•

Minimum Profits Expected: $56,250 - $10,966.43 (cost of event) = $45,283.57Maximum Profits Expected: $66,250 - $10,966.43 (cost of event) = $55,283.57Profits are dependent on silent auction and the amount of gambling chips sold.

Profits:• 50 VIP tickets x $75 = $3750• 150 general admission tickets x $50 = $7500• 5 top level table sponsorships x $3000 = $15,000• 5 medium level table sponsorships x $2000 = $10,000• 5 lower level table sponsorships x $1000 = $5,000• Gambling Chips: $5,000 - $10,000 (dependent on sales at event)• Silent Auction: $5,000 - $15,000

Sponsorship packages:$3,000 level-- 5 available

• Top event billing on event invitation • Company logo included in projection rotation on the library’s walls for the

duration of the event • Name and logo linked to your company’s website on the Y4C event website • Name and logo on event email blasts • Social Media promotion on the Y4C Facebook event page • Company’s name on all event-related press releases • Prominent acknowledgement during the live event program and on event

signage • Eight (8) VIP event tickets • Signage on game table in VIP area

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Event Poster

Events Analysis

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For Immediate Release

Contact: Yoga 4 ChangeMadelene Skinner, Public Relations [email protected]

Yoga 4 Change Hosts A Celebration of ImpactNonprofit to host casino night fundraiser to enhance its efforts to impact the community

Jacksonville, Fla. (February 19, 2017) - Yoga 4 Change will host A Celebration of Impact on March 24, 2017 at the Downtown Jacksonville Library. The inaugural casino-themed gala is geared toward raising awareness and funds for Yoga 4 Change to continue their community outreach mission providing services to veterans, inmates, at-risk youth and those battling substance abuse.

“I founded Yoga 4 Change on the simple idea that if we can come together on our yoga mats, we can center ourselves to accomplish anything,” said Kathryn Thomas, executive director and founder of Yoga 4 Change. “We are excited to see the outcome of our first A Celebration of Impact; it will open doors for this organization to impact the Jacksonville community in years to come.”

A Celebration of Impact is open to the public with VIP tickets selling for $75 and general admission for $50. Attendees at the event will learn more about Yoga 4 Change while playing a variety of games such as BlackJack, Roulette, Craps and Texas Hold ‘Em. Proceeds from ticket sales and private donations benefit Yoga 4 Change. For more event information, sponsorship packages and to purchase tickets, please visit:

About Yoga 4 ChangeFounded in 2014, Yoga 4 Change is a nonprofit organization focused on promoting healthy living and fostering self confidence and unity among veterans, inmates, at-risk youth and those suffering from substance abuse through the practices and teachings of yoga. Yoga 4 Change believes yoga is truly a force for change and strives to spread their mission throughout the community. For more information visit


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66 67YOGACHANGESocial Media Analysis

Media Audit SummaryMarch 2016 - April 2017

After performing a media audit, all mentions are positive on approximately 50 different media and websites. The most common newspaper to feature Yoga 4 Change (Y4C) was the Florida Times-Union. The Florida Times-Union mentioned Y4C eight times. Y4C was also mentioned in Huffington Post and on Yahoo. The majority of mentions were related to articles about Y4C winning One Spark or a general article about the organization.

Best Media for Yoga 4 Change to Use

In order to grow their donor base, Pandion & Partners suggests that Yoga 4 Change create a strong and personal relationship with the Florida Times-Union, considering that the newspaper organization mentioned Y4C at least eight different times throughout the past year. Pandion & Partners also suggests proceeding with print media for the older donor demographic such as The Beaches Leader, The Ponte Vedra Leader, The Ponte Vedra Recorder and the Jacksonville Business Journal . The agency’s communications team has also compiled two public service announcements for Y4C to work with, to be able to be aired on local radio stations such as WJGL-FM 96.9, WAPE-FM 95.1 and WXXJ-FM 102.9.

