final cut end of line gearturbine project documento

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Post on 11-Aug-2015




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mailto: / Atypical InFlow Thermodynamic Technology Development / Gearturbine Project

GEARTURBINE PROJECTAtypical InFlow Thermodynamic Technology Proposal SubmissionInnovative [TURBO-ROTARY] Fueled Motor Engine Type

*The Gearturbine comes from the contemporary ecological essential global needs of a efficient power plant fueled motor engine.-Power thrust by bar (tube); air, sea, land and power generation, work use application.-Have the similar simple basic system of the "Aelopilie" Herons Steam Turbine device from Alexandria, [10-70 AD] one thousand nine hundred years ago. Because; the circular dynamic motion, with 2/Two Opposites power [polar position] lever, and is feeds from his axis center.

http://gearturbine.260mb.comYouTube Video/10.30 min; Atypical New * GEARTURBINE / Retrodynamic = DextroRPM VS LevoInFlow + Ying Yang Thrust Way Type - Non Waste Looses

-Desirable Contemporary Innovation, With the Possible [Efficient] Invention. -Mechanical [Thermodynamic] Universal Human History Evolution. [Unlike] Epic Technology Revelation. -Next Step Powerplant New Design Form Function Device Change.

*8-X/Y Thermodynamic CYCLE - Way Steps:1)1-Compression / bigger2)2-Turbo 1 cold3)2-Turbo 2 cold4)2-Combustion - circular motion flames / opposites5)2-Thrust - single turbo & planetary gears / ying yang6)2-Turbo 2 hot7)2-Turbo1 hot8)1-Turbine / bigger

*Innovation Technology Breake Barrier / Paradigm [Broken-Seal] Solution. State of the art. Innovative Turbo-Rotary concept Top system.-With Retrodynamic Dextrogiro vs Levogiro Phenomenon Effect. / Rotor-RPM VS InFlow / front=> to