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Enhancing the Website For the Performance Rehab Institute & Sports Medicine Inc. (PRISM Physical Therapy) Prepared for PRISM Physical Therapy Prepared by Craig Tobe 1

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Enhancing the Website For the Performance Rehab Institute & Sports Medicine Inc. (PRISM

Physical Therapy)

Prepared for PRISM Physical Therapy

Prepared by

Craig Tobe

March 2, 2014


Table of Contents

Executive Summary - 3

Introduction - 5

The Opportunity - 6

The Current Situation - 6

Key Success Factors - 7

Analysis of Alternatives - 7

Strategic Solution Option - 8

Benefits and Risks of Strategic Solution Option - 9

Benefits - 9

Risks - 10

Final Recommendation - 12

References - 14

Appendix - 15


Executive Summary

Performance Rehab Institute & Sports Medicine Inc. (PRISM Physical Therapy) will be

greatly increased will a more enhanced website from the one they have now. Making improve-

ments to certain things in a company such as a website can be very beneficial to the company

and its growth in the business.

Why Improving Websites Help

Changing and improving websites can be a very important part in a companies growth.

Depending on what the changes are and how it is going to help the company improve. Enhancing

a website can be very helpful, because there can be certain improvements such as a better navi-

gation on the website that can be very easy to navigate through. Also different colors and formats

can make a website improve through detail and design. People like when they can easily look

through different websites, as well as be excited or visually impressed through the details it has.

Making great improvements on websites can keep bringing people back to the website, and also

get newcomers to the site too.

Benefits and Risks of Changing a Website

Benefits of changing a website include:

• More details and colors.

• Improved navigation for easy use.

• More specific information.

• Added images and pictures.


Risk of changing a website include:

• People not liking the different changes to the site.

• Bad maintenance in improving the website.

• Not meeting the required deadline of the changes.

• Making the website too complicated or putting too much extra features on the site.


Even though changing a companies website can have some backfires and risks, the bene-

fits overpower the risk section. But to make the risk not matter as much PRISM should do these


1. Make sure everything changed on the website is correct and what they wanted.

2. When releasing the new website, have people and customers critique it.

3. Make sure to have people ready to make changes if somebody finds a problem on the

new website.

4. Make attempts to push people to the website.

5. Do a survey or ask customers which website they liked better.



Ever since the internet was introduced, thousands and thousands of websites have been

created on the internet. And most of them have been changed or enhanced through the years to

better their company or make big improvements to the company’s website. One big key factor

now in a business is having a great website that lets everybody now what they are. It is even easy

for a person that is not good with website, through different ways like,

and Adobe Dreamweaver, were you can make website real quick.

Although most companies like changing their websites for specific reason, others have a

hard time, because they don’t want to loose customers. This usually happens by a bad change in

the website, or people not liking the new changes as well. It can be very stressful when trying to

make them best possible solution for the companies website. That is why they change overtime,

and there are multiple changes to different websites. Companies want to increase their customers

in anyway possible, and website are a key factor in that subject.

To make sure that PRISM doesn’t have any mistakes in this section, we will make the

right choices in changing what needs to be improved on their website. Taking the needed mate-

rial that will enhance it as best as possible, without messing up anything that PRISM needs on

their site.

The following report will show:

• What will be enhance on the PRISM website.

• The benefits and risk of changing the website.

• A final recommendation on how to fix the problem of the website.


The Opportunity

The Current Situation

Performance Rehab Institute & Sports Medicine Inc. (PRISM Physical Therapy) is a re-

hab company that the patient requires treatment for disability or pain due to an injury or disease,

PRISM provides comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation ( It is a

great environment for people that need help and certain care for issues they have. PRISM will

make you feel at home as they take great care of your problem of rehab. The company attempts

to help their patients return to work, by restoring their self-sufficiency and independence in their

daily and recreational activities ( The facility has all the needed

equipment that you need for a healthy recovery.