Also, Pandion & Partners suggests Y4C also reaches out to younger audiences for volunteering purposes. Y4C can leverage print media that is located in Jacksonville, such as Void Magazine, Buzz, Folio Weekly and UNF Spinnaker. However, social media websites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are the best way to reach millennials.

The agency’s suggestion is to send out press releases to the agency-created media list that is compiled for Y4C and discuss the different IMPACT events and important happenings in Y4C classes at Hemming Park, Veterans Affairs hospitals or local schools. Pandion & Partners also believes that Y4C can attract media hits if the organization reached out to traditional media repeatedly throughout this campaign.

Blog Suggestion

Yoga 4 Change is strong across all social media platforms. However, the agency suggests that Y4C utilize a blog, which can be written in approximately 15 to 30 minutes, to help reach out to potential donors while raising awareness about events and classes. Blogs can help provide quick and timely news about Y4C and its cause, while getting the organization’s story in front of the public. In addition to serving news to donors and potential donors in an alternative format, Y4C can also comment on how breaking news in the world relates to the organization’s cause or how specific news and events impact the organization. The blog can be mentioned on social media platforms and in the newsletter.

The agency suggests creating a Wordpress account to create and post blogs. One way the blog can be utilized is by having individuals, whose lives have been positively impacted by the organization, write to Y4C and describe that personal impact.

The agency suggests that Y4C have a theme for each blog post, which will be written once a month. The overall theme will be IMPACT. Each month will consist of a letter of the word “IMPACT”: I for Impact, M for Motivation, P for Passion, A for Altruistic, C for Change and T for Transformation. For example, Y4C would seek a student at one of the schools it teaches at to write a brief letter about how Y4C has changed his or her life. Y4C would then write an introductory paragraph regarding the student and copy that student’s letter into a blog post.

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68 69YOGACHANGESocial Media Analysis

Social Media Breakdown (As of October 29, 2015)


• 6,866 likes• Has no “Photos” button at the top (next to Timeline, About, Events)• Includes phone number as well as link to website and other social media

platforms• Posts receive between approximately 2 and 35 likes


• 3,962 followers• Following 170 people/organizations• 534 posts• Have recently been using the hashtag #yogisUNITE, but don’t have a consistent

hashtag• #yogisUNITE links to over 9,530 pictures, most of which have nothing to do with

Y4C• Campaign theme is “Impact”• Agency suggests the hashtag #impact4change


• 697 followers• Following 444 people/organizations• 2,059 tweets• 3,409 likes• Tweets consistently but only gets between 1 and 12 likes and approximately one

retweet• Y4C retweets posts from other organizations• Like Instagram, Twitter does not really have any consistent hashtags


• States mission statement• 13 boards• 329 pins• 13 likes• 75 followers• 69 following


• Website contains Vine link but is not in use

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70 71YOGACHANGESocial Media Analysis

Social Media Suggestions

Social media is a simple and effective way for an organization to spread its name and gain recognition. Currently, Yoga 4 Change is active on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest. The most effective platform for Y4C is Facebook. Y4C posts daily, but likes on the posts range from two to 35. With consistent and engaging posts, themes and hashtags, the agency believes that Y4C can reach a larger audience while forging a strong impact. The agency suggests removing the Vine account, since it is inactive and not utilized. Also, the agency suggests interacting more with users on the Facebook page to build an online community presence.

Social Media Contest: “So You Think You Can Yoga?”

The social media contest “So You Think You Can Yoga?” will be shared on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Contestants will take a picture doing a yoga pose, post it on social media with the hashtag “#Impact4Change” and tag a friend that they challenge to do a pose next. Pandion & Partners suggests that Kathryn launch the contest and create the first post of the contest, because she is someone who has been in the public eye and she truly embodies what Yoga 4 Change stands for. Pandion & Partners believes having Kathryn kick off the contest will help get follower attention and make the contest feel more genuine. Pandion & Partners suggests making a post the day before the contest begins to spark follower attention. An example of this post is:

“Want a chance to chill out with the Jacksonville Jaguars for a day? Check back tomorrow to find out how!”

