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2. CONTENTS INTERVIE W SESSION WITH WALLACE ONG 4 , 5 UNDERSTA NDING OF AN ARCHITEC T 2 ROLES AND RESPONSIB ILITIES OF AN ARCHITECT 3 REFLECTI ON 5 3. 2Architect ? PROFESSIONAL REQUIREMENTS ? ARCHITECTURE ? An Architect is a person experienced and trained in the design or the plan of buildings and the construction of buildings . An Architect must be creative and practical and to have the understanding of structure, materials, aesthetics, the cost , regulations , construction industry and the needs of a client .An Architect must be able to negotiate through elements to present out a creative solution to a brief , and to bring the solution from idea to reality. UNDERSTANDIN G OF AN ARCHITECT What is Architecture ? Architecture is the art of designing and constructing buildings in which human requirements and construction materials are related so as to furnish practical use .The practice of the Architect, where architecture means offering or rendering professional services in connection with design and construction of buildings and environment .Architecture is essentially abstract and nonrepresentational and involves the manipulation of the relationships of spaces, volumes, planes, masses, and voids. How to be an Architect ? One of the first architect educational requirements is graduating from high school and enroll in a Diploma/Foundation or other Pre- University such as A-Levels . After completing your foundation year , enrol in a Bachelors Degree Program. Courses in these programs cover architectural theory and history , building design , construction technology , structures and more . Then , earn a Masters Degree . Most students who earn an undergraduate degree in architecture go on to receive an additional degree from a 2-year masters program at an accredited university . After earning a Masters Degree , all aspiring architects must complete at least 2 years of training before entering the field professionally . Lastly , Architect must become licensed in order to work professionally in this field . This process involves passing the Architect Registration Examination . 4. The responsibility of an Architect is to provide the client with sound clear advice at the outset of the project about the design , approximate building costs, the need for various statutory consents, project programming and likely time scales, the need to engage the services of other professional consultants and specialists. Besides, to respond accurately to the clients brief and advise generally on the aspects of the clients brief. Furthermore , architects will need to produce design schemes and planning structures. Architects need to focus on the safety of the building too . Lastly, Architects have to make sure that the building can function well . 3 The role of an architect is to create architectures , articulating the architectural vision, conceptualizing and experimenting with alternative architectural approaches , creating models and components and interface specification documents and validating the architecture against requirements and assumptions . However , Architects see the big picture. They can visualise buildings . Architects are specially educated to help define what we want to build, present option we might never have considered, and help us to get the most for our valuable investment. They create total environments, both interiors and exteriors, that are functional and exciting places in which to work and live. Architects solve problems creatively. Architects are trained problem solvers. Architects can show you how to enlarge our home so that we can have enough rooms for everyone . Architects can also propose ways to get more for our investment than you imagined possible. Architects make our life easier too by reducing the building costs, decrease our home's energy needs, and increase its future resale value through good design. Building is a long process that is often messy and disruptive . Architects represents us as a client to helps us visits the worksite and to help protect us against work that's not according to plan. ROLES AND THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF AN ARCHITECT 5. WHAT DOES THE CLIENT EXPECT YOU TO PROVIDE ? I think for most of the architecture work , the first thing that we need to provide the client is to comply the brief. A building have to look good and modern enough and keeping with the time . The material used are also very important . HOW TO YOU ESTABLISH YOUR FEES ? Its around 10% , some architect tends to charge a bit more . If the jobs are bigger which means bigger project , it will be lesser compared to the smaller project . These days , its getting more competitive as the client prefer a lump sum amount instead of basing the percentage . It also depends on how famous you are . The more famous you are , you could get a higher fees . 4 DESIGN tALK WHAT INSPIRES YOU TO BE AN ARCHITECT ? I love to draw since I was young . This inspired me to be an Architect and Interior Designer as I draw a lot and practiced it alomost everday WHO DO YOU WORK WITH IN A PROJECT ? As an Architect , we have to work directly with the client . Projects such as private homes or hotels , apart from the client , we do need to work with a lot of consultants , so those are all part and parcel of a good design . Coordination between project managers and consultant , mechanical engineer , structural engineer are needed for a project . But of course , the main person is the client . Mr.Wallace Ong, Design Director and an Architect from designstyle located in Damansara Damar , Petaling Jaya . He has been in interior designing and architecture for almost 30 years . He travelled a lot from Malaysia to New Zealand . He has worked in both places for the last 30 years and have many expriences working in New Zealand . 6. DO YOU ENJOY BEING AN ARCHITECT ? Yes , yes I do . I love my job . I have been in this career for the past 30 years . I think it is a good job , ever changing o , never static . DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVtICE FOR US ? Work really hard in whatever you do and also have passion in what you do , love what you do. Push the boundaries and believe what is right, go for it . Also try to be a progressive architect so that things will never be stastic. 5 Figure 1interview xc DO YOU HAVE ANY DEISGN PHILOSOPHY ? I think design has changed a lot in the last 5-10 years. Unlike many years ago , designs tend to be very similar all the way through . People are more open to ideas , so I think whatever changes that comes into our life , philosophy of design have to be functional . Design a building that is functional , building needs to be green too . Orientation of the building is also very important . The first thing that we need to look at is to ensure that the philosophy of the design needs to be correct from the start . WHAT ARE THE BIGGEST CHALLENGES OF THIS JOB? I think these days , things are getting more and more comparative . The cost would be the biggest challenges for an architect . For most client , they have a certain amount that they want to spend for a house . For example you have 2 millions to build a house , most of the time , the design will be a bit more than that . The land are getting smaller , architect have to be very good in his design to utilize the space well . So that , even if a smaller piece of land is well WHAT ARE THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF AN ARCHITECT ? The responsibilities has been spelled out in the plan contract , you are responsible for the safety of the building . Apart of all that , we as an architect have to be more cautions for the environment , whatever we specify in the project , it has to be eco-friendly . I think we have to think green will be the way to go in the future . Throughout this project , Ive gained more knowledge about an architect such as the roles and responsibilities , how they work with people around them and how they deliver their designs to the client .Special thanks to Mr Wallace as he was willing to have the interview with us .Ive learnt so many things from REFLECTION