The current situation that they are having is the website they have is a little plain. There is

just the needed material for the website to function and have everybody know about the com-

pany. It doesn’t have any special features or facts about the company that could increase the

websites’ features. Also there is no images or pictures to give people a visual of the company or

employees of the company.

So this current website is going to get improvements to increase the quality of the site as

well as make it visually better for the audience. This will be done by taking multiple steps into

changing the website. By changing the website of PRISM, we want the old customers, as well as

the new customers to feel welcome on the site, and make it easy for them to navigate through it.

We want to put different things in there such as pictures, more and improve information, and fi-

nally better colors so people get brought into the site. These different parts are how we are going

to fix this current situation for PRISM.


Key Success Factors

The key success factors are very important to obtaining this change that PRISM is doing

to their website. First of all we have to please the audience that we have. We have to make sure

in making and changing this new website, that we make sure that the customers and audience

like the changes we are doing. They are one of the reason we are changing the website in the first

place, so we can improve the features for them. In doing so, we need to make sure they know we

are going to do this, and do not get rid of anything they like in the old website.

The next key success factor is that in enhancing the website, we need to make the

changes in a certain amount of time to not loose people. Having a website down for maintenance

or changing everyday until it is down, can make people angry and frustrated. So time is another

key factor to implement so PRISM does great. This should be done quick anyway, because all

the plans will be sort out to begin with.

Finally the last key success factor for PRIM in changing their website is making the right

changes for them beside changing it for the audience. Beside the audience, the company needs to

like the different changes on the website. This is very beneficial for a company so they know

where everything is on the site. Also it is easy for them to go through to show people, and get to

information quick for explanations.

Analysis of Alternatives

One alternative to enhancing the PRISM website would to make another website from

scratch. Sometimes this is done by a company and they start over new with a brand new idea,

and a new site. This could be a possibility to PRISM if they want to start over new, and try to


make a new beginning somewhere else. This is a strong case to do this, but still think it is better

to just change the old website, and enhance it.

Another alternative is to not change it at all, and go with what they have. Sometimes it is

scary to change certain things in a business, and maybe they wouldn’t want to change their site.

This is a possibility too, because some people are scared of change. This once again would not

be the best solution to the problem though.

Strategic Solution Option

The strategic solution option that is the best fit for PRISM is to just enhance their website and

make changes to it, to improve the quality. The other two alternatives are also good possibilities,

but this one has the best outcomes of the three, because it gives it a fresh new look, without hav-

ing to start all over. It would not be the best to just not change anything, so it still looks plain.

And also it would not be the right move to start over with a brand new website, and URL. By just

changing the old website, you make those needed changes nice and quick, without all the stress

to make a brand new site.


Benefits and Risks of Strategic Solution Option

Benefits of Enhancing the PRISM Website

• More Details and Colors

By increasing the details and colors of the website, can bring in new and future cus-

tomers, as well as keep the old one interested in the website. Better colors can give off a good

vibe and nice background when looking through the website. Then can leave less stress off on

the eyes when the computers are very bright. Also making sure that the colors are not too bright

or dark, which makes them to hard to see font, or anything else on the page. another great way to

increase your website is better detail on the site. These can include special font, and different em-

blems or shapes that help make the website look more 3D and official, instead of no details

which looks boring.

• Improved Navigation for Easy Use

Improving the navigation in the website is a crucial change, because this could be a rea-

son someone stays on the site or leaves with frustration. Even though this website might be easy

to use, it doesn’t have enough features. By adding a couple more navigation feature, it will make

it feel like a bigger website, instead of just having three navigation keys. The navigation will also

have easy clickable links to the emails, location of the company, and links to products from the

company. These will make it a lot easier for customer to look up things without having to type

something in to look it up.

• More Specific Information

Putting more specific information on the website can also improve it too. This can in-

clude employee information, the history of the company, and special offers that the company


has. Sometimes putting information about the people working at a company can make the inter-

acting with the customers easier, because they already know a little bit about them. Doesn’t have

to be real specific, but just little details that shows who is who at the company. Also some people

like to know how the business got started, and what it has gone through. The history information

can be a little interesting part for people and customers to look up.