Pandion & Partners recommends that the first post of the contest be a video of Kathryn explaining the contest, its rules, doing the first pose and challenging someone. A written post that also gives details about the contest would accompany the video. An example of this post is:

“We want to see how yoga impacts YOU! Strike your best pose, snap a pic, post it and challenge a friend. Be sure to include #Impact4Change to be entered to possibly win. The top eight contestants whose posts receive the most likes and shares will be chosen to win a day to chill out with the Jacksonville Jaguars! Let’s see what you’ve got!”

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72 73YOGACHANGECampaign Timeline

Dates March April May

Event 1st-11th 12st 21st 4th 7th-9th 10th-15th 20th 23rd -

“So You Think You Can Yoga” campaign

Jaguars Event

Airing of Y4C Radio PSA

Post donor video to website, Facebook

OneSpark as Merch Vendor

Engaging OneSpark Follow-up

Blackfinn Late night Happy Hour

Promo of Int’l Yoga Day, “#Impact” video 1

Calendar Color Key

Social Media

Traditional Media


Calendar Color Key

Social Media

Traditional Media


Dates June July August

Event 20th 21st 27th 11th- 15th 20th 8th 15th -19th

Promo of Int’l Yoga Day, “#Impact” video 1

International Yoga Day

“#Impact” video 2

Wellness Week

Kickback event

#Impact video 3

Wellness Week

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74 75YOGACHANGECampaign Timeline

Calendar Color Key

Social Media

Traditional Media


Dates September October November

Event 9th 19th 26th- 30th 17th 9th 21st

Kickback event

First IMPACT Blog

Wellness Week

Second IMPACT Blog

Kickback event

Third IMPACT Blog

Calendar Color Key

Social Media

Traditional Media


DatesDecember January February March April

Event 7th 12th 20th 23rd 17th 20th 6th 7th-23rd 24th 1st-

Kickback event

Fourth IMPACT Blog

Kickback event

Fifth IMPACT Blog

Kickback event

Sixth IMPACT Blog

Casino Night Radio PSA

Social media promotion

Casino Night


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76 77YOGACHANGECampaign Budget

Item Printing Company Quantity PriceBusiness Card Vistaprint 500 $51.00Poster Office Depot 50 $97.01Mailer Vistaprint 500 $90.00Letterhead Staples 500 $135.99Brochure Vistaprint 500 $225.00Sponsorship Packet Office Depot 25 $100.00

Total Price $699.00

Item Printing Company Quantity PriceBusiness Card Office Depot 1000 $72.00Poster Vistaprint 100 $200.00Mailer Vistaprint 1000 $150.00Letterhead Staples 1000 $167.99Brochure Staples 1000 $319.99Sponsorship Packet Office Depot 25 $100.00

Total Price $1009.98

Item Printing Company Quantity PriceBusiness Card Vistaprint 2500 $159.00Poster Vistaprint 200 $400.00Mailer Vistaprint 2500 $270.00Letterhead Staples 2000 $263.93Brochure Staples 2000 $399.99Sponsorship Packet Office Depot 25 $100.00

Total Price $1,592.92

Bronze Package

Silver Package

Gold Package

Package Comparison

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78 Campaign Budget

MEDIA BUDGETRadio Station PSA (30 seconds) CostWJGL - FM 96.9 $0.00WAPE - FM 95.1 $0.00WXXJ - FM 102.9 $0.00

Website CostNew Domain and Hosting $95.40

Total Cost $95.40

EVENTSEvent Total Cost

Apparel To Sell at Events (Minimum 200) $1,400.00Late Night Happy Hour at BlackFinn $225.00International Yoga Day $525.00Jaguars Event: Chill Out 4 Change $0.00Kickback Events $23.60Wellness Weeks $248.60Casino Night $10,966.43

Total Cost $13,388.63

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80 81YOGACHANGEEvaluations

Pandion and Partners understands the importance of the goals set by Yoga 4 Change to gain more donors, increase overall awareness of the organization’s mission, promote its brand and develop a wider and more active audience. This firm strongly believes in analyzing the success and expected outcomes based on implemented tactics, in full detail. The purpose of this is to evaluate the current status of the organization, following 13 months of programming, in comparison to before the IMPACT 4 Change campaign begins.

