film posters for the genre sci-fi

The colour scheme for this poster are relevant to the images on it. There is an collision between the meteorite and the earth, which would probably cause chaos. There are at least seven layers that I can count. Using more layers is better, but not too many. The characters are in one of the bottom layers, you can see that the collision, city, and text is in front of them, however you can also see the start over them so it is probably slightly transparent. The position of the characters is in the top left hand side of the poster, making them not the main part of the poster. You can see from the fact that their hugging that they’re close, saying goodbye? The text of Deep Impact in in upper case, the ‘IMPACT’ is in bold making it stand out. You can see form the city that it is based on Earth, America. But the collision suggests that things are going to get bad, turn into a dystopia.

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Post on 22-Nov-2014



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Page 1: Film posters for the genre Sci-Fi

The colour scheme for this poster are relevant to the images on it. There is an collision between the meteorite and the earth, which would probably cause chaos.

There are at least seven layers that I can count. Using more layers is better, but not too many.

The characters are in one of the bottom layers, you can see that the collision, city, and text is in front of them, however you can also see the start over them so it is probably slightly transparent. The position of the characters is in the top left hand side of the poster, making them not the main part of the poster. You can see from the fact that their hugging that they’re close, saying goodbye?

The text of Deep Impact in in upper case, the ‘IMPACT’ is in bold making it stand out.

You can see form the city that it is based on Earth, America. But the collision suggests that things are going to get bad, turn into a dystopia.

Think its based in the present day, when it was filmed.

Page 2: Film posters for the genre Sci-Fi

The colour scheme for this poster link in with the theme, it’s very grey, and dull, and miserable.

There are at least five layers in this poster. There aren’t as much as the previous poster, making it more empty, this makes link is with the theme, because everything is being destroyed, there’s not much left.

The text ‘2012’ is the same kind of colour as the background. This shows that it’s slightly hidden. ‘we were warned’ but we didn’t see it coming because it was hidden, we were ignorant to the fact that it was coming because we didn’t look for it.

You can see form the city that it is based on Earth, America. But the massive great trench that the city is falling into suggests that is turning into a dystopia, and the end of the world.

Its based in 2012.

Page 3: Film posters for the genre Sci-Fi

The colour scheme for this poster is blue and white this link in with the film, and that everything in freezing .

There are at least five layers in this poster. You can see from the poster that it is an apocalyptic film at the statue of liberty is under ice. As the statue of liberty represents freedom, this poster insinuates that everything has gone wrong in the world and people are fighting for their lives

You can see form the city that it is based on Earth, America. But the fact that it is covered in ice suggests that is turning into a dystopia, and the end of the world.

Page 4: Film posters for the genre Sci-Fi

The colour scheme for this poster is browns, blacks, and grey’s it has quite a sombre mood to it.

There are at least ten layers in this poster. This makes it quite a bit more busier than the other poster. The fact that there coming our of the smoke indicates that they’re trying to keep out of site, that they’re kept separate from others

The text ‘District 9’ has a sort of metallic look about it, making it look technologically advanced and futuristic. However this differs from the background where it looks run down and derelict. ‘You are not welcome here’ makes it personal to the reader it shows that people aren’t allowed in District 9.

Apart from the robotic aliens and space ship it looks like present day Earth

Page 5: Film posters for the genre Sci-Fi

The colour scheme for this poster is browns, red’s and oranges, giving it a warmer feel than the other posters. However form just looking at the poster you wouldn’t think that it was a science fiction. Probably more of a Action Film.

There are at least five layers in this poster. The characters face takes up half of the picture. The fact that we can’t see anything around her or what she is aiming at creates some mystery.

Just from the poster you wouldn’t know what era or location it is set in.

The text that says ‘The Hunger Games’ and ‘The world will be watching’ suggests that it is a big thing in their world/time, that it’s a very popular game.

Page 6: Film posters for the genre Sci-Fi

The colour scheme in this poster is blues, grey’s and blacks. They represent a dark element that is present in this film.

The tag line: “One man saw it coming” this suggests that he tried to warn people but everyone else was ignorant to the fact that it was approaching.