• Added Images and Pictures

Finally the last benefit is adding images and pictures to the website. There are a lot of

people out there who are visual people and like seeing different images with their information.

Showing the facility as well as the equipment might help the people get a glimpse of what they

are going to use to rehab their problem. Also in the about us profiles, you can show a picture of

all the employees show the customers know who is who. Another great image is pulling up a pic-

ture of where the company is located on a map so people can see where it is exactly.

Risks of Enhancing the PRISM Website

• People Not Liking the Different changes to the Site

One risk of changing a website is the customers not liking the new changes. This can be

very bad, because they will complain about the website, and probably not go on the website any-

more if they are going to get frustrated about it. Also they might not recommend it to a friend or

employee at work if they don’t like the website themselves.

• Bad Maintenance in Improving the Website

Bad maintenance I think is the key risk, because if you don’t get everything right, it will

make the website not look professional, and also look unfinished. Things like spelling correc-

tions, wrong information, and things not finished. All these features will make a website look


silly and unprofessional. They need to make sure that everything is checked and corrected before

moving on to the next part.

• Not Meeting the Required Deadline of the Changes

Another risk in enhancing a website is the deadline of the finished project. Usually a

website for a company needs to be up everyday, so customers can get their information. If a web-

site is down for a long period of time, it could hurt the company. That is why the deadline for the

changes need to be fast and on time so the site can get back up for the people to see.

• Making the Website Too Complicated or Putting Too Much Extra Features on the Site

Finally the last risk of enhancing a website is to not make it too complicated. Sometimes

putting too much on one website makes it too hard to navigate through and read everything. That

is why you need to have the right amount of features and information, so the customer don’t get

overwhelmed with the website. This sounds stupid, but can get people frustrated on certain sites.

If they see too much happening at once they will probably skip over certain things.


Final Recommendation

After looking through everything that can hurt a company by changing a website, there is

still more benefits from the changes than the risk. The benefits would be very helpful for PRISM

and their website. Taking all the great features that were mentioned in this report will make the

PRISM website outstanding, and even better than it was before. The customers are going to like

the changes, with better navigation, as well as the new details, colors, and images that will en-

hance the website dramatically.

Just in case there are some issue, here is a couple steps to see how the website is:

1. Make sure everything changed on the website is correct and what they wanted. Just take a

little time to overlook everything on the new website just to make sure it is correct. There

is no need to rush the site out if you don’t think it is correct.

2. When releasing the new website, have people and customers critique it. With the new site

coming out you can have some people do a little critique on how they like the website,

and if there should be any changes or anything else on the site. This could be very helpful

in seeing what the people want too.

3. Make sure to have people ready to make changes if somebody finds a problem on the

new website. When the new improved website get launch, you need to make sure people

are on standby if something breaks and isn’t right on the website. This will make it easier

for them to get it change quicker than normal. Also it makes the company look profes-

sional, because they are on top of it.

4. Make attempts to push people to the website. After the website is back up and running,

try and find ways to get people to come to the website. If that is giving people product


from the company or just telling them about the site to get them to go to it. The more the


5. Do a survey or ask customers which website they liked better. Even though you had peo-

ple critique the new changes to the website, you can also ask people which one they liked

better. The older one or the newer one. This can also be very beneficial, because people

will hopefully pick the newer one, but might give back some important feedback that

could be useful in the future.

Enhancing the PRISM website will be very beneficial to the company as it will bring

great improvement and more features to the site. Hopefully the audience will like the changes

and think it is easier to navigate through the site.



Shwom, B., & Snyder, G. L. (2014). Business Communication: Polishing Your Profes-

sional Presence. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.



Name: Laura Tobe

Business: PRISM

Location: East Lake, Florida


Email: [email protected]

Name: Todd Minear

Business: PRISM

Location: East Lake, Florida


Email: [email protected]

PowerPoint Presentation