GoalTo increase overall awareness of Yoga 4 Change in the Jacksonville area and secure active and engaged financial donors to allow Yoga 4 Change to continue financial growth and stability.

Objective 1Increase social media awareness of Yoga 4 Change in the Jacksonville area by 30 percent by the end of IMPACT 4 Change Campaign.

Strategy 1Spread mission and purpose of Yoga 4 Change to target Jacksonville audience through the “IMPACT 4 Change Campaign,” designed specifically to use events, PSAs and collateral to highlight the benefits of Y4C programming at an individual level.

Tactic 1PSA, Inspirational/Motivational stories, Weekly spotlight on eNewsletter, Blog: participants and teachers contribute raw stories,

Recommendation: The agency’s recommendation for the best measurement of social media success is checking the analytics graphs on Facebook to determine the amount of people Y4C’s posts reach and if Y4C’s target audiences have been reached. A similar statistical analysis can be used for Twitter and Instagram to review the exposure of the posts during the campaign. This research will help to measure the Y4C’s social media presence during the course of the campaign.

Objective 2Raise minimum of $40,000 in donations throughout the course of the IMPACT 4 Change Campaign (April 2017).

Tactic 2 Create and evaluate a graph showing what was purchased with donations.

Recommendation: For precise measurement, bank statements and other financial records will be imperative to determining the amount of money raised during the 13-month span. Reviewing ledgers and receipts from the collection of donations based on events, private donations, collateral sales, online, etc. will help to determine if the $40,000 objective is met. If donations are submitted electronically or through other non-traditional means, additional evaluation methods will be utilized as needed or requested.

EVENTS REVENUEEvent Min. Revenue Max. Revenue

Apparel To Sell at Events (Minimum 200) $2,000.00 $4,000.00Late Night Happy Hour at BlackFinn $700.00 $1,400.00International Yoga Day $1,400.00 $2,800.00Jaguars Event: Chill Out 4 Change $0.00 $0.00Kickback Events $1,976.40 $2,964.60Wellness Weeks $1,751.40 $3,502.80Casino Night $45,283.57 $55,283.57

Total Cost $53,111.37 $69,950.97

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82Objective 3 Increase donations from private, independent donors to Yoga 4 Change by at least 30 percent (compare donor databases between February 2016 - April 2017, before and after campaign).

Tactic 3Offer a competitive corporate sponsorship package, craft interactive ways to make contributions including text-to-donate as well as incorporate a “subscribe” feature to generate automatic recurring donations.

Recommendation: Donors can affect the longevity of an organization tremendously. By comparing Y4C’s archived donor database to its updated lists of new and potentially long term donor prospects, the organization can measure and compare growth before, during and after the course of this campaign.


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84 Thank You Dear Mrs. Thomas and Yoga 4 Change Staff, The Pandion & Partners team would like to thank you for the opportunity to create and present the IMPACT 4 Change campaign to your organization. From the onset, Pandion & Partners was inspired by your efforts to enact such organic change in the Jacksonville community. The dedication and passion your organization displays inspired the agency to create a campaign that will elevate Yoga 4 Change into the upper echelon of the Jacksonville non-profit circle. Your guidance and vision helped Pandion & Partners create something that we are immensely proud of and it is our hope that your organization achieves the long-term success it clearly deserves. Thank you for everything that you do and for allowing us to be a small part of it. Sincerely, Pandion & Partners

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