The title is in a metallic grey, that links in with the robots, and implies that it is futuristic and they are technologically advanced. The ‘I’ in ‘I, Robot’ is associated with ipads, ipods, iphones etc.

You cannot tell from the poster where the film is set. Although you can see over Will Smith’s shoulder, the robots look like they’re watching him. Waiting to take over completely.

Page 7: Film posters for the genre Sci-Fi

The colour scheme in this poster is black and greys, which relates to the film, with the all the high-tech alien technology.

The tag line ‘Back in Time’ gives a hint about what the film is about.

The position of the characters show who the main character is, and it shows that he is in charge, however the fact that the men stood behind them still look like they are quite professional, it could show that they are looking over him. The hash tag at the bottom of the poster relates to twitter, this gets people talking the film, and boosts awareness.

There are only about four layers in this poster, making it quite empty, however because ‘Men in Black’ is such a well known sci-fi film, it doesn’t need to be filled with sci-fi related concepts.

Because the film is well known they don’t have to write the name, just the MIB will tell people what film it is.

Page 8: Film posters for the genre Sci-Fi

The colour scheme in this poster is browns, yellows and greys, this conveys a desert-like theme, where everything is dry and dying out, creating a dystopian world. The fact that the Brooklyn bridge behind his has been destroyed, and the plant life is practically non-existent, and the plants that are there seem to be dead or dying.

The fact that Will Smith is carrying a gun shows that earth has turned into quite a dangerous place, it’s survival of the fittest, and you have to fight to survive. The only other life signs is the dog by his side, suggesting that, he’s alone.

The tag line: ‘The last man on earth is not alone’ makes it quite daunting, as this suggests that there is something else out there that isn’t human.

‘I am Legend’ has been written so the emphasis is on the ‘legend’ this implies that he is a prodigy, everyone else has died out or mutated, yet he is still human, creating the impression that he is somewhat of a myth.

Page 9: Film posters for the genre Sci-Fi

The colour scheme in this poster is blues and blacks, this relates to the storyline of the film, suggesting that there are dark elements in it.

The tag line of “You’re mind is the scene of the crime” this denotes the theme of sci-fi as it has supernatural features, logistically your mind cannot be a scene of a crime.

The background layer of this poster play’s tricks with your mind. As the road goes up at a vertical angle, this relates to the film, as it abnormal and eccentric.

The positioning of the characters shows that they are working together as a team, also, a few of the characters are holding guns, this indicates that what they are doing is dangerous, and that the film is action packed.

As the whole poster is in blues, grey’s and black’s, this makes the title of the film: ‘Inception’ stand out to the audience.

Page 10: Film posters for the genre Sci-Fi

There are two lots of colour schemes in this poster, relating to the two different genres: Sci-fi, and Western. The blues, greys and blacks in the top half of the poster link in with the futuristic, technologically advanced theme of Sci-fi. While the brown-red colour of the bottom half of the poster links in with the sandy, desert-like scape of the Western themes. The iconography of westerns are normally guns, horses etc. the wrist gun and spaceship suggest that it has a double genre.

the woman's position and the fact that she is handling a gun, gives the impressions that she is ready to fight, this breaks away form the stereotypical western female of always needing to be saved.

The tagline “First contact. Last stand” suggests that what they are facing dangerous

Page 11: Film posters for the genre Sci-Fi

Conclusions:Looking at all of the posters I have seen that most of them have some sort of iconography that relates to this genre. For example spaceships, weapons, destruction, supernatural happenings, dystopian worlds.

In most of the posters there are dark colour schemes, using, dark clues, blacks, grey’s, and browns, the colours connate that there are dark elements in the film. The only poster that has bright colours in it, is the poster for ‘The Day After Tomorrow’

For the posters that have characters in them, they are mostly standing in action poses and mostly men.

Archetype – Heroes

Most of the posters are quite metallic and futuristic, apart from a few where they are desolate and destroyed

In all the posters there is a light spot behind the main point in the image, illuminating them. This draws the audiences attention to the main character or main theme in the poster.

The posters all have a shot from the film, and you can relate it to the film.